Intermediate Level (EO)

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1။ The landsman’s term of ‘Floor’ and ‘Ceiling’ are not used, ‘Underfoot’
is the deck and ‘Overhead’ is the deck head.
2။ A wall of compartment is called a bulkhead, except where it is formed
by the side of the hull, when it is called ship’s side.
3။ Bulkheads can be watertight or non-watertight and decks within the
hull are always watertight.
4။ The fireman runs throughout the length of the ship, and connections for
hoses, called hydrants, are fitted in most of the main compartments.
5။ Decks are pierced by rectangular or circular openings, called hatches, to
allow access to the compartments below.
6။ A hatch is fitted with a coaming to prevent flood water from flowing
below, and a lid called a hatch cover is hinged to it.
7။ The hatch cover’s rubber sealing strip should be kept in good condition
by cleaning it with a damp cloth and dusting it with French chalk.
8။ The openings in bulkheads are called doorways, and they are closed by
hinged watertight doors.
9။ Above no.1 deck circular fixed sidelights are fitted to provide natural
light to compartments, with lightweight metal cover for darkening ship.
10။ The main and auxiliary machinery is usually situated midway between
bow and stern, and, together with its fuel, is kept for protection as far as
possible below the waterline.
11။ Stores and ammunition are situated before and abaft the machinery
space, and as far as possible below the waterline.
12။ Living spaces are usually arranged above the waterline and near the
ship’s side.
13။ The decks and main bulkheads divide the hull into a number of main
watertight spaces.
14။ Watertight decks and bulkheads have to be pierced by hatches and
doorways to allow to access to the various compartments.
15။ Natural ventilation is provided through side scuttles, through skylights,
ventilators and cowls in the weather decks, and through doorways and
16။ Forced ventilation is provided by electric fans from various position
above the weather decks.
17။ Turret guns revolves on top of a ring bulkhead which is inside an
armoured tube called barbette.
18။ In larger ship the machinery spaces, magazines and certain other vital
equipment are usually protected by armour plating secured to the
adjacent part of the hull.
19။ The shafts lead through watertight shaft tunnels, and are supported at
intervals by bearings known as plummer blocks.
20။ Where shafts are not on the center line of the ship, a supporting bearing
is fitted close to the propeller, and is secured to the hull by a bracket
known as the ‘A’ bracket or shaft bracket.
21။ The main engines are situated in watertight compartments known as
engine rooms.
22။ The advantages of diesel engines over stream turbines are saving of
weight and space and rapid starting.
23။ In nuclear-powered ships the nuclear reactor provides the source of
power instead of the conventional ship’s boilers, and hence there is no
requirement for oil fuel stowage.
24။ The dry provisions are stowed in well-ventilated provision rooms in the
vicinity of the living spaces.
25။ Fresh meat is stowed in cold rooms which are maintained at the
required temperature by refrigerating machinery.
26။ Fresh vegetables may be stowed in cold rooms, or in well-ventilated
stowages on or near the upper deck.
27။ Certain compartments of greater fire hazard than others, such as the
magazines and spirit room, can be flooded direct from the sea by
openings sea cocks in the ship’s bottom.
28။ The hogging and sagging stresses, caused by pitching head-on into
heavy seas, which tend to break her back.
29။ When a ship rolls heavily in a sea-way she is subjected to racking
stresses which tend to distort her sides and upper deck.
30။ Combination of both pitching and rolling subjects a ship to torsional
stresses which tend to twist her hull about its fore-and-aft axis.
31။ The gradual broadening of the underwater part of the hull under the
bows from the stem to the main body of the hull is called the entry, and
the corresponding narrowing under the quarters towards stern is called
the run.
32။ The plating covering the bottom is known as the outer bottom plating,
and that covering the sides is generally known as the side plating.
33။ Plates are joined end to end to form a panel of plating which runs
forward and aft and is known as a strake.
34။ The garboard strakes are the heaviest and most important which run
each side of the keel.
35။ The sheer strakes which are the topmost strakes next below the upper
deck run continuously throughout the length of the hull and give
considerable longitudinal support to its structure.
36။ The rubbing strakes are above the waterline, reinforced and protected
with a bulk of timber, which is faced with steel.
37။ The lower plate of the keel, called the flat keel plate, forms the centre
strake of the outer bottom plating and is frequently fitted in two
38။ The centre vertical keel is constructed of plates to form a continuous
girder of ‘I’ cross-section and whose height usually determines the
depth of the double bottoms.
39။ The gutter strake is built on top of the vertical keel and forms the centre
strake of the inner bottom plating.
40။ The spacing between the frames in large ship may be as much as from 4
to 6 ft amidships, and from 2 ft 6 in. to 3 ft at the bows and stern.
41။ ‘ABCD’ collectively stands for Atomic, Biological and Chemical
Defence and Damage Control (including firefighting).
42။ ABCD sections extend from the keel to the weather deck between
certain transverse bulkheads.
43။ Gastight integrity is needed to keep out of the ship radioactive material,
and biological and chemical agents.
44။ All interconnecting compartments which can be grouped together with
unbroken gastight boundaries form what is called a citadel.
45။ Risk markings openings to all compartments below the waterline are
marked with a red disc or triangular flash and are known as Red
46။ The openings just above the red zone are given a Blue Marking, which
denotes this lesser risk but is not an emergency mark in the same way
as the red.
47။ Openings in the boundaries of citadels and gas-free spaces constitute,
when open, a risk to gastight integrity and are similarly marked in
48။ Fire is dependent upon three elements, namely, Inflammable material,
Heat, and Oxygen.
49။ Starving the fire is effected by removing inflammable materials from
the vicinity of the fire and cutting off all liquid fuel supplies in the area.
50။ Cooling is effected by water, which should if possible be applied to the
burning material and not on the flames.
Advance Marine Engineering Knowledge

1။ Low-speed Engine is generally between 50 to 300 rpm at rated

2။ The stroke-to-bore ratio of low speed engines ( in current
production) varies from 2.5:1 to 4.2:1 or even more.
3။ Medium and High speed engines, because of their higher rpm, drive
propellers through speed reduction gear.
4။ Stroke-to bore ratios of Medium and High speed engines are not
very high because of the force created by high speed.
5။ Medium and high speed engine tend to be lighter, more compact,
and lower in acquisition cost than low-speed-engines.
6။ Propulsion Engine must be matched on their propellers, such that
the ship speed achieved at 100% rpm under trial conditions (the
trial speed) exceeds the requires service speed.
7။ The engine rating is generally determined, so that in the trial
condition of hull and propeller, at loaded trim and draft, the power
required to drive the propeller, allowing for transmission and
shafting losses, will be between 80% and 90% of the MCR at rated
8။ The quantity of fuel delivered is regulated by the vertical length of
the helix, from the leading edge, where it is in line with the suction
9။ The fuel cam is designed to rise the plunger at the rate required to
build up fuel pressure and maintain this for the corresponding
period of fuel injection.
10။ Atomisition is the splitting up of the fuel into very small droplets by
the fuel injector, forcing fuel at high pressure through small
atomiser holes.
11။ Penetration refers to distance to oil droplets travel into the
combustion space before mixing with the air and igniting.
12။ Turbulence is the movement of compressed air and fuel within the
combustion space before combustion occurs.
13။ Compression ignition is the term used to describe the combustion
in diesel engines and they are often referred to as compression
ignition engines.
