Asher - 2011 - Female Receptivity (Red Deer and Fallow Deer)

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Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 170–175

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Reproductive cycles of deer夽

G.W. Asher
AgResearch Ltd., Invermay Agricultural Centre, Private Bag 50034, Mosgiel, New Zealand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The cervids are a complex assemblage of taxa showing extreme diversity in morphol-
Available online 29 September 2010 ogy, physiology, ecology and geographical distribution. Reproductive strategies adopted
by various species are also diverse, and include a range from highly seasonal to com-
Keywords: pletely aseasonal birth patterns. The recent growth in knowledge on cervid reproduction is
Deer strongly biased towards the larger-bodied, gregarious mixed grazer-browser species that
Reproductive cycle
have adapted well to human management and commercialisation. These species tend to
represent ‘K-selected’ climax species characterised by very productive annual breeding
success, singleton births and long breeding life (10+ years). Conversely, we know relatively
little about the reproductive patterns of the ‘r-selected’ smaller-bodied, solitary (and often
highly territorial), forest-dwelling browser species, often characterised by great fecundity
(twinning) and shorter breeding life (<10 years). This group includes many of the endan-
gered cervid taxa. This review extends earlier reviews to include more recent work on cervid
reproductive cycles, particularly in relation to environmental factors influencing gestation
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Distribution and diversity of cervids strategies’ in which cervids can be classified into the two
extremes; one maximises the reproductive capacity of indi-
The ‘cervids’, represented by over 40 species and viduals and the potential growth rate of the population
200 subspecies (Whitehead, 1993), are characterised by (r), and the other maximises the competitive ability of
remarkable diversity in morphology, physiology, ecology individuals and the stability of the population (K). Unsta-
and geographical distribution. In particular, reproductive ble or early-successional habitats favour the r-strategy,
strategies amongst cervids vary widely within and between while stable or late-successional (climax) habitats favour
regions. As such, no one species can be considered to rep- the K-strategy (Harper et al., 1961). The r-strategists are
resent a ‘typical’ deer in terms of reproductive function. identified by their greater reproductive potential, exhibit-
For example, some cervids exhibit highly seasonal pat- ing multiple births, early sexual maturation (<1 year) and
terns of birth in cool temperate climes, while others are short breeding life (<10 years). They are predominantly ter-
aseasonal in equatorial regions. Also, while many species ritorial browser- or concentrate-feeders adapted to rapid
are strictly monovular and bear single offspring annu- colonisation of early stage successional habitats; including
ally, others are normally polyovular and bear multiple species such as roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), white-
offspring. Even embryonic development and placentation tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), moose (Alces alces)
vary amongst species (Asher et al., 1999a,b). Harrington and numerous species of tropical, forest-dwelling deer. K-
(1985) expressed this variation in terms of ‘life-history strategists have lesser reproductive potential that includes
lower fecundity (i.e. singleton births) and later sexual mat-
uration (>1 year) and are generally mixed grazer/browsers
夽 This paper is part of the special issue entitled: Reproductive Cycles of
with marked gregariousness and social/behavioural plas-
Animals, Guest Edited by Michael G. Diskin and Alexander Evans.
ticity. They tend to occupy climax habitats and include
E-mail address: nearly all taxa within Cervus (red deer, wapiti, sika deer,

0378-4320/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G.W. Asher / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 170–175 171

sambar deer, etc.) and Rangifer (reindeer, caribou). Because the majority of species initiating mating activity during
of their ability to adapt to human management regimens, decreasing daylength of late summer and autumn (Lincoln
it is the K-strategists that are predominantly represented and Short, 1980). Variations in the actual mating season
in the research literature. It is therefore important to note between species of up to 8 weeks usually offsets differences
that while there was an increased understanding of repro- in the duration of gestation, such that parturition generally
ductive function in cervids over the last few decades, this occurs in mid-summer (Lincoln, 1985). A notable exception
relates mainly to those species of importance to agri- amongst temperate species is the Pere David’s deer (Ela-
culture (i.e. deer farming) and a few endangered species phurus davidianus), which initiates mating activity in early
undergoing ex situ conservation efforts. In general, the summer and calves in late spring despite an unusually long
research has been largely directed towards successful gestation of ∼280 days (Wemmer et al., 1989).
