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lll Semester 2 Years LL.M, (Business and Trade Law) Examination, March/April 2021 0375 ‘Spl. Paper - 3 : LEGAL REGULATION OF ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES Duration : 3 Hours Instruction: Q.No. 1. Q.No. Q.No. Q.No. |. Answer any five of the following. 2. Answers should be written in English only. Evaluate the New Economic Policy and policy changes brought after 1991. Marks Examine in detail about takeover of management and control of industries. Marks State the meaning of “Indian Depository System", and ‘enumerate facilities provided by depositories. Marks Explain the provisions of the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 Marks Examine the role of industries in environmental degradation and legal control relating to this. Marks Critically evaluate foreign direct investment in India. Marks : ‘Write note on any two of the following : Marks (a) Process of dematerialisation of shares. (b) Joint ventures. (0) Mass disaster. (4) Disclosure of information. Max. Marks : 80 1x16=16 4x16=16 1x1 1x16=16 1x1616 A616 1: 2x8=16 ae aE sey iay 0264 ‘Second Semester LL.M. (2 Years) (Business and Trade Law) Examination, June/July 2016 LEGAL REGULATION OF ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES Duration : 3 Hours’ Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all questions. 2, Figures to the right indicate marks. 3. Answers should be written only in English: Q.No. 1.(a) Discuss the rationale of government regulation of economic enterprises from the constitutional perspective. Marks : 10 “oR . What are the outstanding features of the new Industrial Policy 49917 () Disclosure of information Marks : 6 OR Rationale and scope of the joint sectors, Q.No. 2.(a) Explain in detail about takeover of management and control of industries. Marks : 10 OR Discuss multivariate dimensions of industrial sickness. (b) Sick industrial Companies Act, 1985. Marks : 6 OR Takeover code. Q. No. 3.(a) Define debentures. Explain the various types of debentures. Marks : 10 oR What is Indian Depository System and enumerate facilities provided by depositories. (b), Q. No. 4. (a) (b) Q.No. 5. (a) (b) Merits of equity shares. Marks : 6 oR Explain the process of dematerialization of shares: Highlight the salient features of the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 Marks : 10 oR ‘What are the issues in zoning andi ocation of industrial units ? Strict liability, Marks : 6 OR Enactments to restrain mass disaster and environmental degradation. What do you mean by ‘Know-how’ and what are the features of ‘Know-how’ ? Marks : 10 OR Explain the different types of FOI. Policy framework governing FDI. : Marks : 8 OR Investment abroad. ‘nee 0264 Second Semester LL.M ~ Degree Ex ion, June/July 2015 Specialization Paper - 2: LEGAL ‘TION OF ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES (Business and Trade Law) Duration : 3 Hours ; ‘Max, Marks : 80 Instructions: 1. Answer all questions, 2, Figures to the right indicate marks. 3. Answer one essay and one short note from each: Unit. Q.No. 1.(a) “india inherited a dismal economy from the British rulers at the time of independence.” Comment. oR Growth performance since the initiation of economic reforms inearly 1990s has been impressive and country has marched for further progress”. Comment. Marks : 10 (b) What are the ills that public enterprises have been afflicted ‘over the years ? OR What are the reasons for the unsatistactory performance of public sector enterprises ? Marks : 6 Q.No. 2.(a) “The Industrial Policy Statement of 1991 has substantially reduced the requirements for various types of industrial approvals’. Comment oR What are the powers of the Central Government under, industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 19517 Marks : 10 (0) Discuss the power of Central Government to take over management of Industrial undertaking in liquidation, oR Write a note on joint ventures, Marks : 6 P10. 0264 'Q. No. 3.(a) (0) Q.No. 4.(a) (6) Q.No. 5. (a) (b) Discuss the pre-requisites in connection with initial public offering made by an industry. OR Who are the parties involved in the process of demateriaization ? ‘Marks : 10 ‘What do you understand by global depositories ? oR ‘Write a note on types of capital. Marks :6 What are the principles relating to National Policy on hazardous industries ? oR Explain the role of industries in environmental degradation and legal contro! against this. Marks: 10 ‘What do you mean by location of industria! unit ? OR ‘What do you mean by mass disaster ? Marks : 6 Define technology. State the routes of technology transfer. OR ‘Explain the legal requirement of technology assignment. Marks : 10 Explain the effect of investment abroad, OR State the types of investment inflows. Marks : 6 II Semester LL.M. (B&T) Examination, June/July 2014 Specialization Paper ~ 2 : LEGAL REGULATION OF 0M Law ite 0264 ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 > Instructions: 1. Answor all five Questions Q. No. 1. (a) (b) Q.No. 2.(a) Q. No. 3.