14။ The most usual measure of ignition quality of distillate fuels is the
Cetane Number.
15။ A high cetane number indicates a short ignition delay.
16။ Slow speed, two-stroke engines can operate efficiently on fuels
down to Cetane number of about 24.
17။ Medium speed, four-stroke engines normally required a figure
above 34, high speed engines need higher figure.
18။ The compression process in diesel cylinder is considered to occur
in four phase, which begins during the compression process and
end during the expansion process.
19။ The four phases are a) the ignition delay period, b) the uncontrolled
or rapid combustion period, c) controlled combustion and d) the
after burning period.
20။ Fuel with a high carbon-residue index leave more deposit after
combustion which results in fouling and wearing of cylinder liner,
piston rings, ring grooves, exhaust valves and turbochager turbine
21။ Sulphur causes cold corrosion and acid contamination of the
lubricating oil.
22။ Pour point is the temperature above which the liquid can flow.
23။ Early ignition will cause an abnormally high peak pressure in the
cylinder at the top of the piston stroke.
24။ Late ignition can be seem from that this causes a low peak pressure
which occurs well after top center of the piston.
25။ For economy and efficient running of an engine, equal power
should be produced from each cylinder. This is then said to be
“power balance”
26။ In most modern low-speed engine, the quantity of air delivered to
the cylinder and the power delivered by the engine at any given
speed is increased by supercharging.
27။ There are two pressure charging system in common used: constant
pressure charging and pulse-charging.
28။ The effect of intercooling of scavenging air is to increase the density
of air delivered to the cylinder.
29။ If deposition is due mainly to ash from fuel or lubricant, turbine can
probably be cleaned by water washing or probably by water or
steam injection during low-load running.
30။ Flash point is the temperature at which the fuel produces sufficient
vapour to ignite when a test flame is applied under standardized
31။ Ignition quality is a fuel property of major importance in diesel
engine, affecting the time between injection and start of
32။ Corrosion is an electro-chemical reaction between a metal and
environment (oxygen and water) which result in destruction of
33။ Chemical reaction take place between the metal, air(oxygen) and
water. These are the 3 sides of “Corrosion Triangle”.
34။ If any one of these sides is excluded, corrosion will not take place.
Excluding air and water from the metal is one of the methods of
corrosion prevention. This is why apply paint to create barrier
between the metal and environment.
35။ Abrasion or erosion removes protective coating and exposes the
metal surface to the atmosphere, resulting in corrosion.
36။ The rate of the corrosion increases with humidity. At less than 65%
humidity, corrosion hardly takes place. This is the reason why
corrosion is more of a problem in seaside areas rather than desert
37။ The higher the air temperature, the greater the rate of corrosion in
the atmosphere.
38။ The more the velocity of water along the steel surface, the more
plentiful the oxygen supply, resulting in greater corrosion.
39။ Corrosion is more at inlets and outlets on the ship sides because of
differing temperature, along the waterline and at the stern region
because of increased oxygen supply due to turbulence.
40။ Bimetallic corrosion occurs when two metals are in direct contact
with each other indirectly in contact through an electrolyte.
41။ The anode corrodes protecting the steel so it is made a less noble
metal. The flow of electrons is from the anodes to the ship
structure. Zinc and aluminum anodes are most common.
42။ Reason for extremely overload might be racing of the engine due to
failure of governor, momentary shock loads due to stopping of
propeller (being stop by solid objects eg. Ice, timber).
43။ The cause of crankcase explosion is a hot spot or overheated part
within or adjacent to the crankcase of an operating engine.
44။ An oil mist detector may be fitted to monitor samples of the air and
vapour mixture taken continuously from the crankcase of a diesel
45။ A scavenge fire may be caused by ignition of unburned oil and
carbon which has been blown from the engine cylinder into the
scavenge spaces.
46။ If there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunking
adjacent to the crankcase heats up, with risk of a hot spot
developing , the engine must be stopped, normal cooling maintain
and engage turning gear to prevent seizure.
47။ A governor can be described as a device for automatically
controlling the speed of an engine, by regulating the quantity of
48။ A typical electronic governor has a three component governing
system for 24 VDC operation. The system includes an electronic
speed control, a magnetic pick-up and an all-electric actuator.
49။ The thrust block transfers the thrust from the propeller to the hull
of the ship.
50။ The stern tube bearing serves two important purposes. It support
the tail shaft and considerable proportion of the propeller weight. It
also acts as a gland to prevent the entry of sea water to the
machinery spaces.
51။ A higher propeller efficiency is associated with a large propeller
diameter and a lower shaft rpm.
52။ The choice of the propeller rpm involves establishing a balance
between the propeller efficiency and the weight, cost, and space
requirements of the main machinery.
53။ The major factor in the selection of the number of the propeller
blades is vibration consideration.
54။ Oily-water separator are necessary aboard vessels to prevent the
discharge of oil overboard when pumping out bilges, deballasting or
when cleaning oil tanks.
55။ Water is readily available in unlimited quantities and thus the fire
main should form the backbone of the firefighting systems in the
56။ Most marine refrigeration plants make use of the vapour
compression refrigeration cycle.
57။ The entire ship is a flexible structure that is going to vibrate.
58။ The hull girder can experience cyclic vertical and horizontal
bending, and torsion.
59။ The risk of hull vibration is present because hulls tend to become
lighter in construction and thus more flexible.
60။ The fore-and-aft vibration of the superstructure of a ship is one of
the critical issues in ship vibration.
61။ The larger the ship is in size, the lower is the natural frequency in
the local structure, and this leads to vibration.
62။ Vibration of the propulsion shafting system of motor ships are
caused by the hydrodynamic forces of the propeller, the
combustion gas forces of the engines and the reciprocating inertial
63။ The longitudinal motions of the shafting system act on the ship’s
hull via the thrust bearing, resonance of the shafting system can
cause serious vibrations of the superstructure and double bottom.
64။ In the crankshaft of multi-cylinders diesel engines, the intricate
relationship between Torsional deflection, Bending and
Longitudinal deflection can cause coupled Torsional-longitudinal
vibration in the shafting system.
65။ To control vibration amplitude by absorbing the vibration energy
where dampers are mainly used.
66။ Bilge Keels are fins fitted externally, at the turn of the bilge.
67။ The length of bilge keel usually extends over roughly one-third of
the ship length.
68။ Bilge Keels are more effective for large angles of roll than for small
69။ In the event of legal action, following any collision or grounding, it
is important to have this data available. On activating the
Emergency stop on the Bridge console, the distance that the ship
travels, to come to rest, is recorded. This is called Crash-Stop test.
70။ To do the Pump performance Test, specific trials are carried out to
prove the design features after installation of associated piping.
71။ Anchor windlass Test proves the ability of windlass to handle the
anchor and chains, which is a classification requirements and
demonstrate the adequacy of anchor housing.
72။ Steering System Tests are mandatory and the purpose is to
demonstrate the mechanical functioning of the steering gear and
prove the ability to hold and move the rudder when the ship is
moving at maximum power and speed performing sequential “hard-
over” to “hard-over” helm movements in 30 seconds under both
bridge and emergency steering position control.
73။ Anchor windlass id carried out when the water depth is such that a
brake failure would not endanger equipment or personnel,
preferably in about 80 meters of water.
74။ The purpose of sea trial is to establish between the speed of the
ship and the Engine power and Rpm at the agreed trial draughts.
