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Lesson plan

Millet: Nutritional value and innovative meals to increase consumption

Introducing myself and learners takes turns in introducing themselves so that we can break the ice
and warm up to each other. Introduce students to the topic of the day and ask them what they
understand about millet or if they know what millet is. Use 5 minutes to try and break down the
topic to make it easy to understand. Use poster to stimulate their interest in the lesson. Next step is
diving into the lesson by looking at the:
objectives 
 nutritional value of millet.
 The innovative millet meals to increase consumption.
 History and different types of millet.

Methods instruction
 Demonstration, bring a package of
 Projector
millet to show the students.
 Posters
 Group discussion
 Microphone and speaker
 Uses of visual aid , pictures

 Ask questions in between the lesson Evaluation
to see if the leaners understand the
 Ask question and engage with the them.
 Allow the students to ask question.
 Observe, to see if the learners are
 Give the students the evaluation form at
engaged in the lesson and paying
the end of the lesson.
attention. Use examples that they are
familiar with

 Turn the lesson into a discussion by asking the leaners what they think a millet is and or
looks like and use their knowledge to help them understand. By using what they know and
help them understand millet by using the similarity of other cereals to give then an idea of
what mullet is and how does it looks like
 Use videos to show them information.

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