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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2021) 60, 4029–4040

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal

PSO technique applied to sensorless field-oriented

control PMSM drive with discretized RL-fractional
Waleed Abd El Maguid Ahmed a,b,*, Mahmoud M. Adel c, M. Taha d, Amr A. Saleh c

Engineering Mathematics and Physics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, 63514 Fayoum, Egypt
Zewail City of Science and Technology, 12578 Giza, Egypt
Electrical Department, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, 63514 Fayoum, Egypt
Electrical Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University,12613 Giza, Egypt

Received 8 July 2020; revised 12 February 2021; accepted 22 February 2021

Available online 11 March 2021

KEYWORDS Abstract This paper introduces a Fractional Order Field Oriented Control (FO-FOC) with sensor-
Permanent magnet syn- less Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
chronous motor; (PMSM). In this work, the conventional integer controllers of the vector control method are
Fractional calculus; replaced with the Fractional Order PI (FOPIa) controllers. Particle Swarm Optimization technique
Field oriented control; (PSO) is employed to tune the gain, integration parameter and the fractional order parameter for
Model reference adaptive each of the speed, current and MRAS controllers to get the optimum values. The presented method-
system; ology is tested using MATLAB Simulink simulation and the results show improved performance of
Sensorless Control; the field oriented control technique by the employment of the fractional order controllers instead of
Particle swarm optimization the conventional integer at different operating points. Furthermore, the additional degree of free-
dom in the fractional controllers helps the PSO technique to get the optimum cost at a very low
number of iterations compared with that of the integer one.
Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction precise description for the complex physical systems, hence,

scientists go to the definition of generalizing the derivatives
Fractional Calculus (FC) is a generalization of the common and integrals to fractional order instead of integer one in the
derivatives and integrals to fractional order [1,2,3]. The non- modelling of electric systems and many applications [4]. In
integer order of differentiation and integration leads to a more the last two decades, the FC has acquired a wide area of

* Corresponding author at: Engineering Mathematics and Physics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, 63514 Fayoum,
E-mail addresses:, (W. Abd El Maguid Ahmed).
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
1110-0168 Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
4030 W. Abd El Maguid Ahmed et al.