75။ Preparation should be to a sufficient extent in dry dock, as to
facilitate an examination to ascertain for any excessive corrosion,
deformation, fractures, damages and other structural deterioration.
Auxiliary Machinery

1။ Shell and tube heat exchangers for engine cooling water and
lubricating oil cooling have traditionally been circulated with sea
2။ In a heat exchanger, premature tube failure can be the result of
pollution coastal water or extreme turbulence due to excessive sea
water flow rate.
3။ The tube stacks are made up to have a fixed tube plate at one end
and a tube plate at the other end which is free to move when the
tubes expand or contract.
4။ Cooler end covers and water boxes are commonly of cast iron or
fabricated from mild steel.
5။ The major advantage over tube type coolers, is that their higher
efficiency is reflected in a smaller size for the same cooling capacity.
6။ A dye can be used to demonstrate laminar flow In a liquid and also
the effect of speeding up the flow so that turbulence is produced.
7။ A condenser is a vessel in which a vapour is deprived of its latent
heat of vaporization and so is changed to its liquid state, usually by
cooling at constant pressure.
8။ Corrosion by galvanic action is inhibited by zinc or mild steel
sacrificial anodes or alternatively, impressed current protection may
be used.
9။ The 'Bolt' type over speed trip consists essentially of a spring-loaded
stainless steel bolt which is heavier at one end than the other.
10။ Air at a pressure of 20 to 30 bar is required for starting main and
auxiliary diesel engine in motorships and for the auxiliary diesels of
steam ship.
11။ Carbon deposits from burning fuel and oily deposits from
compressors are available as substances which may be ignited and
produce an explosion in the air start system.
12။ Careful maintenance of air start valves, distributors and other parts is
vital as is regular cleaning of air start system components to remove
13။ Compressors must always be started in the unloaded condition
otherwise pressures build up rapidly producing very high starting
14။ Viscous oil and water emulsions can cause moving parts to stick and
produce general deterioration of diaphragms and other parts made of
15။ Air leaving a conventional compressor usually contains oil carried
over from the cylinder and water precipitated in the coolers.
16။ A three stage filtration system employing a pre-filter, a carbon
absorber, and an after filter, may be installed to deliver good quality
17။ The absorber is packed with activated carbon and provides a deep
bed producing an evenly distributed flow for removal of vapours.
18။ The closed flash point of fuels for genera! use should be not less than
19။ For burning heavy fuel oil in a boiler furnace, or a compression-
ignition engine, it is necessary to pre-heat it.
20။ Oil/water separators are necessary aboard vessels to prevent the
discharge of oil overboard mainly when pumping out bilges.
21။ Galvanic corrosion is a major challenge for any pipes which carry sea
22။ Rust is a particular corrosion problem for steel pipes exposed to
contact with sea water or moisture generally and air.
23။ Copper pipes are suitable for moderate pressures and temperatures.
24။ Erosion of metal may be the result of abrasives or of high water
speeds, entrained air, turbulence and cavitation.
25။ Temperatures of about 450°C can cause recrystallization and creep in
iron and steels.
26။ The globe valve has a bulbous body, housing a valve seat and screw
down plug or disc arranged at right angles to the axis of the pipe.
27။ Thermostatic traps use the expansion of an oil-filled element, a
bimetallic strip or flexible bellows to actuate a valve.
28။ Marine pumps fall into the two broad classes of being either
displacement or rot dynamic.
29။ The term turbine pump is sometimes used to describe the diffuser
30။ Marine pumps are usually installed with the shaft vertical and the
motor above the pump.
31။ A centrifugal feed pump must not be operated unless it is fully
32။ The power requirement of the pump may be split into two
components, namely hydraulic power and frictional power.
33။ When used for alternating current power generation, a diesel engine
is normally fitted with a hydraulic governor.
34။ Slow-speed diesel power development has increased engine
efficiency but actually reduced the waste heat available to an exhaust
gas boiler.
35။ Classification Society rules require that there must be only a 10%
momentary and a 6% permanent variation in speed when full load is
suddenly taken off or put on.
36။ The 'speed droop' of the governor, is 3% between no load and full
37။ The purpose of the back-pressure trip is to protect the turbine and
exhaust system in the event of over-pressure.
38။ High deck temperature in the tropics or low sea temperatures can
cause differential expansion and hogging of the hull.
39။ The intention of good alignment is to ensure that bearings are
correctly loaded and that the shaft is not severely stressed.
40။ Shaft stress is sometimes monitored in service, by fitting strain
gauges on the shaft.
41။ The intermediate shafting between the tail shaft and main engine,
gearbox or thrust block may be supported in plain, tilting pad or
roller bearings.
42။ Usually for plain and tilting pad bearings, only a bottom bearing half
is provided, the top acting purely as a cover.
43။ Roller bearings are supplied in sizes to suit shafts up to the largest
44။ The main thrust block transfers forward or astern propeller thrust to
the hull and limits axial movement of the shaft.
45။ The pivot position of thrust pads may be central or offset.
46။ The intermediate shafting and the propeller shaft for a fixed propeller
are of solid forged ingot steel and usually with solid forged couplings.
47။ Stern tubes are supported at the after end by the stern frame boss
and at the forward end in the aft peak bulkhead.
48။ The centre of the stern-tube is connected to a sea-water service line
which, together with ingress of water between the shaft and bush,
provides the cooling and lubrication.
49။ Oil pressure within the stern tube is maintained at approximately the
same level as that of the surrounding sea water by a header tank.
50။ The success of a keyless propeller depends on the accuracy of the
hub and shaft tapers and correct grip from the stretched propeller
hub on the shaft.
51။ The rudder carrier bearing takes the weight of the rudder on a grease
lubricated thrust face.
52။ Weardown of the carrier bearing is monitored by periodically
measuring the clearance marked. The original clearance is usually
about 20mm.
53။ Tank stabilizers (like bilge keels) are virtually independent of the
forward speed of the vessel.
54။ Container ships and RO-RO (roll on—roll off) vessels are usually fitted
with anti-heel tanks which enable the ship to be kept upright during
uneven loading cargo.
55။ The basic components of any refrigeration system working on the
vapour compression cycle.
56။ The expansion valve is the regulator through which the refrigerant
flows from the high pressure side of the system to the low pressure
57။ Rl34a is seriously considered as the best replacement for R12, It is an
HFC with the chemical formula CF3CH2F an OOP of 0 and a GP of 900.
58။ The compressor is started and stopped by the LP (low pressure)
controller in response to changes of pressure in the compressor
59။ In a screw compressor, the male and female rotors are machined
helically and so dimensioned that they mesh like helical gears.
60။ Hermetic and semi-hermetic machines have conventional
compressors but the driving motor is enclosed within the same
chamber or casing.
61။ Marine condensers are generally of the shell and tube type, designed
for high pressures.
62။ The pressure drop in a thermostatic expansion valve causes the
evaporating temperature of the refrigerant to fall below that of the
63။ Refrigerant piping may be of iron, steel, copper or their alloys but
copper and brass should not be used in contact with Refrigerant 717
64။ The electrical CO2 indicator operates on the principle that CO2 is a
better heat conductor than air.
65။ In direct expansion systems, defrosting can be effected by separate
electric heaters installed in the evaporator grids or by providing a
means of bypassing the condenser so that hot gas from the
compressor circulates the evaporator directly.
66။ A very significant factor affecting an air conditioning system is the
rapidly changing climatic conditions.
