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Copyright ©20 18 Koichi Nishiguchi

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

First edition: November 2018


4-3, Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0084, Japan
Phone: 03-6261-2867 FAX: 03-6261-2879
http:/ /

ISBN 978-4-87424-775-4 C0081

Printed in Japan
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f±, £~ ("fJJffll) .§t~~"C',!it ~:-=> ~tt.: B ;;Js:~-J'f0)9;0~~ t ~~h :fr- ±itt L "'l, JJ;:~~~Jm~: L ~--\"/?' ~:MJZ;"C' ~ 15
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'Jbt.: -::J "'l f±tRf.§tO)I:3d'£,~"C'T a
;;Js:lf WNIJ: A New Approach to Intermediate Japanese--T-?"C'*~J:j:lffJlB;;Js:~if.l ~±, '¥'l'fO)ffi;:$-~:
;b t.= 15 ~1'f;jl£,~J{ t ~Jlff-0) ~ i ~·i ~ J:j:lffJl B ;;Js:~i}:::I- A "C'O)~Ji'.3\:n' G .tt i nt.=, J"]~ ~:I;t ~ :flt.:~:ft"C'
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~.b"C'LJ: -?a :CL"'l, *>J§l:fr-*-!Ubi:Lt.:Jd±, £,fPJT:l1JJO)]JJt*:fr-1~.b.:: ti?'"C'~ iTa±, .::'§,!itO)
*Wif~::il1lflE~~- A 0) iJ 1) :f-.::r. 7 A :f!:-~7£ L "'l, -f:O)J:j=l"C' B ;;Js:~-lf*W~:JfJZ. lJ ffJltr*';iiiif:fr- L-::J n' lJ t "T
Jf,- }- L "'( zb ~j'"'( <f!_ ~ V'a ;;Js:i!f:fr- ~15fflT /5 .:': C "(', *';iii if t, :)t;,t£ t, J£n\(;~O) zb /5 *';iii C ~~O);jl£,~/?'"('

Developing the optimal instructional program that advances learners of Japanese from elementary
to intermediate level has been one of the major challenges that Japanese language educators have been
facing over the past decades. It is a stage where students need, on the foundation of knowledge that they
have acquired in the previous level, to improve oral proficiency and at the same time develop a solid
capacity in written Japanese. This will enable them to continue studying and improving Japanese skills
dealing with written Japanese materials at higher levels. As the path to attain these goals is a multifaceted
one, special schemes in designing the program and preparing materials are necessary.
"NIJ: A New Approach to Intermediate Japanese" is a tactful solution that sprang out of many years
of teaching experience of the author and years of experimentation in different intermediate Japanese
courses with other teachers at Osaka It is a textbook that intends to improve students' Japanese
and up to the intermediate level. the path is not an
easy one to follow, students and teachers will be able to enjoy learning and teaching Japanese with this
textbook and will finally attain the goal.
Koichi Nishiguchi
E s
1111 rN I J.l 0)~~~ ... p.iv Overview and Special Features of "NIJ" ... p.viii
Explanatory Notes • J'L f§IJ ... p.xii
II How to Make Best Use of "NIJ" (For Learners) ... p.xiv ~~~~ 0) ~elf) 1:J (fUili 0) h fc!: ~A."'-) ... p.xviii

[~ bt.:: [..,0)2: t]

I Part 1 IConversation (;elf) lt (., "(

;:?'5\"' }}-tt ~.z.


I Part 1 !Conversation • O~a:>:±:~i!i

. IJJ:? -t!l.':b'""J

A. Grammatical phrases: i. ~(:J: -:o TCD, 2. ~(:J: -:o T®, 3. ~(:J: 01::, 4. ~(J)t~i'J)(:,
5. Question word+particle+ ~ :h (£\ 'c' tJ'
B.Subordinate clause structures : 1. ~ !£, 2. ~ 1:: 1:: t !:

CD : 7 7 ·y "' (flat pattern) (:A. ·y F Y ·y 7' (head-up pattern)

I1J 1v c· -J it=FMG
~ · :m~iJ'!=~~J
.. ~,< ~--;;
p.81 I Part 21 Lecture

p.93 I Part 2fLecture

I Part 1 !Conversation O'U't't.,\-8 [~ V'c'c'*-U~]
l.'ti {: '5 lt~'ltA.

f)SWJ~~ [~ MJ5$0){±1J]
<"<A'fi,d -"'<A;~.~;? L. tJ•t-.

p.105 I Part 2fLecture

Grammar Summary to A. Grammatical phrases: t~r:ili>t~--:>-c 2.~r:r.~J90, 3.~r:r.~JnG9\ 4.~--cO)J~tO)
p.117 B. Subordinate clause structures : 1. ~;:: t --c, 2. ~ t~ ltJ r: ( li)
C. Sentence-ending phrases : 1. .. · J: -7 --c 9, 2... · t ~~h -r t> c' c' --c G J: -5 1-- ·;:: t tHn -c· *
t'JiJ1>fJ;\'1i/v/--·tti~:Otld:c'la''l-'l'9/-- t~--:>Tc'c'< Gc'l'9


I Part 2 ILecture

I Part 1 IConversation

A. Grammatical phrases : 1. ~ J;J*, 2. ~ G Gc'

B. Subordinate clause structures : 1. ~ 0) -c·i;J: 7d: <
C. Sentence-ending phrases : 1. .. n w-e ti il1> fJ ;!' 1i 1v I ----:J t fJ ri i11> fJ ;!' 1i !v 1- · J: -7 t:JiS',c' "*
9 /--·t3!0"';lil' G J: -7 /· -;:: tt:ld:--:>ll-';1'9 ; ... ;::_ t U~lii'Gll-';\'9

WNIJ: A New Approach to Intermediate Japanese-7~7-c.""f:~J:j:I*,Jk 8 7js:~1fj (QI,~~~i WNIJj c llli};ft
T~)!i, 11-Ji=!~*&i.PGJ:j:lffillc""-O)~J:ft'i!fl"To WNm li~:g:~l."l2..::L::::.y rl.", ~..::r..::::.::; rli IPartl ($;~

;\~r)J c [Part2 (v7'f--v~;\~r)J zPG~0""Cv>iTo -t-L-c, ~..::r..::::.::; H:;tJJ;C.;T~:%-c."i~'¥:·

i~'¥:~B-"f:~O)t.:060) li~"f:c§~J (~IJillt)i'J'f-;J-v>""Cv'iTo WNIJj l."li, CEFR*O)A2.10)"f:~~Ji:,~v'

li 87ls:~B-~~}J~.~~O)N40)"f:~~' J: ~ /§_f;j\:B(_)I:Ii7!s:Y 1) ~;!..'0) WNEJ: A New Approach to Elementary

Japanese -j-~7-c.""f:~:i!l!;~ 8 7!s:~iH ( <6 L;J3/B!ffll), if0 ~ v' liiPJ~O)~JJff,Jk 8 7!s:~B-fo7" 7 A ~1rtT L
!.:"¥:~~~' CEFRO)B2.1 if0 ~Hi 87Js:~B-~~}J~.~~O)N3 ~:3'1JB!~-1t~:::. c ~ EH~ c L ""Cv> iTo
* CEFR ti "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (~~j!:jfJI:W'O) tc. tt; 0) 3- r::l ·y 1"\~).j
~~~m O)lllfic·t" o

WNm li, j-~7J:j:J,(..O)J:j:I*Jk87Js:~U)C~~-Jt;:G~ rT~~H4'i!fl"To Part 1($;-~fli;\~ r)l."li, CEFR
O)A2.2-?Bl7]\.~0), l*nJU, l:bt.:: LO)I!Jj, l:bt.:: LO)IliJ cJlfiJ!:J, l+c~<b R~f-\;0)}(\:,V>/BJ, l*n*O)Jlf
IJ!:J ~ c·'0)1Jjlj)d: miT~ 7 ~ 77J'tliZ:b tL iTo -t- L ""C, Part 2 ( v 7 1- 'I'~;\~ r) l." li, CEFR 0) B27]\.
~0), IAFa~cJ}J!JfmJ ltf"O)f1"0)ft15J l+c~<bc"f:i3H l$;-t±cMAJ 1'7~7 · 717 ·J\7/AJ
I 8 7Js:~: 1:J::.u5''!-00AJ ~ e:··0)7~77J'tliZ:btL iTo

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~:""':lv>""C"f:~~~§ i'J'§ ~0):::. c-? § :5J'O)~ ;t -?~Ji!.~~ Lt.:~ 'i!fv>t.:: ~ T ~ 15iM'7'-1f1 /" ~ tL ""Cv' i
To 7 ~ 7 ~ 06 (" 0 -c !AJ~ c i3 ~!~"¥:~ L -c f-i'L~:*b'Ev' -c~IB15J}J ~ T ~ c v' -7 :::. 0)7'-1f 1 /" ~i, "F:~~


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Lll%1:~:: J: 1.l 12 rru O)JJJiJ'ie~l'Ut ( v 71- -v-) c ~-=> "l v' iTo
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_2_~ ~.,::@ L, T 1-' 0 o TEE t:l:l$to * ti 41--\::~ <JJ~&'i?.'a T- c t O)tJ'l:h' S 91-00 t:~P*-JJ~· i'fJ fJ,

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~t:t~P*'fr t--:J "ll-'0o

•~••&n0a•~u· m.tv1WJGtl
rNIH O)~_:z_.:::; r t;L Part 1 (~~;\- r) c Part 2 ( v 7 7- ' I ' - ; \ - r) c v' -7 =
-JO);\-rc, lii"f:ci§~J (JJU·fflt):i,pCAif!llG~n-cv'iTo £AT""Z."t±, ~;\-rO)~


*~~21/\- 1--cv-77-r-J\- i--O):t-71:t:frffl/tlT~'*9o :t-71:t(i, <! -)i' r'J / r::1- F <! '0' :t 9 o

D Part 'I [~~i!iJ\'- 1'-]

~~~;\- r ""Z."ti, £~(~JHJk).§H1l'""Z""J':~ Lt-=:~;;;-?x1!£Z3J1.~1£~ L ~/J{ G~~ L i3 ~0) 8 :zis:~ft:!J ~1$
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L -c v' ~ ~~ ~ Jlll.~~ L, .f:O)_:z_.:::; r 0) r t: Y 7 t:: -J v' -c jt,Ft-? 7 7 A 7- 1 r c ~T-:: c ""Z"T""Z" t:: ,l1r t:: -J
tt-cv' ~ i3 ~ft9iD~~~Jiffl LiTo .:C L -c, .:C -7 Ltd6t»~:lm L -c I~T J IMv''lJlll.~~T ~ J 1-? ~ .!& ~ T
~J c v' -7 ~.:c- r 0) 8 :zis:~ft:!J ~1$ Lf L -c v' 2; iTo
*~=·:~ t-- 1 e:~=·:; 1-- 120)~iJ2iJ\- Hi1?tl:9J.<:9o ~=·:~ 1--1 (i, J ~!vct:PB3< /vO)§cJelilc~""J

" [ \*9
~ 0 -t l ""[' ~ = •y " 1 2 (i' 1
) ~ lv 0) J \ 1 :f >:7' 0) *U~ 0) il21 [:: ~ --:) ""[ ~ \ *9 0

D Part 2 [ v ?' 7 "\" - 1 \'- 1'- ]

v7-T-r-;\- r""Z."ti, ii"F~ L-::>/J'~ c"J':U'~/J{G, :!f~c8:zis:~ft~~tr*'fl:ifB"J~8:zis:~ll't£~~'i!fO)
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7 O)r t::, t±~ c .f:O) r:J:t ""Z."~ Gt" A4 0) ~ i ~-·i ~i!!Ujjij:i,)'~ilil t. G~'L, it-=: .:C-:: ~::if§tr v' <-J /J'O) rp~~ t:: -J
v, -c --J 0) ~~U'11t~ ~niT o
v7 7- '\' - 0) ~IJ «- :J t: ti, Key Sentences and Key Words c v' -) -1: 7 Y 3 :/ 7,)> cltJ ~ iTo Key
Sentences and Key Words ti:Y~ ffl 0)«- :J""Z.", :zls:)(O)r:j:tO)l[~)( Ult~~il:JIJ'M~R. ~ n '""Cv' iTo "J':~

irti, :Y~c L-c, KeySentencesandKeyWords~"J':~Lt-::.L""Z.", v77--r-~:fli!_~~Lit"o

~*""Z."ti:fll!_~~ Lt-=:.::. c ~mj:j)jt" ~.::. c IJ'3:K06 G~"LiTo .:C L -c, v 7 7- -r -O)":T-7~:--Jv''l, :7'Jv-
7o"Y 1 A tJ Y Y 3 :/-'?I y -1:1 ff'JllGc· § 5J'O)% X.~ £Zajj""Z." 2; ~ J:: -) ~:: ~ ~.::. c ~ I'H~ c L -c v' iTo V::7
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-7 ~=~~it" o

L-::> /J' ~ c Lt-::r:J:t*& 8 :z!s:~'l:f:!J ~,l\rt::-J~t ~ ~:: t±, 1§~£0)ii"F Cii"F~ftO)"J':~ ti:J\.:i,)'T.::. c i,)'c' ~ i
-ti"!vo ""Z."t±.::.O)~*~~::JE[[j:i,)>GJ&~*Jltrt-::06t::, JJUffltc L-c 1/i"f:c i§~J ~ffl~L'lv'iTo
JJIJ·ffltO) lii"f:c i§~J t±, v77--r-;\- r ~=1t~T~ii"f:cii"J:~O)"J':~!lik1t""Z"t'o ~_:z_.:: Y 1' 0)
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-9 a i~"f: OYf!t 2> :1J ~ IfJ'{!H: tEH~-9 '6 t:.. liJ 1:, lllJ t: "f:%m nit~~ i> -:::> ~"f:-'\=> "f:% :0'~ 1~ L -c v' '6i~"f: i> 1!~
~ ;!1.. "(I!> i"to
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~'F)l'f L 1-9 o -:::> i I), 112"f:O)~Jf L H~"f:~"f:)l'f L -c, ili'it396"f:O)~"f:~)l'f1~-t '6 tv'-) ~ t 1: iJ: I)
*~~1±0)8 *~'IHjg:tJ~~~l" ~d:, fi 1/ -"'JvO)j~~ 1) A 1-- '\"~g'J' 1) A 1-- ~ c ~d: 0::i7fl ~ tL <:" t,';!; -tt Iva *il=c' !NO
i~~ J'\" INO~g'J'Jt ~-::> <:" t,' .Q 0) ~d:, IB 8 *~gjjg:tJ~~O)X'.fJ/t9 .Qfi L---«Jvl":Z::im ~ tL <:" t,' .Q 1) A H:~

D 1-f~-1:! ~ ~ 3 /
( 1) Grammar Summary
3 .::L:::. 'Y r 4iH: Grammar Summary ~ ~ ~t "( \;' 1 T 0 Grammar Summary '""C' a' Grammatical phrases O!JJ
~T-El~ ]J!J~t~), Subordinate clause structures (1/E~ ~IH'li}:Jli), Sentence-ending phrases ()I::*'£:<;EJI.) 1: :B-~t
-c, -t-n 1 '""C'O) v :7 7~ -'""C'/:l:1-c 2> t:..£Wid:)Ot~1:<;EJI.~ 1 t i'b, Filli~&=~lt.m L -cv•iTo

(2) Grammar Notes

:!g* 1: Grammar Notes ~ ~ ~t "( v' 1 -9 o Grammar Notes '""C' ~i, v :7 'T ~- ~ Jm L "( ~~ 1: l:l1 "( <
'6, Passive Expressions (st~£<;EJI.), ~-c v' <, ~-c <'6, Causative Expressions ( it{lt'£;<;Ejl.), Volitional
Expressions(~~% O)'£;<;EJ1,) &: -:::> v' -c, 170)1:: ~ 1!~ L 1J: :0~ G~lt.m L -c v' 1 To ~ ;!1.. GO))l::yi:!JJ] &: -:::> v' -c

~i, 4i;i\lit v:7'T~-O)'T:f-7- }-O)r:j:l'""C', \GNxJ t~~~j'[;~~L"Cv•i"to

(3) ~~
3.::r.::.-:; r ~&:96ift-t)l'f~~~t-cv• 1 To 96%t-t)l'i'""C',;L ::tl: v :7 'T ~ -'""C'/:l:1"C 2> t:..~'!f1:1J-'\')I::~~it t
L -c, fo 'J T' 1 O);fl!!)l'i ~LiTo ~1]·1:1);0~~-€1 L -c~-:::>O)fo 'J .:r·1 O)[!i!\ i I) &:id: '6,1;'):~:11~L "Ct-t)l'f L
"( <f.!_~ v'o
Overview and Special Features of "NIJ"

"NIJ: A New Approach to Intermediate Japanese", abbreviated as "NIJ", is a post-elementary and
intermediate Japanese textbook. It consists of twelve units, each consisting of the Part 1 (Conversation)
and Part 2 (Lecture) with a supplementary booklet of Kanji and Kanji Words. "NIJ" aims to advance
A2.llearners in CEFR scale*, those who passed N4 of the JLPT or students who has completed studying
"NEJ: A New Approach to Elementary Japanese" (Kurosio Publishers) or equivalent elementary Japanese
program up to B2.1 in CEFR or N3 of JLPT scale.
* CEFR is an abbreviation of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

D Conversation part Lecture

"NIJ" is a textbook that supports theme-based instruction in intermediate Japanese. Part 1 (Conversation)
deals with personal themes such as my family, my country, my town and its history, memory of my
childhood, family history, etc., all of which form an important part of A2.2 to Bl topics in CEFR. Part
2 (Lecture) deals with themes such as humans and animals, life in a traditional village, children and
school, company and individuals, work-life balance, foreigners living in Japan, etc. which form part of
B2 themes in CEFR. A progression from acquisition of contents and language to production of one's own
discourse on the particular theme is designed within each conversation and lecture part. This design in
which students are supposed to express and share their experiences and opinions at the end of each part is
a powerful scheme that boosts students' Japanese language capacities.
The series of lectures are intended to deepen students' understanding about the modern world and their
current positions within it as international students learning Japanese within or outside Japan. Overall
they are meant to be "voices of encouragement" for Japanese language learners who devote their precious
time and energy to learn the language, and wish to expand their connections with Japan and interact with
Japanese language users. The conversations share the same stance.
The conversations and lectures are created and constructed using the most suitable wordings within
which and intermediate level words and features are used in a
proper way. Also these words and
a result the conversations and lectures most useful resources with which students different
linguistic features in meaningful contexts.

D an
Authorship of an utterance or discourse is a neglected of within language
teaching and language teaching textbooks. In "NIJ" you will meet Le.
Nakata-kun and Part 1 forms a small that between Li-
san and Nakata-kun. It begins with personal narratives about themselves and their family in Unit 1, and
goes on to series of conversations between Li-san and Nakata-kun at a tea house near the university. And
Part 2 (Lecture) is a series of lectures conducted by Nishiyama-sensee for international students living
and studying in Japan. Students will get more and more acquainted with the backgrounds and the lives
of Li-san and Nakata-kun through the conversations and opinions of Nishiyama-sensee through lectures.
Therefore, they will be able to understand the specific context of each utterance or piece of discourse and
understand them as a voice of the person. Japanese wordings grasped and understood in this way turn into
"lively" resources to acquire the language.
General information on each character is explained below.

D Li-san
A Malaysian student at the department of engineering, Daikyo University. She was born in an ethnic-
Chinese family with two brothers and two sisters, and her family lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is
an independent and hard-working student. However, her seriousness causes her trouble sometimes.

D Nakata-kun
A student at the department of foreign languages, Daikyo University. He is a sophomore majoring
in Malaysian language and plans to visit Malaysia the upcoming summer. He was born and raised
in Shimada. His family runs a ryokan, Japanese-style inn that has been succeeded for four family
generations. He is good at English and has been interested in the world outside Japan since his

D Nishiyama-sensee
A professor in Japanese language pedagogy at Daikyo University. Nishiyama-sensee likes to teach
Japanese and also studies linguistics. He is also interested in sociology and anthropology.

Each unit consists of Part 1 (Conversation), Part 2 (Lecture) and Kanji and Kanji Words (booklet).
*Audio materials of the conversation and the lecture are available at nmrJ:Iu·ww·w

provides materials intended to develop oral proficiency while reviewing
different grammatical features and vocabularies learned in elementary level. While learning to understand
conversations between Li-san and Nakata-kun about different themes and talking on the topic of each unit
~w.oMuu.o.v"' students can oral in all modes of IJH."-~u~uvu, receotwn
at their hands.

*The Conversation part in Unit 1 and Unit 12 are exceptions. The Conversation part in Unit 1 are monologue
discourses in which Li-san and Nakata-kun introduce themselves. And the conversation part in Unit 12 is
reflections of Li -san on her first hildng experience in Japan.

Part 2 (Lecture)
The Lecture part provides materials for learning and instruction which elevate students' Japanese
language capacity including written language capacity with substantial knowledge of kanji up to
intermediate level. It consists of a series of twelve lectures conducted by Nishiyama-sensee. With an
overarching theme "living in the modem society/world", different aspects of the society and people living
in it are explored and particular opinions on some of the issues are discussed.
Key Sentences and Key Words are explained in the previous two pages of the lecture. These two pages
are intended to be preparatory materials to help students understand the lecture. Students are expected to
study Key Sentences and Key Words and understand the lecture as a preparation for the Lecture class.
Students are asked to demonstrate understanding of the lecture. Students should be able to express their
own opinion on the lecture theme in a group discussion and an essay at the end of the unit. Though the
lectures are somewhat cognitively demanding, they will train students to be able to comprehend extended
discourses and express opinions in a well-organized fashion.

D Kanji
Learning a fair amount of kanji and kanji words is an inevitable task for students who want to progress
toward the intermediate Japanese proficiency. "NIJ" seriously deals with the task and provides particular
mate1ials for learning kanji and kanji words.
Kanji and Kanji Words (li.l"f: C: i§ ~J) appended at the last part of the book is a material supplemented
to the Lecture part. Twelve kanji in average are selected from the lecture text as the target kanji of the
unit. The meaning and reading of the target kanji are explained, and kanji words or simple example
sentences in which the target kanji is used are listed under kun-reading (Japanese-origin reading) and on-
reading (Chinese-origin reading) of each target kanji. Componential overlap and formal similarities are
also shown to understand the formal aspect of
With a presupposed knowledge of 284 N4 kanjis presupposed, 35 N4 kanjis are relearned as a part of
147 in "NIJ". That makes a total of 369 with 112 newly-learned kanji.
*Current guidelines of JLPT do not provide lists of kanji or vocabulary for each level. However, former
guidelines published in 1994 do lists of them. The indication of "N4 kanji" or "N4 vocabulary" in this
book refers to the former guidelines.
D Supplementary Sections
(1) Grammar Summary
Grammar Summary is provided after each three units. It summarizes grammar points highlighted in
the lecture: Grammatical phrases, Subordinate clause structures and Sentence-ending phrases. A brief
explanation is also given to each grammar point.

(2) Grammar Notes

Grammar Notes section is added at the end of the book. Passive Expressions, ~ -c v' < , ~ l <
0 , Causative Expressions and Volitional Expressions, which are often used across the lecture text, are
explained in some detail with illustrative sentences. "GNx" added to the conversation and lecture texts
shows the number of the grammatical structure explained in Grammar Notes.

(3) l;f.? ~ (Pronunciation Practice)

Pronunciation Practice section (3£if) is added after each three units. Using mostly words and phrases
appearing in the lecture, this section is intended for students to practice a particular prosodic feature that
is assigned to form a unified combination of phrases.
Explanatory Notes }L fJIJ @

Part 1

7 i?IJ:, 1fn'i._,0);5i<.tifT-to Xt~t, :ifRtifO)f.J::iJ

t·~,L 1) >l'£. .t L ::""t

~ Ll 0 *

:¥4-JI1) !;,,1") T-t XIJ:41\

I\ i-t 5(1;!:, l)l-J 0
El T'-t

0 7 1:, 0);5i<.j'g t: IJ:, **
t:"!! !::'~

Part2 -------------------------------------------------------------------

file serial number

Jivinginamodern >ociety/world title

I>JM\:f±1H:'£ ~ iSJ
lf/vt:l \ L'l"'h' I I

-t-niJ:, =-JiUJ;<ff-tiS::t:'\", lt~'i"x~1.t7::t'\", §:tH1~.7

]:.f( t:i (' (} --:>>)' ::til
the;e fundamental diffcrenc~

L-/J' L, -t-nGI;t*jt!l{)f'~·i!l 1 TIJ:;I>, IJ i-tbCo

IU... L-:>l~


e te e and rd s

Study the following sentences while refering to the li:jl;"f: /: f'(!ll1J booklet. And
practice reading each sentence aloud.

the difference between

human and animals bip~d;~l walking toolo fire word, languuge
A.Mt~{bO)i!I'IL _:=_~olJ;<1t-t6:: t:'\", lt~'i"x't-oc7:: ~,,
t:'\", §:tH!:7
OTranslations /~ ~R
c:· G•<
Words and phrases beyond N4 are provided with a translation. No translation is given to words and
phrases in the lecture that have already explained in Key Sentences and Key Words./ N4 ::i:-Jlli;Z_ 6 ~
-?*3)H: ~±, ~flil\ ::i:-1-;Jtt"Cv' iTo v ::7 T "r- 0)~£--?*;J:~Ui, Key Sentences and Key Words ""C'
ret~=*WI Lt-.:~ O)J2L)li-~=~nR ::i:-1>1" ~t-c v' iTo

@Grammar points /3t5!~J.i't

~S,A.(;f-J C: ;:_-J

Grammar points of the unit are written in bold font. / :.>tr:t;:'JLIJi 0) !~:53"-~± :t:"F ~= L "C v' i To

@GN (Grammar Notes)

Reference to Grammar Notes is indicated as "GNx". And "die." shows the dictionary form of the verb.
/ IGNxJ Cv'.'J.S,-J~:GrammarNotes""-O)~~R.::i:-:1FL"Cv'iTo ldic.J ~idictionaryform (IS''f

GSound file serial number /ilff!'ij- / !\-

The number shows the relevant sound file. Sound file is available at /ifF 7 7 ·
1 Jv 0) ~~ ::i:- 7F L -c v' i To ifJl'f 7 7 1 Jv ~±, iP G /f' r'J / tJ - FL -c <t!.
"2 \;'a

of the Sentence / =\'-- i:! / :::;- /.A 7 / r\-

Reference to the relevant key sentence in Key Sentences and Key Words is indicated in this way. / v ::7
7- "r- 0) T ::7 /.. }- 0) i=f:l ~= ~±, £~)((Key SentenceH: T
/ ;\- I?'"CJ v' "C v' iTo .f: O)::L::.. '/ l--
0) !Key Sentences and KeyWordsJ ""C'O)IP] l:t- / ;\-O)fr!t~5i.::i:-~~R, L "C <t!.-2 v'a
How to Make Best Use "NIJ'' ( Learners)
Suggested learning steps of a unit and an estimated required time for each step are explained below.
Approximately seven to eight hours work at home and seven to eight hours class instruction are required
to learn a unit.