(a) 2. Figures to the right indicate marks Examine the New Economic Policy and policy changes brought after 1991 Marks : 10 oR What is disclosure of Information ? How itregulates economic activities ? : State intervention in the economy. Marks : 6 OR Impact of fundamental ights on econome significance Explain he composition and functions of Development Councils. Marks : 10 oR piscuss the powers of Central Government under Industries Development and Regulation Act 1951. What are the SEBI regulations for take over ? Marks : 6 oR Whatare the Mutivarity dimensions of Industral sickness ? ‘Whats Hazardous process 7 Discuss the principles relating to National Policy on Hazardous process. Marks : 10 OR Explain legal remedies for Environmental degradation under law of torts. P10. 0264 (b) Q.No. 4. (a) Q.No. 5. (a) SDM Law Litry What is Public- Nuisance ? Marks : 6 OR Write a note on consumer law action for negligence to prevent Environmenta! pollution. Explain the obligations ofthe Insurer after the Commencement of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999. Marks : 10 OR Explain the main features of Prasara Bharati Broad Casting Corporation Act, 1997. State the objects and reasons of Telecom Regulating Authority Act, 1997. Marks : 6 oR ‘Write a note on the functions of Regulatory Authority. What is Technology transfer ? Explain the routes of Technology transfer. Marks : 10 OR Critically evaluate Foreign Direct Investments — India. Types of F.D.1. Marks : 6 OR Write a note on Foreign Investment Investors. ao ig @ 0264 Second Semester LL.M. Examination, June 2013 LEGAL REGULATION OF ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES (Business and Trade Law) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instructions: 1. Answerall questions. 2. Figures to the right indicate marks. 3. Answer one essay type and one short note from each unit Q.No. 1. (a) Examine the rational of goverment regulation from constitutional perspective, Marks : 10 OR Examine the regulation of economic activities. (b) Write a note on private and joint sectors. Marks : 6 OR Write a note on consumerism. Q.No. 2.(a) Whatis central Advisory Council ? Explain its function. Marks : 10 OR Explain the functions of Development Councils, (b) Regulation of scheduled industries. Marks : 6 oR Salient features of Industries (Development and Regulation) Act 1951 Q. No. 3.(a) Explain mass disaster and environmental degradation with legal remedies available Marks : 10 OR Explain the principles relating to National Policy on Hazardous industries. (0) Write @ note on issues in zoning and location of industrial limits. Marks : 6 OR ‘Write a note on public-fiability Insurance. Pro. Q.No. 4. (a) (o) Q.No. 5. (a) (b) Briefly describe the salient features of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997. : OR Explain the powers and functions of Telecom Regulatory Authority. Obligations of insurance Regulating Authority. OR Obligation of existing insurers. ‘What is Technology Transfer ? Explain the scope of ‘Transfer of Technology. OR Explain Foreign Direct Investment in India. FDI and economic growth OR ‘Types of FDI. Marks : 10 Marks : 6 ‘Marks : 10 Marks : 6 ‘nn ee 0264 Second Semester LL.M, Examination, June 2011 Specialisation Paper—I1: LEGAL REGULATION OF ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES “Branch + Business and Trade Law (Course -IV) 3 Hours Max, Marks : 80 Instructions: 1, Answer all questions, 2, Figures to the right indicate marks, Q No. |. (a) Define consumer, How is the consumer interest protected under the Consumer Protection Act. Marks: 10 OR ‘Write a critical nove on Industrial Policy Resolutions. (b) Write short notes on Marks :6 ‘Objectives of Industrial Policy Resolution |956, OR Reasons for growth of Joint Sector. Q. No. 2. (a) Explain he functions of Development Council under the Industries (Developmerit and Regulation) Act, 1951, Marks: 10 OR Discuss the objectives of Sick Industrial Companies Act, 1985 (b) Write short notes on : Marks :0 Powers of the Central Govt. relating to Investigation of Industrial units under the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951. or Central Advisory Couneil nro. 0264 a Q.No. 3, (a), What is meant by confiscation ? How the essential commodity is confiscated ? Write the procedures t6 be followed in this regard. Marks : 10 OR Define debenture. Explain the various types of debentures: (b) Write short notes on Marks :6 Depository system in India. Q.No,4. (a) Discuss the various docitines evolved by judiciary imposing liability on Industrial units to preventeavironmental pollution, Marks : 10 OR Examine vatious factors in location of Industries. (b) Write short notes on Marks :6 Legal Remedies for Havirenmental degradation, oR Constitutional provisions relating te control of Mass disaster, @. No, 5(a) Examine the egal requirement for transfer oftechtiology. Marks 10 OR Elucidate Advaniages and Disadvantagesof F D1 (Foreign Direct Investment). (b) Write short notes on Marks 6 Importance of NRE investment in economic growth OR Routes of Technology transfer.

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