67။ Dry bulb (d.b.) temperature is the temperature as measured by an
ordinary thermometer which is not affected by radiated heat.
68။ Wet bulb (w.b.) temperature is the temperature registered by a
thermometer with wetted fabric around the bulb.
69။ If a thermometer bulb is covered by a wetted fabric and exposed to
the air, the rate of evaporation will depend upon the humidity of the
surrounding air.
70။ Psychometric chart or table is used to find relative humidity from dry
bulb and wet bulb readings taken at the same location in a space.
71။ Relative humidity (r.h.) of the air indicates the amount of moisture
carried by the air at a particular temperature as a percentage of the
maximum amount that could be carried at the particular
72။ If an unsaturated mixture of air and water vapour is cooled at
constant pressure, the temperature at which condensation of water
vapour begins is known as the dew point ,
73။ The condition of the air in a space depends on its temperature,
humidity and movement.
74။ At room temperatures above 21°C an air velocity of 0.15-0.2 m/s is
desirable, to avoid any feeling of stuffiness, and to provide proof that
the space is being ventilated.
75။ Space conditions can vary greatly in a short time. They are governed
by factors such as body odours and smoking, which may require a
fresh air supply of 12 litre/s per person or more.
76။ In a air condition system, filters unless regularly cleaned can provide
a breeding ground for the legionella bacteria.
77။ People in an atmosphere at 21 °C with 100% relative humidity would
be uncomfortable.
78။ The cooling load has a great influence on the design of the
equipment since it influences the quantity of air to be circulated and
determines the size of the refrigerating plant.
79။ Air conditioning systems may be divided into two main classes — the
central unit type in which the air is distributed to a group of spaces
through ducting, and the self-contained type, installed in the space it
is to serve.
80။ The self-contained unit is ideally suited to the engine control rooms
of automated ships.
81။ The elements of a central unit are fan, filter, cooler, heaters and
plenum chamber. Normally these are all housed within a single
82။ The filter, which is essential to keep the heat transfer elements clean,
is usually formed of a terylene fibre mat, easily removed for periodic
83။ The plenum chamber, acoustically lined, acts as a very effective
silencer for the fan noise which otherwise would be transmitted along
the ducts.
84။ Friction and eddy losses in the ducts make up the greater part of the
pressure required at the fan, hence the design of the duct system
affects the fan power very considerably.
85။ Air conditioning units are installed on boat deck aft, with refrigerating
machinery remotely situated in the engine room at middle flat level
port side, approximately 7m above ship's keel,
86။ Filter screens of washable nylon fibrous material are supplied with air
conditioning and supply fan units.
87။ At least 7 litres/s of fresh air per occupant of room should be taken
from machinery space system.
88။ Erosion of condenser piping may be prevented by fitting a 'Constaflo'
control valve in each unit to limit flow to 0.15 litre/s per unit.
89။ Direct current motors may also be controlled by static thyristor
converters which convert the a.c. supply into a variable d.c. voltage of
the required magnitude for any required armature speed.
90။ Condensation on the cold surfaces of reservoir tanks which are open
to the atmosphere, is a common source of contamination by water.
91။ Variable delivery pumps are used in hydraulic installations as the
means of regulating pump output to suit demand. Steering gears are
controlled directly by varying the pump output and swash plate
pumps are used to supply a range of hydraulic deck machinery.
92။ Hydraulic hoses should have their date of manufacture printed on
them and can be expected to have a life of about five years.
93။ A combustible gas indicator can be used to check whether there is a
flammable atmosphere in a space. The most common type is the
catalytic filament gas indicator (Explosimeter)
94။ The combustible gas indicator shown diagrammatically consists of a
Wheatstone bridge with current supplied from a battery.
95။ Vapour concentrations are measured in terms of parts per million
96။ Any device used to measure one parameter in terms of another, such
as change of temperature by change in electrical resistance, is called
a transducer.
97။ The common standard of calibration is 100 Q, at 0°C, increasing by
approx. 0.385 Q per °C up to 100°C.
98။ The main advantage of thermocouples over resistance thermometers,
are mechanical strength and when necessary small dimensions. The
disadvantages are a small working signal, the problem of controlling
or compensating for the cold junction temperature and lower
99။ The majority of pressure transducers operate by first producing a
mechanical motion proportional to applied pressure, from which is
derived an electrical signal by some secondary mechanism.
100။ As strain gauges only produce a very small change in resistance,
they are normally used in wheatstone bridge circuits.
Ship Construction

1။ The initial design of a ship generally proceeds through three stages:

concept; preliminary; and contract design.
2။ Displacement is made up of lightweight plus deadweight.
3။ Lightweight is the weight of vessel as built, including boiler water,
lubricating oil, and cooling water system.
4။ Amidships: A point midway between the after and forward
5။ Moulded Beam: Measured at the midship section is the maximum
moulded breadth of the ship.
6။ Moulded Draft: Measured from the base line to the summer load
line at the midship section.
7။ Moulded Depth: Measured from the base line to the heel of the
upper deck beam at the ship’s side amidships.
8။ Extreme Depth: Depth of vessel at ship’s side from upper deck to
lowest point of keel.
9။ Sheer: Curvature of decks in the longitudinal direction. Measured as
the height of deck at side at any point above the height of deck at
side amidships.
10။ Camber (or Round of Beam): Curvature of decks in the transverse
11။ Rise of Floor (or Deadrise): The rise of the bottom shell plating line
above the base line. This rise is measured at the line of moulded
12။ Flare: The outward curvature of the side shell above the waterline.
13။ Stem Rake: Inclination of the stem line from the vertical.
14။ Keel Rake: Inclination of the keel line from the horizontal.
15။ Tween Deck Height: Vertical distance between adjacent decks
measured from the tops of deck beams at ships side.
16။ ANNEALING is heating the steel at a slow rate to a temperature of
say 850 °C to 950 °C, and then cooling it in the furnace at a very
slow rate.
17။ NORMALIZING This is carried out by heating the steel slowly to a
temperature similar to that for annealing and allowing it to cool in
18။ QUENCHING (OR HARDENING) Steel is heated to temperatures
similar to that for annealing and normalizing, and then quenched in
water or oil.
19။ TEMPERING Quenched steels may be further heated to a
temperature somewhat between atmospheric and 680 °C, and some
alloy steels are then cooled fairly rapidly by quenching in oil or
20။ Steel for hull construction purposes is usually mild steel containing
0.15 to 0.23 per cent carbon, and a reasonably high manganese
21။ Forging is simply a method of shaping a metal by heating it to a
temperature where it becomes more or less plastic and then
hammering or squeezing it to the required form.
22။ There are three advantages which aluminum alloys have over mild
steel in the construction of ships.
23။ Pure aluminum has a low tensile strength and is of little use for
structural purposes.
24။ Cold working of the non-heat treated plate has the effect of
strengthening the material and this can be employed to advantage.
25။ RIVETING Riveting may be used to attach stiffening members to
light aluminum alloy plated structures where appearance is
important and distortion from the heat input of welding is to be
26။ Stress is directly proportional to strain.
27။ If the crest of the wave is amidships the buoyancy forces will tend
to ‘hog’ the vessel.
28။ if the trough is amidships the buoyancy forces will tend to ‘sag’ the
29။ RACKING When a ship is rolling, the deck tends to move laterally
relative to the bottom structure, and the shell on one side to move
vertically relative to the other side.