Conversation CD
~Studying in
Listen to the audio of the conversation and understand it. Then practice reproducing each line until
you can say it without hesitation.

Sensee will return the teacher-proofed students' essays of the Lecture part of the prior unit.
First, read your essay aloud in a small voice. Then, share essays with your classmate in pairs by
reading your essay aloud to your partner.

Sensee will ask you a couple of questions to remind you of the prior conversation. Answer the
questions. Then, sensee will play the audio of the conversation and ask couple of questions.
Answer the questions. Then sensee will conduct oral practices of the conversation in the form
of repetition practice or shadowing. Practice the conversation until you can reproduce it easily.
Students may practice the conversation in pairs.

Write an essay on the of the Conversation.

Step 1 to 4 will be repeated as classroom with

Conversation 2's theme.
., Homework
0 Worksheet 1 (30 min.)
Worksheet 1 is a grammar and kanji words review material for the two conversations. Students
should work on the worksheet at home to prepare for the quiz.
0 Quiz (10
Sensee will give a quiz of Worksheet 1 at the beginning of the next class.

mKanji Instruction with f)~¥ t ~ ~J (Kanji and Kanji Words) (60 min.)
Instruction on target kanji and kanji words of the Lecture will be given before going into the Lecture.
Sensee should write the target kanji and kanji words of the unit in I i-l"t t i§ ~J on the whiteboard in
advance or show them using a PC and a projector. Students should open the relevant page of I i~"t t i§ ~ J
and confirm understanding of the meaning and reading of the target items.
First, sensee will show formally-related kanjis and explain the similarities and differences among them.
These kanjis are shown under iT" or 0 in I i~"t t i§ ~J. Then, sensee will demonstrate how to write each
target kanji correctly while raising students attention to the formal components or elements of the kanji.
Next, sensee will ask students to practice writing each target kanji until they can write it without hesitation.
Finally, sensee will ask students to write each target kanji word.

in Class min.)
Study the key sentences while referring to the I i-l"t t i§ ~J booklet. And practice reading each sentence
aloud. Study the Grammar Bits if you find one, and also Grammar Notes when you find instruction to do
so. Then write appropriate kanji in ( ) in Key Words section. You can find the appropriate kanji within the
double-page. A quiz of the Key Words is given at the beginning of the next class.

See the lecture text and find out the key sentences which are indicated with small numbers and underline
them. Then, study the lecture while paying due attention to key sentences that you have studied in Key
Sentences and Words. Next, listen to the audio of the lecture while following the text and confirm your
understanding. reproducing each line until you can say it without hesitation.

Sensee will return the teacher-proofed students' essays of the Conversation part. First, read
your essay aloud in a small voice. Then, share essays with your classmate in pairs by reading
your essay aloud to your partner.
! Introduction to the Lecture
Sensee will conduct a lecture in his or her own way about the theme of the unit. Listen
Step 2 Comprehension of the Lecture
Sensee will play the audio of the lecture and ask couple of questions. Answer the questions.
Step 3 Oral Practice
Sensee will conduct oral practices of the lecture in the form of shadowing. Practice reproducing
each line until you can say it easily.
Step4 : Individual Review and Practice
Sensee will give students some time to review and practice reading the text by themselves.
: Students are encouraged to ask questions if they have any during this time. After this, sensee
may ask students to read aloud the lines one after another.
Step 5 !Questions and Answers
f Sensee will ask series of questions written on the Classroom Activities page. Answer the
! questions. Then sensee will give you time to write down the answers. Sensee will walk around
the classroom to confirm that students' answers are correct. If sensee finds a student's answer
or student's writing to be wrong, sensee should indicate the wrong part or correct it directly.
Step 6 !Discussion
! Form a group of three or four, and discuss the theme of the lecture.

~ Assignments Homework
1) Assignment [Essay] (60 min.)
Write an essay on the theme of the lecture.

Worksheet 2 is a grammar and kanji words review material for the lecture. Students should work on
the worksheet at home to prepare for the quiz.
D (10
Sensee will give a quiz of Worksheet 2 at the beginning of the next class.

Advanced Kanji Sheet is an extra and optional material for advanced learners who intend to further
expand and improve their knowledge of kanji and kanji words. Whether to include this part in the
curriculum or not should be decided based on the factors such as students' prior knowledge of kanji,
time allocated to the program, etc.

the I ?cl:f: t 8 ~J of the unit thoroughly to prepare for the And confirm
Sensee will give a of Advanced Sheet at the beginning of the next class.

Conversations between Li-san and Nakata-kun in Part 1 and lectures by Nishiyama-sensee in Part 2 are
a creation by the author. sensee's and are in the lecture as an
vAaH<!Jl''-'• though may not be accurate in terms of academic argument. Teachers are to share
exlpeJ:IeiGC(oS and the students. Also teachers may relevant and recent
authentic materials order to
D Writing Conventions Adopted in "NIJ"
Joyo-Kanji (Kanjis for Daily Use) guidelines are generally adopted in writing the text with exceptions
explained below.
( 1) The foll~wing words are written in hiragana.
*Words marked with"*" only appear in Classroom Activities, Grammar Notes or Grammar Summary,
and does not appear in the main text.
*ili:d:t-.:n'v'(~iPv'), 0-cl.h v'0v'0~, :B.:.--:Jn'v', :J3"9L n'nG, ~G~~'~, ft-:::>:::.0),
* .:.t::>n~, 2"9(!110"9), 2G"9, 2i2''i~, 2!v2''!v~, "9-c'~:, -lf!v-l.f!v, -t--7 r:,, t-.=v'.A...
!v~, ~n'n~, ~<(1>J(), t~(Jfl\.~), ~16'151)~, (J)CJ'(J)CJ't, ~iTn'Lv', ~:I;t~, i-:::>
t-.= C tr9n' Lv', isl)f G Lv', * 151)/v t~-7 ~, -\=' 2 Lv' (11 Lv'L bt-.= L b 1J t
(2) The following words are written in kanji and hiragana.
i>$ 2 i' i'- t~ <b' 1i..t!"6
(3) Use of JLPT N l kanji are generally avoided with a few exceptions such as ;@(in ;@ OJ ) , mk (in mk L v') ,
~ (in jJHfC~-) , tEl (in tl?l-J ) , etc.

D Readings Added to Kanji Words in the Text

Readings in hiragana are added to kanji words that are written using N4 kanji or beyond. Readings are
added at the first appearance of the word in each double-page.
Though the following words can be written using N5 kanji, they are added with readings.
~, ~~~, -8, -A~, An~, ~in~,~~, :Be21v, :B~2!v, *A,-~~,~
48, ~)(\, 00, §~'IJ-, r&itY:, r&itY:~, 4-¥, )t;~:, -~r~,, 1±~, 1]'"¥:~, 1]-."f:tY:, ~\:~, I:H
"9, rp"f:, rp"f:~, rp"f:tY:, ~, =JE, -AO:!v), AF~,, -4r~,, A~, 1c 8, A(V't), A
t-.="6, -:5]', -;<js:, RtrJE, "f:£, 7]'(, }t;Q>~
* Reading of the words shown below is given only once at the first appearace in this text.
a. 2 i 2''i ~11PJJ 170) fPJA, 1PJ~, 1PJ~ft~, 1PJ""C', ~ t··

b. H~""f'"f, *~' r:roo

c. r:j:J83( <!v)

D to
Words beyond JLPT N4 are translated.
( 1) No translation is given to the words shown below that are N4 vocabulary or considered N4 vocabulary
a. 1l,"¥:tX:/1l'"¥:~, r:r"¥:/"P"'f:tX:/rp"'f:~, ~t(/~Tt~, j("'f:/x"'f:~
b. 77::9':!77-(J)I!J1S, -A(t!v), -~! *
1-J ~iV'Ti"L<b:h::9'7J7-
(2) Translation of the words shown below is given only once at the first appearance in this text. And they are
not included in the list of vocabulary in the appendix.
a. 001S ~ 1\% <t{!1.1S, IID~1S~PJ
b. -4~

grammar may be considered to be grammar at
JLPT N3 level.
::zis-:'1= :a-:1tffl LJ-::i!'f2iO)Jl/61H: ""J \t' -c, n:*!:: n:*$1oo:'iH:::B-~t-c, ~A 7 'Y 7"0)p}f~aifr", :t :iF L iJ:
i,J'G~~m LiTo ~""JO)::L:=. y 1-- O)Ml~!lH::~:ta 7-8Hi!Frs,O)~JE§~~c 7-8Hi!Frs,O):fjH\~;?'£·~!:: iJ: ~iTo

~m~o:>t.: o:>~f.;;
~'J!§'1Htn:*$1oo!:: L-c, ii;~O):;t-?'1 :T:a:JiiJ~t'""Ci*J:@::a::fli!.Jri~LiTo $;~0)~-1:: 1) 7;?'§;tlb

J: -) ~= iJ: 1b i '"Z'ff*'J!§' L i To
~m~ <1oo 7.1-)

RiJ::L:=.y J--O)v::/7-t-;\-}-O)~;((Jffli~~Ut;tf#Iyf:1 :a:JL&~PLiTa if~±,~§

'"Z'Wocif~%L-c, i~~UJl'GO)~i~~:a-:-~-1±-iTo ijc~::, «y~::TJ:-:::>""C, ~'J!§'1'fF",'"C'Iyf:
1 O)~n#/iiJ;?'-1±-il-~t>:a-: LiTo

2i.A!:: L-c, Ru@J0)$;~150)i*J$:a:~~IZ~O)-Jf:;'"C'51~!±lL-c< t!.~~t'o -fO):f~, -fO)

80)$;~150):;t-71 :T:a-:-JiiJ;?'-1±-iTo -fO)~Jl%, :i®::§:~::~t' < ""J;?>i*J:@:~::""J~t'""CO)~F"~:a:
L-c< t!.~\t'o {jcv::, *i~:il&U-*'l§i'"\'Y-t F-1 :/::7''7J:!::~0):1Jy*'"C'$;~150)DJlJfff-*'J!§':a:
LiTo A I , - :A'~:: ;t 0 J:-) ~::TJ: lb i '"C' L-:::> ;?' ~ !::ff-*W L ""C < t!.~ \t'o « TC'O)ff-*

$;~:a: il0 0 ;f_!Et\tO) i !:: i ~ '"Z' /iiJ :¢'-1±-""J ""J, 1:-::. '"Z'~l5 ~ tl1::-::. !:: :a: 51 ~ IB T~F"9 :a: L,
~;{_~-1±--c< t!.~\t'o {jc~::, ClassroomActivitiesi]]O)~F"9-c', -"7-c'~~};t~O)ff-*W
:a: L ""( < f!_~ \t'o

3 ~ 4 J\.0) ::r Jv-7" :a-:11: ~, $;~50) 1-- !! 'Y :7 v:: ""J \t' -c ::1' Jv-7°-c'~ L -c < f!_ ~ v'o
* ::L:=. 'Y 1-- 20)$;~2 ~±17115'}-c'To [3JO)D-Jv7ov1 :a: L ""C < f!_~ li'o

~ [I·;; i!
::L:=.y ]·O)'j--?~:':""Jv>""(Iy{:1 :a:'l!<fEJ~:a:!±lL""C< t!.~\t'o Activities ffi])

$;~2 v:: ""J li' ""C, tf*O) t-:: 16 O)i\§{fflj!::, n:*O) A 7-;; 7° l ;?' G 4!::, fEI~ [I 'Y 4:::: 1] O)~'f)illl>Utl'~ ~ :il&
v-c <f!_~ \t'o
""'ii~ ['7-?'~- 1--1]
'7-?'~- "1 (305})
'J~7y~ t- 1 ~.:L ;@;11!fiO)r:j:tO))(y!ti~'F~-l'r~:f!P~Tlo:>~:t%-z"To 71 X(!J'TA r)O)f-=:obO)}\'Q
~!lit L-c'J~7 y~ t- ~.fEl~t L-c§Jt-z"®~!llTlo:> J:: -7 ~=1~7FL'l <t!.~v'a
.AI'-) (10

r~!¥t ~~J(~iJfffi) ~ji!im L.t.:~!:f!:milt

v 7 7- "r ~O)t'\t*O)fri~:, £~~~~'Ft i~'F~1H:--:Jv''l11r~ LiTo

St*il{~i'li lo:>Atr~: li~'Ft l§~J ~:;ii.Jlo:>"f:'&'/i~'Fti~'FE-J'r~;t;r;1 t- *'~ n:ifv''l:l3v''l <t!.~v'o

"¥:'&'/~~= li~'Ftl§~J 0)~~~""'~:;~~< J::']~:t~iFLiTo

if, ~'&'li~'Fti~'FE-J'rO)~P-*Unh-~~tM:',~-tt--c(t!.~v'a ?Jc~:, ;t;r;1 f-*'~]-q:ifv>'l;ii.Jlo:>"f:

'&'li~:t~: VkJ{,%·::>'~t 'l!PJ L:*~p"i!J ~ t --:Ji~:f:"\:''Jl';ii{~J!iJ;I, L -c v' 1o:> i~'F~ t~~ ~H,Sjj L -c ( t!. ~ v'a li~'F t l§ ~J
O)"iT"\:'0~:-cO) J:: ') ~l~{J;J_i~'Fii{ 1J A t- 7 '/ f~ n 'lv' iTo -c L -c, ~'&'li~'Fil{ t~O) J:: -7 ~:t:Jf;~~-z"

-z" ~ 'lv'lo:>il'* '71 r- *'~ l"l:.c'iF L -c0)~~0)1@[ilt L 'li~:f:O)if~ :n~ma]j L -c <t!.~ v'o -cO)J::.
c\ -)(U:if~t 1o:> J:: -7 ~= ~ 1o:> i -z"i~:f:O)if ~ :1J ~*'*WI~ -tt--c ( t!. ~ v'o ~ G~:, "f:'&'li~'Fa-l'r t IPJ t: J:: 1 ~=
-)(U:i!f~t 1o:> J:: -7 ~=~ 1o:> i -z"t'*WI ~-tt--c ( t!.~ v'a

., t.: 1/)
-cn.:C'tL0)*~7t~=-:J~.-'-c'¥'&'/~~=JJ.TO)J:: 1 ~=tlriFL'l <t!.~li'o
1 Sentences and Words ?

(1) Jllll'§:~:li~'F t j§~J ~~~~= L ~il~ G Key Sentences and Key Words O)r:j=tO)-c~'L.:C';lL.O)£~)(

(key sentence) ~®~ill L l ( f!.~ li'o -c L 'l, ;g.)(~fli~l±l L 'l~%/v-c' ( t!.~ li'o
(2) BitsH'diJ lo:>l-~if, it::., !Grammar NotesJO);j'~;Fi/{;i) lo:>l'JIJif~i, -c~'L-f'~'L~}\'Q~,ill L 'l
( f!.~ li'o
(3) {]"""~ :Jr0)£~a-l'r 0)*~5t~®~!ll L -c <t!. ~ ~,,0 ( H::J.lo:> §~~i.::. O)Jil,~ ~ """~
:/O)£~)Z:O)~j::t ~::Jl,'f<b ~iTo .::. O)£~a-J'r0)*~7t~i, tf*-z" 7 1 ;;( ('J'7 A t-) ~LiTo

