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WS 1.

3 Access Sheet

Collecting and presenting data

Setting the scene
Scientists collect data when they carry out experiments. The data must be recorded
clearly so scientists can use it after the experiment is finished. In this practical you
will find out more about how to collect and present data.

In this practical you will be working scientifically to:

 collect data using a table

 calculate means

 present data as a bar chart.

You will investigate this question:
Does the type of ball affect how high it bounces when it is dropped 1 m?

 Choose the independent variable: type of ball/height of bounce/height it falls

 Choose the dependent variable: type of ball/height of bounce/height it falls

 Choose variables you will control: type of ball/height of bounce/height it falls

Height the ball bounces (cm) Mean of height the

Type of ball
First reading Repeat reading ball bounces (cm)

Carry out the experiment and record your readings in your table.
Work out the mean of your results.

1 Why did you drop the ball from the same height each time?

© Oxford University Press 2014

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original.
WS 1.3 Access Sheet

2 Draw a bar chart to display your results in the grid below.

3 State if you can see a pattern in your results. Describe this pattern.

© Oxford University Press 2014

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original.

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