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How is technology changing the nature of customer service and service offerings?

1. Technology-Based Service Offerings

技術 基於 服務 提供

E.g., booking a room at a hotel, and making dinner booking.

預訂 房間 酒店 並 晚餐 預訂

2. new ways to deliver service. 提供服務的新方式

E.g., Technology facilitate 技術促進
(i) basic customer service function (e.g. bill paying, order track),
基本 客戶 服務 功能 帳單 支付 訂單 跟蹤

(ii) transaction (both retail and b2b) and

交易 零售 和 b2b

(iii) learning and information seek.

學習 和 資訊 尋求

3. Enabling Both Customers and Employees. 為客戶和員工提供服務

E.g., through social media, customer and company can communicate and collaborate with
通過 社交 媒體 客戶 和 公司 可以 溝通 和 協作
each other.

4. technology the global reach of services. 技術服務的全球覆蓋範圍

E.g., Company can reach out to customers around the globe in (ways not possible before).
公司 可以 接觸 客戶 各地 全球 (以前所未有的方式)

5. Some outcomes may be negative. 有些結果可能是負面的

E.g. customer concern about privacy and confidentiality raise (major issues) for firms.
客戶 擔憂 對 隱私 和 保密 帶來 (重大問題) 給 公司

Discuss why each of the three new mix elements (process, people, and physical evidence)
is included.

all human actor who (play a part) in (service delivery).
所有 人類 行動者 發揮作用 服務提供

Influence the buyer perception.

影響 買家 認知

Actors: the firms personnel, the customer, the other customer in the services environment.
參與者: 公司 人員 客戶 其他 客戶 服務 環境中

Physical evidence: 實物證據

The environment in which the services is deliver and
環境 服務 提供

Where the firm and the customer interact.

地方 公司 和 客戶 互動

Process: 流程
The actual procedure, mechanism, and flow of activity by which the services is deliver.
實際 程式 機制 流程 活動 服務 提供
5. Which of the four provider gaps do you believe is hardest to close? Why?

Gap 3 is the hardest to close because it require coordination of all of the human resources
最难弥合 因为 它 需要 协调 所有 人力资源

issues in a company—training, incentives, communication, hiring, teamwork, and

问题 公司培训 激励 沟通 招聘 团队合作 和

empowerment. Changing any one of these is difficult but changing them all, and getting them
授权 改变 其中任何一个 都是 困难 但 改变 所有这些 使它们

coordinated with each other, is extremely challenging.

相互协调 是 极具 挑战性

Perceive service alternative:

感知 服務 替代
Compare computers with different effect
比較 不同 效果

Personal needs:
Completely explain the style require by customers.
完整 解释 风格 要求 客户

Explicit service promise: 明確服務承諾

After selling computer, if you have any questions, can contact staff.

Implicit service promises: 隱含的服務承諾

One year maintenance

Past experience:
Better service (Responsiveness: provide prompt services)


5. List and define the five dimensions of service quality.

Reliability: performing promise service. E.G., error free

可靠性 履行 承諾 服務 無錯誤

Assurance: employees knowledge & courtesy E.G, polite, effective, communication

保證 員工 知識 和 禮貌 禮貌 有效 溝通

Tangibles: physical facility equipment personnel appearance E.G, visually attractive.

有形 實體 設施 設備 人員 外觀 視覺 吸引力

Empathy: care individual attention E.G, care customer

同理心 關愛 個人 關注 關愛 客戶

Responsiveness: provide prompt services E.G, quick services, prompt services

回應能力 提供 即時 服務 快速 服務 即時 服務

1. What is customer satisfaction, and why is it so important?

satisfaction is "the customer's evaluation of a product or service (in terms of whether that)
滿意度 是 客戶 評價 對 產品 或 服務 即該

product or service has met their need and expectation. Customer satisfaction is important
產品 或 服務 是否滿足 他們 需求 和 期望 客戶 滿意度 很重要

because (in the long term), without satisfy customer a firm will not survive.
因為 從長遠來看 沒有 滿意 客戶 公司 無法 生存
Product and service feature and attribute, customer emotion, family members, and
產品 和 服務 特徵 和 屬性 客戶 情緒 家庭 成員 和

coworkers can all influence customer satisfaction.

同事 都會 影響 客戶 滿意度

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