applications like tuberculosis infection model [5], physical of the increased degree of freedom in the design of the frac-
engineering, economics [6,7], electric machines [8], biology tional controllers used in the proposed technique.
[9,10], transformers, inductors, parasitic capacitances in tran- For vector controlled electrical machine drives, precise
sistors, kinetic phenomena in semiconductors, thermal effects motor position measurement is very important. Motor posi-
in electronic devices [11], bio-engineering [12], many electric tion can be measured using different position (speed) sensors
control systems [13], noise detection [14], passive symmetric like encoders, resolvers or Hall Effect sensors. However, they
network [15], analog signal processing [16], fractional propor- have drawbacks and are not applicable for some tough appli-
tional integral differential controllers (PID) [17,18], diffusion cations. The high cost of these sensors is one of the most pop-
process [19], viscoelasticity, control, relaxation processes [20], ular disadvantages that encourage the researchers to exclude
fluid dynamics [21], gas dynamics [22] and position servo con- the position [34]. An alternative practical solution considered
trol system [23]. for the reduction of the cost of the machine drive is to estimate
FC can provide automatic control systems, especially those the rotor position/speed through currents and voltage mea-
that are designed based on the mathematical models of the surements (which is considerable reduced cost) rather than
process and those that are intensively using proportional-inte measuring it. Hence, sensorless control is widely utilized for
gral–differential (PID) controllers, an additional dimension electrical machine drive systems.
for the controller design [8]. This dimension results from the Various sensorless control techniques of PMSM have been
degree of freedom gained from the fractional integrator and introduced by the researchers [34,35]. Model reference adap-
differentiator parameters that allow better tuning of the PID tive system position/speed estimator is used in this paper
controllers. Electrical machine drives are part of the process because of its combined benefits of accurate position estima-
control systems that can provide an enhanced design using tion and its ease of implementation [36]. This method funda-
fractional controllers. Many definitions are introduced for mentally is based on three parts: the reference model,
the fractional integration and differentiation like Grunwald- adaptive model, and the adaptive mechanism that seeks mini-
Letnikov fractional differ-integral, Riemann-Liouville frac- mum error between the reference model and the adaptive one
tional differ-integral and Caputo fractional differ-integral [37]. The precision of the estimated speed and position calcu-
[24,25]. While the Cauchy repeated integration formula is used lated from the MRAS is strongly based on the perfect design
for the integration for integer order, Riemann-Liouville (RL) of the MRAS controller.
fractional differ-integral formula is a generalized integration In the proposed FO-FOC PMSM drive, Fractional order
formula. In this work, the RL formula is used. PI controllers (FOPIa) controllers substitute the conventional
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are speed and current controllers of the FOC control drive. Fast
widely employed in many electrical drives due to its distinct response with better performance (decreased rise time and set-
performance. The most distinctive advantages of PMSM are tling time) is the main advantage obtained from the employ-
the great power density, high efficiency and the numerous tor- ment of the FOPIa will be shown later in the results. In fact,
que to current ratio in addition to the decreased copper losses the increased degree of freedom for the PI controllers design
in PMSM because of the absence of the rotor current [26]. The considering the fractional order parameters is what supports
field rotor winding is replaced with Permanent Magnets (PM) this enhanced performance.
in order to get rid of the drawbacks of other machines through Tuning the parameters (Kp, Ki, a) of the speed and current
brushes removal, elimination of slip-rings and the cancellation controllers are responsible for optimizing the control response
of rotor copper losses; which leads to optimum performance through minimizing the overshoot, rise time and settling time.
[27]. The calculated estimated speed and position are certainly
One of the most common control methods for the electrical affected by the parameters (Kp, Ki, a) of the MRAS controller.
machine drives is the field oriented control (FOC), also known Many techniques found in literature are used for tuning the
as vector control, that improves the performance of PMSM PID controllers, some of which are deterministic such as Zieg-
drive [28]. In FOC, the speed control of PMSM becomes too ler Nichols [38], others are heuristic using different optimiza-
easy due to the decoupling of the torque component from tion techniques [39]. In this work; the four controllers’
the flux component [29]. FOC incorporates direct axis and parameters optimal values (Kp, Ki, a) are obtained by the
quadrature axis current controllers and speed proportional employment of the Particle swarm optimization (PSO) tech-
integral (PI) controllers to achieve the required control of nique in order to get an optimal control response with the
the current vector thus obtaining precise speed/position con- accurate estimated position.
trol. For optimum performance, these controllers should be In [8], the authors present the applicability of the fractional
designed precisely. order integrals for the FOC controllers and MRAS speed esti-
Fractional order PI controller is a generalization of the mation of a field oriented controlled PMSM drive. The authors
common integral of the conventional PI controller to a frac- in [8] presented only the results obtained from the application
tional order [16]. The extra degree of freedom acquired by of the fractional order system with the consideration of the
the fractional order of the integrator has proved the ability PSO for the tuning of the controllers’ parameters. In this work,
to strengthen the performance in the control systems [16,17]. the authors present the application of the PSO for the opti-
Fractional order PI controllers show superiority to their coun- mization of the parameters of the sensorless MRAS FOC
terpart integer PI controllers [18]. The fractional order con- using RL-fractional integration as applied on a Beckhoff
trollers have been employed in many applications like model AM247L PMSM machine and compared it to the coun-
position servomechanism [30], aerospace control systems [31], terpart integer FOC controllers and MRAS speed estimation
time delay systems [32] and integrating processes [33]. models. The results for the fractional order control and speed
In order to strengthen the performance of the FOC tech- estimation model are compared to that of the counterpart
nique, FO-FOC is presented in this work taking the advantage integer model showing the superiority of the fractional order
PSO technique applied to sensorless field-oriented control PMSM drive with discretized RL-fractional integral 4031

