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The Lesson of the Alliance/Confederation-Omegan/Syndicate Conflict in My Opinion by

Lucus Louize

In my humble opinion, this entire conflict between the Alliance/Confederation on the

good side and the Omegan/Syndicate on the evil side has a lesson within it which maybe
the Moderators of the conflict will use for their study as evidence of whether good or evil
are stronger. 

In my view good is both smarter and stronger than evil. This is because if everything else
being relatively equal in terms of technology, man power, tactics, etc good will have the
edge in this conflict. 

In my view, the definition of evil is violation of consent. When evil happens through the
act of violation of consent, the violators place guaranteed burdens upon themselves
because they must control the potential rebellion of the people they are violating. 

This is particularly the case for the Omegans because they have chosen to infiltrate
planets where people tend to be emotional and warlike in order to try and control the
planetary populace emotionally like a parasite controls its host for their own ends (They
have resorted to tactics such as good cop/bad cop tactics and other manipulative tactics
for control.) For this reason, the Omegans are taking great care to not expose themselves
to the people of those planets. 

In a brilliant move by the Alliance brothers, they exposed the Omegans here on Earth
through brother Bob after having informed the Syndicate of their intentions. The Alliance
and the Syndicate have agreed upon rules of this conflict which governs the conflict
between the Alliance and the Omegans. The Omegans are backed by the Syndicate. 

Due to this weakness of the Omegans, the Omegans can be discredited as parasites that
unintentionally give away comparative advantage to their enemies. The Alliance has the
advantage because they could push harder against the Omegans because the Omegan’s
don’t want to expose themselves as parasites to their host planets. The Confederation can
discredit the Omegans as parasites that give away comparative advantage. 

Also despite the large numbers of undercover Omegans on Earth they are still losing to
the Alliance who have far fewer undercover operatives and I have personally seen the
Confederation who also have fewer undercover operatives than the under cover Omegan
operatives still control the Omegans. 

In my humble opinion this conflict teaches the lesson that good is both smarter and
stronger than evil and evil is foolish (Proverb 26:11) and weak because evil (particularly
the Omegans in this particular conflict) puts themselves in a position to be discredited
while giving away comparative advantage and despite their numbers are losing to the
Alliance. I am assuming the case is generally similar on the other planets where the same
rules of this conflict like Earth apply. 

Their backers the Syndicate may be more likely to see they are wasting their money on
the Omegans who are not worth the effort because the Omegans discredit themselves and
give away comparative advantage to their enemies. In other words the Omegans would be
financial parasites on the Syndicate especially if the Alliance starts winning the majority
of planets. 

This system traps the Omegans in a Manipulate-Trap-Control (MTC) cycle. The

Omegans are discredited (Manipulate), the more they act the more they are discredited
(Trap), and the more they can be controlled as a result of their being discredited by the
Alliance being able to push harder because the Omegans don’t want to expose themselves
to their host planets as parasites and the Confederation can discredit them among the

In my humble view the Earth version of Mathew 23:23 is the Confederation is God’s
Mercy, the Alliance is God’s Justice and the Earth people are God’s Faith. In the
intergalactic version of Mathew 23:23 in my humble opinion, the Confederation and
other groups that have the non-interference directive and believe in God are God’s
Mercy, while the Alliance are God’s Justice and both God’s Mercy and Justice have Faith
in God himself or what the Confederation and Alliance brothers call the Infinite One. 

For more information about the Alliance brothers please see brother Bob’s excellent
TerraKor Files site. 

For more information about the Confederation (they do not come from Venus that was
memory manipulation by the Omegans against the contactees see the ‘Spurious Contacts
Files’ on the TerraKor site) please see 

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