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(| 2 ‘jalolusha 5 Pulinger Street, Westonaria 1779. Taporatorl 011 890 5813 aboratories wu J Reg no: 2018/427431/07 (Client DABRAVES TRADING lAddress, 68 GA-RANTHO Client Reference; TRPM 22E 2006 NGWABE, 1019 [Attention THABO MATLOHA Date Received 2022107128 [Telephone Date Tested 2022107128 E-mail Date Reported 2022/08/02 Project MERENSKY BULK EARTHWORK PHASE 2 Request No, ; SDA802 Report Status, Final Report Page 103 Herewith please find the test reposts) pertaining to the above project, All tests were conducted in accordance with prescribed test method|s). Information herein consists of the following Test{s) conducted /Item{s) measured | Qty. Test Mothod(s) ‘Authorized By* | Page(s) Density Nuclear method 12 NGS MV Mashaba 13 ' Sampling methods are according to TMIHS test methods ‘Any test results contained in this report and marked with * in the table above are not included in the proposed schedule of accreditation for this laboratory. Information contained in this test report pertain only to the areas andor samples tested, Documents may only be reproduced or published in their full context, « Any information gained by the laboratory prior, during or after test process will be treated as confidential and will not be reproduced or disciosed to any person or organization, unless required by lew, All interpretations, interpolations, Opinions andlor Glassifications contained in this report falls outside our proposed ‘scope of accreditation, Unless otherwise requested or stated, all samples will be discarded after a period of 3 months. Deviations from Test Method: ‘No doviations reported +p ests are authored by echnical senators, pe Taboratory Manager: Date: Bangor Sra Wonenara 1770 os 5905610 (fie, | an Laboratories spo: Rep no: 20t84a2ra3i07 Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS Client: ‘Road Tesod wl Piet MERENSKY BULK EARTHWORK PHAGE? Area Tested lk Water Tevance 1 Request Numba SOARS Dato Tested 78 guy 2022 beset 8 Dato Recoved Past Layer or Reduned Love Fal ayer Dato Reported Tnwg2 Testa by SiO Gaptured by. VieToR| [xenon “THABO WATCONA mal Taboguabraventadng. com Field Reference Moisture Bensily Relationship Field Bonaly Dato Taxa | Optima Testa | tap, Dy Moise Tes! Dy | Woistra ‘compaction le, | roan | Set | samio | oan | Ebene | Ommiy | Gone tom | 8 | gms | 0 _| cgi’ oy co. i “0 | Soaeos | 2500 | 44 2807 [13 39.0 2 “40_| sonaos | 25e4 | 44 2571 1s 8.1 3 “eo _| sonwos [2504 | 44 2548, 2A 284 4 “60 | soneos | 2508 | 4s 2565) 18 208 5 “eo [ soneos [250 | 44 2547 24 982 6 150 | sonvos | asoe | 44 2567 22 900 ‘Average | Romar: srotens he ssaaaaait The tests wore executed according to test methods SANS S0T-NGS and SANS 3001-GR20 The eps reprd ite onto he pelions and pts lesa we: palod/oo22 ‘Documents may any be reproduced or published in thot fu context, Page 20t> Laboratory Manage ' Butlngar Steal, Westonala 1779, iz plus 011 590.5613 ‘wiry zalelab.c0 2a Laboratories i Rog no: 201642743107 Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS Gin ‘DABRAVES TRADING Road Tested Nal Project MERENSKY BULK EARTIWORX PHASE? wea Tesi! Tulk Water Tewance t RoguestWomber; __SOA80S ‘Date Tesi 20 July 202 Descriptor S, Date Received Boat Layer or Reena Love Fal tayer Date Reported Oa Aug-2| Tested By ‘HALO, Captured by vicToR| toni "THABO MATLONA Ema : Field Reference iMotetore Donally Relationship Fiola Density Data ‘Maxima | Optus Testing | bab. bry Moisture Test Dy | Moisure |G, dob Compaction dir | Peston | Pee | saree | oenay | Conont | DESY | Coren (en) wom’ |__| cram ww om 1 300] soneos [2584 [44 2560 13 oer 2 300 | sonoos | 2sea_| 44 2555 13 98 3 00 | soneos [2594 | 4a 2564 at 384 4 00 | soaeos | 2508 | 4a 2570 18 ot 3 00 | soneos | 2see | aa 2663) 2a 884 6 300 | spneos [2804 | 44 2568) 22. 380 a7 Romarks: ‘ketch Tho toste wore axaculad according lo eet mothods SANS 301-NGS and SANS 2001-GR79 "We reais reported late ony ha poston an depts tested 02[08/2022 Documents may any Laboratory Manager: (| paz! olusha 5 Pulinger Street, Westonaria 1779, 011 690 5613 Laboratories yy, /info@zalolab.coza [client DABRAVES TRADING Address: 68 GA-RANTHO Client Reference; TRPM 22E 2006 NGWABE 4019 Attention THABO MATLOHA Date Received 2022107124 Telephone: Date Tested 2022/07/24 {E-mail Date Reported: 2022/07/25 Project MERENSKY BULK EARTHWORK PHASE 2 Request No. - SDA802 Report Status Final Report Page : tof8 Herewith please find the test repor(s) pertaining to the above project. All tests were conducted in accordance with prescribed test method(s), Information herein consists of the folowing: Test(s) conducted / item(s) measured | Qty. Test Method(s) Authorized By* | Page(s) Density Nuclear method 10 NGs MV Mashaba 13 Sampling methods are according to TMHS test methods, ‘Any test results contained in this report and marked with * in the table above are not included in the proposed schedule of accreditation for this laboratory. Information contained in this test report pertain only to the areas and/or samples tested. Documents may only be reproduced or published in their full context. « Any information gained by the laboratory prior, during or after test process Will be treated as confidential and will not be reproduced or disclosed to any person or organization, unless required by law, Al interpretations, interpolations, Opinions and/or Classifications contained in this report falls outside