" ?
(1) v77-"f~O)-T7 A r- ~J!-c, ot-~-t:/7/AJ-/;\~i/~1-t~.-,-c~.-,lo:>::t

-c, -n,'Jt~ 3\li''l <t!.~ li'o

(2) Sentences and Words c'olf- ~ 1:: /7 /AT/;\~ 0)£~)( ~ll{!UlJ!, L ~ iJi G, v7 7- "f ~
0) 7 7 A 1, ~ )?ll. 5!ll L 'l ( t!. ~ li' o
(3) v :7 7- "'C ~ 0) 7:7 A J-- ~ ~IJ:i?' G :;t ~j'' 1 :;t ~ jj{jv• l"fll!.jgit'l" 2; 6 i?' c'-) i?'lii~~ L l" < t:!. "2 v'o
(4) :;t-~7'1 :;t ~jjtj 2; IJ:i?'G v:7 7-"'C ~0)7" :7 A}- i?'#Wi;fEI!.IJ: < § .:Z_ 6 J::-) ~:: i 'l"D~Ji*~~ L l" < t:!."2

~~~ (10011)
':) : ~-{:;((Jj\7-:A, !--)
! Key Sentences and Key Words O)jt~~'/t(key words) 0) :71 :A' (;J'T A f-) ~~:01!1 L l" < t:!.
"2 v'o
~ffilj';\ ~ }- O)!¥)(Jiff?~J'llj 1~7}. 0) I ' } {: 1 ~ Jl&iP LiT 0 ifti, 45- § 'l"~ocif~n L l",
?~l'lU~~O)li1H2~ "2 -tt iTo ('}( ~=' "'7 ~= 7J: -:: > l ' ~~~~'"("Iy-t::10)md}.jj{j~-tt~

: v'~ LiTo
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•i?'/ff7JJ'l"T o
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! "2v'o
:A:T'Y 3 :Dii!UJR~

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; 6i'l"L-::>i?'lJ*~;§!Ll"< t:!."2v'o
:A.:T':J 4 j i~~UO)~~cff.:lR~
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Fs,, i¥Um tii'JL FsHK 1~ L ~~~O)fi[F,9v::~.:Z.l"< t!."2v'o :: 0) J::-)
.::_ 0) IJ:H~Fs, ~ c-:::>

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~ ,;(' ~~~~-A f-:J:"jl"l"-Xf-:J~ni -tt 6 0) t v'v'""Z'' L J: -J o
:A· 5 i'"'"'"'""'

Classroom Activities v:: 2!0 0 WF"9-'\' ~Jit!ffi ~ ~~ ~:: L l", W~iET>t%t0)16tiJ ~ vc <t!. "2 v'o
-(:-O);f'JL Classroom Activities 0) ~ .:Z_ ~if < J:: -J v:: t~ ~ L l" < t!. "2 v'o ~'gl/~;0'~*- ~
f.Fv>l"v'0 Fs,, :%±vHJLFsHK1~~ L l" <t:!."2 v'o ~'gl/~O)~.:Z_ V~~ci?'Fs,:li-::> l"P0
, c 2; t±, Fs9:@h l"v> 0~~73'~t~tilii Lf~ lJ, jj'[;j~jj'[ Lt~ lJ L l" <i!."2 v'o
A.:T ;ct.J ':) 3:/

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1) I ·y ~~ (60 11)
v77--v-O)'j--?~:"'Jv>'""(:.Ly{:1 ~lf<fEI~~!±lL--c< t!.~v'o

2) ?-~~- ~ 2
m~ (6o 11)
r; -7 '/- r 2 tL v 7 7- -v -O)r:j:JO)Jtr:tU:: i~':f:~'ll-~~~T 0~ict~l"To 71 ;((+r A r)
0) t~ 60 O)}?Mill c L -c, r;- 7 '/- r ~ fE!~ c L- -c § :5}-c'}?M.ifl-t 16 J: -7 ~=:tl't:!F L- -c < t!. ~ '-''o
A~) (1011)

3) ~t.Jco:>~¥~~ -Advanced Kanji Sheet

li~':f: c i§~jO) Advanced Kanji Sheet ~i. i~':f: c i~':f:~'g-0):9;0~~ ~ G ~=1Jt:1ET 16 t~600), ~Ad!.

"f:~~rPJ ~t O)JJ1\.:iJOB~J7'J:~)(t~l"T o :: O)'S'~}}~ :fJ 1J .:t- .:t. 7 .b.~:::: -B-66 16 zp c' -7 zp ~i. ¥:~~0)E!;E~i~

':f:O) Jli -'\>, ::J- A 0) ail' Fa, 7J: c' ~WJj; l- '""Ci;lc66 '""C ( t!. ~ '-''o
m~ (6o 11)
71 ;(('J'TA r)O)f~660)}l'M!flc l-'""C, -f:O)J.:::...y rO)Ii~':f:c§~J~~:S:~L--:::>zP~ cMHill
T 16 J: -7 ~:::::}l't:!F L- '""C < t!. ~ v'o -f:O)J::. "Z", Advanced Kanji Sheet l"~1l~Tli~2.T 16 J: '7 ~=:tl't

:iF ]___ '""( <t!. ~ "' 0

D ~~ A ~) (10

0 7~ A H:?L''t
Part 1 0) 1) ~ lv c l=jJ 83 < /vO)~~t c Part 2 O)gE[Ll!:)'[;1:0) v 7 7- -v- ~iV·fn <b .¥::~rV:A*~O);j!Ji'F-r:·
To v 7 7- -v- 0) p;pg: ~i"f:F,, 139 7J: !lit'&~ ~ JJ1!.~T 16 <b 0) "Z" ~i J0 ~ i-tt Iva 1 t~. -f::: "t"O) ~~~ ~iW Lll
:)'[;1: c "' -7 -~HEJ\.0)-"':) O):fJ!..¢.i:l"T o :J)[*~:::: «> t~ 0 -c ~i. ~Ull~iflt.i89 ~="f:~~~= § ,Ji!fO)*.U§t-?~
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TO)J: '7 ?J:fJJj)l}~~ll:~t'""Cv>iTo
(1) £i,T O)~~i V' GiJ'?'J:l"J\Z~c-9 i6 o
* "*" 7)'11\ 'T \ '0 ~l;t Classroom Activities'(' Grammar Notes'(' Grammar Smmnary (/))-;_ --c:r~n.f> t (/) T-t,
* i\id: t~ ;6• v' (Hjt ;6• v') , ib '""C i6, v' 0 v' 0 i;i:, :l3 2:. -:5 ;6• v', :l3 '9 L, ;6• i"L G, ~ Gv' i;i:, ~t--:::> 2:. ') ,
* 2:.:bhi6, ~'9(JI1U'9). t'G-9. t'it'''ii;i:, t'!vt'''!vi;i:, '9-c'~::::. -1!/v-lf!v, -t:-J t:, t~v'"lv
i;i:, --:JiJ•n.:s, "':)<(itO. c.:S(.!fll.:S), i;i:iJ''6bi6. O)cJ'(J)cJ'c. ~±i'iJ•Lv•, ~;r_;t.;s, 1--:::>t~<.
tr9iJ• Lv•, C?)f G Lv', * C?)!v c'') ?'J:, -'V' t' Lv• (1:1 Lv•L :bt~ L, :b 0 c
(2) £1, r O)~li u- G7J~~~~"f::X t ~ "C'~~c"t 15 o
.:B~~i. r!::'>b, ft:.t!.~

(3) 8 *~"ll-§~jJ~.~ Nl 0)/~"f:li£*!:: L l"li1~ffl L ~ "'o

fJU:>i-!:: L l", ~(in~ -J), ~(in~ L "'), JtJt (in Jm%), tlJZ (in 112-J) ~ !::'0) J: -J 1:::1~ffl"t 15 J$Jij- >b iltJ 15 o

7? .A 1'--"(J)Jid::·
8 *~*~~J:J~.~~ N4 zt u"--t-:tL£J,J::.O)i~'f:"C'£Z~c ~no i~'f:~"li-~= t± Jv r:· ~t~-::> l""' i-to td!. L, Jv
1 @JO)JJ-!:: Ll"ll•iTo
J21,rO)~"!i-!i N5 i~'f:"C':£Z~cT 0 c:: c iJ~"C' ~ i-tiJ~. Jvl:::-~1Jlb l"ll• iTa
00, ~~;s, -8, -Aft, AtLo, ~i:tLo, ~~ • .:Be~~ • .:l3~~~. *A, -~R. ~
4'"8, ~~. 00, §~.g., 11§5t2, 11§5;tt~, A,~, )1:;~:::, -B'lfFa,, 7±4);-, ;J,"J':~, ;J,"J':ix, ~ t,;s, 1±\
'"9, rp"J':, rp"J':~, rr"J':;t:JZ, R, =JE, -A(!:~), AFs,, -~Fa,, Ao, ')(, 8, A(Oc), A
k~, -~ -*, ft}E, "]':~, ~ ~~0
* .121, rO)~"!i-t±, **"C'O).:f'VJI±\~O)JJ-Jv r:· ~t~-::> -c"' i-to
a. ~ i ~--1 ~11i1JJ 17U)1i1JA, 1i1J~, {ilJ~"li-~, 1i1J"C', ~ t··
b. H~ -c·-t, ~~*· rroo
c. ~p83( <~)

8 *~:S·~~J:J~J\.~~ N4 ~Jm;Z. 0 i'/H::: li, ~~"C'~"ll-l':R ~1tlt-c v' iTo
(1) J2l, rO)~!i N4 ~*zt u· N4 ~ft*Jt!.~ Ul:f*!:: L -c, ~ftifR ~ L -c v' i-tt ~o
a~"J':iJ(/~$~, rp"J':/rp"J':iJ(/rp"]':~, r,§'j;j)(/~;tt~, *"3':/*"3':~
b. n77J't0)00~. -A(t~), -~l:f *I-J!iv•i'tL<b'h:77J7
(2) J2l, T O)~J:f!HVJ H1B'lfO)J7-~*l':R ~ L. .12l,~i\'o!i L -c v' i-tt ~o it::, C:: :tL G O)~ftliM~R~:S·~ 1) 7- H::: !i
t~l!llG L -c v' i-tt ~a
a. OO~~I~Of!J.~, 1Jl11~~~PJ

il:§"t.b~~X¥:t:.!J.Jfili:t:'f:~::: VCV'iTo 1c"J:O)Xt:t:.!J.J!'[ti, B*~'lf~~1J~J\~~N3 ~:::;ttJ;t"t/5 c

.Z G:tL 0 Xt:t:.!J.r] c ~ ~ i To
ll: "' l:f "'

Conversation CD : 1) ~A

Conversation @ :

theme today's world

::0)~\11'~0)7-?~i, 1~1-tt±~-cj:_~ ~J -c'To AFs9~i, tJJf!lJ-c'To
-::.-) ~-· ~fJvt..:v.>L·;oi'J'i.-' \r' 1:/v~·f',t,., t<)..&:"'::J

Ll, §~~~0lj:_~~~~-c'To
:: t If -o;lp
~versatio~~ [.nom]

Jo f: L li, IJ • T 1 i) / -c·-t 0 **
f-!_\1"5J: 7
faculty of engineering

:: J 'l]f< ,;:
year student
1 Sf-1:.
-c·-t 0 7 v- '/
Kuala Lumpur ----- origin
TO)~ T7 ;l,; /7·- Jk17' G:~Ct L f:o o/ 00~ <7)7
t•j ~·<It''
v- '/T A. -c·-t t,G

t £): t .lL ~ t ,
"5 J: 7 f-!_\ I
7 v- '/ T I: 1.i-t !v -c· \ ' i -to
manage business consultant
)(I ;t, + ~ \ '~;f± ~ ~~ L -r \ ' i !t\ 1;(\ I
-to t' :/ t<,z <7) :7 / if ; l,; 7' / ~ -c· -to 8 *-

:k. ~ 1:. 0) 1::
t.:\ 7}"<t.b
1 1
~ !i , 11i?JT 0) -f ~::·· t I: if ·;; 7'7 - ~ t5l ;Z 1' \ ' i L f: o :k. ~ T Ii , ~ 51t
~,{,tJ: !t\1~~\1

~l::~(l, ~;j)'(:'i.(''-t"o r'UL::~;j)'((:1'f-:Jl\ 1 ;i-t"o ~(l, J1~00~0)~~7}f:J\f

::7::7-l±\l -j;-lj: -t
~T-to ~~tB*-~1::77//Z~~~~Ll'\'iTo ~~~L ~~t~f?Jlt7l":l\f
;i{_ \I ::_' -t 7 ;]<' < ,;:-') 1)

Oral Practice
[I] Cl~til'l
;:: ? 1:: ?tth-0$?

t:t 'dJ GiN:§ :Z ~ i "C'**>g L 'l <t!. 1: v'o

rn •rl", t tf *-
1_,-::>'th- ;::fo

~ 7 "('j!j"J,~ C ~ ;Z 0)**1§' ~ L l <f!_ "2 ~~''o

04 s£ t::::l.,'
~ /dd:' 1iiJ ~ ~ ""( l \ 1 9 h) 0

06 s £ ~ ldd:, *M~ ~ -r l' 1 9 h) o

07 s~m ~ /dd:, 1iiJ ~ ~ ""( l

\ *9 h)o
08 5f., ~ fu (j:' 1iiJ~jg ~ 5112~$ ~
""( l \ 19 h) 0

3, 4 A0):7"Jv-7"--c'§:JtO)*jj*~=-:::Jv>'l~L
L JiC:J.v
'l <t!.t: v'o

_LO)f"- '"'< "C' J>:; --1::1 ~i!fv' 'l <t!. ~ v•a

~versatio~~ tJ. D' tc.
[I( no.o2]

t=Fm*::K -r·-t ::k# ::k~<TJ11~®1~~'ff~<7) 2 ~1:. -r·-t o

li;;, J?
to''~ d "' < ,;:
~r, li<
.J± ,c t ,c
v- ~ ~~
l'-9 0


'' i' Lt fc' l•o l,C
1f n' ~ <TJ*i:g-t-t
tl:\ ~ -r·-t o 7 -t; li, t;;•L J i>l•,C
o 1
x t -IV t, *jB'<TJ1±*
L :'t
head of~ fourth-generation
~ Ll"\\:f"'to )((i, tl-J][-Jk'l'"'to )((;1:4{\,§'l'"'to 7 -i;<TJ*jog(:(;t, &fk
I) J: -) 1) i; J: -) t=~ I ~ t: ~ ):::' ~
guest GN1 (passive), die. ~li l tJ' tt 0
11~ @l A. <Tl;!? ~ ~ ,(, n{ *- i L f: o -'f t'' t <Tl t ~ Ii, l <~ L It r::, i L f: o

If< li, -'f t'' t <Tl t ~ n' ~, ~~n{'kf ~ l' L f:o ;J\
L .t i
~;fX<Tl t
7 -IJ{-? :::
~ li, ~;fX

YouTube -td-- t--~ J~.JJ-'n{ ~, ~~~~~ L i L f:o l'"'t<Tl'l', tf~ 3
""',.{_, ~ .1: i
fairly, quite
~1:-<Tl t ~ li, t 7 n'-tJ-· 1) ~~n{-c- ~ i L f:o If< li, 7 -t; <Tl 111~@]
guest in charge of~

<Tl ;!? ~ ~ i ~g ~
fc,C 'Cj
J l' L f: o

~6t,~'7f:<Tl'l', 1-tl:.<Tl§~~J!(/:f Lf:o 7://<Tl§~n{;J?t L.?S-ti t:.''")
J? t IH• If ,C :· ;t G

~ f: \ \ t .~ '") l \ \ i -9 0

rn oBia~
~ 06 Gil' v: i§ ;t ;~d~ 1:ffJIF~ L "l <t!. '2 v' o

rn Jtr.,., t x
""71:JlfF"'~ t ~ ;t O)#*'l§' ~ L "l <t!. '2 v'o

06 ::k~t:.A.@ t ~, $83 <fdt, fJ-tf7 v- ~y~g~~lf';:J:: Ldc. iJ'o 2 -::J~
.i -r <tC. ~ "''o

[A] L, L, ;: t
3, 4 AO) ~lJv-7°1: §5]-0) 2::. t v:0v'"l~ L "l <!!.'?!: v'o

[[] ':/

_L 0) 7-? 1: I :;; -!:: 1 ~If v' "l <t!. 2: v' o

underlined part appropriate word

O)r:f:l \:::)~~ ~ ~\, '"t <t!. ~\,'a -f ~ "t,

n•~o ~
T*~gBI:::;oo~ fJ ~ ~ ~ J\ tL "t
"' 1t~o _,, <:15t7 c:t 1t ,,
<t!. ~\,'a

t-:<v-/71::: (

IJ'I \ L '?
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. ~;
' " 1-d.J

) -c·a;t.l:::*i""to

) J'f<:;{ l\ 'i-To ~
) -/;' J: < l ' \ \ ;;

)<7)( ) ~
~~oj ~
<t 1 It£

~ L -r \ \ i -to 7 / -/;' ) T-t o


L t 7 f

1,1'1' ::: < i_l\

) 0) 2 ( li<v-

'Tffi (

10. $1Zitl:::li, *kYH@A.O)t; ~-\"'<

) -2£n{*-i Ll::o 3-r.":t
0) r "51;L J: <~fl L _ _ _ _ _ i L f::.o

11. <Pm<tCii, 3-t''tO)t-5n'G3t*n{YJ-5TLf::.o ( L J: 7 -IJ{-_, ::: 7

A r7 J7
0) 7t :i. c:: c ) t~, t; 1::: -r'"- 'J i L t::. 0 ) 0) C:: -5 li, YouTube

rf i L t::. 0 7 -;; 7 0)

Key Sentences and e Words

Study the following sentences while refering to the i:l'FC t

I ip!v i§ ~J booklet. And practice
"- t If
reading each sentence aloud.

the difference between

human and animals bipedal walking tools fire word, language
CD A.M t: ~~~(l)J£ \ 'li, =-~~ff-t 6: t: '\", :it~'\" k ~ 1~ 7 := t: '\", § ~ ~ 1~ 7
-, "'

1. A..Fa9
i:,Cif ,c
5. it~

2. tv~ZI 6. k
i::'i .):--? v
3. :it\ I 7. §~
~;· : t If

4. .::.,JZ:!)i;ff
r: t < li : 1

as a consequence of
walking in an upright position humans foreleg
@ :ft '7 -c ~
<: ~ -r, t 1- (7) Wr ~ Ii § mI:: f,f 1J i L f: o -f:- n ?J' -'J--c· -t o

@ t I- Ii -1'- -c· \ 1 J) \ 1 J) fJ.· := 1::: 7)' -c· -2.< 6 J: -) I: t) i L f: o t I- Ii -1'- -c·:@ ~ ~ 1~ 7 J:

J 1:: IJ i L f:o j( t ..l.-'J-!::1~;;( 6
J: ')I: !J :f L f:o
a. 1:_ r li.f-T\IJ',\IJ',fJ_':: t:n"T"~ 6.l: 1 1:-fJ.·IJ 1 Lf::.o
T~ 6 J: ")1:-fJ.· t) 1 -t
1-c· ~ i --tl
r-::--;--;---;---;-, '"" rc;--;--;---;-
IT" ~ i -tLCI
b. l:.rli.f-Tit~~1~7 71:-~"J.' 1 )i f::.o
1~ 7 !: -~"J.' 1)

r-cH~-\-1 i~-l±~£~1 '""11~ \ I i --t I

C. kt.L.f-1:::1~;{.6J: -Jj;:-fJ.' i Lf::.o
1~;{. 6 J: ") 1: -~"J.' 1) i "t

@ t 1- !i, *a! -c·51J~-t 6 t:, ~ < i-to 17tl ;;t !;;C 1 A. -r·· 1 / :/ :/ ~ :tm i ;;t 6 :=
if they operate in a group get stronger
tJ.· 1)
if they cooperate; Compared to 1:, t, t V t ')
wild boar catch

-, '"

-c- t, *aJ -c·t)bn -t n . 1 ::,; ::,; ~ i ;;t 6 =t: n'-c· 2< i 1-0
using l;f makes the condition clearer.
t: li -c· -2.< i -1± o
1. ~Ef) 4. 1/YY
L • 1tc£

2. 5'5fJ.rt
6 5. tiih iJ -t 6
ti.ti J.t<

3. ~~ <-~"J.' 6 ~~\
\ <=> 7~\ \
...,. -:>l

~~\ \ ~\\
lv -:>l

in the course was

of time similar activity similar situation similar voice conventionalized
@ Jf:> ir" <:, ~ L:: l 7 f ...· 5'i5-f.b 0) ~ L:: l 7 f ...· ;JR.55L T ~ L:: l 7 f ...·? f tl:l-t ::: t: ?)f·tl:W 1t L
i L f:o

cf. ·I~ "€# - convention, custom

&•£L• j

"€#. ·I~ - practice, habit


in conjunction with
the complication of activity more sophisticated words/phrases
® $tbO):f!M£:1t ~ ~ t 1:, t -") t: 51G- ~ tt f:: § ~n{~b tL ~ l 7 1: -~"J.' 'J i L f: o
* Study Grammar Notes 1 (Passive Expressions) on p.l60 to understand the underlined part.

'1~~1t9 v - be habitualized
1~~1t9 v- get complicated, make something complicated
§l;l.l%4:1t9v- make something simple
3Ei:1"C1t9 v (Unit 4) -modernize
As shown above ~11:: i' ;f, often changes a noun or adjective into a verb to mean "become or get/make ~ ".

1. A.M Iii!~ 'f1~\ 'i-to -T L 1", ( ) 'f ( ) ~ -1± i L f:o

t' 7 (' -!±,(, fl.,(,

2. ~ t l 7 1J.' ( I)•-:> t'1

) 0) ~ t l 7 -~"J.' (
t.:J:i ~ 1 i
) -c· ~ t l 7 -~"J.' (

'f tl:l-t ::: t 7){ ( ) L i L f:o

1)•,(, L0->i IJ·

3. A.Fs9 li, ( t,£

) (", (
;.( -2--:J
) -~"J.'
1)·-o t' i
) 7)"1''15 i-t 0
I<: fv If' fv
[. no.o3]

for a series of twelve lectures living in a modern society/world title

~Bn'G 12@1:td::-:>·c IJJt1-\::f±~-c~~6J t\ 1 7 571 ~;t,·t, ~\ 1
~ .t ") ~'\' lfJ.,f;:'\ILf>i.l'\1 \1 Jt.i.:~'


):; /::_ L /::_ i) li~ ~ ( \ I i-t L' A.MY_AJ~O)JM?o t ~ ~ ( \ I i-t \1 ?}f\1

0 G) A.M 1::: J}J

GN1 (passive), die. ~ '5 these fundamental difference

::: t, c: ~:b -n,i Ln' L, -t-nG1i*-1t8<JfJ.·:it\ ,-tiLts 'J i1±tCo

for example
® t ~ LL 1 ;__ -r·1i~~\ 'Jh~to-r·-t
u t 'J J: I?
0 L 77' L, L~• 7 torn,c -r-5tfJ;1-
,;·-, r· 7
6 c:, ~
-, J:
< fd.· 'J i-t iY'l
t, r
;;t I;L

77'-r· ~ i 1-0 L 77' L, -z O):J:~-@-1:, ~rn 0)5tJ)] ~ 7 i < :1 -r· 1 ;t,- ~ L fd.· ltn!:UJ.· 'J i
If "'''
in order to do so bodily and gestural sign
1± o f: :, lil::J?)(i, 17-, :t-J i:::~\ 1 fJ.'77'G~~~).:f-~t)O)'if1/~1~''i
h- ,), l ,)>

what to do

-fJ.' ~f)] 0) ~ t J: 7 fd.· l J:
-r· ~ t J: 7 -fJ.'? ~ tB -t
::: ;t t~·

7 I: 1) i L 0

evolution of language
J: I: 1) L f:: o ~ ~0)~1! -r·-t a
If,(, ~· l;t ~ t,-,
[] -~(: ~ n n-@ .Arl39 t !llM~O)~l,' (d:{PJC' 9 h'o

(1 )



evolution of tool use

[1] }]!~ 15effl
l- J:?
0)~~ ~ ~5?,13~ G "t
<t!. ~ l- 'o
(1) :lz:-::J"l:$<< => (2)
=> (3) -¥ C' l, \0 l, \0 fJ;::: t tlC' 15-@
® -¥ C' * ~ J::.-¥ (: 15e -)

[1] ~ ~O)~Ylfj:_ ~ tmtc8'J (:~5?,13~ G"t <t!. ~ l- 'o
9' G"''"'
(1) ~lillC')j5j] => (2) ~[illO))j5j]~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GfJVtnLffJSiJl-'
.f. 0) tc.l5b (: !
CD 1'7-,:t-J
{ ®

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fl1FfJi:';: fJ -::J fc.o

___________ 7i15e n n 0 J: 7 ': tJ J tc. o


W 7-'17.11"JY3/

[§] I 'Y t-{
1. A.M tfM~G01l\ 'ii1PJl'' L l 7 o ·;bttl;t, .:::A:_ (

f{~ 7 =: t -\"', § ~f1~ 7 =: t, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o L77' L, -f;ft GIJ:

) fo~.' ( ) \ \ l''ILJ;) 1) i 1± ;(_,0

li,C L-:> T ~ i;l;'

f::.o k t i.4'- 1:::1~;;( 6 J: 7 1::: fo~.· 1) i L f::.o -f L -c it~ f

_ _ _ _ _ 5Ji:J,f ~ 1± i L f::. o

3. t::: ~ IJ:, 1 A. TIH!J1' ) <

) Tt>lb IJ _ _ _ _ , 1 / / / f :Jill i ;;t 6 =: t 77' -c· ~ i -to L 77' L,

) f 7 i < -:1 - f' 1 ;y, - ~ L 1o~.' It ;ft I;:flo~.' I) i 1± A_, 0

f1~\ 'i Lf::.o L77' L, 17-, :t- J --ciJ:, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~'-77' 1) i

1± A_, 0

- - - - - ' t '") t 5Ji:J,f ~ ;ft f::. § ~ 77'

J:::fJ.' I) i Lf::.o )';5jfJ,70):fJt~1t _ _ _ __

t '") t )Jt:.*,f ~ ;ftf::_ § ~77'1~t:J;ft6 J: 7 1::: fJ.' I) i L f::.o

0) (
(i-;, f:--;
) T-t o

Conversation CD : ';!: l5 l5b * l,; T

t: 6 1.:> )I}OO~B-

Conversation ® :

v' 0 v' 0 t:-9 o Ara, ~±, v' 0 v' 0 !J:-:I:~?JTt:,

If L"
v' 0 v' 0 id:-"t 6 :1J ~1'F ~
--::> (
~versatioQ__~ [. no.o4]

Li-san joined a welcome party for newly-arrived international students which was arranged by the International Center. She
met Nakata-kun who studies Malay language at the party. Nakata-kun offers a cup of coffee to Li-san.

I} ;b -;J ' ;b 1) fJ<: t 7 =-·~··,\i-t -c·t' *J::JtO) 7J fJ<:".

0 0
:-)1;;; lh

r:rm: ~-:Jl~ i L J: -J -/J'o


1) ;b -;J ' -t Hi-t!:" £o

r:pm: ~ '"' 71i?
I I I@
~ '"' 71i, \1\1"'('-9 0

Nakata-kun soon brings a cup of tea for Li-san, and greets her.

'o/ffi: (;;I:\ 1, *J::Jt"'C'-"to (::''7 -'f'o 1rJf: L(;J:, :9~00~~:tf~O)'o/ffi"'('-"to

faculty of engineering
"' ( ,;:

) = £1: -t; lie (;;I: L:: 6/) i L -r 0 I~:tf~ 1-¥~0)
:::: 7 -Q{ < ,;:
1) T-t 0


L L.t-7
) \
;Z\ 1 ;;t, ::: :::li8/f.T-tn'G, 8/f.~-c-~Li L ·L
'o/EEl : ;b ;b, 1:- 7 T-tho 1) ~ £(;;1:, \I---:), a ;$:.1:*:;1:: L f:n'o
') +-¥0)
: t:
3 A -c--t o
r:f EEl : < v- ::, 7 0) t" ::: G?
) 7 7 7 '"' / 7°- Jj, -c·-t 0
[] CIBI*l~
~ 66 G;N:: i-3 ;t i~d~ -c:*-*~ L 'l <t!. 2: v'o

[1] ~~J,,, t ~ ;t

""7l"1iiFP~ t ~ ;t 0)**~ ;:r L l <t!. 2: v'o


Q3 $EE <fdj:, 1PJ~gBO)~~C'9h'o 2年生です




)t;1:.iJ'l" ~ 0 :Yi-OO~iH:: 0 v• 'l~i5 LiTo J: <00 v' 'l <t!. 2: v'o

[§] I·:J
L 0) T - '"7-c' I /' --1: 1 ;:r ~ v' l <t!. 2 v) 0

~versatioQ___~ [I( no.os]

Nakata-kun invites Li-san for tea.

tflB: J77Jv/7·-;v!;;L tTt:k..-5 < T:!IT1-\~-tJ.·HlJTi"h.o
~~t'"'~ 11;

-f 7 -c·-ttJ.o ~JI ~::· Jv t f:
< ~A- <t 1) i-t L, * -5' \ shopping mall
~ 3 "J e:· / 7··-:c-- Jv t <t 1) i-t 0


tf lB : ;it ;it , ~ !i , A,- Sf. 0) JZ I: ,

L:-;:~ :: t: L tJ..'"?
7 v- ~7 I: ff -5 i -to

') ;it --; ?

[] t:U~i-~
iJ: 6b GiPI: i§ ;t ib i -c't*~ L "C <t!. 2 v'a

[1] t jt
""7 1."11lFP~ t ~ ;{_ 0)**~ ;;r L "{" <t!. 2 v'o

1. ') ~ tC I:L :::1- 1::: -l 1) (

r:fEE<tCii, <v-/7~~H·3rM~LT\ 1 i-to ( ) li, -r·


3. ')~,Cii, (

j;::*j: L f:::o

5. ttm<£1;1, ( -rJ_-~
) 1::-:<v-://l::ff~i-ta