application of assisted reproductive technologies to manip- There is increasing evidence that some tropical species
ulate the genetic composition of populations (e.g. selection also perceive, and respond to, changes in photoperiod,
for improved agricultural productivity and avoidance of although in a different manner than temperate species.
inbreeding depression). The studies to date are clearly Rusa deer living in the tropics exhibit asynchronous antler
biased towards a few key species, particularly the larger- cycles and birth timings. However, once translocated to
bodied, monovulatory species with greater environmental temperate, high-latitude zones they appear to establish an
and behavioural plasticity (K-strategists) that makes them evolutionary-based ‘long-day’ reproductive rhythm (Van
suitable candidates for captive propagation. The smaller- Mourik and Stelmasiak, 1990). Brow-antlered Eld’s deer
bodied, forest-dwelling and solitary species (r-strategists) (Cervus eldi thamin) exhibit strong reproductive seasonal-
are clearly under-represented in such research. This later ity in their sub-tropical native range. This pattern persists
group includes numerous species whose populations are after translocation to high latitudes (48◦ N), even though
under threat or are endangered (see Asher et al., 1999a). this strategy results in the birth of offspring during harsh
winter months (Monfort et al., 1991). It is hypothesised that
2. Seasonality compared to aseasonality Eld’s deer respond to the relatively subtle low-amplitude
photoperiodic oscillations experienced in their native sub-
The necessity for most cervid species to give birth at an tropical latitudes. Higher latitudes simply serve to reinforce
appropriate time of year for optimal survival and growth or strengthen seasonal rhythms because the direction of
of offspring has exerted considerable influence on their photoperiodic change is similar, just of greater ampli-
reproductive physiology (Lincoln and Short, 1980). Species tude. Chital deer appear to exhibit only limited seasonality
of northern temperate or arctic origins typically conceive within their native tropics and following translocation to
in autumn and calve in summer. In contrast, species of temperate zones. However, exogenous melatonin treat-
tropical origin often exhibit limited seasonality or are ment has been shown to hasten and synchronise antler
completely aseasonal (Lincoln, 1985). The endogenous casting amongst stags (Mylrea, 1992), indicating possible
mechanisms governing seasonal reproductive patterns in photoperiodic responsiveness in a species that, in other
temperate species are robust, being manifest rigorously respects, appears unresponsive. In contrast, tropical sam-
when animals are transferred between localities despite bar deer (Cervus unicolor) acclimatised to temperate zones
subtle variations in seasonal feed supply. The transfer- in New Zealand exhibit a loose pattern of ‘reverse season-
ence of temperate species across the equator results in ality’ in calving but fail to show any discernable seasonal
an exact 6-month phase change (Marshall, 1937), even patterns in prolactin secretion (Asher et al., 1997a).
though the relationship between season and feed pro- Because tropical cervid species are not exposed to
duction differs considerably between continental northern strong circannual photoperiodic rhythms, reproductive
hemisphere and insular southern hemisphere environ- patterns may have evolved in response to a variety of fac-
ments (Asher et al., 1993a). Tropical species transferred tors including seasonal fluctuations in the availability of
from equatorial zones exhibit either pronounced ‘reverse specific food items, local resource competition amongst
seasonality’ (spring conceptions and autumn/winter calv- sympatric species (species that occupy about the same area
ing; e.g. rusa deer, Cervus timorensis, in southern Australia), of land but do not interbreed), or predation pressure; and
wide birth seasons (e.g. chital deer, Axis axis, in Australia) many of these factors may be directly related to rainfall pat-
or complete aseasonality (e.g. Reeve’s muntjac, Muntiacus terns. For example, it has been asserted that conceptions
reevsii, in UK) (Chapman et al., 1984; Loudon and Curlewis, are timed in white-tailed deer living in Columbia (5◦ N) and
1988; Monfort et al., 1991; Mylrea, 1992). It is notewor- the Everglades National Park (25◦ N) so that births occur
thy that there is a general paucity of information on the during the dry season (Blouch, 1987; Smith et al., 1996). The
birth season of tropical species in their native tropical fawning season of hog deer (Axis porcinus) in Nepal (27◦ N)
environment, although there are well-documented exam- coincides with new vegetative growth that occurs after sea-
ples of species that exhibit strictly seasonal patterns of sonal grass fires caused by lightning strikes or agricultural
birth. burning, believed to have been occurring for thousands of
years (Mishra and Wemmer, 1987). However, how these
2.1. Photoperiodic control of reproduction species synchronise their season of conceptions to achieve
birth synchrony remains to be resolved. Even species like
For temperate and arctic species it is generally accepted sambar deer and chital deer sharing the same habitat in
that entrainment of seasonal reproductive cycles is effected Nepal fawn 6 months out-of-phase to one another (Mishra
by endogenous recognition of photoperiod changes, with and Wemmer, 1987).