our proposed ‘scope of accreditation, Unless otherwise requested or stated, all samples will be discarded after a period of 3 months, Deviations from Test Method: No deviations reported +i este re authored by tec Senators, ge 25f of 20 2 Taboratory Manager Date: 5 Painger Sees, Wostonara 1778, (Presi, | nena Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS [cient ‘DABRAVES TRADING Road Tosod wal Projet TMERENSKY BULK EARTHWORK PHASE? Area Tested: Tare Yard Roques Nuber” SOAR Dale Tested Bs nay 2022 Descrnior: 65 Date Received Bil [aver or Reduced Lave Final Layer ‘Date Reported Fe 022 reste: Mo Gapixed by wicToR [atenons THABO WATEONA Enait abo@dabravesrading com Fold Reference Molstu Densiy Roatonship Fold Density Data a Testing [Lan Vous | ° Nolaue Compaction ntett, | poston | See } somo | arty | Cerint | S8Y | Comten com | | agin | cs) | tom's om ww H 7e0 | Sonwoa | 2een | _45 | 2564 16 a0 2 go | soneoa | 2661 | 4s | 2515 13. ora 2 eo Spasoo | 2661 | 45 | 2008 47 8. 4 “a0 | Soaeca | 2501 | as | 2008 ar we 5 “so | soasoz [2se1_| 4a | 2500 18 200 “erage wa Remat: Perro shots STOLES \ “ge (eons (OSes low Oo. uyerne t B)ewe Doge ‘ © Foe “The tots were executed according to foot methods SANS 8001-NGS and SANS 2001 “The results reported reale ont to th positons and depts teste. ‘Documents may only a earoduced or pubis i ter ful context i Laboratory Manager: I ate age 2083 BPulinger SvoAt Wostenata 1778, (fiesta, | wasn tints Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS oot SABRNESTRAONG Foot end wa rapa THERENSEY BULK EARTRWORKPSET ea Tost Te Ya equal Nbgr S080? Cat Tas ay 0 Beso 3 Dae Reco waaay aya or Rodd Lave Fal Lp Dal pa ura Fence aio Coste aero [attention: THABO MATLONA Email - Tit Reines | Wott Doral RoSTaREP Fil Desi Data Test Pn be ee Moise lt, | exaton | Se | sine | 00%, |'Ceee | ost, | Const Comacton om | P| nt) |_| aim a ol i an | Soamon | ase [48 [ aa iB on 2 00 | sania | asst [40 [2003 3 wea ° 200 | space [eae [ a8 | a5 ra wea 2 20] Soanoe [zea [aa | et a a2 = soo | sonata [aati [4s] ee 7 ea moras | Remarks Shore: ‘The fests wore executed according to test methods SANS 3001-NGB and SANS 9001-GR20 “Te resis ported rate only to the posilons an depts tested. ‘Socumanis may only be reproduced or published inthe Lavomioy Manager, _ A ae ZS oP f 20922 Page sors (| Papiotusha 5 Pullinger Streat, Westonatla 1779, 7 014 890 5613 Laboratories ! info@zalolab Reg no; 2018/427431/07_ (Client Da Braves Trading lAddress : PO Box 40 Client Reference : Not Specified Steelpoort Request No. : CD039 1 1133 lAttention MR Thabo Maticha Date Received 22/06/2022 [Talephone : 648,125,913 Date Tested: 20/07/2022 E-mail; Date Reported: 29/06/2022 Project ‘Two rivers Mine -Merensky bulk earthworks Project No. : TRPM22E 2008, Report Status. Final Report Page 1 of2 Herewith please find the tect report(e) pertalning to the above project. All tests were conducted In accordance with prescribed test methods), Information herein consists of the following: Test(s) conducted / Item(s) measured | Qty, Test Methods) Authorized By* | Page(s) Compressive strength of conorete(28 Day) | 2.000 | SANS 5861-3,5863 J Rooplall 2 ‘Sampling methods are according to TMHS test methods ‘Any test results contained in this report and marked with * in the table above are not included in the proposed schedule of acereditation for this laboratory, Information contained in this test report pertain only te the areas and/or samples tested. Documents may only be reproduced or published in their full context. « Any information gained by the laboratory prior, during or after test process wil be treated as confidential and will not be reproduced or disclosed to any person or organization, unlass required by law. ‘Al interpretations, interpolations, Opinions and/or Claesifications contained in this report falls outside our proposed scope of accreditation. Unlass otherwise requested or stated, all samples will be discarded atter a period of 3 months. Deviations from Test Method: No deviations reported “aL rests ae natorced ny techn state, Technical Signatory: TRoorhal E Pullnger Sireat, Westonatla dl Paneteses, 011 S00 5813 cs ed | nfo@zaoleh.coiza Reg no: 20¢8/427431/07 lctiont ‘TDA Braves Tradhag Request No conse Project: Merensky Bulk Eathworks Laboratory No: 043-048 Date reported, 20.07.2022 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST REPORT OF CONCRETE -SANS 5862-1 AND SANS 5863 jTievete Supplier © Limpompo Ready tix Meanured Starap (ae) TeOrim Required Strength (MPa) 30¥ipa Required Slump (mm) 120mm patch was eoteced — CJoetvere un Location Workshop 14336 position Ramp (rhs) Cubes made by: Anciies Mogale Ix-Coordinate Not specitied Cubes delivered by: Zalolusha Loboratory ly-Coordinate 2 Not spectd Date received: 22,00.2022 Date inwater: 22.06.2022 Laboratory Teste Andre Mogale T BAY TEST RESTS Tae ane. Ome Tate Tam | oad | Siena | Fame No, No. Gast Tootod on) on_| wiPay_|_Nods Oa wa Poe zoeE | Pane DOE Tx 160K TOL OHS — wes. | Oa a BevsTo7z | TOU T02 L Tox 0 x TeO] se | SHS | S| A tases Ta [ci Slanderd Devan Bs asa 2t Fest Resus a “ia DAY TEST RESULTS. Ta ‘Giant Rat Cala Bais Site Tse) | oat Fate No. Ne. Cosi Tested (om) wv) Node oo FE06 AE | WOT ROE [TH 1S0TT wees ts 8. Poe T0aE_| O6.07 2022 [160x180 160] sre | 398 | Tt ora as Ta as [Standard Davaton Bs isa 07 [Feet Mesut alia Ze OAY TEST RESULTS, ab CIERAT. Baie Date Ste MSG] Toad] Sirona | Falare No. No. Cast “estes (om) cn)_| wear | Node O47 ie Baga | Poor 202 | TSO x 150 x TO] ove —| Tose | BA | OE ia Bs I007 | POAT 722] 160X180 x 150) 8aai | 0082 | 44 | —t (reese Saat Tos] ae Standard Dereon a2 7a [ 28 Tost Rost aia AD DE DLS SE IrRarnaTRET Cs SORT OAR Te TH ROSOTERHES WIR SANS SOOT, BOBS ate OUTTA lUpon receipt, cuzes are cured and teoted in accordance wlth SANS 5869:2006, Irhe results reported relate only to the samples been tested. Documents may only be reprocuced or published in ther full context. Technical Signatory: pate Zi- 7-22 fopTal Page 2of2 5 Pullinger Streel, Westonaria 1779. (Pascua, cone Laboratories za J Reg no: 2018/427431/07 [Client DABRAVES TRADING JAddress 68 GA-RANTHO Client Reference ; TRPM 22 2008 : NGWABE 1019 |Attention THABO MATLOHA Date Received 13/06/2022 [Telephone : Date Tested 49/06/2022 E-mail : Date Reported 2406/2022 Project MERENSKY BULK EARTHWORK PHASE 2 Request No. : SDA036 Report Status Final Report Page 1 0f3 Herewith please find the test report(s) pertaining to the above project, All tests were conducted in accordance with prescribed test method(s), Information herein consists of the folowing Test(s) conducted /Item(s) measured | Qty. Test Method(s) ‘Authorized By* | Page(s) Density Nuclear method 10 NGS MV Mashaba 13 San pling methods are according to TMHS test methods ‘Any test results contained in this report and marked with * in the table above are not included in the proposed schedule of accreditation for this laboratory. Information contained in this test report pertain only to the areas andlor samples tested. Documents may only be reproduced or published in their full context. + Any information gained by the laboratory prior, during or after test process. will be treated as confidential and will not be reproduced or disclosed to any person or organization, unless required by law. All interpretations, Interpotations, Opinions and/or Classifications contained in this report falls outside our proposed scope of accreditation. Unless otherwise requested or stated, all samples will be discarded after a period of 3 months. Deviations from Test Method: No deviations reported “ail ests ace authorited by technical signatories Taboratory Manager: Date: Bolinger Seat, Westonara 1779. (Feet, | swan ans ‘Laboratories Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS ent SRBRAVES TRAONG oad Tested Wal Propet THERENSKY BULC EARTHWORK PHAGE 2 Noa Tosi —TENBORARY OFFICE TERRAIN [Requost uber: —_SDA036 coe Date Tonted 73 JUNE 029 eseipton ‘CRUSHED STONE MATERIAL Date Recoved wun] Layer or Reduced Leve FINAL LAYER ine Date Reported: eH 24-Jun-22| Tesca fy SLO Captured WeTOR tenon THAEO NATLONA thai; Wabo@dabiavestrading som Fie Rferonce olturo Density Relationship Flekd Density Data Testing at ‘Maximum | Optivur Dn Moisture 38, | oon Te? | teh, | 2%, | Motte | penay | Comer Compacton om | R | gm) | 0 | tote co 8) i 60 | Sonose | aoe” [45 | 2060 ‘A 86 2 so | sbaoge | 200745 | 2000 a7 om a 150 | sonose | 2087 [45 | 2021 16 15 ua 180 sono | 2687 | 45 2634 1a 98,0 [os 180, soa0se | 2607 | 45 2634 18 98,0 rosy wa Rome suet ee i | QE | South “The tosts wore oxeculed according to tat mathods SANS 3001-NGS and SANS 3001-GR20 “The resuils reported relate onl othe postions and deptns tosted ‘Documents may only be repreduced or published in toi fl content averse MVS oat rage 20f3 { plolusha ovr seo seis ‘Laboratories. Rag ne: 2018/2743 107 % Palingar Seal, Westonara 1773 |info@zalolabco.ra Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS (eae ORBRAVES TRADING Road Toned wal Projet TWERENSKY BULK EARTHWORK PHASE? Area Teted TEMPORARY OFFICE TERRANS| [Request Number. SbA036 Dato Testo 7 JUNE 2029 Desc CRUSHED STONE MATERIAL Dato Rocelued ‘adun22 Layer or Reduced Love FINAL LAYER Dale Reported Bashan [esterby. SMe Captured by. VicToR| Patton ABO MATLONA Eat Wabod@dabravestiadlng Com Flak Reference elstre Donat Relationship Field Denely Data a Masia | Optimum on tet, | eonten | Bert saree | ose | ‘Set anaty | ‘Somer Compacton tom | | egy | 00) | ay oy co a soo | sonoae | 2ser [4s | 2087 +4 7 2 soo | soneee [aor | as | 2500 ra 50 3 300 | Sone [acer | a5” | _a5as 48 os 4 00 | sbaose | 2607 [as | 2608 1A waa 3 soo | Sonos | 2067 [48 | _2026 18 en7 Torry we Remats stot “The tests were executed according to test methods SANS 3001-NGS and SANS 3001-GR2O “The reall reported ole ony othe postions and depths tested Documents may only be reproduced or publshed in her full contoxt LaboraaryManager: Ql SS ate Apel /ov2.2 Page 30f3 Laborato: Se can aborator wun. Reg no: 2018/42743 107 (| P dalotusha 5 Pullnger Street, Westonaria 1778. client Da Braves Trading Adldves: PO Box 40 slient Reference ° Not Specified Steelpoort Request No. CDA GIT 1133) Attention: MR Thabo Wallon Date Received 2o1osi2022 Telephone ; 848 125 913 Date Vested 0710612022 E-mails Date Reported 2140612022 Project Two rivers Mine -Merensky bulk earthworks Project No. Report Status Final Report Pages 2 Herewith please find the test report(s) pertaining fo the above project. All fesis were conducted in accordance with prescribed test method(s). Information herein consists of the following Tesi(s) conducted ftem{s) measured | ty. Test Method(s) ‘Authorized By” — | Page(s) Compressive strength of concrete 2,000 SANS 6861-3,5863 INzunza 2 ampling methods ate according to TMHS test methods ‘Any test resuils contained in this report and marked with" In the table above are not