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April 8, 1947. H. K.

, LINZELL ETAL 2,418,590

Filed May 4, 1944 3 Sheets-Sheet 1

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April 8, 1947. H. K. NZELLET AL 2,418,5 90
Filed May 4, 1944 3. Sheets-Sheet 2


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April 8, 1947. H. K. NZE ETAL - 2,418,590
Filed May 4, 1944 3 Sheets-Sheet 3

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Patented Apr. 8, 1947 2,418,590


Earry K. Linze, Long Lake, i., Harold E.
Simpson, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Nanvel C.
Dailey, Elmhurst, ii., assignors to United
States Gypsum Company, Chicago, ii., a cor
poration of inois
Application Ray 4, 1944, Serial No. 534,034
8 Claims. (C. 23-22)
The present invention relates to a process of with the other figures, the essential differences,
making a new form of insoluble calcium sulfate Which characterize the present invention; and
anhydrite, characterized by very fine crystal size, Figs. 2 to 5 inclusive are similar charts, show
high plasticity, high Water carrying capacity and ing the operation in accordance with a number of
consisting of minute agglomerated crystal masses, 5 specific examples, hereinafter more completely
individual crystals having a tendency toward described.
rounded edges and an absence of elongated and These drawings Will be described in further de
acicular particles. tail hereinbelow.
The invention, moreover, also relates to a proc Hitherto, insoluble anhydrite (CaSO4) has been
eSS of manufacture of this particular type of O commercially manufactured by the calcination
insoluble anhydrite which is derived from pulver of gypsum rock at a relatively high temperature,
ized gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), from calcium sulfate this being done either in a rotary calciner or in
hemihydrate (CaSO4. AH2O), or from the soluble stationary downdraft kilns similar to those emi
form of calcium sulfate anhydrite (CaSO4), by ployed for burning brick. The temperatures at
the expedient of calcining any of these three 5 which the material discharges from such cal
productS in SubStalitially dry form, and in the ciners or kilns may vary between 800 and 1800 F.,
presence Of an acid-reacting Substance, at ten depending upon the quality desired in the finished
peratures within the range of from 212° to 500°F. product. Ordinarily the calcining time is about
One of the objects of the invention is to pro one and one-half to three and One-half hours in
duce insoluble calcium Sulfate anhydrite in a cal 20 the rotary calciner, and about three to four days
cining kettle, at What are unusually low tempera in the downdraft kiln.
tures for the nanufacture of this material. When dry gypsum is heated the following phase
A further object of the invention is to provide changes occur progreSSively as calcination pro
a process for the manufacture of insoluble anhy
drite by calcining a Water-reactive or completely 25 Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O)->
hydrated form of calcium sulfate in the presence Hemihydrate (CaSO4. AH2O) -->
of Certain strong mineral acids such as sulfuric Soluble anhydrite (CaSO4) -->
or phosphoric acids, phosphorus pentoxide and Insoluble anhydrite (CaSO4)
other inorganic acid-reacting substances, as more 30 In Our new process in Soluble anhydrite is formed
fully explained hereinbelow.
It has been found that by the practice of the directly from dihydrate, hemihydrate, or soluble
present invention a desirable form of insoluble anhydrite without intermediate phase for nation.
anhydrite can be produced which is particularly In Ornal Commercia Calcination, hemihy
useful as a filler, Such as in paper making or for drate (CaSO4.42H2O) is formed at temperatures
other purposes where a relatively non-reactive 35 of 225 to 275 F. This is the ordinary plaster of
Paris or calcined gypsum of connierce. It “re
type of calcium sulfate is desired. However, the hydrates' rapidly when mixed with Water, Setting
invention is not limited entirely to the production within 25-40 minutes to form a cement consist
of the most in Soluble form of anhydrite, as there ing of dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O).
are several degrees of this, the properties of the 40. Hemihydrate is completely dehydrated to form
product in Some respects changing with the con “Soluble anhydrite' upon continued heating. In
ditions of the calcination.