)<7)( )T(

Key Sentences and Ke ords

Study the following sentences while refering to the I i~"f: t i§ ~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.
butterfly way of living cicada
G) -j-3 r-JI:::(j:-j-3 rJ<7)~5:;7?jfj;) I), -lz ~ l:::(j:-lz ~ <7)~5:;77}fj;) I) 1-to ,~,l:::(j:
bird Lan abbreviation of ilS -o c deer lion

J~~<7)~5:;7?jfj;) 1), ,~(:::(j:,~<7)~5:;7?jfj;) I) 1-to ;f,;(~ f"~lJJ('-71 ;;f"/(:::

t, ~;fl-'('';fl<7)~5:;7?jfj;) I) 1-to

2. .~

o. T <1> -t n ·f n O)*fi ~;:~: 1PJ c< 9 iJ' o


primitive age
@ ,ljf, :k~ <1>
livestock farming
* humans
1-\ I::: Ii , A. M Ii ~'f ~m t
hunting gathering
1'* ~ <1> ~ 5';5 ~ L -c ' \ 1 L f: o
sooner or later
"t ,
Jl ;ffl t

~il?j':k~;f IJ 1 Lf:o

1. ~)(§0) 5. :t'C~
itA, L ~'' L\v-7

2. !Rf1-'Z
t: t:,,
6. :i. )i,-

3. A.M
7. Jl:#l'
o:H: 7

4. ~\f 1 1~ 8. :&~
LV)! ) l 7 If ( S (

different from one place to another far reaches Amazon stone age
@ AMO)~)'i5(i, ;l:~pfj- ~ -;~"'( t "2 i "2'';f l'-to / 7 /O)~~iJ:.l'li, ~l'tk]~
the Arctic Circle

Inuit different
1. ~pif 5. 'f)-;\/f'
If L l

2. T<'// 6. :lt Toi 111


3. ~;J:-!B 7. 1:X1"J~
li( t;

4. ;s~ ;EJ~B~-j~
L: f!l \
8. AtB ( t) liJlfi 6
{[.-, ~ -{!.., ~ :t

for his own sake its own production and lifestyle

® A. M I;L !3 ,J!f 0) t: 06 I::: ~~ !3 <7) :i. J1\t • :i. ~ ii ;;:.\ t 11< 6 tb ~0 -c· -t o -t L -c -t ;f1 t
t.'-3 -:;l ..)~-:>

hisotorically change, modify that sort of environment

Jf:3tJ391:c)(~L'l\\<tb~Wl''"to -t L'l, A.Mii, -t7 Lf:~JTL\ 1 ~:l;Jt(J)t:p
in order that one may - ;
See Grammar Bits 2 below. oneself
-c·:i. ~ Gn6 .t 7 1: !3 71- !3 ,J!f t t c)(~ L -r \ 1 ~ i-to
* Study Grammar Notes 2 (~ T \' <) on p.l63 to understand the underlined part.
1. § if <7) f.: 00 I:: 5. ,1ft;tai] I:: ,lft;t
1: L,(, n~ L n 1t~ L

2. ~:Hl <7) 6. c)(~-t 6

t' ( 1: iJ'\'"'-Iv

3. j:_~ j:_~;fjR~ 7. f,l j:t

-l±\l~lv -\!1 ·~ ,<.,.t j L~ ;j·,(,~' j

4. §:_);5 j:_)J5;fJR~ 8. §~'-§if

1i"l'-/;'-J {!:-1 ,1),--=>J: i L~ 1: .;:,<., 1: L,(,

As explained in@),~ d: 7 1::: means "in order that one may~". Study the following examples.

en 1:zJs:tJ~s~< fJ-SJ~? 1:,

f}6tC -:JJ;
iijB V"::~.:::f.Y-?'~ L- -rc~*~ 0

good score
(2) L!L1,¢,7J~'cn-SJ~?I:, -:!t~®~s~L-*L-f.::o
T/u L1-:JLJ7lt!t./bll"\fv~J:-3

1. ~ -k@ <7) ( (: l::t, A.MI::t ( ) t ( ) 0) :i. 5'8 t L

f:!_\ \ L~ Lti ~\1 LtJli

l \ 1 i L f.:o v-IJ"c, (l)j :i

) t
If ( t;<
) -/J"-kEli 1) i L f.: 0

2. A.MI::t, §! ~O)f.:/J) (::: (

0) ( ) .( ) TiS-\ t1t 6
""" ~,(
""'' ;j•-:>

~Mfo-r·-t o -t L c. -tnt (
~"l ~ T~
) 1: (
L -r'' < ~M?o-r·-t o
I<: fv If' fv
[I( no.os]
human fundamental difference
A.M t~4~0)*-1(89fo~.·:ll, 1 1iM-r· L J: 7 o

now then
;f-/(2 ~~77~-71 :;f/l::t, -f;ft-f';ft0):§::.2<7Jn{S 1) i-to ""ti;;L A.Miit''7 -r·L J: 7 o

® -*:k~0)~1~ 1:: li, A.M li~~~JR t t*-~ 0):§::.5t ~ L -r' \ i L f:o

(f !v L t f:!.\ \ L i L i
fil I) J: ~\I
-/J'-:J ~ -t[\ I

field polato
~~r~-c i'l*# t
ff:Jj ~j
4:5z1in{:k~ i 1J i
If< I;< l:tl:
L t: o A.M li, 1m~ 11--:>
lltolt _.,<
-r 1 .:c~

development as a consequence of ~

·~ 1.::: 4:5z 1i 0) JB-Jik

T !v
1:: .t --:> (' ~~~JR. t*-~ 0) ~1~
1.::: li::k 2< <

') fJ 0) +t / { / -t OJ:§::. 5t 1.:::, :J,t ;j\>~ !II::: {it; 1 ;<: 1 ·; ~ OJ:§::. 5t 1.:::
ll~~l<lt!v -r
their highly developed
li*-2< < JVi 1) i-to -f L (, n';ftGOJ:i.5tt, ~lti::JB-)ik
: 7 t"
.fjE.:{:E 0) .:f:d:
(f !v -:(\I
L f:: t; 0) :§::. 5t I:: I;J:' * 2< gap
fo~.' .:f' f ''J 7° 1}{ Jh 1) i -t 0
but still, nevertheless
' -f 0) .t 7 fo~.' ~ i ~--

to (Karl) Marx
7 7/Z J:: , ® A.Mii, §
call it~

/.:::"'sf ""('\1\1(:'
to sum up creale
, A. Fa9 Ii, §L £-OJ~ --c- §
!I) I : ){ 1t 1.::: ff1: 5t ~ i 1] :@. -t 6 ft; ~~ fo~.· 0) -c· -t o
change diagrammatically
[] Ars90)~5!t§A~(J)~1t ~ ~~8~ ~= ~5?,13fl
A./o IJ' 9· ~~c~ tt?liJC'
G-r <t!. ~ l- 'o


U-1:¥:~~~* ~iPJ-)

variation, variety
[l] Ars90)~5!t§A~(J)J\ ')I-~ ::1 / ~ ~5?,13fl G-r <t!. ~ l- 'o





[1] ? Jl<l ;z ~:::: J: .Q t , .A rs9 ~i c 0) J: -5 fJ !M~ C' 9 h' o 3 -:J ~
x "l <t!. ~ l, 'o

(1 )



great foolish, stupid

\,\ f!:_\,\
~ :k@ o:)Eey1-\, I::: I;L A. Fa, Ii ~'fJm t :t*-;l 0) :i. 5'5 ~ LT 11 i L f:: o _ _ _, lU# t :&.li

7){:k@i 1) i Lf::o A.Mii, ~m~1t'/T1-t--'l" ( ) ~


11-') f:: 1) ' J.Jf.-'1" ( lf-:Jt

) -'(' (
) ~~iih f:: I) -t 6
J: J l:::'iJ.' 1) i L f::o ) t (
If( t;<
) O)Jf;}tt
<JJj =1

L~ I)J:-J
) .( -:;:\\ LrPi
) 0)8~1\ tli

*!! <~fJ.' 6 ) ( ) 7){:/(@ i I) i L f:=o

"''' "'"' J:7 L~

1) fJO)-fj-;{/-}- _ _ _ :i.)'[,t, jt~~Jjl:::{it!1 :><1 '') ~

) fJ.' 1) i -t 0

?Jl--IJ ::z _ _ _ _ _ , A.Mii, §Jit _ _ _ _ _ J~§O):i_~ • :i.5'5;flR:i\~

11= 6 ~hi~ T -to -f L T , -f n ~ J1it 5t1'0 I::: c)Ot L ----~M~ T -to

) ~ (

LT, A.Mii-f7 Lf::#ftL\ 1

~ t c)z;Jt L -z- \ \ 2< i -to

Conversation CD :

I \ A '

$6~~ L
(t-:;J :::..1v
--c, ~co 'L ~w·cc -t- L ·c YEt: 1
f:t!. L
Lt-:a H--ct±,-::: !v~1:115iJ\

i' -::> c *0: ~ 1 L t-: a

~versatio~~ [I( no.07)

Li-san meets Nakata-kunin front of the library.

Li-san and Nakata-kun go into the tea shop. And they begin to talk.

) :k~O)~H:1i/v T\ 1 i-to


I) ~HI 8 0) 1St I;L f: \ \ <: \ \' '51:- 0) jjz_ t :' i; '(_ \ \ -"7 L .t I: ll)E =" I;J: tC ~ ~""' i -t 0 H. tC -~'i '
:< ,<, J: 1 1f J: <> If,(,

G o
7J: 66 Gil'v: ~ ;Z_ ~ i -c."**~ L --c <t!. "/!: v'a

[1] it ~ ;t
""T -c:1!{F"'~ t ~ ;Z_ 0)**~ ;{r L --c <t!. "/!: v'a

05 1) ~ /d;:!:, lf4J~UiJ:.-¥l:'97'J>o

06 11: OY}ffJ!.. -ts t (;t, B *~g l:' ~3 L, ;:!:: 9 t.J> a

[]] (})
)'[;1:ir'§5J'0)1:115v:"':)v>""C~i5LiTo J: < li(lv•--c< t!."/!:v•o
t -"/"

_tO) T ~ 7 -c." I ' / {c 1 ;{r ~\;\ --c <t!.?: v'o

~versatio~~ --v [I( no.OS)
from the beginning
o/EB: 1) ~ A..,!i, t t: t t::Jt?o77'T~ 6A..,T-t77'o

grandma dialect
t: h If <h -t; -'~"A., 0) §}Itt -r- ~ i-to tf 00 0) i¥j O):Q O):Q § -r·-t o
=t It ll.? ll.? If/,

o/EB: < 1/-~T'?at T~ i-t l Vo

official language
') ;it ;it, < 1/- ~ 7~1i~ffl~-r-·-t L, ~;f5(-r-- t ~~ L i L f::
: .Lt-5 -"'...C"5J:i

multi ethnic

Sabah State Sarawak State ethnic minorities

Borneo Island, Kalimantan

o/EB: SS, ;f';[_,;;j'<t ~0)117 -r·-tvo
t -j

GN5 (volitional), die. 11' < Kota Kinabalu all I have to do is to ~

d- .
- ·I v(...m
~~ ""') \, ' 1 -~:
;;£ o IJ'77J[_,/7°-;[_,7]'G':1'5'4'--T 1 <;[_,1 1\ lA.,

for now, currently

t:pm: ~O)t::::;;, ":J'5'4'-f' 1 \';[_,l:t
~M<G\ 1 \'6
Ll')l i-II' A.,
Mt. Kinabalu

fairly easy
J- r ;[_,0)~\ 1 tlJ"f'-t7l\ .h 1) t~-r--to
mountain climbing, hiking
tfffi : (;f < litlJK I) O)f/&,~7]HJ,'\ 1 f:'lt /:::'', f:'\ 1 L J: 7 fJ.' So
\'>iO)If lt••lt/,

[}] CI!~I~~
ij: 60 G zp~:: §f._~ i 1:'ff*~ L --c <t!. ~ v'o

w li r"', t ;t
""71:j;fr"~ t ~ ;t O)ff*~ ~ L --c <t!. ~ v'o








:)'[; :1: iJ' B 0) !\; :OJU:: § ~ft ~:: 0 v' --c ffili L i To J: <tJ1J v' --c <t!. ~ v'o

3, 4 AO) ;t' Jv-7"1: §L 5]'-0)
00 0) .E\;:OJU:: §~:a~: 0 v' "lffili L --c <t!. ~ v'o
1::: !:L 100 A. <

G\\O)~~:i_7]{1i£("'\\;J:i"o \\J)\\J)fd..' ( ) 0)},_7]{\\:J:i"o



ct If


少数 ) (

昔 ) t ( 同 生活

< £ I.;L -17- J "1::: t ff ____________

u =1

家族 ) T.:\=--T;\'Jl,-J.JI:::1i?< i Lf:o -=\=-j-;\'Jt,J.i

楽 ) -z''-to ~6 t 2.< I~L ti1 ~, -2 £-!;"

Key Sentences and e ords

Study the following sentences while refering to the I ?!l=f: t ~ ~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.
rich and
highly developed abundant material environment the society get highly complex
CD h f: L f: i; Ii , ~ ~ I: Jf. Jl L f: ~ n' -rd.· 40 1t ~ :F,l :J:t -r· 1:.
,, ~ -r \ \ i -t o :fl-o/} t ~ ~ I:
(so complex) that nobody can ever grasp the whole picture of it
1l~1t. L .:Z. 0)~1.;f1~1imt t :fE:f¥ T ~ -r.J.· \ \ < ~ \ 'T"t o
Lan abbrebviation of t., T

1" ~Jtl: +- ~JtfJ.' 6. *1Mt1t-t 6 <=> if-#-~ 1t-t 6

: i t:' : 7 t" ,),{ iJ' ~-'"") f,A,t .~., ,.

2. #;!fz L f::.
11~<: A.
7. ~1*1*

3. 11. --/;' fJ.· 8. mtt

t1Jtc to it
4. i~1t~rt :It 9. tE:J'£-t 6
,;:"? L -:>"t 57]',(,~ .t i I! i!i (

5. :f±~ 10. < f:,\\ lit. rank, degree, extent

L 1>-h'\ I

long-awaited fruit, crop harvest farmers rice reaping

® f}Ui' 1~ i; 1: 1~--:> f: ~ 1) 0) fYC qx.*f 0) *-*- -r·-t 0 Jl~Ct !i' tJfl)lj 1) ~ L i -t qx.*f

village celebrate god thank vi11age festival

O)St, tt-r·!i, ~X.*i~~}L\\, ili'**I:~~L't, /ft~IJ ~ Li"to
Lan abbreviation of tJt -:o T

1. {~t, 1:{~--:> t: 6. #
it it t;G
2. %_ IJ <7);f}( 7. iH. 7
"~ \ \~')

qx. :fi <7) :f)( 8.



(J)i 1;,


~~M-t 6
N .. L <

5. :flfJJIJ 1) 10. ;fj"~IJ

l'h i;' l:;i,i'co

village cycle life, living hundreds of years or more than thousand years
® 8 ;$: 0) Jl *I -c· I~L : 0) J: 7 f.J.· -if 1 7 ;t, 0)~ G Ln{Ma its 6 \ \ li f-if.J,.XJ::. t Mt \ \

* Study Grammar Notes 3 (~ T < 6) on p.l63 to understand the underlined part.

1. Jl#
4. .:f-Sf.J..X ..t
-tt- tC~1-C \' t J: i
2. *G L 5.
< **'
_,.., <
old farnring community to work to live life unitary, are entwined also to learn living
® 1}(J),il#t±4t--r"li, ~ < ::: t t . G-t::: t li-1:f. --r-- L f:: o if::., ~.;~::: t t, •
are integrated; GN1 (passive), die. *f!Ji.);', t; older children adults
G L(}) 1=f I: ~11. .;;,. ~ i :ft. --r \ ' i L f:: o -T- c:·· t f::. -t; !i , ~-& (}) -T- t" t -\" ::k A. f::. -t; 77 { L

1. 1}0) 6. !#.;:::: r
tH ;J:iJ,'

2. Jl:tt
7'!: A,
7. ;J.GL
(j) <

3. ~
< :::t 8. *].h.J6ti
< :

4. ;J.G-t:::t 9. if- -R o:J ..:r- r·· t ¢:? if- 1'' 0) ..:r- e::·· t
< 11£,1;; j : llA-ll j :

5. -1:$.
\ \-? I
10. *-.A.t:::.
}; t fJ_·

1. hf::. Lt::.-t;li, ( ) 1: ( ) Lf::. ( ) -/J'-~'.J..' (

=7 t' ll7 TA- V/Jf: .)•-? L-o T~

) T~ ~ 1' \'i-to
~ l i
2. *Y<. li, 1) (7) *Y<., ) (7) *Y<. T -t o ( ) (:' li,
h!ll LrPi
"' <
) 1) f Li-t 0
',, "'
3. L'~
) Tli, (
) f *JL \ ', (
"'h ci
) 1: (
ll'A~ L'C
) L -r,
"' <

) 1) f Li-t 0
L'~ i-o

4. i fj_'
) ,;: :::: t li, ( ) GL(l)o/1: ( ) J.;_ ( ) i n -r \ , i L t::. o
[I( no.09 J

situation human kind

:fAE:tJi T -5 -rd-· \ 1 < r::, \ 'T-t o :: 0) l 7 -rd.· ;J;JU>L Ii,

*l~IUt. L, -t 0)~1:f.1~1 imt A~ O)M;;t -r·
,;,{"'-=> i!• -lfA-f,,,f7 to'n lis< cd5!i tA--5'' n5 L
very happened
I;t 1!fi!O) :: t: -r· I;t -to!-· < , ::·· < I: -to!-·-:> "l :i. L:: f:;J*5>L T-t o
.), --:.> 7 ~\I~ A_, L J: ~

case agricullure
17tl iZ. I;f. 8 ;zjs;. 0) 1Jl] -r· § 7 1::: , 1950 ~ I: Ii, 17 \ 1 "l \ 1 6 A 0) 45% Ii Jl ~ ~ L "l \ 1 i L
fc~ *'-'' lltcG 1!~ OJ7 5';j
in other word<>
f:o -,:f 'J. 8;zjs;.A0)'*-7t< G\ 1 liJliftT;J.G L ""f\ 1 i Lf:o
staple food
8 ;zjs;.O) Jlift<l);J. G Lli c::··O) l 7 -trt 0) -c· L J: 7 n'o 8 ;zjs;.O) ::£ ~ li* -r·-t o 1f n' GJl~
L "' L d &0 = tin' L
center rice paddy plowing rice paddy
0) 4' ~~
Ii * -r· L f: L, ~ t -t 7 -r· -to Jl ift -r· I;t, ~I: -to!-·
6 t: , lB ~ ::
fc :1?
L ~ L "l , lB I: :rJ<-
fc hi'
paddy field Japanese rainy season rice-planting rice (plant) quicldy and healthily
~Ahl, ;rJ<-\B~1'f 1 }iTo -fL""f, ~jifu(J)tj{(:, lflt@.;{.~LiTo £1:, ~(;:J:-f<-f<
\1 -f\ll.'/., -:;< -:> rp ::::_; f:::. 7 fJ.'-:J \ltJ

i L f: o -t L "l , f: < ~ !v 0) A f: -!; iJ "< 0) l 7 -to!-· -if 1 J ; j, 0) 4' T, :i. i h "l , lf -:> "l , ~ili
1! ~ 7 It~

GN2 (oumc>unaly)
:i®L"l, .:r-c::··t~lf"l"l, -tL"l, 7t!v \1~ Lf:o :O)J:7-tJ-·Jltt:i.~0)~5>Lii, i!
=A- octc: L kf''"'-=> .tt

f: , !'!f: 1-~"i
:: t: t ,
grown-up, adult,
*- G L 0) 4' I: 1" ' :f o Jl :fit±~
independent individual in order to ~

-eli, -AWJ'I:-fJ-·6 l:!'!f:i))tl:1'f<•JC*IiJ0'Ji-l± -r·Lf:o

\d;i:A-;Lt 1!-=>J:7

all they have to do is to~ fishing village livestock farming

'\ '0) T-t o 5,~iftl' t ~ L:: -r·1- L, t:5zli:f±~-r· t ~
~·>Of: A- If( I;<
[I] 1950 .$~, EI*O)d>:~O)$c\ IIH.A.DO)g,~;e~;t: en< G ~,,c: Ld:tJ'o

}JO) 4 -:>O).A -T 'Y 7°~,
11] *0)1'1= ~J IJ'to ~li (~Jt8jj
J;~b' it-::>IN'
Vt <t.: ~ ~; 'o

passage summary complete

lA] /J(: 0) I \ 'Y t - :;- ~;!:,
;:::_ 0) v7T -\"' - 0) ;t t /J) C' 9 o I \ 'Y t - :_;· ~ ~ h\(; L, (
<t_: ~ \, 'o
) (J) ( --eli (

8 2js;_(J) Jl# -c- I~L :::: (J) J: 7 7i -If 1 :7 ;t_, (J) ~ G L n"1PJ8 -it- cts 6 \ 'li -=f-5¥-J,-X _L t RJG \ '
_ _ _ _ _o -1:- L --c, l:: < -2 tC (J) AJ:: i; 77":::: (J) J: 7 -teL- -If 1 :7 ;~ (J) "f T, ~ i tL

) --c--c, ..z- L --c, n£- - - - - -

L--c\'~:::: t:~Jt--c, -1:-tl~4f:~ (J)-z"-fo ~,;::::: t:li, ~G L(J)"fl:::

Grammar Summary to Unit 1- Unit 3

A grammatical phrase consists of elements that have particular grammatical meaning in

constructing a sentence. Therefore, it requires particular attention.

OJ -li:J::::><:CD: by~, because of~


~ 1:: J:-:> Tis a derivation of J: 6 which means "originates from" ( ~ 1:: J:-:> TCD) or "depending
on" ( ~ I:: J: -:> T@) .

a. ~ItS)
t *il *
tt-:~ iJl
(cause and consequence)

(2) /\ ') ~ / <7) {\'- .&. (difusion) 1:: J: -:> ·c h f:: L f:: i; OJ1±$- li:k -5 < ~ h 1) i L f:: o -'C L
,), ~ ~ 7 L ::· t:

T, A 7- ~ 7 ;;t / (smartphone) <7) {\'-.&.I:: J: -:> l, h f:: L f:: i; <7) :i_ )ili; t :k "5 < ~ h IJ
i L f::o

b. , etc.

(3) ~§'l;I;L f7 /\b. · ~11.--1:: J:-:> 1" 9£-Bjj:: fL i L f::o

(4) J / 1
} fJ (;!:, ~ 0/ 7''A 1:: J:-:> l 9£-Jt:: fL i L f::o
~·1'/<7)'/.1 ;[,-.r....;[,-b. • v/ ~;f'/1::: -:>1"9£-Jt::ni Lf::o


(4) A 7- ~ 7 ;;t / <7) J¥4-i:- (smartphone rate) I;;I: ~;f± ~

1} l i ~ /v
liD -lt:J::~c : according to~

J: 6 in~ 1::: J: 6 t means "depend on" or "rely on". Consequently~ 1::: J: 6 t means "according

(1) 7 !v ~ 7. 1::: J: 6 t, AFa9 li, 1:Hl O)~j£ • ~5'6tls:\

1::£11/., 1
"t 116 fMiziT-t o (Unit 2)
t•< L: -\Til~/, -ITI -/.I'-:>.!:7 L~ -:>< r.·J,;:-:,.

(3) 5'!:fi:@ (Ministry of Justice) <7) ~fcl ]t(survey) 1::: J: 6 1::::, 8 *-1:::{£. ;L'7'~00Ail, 2017 if;;)Uas
Iii ti Ld t;d ~ -t ;!-o

of the end of 2017) :Ej?..f±, fl!v 256 7j A I::: fJ.' --:J l \ i -t" o 1
rt,c~·,' \" < r:,c

@] -O)tclsblt: : for the sake of~

(Unit 2)

(2) ;f-J f::: L IJ:%1±(1) f::: tO 1::: 1f.J \ \ l \ \6 <7) T(J cb IJ i -\i tGo 1±%(1) f::: <61:::, AP (/) f::: <61:::,
IU:G L.f'7)''' Vt.TFt

1t? \ 1 -r \ 1 6 <7) T-t o

(3) ;b f::: L <7)1±*-11 t
L ::.:t
-r t ~ -J \ 1 (hard) T-t o T t, *-:O~{J) f:::
IJ' -r·<
<01:::- ~ ~-ift1f?\ 1 -r \ 1 i-to

word+ : what to ~ , where to ~ , who to ~ , etc.


.=. 7 - / :=1 / "t L -r \ \ i L l::: o L -0' L , I '7 -, 7] - J --c li,

1} i -\i tGo 1)

(2) li t 66 T- A T1:.5'6
V t: I) 1±1 17)<:>
f::: t ~ li, 1PJ
t 10"17") i-t± tC T L f::: o ~5'6<7) f::: 66 1:::,

f::: 0 "t
(3) 1±*-Tii,
L c·t
"B. Subordinate clause structures
A subordinate clause structure is a subordinate element in a sentence with particular grammatical
relations to the main clause.


As you learned in elementary Japanese class, ~ f::. G, ~ t and~ l;f are grammatical elements
that form conditional clause as you understand the following sentences.
(a) if. I:: f.J.' "') f:::. G, ~ f::. f::. -/:;' < fd.· 1) i -to

(b) if_ I:: fd.· ~ t, ~ f::. f::.-I:J' < fd.· IJ i-f o

(c) if;. I:: f.J.';/-1!1, ~ f::. f::.-I:J' < fd.· 1) i-to
The difference among these three conditionals are subtle and very difficult to understand.
Therefore, please understand them in the following way for the moment.

(a) ~ f::. G is the most broadly applicable conditional expression. ~ f::. G is also used to mean

3. \ 1 -::>t, 1§~-/:;{~;b"'Jt:G, -t<"I::!Jli-to

L•\fel• tl

(b) ~ t usually expresses natural or physiological cause and consequence relations between phenomena
or events.
4. if;.l::fd.·~t, \l;j\l;jfd.':{t-/:;{~2<i-fo

(c) ~ l;f is conditional expression per se. Therefore, when ~If' is used, the condition is clearly
6. ~:{'fit , 98~0)~~(:::*;fti-fo


t t t 1::, :§t l~
t t "') t
)Jt~* ~
;ft i L f::. o (Unit 1)
(2) :f±itOJJ't1t t t
L~l."\, "'-r0 7),
t 1::, A..M
t J't1t L i L f::.o 5)
(3) ~~(aging)
;fl,{.,;ft\ \

(4) -3- t" t 0) »X,

-& (growth) t ~, *-1~0J:i-5i5 7.
IJ' .:c< -1±\\-/;'-:J
IJ 1 I~ (style) t J't;b "'J l \ 1 2< i-f o
CD 1'- ~
? lc
(flat pattern) ~ ('' '') (head-up pattern)

Practice saying the following words or phrases paying particular attention to the intonation patterns.


( 1) t E? ~S{--:J(}) ""5 tJ>"t, \ t;t 1&: "t'L.J:?o

A.ra, t l&i!JO) :it\\ li 1PJTLJ:7o

(2) tf'At;t [.; ~ ~) J:? t ~';.,\[.;~?(}) -It t, ' iJ) '? ~ v-r "' , * L. t.: o
A.Mii :1\i'~~t :J>R~O) ~5i5t L T\ 'i L f:o

(3) ~tf;"l
tJ:' ""5
4:5c tit)'
< <ti t;t l5 * *[.; t.:
:/({j:;J; 1)
i L f:o

(4) t' [.;td: t,' ""5 t: *x 1&: :{;, t.: is!) t:' tl ") ;:_ ? t: t,' < V''?J:? td:
{fli -A.llfrl::: fJ_' 6 f:!;/) 1:::, '**x.1::: 1T< 1SL*Ii

diS~)* it -r· [.; 0

Ji, 1) i -l± A., T L f: o


( 1) ,;:_,en' n~L L-vn'\'

~ ~ ~ '?' {.,\ ~
:X::.1t8<;1 fd-· ¥3t89fJ-· ;f±%89fJ-·

,;: --; L--::> -th' L £

-:>L.'? \; \ [.;
