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PTY5106 Exercise Prescription Lab Activity

Health Assessment (Prepared A/Prof Dawson Kidgell)

Task Outline

Task 1 – General and Medical History

- History of personal and family history, including medical and musculoskeletal disease or
injuries and medications
- Information on sport activities, occupation, and lifestyle
- ACSM Risk stratification, ESSA Pre-screening, PARQ

Task 2 – Physiological Assessments, Body Composition, and Anthropometric

- Resting heart rate and blood pressure
- Exercise heart rate and recovery
- Waist-to-hip ratio

Task 3 – Movement Assessment

- Overhead Squat Assessment
- Single-leg Squat Assessment

PTY5106 Exercise Prescription Lab Activity

Health Assessment (Prepared A/Prof Dawson Kidgell)

Task 1 General and Medical History

Students should take accurate histories of each other’s’ general and family medical history. Information
about cardiovascular, renal, and musculoskeletal disorders or disease will be helpful during assessment
and implementation of exercise programming. Any issues regarding sudden death or cardiovascular disease
should be noted and managed with an appropriate health care professional. Students should include their
lab partner’s interest in sport activities, occupation, and lifestyle in order to make decisions as to why
certain dysfunctions may be present during assessment.

Personal and family medical history including medical and musculoskeletal disease or injuries and
medications: Use the ESSA and ACSM risk stratification.

Information on sport activities, occupation, and lifestyle:


ACSM Risk Stratification and ESSA Pre-screening:

acsm-risk-stratificatio ESSA _APSSFinal.pdf


PTY5106 Exercise Prescription Lab Activity

Health Assessment (Prepared A/Prof Dawson Kidgell)

Case study risk stratification activity 1:

• A 24-year-old woman is joining a fitness center.

• Since graduating from college and becoming an architect 1 year ago, she no longer walks with
her friends in the afternoon or plays intramural basketball.
• She reports no significant medical history and no symptoms of any diseases, even when running
to catch the train.
• Her father was diagnosed with hypertension when he was 42 and her 51-year-old mother has
type 2 diabetes.
• The client smokes socially on occasion (∼5–10 cigarettes per week) and drinks alcohol one or
two nights a week. She has the following: height = 65 in (165.1 cm); weight = 165 lb (74.8 kg);
BMI = 27.5 kg · m−2; RHR = 74 beats per minute (bpm); resting BP = 124/74 mm Hg; LDL-C =
118 mg · dL−1; HDL = 61 mg · dL−1; FBG = 106 mg · dL−1.
• She wants to begin a walking program on a treadmill

Case study risk stratification activity 2:

• A 65-year-old male nonsmoker recently decided to train for a 5-km fun run to raise money for
muscular dystrophy.
• He hasn’t exercised in years, but used to participate in road races when he was younger.
• His father died of a heart attack at age 67 and his mother died of breast cancer at age 89.
• Last year, he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and currently takes Metformin.
• He also reports taking a statin to lower his cholesterol. Height = 70 in (177.8 cm), weight = 216
lb (98.2 kg), BMI = 31.0 kg · m−2. RHR = 78 bpm, resting BP = 134/86 mm Hg.
• Total serum cholesterol = 184 mg · dL−1, HDL = 44 mg · dL−1, FBG = 98 mg · dL−1.
• What would be your exercise recommendations?

Task 2 Physiological and movement assessment

Lab partners should take turns assessing and recording resting heart rate, blood pressure, and repeat
these during a 5 min bout of steady state exercise. Also record heart recovery and blood pressure
during the 1st minute following exercise.

Physiological Assessments:

Resting Heart Rate ________ bpm

Resting Blood Pressure ____/____mm Hg

Exercising Heart Rate ________ bpm

Exercising Blood Pressure ____/____mm Hg

PTY5106 Exercise Prescription Lab Activity

Health Assessment (Prepared A/Prof Dawson Kidgell)

Heart Rate Recovery ________ bpm

Recovery Blood Pressure ________ mm Hg

Anthropometric Measurements:

Height ____ft. ____cm

Weight _____kg


Circumference Measurements:

Hips: _____ Waist: _____ Chest: _____

Task 3 Movement Assessments

Lab partners should take turns assessing their partner’s movement quality using the Overhead Squat Test
and the Single-leg Squat Test. These tests are used to observe total body neuromuscular efficiency and
control, integrated functional strength, and functional flexibility. The observation should be done viewing
both anterior and lateral aspects of the lab partner. Students should note inefficiencies and compensations
and determine what musculature is causing or allowing these compensations.

Overhead Squat Test–Students should not “coach” to try to acquire proper technique. Instead, they
should let the lab partner perform the test in the most comfortable way possible. The partner should
squat to the height of a chair 5 times with hands just wider than shoulder width, elbows locked, and the
arms outstretched overhead. He/she should perform a squat while the partner looks for compensations
at the foot, knee, low back, and head. The test should be videotaped for comparison following training.

Feet Turn Out Y / N Musculature

PTY5106 Exercise Prescription Lab Activity

Health Assessment (Prepared A/Prof Dawson Kidgell)

Knees Move Inward Y/ N Musculature

Low Back Arches Y / N Musculature


Forward Lean Y/N

Musculature Involved:

Shoulders/Arms Fall Forward Musculature
Single Leg Squat Test–Have the lab partner stand with hands on the hips and eyes focused on an object
straight ahead. Foot should be pointed straight ahead and the foot, ankle, and knee and the lumbo-pelvic-
hip complex should be in a neutral position. Have the lab partner squat to a comfortable level and return
to the starting position. Perform up to 5 repetitions before switching sides. This activity is designed to
gather information about balance as well as weak or tight musculature contributing to dysfunction.

Right Leg:

Left Leg:

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