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LEARNING DERIVE In every conceivable manner the family is link to our past , bridge to our future -Alex Haley-

As the quote above implies the family is link to our past bridge to our future. Without our family we may not be able to be what we are today. Our family supports us and do what they have to do to shape us into what we are capable of and what we wanted to be. They are there to make us realize lifes worth thru past events and what we can become in the future. Through this family case analysis I got to understand more about life blessing and most of all the family we should all learn to cherish our life more because and most of all the family we should all learn to cherish our life more because well never know when our life halts. Cherish all that you have because one day , we might lose it . Ive realized that a family is still a family what ever happen to one of the member the rests offers their help to full extent so as not to lose one. For one we students, are truly blessed with the roads that we partake. We have some of the luxuries life offers. we should not just make them the most important thing on earth because we find happiness with these small luxuries. That we tend to forget the true meaning of happiness Luxurious things could come in last, since a family is all you need to be happy as the saying goes simplicity is beauty we really dont need those things for us to experience true happiness. A family is all you need to be happy. Being together is the most important aspect of it. Doing this Family Case Analysis sure isnt easy you need to have the effort, patient and cooperation for it to succeed. Teamwork is one of the key in this FCA; we need to cooperate with one another to come up with a fruitful study. -Neil Brian Oballo-

FAMILY COPING INDEX CATEGORY 1 PHYSICAL INDEPENDENCE this category is concertinaed with the ability to move about for example to get in and out of the bed and to take care of daily grooming and walking INITIAL 1 3 5 0 FINAL 1 3 JUSTIFICATION 5 INITIAL The chocolate family was somehow able to provide required personal care. During the initial home visit of the student nurses the family members who are capable in providing personal care were the parent only Most of the family member have dental caries all children was seen to be walking barefooted. They also are unable to exercise hand washing before eating and although they take a bath once or twice and brush their teeth one, twice or three times a day it is still notice able that the family need further health teaching on how to enhance their proper grooming and self independency to their children. 0 FINAL The student nurses provided health teaching to the family on how to enhance their wellness state through observing good grooming habits. Student nurses encouraged the family to exercise proper personal hygiene in order to prevent in acquiring diseases. At the end of the home visits, the student nurses observed that the family exercised the health teachings given to them like their hands and nails of the children are already clean and trimmed. Some of the family member specially m&m musketeers are no longer walking bare footed and they wash their hands before and after eating The patients are now encouraged to give optimal care to their children as evidence by good grooming for the children , they are now motivated to help their parents by obeying them especially when comes to their health

2 THERAPEUTIC COMPETENCE This category includes all the procedures for the care of illness such as giving medications exercises and relaxation and special diets

INITIAL The family usually takes over the counter drugs without the prescription of the doctor. The family doesnt have any awareness and knowledge regarding the side effects and

contraindication, of medication they believe that seeking medical advice would be their last resort since medications takes effect in relieving their signs and symptoms when it comes to exercising is like performing their daily activities the chocolate family finds watching television as a means of their relaxation FINAL The family knows now that over the counter medications should not be used incautiously. they now have awareness and regarding the negative effects that may arise from improper use of medications

3 KNOWLEDGE ON HEALTH Condition this category is concerned with the particular health condition that occasion for care for example knowledge of the diseases or disability understanding of general patterns of development of a newborn baby and the basic needs of the infant for physical care and tender loving care

INITIAL The family has a 9 month old baby but the mother doesnt provide proper care to her children like letting her children walking barefooted no short or diaper this problem put the children at risk of infection worm. This may cause microorganisms and the children susceptible from acquiring disease because of his immune system

FINAL The family complied with the health teachings given especially the mother. The student nurses instructed the family regarding the proper care to their children. Now the family especially the mother is already aware of the risk with the improper care for the child. She now performs care for his child she perform washing the foot of her children and putting shorts on the children

4 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLE OF GENERAL HYGIEN Concerning with family action in relation in maintaining family nutrition, securing adequate rest and relaxation for family members. Carrying out accepted preventive measure such as immunizations and medical appraisal safe home making habits in relation to storing

INITIAL During the initial visit of the student nurses, they observed that family practiced unsanitary food handling preparation and storage because they do not perform hand washing prior to cooking and eating and they just put there leftover food in side cabinet. Some of the member have dirty finger nail and toenails and

and preparing

take a bath but not thoroughly clean after a bath 0 FINAL The chocolate family has been taught by the student nurses on the proper food handling and on the proper food storage which will serve as their guide on food sanitation. The family is now knowledgeable about proper hand washing techniques that will leave their hand clean after handling different things. Before and after eating and the reason why they need to perform hand washing the member are great full for they are much aware about the rationale for having good grooming habits to avoid disease as clean clothing and absence of body odor Through health teachings given the family especially to the mother the family is equipped with knowledge on how important it is to maintain a clean environment conductive for her childrens health. The housing condition of the family now becomes organized. They clean their house and separate things that are not useful to the family. Through proper environmental condition. the family can avoid accident hazard and breeding of mosquito and rodents