30။ TORSION When any body is subject to a twisting moment which is
commonly referred to as torque, that body is said to be in ‘torsion’.
31။ PANTING Panting refers to a tendency for the shell plating to work
‘in’ and ‘out’ in a bellows like fashion, and is caused by the
fluctuating pressures on the hull at the ends when the ship is
amongst waves.
32။ POUNDING Severe local stresses occur in way of the bottom shell
and framing forward when a vessel is driven into head seas.
33။ Unlike brittle fracture, fatigue fracture occurs very slowly and can in
fact take years to propagate.
34။ The welding torch consists of a long thick copper nozzle, a gas
mixer body, and valves for adjusting the oxygen and acetylene flow
35။ Oxy-acetylene welding tends to be slower than other fusion welding
processes because the process temperature is low in comparison
with the melting temperature of the metal, and because the heat
must be transferred from the flame to the plate.
36။ In shipbuilding oxy-acetylene welding can be employed in the
fabrication of ventilation and air conditioning trunking, cable trays,
and light steel furniture.
37။ The basic principle of electric arc welding is that a wire or electrode
is connected to a source of electrical supply with a return lead to
the plates to be welded.
38။ Coatings for the electrodes normally consist of a mixture of mineral
silicates, oxides, fluorides, carbonates, hydrocarbons, and powdered
metal alloys plus a liquid binder.
39။ Electrode coatings should provide gas shielding for the arc, easy
striking and arc stability, a protective slag, good weld shape, and
most important of all a gas shield consuming the surrounding
oxygen and protecting the molten weld metal.
40။ Welding in any of these positions requires selection of the correct
electrode, correct current, correct technique, and inevitably
41။ Automatic Welding with Cored Wires Flux cored wires (FCAW) are
often used in mechanised welding allowing higher deposition rates
and improved quality of weld.
42။ Basic or rutile flux cored wires are commonly used for onesided
welding with a ceramic backing.
43။ Submerged Arc Welding This is an arc welding process in which the
arc is maintained within a blanket of granulated flux.
44။ Stud Welding Stud welding may be classed as a shielded arc
process, the arc being drawn between the stud (electrode) and the
plate to which the stud is to be attached.
45။ Stud welding is often used in shipbuilding, generally for the
fastening of stud bolts to secure wood sheathing to decks,
insulation to bulkheads, etc.
46။ Gas shielded processes are principally of an automatic or semi-
automatic nature.
47။ Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding In the TIG welding process the arc
is drawn between a water-cooled non-consumable tungsten
electrode and the plate.
48။ Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding This is in effect an extension of TIG
welding, the electrode in this process becoming a consumable
metal wire.
49။ Plasma Welding This is very similar to TIG welding as the arc is
formed between a pointed tungsten electrode and the plate.
50။ Plasma is forced through a fine-bore copper nozzle which constricts
the arc.
51။ ELECTRO-SLAG WELDING The electro-slag welding process is used
for welding heavy casting structure components such as stern
frames and was also used at an earlier stage to make vertical welds
in heavier side shell when fabricated hull units where joined at the
52။ LASER WELDING Laser welding is being used in the shipbuilding
industry and shows much promise as a welding process that offers
low heat input and therefore minimum distortion of welded plates
and stiffeners.
53။ THERMIT WELDING This is a very useful method of welding which
may be used to weld together large steel sections, for example
parts of a stern frame.
54။ Friction stir welding is a solid state process that offers advantages
over fusion welding for certain applications.
55။ GAS CUTTING Gas cutting is achieved by what is basically a
chemical/ thermal reaction occurring with iron and iron alloys only.
56။ PLASMA-ARC CUTTING Plasma in this sense is a mass of ionized gas
which will conduct electricity.
57။ The plasma-arc process may be used for cutting all electrically
conductive materials. Cutting units are available with cutting
currents of 20 to 1000 amps to cut plates with thicknesses of 0.6 to
150 mm.
58။ The more expensive argon/hydrogen mixture being required to cut
the greater thickness sections.
59။ A water-injection plasma-arc cutting system is available for cutting
materials up to 75 mm thick using nitrogen as the carrier gas.
60။ LASER CUTTING consists of a tube filled with a mixture of CO2,
nitrogen, and helium which is caused to fluoresce by a high-voltage
61။ Water jet cutting can be used on a range of materials, timber,
plastics, rubber etc., as well as steels and aluminum alloys.
62။ Waterjet cutting is slower than most thermal cutting processes and
is not a portable machine tool.
63။ The various available nondestructive testing methods may be
summarized as follows: Visual examination Dye penetrant Magnetic
particle Radiographic Ultrasonic.
64။ SHELL EXPANSION The arrangement of the shell plating taken from
a 3-dimensional model may be represented on a 2-dimensional
drawing referred to as a shell expansion plan.
65။ SHOT BLASTING Plates and sections are in most cases now shot
blasted to remove rust and mill scale.
66။ Shot blasting plant in shipyards is generally of the impeller wheel
type where the abrasive is thrown at high velocity against the steel
surface and may be re-circulated.
67။ HEAT LINE BENDING The ‘heat-line’ bending procedure is a widely
used technique to obtain curvature in steel plates for shipbuilding
68။ HEAT LINE BENDING is applied in a line to the surface of a plate by
a flame torch, and then immediate cooling is obtained by air or
69။ Superstructure blocks are fabricated separately and pre-outfitted
with accommodation before erection as a complete unit.
70။ BUILDING SLIP Conventional slipways or berths are relatively solid
and reinforced with piles to allow them to sustain the weights of
ships built upon them.
71။ Keel blocks are arranged so that the height of keel above the
ground is 1.25 to 1.5m, giving reasonable access, but not too high
so that a large amount of packing is required.
72။ Side launching is often used where the width of water available is
considerably restricted.
73။ Originally ships were constructed with single bottoms, liquid fuels
and fresh water being contained within separately constructed
74။ Double bottom structure which provides increased safety in the
event of bottom shell damage, and also provides liquid tank space
low down in the ship.
75။ At the centre line of the bottom structure is located the keel, which
is often said to form the backbone of the ship.
Repair and maintenance of Ship Machineries and Systems

1။ The problem of predicting the failure rates of equipment is a

universal one.
2။ The main objectives of maintenance are to take care of the
equipment of a plant at minimum cost.
3။ For a ship operator the objectives will be smooth passage,
availability, reliability and productivity of sea transport, at the least
cost of maintenance.
4။ In the maritime industry critical equipment is normally installed in
duplex or twin fashion especially those performing essential
services like the auxiliary machinery, (generators), steering systems,
lubricating pumps and others.
5။ The design, from raw material to the finished product, must
undergo strict quality control procedures.
6။ The quality control is incorporated in every step of inspection of the
manufacture of the propeller shafts for vessels.
7။ The sizes and strengths vary with the nature of loading on these
8။ The theory of beam and torque is a good illustration of the
relationship of the physical effects of the application of forces on
components of machinery.
9။ After manufacture the components are installed in machinery and
will be subjected to forces of various nature.
10။ Compressive, direct forces, or torsional forces will be disturbing
forces which must be neutralized by counter reactive forces within
the material molecules for stability of the component.
11။ From the evaluation of the physical strength factors in relation to
ultimate strength, extension, maximum stress, moment of inertia,
and the component can be designed.
12။ A measure of the safety factor can then be determined taking into
account other factors influencing it such as corrosion, wear, and
13။ The principle of Hooke’s Law, which stipulates the extension or
reduction in size is proportional to the applied stress.