ib1t89fJ-· Jlf;fljl8tJfi

1::11£ -th'J:7

~ ~
a ;t.atJf.J." i1§ 5¥-89 fd-·

Lecture : =f E '8 t ~*~

1f O);fjO)~ e:~ 'b !±,

uH uG
"¥:tX:v:1'fzp~ <-c 'b J: iJ'-::> t-:-c'To -c 'b, ~"0)

~ C: ~w!H!l L ~ ~ttU:f~ VJ i -It Iva AFs9 ~±, v' 0 v' 0 ~~ C: ~®5~ L

--<Jv§J:) (:Jv~flv
4 J=j 4 8 (±) ~1~ #.I~O));!; ""f' ®
Malacca GNS (volitional), dic.11' <
7 7 ''j fJ t :; 3 if; - I"' I {I"' I:: t ~t ::: 1 t ~ """) "'{ \ \ i
-r 0

World Heritage historical

1) c/hc/h, -tf'U1t""")L' < t:·~\\o t~l::77,;fJ!;L 1!!-J'}.i!,£0)1llJT, MJtEJ9fJ--~40~
t < -1± O'" " ",C it, T ~ toT t 0)

-r *~ 1:: -r "'{ ~ lllJ -r·-r /rJ f: L t *-Y-f ~ T

t5c ~~~~~ fJ_' t:''/;{ f: < ~ A- cb I) i
~J:?t'~ 1 ::-);{/.,
fd-· 0

century !slum kingdom, Sultanate

-r 0 :; 3 ;t- 11,1 "11, t -r : :" < \ \\ \ -c·-r 161!!*c 1:: T ~ t: 1 ;z 7 L>. t5c O):f.ffili.I{A, t
-!±~~~ ~J:7 t:;7::<
royal family
<b """) L', I*-!;;tA,
;I? 7 It
#fft\ 1 L' \ 1 i-to
t -,--;
GNS (volitional)
tf m : ~ ;;t , .:z.- 7 fJ-· I- -c· -t i.l 'o 7 v- ~ 7 0) ::: t !;;t, ~ I:: it < i T I:: ,
t """) t ~ 1i
L .t

by the way
4' m : t ::: .; T, 'J ~ A- 0) ::: ~::: ~ rl[, \ \ -r t \ \\ \ -c·-r n' o

GNS (volitional), go to study abroad

tfffi: 1
) ~A.-!;;t, fJ-·-tf'87-Js;.I::M~L.t ") t~"""Jt:£-r·-tn'o
'I • H' <

animalion Dora em on comic books

video drama
4' ~~0)
~::: ~ l;;t, t>r':t -r· 8 7-Js;.O)~@J~ i_l,\ -/;-f
F7 7 ~ t: < ~ A-Jt
with English subtitle Japanese maker/manufacturer
i L f:o t 1; ;j £, ~~0)~"'1t~ l''-f 1-j· [:''o J 1; 1:: (J, 8 7-js;.O) J- iJ -0) t 0)/;{
L i < -o
air conditioner microwave
l: < ~ clh I) i L l: 0 -r v 1::' ' 1::' j'' :t ' :L 7 -:1 / ' ~ -T
v / :; ' ~ ~J!lUJ-' t''' /-;.
fl''f'i =

business consultant office

) 1::':; .:t- /Z 0) -:1 /-If ;I, 57 / r- -r·-r 0 7 v- '/ 71:: :t 7 1 A ~ 11
1) l: \ \ 8 7-js;.O) ~;f± 0)

-"[ --;f=_
~ L T' 1
i-to 8 7.js:.O)~~±I:: 7 v- '//0)~~± ~ 11'--t 6.., J}'\ I
[I] [J :Hiifi ~

~66 Gil'v:: §X.~ i --c'**W L -c <t!.-2 v'a

[ZJ it p.,, t ;t
~ 7 --c:Jfr"~ C: ~X. O)**W ~ L -c <t!. '2 v'o


Tokyo Kyoto
rn - :~nR"
t J:iHflHn Htse
)t;!=tiJ>JI:[~C::fjrft~O)~'£v::0v''"C~LiTo J: <!Jav''"C <t!.'2v'o

[§] I'/' -{

_tO) 7-7 '1: .:r. ~ --1:::1 ~ilfv' '"C <t!. '2 v'o
1) )(!;;L *k,
L :·~
-fL-c ~w-')<:<6t~!;L
souvenirs GN3 (inboundly)
;b ±Ji
"I' If
~ Jl-:> -c ~ -c < i L f: o -f ;ft n' G, X t ~ t, ;b -t L 77'-J\f ~ -c, l <
it was like that
*~-c·;J:;-t L ~~~ l:ff~ i L f:o -f A.J"-·~ t t:·-:> f:O)T,
for close, familiar
frJf: Ll: (::-:> (8 ;t.!;J: (:: l t ~:i!il'' L f:o
" t;n·

what's your impression?

o/m: ;(;·lj:~t-r·Lf.::il'o

-*- * !i J 7 7 ~~ /7°- ~~ t
big city
:7\:Af~'$ -r·-tn\ !it:·~ I ,;:1! ~I i L
to' ' ~ L ~ j :'> , ; t; "'

} *~~l:tff~
"5J:i t:
i Lf:o Jlt*/:::*~~~;j:{f,{;{f,{;l!J t Lf:o
temple feel
*~~ ll, tl;-\ \ ;b~J(>;f\f;f±i.7' f: < ~ ;(; ch-') l' 8 ;t.0)¥5t ~I®
-r;, t,Cl >e n:'> L

t i L f:o
o/ffi: If< t, *~~i.7'*--J\f~T-to 8;t.0)¥5tt1:iJJEi.7':9~'7l~ 1 6 tlo
-r·,c ~ j <7) =
tea ceremony dishes
1) <h<h, 1iJ!Et § ;;t!:C *~~-t~]~;s#:Et~ i L f: o ~·· < ;b ' 1 L -:> f: T -t o
-iJ'\ 1-{:t~ 1) .tJ 1)


courteous hard-working
!i, ~lvrt. ;fL1l.lE L
L,C-tt-o "'-'' ~· tdc
<-c. fh~-r·1-J t
J: < §-:>

~ 1
i L f:o
W CIBlti~
i;t rJJ G1N: § ;t .Q i 't"ffl~ L "C <t!.-';!: v'o

[I] if t ;t
-« 7 't"ji:M t ~ ;t O)ffl~ ~ L "C <t!. -'c!: v'o





[1] - ~JR"~JR"Wt
)t;1:iJ' §1: :5t
t *5?: -'\:'J?:t~ t O)k%U: ~ v' "C~fli Li-t a J: <~ v' "C <t!. -'c!: v'o

-8 t

rn I"J
_tO)r-?'t"I 7 --!:::1 ~~v>"C <t!.-'c!: v'o


世界 歴史 建物
公園 町

世紀 1 ;z 7
) I:: T ~ f: i, ~jz 0 ( 王国
{t'' j? 7 : (
お受け 続けて


J('( 電子 冷蔵庫

日本製 乗
,, ill, .f±'' C])

L f:o
-Jt8::$.(7)t-;±&f1{- -ってきてくれました
o -f:-Ll", t-;)(~;Ctt-;-LV

~ tC t, t-;-t L -?{-J:f-51\

tC -r-J.' ------------ (7) \:', ;h f: L -にとって

一度 ) 8 ::$.1:::~U; L f:o 1
週刊 旅行

のに ) i;

歴史 伝統 残っ
) t (

新設 礼儀 ) ( 正 ) L < -r, ( 勤勉 ) \:'-t J

~~ ~L ~L

Ke Sentences and e ords

Study the following sentences while refering to the I?~* t i§ ~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.

In the past before entering elementary school substantial study nowadays, recently
CD 1§'-!;L JJ\#ttA.#i
L 7 7
-r·t;L.t 'b{--") ::::_
""!v "5 .t 7
G L~~sr&~!i L i-l±tCT Lf:o Ln' L, ~l!l-r·

ti, JJ\ #:{5( 1:: A. 6 wr n' G,

have someone do ~
* ~ ~?t tC -r·r~ n'-1± t:
let children hear
IJ , u G1]<:-td.· f' tJ 5' tJ -r 0) **

* Study Grammar Notes 4 (Causative Expressions) on p.l63 to understand the underlined part .

1. E 3. :ll:ilt
L'H ~~~~A-

A~ (-t 6) 4. ~J!t ~
'*'* (-t 6)
l:rPicl{< -f-J"5cli kt£ltP7

cf. A Jl7t£
l:flJ-)1 1
(-t 6) ¢::) J.!Bt
\\ 1.{;
(-t 6)

fundamental knowledge that is GN4.J.causative),

essential as a member of the society die. ~--S~ (learn) place
@ #:{5(!i, 1-t.''t l::;f±~A.t. L1"•)(;-!J-td.·£~1¥)-ti9;o~'L;Ji~~~#li-l±~ 'L ::= JJT
to put it the
other way around modern society for ~ years or unless one does ~ grown-up
-to 1:: 1 'L, JJH\O):f±~-r·ti 12lf-MJ;)6\
tl,C •hC
1 (i 16lt-Msr&~ L \\'1:::, -A.

1. t±%J....t:
Ll ,_)6~ i'J.·£Jj!€{f-)1'-i9;P~
V-JJ:-) t; L t<
t ;JXijt
~- (7) 1
4. JJM~
~ '"C r:~ rtU'''
?¥> "'
2. "f",)•
5. t±%
L "?iJ'I'

3. ~
~< <
6. -J....M

* 1l1st
human resources
in the course of modernization play an important role that shoulder modern industries

® l!i 1-\ 1t 0) i~d¥. -r·, # ;& if li j[ ~J ~ *- f:: L i L f:o l!i 1-\ 1¥] -rd.- -4 ~
train, develop
~ :}:§. 7 A.#~ ifp)t -t 6:::: '(_ -r·-t 0

1. :i211\1t 4. ~ ~1'i1itt'J ~ -*.t~-t

~<Me''"' i 'C'(/? 11 11

tr:P -J l

2. liM¥. 5. :ill1\ 8'.7 ?'d.· ff. ~ :}g 7

iJ'""(\' ~luf!.\'l~ ~ lu~ l i l::f.J,_'

iJ'_.,-:::. J
9" ;j)( ~jc)I\< ~ .t
6. ~-rfplt-96
an important part of a modem individual through ~

@ f_l1-~ 0) A. M0) :f: *- -td.·cg~7} !i, ~t:3tt5c1f ~it L -r -f'-o<f C:, tl i -to

P-'Sl.'.'?fd: ri'F.QJ
1 . w.JZ:'(ct/u~fi= I)* 9
':7J"" v-~f'i=IJ *9
3. ~y ~-{ ~~.:r~11=1J*9

4. §i!J:$:~11=1) *9
!; C'?L.-"Ii>

5. Jffi Gl I ~~~1'f IJ * 9
~1: It

6. LIL l~{;y;~1'fl)
7. :tsz:t~'0~11=1J *9


L i L f:::o

4. ~;f{li, ( ) ~ ( 7
. ?

Gture about~

Jl1~::f±~<l) o/ <7) -1-

IfA,to'r' L "'"'"
c:·· t C: ~:j)( 1:--=> P -r ~ ;;t -r h. i
L J: 7o

carefreely, without worries

t t~ -t; !;L !J5 <7) -1- t -9: (!) -1- t , <7) rf (!) r.l C: Yillv
--c \ ' i L t~ o L 7],

~ ~
G7]HJ.' J(>-}] 5' -}] -T <7) Wl.,C L•i ** ~ t~ 1) -t 6 <7) t 1f ~ --c-t ;J\ ~:j)(
,;, -oj

algebra GN4 (causative)

.A~~7], ~+Jf:>J!f:~(l)~~ ~
G;j•,C t C!,C-t'i
~ -1± ~: c: t if> 1) i-to .lli!:L
GN4 (causative) parents

*~~~~ ~
"-'' =·
-1± ~~! t
~\ '-c-t o -t L T, JJ,~:j)(<l) 6 ~M
c: o/ ~
all compulsory education
:j)(<l) 3 ~ra~, -t~ T
<7)-f- c:·· t !i ~:j)( 1:11- ~ i-to : <7) 9 ~M !i, ~$~ ~--c-t o -t L T,
:'f t' 5 J:-) \I<

percent advance different subjects furthermore

95 1 ~- -t / r v_,zr' t...t <7) -1- c:" t !i ~t3t
l j
1: i!~ L -c \ ';; \ ';; f&.'f+ § ~ ~~ L i-to
= =7 L n' ( j ,C n' t (
~ G 1:,
~:J3tzp ~~<7)
i"-:J1.t 7 L-\"
50 I ~--e / r YX...tli::k~ 1:1!~ L :t -t 0

within~ as~

J)t'f~<l):f±~l: \'(, ®~:f3tli, -1-C:''t l:::::f±~A.~ LT'>'Q*fJ.'

L1";&'1.'LA., rf-Jl:7

it means that · · ·
~ (: fJ.' ;flJi \ \

also frontier reclaim, develop

, if~JiJ~<l)70/j--'(/~!m:tb-t6AiJst L , ~~~~(t;;J:i-o ®Jjt
7]'\ 'f::. < 7
we may conclude that · · ·

L't G ~~g-:>'tt\'\' L ·L
school system rate diagrammatically
[I] El *(J)~t~ffiiJJl
ftC' e:·
t ~~$ ~ ~5:t8{] ~= ~5?,Sfj
f)-:> T 1_,~ +!:-:>/!6C'
GT <t!. ~ 1- 'a
Jj\~*~ i:FF~9 f;i1J' 6

'*~*~ i:FF~9
jj, j\- t / ",l-j_t
r'i51 *~ i:FF~9
jj, !\- t / ",l-j_t

~ i:FF~9



t ~ill -r- Ii, ;J\~;J5( I::: A. 61ltr 77' G, ;t. ~ ~ft; tC -c·riJ77'-ti f:: 1) , V G7]<'-td-- ~ fJ 5' fJ -T 0) *~WJ

~ f:: 1) Li-to ;J\~i5ZA.~rltr77' G (

) :fJO) 50 1 \--t / ~ l-X.lli:k~ 1::: (
L~ ~<

) ~ ( ) t: L i L
\'( h'l 11

f:: 0 ( ) ~ (

100 Fa~ ~:: , t± 4Hl: :k 2; <~ b t; i L t-: o A Fa~ <b , :k 2;

c¥ iP 200 c¥ 0) iWic L;""''' ir 1:/vlfl,

<~b t; i L t-:o 3].1-tt±iHJ:,

c -c <b 1iJ!;fiJ ~t±~l"T
.rZ/v ~)
o LiP L,
>~ '

< i L f::. o .JL

I;L :k 1~L jog
I:: \ \ -:> L
J: I:: fr -:> -r < i L f::. o
I;L Yl:\
t<JJ ( -otC.
-r < i L f::.o :k'$11,
1: t-o

i L f::.o

\ ' .; \ ' .; -rd.- 7· v -1::' / r t , t t:, ' \ i L f::. o X Ii, %'~t ~

t: It\ 1
scarf bag
i L f::. o -iV Ii , 7- fJ - 7 ~ < tl :;t: L f::. o .JL t: :!<$ Ii , / " '/ jl" ~


relatives pocket money

-r, #Jt@t 0) ;b L: ~ J.., Ii,
;b ::: -5 i:J'' ' ~ < :;t: L f::. o

check-in counter

[] ClBitl~
i.t 66 GiPv: i§ :Z J.d: \:'*'*~ L --c <t!. ~ v•o

rn wrl', t ;t
"'7l"11H"~ t ~ ;t 0)*-*~ ~ L --c <t!. ~ v•o

01 'J ~ fviiOO 1£: I±\.@ t ~, s£ ~ fv td:1iiJ 1£: t_, -r <n ~ t_, t~ fl)o

02 ~* ~ fv td: ?

03 s ~m ~ 1v td: ?

06 1:±\~0) B O)~)~c\ ~* ~ fv td:1iiJ 1£: t_, -r <n ~ t_, t~ fl)o

07 :&t.:~td:~j~t=*-r <n~ !_,f~b)o

~ t6? ~~~
ltc 'it IL
)t::'tiJ'l!jHt--c~ G-::>t-::*J:.l~§H:'C>v•'ll\i5LiTo J < ~v•--c< t!.~v'o

1:0)7-7\:'J.. '/ .:C:1 ~il'fv''l < t!.~ v'o

o/ 133 : I) :5 A., I;t ' -r r_·' t 0) '(_ -5 ' r_•' A., fJ.· ='(_ ~ L i L f: 7]' 0

place lake
'J -rr.··t 0) r. -51i, xr.-tVIi, \ ';;\ IJ)f"-· r. =;; 1::1t:fl -r~t...,

-5 i L f:o Jot: L li:t 7/7- 'l /n{:*--)(f-5 --c-t o :t 7/7-

'J/Iit:-rtn'to\ 1 \ 1 -"f'-to -tL1:", ~:5 L\ 1 -z"-to -Jl~0~-g

11 ( ,;:-o;j•,(,
butterfly park
~ ~ Wf ~-g I::: t ~T -5 i L f: 0 I \ 'l 7 7 1 ' I .::. - I) I::: t it -5 i L
1f t ._,,,,z,
buttcrtly specimen
f: o YL I;t, 1--
;ii, r:
3 7 n{tf -5 T L f: o 1-- 3 7 ~ r. ..., 1:" , ~ *-
u1; ll,C

1'1=..., l \ i L f:
I 0 7 v- :, 7 I::: I;t -5 ;fl \ lfJ.' 1-- 3 7 7]{ f: < :5 A.,


:, / 7i ;f- ; "' I::: t it :fl 1' ~T ..., 1' < i L f: o :, / 7'i ;f- ; "' I;t

Marina District GN1 (passive), developed more and more develop

o/133 : -t 7 T-t h.o :, / h'';f- '"' li, 7 1
) --t'~131E>H~1J§e-~
t, ( ;J•\•11-o
:fl -r, i-t i -t§e-11{
L 1:" \ 1 i

lodge one night rock rope

1) ·t G, o ·; :/ -c-58 L 1:", ;jz_O) 8 I:L 75 0)1]! ~ -5 i L f: o :!liJtli, o -7' ~
\1-:.(f< ---:J-5' ()- \l;b ~\\ ::::

1~...,--cE- 1 ) i Lf:o o-;:/77'GT~ iT, f: Ln', 4~M< G''t::·...,t:C:,~\ 1 ;!
..,,, OJif ~17 tJ L iJ•,C tot

[] OBi-~
~ ti) GiPv: i-3 ;Z ib i l"ff-*~ L -c <t!. ~ v'o

(1] It ri'IH:: 3t
.r-::y-c11{F"'~ t~;ZO)ff-*~~ L -c <t!.~ v'o

02 1) ~ fd;J:, 1PJ7'iH~ C'9iJ'o

03 'J ~ ~v 0) s£ t:l.\
~ ~v r;:~:, 1PJ 7'i~r ~ C' 9 iJ' 0

_t 0) T - 7-c' I '/ -!:: 1 ~ 'I= v\ -c <t!. ~ v'0
_ _ _ i Lf::.o

) f < h i L f::. o J; -tV "2 ,.C Ii, 7.. fJ - 7 f

t It ''

- - - - - - -o J; JL "2 tC t J; :!\$ "2 tC Ii , / ' ''/ ;r· f < h

i L f::. o 3<t "2 tC t lf, "2 tC Ii, -1::- 5' - f _ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ , t l" t -t l" 2< -c· L f::. o

i L f::. o 'R t:· -t; t f::. < "2 tC (

<7 : i

*~ t f::. < "2 ,.C (}) 'R t:· -t; -IJ"'fU1s.-; l" _ _ _ _ (J) -c·, I} "2 !v

Ii '7 h L n' -; f::. T -to T t , ;.,.. !v -tJ- t ) h6t2<1i, (

:y- '{_" t <}) '{_ 2< ' 1) :5 ,.c (;;L J:: < *Q* -r·, (
t'? ,)~--::> ;i_,C

fJ' r..·· I:: .ff 2< i L f;:o ( -'('

'tl' 'f< "'£ 11 < ,;~-")

1f lrp--J "',(,
1:: tit2< i L f;:o

) L
-l,l'\1 I:J:-:>

t ')

\\ i L f;:o

<})81:L ;)5<}) ( ) ~ (
Ke Sentences and e ord s

Study the following sentences while refering to the I i~'=f: t § -:iiJ booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.

CD :f±%0)*~-rd.·¥Jt89~1tf, ll*# · ~t5cti:f±%n'G.::c·~iH±%"'-, -f L T.:I.~::f±%77'

GJm.:I.~:f±%"'- 1:::\ 1 713 -:>O)fJtf~lcb) T{~;Z 6:::: 1::: 7)f;;h 1) i -9 (a)o

* (b) is embedded within (a).

(a) .:f±-1,;<7) *5 1iJit'1::.8-V~11:: t, 13 ""J <l)Ut.~~ IT:fJt;{_ 6 :: t ~{ <h 1) i -9 o
(Specialists) sometimes grasp the broader historical changes of the society in Ithree stages!.

(b) J~U# · :&.tif±%~' G.::c.:t.:f±%""-. -f L -r .::c.:t.t-±%~' GIDGI.:ff±%""- t \' 713 ""J<l)Utf~l

Ithree stages I, i.e. from agriculture and livestock farming society to industrial society, and from industrial
society to post-industrial society

7. :fJt;{_ 6

information, knowledge, services tertiary industry center

® Jl}t.:I.~t±% 1::: !i, 'til~· J;o~ · -lj-- t' 7. -ri c:··O)~::: ;j(;i~7)f;i~O)tp,~ 1::: -rd.·--:> f:

l:f±% -c· -tl 0

1. ·11 ~fl._
L 1 i I! j

:f±%"'-. -f L "l .:I. ~:f±% n' GJm.::c ~:f±%"'- <::: ' ' 712 -:> 0) * ~ -rd.· :f±%~ 1tl (b) f if&
""'-A.- iJ' It\ I

It ,c
L i L f: ca> o
* (b) is embedded within (a).
We have gone
(b) 1:Z:JJtH~n' ~:r.11t::f±~"'-. -t L-r :r.1it::f±~n' ~JlY?.I.1itH~"'- t \' 712 -JO):k ~ 7---·t±~::lt1t I
Itwo big social changes I, i.e. a change from traditional society to industrial society, and another change
from industrial society to post-industrial society

1. 1ff!l-t:-~O) ra'JI::: 3. 1iff,J't.f±~

-;)• : 12.(, ;f.,\ If!_ "t£t i L'i"-.7'\ I

2. lflii'Mi::: 4. H~::lt1t
,z,t;• ;fjl\t: L '.""4'l "'-/v -/J'

GN1 (passive), die. ;:K/1J 0 (require)

as the social change progresses we humans have been required to change r GN3 (past to present)
@ -t <7) l 7 -t-d.·;f±~O) ~ 11:: t: t: t 1:, A.M t ~ 11:: -t 6 ::: t n{;R&') I? tL -r ~ ~ L f: o
t t

1. ::f±~O)::Jt1t t t t 1:::
L.\>7}'\ I "-./v iJ'

each concern regardless of~ fixed menu
® ~ ;f5CZ:' t;t ' -A
1f t I)
v t I) <7) T t'' t <7) ~ ~-'\'> ~ .~ I: 00 i~ -t.,~.· < ' - Jt <7) j. .:::_ ::L - <7) ~§(
GN1 (passive), die. iT 'J (do, carry out)
-5' .t?

1. -JtO)).:::...:J..-
?tli h. \

2. M·~ 5. it 7
;·.(,LA, J:;:::fJ.'

3. -I:::M1Jf-7-i

2. ) .( t; L~

3. ~') l:: L f: -t; li. 2 --::>(J)jc ~ fJ.·t±~ ( ~.(, lr

4. :tX, 1\:f±~ Ii , ;b.(, {1:.(,

) T (
i;'\' l~

::£ 5'5 (]) ( ) f.l{ J0 1} i -1± /vo

t-\ \ iJ'..C

) f> (
[I( no.17 J

-f-SfV). __tjJG \ 1 f: :::: t: ~ ~ ;;{_ 6 t:, :::: ;fL I;t 7t ~~-teL· :::: t:
\I tJ:J-:J-5 ~'/v-/j{ "5J:? 1,1
-r··-t o {-

compared to the traditional society modem society rich comfortable

1i:#JE:f±~ t: tt
t:, :I'JH\:f±~LL ~~ Tjt n' -c··J~:!!! -tJ.·:f±~ 1::: -rd.·-")
lf,Ctc'' ;J;,,c"',c rJ>t, "'''c:l'
-r \ 1 i -9 o L n' L -rd.·
(sense of) unity/integrity
7){ G, :i.)iJ0)-1*-~nHJ.· < -rd.· 1) i L f:o lit:G
1fh <A.I;L 4il- 8, ;z- '/ ~ ~-r ;;t, 7 5' 1 ~ L -r,
-th ,.,;,--., ' 1 -;J f:::.' '-IJ'£ Ut "5
most of~
~:f± I:::1'fn'fJ.· tt ;fL l:ffJ.· 1) i -l± tCo {- L -r, {- : : l', - 8 <7) :7\. 2¥<7)
\'I; 1: I; fc\ 'ii,C
00 company employee, staff spend
~ IOO:f±O):f±J{J
n',C L'<' L'<'",c
t: L -r ~ : : · L i
-9 o -f' t:'' t f: i; t 4il- 8 7

<' -/tO)) .::...::L-<7)


!) ' {-O)'o/l'~


greater part of~ separate

:::: <7) J: 7 1:::, J!1\ <7) :f±~ -c· Lt. *~ -c·
/;' .of<
t- 8 <7) :7\.
{f~ )J- <7) £Rf M ~ 3JlJ k
,;: ..-....::-:> ~-)
<7) :!~ ?!T l'3JlJ k
If L J:
[] ;::(!) v '7 7- -v- C'td:,
U~(J)~J1U~i¥'~ ~
3 $~!¥'~C'~5?.Bfl V( ~,' 9 o
-t (!) 3 -:>(J)$~!¥'~td:

aspect minus respectively concisely

[l] ;:: (!) v '7 7- -v- C' td:, lJli-tU~(J) ~,' ~, 'i!iJ C::-;" 1 J- .A(!)[§]~~
-:J *
T ~,' 9 o -t n ·f n f"Jlj~ 1:

(1) \,\\,\[§]
1~#Jt:f±~ t rt"" 6 t , JJH\;f±~ Ii, ( ) T ( ) 1J.'

;f±~T-to L77'L1J.'77{G, :i.-;;5<7) (

IOO;f±<l);f±Jl_J _ _ _ _ ~-:=-- Li-to

- - - - - - - ' -JE:<l)

Conversation CD : f.:\, '"'-A ld:m B
'III!Jid~~ v'i-IO'Lv'4ij;B t t-.:v'"-lv~!~~

lecture : 1±$ ~ ~E16b .Q


1:~ "lv' <t-.:Obv:::!±, .13:ili:IO'£,~l"To l"TIO'G, Ji-!v~{~}J;Q>~!t

~,, i.dJ 0-:=>J::-J lit.:G

-It lvo B ;?js:l" !±, t-.: v' -c v' 0) A!±, "f:t1 ~ $

~c-0 ~, J: 1
L -c-t (' v:::~;f± v:::A. VJ
~versatio~~ t;:

Li-san and Nakata-kun meet again at the tea shop.

rucksack, daypack
tfffi: \ 1 ;Z \ 1 ;;to 1
) .::1. ''/ /}, f!-t
-J T"ttlo

1) 1> 1>, ;h P \ 1 L i -9 o (Nakata-kun picks up Li-san's daypack and puts it on the chair.)

t:f m : ?~ ~ 1i c::·· 7 ?
t~~ ;j

fairly, quite
} lt-:J::::: 7 f::.\ 1 ~/vT"to

listen, catch moreover

) 7 -lv, 7t;:i_O)~ L::177"i!\ 1 0)T,
~k, FJ\i~!fx.6::::: 1:::77"1:'~
~~t:-~ ~ ~
i-l±lvo -t 1:,
Japanese history modern society
8*5t-\»JJH\;f±~-t.J·t''li, ht LiS\ 1 0)1:'-977", 8*;\.~:i_ ~:d}i!I:9;P-:JT\ 1
L If,(, t:\ \ Li" f.r'\ I ,), """) 7 L
so, therefore
m~:i.li1> i
6::::: 1:: ~, lbf::. L f::. i; 1)r!l77){< {[\I
Ho 1) i-!± lvo -c·-t77' t:,, It -:J:::::
1 7l~h T\
:: i
'i "to


foodstuff daily necessities

1i 1t 1f' -t.,l· 1J i -1± 0 -t L -r , ~ #-\"'
a ffl £ -t.,l· ~:::·· t
, ~ \ ' 1: it 77, -t.,l· 1t n 1f' -t.,l· 1J i

-1± 1v o 'Ji 0) ) \ / -f' 4

~" <P 7t:rll7
~L -\"' 3 - J .. ;"' 1-- -t.,l· ~:::·· t, ~ -t.,l· 1t n 1f' -ti 'J i -1± 1v -t 7 t -f' 0
[J] CIBI~~
~ 06 zp
G 1: ;{_ i5 i l:~*'MI L --c <t!. 2: v' o

rn wri'IH:: .:t
"'7 -c:11{F"'~ 2::: ~ ;t O)t'*'MI ~ L --c <t!. 2: v'o

04 ') ~fvti, E!£-C'~\,\~m~ ~fJttttt;ffJfJ :tiifvo 1ilit:fPJ~ ~fJttttti'fJfJ :t-ttfvt.J'o

IJ' 'i;(f) ll'il'

