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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning to our respected Chairman,,, Mr. Budiman,,, along with the chair board of

Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Insan Cendikia, Our Principal,,,, Ms. Yuni,,,, Super Intendent of

Education Department in Depok,,,, Mr. Joko Sutrisno,,,, our beloved parents, our guests and also

our beloved and caring teachers.,,, My name is Andi Zahra.,,, I am here to represent my fellow

friends as your junior,,,, the 8th graders,,, and my junior,,,, the 7th graders.,,, Please,,, kindly listen

to what I will say in a few moments.

My fellow seniors,,,, your graduation is one of the moment,,, you will eventually tasted and

you should be proud of it,,,. the entire BCI School civities is very proud of you.,,, We are proud,,, of

the many accomplishments,,, earned in academics, service, athletics, music, and visual and

performing arts,,, through your hard work,,,, and perseverance. But,,, we are even more proud of

the resilience,,,, and fortitude you have demonstrated over the last 3 years. We as your junior feel

gratified,,,, to have an excellent seniors,,,, like you. We hope you all the best for your future.

You have done well.,,, We spent our time together.,,,, We shared our happy and sad times

together.,,,, Being punished together.,,,, Being praised together.,,,, And also shared our times.,,,

As you look ahead to your future,,,, take time to pause,,,, and consider,,,, how you can impact.,,,,

You may not cure cancer,,,, or reverse climate change,,,, (although we hope you’ll do both),,,, but

each of you,,, has the power to change the people you interact with,,,, and the world you inhabit.

Here are three things I’d ask you to keep in mind:

First,,,, you can bring joy to someone,,,, with a smile or kind word, and small everyday

actions can affect those around you,,,, with positivity and optimism.,,,,
Second,,,, do things to promote your health and wellness.,,,, Nothing is more important,,,,

than your personal health,,,, and safety of those around you.

And third,,,, embrace the journey you’re on,,,, so you don’t miss the unexpected,,,, and

wonderful things that can happen along the way. As we’ve learned, life isn’t always sunshine and

roses,,, no matter how things look on Instagram. Sometimes,,,, life is just,,, plain hard, and it takes

tremendous strength,,,, to find joy in what you can control,,,, instead of letting the would of, could

of, should of’s, control you.

So,,, when looking at the bright horizon,,,, that is our future,,,, We are happy. For although

our life will contain sadness,,,, and heartbreak,,,, it will also hold joy, love, and success. And we

know our seniors' will too.,,, So,,,, don't look back,,,, and regret.,,, Look forward,,, and smile.

Congratulations,,, Class of 2022,,,, Congratulations,,, Aksatriya Sinudarsana! Thank you

very much. My name is Zara. Kindly, please excuse me.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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