14။ Machinery parts need to be designed within the safety limit to
ensure some measure of safety. This is known as a factor of safety.
15။ With dynamic alternating load of various maximum values higher
safety factor values will have to be considered.
16။ Design of major engine components like pistons and piston rods
have shown defects that result in crack propagations.
17။ A higher factor of safety is required by the modern trend of highly
rated engines, in order to ensure a higher reliability along with high
engine efficiency.
18။ A designated maintenance section or department must first be
established with the sole responsibility of maintaining all assets of
an institution, vessels or port facility.
19။ For sea going maintenance work this responsibility is borne by the
chief engineer, and the captain through the second engineer, and
chief officer.
20။ Sub-contractors for major maintenance work for the vessel are
arranged by ships office, ships staff and ship repair yard.
21။ A normal wear out failure maybe dealt with one of three policy
decisions. (a) Immediate replacement of the defective item. (b)
Replacement after total failure. (c) Replacement of the item at the
next overhaul.
22။ The labour force is the human resource of maintenance sector.
23။ a huge financial commitment in terms of costs of manhours for the
performance and time taken to carry out the maintenance work.
24။ The labour force will consist of mainly technical personnel like
engineers, craftsman and non technical personnel as the
administration staff.
25။ The availability of the physical resources like workshop facilities,
tools, equipment spares and stores provides for quick and effective
maintenance work to be done.
26။ Dockyard facilities are for essential for the maintenance of floating
craft such as berthing tugs, labour, pilot, mooring boats.
27။ There are two main types of information categories; descriptive and
28။ The information is related to the maintenance work on the
equipment, time, labour force which performs the maintenance
tasks and spares and materials used.
29။ Maintenance engineers can also provide valuable information in this
regard because of their experience and knowledge of machinery
failures of.
30။ Maintenance tasks can be concentrated first on the equipment
which are highly critical.
31။ The purpose of this investigation is to find out the cause or causes
that precipitated the accident.
32။ The mechanical properties of materials under applied load, may
exhibit elastic, inelastic, or plastic behavior.
33။ Progressive Failure is caused by one or a combination of causes
which precipitate a propagation of a minor defect which ends in
total failure.
34။ Instantaneous Failure occurs randomly by external causes to the
35။ Cracks are fractures or cleavage in a material due to e1astic—plastic
behavior of a material when subjected to load.
36။ Depending on the thickness of the material gradual crack
propagation will proceed until failure due to unstable crack
propagation occurs.
37။ Ultrasonic devices, magnetic, dye penetrant and any incipient
cracks can be inspected. These devices are referred to as
nondestructive testing methods.
38။ The repair costs are always less than half the costs replacement of
the component.
39။ Wear is a progressive removal of material of a solid surface by
moving parts, or by gas, liquid, or chemical corrosion on the surface
of the component.
40။ Maintenance of lubrication system at the highest perfect condition
to minimize wear effects is the action to reduce wear out failure.
41။ Maintenance of the static and rotary filters regularly will ensure
adequate pressure in the lubricating system.
42။ Deformation in size and shape of a component that renders the
component no longer able to support its intended load is known as
distortion failure.
43။ The breakage of a component caused by impact loading on a
structure is referred to as brittle failure.
44။ The impact energy which causes the fracture because the strain
energy within the structure is not adequate to resist the impact.
45။ ) Primary Creep: In this stage strain rate decreases with time due to
strain hardening effects.
46။ The mechanism of the fatigue failure takes three stages: (a) Initial
fatigue damage like a crack. (b) Crack propagation. (c) Final sudden
fracture of the component.
47။ Other factors in operation which influence corrosion are: (a) Time of
exposure in the wet environment. (b) The pH value of the
electrolyte. (c) Bad workmanship.
48။ Galvanic Corrosion takes as a result of electro-chemical action.
49။ The purpose of lubrication is to reduce the frictional resistance
between moving parts which are in contact and moving relative to
each other by an oil film between them.
50။ The injection pump is precision equipment and has the task of
metering, and delivering fuel at a high pressure to the injector.
51။ The fuel injector frequently develops faults and requires closer
observation and rectification for engine operating for a long time at
highest load.
52။ The main thing in the starting and stopping systems of any
machinery is the ability to control the equipment safely during start,
normal and emergency stops.
53။ The duty of the starters is to be able to overcome the initial torque
due to the inertia and frictional forces of the masses of the moving
parts of the machinery from stand still.
54။ The maintenance requirements will be concentrated mainly on the
batteries and the brush gear at the motor.
55။ All equipment before commissioning in service must undergo a
running-in procedure.
56။ Selection of a maintenance system is an art of evaluating
performance of equipment in a plant over a period.
57။ The purpose of selection is therefore to match intelligently,
appropriate maintenance procedures to forestall and prevent
unexpected, breakdowns or repairs.
58။ Break down maintenance is only carried out after the total failure
of equipment.
59။ Corrective maintenance is conducted to restore an item which has
ceased to meet acceptable standards.
60။ "preventive maintenance" is maintenance carried out at a
predetermined interval or to other prescribed criteria, and intended
to reduce the likelihood of an item not meeting an acceptable
61။ The personnel managers role will be in ensuring the labour force is
adequate and of the right skill.
62။ The purpose of this mechanism is analysis, plan, execution, and
recording of the maintenance workload over the equipment in a
63။ One of the objectives of maintenance in maritime vessels is to
comply with the minimum requirements of the classification
64။ The ship owner will insure the vessel against various other risks
with different brokers for both hull and machinery in the event of
damage or loss.
65။ The I. M. O. is a specialized organ of the United Nations with
responsibilities of maintaining uniform standards in economical and
social development of the maritime industry.
66။ A continuous machinery and hull survey the vessels are required to
have at least 20% of items to be inspected each year respectively.
67။ Computers comprise a central processing unit in which a number of
transistors and integrated circuits are connected to give binary
68။ The main advantages of programmable computers are that they can
be set to highlight the condition monitoring, relieve the human
operator of a constant watch, quick data process, and decisions for
further maintenance on machinery can be taken faster.
69။ Evaluation of the performance of the maintenance system is an
important procedure to measure the tasks conducted against the
normal standard criterion set out by the plant objectives.
70။ Feedback information and the data ¥rom completion oi a
maintenance task will enable appropriate adjustment to be done.
71။ The physical aspects of the applied maintenance procedures will be
conducted as in the following steps: (a) Easy accessibility to the
item. (b) Dismantling, cleaning and inspection. (c) Calibration and
assembly. (d) Safety procedures.
72။ The common instruments for the calibration purposes are the
micro-meter and feeler gauges, bridge gauges for the main
73။ The costs of measuring and indicating instruments are not
necessarily expensive items compared with the overall operating
costs of the plant.
74။ Cause of Connecting rod bearing too large, the sound will be
rythmatic heavy knock.
75။ The cooling system areas of concern for the applied maintenance
purposes are: (i) The maintenance of the coolant pressure and the
4low rates. (ii) The areas where the heat transference takes place at
the heat exchanger.
76။ The most sensitive item in the maintenance of the cooling system is
the heat exchanger.
77။ There are different types of heat exchanger; (a) Straight or coiled
tube coolers. (b) Plate type coolers.
78။ The maintenance procedures involve regular inspection of the
trunking, scavenge spaces and the control valves for any burnt oil
79။ To control maintenance expenditures and evaluate maintenance
performance so that maintenance goals are achieved.