A further object of the invention also relates commercial kettles, transformation occurs at
370-380° E. “Soluble anhydrite' is physically and
to steps in the process Which involve the neutralii chemically similar to hemihydrate. The product
Zation of the finished product or the intermediate 45 is unstable, rapidly absorbing moisture from the
products which form during its manufacture, by air to form hemihydrate. It is used commercially
means of alkaline reacting substances, and par as a drying agent. Crystallographically, it is sim
ticularly With Some form of line such as either ilar to hemihydrate, possessing the same crystal
Calcium oxide Or calcium hydroxide.
Several Sheets of drawings form a part of the 50 structure and habit, indices of refraction, etc.
Soluble anhydrite “sets in contact. With Water
present disclosure. In these n to form a cement in the same manner as “hemi
Fig. 1 is in the form of a chart illustrating the hydrate.’
time and temperature relationship in the calcina Continued heating of “soluble anhydrite' re
tion of gypsum as practiced in accordance with Sults in its eventual conversion to “insoluble an
the prior art, in order to bring out, by comparison 55 hydrite.” This conversion does not occur at any
v. r. m. - } r

t 3 4.
definite transition temperature under “dry” cal The following examples will serve to illustrate
cination conditions. Newman and Wells (Bureau means by which the improved anhydrite may be
of Standards Journal of Research, 20, 825) report produced.
obtaining a mixture of soluble and insoluble an EXAMPLE 1.
hydrites by heating gypsum for 670 hours at 392
F. A sample heated for one hour at 797 F. still Manufacture of anhydrite from gypsum.
contained anhydrite, Apparent complete Conver Finely ground gypsum powder similar to that
sion was obtained by heating for 30 minutes at used in the manufacture of normal plaster of
932 F. This slow rate of reaction at calcination Paris or hemihydrate is charged into a calcining
temperatures below 800-1000 F. explains the 10 kettle consisting of a vertically placed cylindrical
need for use of high temperatures and long cal shell, usually heated through its bottom and Sides
cination times in former proceSSes for the Con and through fiues extending horizontally through
mercial production of insoluble anhydrite. the kettle and provided With agitators Or Scrapers
Insoluble anhydrite differs markedly from to keep the material in motion during its calcina
hemihydrate and soluble anhydrite in physical 5 tion. The temperature is brought to the hemi
characteristics. In contact with water it "rehy hydrate conversion temperature of about 250 F.
drates' very slowly, and does not “set' except in This is also sometimes known by the operator as
presence of chemical "accelerators' Such aS the “first drag,' and is the temperature at which
K2SO4, Al2(SO4)3, ZnSO4, etc. It is stable and gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O, loses 12 molecules of water
not hygroscopic. InSoluble anhydrite is mineral 20 to form calcium sulfate hemihydrate under nor
ogically identical with the naturally occurring mal calcination conditions. During this "drag'
mineral, anhydrite, possessing the same crystal period there is no rise in temperature, as all of
lographic structure, X-ray diffraction pattern, the heat which enters the kettle is utilized in.
etc. The finely powdered variety prepared by maintaining the reaction. At the start of 'drag'
high temperature calcination of gypsum is mixed 25 a small percentage of sulfuric acid is sprayed,
With "set' accelerators and sold as "Keene's poured, or otherwise introduced into the kettle
cement'; or in Europe as "Estrich gypsum.' containing the gypsum. The acid is permitted to
Other uses of the product (not accelerated) in become thoroughly mixed with the gypsum by
clude use as paper filler, paint extenders, etc. continuing the agitation thereof. The amount of
It has now been found that in accordance with 30 acid required is rather Small, and may vary from
the present invention, the production of insoluble 0,5% to about 5.0% by Weight of the total initial
anhydrite can be achieved in the ordinary kettle charge of gypsum. Acid requirements are deter
calcining equipment commonly employed in the mined by (d) purity of the gypsum rock; and (b)
manufacture of plaster of Paris. This objective quality of the anhydrite desired. Sufficient
is obtained by conducting the calcination in the 35 acid must be added to neutralize any carbonate
presence of relatively Small amounts of certain or alkaline impurities present in the original rock,
acid-reacting in Organic Substances, such for ex plus an excess of 0.5% minimum, as based on the
ample as sulfuric or phosphoric acids, phosphorus Weight of the original gypsum. The acid limits
pentoxide, or acid-reacting sulfates such as So of 0.5-5.0% are based on requirements over and
dium acid sulfate, potassium acid Sulfate and 40 above the amount of acid needed to neutralize
their equivalents, and with calcination completed the said carbonate or alkaline impurities. In
at temperatures as low as 250 F. creasing the amount of excess acid will in gen
The product obtained is a finely crystalline eral result in production of anhydrite of a de
form of insoluble anhydrite. For most uses it is creasing rate of reactivity, or rate of rehydration
equivalent to artificial anhydrite prepared by 45 When mixed with water. The useful range of
known high temperature calcination methods. acid is from about 0.5% to about 10%.