ineluded in the proposed schedule ‘of accreditation for this laboratory Information contained in this test report pertain only to the areas andfor samples tested. Documents may only be reproduced or published in their ful cantext, «Any information galned by the laboratory prior, during or after test process willbe trealed as confidential and will nol be reproduced or disclosed to any person or organization, unless required by law Allinlexpretations, interpolations, Opinions andfor Classifications contained in this report falls outside our proposed scope of accreditation Unless otherwise-requnsted or stated, all samples will be discarded after a period of 3 months. Deviations“from Test jllethod: “Technical Signatory: [6 Puilinger Sireet, Westonaria {[Pisstotusha [ott se0se1s PF 42teees tice feumcalte co za o@zale.coza ee a Rog no: 2018427431107 _ Ictient TRP Platinum (PTYLTD RequestNo —: CDAOI7 Project: DA Bravos Tradings Laboratory No; 007-012 Date reported, 2,05 2022 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH I ST REPORT OF CONGRETE -SANS 586: 2-4 AND SANS S86: [Conarete Supplier + On Time Measured Slump twun} (20mm Required Strength (MPa) 30Mpa Required Slump (mm) #201 latch was: Cleotectes — Cp detvered — (]eaceanste Truck No: 08 lLocation Workshop Platform(W, sie) Delivery Noto: 0875 Position 2 Slab Cubes macle by: Andries Mogale X-Goordinate Not specified hes delivered by: Zalolusha Laboratory Coordinate Not pected Date received: 24.05.2022 Date in water: 26.05.2072 Laboratory Tester: Andiies Mogale Tab: Client Ret. Dale aie ‘Size Wess (@) [Load kN)] Strength | Failure Wo Ne cast__| tested (cm) tips) | Mode 007] Wa “| 2a0s.2022 | 31.05.2022 | 160 x 180 x 150] ‘8800, | 425,5 18,0 1 og a Bi Ge 300 | B.o5n0a [160 x 150x150, ame] aoe | 1eo | a aH [Average 8067 Ae 18,5 ‘ Standard Devon on 13,6-[ 00 [Test Resulis, EE lid a 1a DAVTEST RESULTS Tab. Client Ref. ‘Dale Dais ‘Size ‘Mase (a) [Load {ANT Strength | Falture Ne. Wo. cast__| _Tertod «omy (Pa) | Mode oe i Tapes | Wee 2m [0 x tox vel| oe | AS ae | O70 ca Tae mas | Or os 2027” 160 x Tad x Teo] io | aang | 198 | baer am ce Siandara Down 7 ais 8 Fest Rests al 28 DAY TEST RESULTS: i ia Gin Rat Bate Dale Ske ‘ace a) ooad GAN] Sonat | Fae No, Ne. Cast__| Testes eum) (ua) |_vode_| or ‘O12 a soe [Average Poivior | wDIVIOT | WDIVOT Suara Devien ast wove ABV [rest Resuts Notes: IReaTKE Cubes Cast oN-aTC WIN SANS BOOT, BUBT-S atid BUGE-7:2006-— Upon receiol, cubes are cured/and tested, accordance with SANS 8983:2006, ihe results reported relate oyfly to the-Zamples been tested, Becuments may only be reproduced ar kat nh fn cone vars: 21 [op [bore - Technica Signatory: Ag 011590 5613 Laboratories / Reg no: 2018/4274307 i [Client Da Braves Trading (| Z (falolusha —— {flnncstent Wosonaie 770 lAddress : PO Box 40 Gliont Reference : Not Speciiad Steolpoort Request No. ODA O16 1133 lAttention : MR Thabo Matioha Date Received 20/05/2022 [Telephone ; 848 125 913 Date Tested 2/6/2022 E-mail Date Reported 10/08/2022 Project Two rivers Mine -Merensky bulk earthworks Project No. : TRPM22 2006 Report Status, Final Report Pages 2 |Herewith please find the test report(s) pertaining to the above project, All tests were conduted in accordance with [prescribed tost methods). Information herein consists of the followina: Test(s) conducted /Itern(s) measured | ty. Test Method(s) ‘Authorized By | Page(s) Compressive strength of concrete 2,000 | SANS 861-3,5863 J Rooplall ‘Sampling methods are according to TMHS test methods ‘Any test results contained in this report and marked with * in the table above are not included in the proposed schedule of accreditation for this laboratory. Information contained in this test report pertain only to the areas and/or samples tested. Documents may only be reproduced oF published hn their full context. » Any information gained by the laboratory prior, during or aftor toot process will be treated as confidential and will not be reproduced or disclosed to any person or organization, unless reauired by jaw. Al interpretations, interpolations, Opinions and/or Classifications contained in this report falls outside our proposed ‘scope of accreditation Unless otherwise requested or stated, all samplas will be discarded after a period of 3 months. Deviations from Test Method: ‘No doviations reported *+niresuts are authored by aches sestores, Lyle lar “Technical Signatory: Date SPT gor ree, Westie O11 590 5613 Baszewene.. \ Reg no. 2018427404007 lctient Da Braves Trading Request No paote Project ‘TRP Platinum (PTY)LTO Laboratory No: C001-C006 Date report 03,06.2022 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST REPORT OF CONCRETE -SANS 5862-1 AND SANS 5863 esnsrete ppt On Tine Teasured Stun fn) 108m equtred Stenaty (Pa) Sora fequreaShimp (nm) 00mm Baton wae Gintet—(CJoshess lentonsts Trust tccaton © TomgoaryGhonge Hous DaveryWote: 09 Postion Sa Giibes made by: Smo Krumalo coordinate 5 ot opectea Cubes dalvarad by! Zalsusha Laboratory f-ceerinte 1 Natepeoted Gate received 4.52022 Bate inves 24.2022 Laboratory Testor Slo Kunal Te] a Day] bas Sez] Was Toa eae No, Ne ax | _ieseo | com tin_| ea | Nose abr 7 TROL pO [ROS a ea] — oe re tt CE 7 a Irae sara Sees tex} | 8 fetta za TRY TEST REBUT Tai] CER Tae] bat Ses Tessa rea] as Ww No Gat | tases | com tow) | “cara | owe io a mae oso fran en cea} — ewe — aa tr Coat a sana [ores rere 1a eof — oe — [reat | ge wa“ ane ET sag [a] eae a 2 DAY TEST RESULTS Tae Bae] ba Sa Ta Toad aa | Fas wo N ee oan)_| “wa | os res cor EI nara Tora ro Sana aT aat — W- ASW Tetras ive cA a Ca we RY [Reamavks> CUBES GaaT OnSTo Te Th GCOTdANGS WIN SANS BOOT, SOG aE SOUP. ZOOS Upon receipt, cubes are cured and tested in acoordance with SANS 5863-2008, The resus reported relate only to the samples been tested. Documents may only be reproduced or published in their full context. 