5 EMOTIONAL COMPETACE This category has to do with the maturity of integrity with which the members of the family are able to meet the usual stresses and problem of life and to plan for happy and fruitful living. This involves the degree to which the individual accept the necessary disciplines imposed by ones family and culture the development and maintenance of individual responsibility and decision and willingness to meet reasonable obligations to consider the needs of other as well as ones own

INITIAL The chocolate family are bounded with love and respect with each other although, they are considered poor still for them life must go on for them the children put respect to their parents and accept their discipline

FINAL The family faces whatever problem comes in their life. They discuss the problems among themselves and try to resolves it. They settle

whatever differences or conflicts that occur. They do not disregard each of the members opinion 6 FAMILY LIVING PATTERNS This category concerned largely with the interpersonal or group aspects of family life how well the members of the family get along with one another the way in which they make decision affecting the family as a whole the degree to which they support one another and do things as a family budget the kind of discipline that prevails 0 INITIAL The family sets along well and respects each other. The parents support their children on decision and respect it. All family tasks are shared with the members they do things together and act as one.

FINAL The family keeps an open line communication among family members to avoid conflict. They also maintain a good interpersonal relationship with each other The family and each member act for the welfare of each member of each member and for the sake of the family to lone harmoniously

7 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT This category is concerned with the home community and work environment as it affects family health, this includes the conditions for housing. Presence of accident hazards screening plumbing facilities for cooking and for privacy level of community or modern, presence of social hazards such as bars street gangs, delinquency,( pets such as rats etc ) availability and conditions of schools and transportation.

INITIAL The house is in poor condition it is dirty, messy, unorganized and poorly ventilated. Things are scattered anywhere in the house and give no attention to put them in the right place accident hazards are also present like the sharp object is not kept safely. The house is unscreened which allows entry of insects into the house like mosquito, rodents, cock roach where in the student nurses has been observed The family has a poor environmental condition. It is unsafe unscreened and poor sanitation 0 FINAL The housing conditions of the family has improved and clean. The housing becomes organized and clean. The things that are no longer use to the family, was separated. It gives more space to the house and becomes more conducive to the family especially to the children. Also accident hazard have been reduced. Heath teaching about improving the ventilation of the house has also been given.

8 USE OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES This category has to do with the degree to which family member know about and the wisdom with which they use available community resources for health. Education and welfare. This would include the ways in which they use service of private physicians clinical emergency rooms, hospital, schools welfare organization church and so forth the coping ability does not indicate the level of the needs for service but rather the degree to when they must seek such aid.

INITIAL The family does not use all the community facilities in their locality. They also do not readily consult the barangay heath center when heath deficits occur.

FINAL The family are now encouraged and motivated to use or consult the health center first in case of sickness. INITIAL The family are less knowledgeable regarding health .they always depend on self medicating by using over the counter drugs and herbal plants. They prefer to self medicate themselves rather than to seek to medical resources become hindrance to them to seek medical advice in times one of the family members is sick. Risk and over the counter medication are the enough in case of illness

9 HEALTH CARE ATTITUDE This category is concerned with the family feeling about health care in general, including preventive services, care of illness and public health measures.

FINAL The family is now aware and knowledgeable of certain health deficits that are present in their family. The student nurses have stressed the importance of seeking medical attention to prevent serious illness form occurring.

CRATERIA Nature of the problem


JUSTIFICATION The problem is categorized as health threat because poor ventilation can actually increase the risk of spread of certain diseases and poor lighting condition may increase such as falls The problem is easily modifiable Current knowledge and management: prior to the home visits the family usually open the front door for additional ventilation and change the light bulb in a much higher capacity Resources of the family : The family just usually opens the front door for additional ventilation and change the light bulb in a much higher capacity but sometimes due to financial instability the family cant afford to buy a high capacity of light bulb which is brighter Resources of the student nurses: The student nurses can teach the family to provide adequate ventilation by instructing them to remove unnecessary things in the windows that block passage of air and additional windows may also be suggested in poor lighting the student nurses com

MODIFIABILITY OF THE PROBLEM Current knowledge and intervention Resources of the family Resources of the student nurses Resources of the community

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