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Examples on Relative Motion ( Translating Axes )

1. For the instant represented, car A has a

speed of 100 km/h, which is increasing
at the rate of 8 km/h each second.
Simultaneously, car B also has a speed
of 100 km/h as it rounds the turn and is
slowing down at the rate of 8 km/h each
second. Determine the acceleration that
car B appears to have to an observer in
car A.
2. The car is traveling at a constant speed
of 100km/h. If the rain is falling at 6
km/h in the direction shown, determine
the velocity of the rain as seen by the

3. At the instant shown, cars A and B travel

at speeds of 30mil/h and 20mi/h
respectively. If B is increasing its speed
by 1200mi/h2 while A maintains a
constant speed, determine the velocity
and acceleration of B with respect to A.

4. A batter hits the baseball A with an initial velocity of Vo = 100 ft/sec directly toward fielder B
at an angle of 300 to the horizontal; the initial position of the ball is 3 ft above ground level.
Fielder B require 1/4 sec to judge where the ball should be caught and begins moving to that
position with constant speed. Because of great experience, fielder B chooses his running speed
so that he arrives at the "catch position" simultaneously with the baseball. The catch position
is the field location at which the ball altitude is 7 ft.
Determine the velocity of the ball relative to the fielder at the instant the catch is made.

Prepared by: Chala A.

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