3 Slenatory fk pate: _1¢ 16/12 teens ( 2 ‘galolusha 5 Pulinger Steet, Westonara 1779, i O11 590 S613 Laboratories | Reg no: 2018/427431/07 (Client DABRAVES TRADING EEE ete ere eeeeeteee [Address 88 GA-RANTHO Client Reference » TRPM 22E 2006 NGWABE 1018 [Attention > THABO MATLOHA Date Received 7/7/2022 [Telephone Dato Tested 7712022 lE-mail Date Reported > 11/7/2022 Project MERENSKY BULK EARTHWORK PHASE 2 Request No. : SDAQ49 Report Status Final Report Page 10of3 Herewith please find the test report(s) pertaining to the above project, All tests were conducted in accordance with [prescribed test method(s). Information herein consists of tne folowing: Testis) conducted item(s) measured | Qty. Test Methods) ‘Authorized By | Page(s) Density Nuclear method 8 NGS MV Meshaba 138 ‘Sampling methods are according fo TMH test methods Any test resulls contained in this report and marked with * in the table above are not included in the proposed schedule of accreditation for this laboratory, "information contained in this test report pertain only to the areas and/or samples fested. Documents may only be ‘reproduced or published in their full context. » Any information gained by the laboratory prior, during or after test process will be (reated as confidential and will nol be reproduced or disclosed to any person or organization, unloss required by law. Allinterpretations, interpolations, Opinions and/or Classifications contained in this report fais outside our proposed scope of accreditation. Unless otherwise requested or siated, all samples will be discarded atter a period of 3 months. Deviations from Test Method: ‘No deviations reported "Alois areauberiedby ect snes, MW &E— Ulp7/ 2022. Taboratory Manager Date: Siar Se TT man jalolusha (Paes | nest nan ie anata Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS ss a waa wa = ee Rao a Stans ae <3 Snes eee Sea i fe a ae re ——, SS epee EET a ee nowy a vee fae, am" om | eee | cam vite |r | a? | a [Sa] ome, fo) sain’) |) | tein ow ow : Soo Se = 3 torso ef ae} ae] = ; ‘Sf snow [ ser [oes |e es rene a Skate OES “The tasts were executed according Lo lest methods SANS 3001-NGS and SANS 3001-GR20 ‘The resis reported relate only tot postions anv dep tested Documents may enty ba reprodiced or pushed fy Ha ful content Laverty wanaser [YI Z—— a: Up7(2022 Page 203 SRST oavee jalolusha (Lees, a eteeras a oan Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS sen OABRARSTRAGINS Foal Tested ml rot TNERENGKY QULK EARTTIVORR PURSE awa Teed Tena fis Tears agus abot SOABO he Tosi aay 2029 setter os Date Rhea re aye orRediad ve Fp ate Repored Teva oseoBy sito Capra by VicTOR tonto "TADOTATLONA Sool, RaboGaDeanraaig oom field otronen | lature Deval Rabon Field Oni Oat Test av, [ater] Opium |g, Moisture leh, | raston | Siem | sure | 52%, | Mote | ory | one Campodion com | | any | cer_| ager om a i 200] Sama [eer “| a8 [2619 19 wa 2 60 sono | zee [48] m0 3 ae g soo [ spams | zeer [a5] one 12 m3 ‘ 00 | sonoie |~aear [28 asa or tes ere wa fans stat The teste were executed aosordng to last methods SANS 3007-NGS and SANS 2001-GR20 The results opartod relate ony to the postions and depths esl, Documents may ony be reproduced or publshod in tl fl content Lavoatey wenger: [QV E— bate: ufe7/20a2 Pages of3 Laboratories 5 Pullinger Street, Westonaria 1779. alolusha 011 890 6813, aww | Reg no: 2018/427431/07, Client Da Braves Trading JAddress PO Box 40 Sieelpoort 1133, Attention; MR Thabo Matloha Telephone : 848 125913 Client Referens Request No. Date Received Date Tested E-mail: Date Reported Project ‘Two rivers Mine -Merensky bulk earthworks Project No. ; TRPM22E 2006 Report Status. Page ce; Not Specified ‘SDA006/0007/008 13/05/2022 + 11108'2022 13/05/2022 Final Report 10f4 T1003 | Herowith please find the test reports) pertaining to the above project. Al tests were conducted in accordance with prescribed tast methods), Information herein consists ofthe following Test(s) conducted / item(s) measured | Qty. ‘Test Method(s) ‘Authorized By* _| Page(s) Density Nuclear method 3,000 NGS J Rooplall 24 impling methods are according to TMHS test methods ‘Any test resuits contained in this report and marked ith "inthe table above are not included in the proposed schedule of accreditation for this laboratory, Information contained in this test report pertain only to the areas and/or samples tested. Documents may only be reproducad or published in th process will be treated ae confidential and will not be reproduced or disclosed to required by law. fall context. + Any information gained by the laboratory prior, during or after test ‘any person or organization, unless interpretations, interpolations, Opinions and/or Classifications contained in this report falls outside our proposed ‘scope of accreditation, Unless otherwise requested or stated, all samples will be discarded after a periox Deviations from Test Method: No deviations reported ‘sai resus are autorived by techn! sgnatores Technic Signatory: 1d of 3 months, ls 202 Date (Lass shorts 011 $90 5813 Reg no: 2018/427431/07 B Pulinger Steel, Wesionaia 1778. | Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS cio: De Braves Tac Road Teed Wa esi Preeti ‘Nreoty Bul Erte Phase? 