FOC controllers and MRAS speed estimation models in terms

of better performance than their counterpart integer FOC con-
trollers and MRAS speed estimation and in terms of the addi-
tional degree of freedom of the fractional order that leads to
reduced number of iterations of the PSO to reach the optimal
Section 2 introduces the Riemann-Liouville integration def-
inition. The sensorless PMSM FOC drive is illustrated in Sec-
tion 3, through the description of the PMSM model, FOC
technique and MRAS position/speed estimator. Section 4 is
dedicated to introduce the proposed fractional order field ori-
ented control technique (FO-FOC) through introducing the
design of the fractional PI controllers as well as the tuning
of the controllers’ parameters. Section 5 presents the simula-
tion results obtained for both the FO-FOC PMSM drive and
the integer (conventional) FOC PMSM drive with the discus-
sion of the results obtained. Finally, section 6 concludes the
FO-FOC technique and the advantages gained over the con-
ventional FOC.
Fig. 1a abc to dq Reference Frame Transformation.
2. Riemann-Liouville integration

The Cauchy repeated integration formula as in Eq. (2.1) is gen-

eralized by Riemann-Liouville replacing the gamma function
instead of the factorial. The resulting Riemann-Liouville for-
mula is as in Eq. (2.2) [24,40,41].
Z t
Dn f ð t Þ ¼ ðt  sÞn1 fðsÞds; t > 0: ð2:1Þ
ðn  1Þ! a
Where n is a positive integer.
Z t
Da f ð t Þ ¼ ðt  sÞa1 fðsÞds; a 2 Rþ : ð2:2Þ
CðaÞ a

3. Sensorless PMSM FOC drive

3.1. Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) model Fig. 1b Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Equivalent
It is common for the analysis and control of electrical machi-
nes to transform the machine model (mathematical equations) Where kq is the q-axis flux, kd is the d-axis flux, vrq is the q-
in the rotating reference frame. For field oriented control, the axis voltage, vrd is the d-axis voltage, irq is the q-axis current, ird
speed of the rotating reference frame is selected to be syn-
is the d-axis current, rs is the stator winding resistance, xr is the
chronous speed, which is the rotor speed for the PMSM as
rotor electrical angular speed,xm is the rotor mechanical angu-
shown in Fig. 1a). This section presents the dynamic model
lar speed, km is the rotor magnetic flux linkage, p is the time
of the PMSM in the dq0 reference frame by the equations
differentiator, Te is the developed torque, Tl is the load torque,
given below in [2] and shown in Fig. 1b).
B is the motor viscous friction, P is the number of poles, and j
kq ¼ Lq irq ; ð3:1Þ is the motor inertia.

3.2. Field oriented control (FOC) of PMSM

kd ¼ Ld ird þ km ; ð3:2Þ

vrq ¼ ðrs þ p Lq Þirq þ xr Ld ird þ xr km ; ð3:3Þ The field oriented control is one of the most common control
structures of the PMSM. The stator current consists of the flux
vrd ¼ ðrs þ p Ld Þird þ xr Lq irq ; ð3:4Þ component and the torque component. By decoupling the sta-
tor current to its components through a proper transforma-
3 P tion, the PMSM control can be seen as the dc machines
Te ¼ ½km irq þ ðLd - Lq Þ irq ird ; ð3:5Þ control. From Eq. (3.5), if the d-axis current is removed by
2 2
making the reference value of the d-axis current equal to zero,
dxm the torque equation will be only a function of the q current
Te ¼ Tl þ B xm þ j : ð3:6Þ
dt component, so a very appropriate mechanism is proposed to
4032 W. Abd El Maguid Ahmed et al.