80။ In the management of effective maintenance procedures in
equipment and port facility, (I) Ships Gear; (a) Deck winches and
derricks. (b) Deck cranes.
81။ The maintenance workers will consist of a foreman, technician and
82။ Maintenance of good relation means motivating the stevedore when
the output of cargo tonnage is commensurable with the
83။ Critical situations to watch for problems and causes of failures with
commutation in the direct current installation are: (a) The
commutator ring and the brush gear installation. (b) Quality of the
brushes and designed contact pressure on the brushes.
84။ The chief engineer through the second engineer organizes watch
keeping duties and daily maintenance work for the engine room
85။ The captain through the chief officer will organize the deck crew for
the deck maintenance work.
86။ Smooth operation and maintenance of the vessel will be achieved
when there is cooperation between the deck and engine room
87။ The maintenance work however can be resolved into four major
sectors for the sea going vessel: (I) Vessel preparation for the sea
passage. (II) Maintenance tasks on passage. (III)Arrival preparation
for maneuvering and standby. (IV) Port overhaul as for the survey
inspection and defects in the voyage that could not be attended
while the machinery is running.
88။ Testing gears is a procedure which comprises checking of the
steering, telegraph, engine room and bridge communication system
and the steering compartment.
89။ The maintenance on passage should only be on routine work of
replenishing of the fuel oil tanks, lubrication, Filtration and
maintaining the machinery parameters at the working levels at
various sea water condition.
90။ Ensure effective sealing of the end covers of the motors is
maintained to prevent any moisture into the electrical components.
91။ The minimum standards of maintenance are related to the safety of
the vessels, propulsion power, load carrying capacity and on the
operators of the vessels.
92။ The future trends in the maintenance of the maritime industry is
geared towards the following goals: (a) Durability in the vessels and
the machinery so that the mean time between the overhauls can be
extended. (b) Full automation in the sea going vessels in order to
reduce the crew. (c) Energy saving in the plant from design to
operation and maintenance for total economy. (d) Multi modal
transportation of cargo from source to the customer for efficient
cargo transportation.
93။ The complexity of the port facilities and vessels demand a great
deal of determination on the maintenance sectors to achieve the
94။ An effective maritime administration infrastructure for all the
developing maritime nations. especially in Eastern Africa regions to
implement the international agreement and maritime conventions
on maritime affairs.
95။ A maritime academy in the Eastern Africa region preferably in Kenya
for training seafarers. The existing Bandari college in Mombasa,
Kenya is within suitable surroundings for the purpose.
96။ Maintenance is also part and parcel in the safety and security
assurance for the environmental concern. This will ensure the
available resources within the environment will be available for the
future generation.
97။ Optimization of appropriate functions and systems for power
utilization to improve the machinery efficiency.
98။ Keeping a good storage and spares system for quick replacement.
The rate of spares usage will also indicate failure pattern.
99။ Keeping a proper data and information collection system of failure
for easy decision making.
100။ Implementation of corrective maintenance from history record.
feedback information and data of failure analysis.
Marine Engineering

1။ The two-stroke cycle engine, with one working or power stroke

every revolution, will, theoretically, develop twice the power of a
four-stroke engine of the same swept volume.
2။ In the four-stroke cycle engine there is an adequate overlap
between the air inlet valve opening and the exhaust valve
3။ Camshaft rotates at engine speed for a two-stroke engine and at
half engine speed for a four-stroke.
4။ The needle valve will open when the fuel pressure acting on the
needle valve tapered face exerts a sufficient force to overcome
the spring compression.
5။ As a practical safeguard against explosions which occur in a
crankcase, explosion relief valves or doors are fitted.
6။ The indicator cocks must always be open when the turning gear
is operated.
7။ Medium-speed four-stroke engines provide a better power-to-
weight ratio and power-to-size ratio and there is also a lower
initial cost for equivalent power.
8။ Elastic or flexible couplings allow slight misalignment and damp
out or remove torque variations from the engine.
9။ There are two main types of turbine, the 'impulse' and the
10။ The impulse arrangement is made up of a ring of nozzles
followed by a ring of blades.
11။ The turbine rotor acts as the shaft which transmits the
mechanical power produced to the propeller shaft via the
12။ All modern marine gearing is of the double helical type. Helical
means that the teeth form part of a helix on the periphery of the
pinion or gear wheel. This means that at any time several teeth
are in contact and thus the spread and transfer of load is much
13။ A double evaporation boiler uses two independent systems for
steam generation and therefore avoids any contamination
between the primary and secondary feed water.
14။ The use of exhaust gases from diesel main propulsion engines to
generate steam is a means of heat energy recovery and
improved plant efficiency.
15။ The chlorides, sulphates and nitrates are not decomposed by
boiling and are known as 'permanent hardness'.
16။ For auxiliary boilers the chemicals added might be lime (calcium
hydroxide) and soda (sodium carbonate). Alternatively caustic
soda (sodium hydroxide) may be used on its own.
17။ Main condensers associated with steam turbine propulsion
machinery are of the regenerative type.
18။ Losses are mainly due to friction within the pipes and the
difference between the initial and final liquid levels.
19။ Net Positive Suction Head is the difference between the absolute
pump inlet pressure and the vapour pressure of the liquid, and is
expressed in metres of liquid.
20။ An insufficient value of NPSH required will result in cavitation in
Pipe Line.
21။ There are three main classes of pump in marine use:
displacement, axial flow and centrifugal.
22။ The displacement pumping action is achieved by the reduction
or increase in volume of a space causing the liquid (or gas) to be
physically moved.
23။ An air vessel is usually fitted in the discharge pipework to dampen
out the pressure variations during discharge.
24။ A relief valve is always fitted between the pump suction and
discharge chambers to protect the pump should it be operated with
a valve closed in the discharge line.
25။ Reciprocating displacement pumps are self-priming, will accept
high suction lifts, produce the discharge pressure required by the
system and can handle large amounts of vapour or entrained gases.
26။ A steam driven pump will require the usual draining and warming-
through procedure before steam is gradually admitted.
27။ An axial-flow pump uses a screw propeller to axially accelerate the
28။ The axial flow pump is used where large quantities of water at a
low head are required, for example in condenser circulating.
29။ In a centrifugal pump liquid enters the centre or eye of the
impeller and flows radially out between the vanes, its velocity
being increased by the impeller rotation.
30။ Centrifugal pumps, while being suitable for most general marine
duties, are not self-priming and require some means of removing
air from the suction pipeline and filling it with liquid.
31။ When starting a centrifugal pump the suction valve is opened and
the discharge valve left shut: then the motor is started and the
priming unit will prime the suction line.
32။ Non-return or check valves are arranged in various pipelines to
prevent reverse flow.
33။ A gate valve should be fully open or closed; it is not suitable for
flow control.
34။ Excess pressure is avoided in pipe systems by the use of relief
35။ Oil tank suction valves are arranged for rapid closing from a remote
point by the use of quick-closing valves.
36။ To enable the internal perforated plate to be cleaned, when
necessary, the lid of the mud box is easily removed without
disconnecting any pipework.
37။ Suction pipes in tanks should be arranged with a bell mouth or
38။ An expansion piece is fitted in a pipeline which is subject to
considerable temperature variations.
39။ The bilge main is arranged to drain any watertight compartment
other than ballast, oil or water tanks and to discharge the contents
40။ All bilge suctions must be fitted with suitable strainers, which in the
machinery space would be mud boxes positioned at floorplate level
for easy access.
