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Maryland Technology Consultants, Inc.

IFSM 300
This is the Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) for Maryland Technology

Consultants, Inc. They provide consulting services and recommendations to their clients by employing

skilled consultants, as well as, staying knowledgeable on new business concepts and technology. They

are expecting to win two new contracts that would need an additional 75 consultants. Having 2 or 3

recruiters makes it difficult to sort through and hire a large number of employees, therefore, needing to

hire 75 manually will be a very difficult task. In this report there will be a business strategy, process

analysis, requirements, and a system recommendation.

Strategic Use of Technology

A. Business Strategy

MTC’s business strategy is to provide consultation in business processes, IT, and IT outsourcing.

Without an automated way to hire many future employees they will lose time attempting to do

the process manually and the ability to hire people globally. Improving the hiring process will

allow MTC to hire the amount of people needed for the two new contracts they are planning on

winning, as well as, any future endeavors.

B. Competitive Advantage

MTCs’ proposals come from businesses, non-profit organizations, and the government with a

small portion of it coming from referrals from satisfied clients. Improving the hiring system will

provide a huge advantage to the MTC over its competitors. If the hiring system stays as is then

MTC will most likely lose future contracts due to lack of consultants and will not be able to hire

globally and in turn expand its services globally.

C. Strategic Objectives

Here are the MTCs’ strategic goals with suggested objectives and explanations

Strategic Goal Objective Explanation

(from case study) (clear, measurable and time-bound) (2-3 sentences)
Increase MTC Business Acquire 2 more contracts within a 6- Acquiring 2 more contracts will
Development by winning new month period. increase the need for more
contracts in the areas of IT consultants. With the new hiring
Consulting system, the hiring process will be
quicker increasing the number of
consultants and contracts.
Build a cadre of consultants Increase international recruiting efforts The new hiring system would
internationally to provide and employ 5 research analysts in the next allow applicants from around the
remote research and analysis 12 months. world to apply online, increasing
support to MTC’s onsite teams the number of international
in the U. S. applicants. It would enable the
recruiters to carefully monitor
the applications for these
positions, identify the necessary
research and analysis skills
needed, and screen resumes for
these key skills. Recruiters could
quickly view the number of
applicants and identify when
additional recruiting efforts are
needed to meet the objective.
Continue to increase MTC’s Acquire 5 more consultants within 6- Acquiring more consultants will
ability to quickly provide high months. increase the variety of people
quality consultants to awarded the MTC has to offer its clients.
contracts to best serve the The more quality consultants
clients’ needs MTC has, the better service the
client will get.
Increase MTC’s competitive Acquire 5 more IT consultants within 6- Acquiring more IT consultants
advantage in the IT consulting months. will increase MTCs’ reputation
marketplace by increasing its and knowledge in the IT space.
reputation for having IT Clients will be satisfied with the
consultants who are highly addition.
skilled in leading edge
technologies and innovative
solutions for its clients
D. Decision Making.

Here are some decisions that can be made using the new hiring system by all levels of authority.

Role Level as Example of Possible Example of

defined in Decision Supported by Information the Hiring
Course Hiring System System Could Provide
Content to Support Your
Reading Example Decision
Senior/Executive Managers Strategic level Expand hiring to worldwide Decision can be made
(Decisions made by the CEO applicants. because new hiring system
and the CFO at MTC allows for global applicants.
supported by the hiring
Middle Managers Managerial Sort consultants according to Consultants can be sorted
(Decisions made by the level specific job knowledge. because the new hiring
Director of HR and the system allows MTC to know
Manager of Recruiting who is knowledgeable at
supported by the hiring what subject.
Operational Managers Operational Assign qualified consultant to Consultants can be assigned
(Decisions made by the line level contract. because the new hiring
managers in the system allows ease of
organization who are hiring finding the right consultant
for their projects supported for the right contract.
by the hiring system.)
Process Analysis

A. Hiring Process

This table shows the As-Is process and how the new hiring system will improve it.

