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Organizational behavior is concerned with the study of human behavior in organizations, the

relation between people and organization, how they influence each other, and developing
productive relations between them to realize desired goals. Organizational behavior studies
human behavior in the organization on three main levels.

The three levels are individual level, group or team level, and organizational level. At all these
levels OB analyses the behavior of people on how, why, and what causes their behavior in
organizational settings.

a. Individual Level

This is the first level of OB analysis. At the individual level, organizational behavior studies the
behavior of an individual person such as his/her attitudes, motivation, perception, personality, va
The concept of psychology plays important role in the individual-level analysis. The individuals
working in the organization are the very existence of the organization. Each individual’s
behavior is different from others, as it is natural, and some are affected by social, cultural, and
other social variables.
A manager using his psychology, knowledge, and experience should carefully study the
individual traits and characteristics of his individual employees. Understanding these attributes
helps managers to come up with ideas to develop better and more positive approaches to
organizational systems.

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