Salt Analysis

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Zero NH4+

I Pb2+

II Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+

III Al3+, Fe3+

IV Zn2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+

V Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+

VI Mg2+


1. Anions are always tested first followed by cation.

2. Tests can be performed directly by taking a pinch of salt or by OS
(original solution) formed by dissolving salt in water.

CASE-I : Salt + Dil. H2SO4

Confirmatory Tests For Anions

1. CO32-
(a) Salt + dil HCl → colourless gas which turns lime water milky
(b) O.S. + MgSO4 → white ppt.
2. NO2-
(a) O.S. + acetic acid + FeSO4 solution → brown ppt colour
(b) O.S. + KI solution + starch → blue colouration
3. S
(a) O.S. + dil acetic acid + lead acetate → black ppt
(b) O.S. + CdCO3 solution → yellow ppt
4. SO32-
(a) O.S. + BaCl2 solution → white ppt
(b) O.S. + K2Cr2O7 solution + dil H2SO4 → green colouration

CASE-II : Salt + Conc. H2SO4

Confirmatory Test For Anions

1. Cl-
(a) Chromyl Chloride Test : salt + K2Cr2O7 crystals + conc H2SO4,
heat & add NaOH solution immediately → yellow solution, to
which add dil. acetic acid & lead acetate solution → yellow ppt
(b) MnO2 Test : a pinch of salt + ½ pinch of MnO2 + 3-4 drops of
conc H2SO4 → green gas
2. Br-
(a) AgNO3Test : O.S. + dil. HNO3 + AgNO3 solution → light yellow
ppt. slightly soluble in NH4OH solution.
(b) MnO2 Test : same as above → brown as
3. I-
(a) AgNO3 Test : same as above → yellow ppt. Insoluble in NH4OH
(b) MnO2 Test : same as above → violet gas
4. NO3-
(a) Ring Test : O.S. + FeSO4 solution + conc. H2SO4 (pour slowly
along the wall of the test tube without stirring) → brown ring
(b) Copper Turning : Salt + Cu turning + conc. H2SO4 & heat →
brown gas

5. CH3COO-
(a) Oxalic Acid Test : a pinch of salt + pinch of oxalic acid & rub
them on the palm with moist finger → smell of vinegar.
(b) Ester Test : salt + 2-3 drops of conc. H2SO4 + 2mL of ethyl
alcohol & warm on water bath → fruity smell


1. SO42- :
(a) BaCl2 Test : O.S. + dil. HCl + BaCl2 solution solution → white
(b) Lead Acetate Test : O.S. + dil. HCl + lead acetate solution →
white ppt.

2. PO43- :
(a) Ammonium Molybdate Test : O.S,. + conc. HNO3, boil & add
ammonium molybdate solution in excess → yellow
(b) Magnesia Mixture Test : O.S. + dil HCl + Magnesia mixture
(prepare it by adding solid NH4Cl to MgCl2 solution). Boil then
cool & add NH4OH in excess → white ppt.


Group Cations Group Reagent ppt. Formed

Zero NH4+ Neseler’s reagent Brown ppt.

I Pb2+ Dil. HCl White ppt. (PbCl2)

II Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+ H2S in presence of HCl Yellow ppt. (CdS)

Black ppt (PbS/CuS)

III Al3+, Fe3+ Excess of NH4OH in White ppt. Al(OH)3

presence of NH4Cl Reddish brown ppt
of Fe(OH)3

IV Zn2+,Mn2+,Ni2+,Co2+ H2S in presence of NH4OH Dirty white (ZnS)

Black ppt (NiS/CoS)
Flesh colored (MnS)

V Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2 (NH4)2CO3 in presence of White ppt BaCO3 /

NH4OH & NH4Cl SrCO3 / CaCO3

VI Mg2+ Sodium hydrogen White ppt.



1. Pb2+ : To white ppt. Of group 1 add water & boil . Divide the solution into 2
(a) To one part add KI solution → yellow ppt.
(b) To the 2nd part add K2CrO4 solution → yellow ppt.

2. Cd2+ : Dissolve the yellow ppt. In dil. HCl, boil & divide into 2 parts
(a) To one part add NaOH solution → white ppt.
(b) To the 2nd part add potassium ferrocyanide solution → white ppt.

3. Cu2+ : Dissolve black ppt. In 50 % HNO3 & then add dil. H2SO4 & alcohol. If no
ppt appears then add excess NH4OH till a blue coloured solution is obtained.
Divide this blue solution into 2 parts
(a) Add acetic acid & potassium ferrocyanide solution → charcoal brown
(b) Add acetic acid & potassium iodide solution → white ppt

4. Al3+ : Lake Test : Dissolve white ppt in dil HCl & then add 2-3 drops of blue
litmus solution solution. Now add NH4OH dropwise till blue colour appears →
blue clouds floating in colourless solution.

5. Fe3+ : Dissolve reddish brown ppt in dil HCl & divide the solution into 2 parts
(a) To one part add potassium ferrocyanide solution→ prussian blue
(b) To the 2nd part add potassium sulphocyanide solution → blood red

6. Zn2+ : Divide dirty white ppt in dil HCl & boil, then divide into 2 parts
(a) To one part add NaOH solution dropwise → white ppt which dissolve
when excess of NaOH is added.
(b) To the 2nd part add potassium ferrocyanide → white / bluish white ppt

7. Mn2+ : Dissolve the ppt in dil HCl & boil, divide into 2 parts.
(a) To one part add NaoH solution & shake white ppt appear, add Br2 water
→ Turns black
(b) To the black ppt in above test add conc HNO3 & lead peroxide, boil &
cool → pink colouration

8. Co2+ : Dissolve the black ppt in aqua regia, evaporate the solution to almost
dryness & see the colour of residue if black / blue → Co2+ & if yellow → Ni2+
Dissolve the black/blue residue in little distilled water to obtain a pink coloured
solution . Divide into 2 parts
(a) To oe part add NH4OH to neutralise & then add acetic acid & a crystal
of KNO3, warm → yellow ppt
(b) To the 2nd part add ether, a crystal of ammonium thiocyanate & shake
well → blue colour in etheral layer.

9. Ni2+ : Dissolve yellow residue in distilled water to obtain green coloured

solution. Divide into 2 parts
(a) To one part add NH4OH solution → bright red ppt.
(b) To the 2nd part add NaOH in excess & bromine water → black ppt.

10. Ba2+, Sr2+ & Ca2+ :

(a) Flame Test : a pinch of salt in watch glass & add 2-3 drops of conc HCl,
make a paste & burn on platinum wire loop in blue flame
● Grassy green → Ba2+
● Crimson red → Sr2+
● Brick red → Ca2+
(b) Dissolve the white ppt in hot dil acetic acid & divide into 3 parts
● To one part add few drops of K2CrO4 solution → yellow ppt →
Ba2+ confirmed
● To 2nd part add 1mL of ammonium sulphate (only if Ba2+ is
absent) → white ppt → Sr2+ confirmed
● To the 3rd part add ammonium oxalate & little of NH4OH (only if
Ba2+ & Sr2+ are absent) → white ppt → Ca2+ confirmed

11. Mg2+ : To O.S. + solid NH4Cl + NH4OH solution in excess + ammonium

phosphate solution → white ppt.

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