Water Resources Class 10

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Ceo Ciass 10 Ch-03

3rd Avg 2022. 01

Water KesOuTces
3/4h o Earth dwiface is cevered wah wote
Freshuwaler -oblained fsom- Suface umoff and gound waBer,recipitation
wate- Roneuwable. Resowic
Oaker Scancity
Guaniative Aspech Lualifakive aspecta
Availabity o waBei AesOLUHCEs Vaies Nen Space and Hme
dua to vakiaHon in 8tabonal and Annual PrecipitaHon.
Causes o Wae ScaHciky
i) over-expleitakon
) Ercesive use
in) Unequal access do water among di o uiol qoups

Grouoing Popula.kion and waler Scayetywate1> i) Someste wse

Laxge Poplation Requinea m O r e
i) fo prodduca move Food
To Produce mose Food> move tvsigated aveas
wote HesO.wrces weI-explojtedl
) dewelop doought Tuistant ctops may lead faul g3oUnd waten level
1) Use d Fa¥mng techniques affec wateravaulabiliky
affect Food Sewity
Incdustialus ahion, u7banisahon aned watey SaocitR
and wibanisaons
>Post-1ndependent Tndia Indutiaisaton
moe înduwsties Hecusie more Wodey* Powe a Hydso dedia'ty.
et prtswe on wate forn
Thus, in dustrits ex

Usban ufestylw and wadeH ScouIdt

Usban aeas - densy PopulaHon Aequure watey 4 en eygy.
Usban housing sstem/colonie >indiuiduoB groundwaer Pumping
h e c cCuse deiuces.
ove1-ploitaHon owode HesowHCeS
gualiiativ Aspecib
waden available to mut he nuds o Pople. but cveas khu
o m wat en bcCUHiy.
Ts scaruty mauy du to(bad qualiky of watedu olloHon
Need of he houz indust iol wust,-
To nsuke
To Safegvardfood
oUTsdws Fwm heawlh huzar do chemicould, pesHu'de
Confnuation of ow Uv Cu noo ds
PsewMt naduTál degsedaton ot Natura ecosysttm.
25th Aug 2022 NOTES WALE 02

I ancient ime SophialicaB ed hydaulic
n anient strUcwres u'Ke damns
and Cands weie Constructed.
Dese vOiYa, Aakes, emuankments
Fox wA Buuk
n Singaveiapwra wten hveshng Sustem
to channel the flood woten ganAu
Bho po lake w s one athe lvsest lake o ks dfme.
1 a n k in Hauz Khas wus buut to Suppy wate to Sín foat

7A Dam is a bwuue aioas Mowing wte ht
obatzuchs, direcs o xetands thlouS, bHem creakng
a exeVOÜA, Jake on impowndment
ham he sByvcture.
Bam" J1ehees to the hesewoiu Hathe
Bosed on SBrucore, and matoual beel ,Sams ae di types
)Timbe Dams ü') Embankment dams ov masonTy
Acc. to huight, dams au od types
) low dams ü) medivm huight dams ) high dams.
*Oams are Buitt fox :
) Iongation i) electsidy ) Flood condvol
iv) Reciection N) Inland Nonugcion vi) Féeh bseding
vii) wote Sbbly fov domesHc 4 industiod e
Bhaksa-Nangah Project > hydel powe produton 4 irmq oaton
HigqKud Poojec - Conb1vaHon Water with flood onhro)

. L . Nehyu Prodained dams as emples mod enn India'

Keasons - J4 would înteqTate dew edopmemt ol Agmuult uweL, he
ilage etonomy wth apid induAtHalisaHon 4
Dwth o U7ban economy

Oisadyantages Oams
7Aoming a o Juvo Aetse otheds natwia low o a mive.
Excesaive Secumentaton at the bo tom o he Tese VOin.
Resuul in rocKiey sly cam beds
Poover habilal ha aquaHic ik
Aqucdic fuuna face dibiceulry go migradion amd shawning.
Submonge he uibHing vegel aton.
s platement LocaCommunu'Hes
26th Aug a022 NOtes wale
Envsonmemt al movememks - NOAmada Bach ao Andolan
Tehri Sam Andolan
Ihe landowneia and ange Fanmes, indus i allats ano a
aw wrbum cemkre rebemaikec by Damb.

Oams and Sociol con flids-

Sigaion has chamg ed the C1opping
Sigahon Paden om
aming do wadeey tmtensi ve and CömmeGal Cops. ubbil eme
This led to incase in
Saliniky o
The douial gap beBw wn ichen Jandowneu ano he landlem
Poor tncHedses:
>Cseatu Corlicts bewem
Cme wat e ebowiCes. People wan Hng dil ben elits 1om
4 Head ts Jrey-Stake woden
Dams fail o adieue ts isputtu
Aums au built to Pubose
duo to condvol lood bud i
ums induced
bedimemtation. .

igg ved ooda

Pest Caind PollutonEanth quak, causeol watr-bovne dis eoses and
adeH Ha vestHing SysBem way a viable
Economically amd Emironmonta. atdenative, both Sodo
waler hanvesting System in
Anient indio
n mountaio w Kegivns Guls 07 Koly (divesion
In Rajsthan Roof top Ruinwader channels) -> Agnulbre.
haavesting Sose dvinking wade
+n flocd Plains o Bemgal Inudakon channels
Aid and Semi-anid Areay 7 Rain fed Imigakon
n Jousol mey> Khadins stovage sBvctoresu
0hen parts Rajsiao hads
Aow water to Stand 4
moisten the doil
The 1anKas. System
H wis toadi Honally famous in Bikaner Phalods and Batmer
Tan Ka ov Undegwund anks was Med to dBore dinKng wade
The kankas was a pd q weul-deNelopesl iO top gainha1vealing
SysBem and buiul mside the mam house.
N O t e s wale
R6th Aug a0a 04

Stuctore o4 tanka
The ankA wee Connecked to the loping Kog o
house h30ugh a Pipe.
Runwolex faul ing on Hoo.-Boop tvanwed through pipe
get callected
The ist showey a Hainwade w not collectecd becoz
cloam the Hoo and pipes.
XAwung Summerch, Stosecl Kaunwaden tn tankKas was ed
o dink ing puipose and ieOided 08 he punesk ovm a
nadwial woaten. TanKas olso helhb tn
*loday, In weston Rajsthan, Pracise a Cootny she x0om în
HOofop saínwoden hanvesting Sustem dactininq somm.,
dun to perennial Tndhiva Giandhi Cangu.

G1em dahux, Mysore kaYnatkah

n this wllage nealy Q00 house holcls haue thstalled
edTOoftop Raun
-hanvesHing Sustem
The uiltdge has eauned the vare distinchfon o being ich tnh
Toun wat
* Annual precipidakon oj Chendathur l000 mm
Evey hoube Cam collec and e S0,000 UbEJ oy water
annudily. 1,00,00 UHres
N t amount oJ Kaunwotey hanvested Annvally
* n Meghalaya, Gam boo 9np 1mgation System prevalen

Tamil Nadu J the t tatt in ndia

which made compulsosy to buuld Too-
-*op Rau'nuwalen hayvsHng System

holed id

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