For example, it makes a very satisfactory Keene's The addition of the acid is accompanied by a
cement. Its extremely fine unit crystal size decided drop in material temperature, which, if
adapts it particularly for use as a filler in rubber the temperature was 250 F. at the time the acid
products, for the coating of paper, and as a pig 50 Was added, may drop to about 212 F.; this de
ment, for paints and calcinineS. Spite the fact that the rate of heat input, i.e. the
When it is considered that the commercial man firing rate, has not been changed in any respect,
ufacture of the Keene's cement is a rather ex Thereafter the temperature will again, but very
pensive and CumbersOne procedure, and Which slowly, rise, until a temperature of about 230 is
has to be carried out in large kilns and at high 5 reached, and thereafter the rise will be quite rapid.
operating temperatures, all of which are out of When this stage of rapid increase in tempera
operation during the loading and unloading, and ture is reached, Samples are taken from the kettle,
require a long time to bring them up to heat and and an analysis made of the amount of actual
to cool them down, or made in rotary kilns at free Sulfuric acid present. This rapid increase
high temperatures, it will be readily appreciated 60 in temperature is an indication that the conver
that a process such as that of the present inven sion to insoluble anhydrite is completed. Lime,
tion which enables the production of a material (Ca(OH)2), or other alkali may be added to the
of the same general kind, but much more cheaply kettle in amounts sufficient to neutralize residual
and rapidly, affords many technological advan
tages. Moreover, the properties of the final prod 65 of the gypsum being treated to of
excess acid, following completion conversion
the insoluble
uct can be controlled, to a considerable extent, anhydrite. It is advantageous to accomplish this
by the operating conditions and also by Subse neutralization when the material in the kettle
quent grinding to various degrees of fineness and has reached a temperature of about 300°F. The
States of aggregation. temperature may then be allowed to rise to as
It has been found that the insoluble anhydrite 70 high as 350° or 400° F., whereafter the kettle is
may be formed either from ordinary gypsum, that dumped and the product allowed to cool. The
is to say calcium sulfate dihydrate, from hemi results of this operation are the formation, not
hydrate, or from soluble anhydrite; and that the of calcium sulfate hemihydrate, but of insoluble
final product in all cases can be the product de anhydrite. The product resulting is one of high
scribed and claimed hereinbelow. 75 consistency. After the product has cooled, it is
preferably reground in order to break up any lime, if desired. The resulting product in this
Small aggregations which may have formed. ItS case is very low in consistency and may be used
properties in other respects will be discussed here in the production of a very high grade Keene's
in below in connection. With anhydrite produced cement.
from other forms of gypsum. EXAMPLE 4
As an alternative to the addition of the acid
at the time that the gypsum in the kettle has Insoluble anhydrite by use of phosphoric acid
attained the temperature of the so-called "first Phosphoric acid or equivalent amounts of
settle' (i. e. about 250 F.), the process may be phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) may be employed
carried out by addition of the acid-reacting ma 0 as a substitute for sulfuric acid in producing in
terial, such as the sulfuric acid, to tine pulverulent Soluble anhydrite by the proceSS in a manner
gypsum prior to charging it to the kettle, Or at similar to that disclosed under Examples 1 to 3
any time before reaching the "drag' temperature inclusive. Acid requirements are greater for
of 250 F. In such case, conversion to insoluble
anhydrite begins at approximately 22 it. The 5 phosphoric than for sulfuric acid, an excess of
results obtained by this alternative operation are approximately 1.0% for the former being gen
in all essential respects the same as those obtained erally required to produce complete conversion
when adding the acid-reacting material after the to insoluble anhydrite at calcination tempera
contents of the calcining kettle have reached, Say, tures below 500 F. Anhydrite prepared in the
250 F.; and this modification of the manner of 20 Whi3hpresence of phosphoric acid possesses qualities
carrying out the invention is to be considered as for some uses are preferable to anhydrite
fully within the scope thereof. made by calcination in presence of Sulfuric acid.