7a Tess! Tempera Canoe Howe Roane Waban SDAOO® Dae Tet 0905027 eect 5 Grey Boe Gane De Road 0.0502 ayer or Redd Lavo Bena Date Reported 1a.05 24 [Tested By: ‘Smilo Khumelo ‘Captured by: Bongani] aid eference | Nolte bevy Rlatonsip Fd Bova ata Testi mana | Operate Or Moisture les, | oaten | Dart | sane | ost | “ener arty | Content [Comeecten mony | P| gin |) om) es) %) Tor [Weer [i508 anon [a [ast ay | ear 30m | Hawa | 150] o [asso [ar are 28 | 8 30007 | Hoe] 160 [0 [ao [ar [ater 2a [at “p00 | Hoed [160 | 0 | a000 [a7 [arse 28 | ata 500 | woles | 150 [0 [asso | ar [ase 2a | 18 [~s.000 Hole 6 190 o 2830 At 274T 29 oT 70 | Hee [50 [0 [Paar 32 | ara 0007 wale Taso 0] a000 [a7 [area 30 | 988 00 | woe o | tso [0 [meso [a7 | amos 388 10900_| Wow 10 [1507 7| [soo | a7 | aro0 50 | a | iow [woe [10] 0 [as [ar | 2704 za | 958 Tage oo =] ons shot “The tests were executed according to test methods GANS 3001-NGS and SANS 2001-GR20 “The rete report ratte ony tot tons and dept tested Documents may only be “y ‘of published in thelr fu content. “Teetnleal Signatory bate: hlsl22. 3 Puiinger Steet, Wesionaria 1778, (Presets, | wwessaslh natn Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS lent Da Braves Trading Road Tested Nat Specitied| rie Terry Bu Era Phase fica Tested Trip Wor [Reqecitunber—_spAaor Date Tae cas az bexce Gey tte Ganke SS ate Ree a. a Ener Redd Lave Fab Dao Repo ‘eak007 Rested By Sie Kuri ep Borgen Field ternee [Weare Dena Reatinahip Fe baal Bate Testing eterno Dn Moisture At, | wonten | Ba | ste | My | NEE] omy] comet Soret eo | P| eginty || tem oo, om, same [re [eo Pn [rai 1a 18 zom| wast [seo [0 [mem a7 | arre ne $000 Halo [oe | anon | a [or ia [me om | Hoe? [soo [0] moon | ar [ater ia [ar S000 [Hoes [eo | 0 | sooo | ar | ars isp 0 oor [ woes [eo [9 | aeoo [arma ae 00 [ wed [160] 0 [mean [ar | ater is | we 30007 [Hea Tato 0] eee [ar] tt 16 fe 6007 [Hees | aeo [0 [ oeoo | a7 [0s iz [a ‘Dato | Hoes [300] of aa [ar [arte ia [ae ‘ato [Hoes “| wo [ 0 [anf ar) atts ee ‘emo | Howe [soo | 0 aso [ar | zn io ere TBS Renan suet “The tests were execited according to test methads SANS 2004.NGS and SANS 3001-GR20 ‘The resute reported relate only to the postions and depths tested Holeardaee renee errata tore ee v i MELA 2 5 Pulinger Steet, Westonawia 1778, 7 ((Pasousa, ee erreur Test Report Compaction Control: Nuclear Method SANS 3001 NGS aioe Da Braves Tada ood Tested Wei Specte Proect arensky Bul Eat? fra Tested Temporary Patna FRequestNumber, _SOAD6 Dato Testes 7.05202 Descrsion: 3:5 Giny Botte Granke Date Received Taste Layer of Reduced Lowe Frayer Date Report 708 202 [Tested By: ‘Smilo Khumalo ‘Captured by: Bonganil Fad Reference Tatura Boney Relationship Field Denay ata Tam Wamu | Optinaw’ | ea A, | reer | Beet | tae | oO, | int | semi | cone /ommncen tem | R | gin’) |) | hat 8) my Tau | reer |e [6 | zen [ar | ater 12 386; zan0[ weet | soo | 0 | 250 | 47 | a7e0 12 386 30007 | vele2 | tea 0 | zea [aro 00 7004 o00 | How? 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RECEIVED BY LAB NAME seco bg Beaves Rails kawrenei lo DATE i9Jes [2o2 THM - Oo eaueD REQUIRED SANPLINGTESTING | 9 j/00 ‘SAMPLING/TESTING TIME Show ApeA cHnol one Office Sk (TON Sensing PPE LAYER je LAYER: DESCRIPTION Bed o% Arora | ise [rsoircn | — [roe I = MATERIAL SOURCE Insitu <5] ERG ONENESS | OTE WETHOD TEST reanen | vresis | nrouinepey: | _coupuereo INDICATOR (PIGRADING) 1ifas fer MOD (ARSTHO) cae ues ws DOP FIELD DENSITY s Le WOISTURE CONTENT ke "CONGRETE CUBE TEST SLUMP EARTHWORKS ae cc BULK DENSITY ‘GRADING & BINDER CONTENT MARSHALL BRIQUETTES OR CORES ms RICE, VOIDS & BIT ABSORPTION ‘STABILITY , FLOW & NIMIERSION INDEX GRADING ALD FLAKINESS INDEX ASPHALT corner | acorecare REMARKS Bite Rep Name: Love cor © Position: Fore Mart Time artived on site: foo Time loft site: f° 5" Signature: je ™L_ ee Total km travelled: 0414 fequesl fe! Soe ore FORM oe. no, uso Fe jalotusha FIELD DENSITIY: NUCLEAR GAUGE a A ( pp iaboratories Dat. 2a O 8 TEST METHOD: SANSGOOT NES Page 1 Ratton SoM Ang Pi of 22h ce [artes Sed Siv 9 forms PP PLucT yt we [Picieck Namey/IeBeo Hk Gathycel Piaf 2 P= jFJosfeo [oramases rv Je lPrject Norber TA Pay 22E 200 © [Oxerator Gra Fo mea Sean am PF pai 79S pam pe Sea Bs (Machine No: fg 7O Zp [Moisture S Zee (Mowe: GLO [aicistures: 52S [Moiaturs: ‘Medsture: | Meisture: Fate Zi zis [etre Ca [avrape Wet Bessy Ga) [average Ory Dent (kg) [See Nee [eaarer No forme. 7 453, PANGS [ISSAC Ses + “Rational information (Gompulson) Vowel Okservaton= [Moisture Condition Wet Diy] Opeimum] Wet Pe bey? Optima] Wet Dy Dalim | Wet ‘Bry __| Optimuny| [aa of Greets BR ect ee er | tom [ee | oe | en [eee He | ef tone | Bat i ee cir ee om ef ae | tse ee cn Se [ree 1 Gls ome | Re = pases censinive Da cece? ove PPL onion ee FORM pune [zor | Revsion | 300 LABORATORY TEST REQUEST |tesvo | 21501 1oft Page mmcteneey Baik Encincel, , | PROJECT No eee | uN kin carro Te [emer [I ooneane REQUESTED BY COMPANYICONTACT NO. RECEIVED BY LAB NAME: Lover ore be Benue’ Kilo fbicceeue DATE "a REGED REOUIRED gapwnaresns | foe SAMPLINGITESTING TIME AREA Beli oF Ace & JON mek Fi lpice 7) Pe TAVER Tare pesernion _ (LACkér/, ittess [iso foo [rene [~ i [4 Insity C= a a | oe REQUIRED SY:_| COMPLETED MATERIAL SOURCE fos