[1] (})~~- L'-t l,L B t L'" 41:

:)t;:'tiJ>v' f-iJ> L v•'ilt- B 2::: t.: v'"-lv ~ :'tir§-1: "'J v' --c~l§" LiTo J: <~ v' --c <t!. 2: v' o

I]] I ':I 1'

_1_0)7-?l:I '/ {:1 ~~\;>"( <f!_2: V"1o

f! tl1 ;l / A -rd.· t··-~; ~ t: < ~ tC <b 1J :;~: L t: -c L --c 0 ~ , .; ~ ' .;
-td.·.=f-Mt 5 ~ L-td.· It tll;f-t.J.' I) i {[A., T L f: 0

moreover course registration curriculum

} "(- 7 -fd.· £ l'' --t J: o "(- 1:, {~~~j.lJt t, f: ~ \-"'.. £ l'' L f:o fJ 1} .f- :2 7 /..o. t
t7 "'<
understand syllabus
1) '17'\1
L -td.· It tL If -rd.· G-td.· ~ \ L ' "/ 7 I {A t ~?\'; i -td.· It tL I;f-t.J.' I) i {[ A., 0

information too much I don't know what's what.

l'j=>lB: "(- 7l''--ttJ.o •Jt~~-/;~.$--t5''--(. 1PJ1}~1EJ"f:'7J,7t"1}' I) i tlo
t,; rn f,· r: fdJ I?

4'lB : "(- 7 --r·--t l 0 ;if 1

) I/ T- "/ 3 / -td.· t_''l''li, ~ f:

1) WJ'O)
=t t' ][*-rd.·= t

what is important
~ '--:> L J: 1: § ~ 'i --t7J' G, 1EJ7J<][-I--t.,J.·(7)1}'77'"7J' 1) i-tt !Co
GN5 (volitional)
) -t 7 T--tl tlo ;f?f: L li, ~:g:~ L--:> i:J' I) JIM L J: 7 t .~--:> 1:
~~ ~ ht

in some way,
so don11itory somehow
1) , :tz.t:·t;I:Fl1"1''f: 1), ~(7)7T:;}tl:r:.fl\ 1 f: 1) L l',
1)lj .J±~[fl•

I) i L f:o

G J: --:> f: o
[] Ofil-~
~ 66 G;;?>~: l§ .:Z_ ~ i -c:*'*'l:§' L --c <f!_-?!: v'o

w r&l, t ii' x
""7 -c'1!fFCT~ t ~ ;Z_ 0)**'?§' ~ L --c <f!_-?!: v'o

Q1 f~*;l)~'~€i * Q C ~, 1) ~ /d.::J:, 1iiJ 7'.J~'f.: I.,\/'\. fv (' l.d.:: 7'.J>o 3 J~ ;t l

<fO:: ~ 1., 'a

w troublesome
~? ~~~·~Ham
documents, paperwork

1_., J; 9~'

)t~iJ'i 60 !v e:~ -7 id>¥*0: 2; -\='T~~l ~-~JH: 0 v' --c~l5 L i '"9 a J: < /ii1 v' --c < t!_-?!: v'a

rn ~_; t'?~ ~. ~
3, 4 AO) 7" Jv- 7°-c'Ob !v e:~-) id>¥*0: 2; -\='t~~~~-~j ~= 0 v' "l~ L --c <f!_-?!: v'o

[ID .I ':I
J:O)j--?"('Iy--1::1 ~f;!:v>"l< f!_-?!:v'o
l J: < ·:Y\ 1
) ~ (
) ~3-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ([) \:', t --c t -::Ji.J'tl

i L f:o
Key Sentences and e ords

Study the following sentences while refering to the li~"f: t i§~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.

new graduates employment
zp t?lt ffl t '\ 7 (7) !;L ~ ;fX '\" *-
'- 7 : 7
* zp *
who have just graduated from high school or university

~ L f::. li' ~,
new graduates

'J (7)1 tf;T zp =tfl ~ {£ * ~{

t?ltffl-t 61 ~ \ \ 7 : ~1-r·

1. ~!T zpt,fU:li
L,(,i"-:J~' 'J: 7

2. ¥~-96

3. ~!T¥1f

large company "clean and pure" young people who don't have any experience of working for any other companies
8 *(7)%{±, t~l:*--i£*T!;L
t <
3 '/ (7) %t± ~ f(&.~ L T ' \ f,,e' \ I~ ;tt' \ T Jt-;~ 8
as company's own worker train, educate lit. sense_. customary way of thinking
f,,ej H~t?ltffl L T' §;f±O);f±~ ~ L 1'1fT 6k \\7 ~Jtl~{j;) 1) i-t 0

1. :k{£~ 6. §f±
t:\ 1 ~ -5-' J: i L L'<'
2. 3 ') O)i:;-~± '7. ~±~
IJ'I I L '(> L -\'I 1,(,

3. R&.~-t 6 8. Jfl'6
lt\•lt-c -rt:
4. J'l,--:J
aL; 1i 9. ~&>
5. *1f
to be employed
by a company at
as this is the situation for young people graduation GN1 essential
@ -f (7) J: 7 f,,e ;jX )}L l' -t (7) 1\ ~ ::3/f I: ~ -;~ 1' tf;T 2'p ~ ffl ~

a job within one's life very important matter it is needless to say that··
® )f;tljllJt~{A.J:!:: ~ :i:*-*1";})6:~ 1
goal it is better not to assume that · ·
(7)~''-:J"-;[;f:.·~ '111

1. il\t ~~ 4. ~"-;[,

2. A:i.l:::};lt6 ~**-
c:~..--~±1' l:lJl i t::.•\ I l

3. *!T¥
employment system employment it has been said that···; GN1 (passive), die.~ '5
a 1-js;.<D ,ii J=fHl1 JJJ[ !i~~ AiLffl t:· ~ ~ ;b ;tt 1" \' i
1 L f::. o L n' L, A, !i t 7 , ~~ ,ii ffl

Ii :i&L *
a thing of the past
<D t <D I: fJ.· --:J 1" ' ' i -t o

depend on through working experience various knowledge experience learn

A,li, ~;:f±l:1tz#-t6<D-z''(ifJ.· <, 1±:$-~~L 1" ~ i ~-·;;~: f,J.'9;P~-\"ff.l,~~~~:-::>
in a positive develop,
manner, actively career expand GN2 (present to future) GN1 (passive), die. ;)(10 .Q (require)
It 1", 5lt:f..i~ 1: 1=- -v 1
) 7 ~ 1lf!lf L 1" \, < ~ ~ 7J-Q<t5]{~ C:, ;tt 1"', i-to
'' IJ•t, t t

1. 1iZ#-t 6 4. ,!lfi::-:J!t6
\I:t !u ;,

2. 1±:iJ.y1&
L :·t
LT 5. 5fJ( ;foj 8{_7 I ::
t!; 1!-:J"5.t <l ~

3. j;p~
J; L5
6. .:r- -t I Y1<l'Lf-t

1 . '*frZ'f~*-ffl t'' 7 0) I:L ~tz ~ Z'f* L f:: lf'i?' 1) 0) ) ~ (

i?'tc¥.ffl-t 6 t \, 7 : : t --c-t 0

2. f(::f±I;L ( ) ~ ( ) t LT (
L "~" 1 ,;._, -tt:

3. I:L ) (:;hlt6 ( ) T-t o

Lvlti Ll < t:£ -1±'' Lt~ 7 f:'\ I

4. 82js:.O)~ffl ) (;t ( ) (
-1±'' L,1,7 L£ l 7

5. 1±-~ ( ) LT. ~ i ~-·i -tJ: f> ) ~ (

t t.; t; L~

(:-::>It i-to

in order to sustain one's Jiving
1:. ~ '"( \ 1
< f:: tl?'> 1: L;L
GN2 (toward the future)
llto G
earn money
\ 1 T}; ~ ~ ** nH.,c It ;tt (;f-1-J.' 1) i -t:L0o
~ < .;c~ 0) -rJ.· \ '-A.. (i,
U-o J: ? 1! t
very exceptional job get
.::·· <1JI]J7~(t-.rt-t o -f:- L T, ~ < f:: tl?'> 1: (;J:, ~ ~1~-fJ.' !t;tt(f-1-J.' 1) i-t± £o Jl>t ~ -c·-t o
*'-''"'''c:'< Ld ;t L•7 Ld

even if~

~~,'&Jtn' <b 1J i-to
6 t: \ , 7 >hCH 9;o~
t, L 5
t: fl&J~Ytn' <b -:1 -r t, 3 '/ 0)%

® -f:- 0) l 7 -fJ.' ;)X )}L T-t 0) T, ~~ 1: ~ -:1 '"( ~frzpl*ffl ~ ;fl6 .:: t: n'•)C;J{ t: -fJ.' 1) i-to -:kif
l: .t 7 ~ .t 7 U-:> -t

:i. Ii 3 Sf-1:. 0) t: ~
n' Gil't ~ 5';5- ~.b
~ :k~ J6
i -to .:Z:. L T, 4 Sf-1:. 0) *M
L: iJ'Iv
greater part of~
-:k %~ £- ~ il't
t=l, \ ,;: ,):/v

\ \
&s?Jf~O)~('t;t, fff-¥1*ffl0)'1':!~7'.i&s ~) *97J>?
fff-¥t*fflt::::-::> \,\ -c: a;s ?J t~ tt e:: -J ,ljSI, \,\ *9 tJ' ?

rn I·:; t
1' :i_ ~ l \I < f: 6/) I:: Ii ' 1tb \ I l h i:- ~ (

Lo j L1 <
) T-9 o

Zf. '* L f: _ _ _ _ _ (J) (

~(J)Ji~~~Ti"(J)T, ~~- - - - - ~Zf.~ffl~

;/1. ;s =t n''>L:;~ t -rJ.- 1J i -t 0

L n' L, !f!TZf. T~*m ~ n ;s (}) n' ::I- ;t_, t:-______________


) -9 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1±*

-----~ i ~-- i -~"J.' ;);p~ .!(' ~ !r 1::

-::>It fJ_' It tll;f-I"J.' I) i -1± ,.Co
Grammar Summar Unit -Unit

OJ : about - , concerning -

W ~(L:;J:)IXC: :in~, within~

(2) JJI!.1\ <7) :i._ 5'6 f:: 1? \ \ '"( , /Z 7

- ~ 7 ;t / Il fd.' < '"( Il fd.' G fd.' \ I (indispensable) t <7) I::: fd.' --:> T

- * ~ I::: }; It i:S is used to modify the following noun.

: as ~ , in the status of ~

(Unit 4)

ffiJ -li: C: :>L" : for ~ , from ~' s point of view

(1) ~;1-Zf.:f*Jli -2
n6 :::: t I;L ;ig;-1f 1: t """) "t ,JQ;~
t:liJ't(fJ (}-:; -t
-c-t o (Unit 6)

(2) 8::$-!1', ?'~OOtl:l!f(l)A._I::::~"""J"tt8;$-(7)A._i:~"""J"tt, (7)Z/(7)c/t~~Gn6t::::

Lt1>-:> L.(, vt \I

;; l::::fd-'fl(;f\ \\\ t ,~\\i-to (Unit 12)


(3)8::$-§~(l))i~I;L t:f[jA._(l)~~~:~"""J"tli, t.Jf!I'L<1d-'\\"f'-to "f't, o/@YX?'~

/Jij,_, c: \I 7}f\ I

(7)~~1: ~ """) '"t I;L t --r t t'f!l' L' \ "f'-t o

(4) 8 ::$-~(7)~7$1:L -bf.:: Ll: ~ """) -r li, ~7$Tii1d-' < --r, ~11-t"f'-t o
......::,<..,"5 J: i L f1l h.

OJ- (tc) b : have just -ed



(Unit 4)



Review A (Grammatical phrases) of the Grammar Summary and fill in ( ) with the appropriate
grammatical phrase from the box below. You can use the same phrase more than once.

1. 4-::>f: LI:L 2st'-'M"I::X.:t~'€1Ff':1=_( ), 8:$.1:*-i Lf:o

2. :!<f~ 1J.·'lt"'401;L /....( )~ i ~-·i -e--tc
3. 8:$.~<7))i~li, ;:f@j/....<7)~1=_( )li, ;!:;fn'L<fJ.'\ 1 C'"to -c·t,
o/@J};//1~<7)~1=_ ( ) li, t ""t t ;t;fn' L \ c·-t 1 o

4. /....fa~ Ii, ~ i ~-· i 1J.· frlJ~j{ ( ), ~ cf' i -to

5. 4-::>f:L( )li, 8:$.~<7)j,M~Ii, jM~Tii1J.·<--c, ~P-*"-z""to

6. ~~'/:1/<l)'tJJz.( ), hf:Lf:i;<7)1±$-li::K.~<:JttJI)iLf:o

7. ~~( ) , ;9-;J;iJ3 ('* ~ fJ.'fJ!(~-I){tl:.i i L f:o

8. ilt~'tli, 7'7 1 \f>. • "''H )§E-sjj~hi Lf:o
9. JJM-\ <7) 1=- 5'i5 ( ) , :;z, ? - ~ 7 ::t / Ii 1i < ""t Ii 1J.· G 1J.· ' 1 t <7) I: 1J.· -; ""t \ 1

i-t 0

10. 00 ( ) ' X: 1t -'(>~ ·]Jt -6'1£ \ \ i-t 0

11. ~YI:t¥!Z C ), ;t Lf:li"tiitn'Giifui:1J.·6-T 7 T-to

12. hf: L li, *~( ) -1=-if&~1jQ\ \ -r \\i-t 0

):G:1t1E L ""t' 1 i -to

i'i~~ft (compound word) )
,j, < ;:: ? ;::·

Practice saying the following words or phrases paying particular attention to the intonation patterns.

1. ~1:th- [. no.21]
li 6 fo~.· "":) ch~ ,;, vp

'd: .Q JJ. ~'?~9JJ. &.>~~9JJ. ~s, fSb ~ 9 JJ.

{t{;f.h- £{;f.h- ~)({:f.h- ~{:f.h-

.>T' [.no.22j
li 6 fo~.·-:::> ch~ ,;, vp

'd: .Q
*'? 'J ~'?*'?~)
~)(~ 1)
* '? ~J

[. no.23]
(1) ?~?~J: I,\( 1,\~J:?i,\(
~~fjzif *-ffitfjzif

(2) x1, ' ~·· ~ J: ? ~, ' < ~-·~ J: ')!,\(

*-mf5zif 8 *-mf5zif

(~J:')!,\ ~) ~J:?i,'( ~lt~J:')!,\( ~ <-··~ J:

g&~fjzif JI;f+fjzif M->tf5zif oo-mf5zir
science education

ltJ: ? -? J:?i,'( ? ?~? J:? '( '-

'- J: ')!,\(
;J'~*xf5c1r o/~~f5c1r ~~fjzif

(~J: I,\< <I,\ ~J: I,\< ~J:?i,'(

*~fjzif ::k~[l)tfjzif ~~!~if

ltJ: ?~J: '( ~~ ~J: I,\ -

'- ~J: I,\<
f-V~fjzif o/~fjzif ~~fjzif
education education education
let tc. s <

Lecture : ~t± C: '@lA

z:: ~A-

;m1i;O)t±~-c,,i, t-=:v''lv•O)}\Ji, ~t±~:A ~iTo :bt-=: Lt-:i::J ,i,

lt'/vtcc'L''"''' tn i±c'
~t± 0) t-=: 06 ~:: tJJ v' -c v' ~
0) 1.'- L J: 0 ip? ~t± c AO) ~1*ti v' 0
i!'lv ltcv

v'01.'-To -t-L-c, v'0v>07j:1g;Z1JiJ>J0~ iTo

"'lv"' /pfc
4 ~ 17 8 (~) 9=-13t ff,I1kO)J6("@
I shim
'o/133: <bnn'G, 71/-:..---70):::: 1::::~\\J)\\J)~~ Li Lf::o 1400~1::1 7.7.0.~0)
-'"'£ ~ l 7 ~l 7
Malacca Sultanate after ~ countries
7 7 '/ 7'7 I 00 7]{ T ~ T, f: 0) 100 ~13t I:: I;J: 3 - o '1 1 '0) 00 k
t;?=< =· <1:("1:
Malay peninsula advance GN3 (inboundly)
7]{7 v--'¥~ 1::1! tB L -r ~ i L f::o -t L -r, \\ JJ \\ JJ -r.J.'*1-\.
11-Ct? L-CLo-o l ('''
GN3 (inboundly)
I:: '9=' 00 0) A.n{A. -:J 1" ~
lj t: l:i:\ \
i L t:: o -t ::::·· <*lMEf.J.'JJl~
,), <
-r·-t t.l o

1) f: 7 -r·-t t.l, 00
< 1:
ethnic group
1:::: ~~ 1::::

social strata
~ 1:::: \ \ J) \ \ J) 1-[f±~FI§'Ji 7]{;j<l~ 1::

x~ L -r ' \ i -to
=?" <

origin private
1 ~ -'¥ ~ ~ L i -t o J:; f:: L! i '9=' 00 0) )f.t- J1. 0) ~ rt. I:: it ~
!tl' L 1 J -:J

faculty of engineering
o/133: -J ; {_ , 1} ~,{;(;J:, I.~{\'~-z''Lf::t.lo
:: J ;7< < ,;:
li' \, x.~'if~ -r--t 0 ..:rc::" t 0) c:: ~ n' G, J:J t:: L!i~~-\"~i!/J.!n{tf ~
-t 7 ,, < ,;:-o ')
-r· L t:: 0 8
information technology advanced
I T 0) :J5dff n' i!
• ., -t-t
-r· \ 1 i -to -t f.J.· 8 7.)s. -r· ~ JJ[ f.J.· I T :J5z WI~~ 7~ L f:: ' 1
1:::: ;~~ -:J
rn o~~~~
IJ:Jb GiPv: § ;t ~ il"*-*~ L -c <t!. ~ v'o

[ZJ 11 rl'l, t ~ x
"'7 -c'j[rJJ t ~ ;t 0)*-*~ ~ L -c <t!. ~ v'o

[5] I':/

_tO)j--?l."X. ~ {: 1 ~i:!fv> l <t!. ~ v"o

hardware system also
') 8 *- I;t I T 0) 1 \ - f '/ :r.. 7 0) #t VFf
~- t•-:>
t , Y /Z r .0. 0) #t VFf t ~£
T ' 1 i -to i f::,
animation production computer graphics
7-==-J$1J1''pO)#zVFf~, C GO)#tVFft~£T, 1 i--to -f:-£fJ.'8*-
--\:t\l ~ <

so going to study abroad

') -t T, ~ttl-l-O)Jt!::, 8*-m~O)=t~f.JU#J!I::gtLiLf:o )(t/frli, lit
fro 'I • j ,)< < 11!i L £

') ll' 1 a -f:-rt77'G, ~t(~qs~

--r-) ~'! 1
L --c ir?t: LI1777JI,;/7·-;~,;!::;ih6ifiS-tJ.'8*-
t1J 7 &'}\I
physics chemistry
~~t(!::_A.~Li Lf:a -f:-L--c 8*-~t, ~~t~~:f!t1t~~~~Li Lf:a
1:. j,j< < -j -j ,j< < ,;:-, I) iJ• ,)< <

) ll\ 1 , J~:>fG L,,--c--t77\ <v-Y71::(;t-f:-£fJ.'~t:X77{'\<-=>77'S 1 ) i-ta


') tJ f:: L lit:fOO* fJ_' 0) --c·, 8 *~0)~~ (;t -f:- ;ft( 1t:"f:' 1 -"-£ 1''(;1: s I)
lt\ I
[] Cl~~-~
~ 60 Gil'v: ~ ;l 0 i 't:'**~ L 'l <t!. r: v'o

rn ~ r"', t ;t
"'T --c:Jir"'~ t ~ ;l 0)**~ 1r L -c <t! r: v'o

os -t n (J:, tJ 1t --c 9 :IJ' o 2 ~~

-c. to
x --c <tc. ~ "' \

rn - *~(J)wr,
)'[;1:_;?>(:~0)J: -7 v:::k"f:'t:'O)wr~1r~!vth:Pv:"'Jv''l~JiiL
iTo J: </Jav•'l <t!.r:v•a

[!] !.,
3, 4 AO) 7" Jv -7°1: t~O) J: -7 v:::k"f:'t:'O)W r~ 1r ~AJ!.ii•v: "':) v' -c~Jii L'-c <t! r: v'a

[ID I 'Y

J:O)'T-?'{:'x.::;--t11r~v''l< t!.r:v•o
1. 1400Sf-1:::1 7-7b.i;J.(l)<7 ''/ :f7..:£00?.7'""f'-2' i Lf:o -'f(l) lOOSf-
1~ I::: I;t, 3 - o ''/ /'~ (!) 00 k 7.7\ < v --=f.~ I::: ( ) L

T "2' i L f: o -T L T , \ \ ; \ \ ; -t,J.' (

t (


3, ') ~ ,{,(;t, 4'00 ( It\'

) (!)
(l)~t(l:::ff-2' i

L f:o -T L T, t::of~LT, 8 *~~t(l:::ff

: 1 :i

"2' i L f:o

:::_-) 7;{( ,;:

IJ .t"J L!v

I: §iS L i L t~ o :h )( ~ lv t :h -tV ~ lv I;L Ii t &':> Ii, :h t" J) ~ i L t~ o -t L -c :Y L

) L i Lt~o Tt, -t ('I: 1) ~ /v<l)~;t l:}tp)t _ _ _ _ _ _ __

) t ( ) t ( ) t ~7~ Li

L1\ :::: t ~ t~ < ~ lv

) L i L t~o
Ke Sentences and Ke ords

Study the following sentences while refering to the I ?~"f: t i§ ~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.

producUcommodity in its
companies freely product development development carry out own way marketing sales activities
CD 1£:- ~ Ii § mI: ~ £ 1m 3e -'\" ~ £ 1m 3e ~ it \ 1, ~~ § I: < - 7 7 1 / 7·· -'\" .g ~%;
Lan abbreviation of 11' -o c
business activities deploy market
~ ~ L -c § m1: 1£:-~ 5'.5~ ~ ~ ~m L i -t 0 1£:-~ <7) § m-rd.· 5'.5~!)77{ § m-rr$ ~ -e
competition among is realized;
GN1 (passive), dic.11'-) companies is facilitated; GN1 (passive) as a result proper price GN1 (passive)
it b tL ~ : t: -r , 1£:- ~ M <7) Mt ~ 7) { ili:. it ~ tL i -9 o -f <7) ff.t *-, il.ifJJ-· 1illi t%- 7) { ~VJt
1 technological inno~~~~~ce
~ ' rt. *
an abbreviation of <" n -c
jfi.~fr t i!h- i -9 0

1. :(£~ 10. ~lm-t6

5 ~- .1:1 cU'''

2. §clJI::: 11. '$ ;1:~

l: tj>j L tH

3. ~,fo~,§fr 12 . )£~M(J)~~
.J:h 1(}).-fJ'\ 'li~ '5 "5.J:-?cht ~.titi

4. Fo'i ,fofm#; 13. ~ ~:?'1Jt.i! ~ n 6

L.!: 7 V/vfJ'\IIi-? "5 .1: iti '1 ( L.t

5. ft
7 14. ,.Z.(J)#,;!?:*-

6. ~:k § 1::: 15. -@lE i'J.'1i!!it%

t' < l: l.:5-t±l1

7. <-77-1 /IJ" 16. ~J.Jt-t 6


8. -g~5;5-llih 17. tz iff>t *ll'fr:?'i!t'

;{1 J: ') f.rv-:J t_'-j
~· t ""'"' < L.t i"i"

9. :(£~ 51:illih
~ ~· J: 7 f.r'"?t'1

companies are always

exposed to severe competition GN1 therefore in order to win the competition
@ 1£:-~ !i ?lt 1:~ L \ ~-tt~ 1: ~ o --c-y-7),~, ~:f±!i, Mi~~JJJt;;fjz<
employees/staffs are also
also in order to survive become desperate required to be work desperately
J.1:> I:: , i /;:: ~ ~ ~ 6 •)QJE 1: -rd.· 1) i --9 o -f L T, ::f±~ t •)QfE 1: -rd.· 6 : : : t:
GN1 (passive), die. ;:J(IJIJ"' (require)
7)' ~

4. :i.
,, ~ J){,6 (})C

5. •SC1E I::: fJ.· 6

7.}--; L

6. :;R&':l6
labor knowledge skill as compensation for thal salary
l~HJ'- 0) 9J~ ~*o~ ~ ~~~
t ,;:,e
f %:f± 1:: 1IT -:J
-c -f 0) M1illi t: L 't ~# f t G -:J 't' '~

1. 9f1fh
.; 1 <::'1
4. M1illiiJ'
f:\ \

2. jo~ 5. ~ 19-J
J; l ~ ~ rP ") lj l

3. tt~~ 6. ~ ~7J
mi ,j•/.A'


) (
1±•' (} ,C LJj 1flv i.i'\\ (;i--:J

-t < L£

t (::1J.·6::::t-/J{
u~ tt

5. ~ ) ~ (
J,j t j J; l~

(j) ) t LT. (
get job modern
!lt:A.,t:''O)J...!i, t:"=:n'O)-i?-;f±l:::ff,t~ Ll", -t=:T1±-~ Li-to JJ11~0);f±%-T
Ut Loi L;( L ~-t lf,(J''' L;;>H'
unless one joins a company
!i , %- ;f± I::: A G-~'.J.' \ \ t: ,
(i\ I
1± * ~ -t 6 =: t: 7) { T ~ -~'J.' ' 1,
we may conclude that · · ·
t: ~ -:> 1" \ 1 P < G\ T 1 o l'' !i ,

it~ i o -f O)~G*, :@iE 1i1illi~7Jf~JJ1 ~

L,( It~ iJ' 1":'<4±'' iJ' i!'< t:-olf,(
it is assumed that ··; GNt (passive)
t:~;i{.Cy t\ 1 i"to
basic unit
=: 0) l: 7 1:::, JJ11~0);f±%-l''!i, :1£~ t:' 1 7 t 0)7)f#,I*53JfhO)~*(BfJ.·J¥-{ftl::: fJ.'-:> ( '
:'< 11,( f,,( ,,
1 i
each person through~ engage in consequently
-To Ti"n'G, 1iA..!i, :l£~~1!L
t ;t;
t:oj t:
=: t: 1:-fj,· 1) i

we cannot generalize
~1~ t:' \ 7 0) !i, -;fret 1::: !i*-06 Gn i -1± ,<.,0 4?-:f±
4?-:f± t: MA.. 0) il',{.,(t\ I "5- \ 1-l;-l,;'f\ I

work as one on the other hand

0) 061:1tJ:.O);f±~ t: -)L t: fJ.·-:> 1" 1±* ~ 1-6 t' i-to
1 -7] T,
lliJ• \ 'i;iJ',( \ '~ll'1

~ 1~ !i t -:> t: F 7 1 I ::: fJ.· -:> -r \ 1 i -t o


W ~*± t 1~.A.O)IMJ1~U: "J\,' -c 2 ~~~.fiO).A.ii\,'
*9 a -t 0) 2 -J (J:fPJC' 9 iJ'a

(1 )

) li*:O-*J C:\ 1 -)~;t??tc.hiJ i Lf::7)\ A,ii, ~

:f± t: ( ) (}) ( ) Ii t --:J t: F 7 1 I ::: -tJ., --:J c \ i -t

1 a
!ittc. s <

Conversation CD :

Conversation ® : b t::. l- t 9f.OO

'I!IYIJ~~ ~~~0)!¥-

B1is:O)~:f±"C' L±, ~1±0) r:p -c:t±~

T ~)(: WT ~ Y A 7 A iJ'cb
2 J: 1 ~,-, <
VJ iTo
-ftliJ', 81is:O)~:f±O)~ih-O)~~-c-to 1±4JTT~ C: ~ t;±, 1--A '7-
-:o~ l ct
7 iJ':ktlJ--c'--9
o -f L 'l, 1±4JT L t:J:iJ' G'¥~.::
C: i:J :ktlJ"C'To
let me hear
1) ~8 !i, t:Fm~ ;C<l)g\5~r~
~ .t 7

tfom ~ Izu peninsula

t:f EB : -f 7 -r·-t tlo !:f < !ittJRiJ tB ~ -r·-t o 1f li -=¥-~ '"? -c 71-n' ~ ?
Lf:l?n•L•o L,(, '' f 7 .b ii:,Z,~

rice field
t:f EB : ;;t ;;t' ll' J t IEB ;C (l'J <7) IEB J -r·, l'EB -r·-t l'EB (i' 0 ~
Lfc fc fc tl2<

st <7) <b ~ lllJ

L it;
-r·-t 0 1853 -l-1:, 7; 1J fJ <7)----z 1J - * n{ ;w;m' a 1:
< ;;,;.;o
"black ship", steam ship


-r_ 8 * I: * i L t: 0 .---z I) - Ii' 7 J I) fJ *#JE


tc'', ~-;
~Ji <7) -t- ~!\ ~
'i, 1 T n';,
the Shogunate government back then,
.Jit1:5;iLiLt:o -t:=I:!;L IOO~/m, 1 1"<t:·~,~J t't=\ 1 (;bl)iLf:o ~mt,
I!< ,;. .bt, < t: U G ~ 7 t
national seclusion so
87.js:li$Jli00~ L (\ 'f:(J)1'', .llt!i-t <··I:J!:f-~-t~ := tn{-r·-2< i-l±;C-r· Lf:o