MTC Hiring Process

As-Is Process Responsible MTC To-Be Process – How Business Benefits of
Position the System Will Improved Process
Support and Improve (Align with MTC’s
(Part 1) (Part 1) the hiring process overall business
(Part 2) strategy and needs.)
(Part 2)

1. Recruiter receives application Recruiter System will receive A more efficient

from job hunter via Postal application via on-line submission process
Service Mail. submission through MTC decreases time needed
Employment Website and to receive and begin
store in the applicant processing applications.
database within the hiring This will present a
system. positive image to
potential employees and
help MTC compete for
top IT talent.
2. Recruiter sorts application Recruiter System sorts applicants A more efficient way to
according to the time received. automatically from the sort applicants means
applicant database. that the recruiter has
more time to do other
aspects of their job.
3. Recruiter reviews application Recruiter System picks out qualified The recruiter does not
and checks to see if the applicant applicants base on keywords have to waste time with
has the necessary qualifications. and pre-written unqualified applicants, so
qualifications. they have more time to
choose the best qualified
4.Recruiter forwards the best Recruiter Recruiter reviews and Using the system is an
qualified applicants to the notifies the Administrative easier and faster way to
Administrative Assistant. Assistant of the qualified send the applications and
applicants chosen by the the applications won’t
system via the hiring system. get lost because they are
5.Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant This saves time for the
forwards applications to the notifies and send applications Administrative Assistant
respective Hiring Manager. to the respective Hiring because the respective
Manager via the hiring hiring manager is in the
system. system and they do not
have to waste time
searching for them for
each applicant.
6. Hiring manager reviews the Hiring Manager Hiring Manager reviews the The system can use
applications and searches for the applications using the hiring keywords to sort through
most qualified applicant system. the best applicants
depending on the
applicant that the Hiring
Manager is searching for.
7. Hiring manager chooses the Hiring Manager Hiring manager notifies the The system makes it
most qualified applicant and Administrative Assistant of easier because it is not
forwards the application to the chosen applicants via the on paper so the time it
administrative assistant. hiring system. takes to send the
notification is quick.
8. Administrative Assistant gets in Administrative Assistant System enables It is quick and easy to find
contact with the applicant to set Administrative Assistant to the applicant because
up a date and time for an quickly contact applicants their contact information
interview. using the stored contact is already in the
information in the database. database.
9.Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant System makes it easier to Electronic calendar
notifies Hiring Manager of the keep track of interviews using means that no interview
time and date of the interviews. a calendar and notification will be forgotten or
system. double booked because
the system will notify
10.Hiring Manager conducts Hiring Manager If the applicant is overseas The applicant does not
interview with along with other the interview can take place need to fly from a
team members. using a video conference call. different state or country
to do the interview
meaning people that
couldn’t be interviewed
before can now be
11. Hiring manager chooses the Hiring Manager Hiring manager can use past The system database has
best applicant from the and present applicants to past and present job
interviews and makes a job offer. make an offer. offers which means that
the Hiring Manager can
present a calculated offer.
12. Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant System enables AA to More efficient offer
prepares offer letter based on prepare job offer letter by process presents positive
information from recruiter and storing the offer letter image to applicants and
puts in the mail to the chosen template and information on decreases time needed to
candidate. each candidate; allows AA to prepare offer letter, and
select information to go into enables MTC to hire in
letter and put it into the advance of the
template, which can then be competition.
reviewed and emailed to the