For example, the rate of rehydration, in the pres
EXAMPLE 2 ence of Water, of "phosphate' anhydrite, (i. e.
Production of anhydrite from calcium Sulfate 25 anhydrite made with the use of phosphoric acid)
hen2ihydrate is considerably slower than the rate of rehydra
tion of “sulfate' anhydrite. “Phosphate' an
he process of Example 2 is quite sinilar to hydrite also has a slower rate of solubility in
that of Example 1, with the exception that instead water. These qualities are advantageous in Such
of adding the sulfuric acid at the start of the products as paper fillers and coatings, tooth
operation, or when the material in the kettle 30 paste fillers, water paint pigment extenders, and
reaches 250° if., addition of the acidic material for other purposes where stability in the pres
is delayed until calcination to the iiernihydrate ence of water is a requisite.
is essentially complete. In this modiáication of Combination use of sulfuric and phosphoric
the process, acid is added at a kettle material acids is considered within the scope of the pres
itemperature of 260-350 F., using the same 35 ent invention. For example, carbonate and
amounts, calculated in the Sane manner as de alkaline impurities may be neutralized by the
scribed in connection with Example 1. The addi addition of the required amount of Sulfuric acid,
tion of the acid-reacting raterial at this point phosphoric acid then being employed to effect
also causes a lowering of the calciilation temper the anhydrite formation.
ature, but the recovery of the temperature is 40 In applying our process as described under
quite rapid. The contents of the kettle are then Examples 2 and 3, it is obvious that, if desired,
analyzed for free acidity and the proper amount hemihydrate or Soluble anhydrite, previously cal
of lime, such as calcium hydroxide, is added, and cined by any known method, may be charged
the kettle then dumped at 350° to 400 F. This into a suitable kettle and converted directly to
procedure therefore involves the formation of insoluble anhydrite by further calcination in the
the insoluble anhydrite directly from calcium Sul presence of acid. When starting with cold hemi
fate hemihydrate. It will of course be obvious hydrate or soluble anhydrite, conversion to in
that one could charge a kettle with a Suitable Soluble anhydrite occurs at temperatures from
quantity of previously calcined hemihydrate and 212° to 250 F. -
proceed as outlined, With acid added at any time 50 The accompanying drawings are graphs illus
prior to conversion of the hemihydrate to the trating typical material-temperature-time rela
soluble anhydrite. In either event, however, the tionships obtained in normal production of in
consistency of a product made from hemihydrate Soluble anhydrite by the processes of the present
is lower than that which is inade directly from invention.
gypsum, as in Example 1. Figure 1 is representative of material tempera
EXAMPLE 3 tures in a kettle during “normal' calcination of
gypsum to produce hemihydrate or soluble an
Insoluble a 12hydrite from soluble anhydrite hydrite, as practiced in prior art operations.
Still another method of forming a product This Will serve as a standard of comparison when
Within contemplation of the present invention is GO considering the other figures.
to permit the calcination in the kettle to continue Figure 2 shows temperatures in the kettle dur
to the production of soluble anhydrite before ad-l. ing production of insoluble anhydrite With acid
dition of the acid. Material temperature at this added to raw gypsum at the start of the conver
point will be about 380° F. Acid or acid-reacting sion thereof to hemihydrate (Example: 1).
material in the amount indicated in connection 65 Figure 3 is similar to Figure 2, but with acid
with Examples 1 and 2 is then added, but the added to the gypsum prior to, or during, the
effect is quite different; instead of causing a low filling of the kettle (Example 1, alternate).
ering of the temperature, the addition of the acid Figure 4 shows kettle temperatures With acid
causes a very sudden advance in temperature, added to the formed hemihydrate at completion
which latter may reach as high as 475°-500° F. 70 of the “drag' (Example 2).