" : < --.,(, t
the next year
1\ .---z I) -I i\- )_j]~ '"? -r ' ~ -l-' i f: ' 8 *I:* i L f: 0 -f <7) t -2< I:' 8 * t 7
't; ,j•;i_ ~· .t < tl,(,
. I be opened as an international port; GNi (passive)
GN1 dtc. **·l; (conclude) iL is decided thal ...
; 1J fJ <7) thlM
, l'EB c: :H::~it(J)~~~n{!m~~
(i-.,77'\lt:.'-) '17'1 1 ::-]
1: 'J i L
after that consulate GNI die.~<

o -f (J);ft't, l'EB 1: li, 7 J 1) fJ <7) ~Ji -~~-Q< L

:· 111 L n•,Z,


temple resort
t:J='EB: ;;{_;;{_, ~j-~~(:fcl'-?(\ 1 f:;b'9='-Q{~Tt~~"?(\ 1 i""to ~(J)'"fEB(j:IJ - r1'', 1{,
TG (f)::_ tJ..'-;,

1: li:*~(J)A.n<-*. :ff.: ?loon' G*- i-t 0
:!?to-\!',, u~ ~7~11117"',<.,
rn e~~•~
tj 06 Gi.P v: § .:Z ~ i --c'N-*~ L -c <t~ 2: v'o

rn t ;{
""7 --c:j{F"~ t ~ .:Z O)N-*~ ~ L -c <t~ 2: v'o
01 r:j:1EB </di, c Z. C'~ n T~ ~ 'i
* grow up

* Ld.: iJ'a

modem history

- 8 iffi'tJe
i'c!d:_'c' G
9G&:.i.r'8:2Js:O)J5:1-t9:Y::"Jv''l~LiTo J: <lifJv''l( t~"f:'v'o

3, 4 J\.0) :7" Jv-7"--c." §)tO)

00 O)Jli1-t5ev: ":) v' -c~\5 L -c <t~ 2 v'a

w '/
j::_0)7-'7--c'I'J1::::1 ~lf:v>'l< t~2v'o

* Matthew C Perry, commander admiral of the East Indian Fleet of the United States, who visited Japan on the "black ship" at the
oftheEdoperiod. (~EI;'f<l)/ / ') i7<7)Jit1 / F~\liiF%Z6J~-&1f)
[I( no.28)
hot spring
o/m: 7 i; li, 1b7'G0)5J&Jitf!Zj~T-to :7~000):/Jt
t;;-l t;A,;±A,•Jxii'A- i!-t,
J: <\'G.., L f>\'i-to -f-t.'' tO)
guest GN1 (passive), die. ~iS~ fJ' tt.@ (talk to)
t.~l:(i, J: <:J~00A..O)J::;~::£1:~L ltG i Lf:o IHey,boy.Howoldare
tA- 5~( l:t'"'

you?J t n'o

o/ffl : * L i:J'-") f:::.

T-t 0 -f.-,.(_, fJ,' ~
feeling, touch

t t:.'-") f: 0) -"(', :7~ 00 t \I
7 0) i:J\
;h 1) ;¥)\I ~:ilt -"('
;.,. 1;'1;,
L f:::. 0 :7~ OOA.. t t~$1]
t <......::-=>
T li fJ,' < l' ::_" < ~11_
,;, """) 7

o/ m : -f.- 7 i:J' t L n i-tt£ ;flo -f.- -r-, ~t?oli, t 7 !~HJ--r-)?M~
t ,;:A,
T ~ 6~t fJ,· 0) -r-, I1 i:J'
Southeast Asia language
0) :7~ 00 '?a~~ 5$ L f: \ I t .~ \
I i L f:::. 0 o/ 00 '?a t ~
;{ i L f:::. i:J\ -*- i¥j 7 :) 7 0) § '?a
t j '"·A, If A- :'

7~-~7'?o~~UiL~o 7~-

about the Opium War granddad
1) -f.- 0) *'{]
iJ=. 'M" I:, 1 ,f' 1) /Z t o/ 00 0) i;,l•t•
Fa9 -z'' 7""' / ~~i:Jf S
1) i L f: o 7 i; (/) U \ 1 U

' ' }; t \ i; f> A_, Ii Jt:

3·1'1 * T r1i!J lP~ ~ 0) ~ ~ ~ L l" \ ' f:
:jloi tj t ~ tfj;t~
after Malacca
, 7""' / ~ ~ 0) {Jt I: 7 7 'J 7'7 !: ~ --:J f:::. ~ 0
(/) t, j-:>

fairly, quite somehow

') 7-£, lt--:J::_-)(:\ 1 ""- T-to -z''t, J('--:Jli-to ))
W Clfila~
~ 06 G iP v: ~ ;l0 i 1:*-*"&W L 'l <t!. '2: v'o

rn ~r"', t i
~ 7--c'Jfr,~ t ~ ;l 0)*-*"&W 1? L 'l <t!. '2: v'o

02 r:p EEl <lv ~i ,

-T c.' t 0) t 15 , 9} 00 iJ' 0> * A t ~~ L- ~ L- f.: iJ' o
f.: lH:

03 r:p EE <1v c: t -:J -c 9i-OO ~9i-OOA ~:t ~~ \,'

t 0) J <: '-'f.: iJ' 0

05 :;k:~~=.i\~C:.'{§, $EE<Iv,i, fJ-1f'?v-StJ7~€i~)jHf'~l-f.:iJ'o 2"J~3t"t<fC.t!t,'o

(;t!.,\ ;:_t;::.

~t or
)t;!:t7J1 § 5t t :Yi-00 t 0) ~1* (or *:IJ*O)~]t:) v:-') v' 'l~l'i L i -9 o J: <IJtl v' 'l <t!. '2: v'o

[4] ~
3, 4 A0)7"Jv-7"1:§5tO)*:fJ*O)~]t:v:-')v''l~tL 'l <t!."f: v'o

[[] ':I

_tO)r-?-c'I 'J 1::::1 :;J:~v''l <t!.'2: v'o

* Guangzhou (cpOOO)BlJT?J}~O):l!i <)


T~d\":777{~~--- i L f:: o
_ _ _ _ _ _ ;f L f::o

t;t.; -{f\ \
T L f::. o 7'~ !@ A. t
) l:' L f::. o

7 7 '') fJ 1::: ( ) 1) i L f::. o

e Sentences and e ords

Study the following sentences while refering to the ll:l'=F t l§ ~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.

a person is not employed by the

company to engage in a particular job GN1 (passive), die. Jli[ '5 (employ)
CD 8 ::t. "f'li, t~yt <7)1±* ~ -t 6 f: <l?') 1::: %:f± 1: Jib tL 6 o:> -c· !i-t.,~.· <
the job that the person will do is decided GN1 (passive)
-r, .:c n n' G, 't:... o:> .J: -J -r.,~.·1±* ~ 6 -IJ<:)k<lt) G;fL i 0

2. %.:f±l::}i_;b;ft6
'/.l'l' L f' '\-' t

formally infmmally train/educate employees system

@ 8 :zf'.O)%;}± "C'Ii, 7 :;t -< ;[; 1: t 1 /7 :;t -< ;[; 1: t ::f±Ji ~~1f-t 6;;,; ;z -T J., -IJ<:
educate employees capable person GN2 (present to future) program management system
<t 1) i-to ::f±Ji ~ 1f l'l';;Jf~lUd.· A.# 1: L l' \' <7° o :7·· 7 J., -IJ<:%;}±<7)#&~;;,; ;z -T J.,
is integrated in GN1 (passive), die. *ll<H)z, t;
1:*]..7,..~;;1; "'(\\;f

4. ~&-g:/7--T"-'-I::#JJ.h~i;ftT\'6
If I \;(I' < :

as the salaries and promotions are See Grammar Bits 4

basically decided according to the seniority as a rule GNi (passive) employee on the next page.
® :£. :zf'. 137 I: ~ #- ~ 1t- :i1t Ii Sf r,b Jf 3'D 137 I: G o:> -r·, ::f± Ji <7) M T !i JiiJ AA 7}{
rival so, therefore in order not to be outsmarted
7 1 / { ;[; I: fd.· IJ i -t -r· -t 7}' G'
0 ;}± ~ f:: t; (i' JiiJ AA I: ffi. !t fi \ \ 7 -fLl'
within the company eamestly, diligently,

.J: 7 -~~~~ ~ i-t 0

1. ;£2js;.8i;li:: 6. j_ li• 6
~ !1£T~ j'

2. ~~ 7. Hr9
"511li l l '>'fil \

3. 1t-l! 8. ~Sf- 1iffi-9 6

L i LA,
.t U::. i 1:1'

4. ~Jj)Jfylj 9. -j=_~ip-
;fl£.=: Jl J:~1-:J \'..., L.t-J!t£#:11'

5. ~:jl:JJ See Grammar Bits 4 on the next page. 10.

t:'-) ~
In a Japanese company or school etc. seniority is very important. People are
always aware that the person he/she talks to is Jc iJi (senior member). 1~ iJi

(younger member) or PJ:)'!§ ("same-year"member). If the person one talks to is 1GiJi.

you have to treat him/her with considerable respect. If the person is PJ:)'!R you may
treat him/her as a colleague or friend. However, as discussed in the lecture. PJ:)'!§ in
a company are not only friends but also a 5-1 J\JIJ (rival).

in a positive
the important thing as an individual simply handle, manage manner, actively
® M A. 't: L -r 1! ~ -t.,~.· : 't: !;t f: t:.' El <7) ltJ <7) 1±. ~ : -~'o~.· -t <7) -r- !i -fj_· C U::f.>:E ~ 1:
tackle through working experiences learn
1±.1: Jfx. 1Hll t': 't: -r-t -c L -r, 1±. ~ li. L -r ~ '.; ~ ',; -t.,~.·:
o t ~ ey: .;~: t -r·-t o

1. MA. 5. 5fl ;j\o}3 8~)1:::

: u. 1±-:>"51 CT-5

2. :i: $--tJ.· 6. lj\Z I) *JI. J:j'

tVllili t (

3. El <7) Jlfr <7) 1Hl?; 7. 1±:$-~i@.L T#.)~

Lc L :·t L c't tl; i f.J:
4. :::: -tJ.·-t
be loyal to the company GN1 (passive),
lt --l±\~\ "f~ < -t:::: t i.I'>R~
%:f±l: t)yp] --:> t t

reshuffling of personnel
f %;f± I:A. "7 -c -t n i.l' G, t''<l) l 7 -~"d-·1±$ "f -t 6i.l'n'5Jt~ G i-to l!iC.i~Ui~ t ~' 71±
1"'' :'< li'' t, <:lv•h'v
section change in other words contents often
$<7)'if~~<7)~~. -::>
,)~ L J: . . . . . ,.<_,::: ~
i I) li1±$<7)rig'$-<7)~~ t L If' L lf<h
t.n 'J: 7
1) i-to
get job 00 company team member
ift ~ L t;: A. Ii, I OO:f±J t ~ ' 7 1- - L>. <7) J / / ;;-- I: -rd.· 6
L•iLll L'l'

GN2 (present to future)

® ;f±J:! "f if TT if~~ -rd.· A.1.t 1: L T \ 1 <7'o !f 7 L>. 7)<%;f±<l)~.g- ~
(7)--j ~-) t_:J.,~'\1
!til;{\ I

on the other hand

/Z -T L>.I:~Jl,l,..~ i
< =
-r \ '6 <7) -z:·-t o -7], ® $*-8-91: ~-}~ Jf. 1!
''~If? :'< 11/v<::'< ~.j J: Lli Llv


as ~ sense of unity education

%;fit '"(<7)-~~, A.#if~~/Z-TL>., ;f±pgT<l)M.~/Z-T
\1--;f:\1-/J'Iv \1(-\:t-11 ~.1:?-Ti

strong point die. §7

f.,. 7)<: 8 *<7)%;f±<7)~,1,..
t::, Pi
at working in a company teamwork
1±$"f-t6 ~ f::.-'7 li, t''::::<7)~<7)%;f±Tt, 1--L>.?-7n'~if--t-to
( 1: l:• j J: j
-t L -r.
1: , "::1 ~ :2.::.;,--~3 /n'~if-!:-fd-· 1 ) i-to -7]1:', ®~

after joining
the company
[I] El *(' ti, 8.f~9 .Q t ~ i:, .A H1~H: 9 .Q1±~7i?T:!J' ~J * 9 7'J'o
~•3l• ~ b

[l] Z. 0) v -7 7- -v- (' ti, El *O):fr1i0)~$h- ~ 3 -:J?t~f'"l t-' * 9 o -t- 0) 3 -:J ti1iiJ(' 9 7'J'o



W El*O):frti('ti,
key word
~7'J'tt:l/'7'J7'J'n, :frHi=~~~~~<*9o
repayment, showing gratitude
c'9 7'J'o :!f- '7- !'' ti r,~JJR ~ J (' 9 0


_ _ _ _ _o i f:, f: \ \ ( \ \ I;J:, t~ Jt (/) 1± * ~ -f"

ll i LA-

li'b-) .J:7
ld:tc. s <

Conversation CD : V> c\ ,_ E3
'(} C:' \;' ltHt/v

B*A~i 1'7-:fJ* 1J Y7J C:§t:>tLiLt-:o 4--r'b, J!I< i

-r~t±-r1±¥TTi6AiJ'L~v'l"To LiJ'L, ;B'v>At-:-t-r~i, lf.<~

L ::t V't in)' V't li~
housework parenting, childcare
t±Ttl:\l", B:.t!.-t C:~-7 A'b~v'l"To ~"~i, *¥-'Y'fif>I:\TTib:ifJO)
-e il' L e>< L

Li-san and Nakata-kun meet again at the tea shop after some interval.

IJ !i' 1 , -c t ···, :::: 0) 1 n' If-:>
J1 !i-t; J: ""7 t: ~~ n' ""7 t: -c·-t 0 ~fr L' 1 :i-5'f;-O) t: .!6 1:' \.;' \
procedure course registration
.; -r"::::: t: "f L -rd.., It fl(f-!-J.· G -rd..· n' ""7 f: L, ' 1 .;' 1 .; -rJ.·.of-#-7t ~ -\"{§( ~ ftiJ: t L -rd..· It fL
< --,.-; 1>>5'!7~?;<

freshmen on top of that

o/EB: ;h;h, ~JTA:i-!i, ~JTL\ 1 ::::t:lf-Q")T, f:\ 1 "'"'-£1''-t"tl.o -fO)J:.I:, m~:i-0)~
L,CI:oHt'' loH'<-<i:''
1 If

moreover terrible, disastrous

1} (l\ 1
0 "f (:···, 7't;U!O)~Hi8(;i2js;.~I:~J..,-YJ..,l'-Lf:o
-<t,Z,Lo? ~Ll:? 1f ii,Z,~?

GN1 (passive), die. li :iL 3 (bark)

L t: o -t L --c :it "f .:&<
' \ -n \6 c:: , ~~ 1:
x 1: 11 :;t G tt i
L t: 0 u ""7 < '; L i L t: 0

) -'ffln'G, ~;ttl:::::tf\ 1 -C 7'JF\/"fl)fltt6t:, A7iFn'<h 1Ji-I±£TLf:o A7;t

~ c L >' 7 implies that it happened mistakenly or unfortunately.
"f 7 i; I:::~ fL t'
L i \ \ i L t: o ' 1~ t A < ;t -c·' 1 . ; ' 1 .; ~Jlil ~ 6
0) -c·, : : 0) 8 Ii, -t

mosquito die. 2'9
~I:, !l5(n'' 1
f: L f:o (:: l
L--o "'
itchy hornet bee GN1 die. \@Vi:Pit.Q (chase)
t, n'rj)n'""7f:l'-t"o ~;ttn'G~~6t:~li, n. 1:: G iLf:o ::::tJn'-"7

f: r:· -t o -t L c , *

'I li
I ::: 9~ ""7 f: t: ~ , * 0) Fl& tst r:· ~
felt depressed
have a bad fan
,.<_, L i \\i

L f: o 2Js;. ~ I::: U t:'\ 1 - 8 -c·, -t ::::"- < % i; ~h- i L f: o

}; =

rn Cli:ii~~
i:t 66 G;O> v: i3 ;t ~ i --c*-*W§l L l" <t!. ~ v'a

rn w t~x
""7 --cJfF"~ t ~ ;t 0)*-*W§l ~ L -c <t!. ~ v'a

02 'J ~ /di, .::z ~ * ~ c' 7 V;t 'v tc. iJ'a

03 jtj:_t: .:!6 -r G n fc. t ~, 'J ~ /di~ *- G n * 'v tc. iJ'a

~ J: ';!
_LO)j--?l."I'J -1::1 ~ltv'(< t!.~v'a
so, therefore I had no problem.
-tkli;L ~.~-r-~ \ ~ 1,~,
L rt~o -c ~o
r: t 6 =t ~{T "5 i L t~o Ti""~' G' 1PJ t r.,,*!li s
'"·rc t ~ot'',
1) i -l± A,
See Grammar Bits 5, p.128.
T L t~o 8 *-~f~~ L:I\~J6t~ t "5 t, 5l~~{)J'"~'60)T, -Tklll t:''t~~ ~~A, Tli
IH iJ•Io l:

what I should memorize

-"'-c -Tkl"t:Jt;Zklli,
t:·~~tJ:-J,;:-r·Lt~o ~~-:Jt, M"t:Jt;Z !i\'\', li->

what I should study
1PJ ~ ~ ~ -t tl !;f \ \ \ \ ' J: < )J"' ~' I) i -l± A, 7t; ~ t I kL r:

how far
::: i -r-~~-t
GN5 (volitional), die. Jil. -:o It i5
t, J:<)J'"~'')i-l±A,a iEL, 1 $;Zf
: fc

was worried
::: 0) 1 , 2 11! MIi, -9'-> t M A, -r·' 1 i L f: a
L•H•Io '"' C>

climbing team decided to ~

rJ f:L, 0)~1:::
"/]>\ \ li\ \
6:::~1:::L L
[] CliUl~
~66 GiPI: i§ ;t ~ i 'C'ff~~ L "l <t!.? v•o

oo 'if rl'l, t x
""7 '1:1ifF,~ t ~ ;t (J)ff~~ ~ L -c <t!. 1: v'o

02 J ~ 1v ~= t
-:1 --c a*~~O)itl~$ (j: t.: l, '"" ~v c: 0 t.: h' 0

rn ~
3, 4 A(J):~lJv-7"'1::7\.~'C'(J)}?Mmt r:p~ · l'l11x'C'(J)~~mO)Jiv>v:"'Jv"~"llli5L --c <t!.? v'o

[§] ")
_t 0) T- '"'< 'C' I /' --1:: 1 ~ ii v) ( <t!..?: v) 0
1) ~,Ci:::t---:J-c 7\:;1]!<7)1t-8181iUt'\ 1 -8"T"Lf:::.o 1
) ~,{,(;t

\ 1 -J t t :it 7 ~ l:' ;t tt I::: ff ~ i L f::: o -'C L -r , ~ f

) (;::jC(;::(J:;;{ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o I}

) (" L f:::o

e Sentences and Ke rd s

Study the following sentences while refering to the I m;"F- t § ~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.

workers work-life balance GN5 (volitional), improve movement

CD 10 Sf- (ll:::'''Wr i,l' G' 1fh < A 0) r;-:; . 7 1 7 . I { 7 / 7. ~ &4- L .J: 7 l::: \I 71 ~~I

* Study Grammar Notes 5 (Volitional Expressions) on p.l64 to understand the bold-faced part.
1. 1JJJ
l!lc ~
1J t

a survey on communication with one's children according to ~

® .:rc::··t l:::(J)~ 2 J.-=-7-~ 3 /I:::OO-t6~~]ti:::.J: 6l:::, I 11J!MO) 7 i;, iPJ§l-f-

c::·· t l::: \ I -:J L J: I::: BJE ~·· !.;:1: A., ~ ~ "'""' i -t f,J' J
It \ I 7 jt r,, I I::: ' 1fh \ I -r \ I 6
j:; )( ~ /v
percent week

0)138;\-~/ rl!i 111!1::: 1. 2§lj ):::~;{_ (\ 1 i"i"o

L >j : fo

irrespective of gender
® JJ\~j:_< G\IO)-rc::··tf,l{\I6IAI J15 3z:- I ::: 00 G
Ldo'< -tt''

t 5 &if 1:::1±* ~ ~ ;;t -r 7 -t; 1::: 1w 61 A 1!i 1'' -rd-·'

I -r--r o

fixed time private, personal

, It &if I::: ~ :f± ~ tl:l -r ~ t:· i; l::: 7' 7 1 ~ - r -rd-· &if M~ ~ L t' [2;J t
~\ 1 Ti"o
direct our attention to ~ Equal Employment Opportunity Law since (the enforcement of)
@ :k'l:iO):f±%i!tl:ll: §~fa] It~ t, 1985 ~O)jl5:9,-~ffl~%:H:7~5!.VJ.*-, ~ < :k•ti
steadily increasing
!iif~l::l:~ ;{_ l \\i-t 0

1. 3cli O)i±-~i! t±l 4. ~J->Z*

\\ I';, I '
L'1"'7}''' LA., LvP-'J

2. §~foJit6 5. :4- ~1:::3:\H. 6

t' .~'
"' i;" ( "'"

3. ~ ::k Ji ffl #li¥A~;·1~ ~;)!

t:,(,tJ: = .J:i "5 7}>\\~,(,tilii

house man,
also househusband
\ ' i -t o i f: , ~
t; (
~ ,.(, 0) I l 7 7] '1± ~ L T , § ))"I i 3:. ~ ~ L T \ ' ~ [2J t \ ' i -to
1: ,;:,c

1. ht:: LO)~ 1) 4. ~\ 'il ·:; 7'![-,

:Uo ~"JIJ'

2. *~
>i' L
5. 3:.*'-
L tP ,;,

3. -Tffl'

1. '7-J 0
71 7 ° / ''7 / .7. ~ (

2. -t- t." t t. (]) -::I ~ :2 .::... 7- ~ 3 / I: (

-96 i;d ~

3. tot: L I:L \ 1-:> t ( ,,, ) 1:%;}± ~ tB i-t 0

4. ) (]) ( ) (
ex -ti-l' L'C IJ'I' L-C L11>"'J

fc-C l J J" IJ'\' ~,c
t" If 7

6. ) '(_ ( ) l
>i• 'ftc
Europe and America economic animal workaholic·
i-t 0 {}'
E *A.LL WOI~.O)A.f: i) 7)'
;t;-j.-.:1' 1ft
0 II ::J / ~ '') /) • 7.::.. 7 ;[_, J t 7), 17 -7'7 It 1
) '')

GN1 (passive), die.~? long working hours blame

7J t7)'~:h;tti Lf:o E*A.<7)-&*M9Y-17~~F~i'6§~T
i;d t n'A-7,-i t'-i 11 '•·,c : t I!

overtime work
i L f: o L 7), L, ~T t E *O)~;f± -z''i;J:, 1.30r~ 7)'§7'
~~ ..(,"5' .t 7
1 t § :h;tl 't


'~~ t ~~ -z''llt :::"i;J: ,.{, ~ ~-"' 6 ~ffit.i;J:, t"tL < 0' 1 S 6 T L .t 7 7)'o
n' -T < I! A- n' T 1'
a certain carry out
s 6 ~;f± * 7)'~~ L f:® -1- t'' t t~ L
'C. <7) ::1 ~ ::2.::.. 7- ~ 3 / 1::00 -t 6 ~f.H :t: I: J: 6 'C., II 11!
II'A- i;;J ~ l>-i

t37, Ti'o if:, 1 ®3z-,ti<7);f±~i!t81:§ ~follt6

l:J:-tt~ 1 LJf'f.l'~ 1 LJ.,Lrp"? t'
t, 1985~<7)3/53z-AHIH~~:J;5]~5!YA
:::: .t7 ~ f.l'~ 1 ~J.,t7l17 \I

gender-equal society under the-
-17<-:k'i:ili~~l:::t~;;t l'\ 1 ii'o -J:iltTii, ~:k*~~@l;f±~<7)~;;(7j<7)pl:,
G~I ; .'(> < t.: -:J ,;, !v . . ~\I ~ ~ .t 7 t" 7 ~ ,.(, f.l' < ~'/v~f t t
measures and specmhst parenting,
politics GN1 (passive), die. JictJ ~ (advance) executive officer personnel increase childcare
~~7)':i1!.!6 ~ :k'tiO)if:f!~ Y'~F,~7)'1~7,io L, ~:f:Y'if)t ~
L ~ ( -t-t L ,,,c 1) Ld -!±,Ct,C -T-j ,, ,, t 1•( t
an abbreviation of Jl,li!l 0 n T

-t 6 ~ 'i:i t tc',C-1±1•
1~ ;;t -r ' 1 i i' o ® :h f: L <7)%]
I) I:: I;J:, ~ :f: t -T if -r
: or:tc

,.{,<7) 117 7)'1±:f: ~ L -r, §L: .;:J.,

L vP .;.
~ L -r' 1 6A. t' 1 i i' o
style diverse
;=:O)J: 71::, J],f:EO)E*Tii, 1±:f:<7)1±7JY':i.5t:A11 !vii§?
L -tt~ 1f.l'-:J

1! t•j
~\1 1


/ r- l.:t 1c 1:: 1 . 2 (

315 3<:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , \ I-") t 5 81f I:: 1±:f- ~ ~ ;{_ l 7

~ <3<:-'i:il.:t (

t- ~ 7

U L11>"i

rammar Summar to Unit -Unit 9

::>l: : at -ing

(1) 1±* ~ -t 61: Sf::. -:J 1." l;t +-b. '7-IJ 77{lt * T-t o (Unit 8)
L:·t t•7J:7

(2) 5'~00Tj:_7if;-f61:st:-:J1."1:L if"t<7)00<7) §?o~~7~-t6 =: t?7{•;6*T-9o

{t-11'/.1'--:;. < 1:: If£::: .-...::,..C~.ti V-:>J:-j

(3) 5'~ 00 l::.ff < t:: s t::. -:J "{ li, i -r I\' A ;f- ~ (passport)~ ~X.
GfJ' It n lf'fJ' 1) i-tt- ,{,0

[2] ~lt::009:Q : concerning~, in concerned with~


(2) X~ WJ #-7°0 IJ.. 7 b. (student exchange program) 1:: J}€J -9 6 ~JtBJi% 1::~7;\1 Qoin, attend) L i L f:::. 0
::: --)i,P,,.CI}rp')1F( -t!--:;..\?l'i/'1' ~,.C -IJ'

(Unit 9)

(2) 1\1 4- //'. (hiking) li, ij=-~-\'>'i:f.$1] (gender) 1:: ~ L t/ =: t 77{-r· ~ i-to

<' -ft<J)j


~ T <7) or ~ t <7) forms a noun with the following noun. -if/ \' / -T -c· (}) j:_ 5i5 derives from

-if 1 \' / -T T :i. )'if; -t 6 , And -f- t'' t t <7) ~ ~ .:2 .:::... T- ~ 3 / derives from -f- t . t _t_ ~ ~ .:2 .:::... T-

(3) a:zF-O)~:f±l''(;L :f±r*J~O)mE~:/7,j-iA7]':f:> 1 ) i-ta(Unit8)
L-'1" 1J..'\ I ~ J: 7 .r 7

(4) a :zF- ~ (;t i t:-1:.5';50) o/ ~0)1±*0) t:t ][ 1.7'7c ~ \ \ -c·-t a (Unit 9)

L:·t 1ft•i

OJ : as a consequence of~, through~


(Unit 7)
(3) -h5@7.7'H~-td.·A!:L "h5@~j'J:t': ~-c-::z.
~It u t.
r v::Z.(stressl~Wt-5~
n'\' L 1 7
Li-t(relieve) 0 ~1i-t0)

1.7'-kf~1J.'A(i, !9..t:'t;t~1i-t:~~7. r v7.~~1t-5~Li-ta

(4) ~1::: oK0).:::__;(7]'fh
-:Ji t-:>1::: ,), f::. 1) lit:!;,
<: ~l'', *-~4AO)~lj_O)j:_)'if17]'~~
-h' 1::,(, ,_;, -::J-] -!±1 1-h'-:J
1 AO)~X..A.(income)
ut IJ LrP?I:~t~?

I<: : in order to ~

(2) 1:. ~ T 1 \ < f:: .161: !;L lit:

fhG1 \ T t; ~ ~ ~7)'1J.' It tt (:f1J.' 1) i -thL (Unit 6) ~,~,{±