force the total stator current in the q-axis only. Hence; Eq.
(3.5) after assigning zero to the reference d-axis current
becomes as follows [4]
3 P
Te ¼ km irq : ð3:7Þ
2 2
As shown in Fig. 1c), the vector control method employs
three controllers; the speed controller, the iq controller and
the id current controller. It is very clear that the target value
of q-axis current controller is the output of the speed controller
and the reference value of the d-axis current controllers is
assigned as zero by default. The difference between the refer-
ence value of the q-axis current and the measured q-axis cur-
rent value is the input to the q-axis current controller. Then
the reference value of vq voltage is obtained from the output
of the iq controller. The id controller input is the difference
between the id reference value (zero by default) and the mea- Fig. 2a Illustration of Model Reference Adaptive System.
sured id current. Hence, the reference vd voltage is obtained
from the output of id controller. ence model and the adjustable model. The stator current calcu-
In this work, the three employed conventional integer con- lated by the reference model is independent on the estimated
trollers for speed, d-axis current and q-axis current are speed, but the stator current calculated by the adjustable
replaced with fractional order controllers and the selection of model depends on the estimated speed and position [42]. The
the controllers’ parameters is done using the PSO technique. output of the two models are passed to the adaptation tech-
A schematic diagram for the field oriented control technique nique. In this paper, the adaptation mechanism employed is
using fractional order controllers instead of the conventional the PI controller that tuned the estimated rotor speed to the
ones are shown on Fig. 1c). actual rotor speed. In this work, Fig. 1c) Shows that the vq
and vd which are inputs to MRAS algorithm are not measured
3.3. Model reference adaptive system (MRAS) algorithm using voltage sensors but they are calculated from the park
transformation of the reconstructed voltage (va ; vb ; vc ) accord-
MRAS is one of the most commonly used techniques in ing to [43]. Eq. (3.8), (3.9) and (3.10) calculate the recon-
encoderless control due to its ease of implementation and its structed voltage (va ; vb ; vc ) using the pulse width modulation
simplicity. In this method, two models for speed and position periods (TA, TB, TC) and the dc link voltage according to
estimation are employed; the reference model and the adjusta- [43], then these reconstructed voltages will transformed to dq
ble one [37]. Fig. 2a) illustrates the algorithm of the MRAS. frame to get the vq and vd which are inputs to MRAS algo-
In MRAS algorithm, a motor variable is utilized as a state rithm. The elimination of the voltage sensors will provide
variable. This motor variable can be stator current or power space, minimize the setup cost and reduce the measurement
[37]. This variable will be calculated by the reference model error due to the inaccuracy of the voltage sensor. Therefore,
and the adaptive model. In this work, the current model one this will lead to a robustness and more accurate estimation
is utilized. Hence, the stator current is obtained from the refer- of the motor speed and position.

Fig. 1c Proposed Fractional Order Field Oriented Control Scheme.

PSO technique applied to sensorless field-oriented control PMSM drive with discretized RL-fractional integral 4033

va ¼
FSW ð2TA  TB  TC Þ; ð3:8Þ (FOPIa) which consequently improves the performance of
3 the PI controllers because of the additional degree freedom
vb ¼
FSW ðTA þ 2TB  TC Þ; ð3:9Þ (fractional order a) as will be shown in the results. To tune
3 the PI controllers’ parameters, a PSO algorithm is developed
Vdc considering the tuning of the three parameters of each con-
vc ¼ FSW ðTA  TB þ 2TC Þ: ð3:10Þ
3 troller, namely the proportional gain Kp, the integral gain Ki
Where TA, TB, TC are the pulse width modulation intervals and the fractional order parameter of the integrator term (a).
and FSW is the switching frequency of the inverter.
The equations of the current model can be introduced 4.1. Design of fractional order PI controller
according to [44] as follows
  "  rs L #
xr Lqd  id 
" vd # Podlubny introduced the fractional order controller concept in
d id Ld Ld 1997. The PI conventional controller has two main parameters;
¼ þ vq : ð3:11Þ
dt iq xr LLd  Lrs iq Lq
 xr kLmq the proportional part and the integral part. The arbitrary non-
q q
integer order is presented to the integration portion. Conse-
Define id *, iq *, vd *, vq * as follows quently an extra degree of freedom is gained by the addition
km  of the fractional order to Kp , and Ki for each controller [46].
id ¼ id þ ; i ¼ iq ; ð3:12Þ To design a fractional order controller (PIa), the integration
Ld q
to an arbitrary non-integer order (fractional order) should be
rs first determined. In this work, the integration to a fractional
vd ¼ vd þ km ; vq ¼ vq : ð3:13Þ
Ld order is designed according to the numerical approximation
From Eq. (3.12) and (3.13) of Riemann-Liouville integrals as follows [46]
" # " #"  # 2 3 For interval [0, X] with xn ¼ nh; n ¼ 0; 1; 2 . . . . . . . . . N
d id  Lrsd ^ r LLqd
x id where h = X/N,
þ 4 v 5:
¼ ð3:14Þ  X
dt iq x ^ r LLdq  Lrsq iq q
x ^ r kLmq ha N
Ia yn ðhÞ ¼ Cn;N yn : ð4:1Þ
Cð2 þ aÞ n¼0
Hence the estimated speed equation can be presented in Eq.
(3.15) as follows [45] applying the quadrature weights (from a product trape-
  zoidal rule), then:
b r ¼ Kp þ
x 8 9
s >
< ð1 þ aÞNa  N1þa þ ðN  1Þ1þa if n ¼ 0 >
km   Cn;N ¼ if 0 < n < N ;
1þa 1þa 1þa
Lq b Ld b Ld Lq ð N  n þ 1Þ  2ð N  nÞ þ ð N  n  1Þ
> >
 id i q  i d iq  iq þ b
iq  b iq b
id  : :
1 if n ¼ N
Ld Lq Lq Lq Ld
A schematic block diagram of MRAS adaptive mechanism Ki
PIa ¼ Kp þ : ð4:3Þ
is as shown in Fig. 2b). sa
The schematic diagram of the fractional order controller is
4. Proposed Fractional Order Field Oriented Control (FO- illustrated in Fig. 2c).
FOC) technique
4.2. Speed, current and MRAS controllers tuning
In this proposed technique, the integer PI controllers employed
in the FOC technique as well as the MRAS (position/speed The optimization techniques play a key role in PI parameters
estimator) are replaced with fractional order PI controllers selection. Hence, the PSO technique is applied for both the
scheme with integer conventional controllers and the proposed
scheme with fractional order controllers with the same fitness
function and the same constraints for a fair comparison.
Two measures are considered to compare the two schemes,
first is the dynamic and steady state response of the controlled
variable, i.e. the rotor speed and the second criteria is the effi-
ciency of the optimization technique, i.e., the number of
iterations to get the optimum cost. As mentioned earlier, this