Irrespective of this rise in temperature, however, Figure 5 shows kettle temperatures With acid
the reaction between the calcium sulfate in the added to “soluble anhydrite' (Example 3).
soluble anhydrite form, and the added Sulfuric Rate of heating and size of charge were kept
acid, is allowed to continue for about 42 hour, Constant and uniform in the determination of
followed by neutralization of excess acid by added 75 the values upon which the figures are based,
7 8
The effects of variations in the quantities of tested as described in A. S. T. M. standards,
added acid are illustrated in Table I. In obtain- C61-30 and C26-39.
Table II

Type Material Method of Preparation Comb Consist

Hao E
Per cent Oc.
l----- Hemihydrate--------- Kettle calcination--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 90
2----- Soluble Anhydrite--------- do----------------------------------- 0.8 87
3----. Insoluble Anhydrite. High Temperature Calci, (3 days at 1200' F.).---------------------. 0,69 57
4---------- do----------------- Kettle Calci. Low Temp. EaSO4 added to Gypsum (Example I)--------- 0.40 90
Kettle Calci. Low Temp. H2SO added to Hemihydrate (Example 2). 0.37 58
Kettle Calci. Low Temp. H2SO4 added to Soluble Anhydrite (Ex. 3).------ 0.10 50
Kettle Calci. Low Temp. 1% excess H3PO added to Gypsum (Example 4).---- 0, 18 78
ing this data, pulverized gypsum screening 70%
through 100 mesh was charged into a calcining Per Cent hydration at- Keene's Cements
kettle. The temperature of the material in the
kettle was raised to 250 F., and acid added in 20 Ol-
re's ER: Se; Tensil
rS.-Min. ensile
an amount required to neutralize the carbonate 1 Fr. 24 Hrs. 7 Days sist- Strength
impurities present as determined by analysis, ency (HSq.In.)
plus the excess shown in Table I. Heating was (cc) Initial Final
continued to a material temperature of 350. m---m-m-m--ar-m-
Sufficient hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) was added 25 - 99, o 8. Elish - - - - - - -- - -
at a material temperature of 300 F. to exactly 3 3.6 6.42 16.86 44 : 4:444io
- 4--- 2.40 3.72 11.9 60 2: 4:13 375
neutralize any excess acid present and to pro 5- - 2.10 6, 22 28.6 46 i:26 6:16 400
vide an excess of lime of 0.1-0.2 per cent. After 6.-- 0.94 2.2 9.25 32 1:46 6:00 594
discharge, the materials produced were re- 7- 0.84 (as its 1.80 58 () (1) : (i)
ground through a SWing-hammer Screen mill to 30
an approximate fineness of 98% through 100
mesh, and 75%-80% through 325 mesh. 1 No set in 12 hours.
In Table I, the column headed “Per Cent Hy The product of the present invention, when dis
dration' refers to percentage of anhydrite re persed in Water, readily permits the breaking
converted to gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) after stand 35 down of the loosely adherent aggregates So that
ing in contact with an excess of Water at a the resulting dispersion will consist of very Small
temperature of 70° F. for the time interval in crystals and therefore the Suspension Will settle
dicated. very slowly. On the contrary a dispersion of the
Table I
Run Type is iSEE, Per Cent Hydra- Phases Present
No. Acid for
tion At

1------ None------------ 6.1 Hemihydrate.

2------ HaSO4.- 0.1 1.63 Hemihydrate,
Anhydrite." Soluble Anhydrite and Insoluble
3------ HaSO--- 0.5 0.29 insol. Anhydrite, Traces of Hemihydrate.
4.-...-H.S.O. 1.0 0.03 insol. Anhydrite.
6------ HaPO- 1.0 0, 8 Do.