172 G.W. Asher / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 170–175

It is this lack of reproductive uniformity amongst sym- chital deer appear to have become completely aseasonal,
patric species in the tropics and subtropics from which with females exhibiting free-running oestrous cycles in the
can infer differing adaptations to the environment based absence of pregnancy (Mylrea, 1992). There are indications
on a variety of regulatory mechanisms. In Nepal’s Royal for some tropical species within temperate latitudes, such
Chitawan National Park four cervid species co-exist, includ- as sambar deer in New Zealand, that responsiveness to pho-
ing two browsers (sambar deer and muntjac), one grazer toperiod has been lost, as indicated by an inability to detect
(hog deer) and one mixed feeder (chital deer). Each of these measurable levels of plasma prolactin in sambar hinds dur-
species differs in their annual reproductive cycle, habitat ing the year (Asher et al., 1997a).
selection and feeding ecology (Mishra and Wemmer, 1987).
Although photo-responsiveness in tropical cervid species 3.1.1. Oestrus and ovulation
may persist as an evolutionary relic, the tight linkage The transition into the female breeding season is char-
between photoperiod and seasonal reproduction observed acterised by ‘silent ovulations’ (ovulations not preceded by
in temperate species may not completely explain the exis- overt oestrus) and short-lived (8–10 days) corpora lutea in
tence of reproductive seasonality in many tropical species. most cervid species studied. In fallow deer (Dama dama),
multiple successive silent ovulations leading up to the start
2.2. Subspecies differences (e.g. red deer) of the breeding season have been observed (Asher, 1985).
The transient nature of the preliminary corpora lutea may
Cervid species occupying wide latitudinal and longitu- actually serve to promote within-herd synchrony of first
dinal ranges have generally developed discrete populations overt oestrus of the season.
that exhibit pronounced phenotypic and genotypic differ- Subsequent oestrous cycles are generally of normal
ences. For example the red deer/wapiti species (Cervus duration, as determined genetically for each species,
elaphus) includes at least 23 recognised subspecies in a although occasional ‘long cycles’ have been observed in
west/east cline from Western Europe to North America some Pere David’s deer and Eld’s deer (Curlewis et al.,
(Whitehead, 1993). Climatic variation between subspecies 1988; Monfort et al., 1991). Average duration of the nor-
zones may be associated with subtle variation in reproduc- mal oestrous cycle ranges from 17 days in sambar deer and
tive seasonality of the various subspecies. Recent studies axis deer, 18–20 days in red deer and Eld’s deer, 21–23
have indicated that Western European (Scottish) red deer days in fallow deer, and 24–27 days in moose and black-
(C.e. scoticus) and Eastern European red deer (C.e. hippela- tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus). The mean duration of
phus) farmed in New Zealand exhibit a 2–3 week difference the oestrous cycle tends to increase progressively during
in rutting activity and subsequent mean calving dates the breeding season in most of these species. (Guinness et
(Scott et al., 2006). These differences occur at the same lat- al., 1971; Asher, 1985; Curlewis et al., 1988; Monfort et
itudes in both Europe and New Zealand (and indeed within al., 1991; Chapple et al., 1993; Schwartz and Hundertmark,
sympatric populations on New Zealand farms), indicating 1993; Wong and Parker, 1993).