Fig. 2b Adaptive Mechanism of Model Reference Adaptive

System. Fig. 2c Fractional Order Controller Block Diagram FOPIa.
4034 W. Abd El Maguid Ahmed et al.

work utilizes the PSO algorithm for the optimum selection of For the first measure regarding the dynamic and steady
the controllers’ parameters. The PSO algorithm equations state of the controlled variable, the rotor speed, the fitness
are as illustrated in [47]. function for the speed controller is to achieve the speed target

Fig. 3 Matlab Simulink FO-FOC Model.

PSO technique applied to sensorless field-oriented control PMSM drive with discretized RL-fractional integral 4035

of the absolute error between the reference speed and the

Table 1 Beckhoff model AM247L PMSM Machine
actual speed.
Parameters. hX i
Machine Parameters Value MIN ðspeed controllerÞcost ¼ MIN xref  xact : ð4:4Þ
Magnetic pole pairs 3
The primary goal for the current controllers is to select the
Rated speed (r.p.m) 3000
Inertia (kg.m2) 0.000198
parameters to minimize the difference between controllers’ ref-
Viscous damping coefficient (N.m.s) 0.000106 erence and the measured currents. The fitness function for
Stator resistance Rs (O) 5.95 both the Id and the Iq current controllers is
flux linkageWf (wb) 0.2955556
MIN ðcurrent controllerÞcostd;q
hX i
¼ MIN Id;qref  Id;qact : ð4:5Þ

value over a wide range of operation with a low rise time, low The limitation applied here for speed and current con-
settling time and acceptable overshoot. Accordingly, the trollers is the constraint of an acceptable overshoot
desired function employed here is to decrease the summation (overshoot < 5%).

Fig. 4a The Best Cost per iteration for the conventional and the proposed technique at 3000 r.p.m.

Fig. 4b Speed response comparison between the conventional and the proposed technique at 3000 r.p.m.

Fig. 4c Zoom of Speed response for Fig. 4b. for the transient response.
4036 W. Abd El Maguid Ahmed et al.

Fig. 4d Position response comparison between the MRAS estimated and the actual position at 3000 r.p.m.