Table II lists comparative characteristics of prior art anhydrite at the same concentration
anhydrites prepared as described under Exam will settle very rapidly. Furthermore, water
ples 1-4. Also included are data on insoluble pastes made from the product of the present in
anhydrite prepared by prior art practice of high vention are plastic and resist Suction very well,
temperature gypsum calcination, and on Ordinary 60 this being due to the fine particle size and shape
plaster of Paris as made by normal kettle cal of the individual crystals. It is this quality which
cination. Gypsum of the Sane purity was en makes the product of the present invention of
ployed in preparation of all the products. particular value for use as a filler in paper coat
Keene's cements were prepared by mixing With ing compositions, as a paint extender, a pigment
each material 0.5% of K2SO4 and 0.5% of base, a plastic Keene's cement, etc. As a rubber
Al2(CO4)3. filler, the present product is far superior to that
Normal consistency is defined as cubic centi of prior art CaSO4 fillers in reinforcing and
meters of water which, mixed with 100 grams of strengthening value, being equivalent to the best
powder will produce a slurry of such fluidity that types of precipitated whitings in all respects.
it will just pour from a cup. 70 The exact nechanism of the reactions involved
Keene's consistency is defined as cubic centi by the practice of the present invention is not
meters of Water which, mixed. With 100 grams of completely understood, and while numerous theo
Keene's cement, Will produce a slurry of Such ries might be proposed, it is not believed that
fluidity that a penetration of 20-2 mm. shall be this Would add anything Worth while to the full
obtained with a 350 gram modified Vicat needle, 75 ness of the disclosure or to the directions for
successfully carrying out the process. It is pos Also, the So-called "alpha' gypsum made in ac
sible that the added acid first forms an acid cordance with the Randel and Dailey Patent No.
calcium sulfate, which then breaks up into the 1,901,051, may be employed as the starting mia
anhydrite and free sulfuric acid. Lowering of terial. When so used, this “alpha' gypsum will
vapor pressure in the kettle, due to presence of produce an anhydrite of very low consistency,
acid, may so affect phase relationships as to re and thus be capable of producing an extraordi
sult in direct production of insoluble anhydrite narily high strength Keene's cement.
under conditions, described. In any event, and It might also be mentioned that the process of
irrespective of theory, calcination of gypsum, the present invention even differs in its visual
hemihydrate, or soluble anhydrite in the pres 10 appearance fro; the former kettle calcination of
ence of excess acid results in direct formation of gypsum and from the manufacture of plaster of
insoluble anydrite at formation temperatures Paris. Without the use of acid, that is in the
much lower than have been heretofore possible. Ordinary kettle calcination, the gypsum appears
In practicing this process, use of a minimum of to boil during its conversion to the hemihydrate
0.4–0.5 per cent H2SO4, based on weight of charge, 15 Or the Soluble anhydrite. The release of the
over and above neutralization requirements is water in the form of steam tends to fluff up the
needed to obtain complete conversion to insoluble product and therefore keep it more or less light,
anhydrite. If lesser amounts of acid are en fluid and easily agitated by the mechanical
ployed the resultant product consists of a corn stirrers in the kettle. On the contrary, and when
plex mixture of hemihydrate, soluble anhydrite, 20 practicing the present invention, and despite the
and in Soluble anhydrite. The reaction is in Ore fact that the rate of release of the combined
positive, and insoluble anhydrite of slower rate Water in the form of steam is even faster than
of rehydration is obtained as the amount of during normal calcination. Without, acids, the
added acid is increased. Generally, it is prefer physical action which can be observed in the
able to operate within the range of 0.5-2.5 per 25 kettle is quite different. The so-called “boiling'
cent of excess acid, but the process is not to be action is not as uniform and as general, and the
considered as limited to this range. material appears to be heavy and dead, and dif
'Strength' of acid sclution employed is not ficult to agitate. For this reason, and to promote
Critical. A more linifornin dispersion can be ob uniformity in the production of the present prod
tained. With dilute acid, but this advantage is 30 uct and to assure more efficient and greater heat
neutralized by increased acid loss during calcina transfer, it is desirable to provide more positive
means of agitation than are commonly employed
In addition to phosphoric acid and phosphoric in the calcining kettles. Thus it has been found
anhydride, certain acid Sulfate salts have been that it is very advantageous to blow steam into
found to be effective equivalents of sulfuric acid. 35 the kettle during the calcination both as an aid
Annonium acid Sulfate, sodiurn acid sulfate, and to agitation and to keep the material uniformly
potaSSiun acid Sulfate are representative, and mixed.