subtle genetic differences in subspecies responses to the Overt oestrous behaviour has been observed in a num-
prevailing photoperiodic regimen. ber of cervid species but the duration of mating receptivity
at a single oestrus has been difficult to determine. In some
3. Female species at least, including red deer and fallow deer, overt
oestrus is generally terminated following successful copu-
3.1. Seasonality of the oestrous cycle lation and may only persist for a matter of minutes. In the
absence of copulation, oestrous behaviour in these species
With few exceptions, female cervids are polyoestrous, has been observed to occur for up to 24 h (Asher et al.,
and non-pregnant animals are capable of exhibiting contin- 1993b). Early studies on both of these species have shown
uously repeated oestrous cycles (some tropical species) or, that the onset of oestrus coincides with the onset of the pre-
more commonly, alternating periods of oestrous cyclicity ovulatory LH surge, which itself peaks about 24 h before
and anoestrus. Oestrous cycles have been characterised for ovulation (Berg et al., 1994, see Asher et al., 1999a).
a number of species from studies on oestrous behaviour
and/or luteal secretion of progesterone. In non-pregnant 3.1.2. Luteal development
females of temperate species, such as red deer and fal- Luteal events during the cervid oestrous cycle are
low deer, the onset and termination of oestrous cyclicity similar between species. Luteinisation of post-ovulatory
occur in autumn and spring respectively, with 5–8 cycles follicles is associated with increased secretion of proges-
expressed. Anoestrus is characterised by low peripheral terone, with maximal concentrations in peripheral blood
plasma concentrations of progesterone indicative of com- occurring between days 10 and 16 of the oestrous cycle
plete ovulatory arrest, and may persist for 4–6 months (Day 0 = oestrus). Although absolute plasma concentrations
from spring to early autumn. In marked contrast, some vary between species, the relative changes from Day 0 are
tropical species, such as Brow-antlered Eld’s deer and rusa quite similar between species (Asher et al., 1999a). Luteal
deer, translocated to higher, temperate latitudes exhibit regression, which for fallow deer involves the classic inter-
‘reverse seasonality’, initiating oestrous cycles in spring action between oxytocin and prostaglandin F2a (Asher et
and entering anoestrum in the following autumn. This 6- al., 1988a), occurs rapidly about 1–3 days before the return
month phase shift in tropical species within temperate to basal progesterone concentrations and return oestrus.
climes possibly indicates retention of photoperiodism from Ovarian follicular dynamics during the oestrous cycle
a temperate ancestral form. Some tropical species, such as have been described from ultrasonographic studies on
G.W. Asher / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 170–175 173

red deer, fallow deer and, more recently, North Ameri- 1982). However, ovariectomy of reindeer in late preg-
can Wapiti (C.e. manitobensis) (Asher et al., 1997b, 1999b; nancy was not always associated with abortion, indicating
McCorkell et al., 2006). These studies, all of which involve a possible contributing role of the foeto-placental unit in
monovulatory species, clearly demonstrated discrete, non- progesterone secretion and pregnancy maintenance in this
random patterns of antral follicular growth and regression species (Sjaastad et al., 1990).
during the oestrous cycle, with individual cycles charac- Importantly, these studies may not be representative of
terised by 2–4 dominant follicle waves, similar to that cervids in general. Placentation systems vary across cervid
observed in cattle. species (McMahon et al., 1997), and in the case of one
species, the roe deer, a form of embryonic diapause/delayed
3.1.3. Exogenous manipulation of ovulation implantation occurs to lengthen the interval between mat-
In many respects, the cervid oestrous cycle is similar to ing and births in order to ensure optimal birth seasonality
that of domestic ruminant species. Thus, methods of artifi- (Short and Hay, 1966). This is the only ruminant species
cial oestrous synchronisation have tended to follow similar known to exhibit delayed implantation.
