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Year 7 Developing Respectful Relationships

Please complete the following questions and activities

1. What are the characteristics of a positive relationship?

2. Allows you to be yourself.
3. Makes you feel loved and needed
4. Makes you feel good about yourself

5. safe and Surcure

6. Imagine that you and three oth

7. er people have been stranded on a desert island. Think of three ways in whicto h the
relationships between the four of you might be tested. Then suggest a list of 3 rules maintain
respectful relationships on the island

● Lack of food
● Lack of water

8. Watch the video and answer the questions below

a. What are the three words that come into the speaker's mind when they think about
‘active listening’?

b. What does the speaker do when someone finishes their thought?

c. What is the challenge proposed to you by the speaker?

4. List 5 different ways you can increase your ability to maintain concentration during a

Maintain eye contact

Show genuine interest in through non verbal cues such as nodding your head

Put your phone away!!!!

5. “Communication doesn’t just involve talking, it also involves listening”, in your own words
explain what this means?

6. The table below outlines a list of rights and responsibilities you have in a relationship.
Provide an example of how you can demonstrate these rights and responsibilities in your chosen
relationship. The first one has been done for you

Chosen Relationship ________________________________________

Right Example of how Responsibility Example of how

you can you can
demonstrate demonstrate
this in a this in a
relationship relationship
Telling your friends Make sure you don't
To say no that you are not To be put anyone down,
going to jump out of considerate of and say bad things
a tree because they other people’s about them behind
feelings their back.

To be treated To be
fairly respectful

To be able to To accept
express others’ right to
thoughts, have an opinion
feelings and or different
needs freely point of view

To be To respect the
respected other person's
To feel safe Not to harm

To make your To listen

own decisions

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