may be added to the charge either dry or in solu We prefer to inject the Steam through pipes or
tion form. openings which have their outlets near the bot
AS indicated, the neutralization of the material 40 tom of the kettle. While air agitation may be
is quite advisable unless of course the presence of employed, the resultant product is not as uni
the acid-reacting material is of no consequence. form as When Steam is used. This use of steam
While line has been described as the preferred is considered as also a part of the present inven
material, primarily because of its cheapness, tion and is consequently claimed herein.
ready availability, and its lack of interference 45 In general it is advisable to carry out the
With the utilizaticn of the product, it is of course process in kettles which are provided with acid
possible to employ other alkaline materials for resisting linings, so as to avoid corrosion of the
neutralization. Among these are ammonia gas, kettles and iron contamination of the finished
or solutions of alkalies such as sodium hydroxide, 50 product. After neutralization, the material may
b3. handled or processed further through stand
potassium hydroxide, and the like. In general ard Steel equipment. The further handling of the
the neutralizing material is added while the product. Such as regrinding by means of impact
formed anhydrite is still in the kettle, as this mills, ball mills, or other types of grinders, foll
affords an easy means of operation and good con
trol of neutralization and blending, but neutral 55 lows the time-honored procedure in the handling
ization may be done by mixing after completion of What gypsum products and is familiar to the art.
is claimed as new is:
of Calcination, or the product may be used with 1. Process of making insoluble anhydrite which
out neutralizing, if desired. In general, a very comprises heating substantially, dry finely pow
sight excess of the aikaline material, say fron dered gypsum to a temperature of about 250 F.,
.01-0.2% (calculated as calcium hydroxide) is then adding thereto from about 0.5% to 5.0%. Of
desired, particularly if the product is to be em. 60 its Weight of concentrated Sulfuric acid in excess
ployed in the form of Keene's cement. of that required to neutralize impurities con
If anhydrite made in accordance with the pres tained in said gypsum, and continuing the heat
ent process is allowed to remain on the acid side ing to about 300°F. until substantially all of the
of neutrality, Keene's cement made from it will 65 combined Water of crystallization has been driven
have a slower setting time and a lower strength from the gypsum, thereupon neutralizing the sul
than Similar cerient inade from anhydrite which furic acid by an excess of lime, and cooling the
has been completely neutralized and rendered resulting product.
slightly alkaline. 2. The process of claim 7, in which said gaseous
In practicing our process, the raw material, in
addition to being either the natural calcium sul 70 substance is steam. -
fate dihydrate, hemihydrate, or soluble anhydrite, 3. The process of claim in which said gaseous
may also be a form of hemihydrate which has Substance is air.
been artificially pre-2ged, for example, the so 4. Process of making the insoluble anhydrite
called "aridized' stucco as described in Brookby 75 form of calcium sulfate from other types of cal
cium sulfate of the group consisting of hydrated
Patent No. 1,370,581.
2,418, 590
forms of calcium sulfate and soluble anhydrite which comprises calcining 12
which comprises calcining said other forms of hydrate in substantially drycalcium finely
sulfate hemi
divided form
calcium sulfate in the form of a substantially dry at a tempertaure below 375 F. in the presence of
powder at a temperature within the range of from about 0.5% to about 10.0% by Weight, in ex
from about 212 F. to about 475 F. in the pres 5 cess of that required to neutralize impurities in
ence of not over about 10% by weight, in excess said calcium sulfate hemihydrate, of a Substance
of that required to neutralize impurities in said selected from the group consisting of strongly
calcium sulfate, of an inorganic strongly acid dehydrating inorganic acids and acid salts sub
reacting substance having a strong dehydrating stantially non-volatile at 375 F., until Substan
effect and selected from the group consisting of O tially all of the combined water of crystallization
acids and acid salts until substantially all of the has been driven from the calcium sulfate hemihy
combined water of crystallization has been driven drate.
