Mathematical Excursions 4th Edition Aufmann Test Bank 1

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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

Mathematical Excursions 4th Edition

Aufmann Test Bank
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Test Bank:


1. Consider the given graph.

(a) Determine the number of vertices of the graph.
(b) Determine whether the graph is connected.

a. (a) 4 verticles
(b) not connected
b. (a) 0 verticles
(b) connected
c. (a) 0 verticles
(b) not connected
d. (a) 4 verticles
(b) connected
e. (a) 2 verticles
(b) connected

2. Consider the given graph.

(a) Determine the number of vertices of the graph.
(b) Determine whether the graph is connected.
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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

a. (a) 6 verticles
(b) not connected
b. (a) 14 verticles
(b) connected
c. (a) 6 verticles
(b) connected
d. (a) 14 verticles
(b) not connected
e. (a) 10 verticles
(b) connected

3. Consider the given graph.

(a) Determine the number of vertices of the graph.
(b) Determine whether the graph is connected.

a. (a) 7 verticles
(b) connected
b. (a) 7 verticles
(b) not connected
c. (a) 8 verticles
(b) not connected
d. (a) 8 verticles
(b) connected
e. (a) 10 verticles
(b) not connected

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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs


4. The table below shows all the nonstop airline flights available between five cities. Draw a graph to represent the
information, where each vertex represents a city and each nonstop flight between two cities is represented by an edge.

Ashton Lakeview Carson Oroville Wilton

Ashton — yes yes no yes
Lakeview yes — no no yes
Carson yes no — yes yes
Oroville no no yes — no
Wilton yes yes yes no —

5. Which, if any, of the following graphs are equivalent?

Graph I Graph II Graph III

a. I and II are equivalent

b. II and III are equivalent
c. I and III are equivalent
d. all are equivalent
e. none are equivalent

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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs
6. Which of the following graphs are equivalent?

a. I, II, & III

b. I & II
c. II & III
d. I & III

7. Which graph is Eulerian?






8. Find a Hamiltonian circuit on the graph below, beginning with vertex F.

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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

ANSWER: Answers may vary. Sample answer:


9. Use the Greedy Algorithm to find a Hamiltonian circuit starting at vertex D in the weighted graph shown below.

a. , with total weight of

b. , with total weight of
c. , with total weight of
d. , with total weight of

10. Use the Edge-Picking Algorithm to find a Hamiltonian circuit in the weighted graph shown below. Give the path and
its total weight.


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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs
11. A bus that picks up day-workers for farmers has established pickup points at several places. The table below lists the
distances (in miles) between the pickup points, measured along the only available routes. Starting at point D, use the
Greedy Algorithm to find a route that takes the bus to each pickup point once and returns to point D. Give the total
mileage for that route.

Pickup Point A B C D E
A — 8 12 9 —
B 8 — 8 16 18
C 12 8 — 16 8
D 9 16 16 — 15
E — 18 8 15 —

a. ; 48 mi
b. ; 48 mi
c. ; 46 mi
d. ; 46 mi

12. Suppose you are at the library and you need to visit the computer lab, the food court, the administration building, and
the campus police before returning to the library. The distances (in yards) between each of the places that you wish to
visit are listed in the table below. Find the distance you will travel if you use the Greedy Algorithm to find a short route
that starts and ends at the library.

Computer Food Admin Campus

Lab Court Building Police
Library — 370 200 280 660
Computer Lab 370 — 135 120 325
Food Court 200 135 — 100 480
Admin Building 280 120 100 — 178
Campus Police 660 325 480 178 —

a. 698 yds
b. 1,443 yds
c. 1,193 yds
d. 1,405 yds
e. 905 yds

13. A contest winner’s prize is a free round-trip airline ticket to any city in Europe, with an unlimited stay over. While
there, the contestant wants to travel to five other cities before returning to the original airport for the return flight home.
The table below shows the one-way airfares between the cities. Beginning with A, find a sequence of cities that can be
followed to give the lowest total airfare and give that airfare. Use the Edge-Picking Algorithm.

City A B C D E F
A — — $376 $358 $259 $369
B — — $450 $256 $301 $395
C $376 $450 — $289 $387 $431
D $358 $256 $289 — $299 $263
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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

E $259 $301 $387 $299 — $359

F $369 $395 $431 $263 $359 —
ANSWER: Answers may vary. Sample answer:
A-E-B-D-F-C-A; $1,886

14. Find a graph that shows that the given graph is planar.

a. b.

c. d.



15. Find a graph that shows that the given graph is planar.

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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

a. b.

c. d.



16. Find a graph that shows that the given graph is planar.

a. b.

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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

c. d.



17. Find a graph that shows that the given graph is planar.

a. b.

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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

c. d.



18. Determine which graph is nonplanar and indicate whether it contains a Utilities Graph or as a subgraph.

Graph I Graph II Graph III

a. II is nonplanar; it contains
b. III is nonplanar; it contains
c. I is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph
d. II is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph
e. III is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph
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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

19. Determine which graph is nonplanar and indicate whether it contains a Utilities Graph or as a subgraph.

Graph I Graph II Graph III

a. II is nonplanar; it contains
b. III is nonplanar; it contains
c. I is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph
d. II is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph
e. III is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph

20. Determine which graph is nonplanar and indicate whether it contains a Utilities Graph or as a subgraph.

Graph I Graph II Graph III

a. II is nonplanar; it contains
b. III is nonplanar; it contains
c. I is nonplanar; it contains
d. II is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph
e. III is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph

21. Determine which graph is nonplanar and indicate whether it contains a Utilities Graph or as a subgraph.

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Chapter 05 - The Measurement of Graphs

Graph I Graph II Graph III

a. II is nonplanar; it contains
b. III is nonplanar; it contains
c. I is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph
d. II is nonplanar; it contains
e. III is nonplanar; it contains a Utilities Graph

22. If a planar drawing of a graph has 12 edges and 8 vertices, how many faces does the graph have?

a. 20
b. 6
c. 32
d. 5

23. If a planar drawing of a graph has 7 vertices and 8 faces, how many edges does the graph have?

a. 16
b. 17
c. 33
d. 13

24. Determine (by trial and error) the chromatic number of the graph.

a. 4
b. 5
c. 7
d. 3

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