B. Expected Improvements.
This table shows some current issues and how they will be improved with the use of


Area Current Issues Improvements

(from the Case Study) (due to use of technology)
Collaboration: The Hiring Manager states that An efficient system with all information
recruiting is only one area he is in one place, easily accessible via a
responsible for and he isn’t as dashboard, and updated in real time
responsive to HR as he could be. could make his recruiting job easier;
Therefore, he counts on the Recruiters and he could devote time to effectively
to help manage the process and keep working collaboratively and proactively
him informed. with HR on his staffing needs.
Current manual system causes
considerable communication
breakdowns and takes additional effort
and time to stay on top of the hiring
Communications: Explain how a hiring The Administrative Assistant states the Internal and external communication
system could improve internal and hiring volume goes up, he becomes improves because being able to notify
external communications buried in paperwork trying to keep all the respective parties is faster than
the applicants and there paperwork having to call or search for them in
straight. person or even send them an email.
Which makes communication between
everybody faster and easier.
Workflow: Explain how a hiring system The Recruiters state that Applications An efficient system with everything
could improve the MTC hiring process and resumes can get lost in interoffice stored inside a database means that all
by providing a consistent structure for mail or buried in email; and, when a the information is accessible quickly
each participant to perform his/her hiring manager calls them, they often and no documents can get lost.
part in the hiring process. cannot immediately provide the status
of where an applicant is in the process.
Relationships: Explain how The recruiters state that they are the Since all the information is stored in
implementing an enterprise hiring middleperson in the hiring process and the database, the recruiter can easily
system could foster stronger that the applicants are anxious to know inform the applicant of the status of
relationships with applicants/potential the status of their applications. their application as well as the hiring
employees. manager.

A. Stakeholder Interests

Below is a table showing problems relate to the current hiring process and how a technology

solution can help address those problems.

Role Specific problem related to How a technology

the current hiring process solution to support the
hiring process could
address the problem
1. CEO The hiring of staff for current The new hiring system
and future contracts. will allow MTC to hire
new staff in less amount
of time and more

2. CFO The current hiring system is The new hiring system

inefficient and not cost- will be more cost-
effective. effective and efficient
because of the speed in
which the hiring will take
place and the reduction
of man hours it will take
to hire new staff.
3. CIO The current hiring system is The new hiring system
not globally viable. will allow the staff to be
hired on a global scale.
4. Director of Human Resources The current hiring system is The new hiring system
not meeting hiring demands. will meet hiring
demands because of
how quick and efficient it
will be.
5. Manager of Recruiting The current hiring system is The efficiency of the new
not efficient or effective hiring system will allow
enough to hire the 75 MTC to hire 75
personnel needed in a 3- personnel in a 3-month
month period. period.
6. Recruiters Using the current hiring The new hiring system
system resumes can be lost will be all electronic so it
and the status of applicants is less likely that
is sometimes unknown. applicant’s data can be
7. Administrative Assistant It is difficult to keep every The new hiring system
applicant’s data and status will make it easier to
easily accessible. track applicant’s data
and their status.

8. Hiring Manager (Functional The current process of The new hiring system
supervisor the new employee screening applicants, will make it easier since
would be working for.) scheduling interviews, everything will be
identifying the best qualified scheduled electronically.
applicants, and getting a job
offer to them is inefficient.

B. Defining Requirements

Below is a table that shows requirement statements and the stakeholder that identified the


Requirement ID Requirement Statement Stakeholder

(Position and Name from
Case Study that identified
this requirement)
Requirements –
(What the user
needs the system
to do)
The system must store all information from Recruiter – Peter O’Neil
the candidate’s application/resume in a central
applicant database.
1. The system must be easy to use. Hiring Manager
2. The system must schedule interviews Hiring Manager
3. The system must allow screening of applicants Recruiters – Peter O’Neil
more efficiently. (Mike Thomas, Jennifer
4. The system must show status of applicants. Recruiters – Peter O’Neil
(Mike Thomas, Jennifer
5. (Reporting- The system must have an applicant tracking Manager of Recruiting –
Output of system. Sofia Perez
retrieved from the
Requirements –
(How the system
will perform)
The system must be implemented as a
Software as a Service solution. CIO – Raj Patel
1. The system must be compatible with their CIO – Raj Patel
existing architecture and systems.
2. The system must effectively integrate with the CFO – Evelyn Liu
current system.
3. The system must help the workflow and Administrative Assistant
enable many processes to be done – Tom Arbuckle
4. (Security) The system must secure the applicants data. CIO – Raj Patel
5. (Security) The system must secure clients data. CIO – Raj Patel

How Information Supports Decision Making. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2019, from

Davoren, J. (2019, February 1). The Three Fundamental Roles of Information Systems in Business.

Retrieved November 3, 2019, from


Business Processes. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2019, from

Hiring Process Steps: SmartRecruiters Glossary. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2019, from

Requirements. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2019, from

How key stakeholders are affected by technologies. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2019, from


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