from the calcium sulfate. 12. The process according to claim 11 in which
5. Process of making insoluble anhydrite from the substance is sulfuric acid.
gypsum which comprises calcining substantially 5 13. The process accordingto claim 11 in which
dry finely powdered gypsum within a tempera the substance is phosphoric acid in an amount
ture range of from about 250 F. to about 400 F. not substantially less than about 1% of H3PO4
in the presence of about from 0.5% to 10% by on the basis of the Weight of the calcium sulfate
Weight, in excess of that required to neutralize hemihydrate in excess of that required to neu
impurities in said gypsum, of an acid-reacting 2) tralize the impurities in said calcium sulfate
substance selected from the group consisting of hemihydrate.
inorganic acids and acid salts having a strongly 14. Process of making insoluble anhydrite
dehydrating effect, until substantially all of the which comprises heating finely divided substan
combined Water of crystallization has been driven tially dry soluble anhydrite at a temperature be
from the gypsum. tWeen about 212 F. and about 500°F. in the pres
6. Process of making insoluble anhydrite which ence of from about 0.5% to about 10% by weight,
comprises mixing finely divided powdered gypsum in excess of that required to neutralize impurities
with from about 0.5% to 10% by weight, in excess in Said soluble anhydrite, of an inorganic strongly
of that required to neutralize impurities in said dehydrating substance selected from the group
gypsum, of a substance selected from the group O consisting of acids and acid salts substantially
consisting of inorganic acids and acid salts that non-volatile within the above temperature range,
a SSert a strongly dehydrating action, and heat until substantially all of the combined water of
ing the resulting mixture to fron about 212 F. to crystallization has been driven from the said
about 475 F. until substantially all of the com Soluble anhydrite.
bined water of crystallization has been driven :35 15. The process of claim 14 in which the sub
from the gypsum. stance is Sulfuric acid.
7. Process of making the insoluble anhydrite 16. The process of claim 14 in which the sub
form of calcium sulfate from other types of cal stance is phosphoric acid in an amount not sub
cium sulfate of the group consisting of hydrated stantially less than about 1% of H3PO4 on the
forms of calcium sulfate and soluble anhydrite 40
Which comprises calcining said other types of cal basis of the soluble anhydrite, in excess of that
required to neutralize impurities in said soluble
cium sulfate in the form of a substantially dry fine anhydrite.
powder at a temperature within the range of from
about 212 F. to about 475 F. in the presence of the17.acid-reacting
The process according to claim 4 in which
not over about 10% by weight, in excess of that 45 it has performed itssubstance
is neutralized after
required to neutralize impurities in said calcium
Sulfate, of a substance from the group consist the18.acid-reacting
The process according to claim 4 in which
ing of inorganic acids and acid salts having a means of lime aftersubstance is neutralized by
it has performed its func
Strongly dehydrating effect, while blowing through tion.
the mass of powdered calcium sulfate during the 50 HARRY K. LINZELL.
calcination a gaseous substance to assist in the HAROLD E. SIMPSON.
elimination of the liberated water vapor from the MANVEL C. DAILEY.
product, said calcining being continued until sub
stantially all of the combined water of crystal REFERENCEs CITED
lization has been driven from the calcium sul
fate. The following references are of record in the
8. The process according to claim 4 in which file of this patent:
the acid-reacting substance is sulfuric acid.
9. The process according to claim 5 in which
the acid-reacting substance is phosphoric acid in Ninber Name Date
60 1,798,857 Tyler -------------- Mar. 31, 1931
an amount not Substantially less than about 1% 2,046,054 Booge-------------- June 30, 1936
of H3PO4. On the basis of the weight of the gyp 2,222,385 Washburn ---------- Nov. 19, 1940
Sun, in excess of acid required for neutraliza 2,326,157 McCord ------------ Aug. 10, 1943
tion of the impurities in said gypsum. 1,151,331 Roberts ------------ Mar. 21, 1939
10. The process according to claim 5 in which 2,151,339 Sullivan ------------ Mar. 21, 1939
the acid-reacting substance is a mineral acid sub 2,006,342 Booge -------------- July 2, 1935
stantially non-volatile within the stated calcina 2,031,898 Marsh ------------- Feb. 25, 1936
tion range.
11. Process of making insoluble anhydrite 2,220,289 Saunders ------------ Nov. 5, 1940

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