f2_2% INDICATOR (P#GRADING) HOD (AASTHO) ‘CONCRETE CUBE TEST ‘SLUMP ‘GRADING & BINDER CONTENT MARSHALL BRIQUETTES OR CORES as RICE, VOIDS & BIT ABSORPTION ‘STABILITY , FLOW & IMMERSION INDEX REMARKS Sito Rep Name: / puEHore. Position; Faverwcar Time arrived on site: Fijoo Time left site: T1100 Signature: [wee Glee Total kan travelled: ~ 041s pepwest We: 869 2's FORM Doc. no. ZSOLT, jalolusha FIELD DENSITIY: NUCLEAR GAUGE [Rev (fee. —— FEST METHOD : SANS 3001 NGS, Page, 3 chars 7 Platina Rsltatel Roky Fo tnd OFF ee [eoarteaot: Base lt asiNaaplibensig Rall Fae 7H) wotlk Priasee Pes | (as 7% eet Pde Nuvber YLPPT ZRE Zoo loparetor: Coxi o Fis Reteronee [Sanders one Dent FoF Seam OTE [ems 777 ei Matinee 2 Fo 23 [Masi cre SOP Neisure, $2 Mestee fetne Z = en Dice We i Layer A he Caer Greet Weer Daman BOS ee (Bick i! Le] Depth Testes -3ao ese Trucear Gauge Data fie Desi Ge Ea BIE ATT (B2BT (22 [22s / (o2.8s [aber Loo ed ros U2? (2/3 dy [ai > ease Sfevle cleglerle el svleyis-s 2241 224 Bags zz af TE re Conta tera sanatone ade Ea Dak ontier We io. Ms Comte @ rs ase Contant wll [eGS ye as Conary sl gle a as Moire 1340 TPZ tome 782.4 1/55 vaste Coie Zl ZS : iT) fe Ytb3 5 aE won 7 Be [Tee aE esis SS $5. LISS oor az = SF pe ates Pe parr go _\2222JeF Ear “inal formation (Compulsons) Wal Sbseration= Sars Coin Wa [ayy [ool viet [ar nee ogi wa [oi ommal wa [Ge | coin | wa [oe former [ise of Connocon Has | em | teowe || erm, a ee Longs Fire | tome | | fan_| teoww [Hand | ese fone ft SE Piss fran Sad | oas | Grsis | Sube |Bene | Case | See | Rows | ite See | Res | rts | Stes [Basis Rena ‘Sieoh Ove cont Supt aM wwe tobi er mone Guile kamu le guest Neo 9em ere ge FORM Doe. ne, [Leos FIELD DENSITIY: NUCLEAR GAUGE Re er "TEST WETHOD 7 SANS S007. NES Page el om (PP Plabarrs Readtemt Breck fil Pedi ofhee. [certeme eee BU Projet Nena Piper, Bulk batt woek Fipce 2 [Daw jafe $72 be [chminage: 7p ipaea Nuroes 2277 226 Foo & fovea: feviTo" nd efor Sania Oo [Bene [oa Beni [Baan 3 pa tine Ne csi ore est este Neisare Nels Fretno z I Ienbames le fot ID. faced LIT ii Scar Gg lh Oke wate Dep ete re ose C-sa5 Tdiear Gains Data Tet Dany eo) Z 2 Bip) ZoE5 (228 £2) | 2H; oF |Zio [s/o sllee le Tee le [ee (average Wet Density (sgh) Z2iE 22395 [Average Ory Density (kin) Dye Zio ‘ier Goran Gaertn [Sampe No: A GS ere Na aes Conan ues Coser was ices Goria sol 2 ass oes cS fies dy oot tire Gore Z Ges 27 Ie T | Fe 3 /9e C773 INDIE 277 FD T2227 ¢8 : "eon ternaton (Campion) aval Observations Ravi Cian aa Ee Tepe Wet [oT Opimam| Wer | by. [onion wet [Da Opie we [Oy [nt [wor [po opti State Caneatin Meee ene ak | toe [Pao] Fm | we | Hae [vom Pose) “ree | “re [tee [ef Sint oe (ons Sess [SBE hese | Cras [ Sicken [Root | Creeee | Stones | oot [Cimss | Sines | Rew [esis Greeks | Senos | Ress Rena avetiae cmatonce GGanjacR- owe LosZan ome aa FORM Dee No | Z-OPS-F48 LAB PROJECT J caromwores | | concrete | neers —— eae} Revision | 9.00 ORATORY TEST REQUEST | efecse aren a " PROJECT No REQUESTED BY Le NO. RECEIVED BY LAB NAME fovee~ei | Salo yonote DATE S\\os [202e “TE REGURED SAMPLINGIESTING DATE ‘AREA Se ON {iaveR ‘ pesempnion —_ | e2tef« MATERIAL SOURCE METHOD TEST INDICATOR (P#'GRADING) OD (AASTHO) CBR ues, Ts DeP. FIELD DENSITY TMGISTURE CONTENT, ‘CONCRETE CUBE TEST ‘SLUMP SULICDENSITY “GRADING & BINDER CONTENT. TARSHALL BRIQUETTES OR CORES as THEE, VODS BT ABSORPTION ‘STABILITY , FLOW & IMMERSION INDEX FLAKINESS INDEX Position: Gace Ase Signature: Site Rep Name: | oreo Total km travelled: 0425 LF WO! S69 OLD Du Gewe 2 FORM Bos. a0. ZSOL-Foe ( polotusha FIELD DENSITWY: NUCLEAR GAUGE me - Laboratories Date a. 08 "TEST METHOD = SANS S001 NEB Page o os Fascea (PTDL LE, [oe Bias Reatiaies FEDS — (antes Peeed ag UV Gane rican b LEAS i, Pade TnL os (rave2 ae PO SLAP E> (sare 72 FreeeNenben 12707 Bomar 22 Zeer prs Saad Co Corea Fed Referee Sana Con Toren: 7P2C, Baye 79ST [pene (Fes oa [ate = ticcarwne: ZZ POOP (Moveces S27 Nostra FSS Were S55 irae Nei icine Fest Z z z = s e km Castanea we Le a fit ie Laer Fea Ebb im Be6e = BED 2bds [Materia Desorfon 2265 ae hod with —$f/Cy oe epee (0) e27se onk SBS e=sS See eas= [ns Dey Oc) pis k (eGo (azar [eade [peace Beye [eae ey Boao lezeeT 22 Seer easy [zee | eer FD aoyd Got 2 do P2\Lo7F [doze be [eLpIeeG|79 ke I7 12/5 [Pres |Z ISS £ €/ le 3 (pele # [27 1 2e SFigzpspeley T7e les le7 eo | Thor 225, zzz oe a: [verge Dey Oesty k) Ze SF Z 208s 2285 ‘ei Conta eternation Seine AeZ. BAi22 BL: 2 aigi Conse @ 424 Le & ites Cones (Sas 135-5 2: 755 SES ose Gonna lot 7EOOR TEGEZ ie: = ip SS Zés3 vas Goeshory sl Tele ZL 7526. ELE: ZS 3 ep ess Mee ute Pes 2ss Z382- Cs [ass arya 726 ¥. fo “UTS Z LBTLE AAD 738295 tre Cora S at 7 et 3 Fi 5 FEST FES TINE CEM] ey LEVEL Lif FER TETG Fe fwoorac Zi : ‘iol fsrmaton (Compulsory) Visual Observations 7 fice Concion [owe a el Wa | Oy oe] wee By Oba we [oT ein Twat [oo Tor [Saiecf Oompa |e ET Fer | sre [Hoe | Fem [tome] pie | im | tewee [Hee | Fem noose lobar = en tore [seer Rots [Geos | Sites [Reve | Gras | Sen] Ress [ests | Somer | Resie Ra stein Ova catia (Busi owe gufobfee — coussor F¥e- qo-- FORM Doc.No | ZL-OPS-F48 PROJECT | acLursé. LABORATORY TEST REQUEST | ffecine Ehetfwcak. fuser \ PROJECT NO roe © Revision | 3.00 2021-06-04 Date: Page tof LTRWe [Sygo30 EARTHWORKS | | ‘CONCRETE ‘ASPHALT AGGREGATE ~~ REQUESTED BY CCOMPANYIGONTACT NO. RECEIVED BY LAB Nabi: QfMstvee Aa Besyee's Sealab venap bo DATE os /oefZ2. TIME OSLO. TEauMED - REQUIRED 