41။ The ballast system is arranged to ensure that water can be drawn
from any tank or the sea and discharged to any other tank or the
sea as required to trim the vessel.
42။ A non-return valve is usually fitted as close as possible to the
discharge valve on a compressor to prevent return air flow: it is an
essential fitting where unloaders are used.
43။ The heat exchange process is accomplished by having the two
liquids pass on either side of a conducting surface.
44။ Coolers at sea fall into two groups, shell and tube and the plate
45။ Where coolers are out of use for a long period, such as during
surveys or major overhauls, they should be drained on the sea
water side, flushed through or washed with fresh water, and left to
dry until required for service.
46။ Oil/water separators are used to ensure that ships do not discharge
oil when pumping out bilges, oil tanks or any oil-contaminated
47။ Two particular types of sewage treatment plant are in use,
employing either chemical or biological methods.
48။ The biological system utilizes bacteria to completely break down
the sewage into an acceptable substance for discharge into any
49။ The treatment plant uses a tank which is divided into three
watertight compartments: an aeration compartment, settling
compartment and a chlorine contact compartment.
50။ The ignition quality of a fuel is measured by the time delay between
injection and combustion, which should be short for good
controlled burning.
51။ The forward speed of the ship enables the fins to generate the
thrust which results in the righting moment.
52။ The effectiveness of the fins as stabilizers depends upon their speed
of movement, which must be rapid from one extreme point to the
53။ A tank stabilizer provides a righting or anti-rolling force as a result
of the delayed flow of fluid in a suitably positioned transverse tank.
54။ Watertight doors are provided where an opening in a watertight
bulkhead is essential.
55။ Watertight doors should be tested for operation by closing and
opening during fire drill.
56။ The bow thruster is a propulsion device fitted to certain types of
ships to improve maneuverability.
57။ During operation water is forced through the tunnel to push the
ship sideways either to port or starboard as required.
58။ The emergency generator is a diesel-driven generator of sufficient
capacity to provide essential circuits such as steering, navigation
lights and communications.
59။ The emergency fire pump is arranged to supply the ship's fire main
when the machinery space pump is not available.
60။ The thrust block transfers the thrust from the propeller to the hull
of the ship.
Damage Control, Fire Fighting
1။ Fusion Weapons produce explosive energy from fusion of lighter
nuclei under intense pressure and temperature triggered by a
Nuclear Fission trigger.
2။ Biological agents are the living organism that causes disease or
death in Men, Animals or Plants.
3။ Fungi are among the smallest members of the plant kingdom.
4။ Rickettsia is smaller than bacteria, averaging about half a
micron or less.
5။ Like Rickettsia, viruses can multiply only within living cells.
6။ High toxicity of Nerve agents makes them the most effective of
the lethal agents.
7။ The effectiveness and lethality of Blister agents increases at
higher ambient temperatures.
8။ Chemical agents will normally be disseminated so as to be
inhaled or absorbed through the skin.
9။ Collective protection based on the maintenance of an effective
citadel and the reduction to a minimum of exposed personnel.
10။ Personal protection based on the wearing of a protective suit,
gloves, over boots, the respirator and the aircrew protective
11။ WT subdivisions are formed by main transverse and
longitudinal bulkheads, decks and flats and minor bulkheads.
12။ Deciding on the material conditions of the ship and the
organization of the personnel needed to achieve the different
states of readiness is the responsibility of the NBCD Officer,
who must work in accord with the heads of departments
13။ The stresses tending to twist the ship about her fore and aft
axis, caused by the combination of rolling and pitching are
referred to as torsion.
14။ EMM Clamps are designed to be used in pairs and can replace
the proud shores and to reduces the stowage problem of long
15။ Vertical Shoring is used for decks and hatches and leak
stopping on them.
16။ TYPE `A’ ALLOWANCE locker should be sited in the vicinity of
the section base or at a repair post. It has 17 shelves.
17။ TYPE `C’ ALLOWANCE usually should be situated one forward
and one aft at each fire and repair party post. It has 8 shelves.
18။ Primary zone is in the immediate vicinity of the cause of
damage, particularly in the case of explosion, it will be the zone
of complete destruction.
19။ `X’, `Y’, and `Z’ letters painted in black on upper centre of the
door and hatch (size – 75 mm) For drain cocks, valves, Vent
flaps/closures (size – 40 mm).
20။ Openings which require to be controlled by the user in GT
condition only must be marked with letter `M’ it may be used
alone or in addition to WT risk and control marking
21။ May Be Left Open discs may be used on certain openings which
would normally be shut in a particular watertight condition but
may need to be left open for periods without being attended
e.g. a door which provides passage and is in almost continuous
use during the day but which can be shut at night, or a hatch in
frequent use during workings hours but where it can be
guaranteed that someone is always on hand to shut it instantly.
22။ 2-CLIPS are used on doors and hatches where the normal
volume of traffic makes full clipping impracticable and on
openings in selected routes to shelter positions.
23။ Ballasting system is used to restore the stability and to upright
the damaged ship by filling the empty fuel tanks with sea
24။ De-Ballasting system is used to pump out sea water from the
ballasted tanks.
25။ The main group will be responsible for taking all action towards
the flooding and damage repairs including shoring and leak
26။ Flash Point is the lowest temperature at which the fuel/liquid
produces sufficient vapours to produce a flash, on the
application of a naked flame.
27။ Convection is observed in fluids (liquids and gases).
28။ Extinguishers for Class D fires are specially formulated to treat
organic and alkali metals that cannot be safely extinguished by
other fire extinguisher agents.
29။ When water is converted from liquid to vapour, its volume at
atmospheric pressure increases about 1600 times.
30။ High Expansion Foam compound (HIEX) is a special
composition of surfactants solubilisers, stabilizers and
antifreeze agent designed to produce foam with low drainage
time, superior fluidity and fire resistance.
31။ Ventilation is needed in ships for to provide sufficient oxygen to
ensure the health and alertness of the ship’s company, in all
climates and conditions of service, to maintain tolerable
temperatures and remove foul air, noxious and toxic fumes,
smoke and combustible or explosive vapours.
32။ Ionization Chamber Smoke Detector is used for detection of fire
in the red glowing and early stages of the flame.
33။ Light Attenuation Smoke Detector has applications mainly in
the detection of smoke in relatively long but narrow areas.
34။ Machinery spaces in warship are usually highly congested with
access generally through hatches.
35။ The fire must be contained within the smallest possible
compass by forming a fire boundary, which is the bulkheads
and deck surrounding the compartment or space on fire.
36။ Whenever there is chemical reaction, either heat is liberated
(Exothermic reaction) or heat is absorbed from the reacting
substances (Endothermic reaction).
37။ Firemain is fed by electrically driven fire pumps of 75 to 150
tons/hr capacity, designed to maintain 6 to 8 bars (80-100 Psi)
pressure in the system.
38။ When BASCCA are used operationally, a BA Controller must be
detailed. The BA Controller must be well trained in the use of
the apparatus, and must understand the vital part he plays in
the safety arrangements for firefighters.
39။ The main task of specialist party is to consider the possible
hazards from flammables and explosives materials, and
establish the availability of equipments, power supplies, fire
and salvage pumps.
40။ CO2 smothering System is usually for generator room. The
Liquid firefighting system is intended for Engine Room and gas
turbine plant.

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