procedures used for sheep and cattle. These include, prin-
cipally, the use of progestagens to simulate the luteal cycle, 3.1.5. Genetic compared to environmental control of
and prostaglandins to control luteal longevity (see review gestation length
by Asher et al., 1993b). As a generalisation, these tech- Cervid species have gestation lengths ranging from
niques have been efficacious, leading to the development 200 to 280 days, loosely correlated with species mature
of a number of successful technologies such as artificial live weight. There is a general underlying acceptance that
insemination and embryo transfer. However, apart from gestation length for any given species is genetically pro-
their application to the genetic management of farmed red grammed and relatively robust in the face of various
deer and fallow deer in New Zealand, such technologies environmental conditions. Recognition is given to the influ-
are not currently adopted widely for cervids (Morrow et ence of foetal genotype as being the single most important
al., 2009). determinant of gestation length: as well as determining
interspecific differences in gestation length, it also accounts
3.1.4. Pregnancy/gestation for subspecies and breed differences (Kenneth and Ritchie,
Relatively little research has been dedicated to preg- 1953; Racey, 1981). Indeed, this has been demonstrated for
nancy establishment and maintenance in cervids. In the the red deer species (Cervus elaphus) in which there is con-
seasonally breeding red deer hind, conception rates fol- siderable subspecies variation in observed mating-birth
lowing natural mating during the autumn rut appear to intervals ranging from 233 days for Scottish red deer (C.e.
be high (>85% per mated oestrus), and early embryonic scoticus) to 247 days for North American Wapiti (C.e. nel-
mortality (i.e. within 20 days of fertilisation) appears to be soni, roosevelti, manitobensis) (Guinness et al., 1971; Haigh,
low (i.e. <1%; Berg et al., 1994). Given that hinds are poly- 2001). Red deer hinds gestating F1 crossbred red × Wapiti
oestrus, under circumstances where nutrition and disease foetuses show a mating-calving interval of ∼239 days
are not limiting, adult female red deer generally exhibit (Asher et al., 2005b). Similarly, although Pere David’s deer,
greater annual fertility (i.e. >96% pregnancy rates), albeit with a reported gestation length of ∼280 days, are classified
with lesser (i.e. <1% of pregnancies) twinning (Asher and within a different genus, hybridisation with red deer hinds
Pearse, 2002). This overall pattern of greater annual fertility can result in fertile offspring. Hinds gestating F1 hybrid
appears to be a common feature of many cervids, although red × Pere David foetuses exhibit a wide range in mating-
actual fecundity varies between species. As expected for calving intervals from 262 to 274 days (Asher et al., 1988b).
the greater fecund species, such as white-tailed deer and However, it has become apparent that gestation length
roe deer, the actual fecundity (i.e. incidence of multiple- within red deer subspecies is much more variable than pre-
foetus gestations) in a given year and locality is strongly viously thought (Asher, 2007). Guinness et al. (1978) noted
influenced by habitat and nutritional quality variables. a 5-day difference in mean gestation length between Scot-
Oocyte maturation, fertilisation and early embryonic tish red deer hinds managed under differing nutritional
development have recently been studied in vivo and in vitro regimens. More recently, Asher et al. (2005a) observed
for red deer (Berg et al., 2008). These studies have shown marked variation in gestation length between hinds that
that these events in red deer are similar to those occur- were fed either greater or lesser amounts of nutrients
ring in other domestic ruminants, with the exception that during the third trimester of pregnancy. In that study ges-
the red deer embryo enters the uterus 2–3 days later at tation length was negatively correlated with change in hind
the blastocyst stage, 5–6.5 days after ovulation. Embryonic live weight and the authors considered that under condi-
implantation in red deer occurs shortly before day 27 from tions of modest feed imbalance that appeared to influence
ovulation (McMahon et al., 1997). foetal growth trajectory, a gestation length compensatory
Luteal support of pregnancy in red deer persist through mechanism ensured optimal birth weight. In effect, the
the term of gestation, with peripheral blood progesterone hypothesis argued that gestation length matched foetal
concentrations remaining elevated to within 1–2 days of growth rate to ensure optimum birth weight (possibly at
parturition. The contributory role of placental progesterone the expense of optimal birth date).
production in pregnancy maintenance is unknown. Stud- Since the study of Asher et al. (2005a), other research has
ies on red deer and white-tailed deer clearly show that demonstrated a statistically robust association between
the presence of a functional corpus luteum is a requisite conception date and gestation length for red deer sub-
for a viable pregnancy (Asher et al., 1996; Plotka et al., species. Garcia et al. (2006) observed that Spanish red
174 G.W. Asher / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 170–175

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Conflict of interest statement
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