2) — SaupuNeTESTING | §.y S | Saupuwerestn time =] 8) YS AREA fons ~ Bib. SE” “ON Sub - Weuge rer aver e DESCRIETION WER gloos [none | [rom | mavERIAL SOURCE Insity TES] MNBER OF] DATE RESULTS DATE WETHOD TEST REQUIRED, Tesi REQUIRED BY: COMPLETED, INDICATOR (PHGRADING) ‘MOD (AASTHO), g [cer x us ws = per FIELD DENSITY a ‘WOISTURE CONTENT CONCRETE CUBE TEST i ULK DENSITY GRADING & BINDER CONTENT 1; | MARSHALL BRIQUETTES OR CORES £ [its ~ % V Rice, VOIDS & Bit ABSORPTION. STABILITY , FLOW & IMMERSION INDEX # | GRADING 4} J i AD i a 8 | rLawiness Inpex @ — REMARKS: Site RepName, 459 LE HH Position: wheal Time arrived on site: F772 Time left site: jg: Signature: ‘Total km travelled: 0430 flequas 7-208 Om FOR Doane Taare az lotus HELD DENSITY: NUCLEAR GAUGE es a Laboratories FESTWETHOD: SANS OOI-NGS Page ot lene BA Ree pero = EES COE RE) PRI BaF GOS eananc Depot Sey ELL Gall Peaotl Hinde 9. |Sae: Fifo C72 Se fowee a Jot Fusinete ere? 226 290 © Topas Salo ivan 21S 7 =e Field Reference Sarre Coane [eam pax 74 (Smale ee [pasty Ea 3 ee TEED A Woon G37 Rane 9 nee ose deur 4 ro rests Z Z 3 omy Ze. 01 whe. a tare Gael Gen Segoe eesbe [Materia Docaon Demme 2 Mesa Bn8e Be Sass SS Tice Sage Fe Bee VSL age ALL | ASP VIE eee VE 1 73 = pos ee Tr 7alas kes Vaee W150 (075, ye ese go lee lee let lee qj 5 194e Fe F TOG i 7792 Lit Zui Tosa Sorte Dae aa Fae ba fis if 72 Goran Dit Die De [Wass Container: 3S ISB D> SS base Contanec+ wet al (DEF E ots LOLG-S [ase Containertary soi LOST E p22 9 fb. Le Was ten as WeLe Fee fs ys ea (o6e SD EL [cstv Sore z 7. 7 7 i EEE TE OT Bs SE ELL Te TP Toe ies LE TL Ie SE Las [a en Ceo) ss Sos ao Ce ee el Wa [Oia [Opie] Wa [7 Oamaat wa Tey [oot | aoe [ent Sores ee te |r om | nee | rae] Fm Tt es [P| tee a [tres te Cracks | Stones | Rouis-} Grecke | Stones | Robt” | Cracks ‘Root | Cracks: ‘Cracks | Stones, ‘Stones_[ Roots = Gl = ckspn — on Pogquest HS) C8? : FORM Toe no. Leen F (fesse FIELD DENSITY: NUCLEAR GAUGE ee a ibuiuatiad TEST METHOD 1 SANS s001- NGS Page a (Gow Aa Aeo es : oor Tea Ea [PoE FED law tant CB ep TS Farben teanct all Eeatiinoee Piaie > |e cle e/a el Frojeaniosien QP M22 & & Tepes Coa Fis Rtoranoe 1 [Standard Counts panne JG 7 2 [bensi: 27 Bensty: /PFO [bers Teens [Bena a] Wetnens JOTOL [esos SS iucsene § 2% (Nese: S Ze aise a ace Fw 3 z é | comes de IB. 7 a eo poe Ae LAs ne | Sabi= Gee i Gis VE [vetersi Description, war we Fe fe E [Depah Testes (own) 21S t =O 2 so ose TWtear Gauge Data Het Density iar) Bi Tb LIL GAO Db Ys 75 [es So at4s [219/24 ee Fite ete Yor tlie [eee Flas2f Pook beoiy (ere VolG Wrote pod zs Le ‘7 [é% 17. ws 1G OIF 17. |? { GI Leg | __2# 21g? Zr 21S fer t 7035 tisature Gontnd Dalaran [Sars rary’ Ma F ae 42 734 Sener Zor oF ass Conaies| 15S Spe isa lass Cantare waist | EA W534 Tie ess Gora Z ¥ 7295-6 DEL fies ere est G99-4 Po$R7 er £42 43es 2u ise Cont a Be +9 oe { FWABAES eee 7G 7 EEL TEE. ‘WoO TNE ELT eT ibe / 6.7 bctse7 : [cial formation (Compaloeny) Views Observations [ie Coon See ST ae [ome| wa Oy [oon] wer [9 OAle@y war [So [ optmen {iss Par) Sia Copan vee [a Pen aE ae coe (ete im | wae [HE] [teen ee] fmf Be | fore: eee RE ee [Lease see Rass [Sts cee [feos [mts | ice | fe | ones | Sine [pest [Site Snes [Rees | oe nee Bui chs am FORM Doc. No | ZL-OPS-F48 Revision | 3.00 LABORATORY TEST REQUEST |steave | eoc501 TR, Page toft PROJECT | TempopAl Orr PROJECT No LTRNo [Sago 33 EARTHWORKS “ CONCRETE (ASPHALT AGGREGATE ‘COMPANYIGONTAGT NO: RECEIVED BY LAB NAME As Bease'> fala brat ts Emiptinonesnnc rme | (02ST JEP Lit OFLICE J PFOWrT = 108 RIP_ 2 (BPPATE JEEP VER on |GUBRADE [sWeiouss| /5 _[rronwm | [rox MATERIAL SOURCE Insitu + esr WORBERO ‘BATE RESULT Bate REQUIRED TESTS REQUIRED BY: | _ COMPLETED, INDIGATOR (PH-GRADING) MOD (AASTHO) BR ‘CONCRETE CUBE TEST SLUNP JULK DENSITY ‘concRSTE ‘GRADING & BINDER CONTENT WARSHALL BRIQUETTES OR CORES is RICE, VOIDS & BIT ABSORPTION ‘STABILITY , FLOW & IMMERSION INDEX ‘GRADING ‘AD FLAKINESS INDEX ASPHALT REMARKS* Fite Rep Name: yam eHomAeD osltion — SUPERVISD, Time arrived on site:9:s@ Time teft site: /o: Signature: Total km travelled: 0433 . eB ig papmD epee weg IS HO pepo LIS C sya Sa ERS Be oe om [a es [oem see fs PES a “=a sens [gs Poe a poe fem) ma pep [oer | oe ts oer | a ol eo ai aeaeES RoR comms [ae —[ en ono [Aa] em Hoato Sa [em [omeso} So | =e (csondat a| am (yeep Ko =u apace aaT| paar (OAS) woe RUPE LUA, 2, = WF, L27ere 7a 7 URL re SHEL LEE Saf SEE IE SE. z Parr Re Fa rin eo 7 c ce ‘Se INO BITERHY) FET Zi SbET EXPLA Sa SASO7 eieaenl CEL Fe 2357 £5 se BeIT ‘Sri ee) £ on: ZT ba E Prt £ Se EL. 1S Aap aURRD SPH PTT 7.2597 Tor ST a Par ZLbYF pa oO 7 7 S P57 =S: E57 FEST WeuELOD seni op ra wa ey ba TON AHERN] SATE AATe DIE Zale) TRITOF amr ey “Bu orau5| Tong wae AMAL gai TE. SL 57 Ta ara Sata 7a ont 7s. LIE ___&: aD) EST TERT] Sal Seer Zo eF Spa eas g Bove) B70 The A gar | SEAT aE] IE oMpSBOU] $ EIA 7 BE ASTCN BP TAS SHASTA SEI EST SLED IICT| CE uBR PR| ahe0 7A So | y os 2? Sat Tapa aa A Ela aadaae NO eaesOnerh wy JTS pt a 38h) id ZZ fal fe ‘oouerg Bi] Cc Zz Zz NL eo areal 7 ES eal Ces amen ZF SLE susan 52] SEF mee9| ERT Ae] Say Hasna inca pEDURS| aia pa 7 PAF santo] FSEZ SIT, GY see GN somo) SCF ELE wae IAT PENTA AL” SAE IV EN ed [SSIS PEGS sms] Pe Fars S: HAL. pea BoP Saw ae IT wa we a 7 “SOE = aaa SON-T0GS SNVS GOHLE ISSE Suan we a SONVO NVETTONN :AUISNSA OTS eysnoyel ) Graco ou 300 WyOs “I esc us iow LT

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