maxðspeedÞ < 0:05  reference speed: ð4:6Þ 5. Simulation results

The MRAS observer plays a significant role in the improve-
ment of the drive control. The estimated speed will be used for The proposed technique was examined using Matlab MFile
the speed control in the vector control technique while the esti- and Simulink model on a Beckhoff model AM247L PMSM
mated position is needed for the transformation (park trans- machine, as shown in Fig. 3, with the parameters given in
formation) of the measured currents in the abc physical Table 1, at different operating points; 3000 r.p.m, 1500 r.p.m
frame to the dq synchronous reference frame. Consequently, and 700 r.p.m. The PSO optimization technique is used to tune
its controller’s parameters should be chosen accurately, such the parameters for both the integer PI controllers for the con-
that the estimated speed tracked the actual speed. The cost ventional FOC and the fractional order controllers for the pro-
function thus is aimed to reduce the error between the mea- posed FO-FOC with the same constraints and the same fitness
sured speed and the estimated speed. function to get a fair comparison between the conventional
method and the proposed one. After getting the tuning param-
MIN ðMRAS controllerÞcost
hX i eters for the conventional method and the proposed one, two
¼ MIN ðxmeasured  xestimated Þ : ð4:7Þ comparisons are considered; the first comparison is the
dynamic response of the rotor speed for both techniques and
the second one is the number of iterations to get the best cost
for each technique.

Fig. 5a The Best Cost per iteration for the conventional and the proposed technique at 1500 r.p.m.

Fig. 5b Speed response comparison between the conventional and the proposed technique at 1500 r.p.m.
PSO technique applied to sensorless field-oriented control PMSM drive with discretized RL-fractional integral 4037

Fig. 5c Zoom of Speed response for Fig. 5b. for the transient response.

Fig. 5d Position response comparison between the MRAS estimated and the actual position at 1500 r.p.m.

The optimization technique was performed on 3000 r.p.m the tracking of the MRAS estimated position to the actual
(high operating point) for both the conventional method and position.
the proposed method. Fig. 4a) shows that the additional The optimization technique was applied at medium speed
degree of freedom of the proposed FO-FOC helps the PSO (1500 r.p.m) for the integer and fractional controllers.
technique to get the optimum cost after almost 20 iterations, Fig. 5a) illustrates that the optimum cost for the fractional
but the PSO technique takes almost 70 iterations to get the controller is much lower than the optimum cost for the integer
optimum solution. Also, it can be easily observed from controller. Fig. 5b) and Fig. 5c) show obviously that the speed
Fig. 4a) that the optimum cost for the FO-FOC is lower than response of the FO-FOC reaches the reference speed at 0.005
that of the conventional integer FOC. Fig. 4b) and Fig. 4c) sec, while the speed response of the conventional FOC was
illustrate that the speed response of the proposed fractional not yet able to achieve the reference speed. Besides, there is
field oriented control (FO-FOC) has a better rise time with no overshoot in the speed response of the fractional controller,
no overshoot compared with that of the integer conventional but the speed response of the integer conventional controller
field oriented control. Also, the fractional controller can has many oscillations and overshoot. Fig. 5d) shows the per-
achieve the reference in a lower time (smaller settling time) fect estimation of the position by the MRAS algorithm at med-
compared with that of the integer controller. Fig. 4d) shows ium speed.

Fig. 6a The Best Cost per iteration for the conventional and the proposed technique at 700 r.p.m.
4038 W. Abd El Maguid Ahmed et al.

Fig. 6b Speed response comparison between the conventional and the proposed technique at 700 r.p.m.

Fig. 6c Zoom of Speed response for Fig. 6b) for the transient response.

Fig. 6d Position response comparison between the MRAS estimated and the actual position at 700 r.p.m.

Table 2 Comparison between the proposed FO-FOC and the conventional FOC.
PSO Optimum cost Settling time (sec) Rise time (sec)
Proposed FO-FOC (3000 r.p.m) 2148.7338 0.007 0.00535
Conventional FOC (3000 r.p.m) 2726.2753 0.0075 0.00571
Proposed FO-FOC (1500 r.p.m) 1925.7380 0.005 0.00259
Conventional FOC (1500 r.p.m) 4591.2711 0.02 0.00263
Proposed FO-FOC (700 r.p.m) 1410.9686 0.009 0.00153
Conventional FOC (700 r.p.m) 2656.7084 0.015 0.001416

Finally, the proposed method was examined at low speed clearly achieved an optimum cost for the fractional controller
(700 r.p.m) to complete the comparison at high, medium and lower than the optimum cost of the integer controller because
low operating points. Fig. 6a) shows that the PSO technique of the advantage of an additional degree of freedom of the
PSO technique applied to sensorless field-oriented control PMSM drive with discretized RL-fractional integral 4039

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