(3) ~:f±(i, mE~~ llJ i;ji < f: .161:, ,J(;yt(: 1J_' 1) i-t a (Unit 7)
~ .t7 -f 7 IJ' &'J U-? L

(4) a:zF-0)/.::../- ~JP7t'9E-t6f:.l61:, B:zF-1:*-i Lf:a

It ,C~ • i

5 : it seems that •oo


.. J: 7 T --9 may be translated as seems that 0 0

·" • is often used to soften the assertion.
(1) \ \'J t 5 aoif 1::: 7 t; l:~w6Aii1''1.,.e\ I J: 1
"'*- 1ft

(2) a :zF-0) At::: t; 0) ry- J 0

7 17 ° 1 ,. 7 / ::z. 1i ~ ~ t :h i IJ J: < -td.· 1 \ J: 1

(Unit 9)

* Differences among o•• J:: -) T--9, ··· -t-) T--9 and ···!? L \ 'T--9
Each of 0 0
• J:: 7 ('' --9, · · -'C 7 -c· --9 0
and 0 0
• G L \ 1 T --9 presupposes particular background
concerning the speaker's perception or understanding of the fact.

(a) J.JT:B7t;:§::.(;!J631W L (\ dJ.'\ 1 .J:-) l'i""a

'l'i to It~ :A-
In (a) , the appearance and behaviors of J.i T:B 7t;1:. suggests that he is not married. 0 0 0
J.;.. f::. \ 1

-c-r is a casual expression of 0 0 0

J:: 7 T--9 0

(b) m 4' 1t1:. 1H6ti L -r \ 11n

t:::. 1J.'il'
I ..z- -J --c-r 0

In (b), the speaker heard from a specific person that T:B 4' 7t;1:. is not married. Be aware that
}; \ 1 L ..Z. -) -c·-t (It looks delicious.) or ~ 77'~~ 1) -t i T--9 (It looks like rain.) is another
expression umelated to (b).

(c) J.iJl]Jt;:§::.(i, *6tiLT\dJ.'\ 1 GL\ 1 T-t"a

In (c), the speaker is not entirely sure but many people say that J.i Jl] Jt;:§::. is not married.

~ oooc~ ?"L=I:Jl-'l-'c t.... J: 5/oooi:clcl:~ 5 *c=I:J®!? *ttfv/oooclcJ::i!g x1d:l-\la:51J'l-'Lrc9 /


These sentence-ending phrases that appeared in the text are often used in argumentative discourses.

··· t ~ -:::> -r t L' L' -r L. J: ? : we may presume/conclude that · · ·

(Unit 4)

... ;::: t ? :t -r t ~ ~J :t 1t A, : it is needless to say that ...

(Unit 6)

not to assume that .. ·

conclude that

4tH I:::A.
G-fi \' t,
-'1"'15'\ I I
1±*"f -t 6 : : t 77'-c· ~ 1i \ ',
L :::· 1:::_

(Unit 7)

Practice saying the following words or phrases paying particular attention to the intonation patterns.

[I( no.33]
(1) 0)-)2:.-)L-?iPv' !:t< ~ <L-?iPvc 1 0) .') .f: !v L-? iPv'
.#ttl% :&.tl:f±% .Ht±%

L~ ~ J: .') ~ v' L ~ .') L -? :0' v'


(2) "C' !v t .') L -? iP v~ ~ !v t!. v' L -? :0' v' ~)'!vt!.v' L-? :0'v'
1~*1Et±% itH'\.:f±% J~1-\t±%

(3) ::. .') ~· J: .') L-? :0'v' 1..: J: .') !i .') iP L -\" ;;j> \; \
.:L*t±% ·rt:¥~ 1tt±%
information-oriented society

[I( no.34]
L-? iPv'-ttv'ZP"'J ;;j>0 2:. .') -ttv'ZP"'J 0) .') .f: !v -tt \; \ ;;jo. 'C) t L-1:tv':0'"'J
:f±13; 1=. 51; ~i3Z1=.5'8 .H1=.5'8 ;jf~"$1=.5'8
urban life

~ J: .') \; \ <-tt \; \ e:· -ttv' 1..:-ttv' t· L-? :0'v'-1:tP t· ~tv' ~··v,-ttv' t·

fjc 1fil\lj JJf_ it5c )i'Jii\IJ JJf_ :f±1J;ii\IJ JJf_ #&*illlJJJf.

J L L,>( ::.

(1) L~-JL 2:.J:-) L ~ .') L J: <:0'"'J t· -7 L .f:"'J ~ v' J: .')

~%AVl~ ff;t~~5'8~h #A zt:; tK ffl

-tt \; \ (} L J: .') u :0'v' ~i"'J ~-· 1..: ~ 'C) :0' < L

3£t?orlt9% il'flt?o!Wl% #z i*t l¥- #A

x_~,;,~·J::::y ~ ~-J: J
-g*5'8~h -:;£*)'8~
Conversation CD : !li0)1i;
f)> I,'

AVJ i Lt-:o W?~1:0)1:~1J~±, §)t0)00c 13:2js:O)[m]}J"C'1:~~1:~

!;:I:V> \,1 iJ•f.:_ L .-~/v i) J:) l;f-')
1J"C'T o W?~1:~±, !m1ntt-z:-t


') Jj Ill 8 I:' 1t ~ "f flf, ~ fd.' -/:;{ G .:t- -r /I\ A "f :&< ~ \ -r ~ \ f: G' I~ \ -:J L J: I: JJ I: ;ff ~
lf-oJ:-j 1f t;,C,;<< ;!;{,

GN1 (passive), die. !"'it il' lt 0 (speak to) T-shirt

i-1±£-,J'oJ t:;li~ ltG i Lf:o -f.-<7)_;\_0)T:/-r'/I:!;J:
:~ Ut

o/ffi : Jf:J JI:J, JJO)-lj-- J ;~,;-c-ttlo

I;J: l i!JT
1) i L f: o -c t, I JJ I: it < t:, ~#
~ t
i;, 7)f ~ 1\ ' -r- -t l o


GN1 (passive), die.§ 7

i L J: 7 J t: ~ btl i L f: o

suddenly become aware

') T , I;J: -:J t: L i L f: o ::: 0) 1

climbing team cool, fine-looking nice, charming

') wO)~O)_;\_(;J:, <::: -r t ~ L ~ T L f:o -t L -r, -:: b-'('7)'-r'', <::: -r t -t-r ~ -c L

~ 'i L f: o
rn en~~~~
~ 66 GiJ>I: i§ ;t ~ i -z."ffJIF§l' L -c <t.!. "2 v'o

rn ~J,,,t x
~ 7 -z."fifF"~ t ~ ;t O)ff*W 1r L -c <t.!. "2 v•o

feeling, touch
QS U-!O)~O)=Jdd:, C fv iJ ~ l5 C' G f;:_ f.J>o

got invited

w -~
)t,ttiJ'~*bnt-:if.H§H:--::>v>-ci'lt Li-t a J: <!JfJv~-c <t.!. "2 v'o

[A] l-
3, 4 )\.0) :7" Jv- 7'\:."~;b~'lt-:;%£.~1=--::> v' -c~\§" L -c <t.!. "2 v'a

[ID I ':J 1'

_tO)j--'7\:."I '/ -!:::1 {riifv>-c <t.!."2 v'o

[ . no.38)

\ 'J t: ~ ' 7 3ft.

;; t
;ft i; I : fJ.' 1) i L f:::. o ~ ~ 7] { ~ 0 ~ ' I: fJ.' -') f:::.
See Grammar Bits 5, p.128.
if>IJi o ::::;fl7]'0t~~Lff.iGiti-to Tt, l.iEL\'
~~ ~~
way of thinking, - -
point view GN5 (volitional)
1''!;J:fJ.' < --c ~'lJ\'lJfJ.'J\'.:4~~?t:O~~~LJ:
h- iJ•fc NA'
1 t:mPi
feeling, touch
o/ m : 7 lv, .:z.- lv 1J.' ~ L:: 7]{\ , \ 1 1v L:: f' -rd.,~ , o

1) \ ' t: .~ ~ ' i L f:::. o

See Grammar Bits 4, p.101.
~t:'i;~1i=~= t:~, 7't¥t:~'8~-t~= t:, ~'lJ~'lJfJ.':::: t:~ L
~ < -l:t!vl:fv'

L c t; < simply implies 'future convenience' of the action.

IJ ::k.~A.~iTO)}.,.:i_!i, 1~:@:--rJ.'I/Zi:lv-1-J O)J:-J
lc;iiJ'< t:!v-1±" ;l;!v-l:t!v


o/ffi: 7-


i 0 lf-if M t
fairly, quite
fJ_' I) §I I: I) i -t 0 2(:- Ll ' L f:::. \ I =t:
what to do
[]] Cl!lUi~
~ 06 Gi,pl: § ;;l ~ i -c."*-*~ L 'l <t!. -'f: v)o

[l] fit t ;t
-"' T -cljfr"'~ t ~ .:Z 0)*'*~ ~ L 'l <t!. -'f: v'o

{;JJ fJ 2:. t fi-&; v) *9 f.J> 0 3 ~~ .*. l

<t!.. t3 \,\0

05 ~~~fJ I .A 1J v- 51- J C \,\-) 0) ~;!:, C lvfJ~P*C'9h'o

,, "'

9G:itiJ'::k~a~1i;0)~5.t1U:: fFUjH: --J ""' 'l~i5 LiTo J: <F>M v) 'l <t!. -'f: v'o
L i L f:o

2, 1 }~,(,(;L ::::1])1-Q'J:l, ~~I])::::C:: _ _ _ ::?if;Z(\I;i Lf:o

\I i L f: 0

\ 1 i L f:o
5, 1} ~ ,{,(;J:, "lz.:ilL jf}z5'$0)1±:7J/.7'7.J'-/.7' I) i L f:o 11' L f-::>-0"/.7'
_ _ _ _ _.J 1:::\\ J ~}!f i; (;:: fJ.' IJ i L f:o jf/z1$/.7' "5 G \\

L f:o

) LT


e Sentences an e ords

Study the following sentences while refering to the I?~* c ~ ~ J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.
from couple of
international students following story
CD 1o f.: Ll i 1PJ A. 77' 0) '& ~ ~ n' G;jz 0) l 7 fo~.· -gt ~ F:rfl "5 i L f: o n' h G !i :k ~ 4 -l- ~
one's future begin to think of

T, !3 ~ 0) ~~ *- ~ ~ iZ :k~ J6 T ' 1 i L f: o

4. ~ i:_-fr.i:;&~:> 6 See Grammar Bits 5 below.

NA' lie

~ 1.{3 iiJ 6 , ~,%51\ It 6 and ~ ~ h 6 means "begin to ~ ", "continue ~ " and "finish/complete ~ "
respectively. Study the following sentences that appear in the text.

(Unit 9 (])Conversation 2)

2. ~51Jlti2- GL 1(;:::1():-:> t.::bWC:Ict2!s lJ *l±lvo ::::.:hiJ 6:t9?JJ51Jl


(Unit 10 (])Conversation 2)

3. iJ1 :h6(ci::*::"'¥'4±f:!±.l', §:§}(])~J8*7it~;Z~!If)-(L1*LA.::o

lJ GA.. Go~;-'56L) 1Nut/

(Unit 10 (]) Lecture)

4. ;:::.0)8(ct, 98~~CtG:2-~!Ib"C, 48~(;:::-Ty r--!:T-1 H:~2-i'H.J.::o

0 ®~ J

(Unit 12 (])Conversation 1)

they are burdened with

w m~ ~ 0) ~ ~ J1;fl ' , f.: ~::: "5 1i , -t; o~: --:> ~::: ~

\Vas shocked
3 ·') 17 -r:· L f.: 0
difficult and complex circumstances
~ ~ f.: -t; n{v -r- n, L , ,;JX )JL
I, who had been working with international
bec<Juse I have just realized that · · sh1dents for more than ten years
~ :;l-i ~ --:~ T ' 1 6 : t: ~ t0 J6 T jo --:~ f.: GT -t o -t L T , -t T I: 10 -l- J-X .L '& ~ ~
because I have never been aware of their dinicult circumstances

1. t·-r·n, L \ ':JX '55L

4. 10 lj=.Y). ..l:.
~1£ \' t J: 7

5. :MZ-96

6. 7\ --j' <
the town and the country where
in a sense pioneer they were born and raised
® ~ ~ j:_ t;L \ \ ~ 1t FlT, =t6 ::if --c -t o j:_ i ;tL '1f -'7 t: lllJ .>(' oo ~ ill -c ~ .>(' /§. t:, t; t:
leavino- ~ behind dive, enter courageously

1Jl fL -r, ~fr L \ 'i:1t-tt -W-1::

fit l/16).; t:'[~]-t -to
t '(j

4. J!tU"16t'
t :

a way of life that extends between one's country and Japan

@) ~ ~j:_ I:L § 7J'-<7) 00 t: 8 7.f-<7) Jilij 00 1:: i f: n{ 6 j:_ ~ :Q ~ 1!).; t:' <7) -c,-t o

1. §L 7-J'-0)
00 t 8 *0) iiEj 00
(I: 1: I!,C I) J: 1:::: (
3. :i-57J
2. i f::.IJ{~ 4. ~""

people who come from abroad in addition to the work-life balance balance between one's country and Japan
® 5'~ 00 ill -if ::if <7) ~-@'-I i, r; - 7 · 7 1 7 · / \' 7 / A <7) J:. I:: , I § 00 t: 8 7-f. <7) / \' 7 /
to take these two balances simultaneously
A J t ~;it -~'i It ;fL !f'-~'J.' 1) i -1±).; o ~ ffif 1:: : <7) 2 t~JJi <7) 1 \' 7 /A ~ t: 6 : t: li -~'J.' n'

1. 7~00 tl:: !f~O):l:Ji)~ 4. fii]lf.fl:

7),·,,:::: < L;)l-, LA.L'i" l;f;f,\1 t"-Jt

2. ~O)J:_i: 5. ;fi~
1.{ L ;)l6\ 1

3. §001::8*0);\7//Z 6. ;\7//Z~C:~
l: : ( t: ILC

) "f (
) t (
( ) ~ ( t t

) I:: ( ) 7/ (

l)j-j ::::(

5. ) 1:: 2 (

home country one's life important

;h f: L !;J: ;h f: L O)w00
0):-k~ 1:::1'[ ~ i -l± lv T L f:o :-k~ 4 -l-M
t: ~' 7 A.~O) :i: *-rd.'
t,C-itl' tojJ:j
time, period spend therefore
~:AA ~ ;h
t ~
f: L !;J:-t¥00 T~ ::::" L i -l± /v ""f' L f:o ""f'--9-/J' G,
:-k~ ~ zp ~ L T-1¥00 1:9~6
~-,~,; n':t

seek it doesn't mean that · · · il's not the case

t t
l" \' L.tio i ("t", ®§j)J-0)00
t ,;:,c
in the previous lecture
'M'§l, ;f?f: L!;J:7-J · -717, 1\'-:J//ZO)gE~ Li Lf:o B*-T~~6®J7~00:±:~;fr
-If/vi;'\ I

GN2 (toward the future)

, ~-:>/:::Ji<-\"'-:>"t"\\ LJ:Jo



( )

::.·· L i -l± ;C --c L f:o --c-t n' G, j::Jif:: -t;:

L-r ) I::: ~w 6 t , ;b f: L IH~ 00

If : <

I)J:j :::::<

1:::::.([)2 (

821s:O)r:fv:~, v'iSv'iS~~i*'l1:iJ'c10 1J iTo LiJ'L, B21s:Av:~i,
t:.. J::-) --1±-V'
rule obey, follow common trait
I iJ' A, ~i' .:6 J I i 1.:66 J I Jv- Jv ~'if .:6 J ~ e:~ 0) :Jt :® 0)'11:1/fiJ' 60 1J i -9 o
i 'h ~ J: 1--=>-J -t!~t' L-?

3J;1,1-tO)t±~~i, ~i*~ At::. -t i7':Jtv:1: ~ .:6:.::.

lfktcc' L'""''' 1ft t b ''
t ii'-r: ~ .:6 t±~-c:-t o

feel the same may be

t:Fru : If< iJ'< v- ~ T 1::1-'r < <7) t, JiiJ t.:: J: 7 f,c~
j?f,· iJ•!v
t.:: iJ' t 0

t:pru : ~ !::U L t: J: 7 1::, If< I:L ~tx i l''liTlB -r·

: ? :: 7 Lt f~
Lf: o TlB !i, ru~fJ.· <7)
1 ' t..· n,
-c·, -f hll

=JJiJ'JtJ !) i-tt,{,o
If< (J)tf~' ~;j3'(~'[-\(J, (1 /:::,{,/:::''~5$ /:::ff~~f:'lt
iio7il'< tt''' "-'lv~d
club activity



born and raised


easy think back

tf lB : 2 Sf-~ I:: fJ.· -:J -r_ ~§( ~ Ii :Y' L ~ I:: fJ.· t) i L f: o -f L -r , ~ <7) ~ ;i ~ :If 1) ~ t) i L

f: 0 li:f < (i

GNS (volitional),
so die. 11'-, T di .Q
, !3 ;,7-77'~5'$ L ~ 1 6 -r < v- ~ T-m(J) 00 1- -:J <:
L T di .Q implies that the action pertormed is a triaL < r:
[I] C1~.Ui~
~ 06 G;N: i§ -Z ~ i 1."t*"g/ L --c <t!.-':!: v'o

rn ~ ri>H:: ~ :t
"'7 --z:Jfr"~ t ~ -Z O)**"g{ -'5: L --c <t!.-':!: v'o

Q4 * ~ 1 £F ~ (J) t ~ (J) ~ B3 <fv (J) ~ 5! 'd: ' c:· -5 C' ~ f.: :fJ> 0

Q5 2 £F~(J)~)E,d:, C -J C'9:/J'o

[1] ~~~* ~?
- \..\;{_ .a: ~
x1:.iJ'*-\='1:. in1'f 0 t-:BIJ-'5: 1:1:\t-: t ~ 0).::. t v:-::::>v>'lllili LiTo J: <!Jtlv•'l <t!.f: v'o
4' m : * ~ <7) ~ ~ 1;:t,
\ ' ;; \ ' ;; -rd.· ~ 11 ~ ~ r,:.; t
~d ;,.

n•fio Lfio
t ""7 -c §t: .;:fio
by oneself
-)]'- § -if -c· -wn: i! 06 -rd.· 1t
t: Lfio TT
n Lf

economically mentally independent human

\ '\ ' t: .~ \ ' i -to :k ~ff.if1\ t: \ ' 7 O)!;;t,
t_:: f~\1
t ~;flf18tll:
t §.:ft. L f.: A. M I: -t.J.· 6
t 1)-:J (:J.,(f£
period something like that
t.: 06 <7) ~ 1i:M M<7) .J: 1 -rd.· t <7) t: ~~ \ ' i -to
t•,C rf :'< "'""

originally immigrants multiethnic

o/ffi: ;J;s;J;s, -fd.'6(lt'';f:J.o 7 J 1} iJ~?J-A f--7 1} 7(;:1:, t /: : t /:::~~<7)00f.:'7}'G,
natural actually
~1: -r,,e ""7l \ '6 <7) !;:I: ~ft T-t7}\ ~(;:1:, ~·1 ''J ~, 1 .f' 1
) A~, 7 7 /A -f.J.· ~:::·· t,
~~ ~i~fio t:~

11!:. <7) 00 ~1"131~ 7]' G <7)~ ~ 7]{-t ~·· < ~ \ '-c·-t h o
(J>h' 1; \I~

type live
') -f 7 -c·-tho -f L -r, < v- / 7!i, -r· ""7 t: 1f 7], G, ti•L
\ ';; \ ';; -rd.·~i~Q)f-.7]{;J. G
L~<>" C

some\vhal feel excited

(I] Cli~Itl~
~ 06 Gir- v:: § .Z ;~d~ "C'ffJIF~ L -c <t!.?: v' o

rn ~J,, t ii .t
""7 -c 'j{ F"~ t ~ .Z <7) ffJIF& ':t- L -c <t!.?: v'o
01 'f:!B3<fdd:, :*:~aifft(d: l$1ilUmF~9J t~t~\,'~ltt.:o C:.'fv/;J: I$1Fm~~F~9J C'9iJ'o

06 $ 133 <fv (d:' ? v - :/ J7 t= 1:Y <(f) iJ~' z. p \, \ C' 9 iJ' 0


- ~ ~ (}) HfJe t
n~ [_,
)t;~iJ' B ~O);f~~ ~ c~O)!IiBI::v::---::> v' -c~Jli LiTo J: <Jjfjv• -c <t!.?: v'a

WI -1
_tO)r~7-c'I 'Y -!:=1 ':t-=l=v•-c <t!.? v'o
1. rtai;L (

) i it (

6. :f;:.~O)jtg~I:L ~~.;~~.;-rJ.- (
l:::;i!Jt:>-fiiHtlf'-li IJ i -tL·L

) t- -t 6 0)/.7'1 I

\~ --c-r 0 *~*1\, _ _ _ _ _ li, #&5fofE01::: t it:tl\JE01::: t ')->

) L l::
) I::: -fJ.' 6 f: Jt:> 0) ) ( ) O) _ _ _ _ _ T-t o

8 7.js;. 0) J: 7 I:::, h. tC -fJ.' Ji5J t J: 7 -rJ.'

I:L Jt:>fG L1 1 T-fo


) 0)).._ ll(w

Key Sentences and Key Words

Study the following sentences while refering to the l?~::f: (: § ~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.

people living
since the beginning of Meiji has been making its own way as one nation GN3 (past to present) in this country

CD s.Ji 5~ Y-A *' =(}) oo 1i =(}) oo ~ Jf.1.i'L ~ L -r ~ -"") -r ~ ;;~: L t: 0 ..z- L -c :(})jjT
about one hundred and fifty years
since the beginning ofMeiji as one nation/people have shared life, history and their fate
~ G -t A.k t, B.Ji5~Y.A**-t1 150 ~Fa,, --::> (}) 00 !*. ~ L 1: :§=.5'3- t ~5t t if~~*
GN3 (past to present)

1. BJ15iiYA* 6. j:_)if;
.¥)11 \I ~\I {[Ill}'-:>

2. ~1:ft 7. lil'kL
f:::.!v \I tt~

3. :<J)@]T;J.~-tJ....k 8. ilift
(I: ( 1JU}t i!v¥>\1

4. B}15ii};.<,**' ~M
'1 150 t!U·,C 9. ~1f-t 6
V)\ I I I 1':,1 1.1(' ( ~ J: l f1J 7

5. @]~

GN1 (passive),
common trait that overarches differences or something like that often die.~?

8 ;$.A. I: I:L ;p tl·l~ ~ ~ ?t. f: *i! (}) ·!~ 1t (}) J: 1-I:J: t (}) -IJ{ <b 1) i -to LLfLif'~
work hard diligent meticulous obey rules and keep order not assertive
~ 1-IJ{ tC l:f 6 J, I i t &0 J, I JL if& iiJ J, I ;t,- ;t, t ~Jf ~ c;'f 6 J, I <b i 1J § c 3:.
judicious, reflective, considerate have strong sense of "being Japanese"
1&~ Lfo~.'\'j, 1.~;,-t)*\'j, -t L-r IB;$.A.~ L"l(})~~-IJ{~\'j fo~.·t:··-c-to

1. §?t*•li ~~;:{_ f:::. ~~<J)·Jiit

fc lH!'' :L-") ~ J: -)-"J 1 1±1 I
5. § c:i.
: :_ L 11li; J: i

2. JL~iiD 6. .~!!5*-\ \
:5 i;J:i.v':J£ L IJ J: _;:-r,.'

3. ~ff 7, ~~1H'$\'
1;--oll \' L ?< -ol

4. ~6

these past 150 years of history in which "everybody" has strived to build and develop this
® : tL G (}) ·!~ 1t Ii, I h tC fo~.' J -r- : (}) 00 ~ i! 1J ~ i
Lan abbreviation of @ -o c (volitional)
through GN1 die. i'F:;>
5t~i!L-r L f.::o
to discriminate people based on ethnic group, is prohibited; GN1 (passive),
nowadays nationality, religion, gender, etc. dlc. ~ I; 0
:£)1:f:E. I;L 1!!- ~~ I:, ~~, ~ fi, ~, •l:!£$1] fJ.' t:'' -r-1'& $1] -t 6 :::: t Ii '!t t I? tl -r \ '
(f,..{_,~~~, -tt i.l'\ l"5-

anyone equal person, individual associate with other people without any particular restrictions in other words
i o A Ii mt -c· t SJL ~ -rd., AM t: L -r § 83 I: 11!?. <7) A t: 5Z :h 6 :::: t: 77 { -c· ~ i -t o --? i
1:,\,lf ,{,
responsible individual be treated; GN1 (passive), die. t!l 7
'), AliJ,..A..Ji, q-~-rJ.'1t1f<h6MAt: L-r:t&:htti-to

1. ~~ 7. ~iTt
),,(,'(( t'it
2. OO~i 8. Sf- ~ -fJ.·
: ( """ u: l -j t'-)

3. ~
~ 9. § m1:1iJ:.(7)A. c::: )(;/-::> 6
t rjlj lin• 1ft H

4. •]i$1] 10. .--J:t;h 61ll'JA.

: t,(,
{f-11-"(--:J -ttolc,(,

5. j!t$1Ji' 6
~ ....:::-:~
11 . tzt 7

6. ~t6

1. 8 ;$-G0A.I:L BJl)1j ) in 150 it ra~' ----:;0) ( ) t L -r, :i.

G', : ( ),,(,

5'5 t ( t ) ~ ¥--if L -r ~ i L f: o
it~ j,(,
2. 8;$-A.I::::I;L t, ~ j
) ~ ~;{_ f: (
~ l 7 -oj
) G0'i'i'it-17":h 1) i-t 0

150 Sf-G0¥->t ~ (

3. )' ( )' ( )' ) -tJ.· t'' -r··,:& $1] -t 6 =t

: (
""" l11l7 ~ J: i
""'' "'...,
(;t L::GkL'T\'ii'o
) -tJ.· ) :h6 ( ) tLT (
u1: i t j L,(, ;},":Ji)'


stereotypical argument extend I don't intend to ~

-t L J: 7 0 ==T 7.. T v ;t 5' 1 7'f0-n fJ.' :>z: 1t~ ~~1m -t 6 ,;:,c -/;' 7,,(, T/,-/;'''
-:J t I) ti 1:, I) i-tt 0 --:J O)~:R_
tl!' L
E0 fJ.· Jt 4 ;, -/;'fc
~ illto L f::. ' \ t: J?.~t ' \ i -t o

regional strata each, individual

t :tl3*E0 fJ.· §?f: ~·li ~:f±%F?rJf E0 fJ.· §? ~·l'i.fJ.· t:''77.;; <itJ 6 : t: li ~ -J £ T t 1:> 1) i -tt Jvo 100- k- 0)
-t; \1~ J:-3-\:t\1 il'\1-'f-)
personality, individuality however on the other hand
A_0)1i•!i t t
Ut. :::: -l±\l
~?; Jv <itJ 1) i-to L 77' L fJ.·77f G, 1: 0)-::Q
-c·, ® §?~·li ~ m;t f::. *itO)•!iit
:::: ~J:J-:>-) -l±\ 1 L-:>
it is strongly suggested that···
O)J:7-t:J:t0)77f<fi:J6J:71:::~'\i-to L!f'LI;f~h 6 177{Jvlf'

3::. *- ~ L fi' \J,

L 1; i
f1.l J:
L IJ J: ,;: il'
\J, 1: L <: IB ;t.A. t: L 'l 0)~~77{~
\ L5 -) J: I

originally that kind of

'\J fJ.·t:·'-c·-to L77'L, :::0)00l'~~6A.k77ft
,, t: t 1:::1:7,\7

<. ® ::: n G0) •!i it I1, IJ,. l.JJ.· J -c· ::: 0) 00 ~ € -o(

I) ~ J:
consider that · · ·
~~ LJ:'Jo

private/personal matter
0 ~~~00~~*~-li t''!i, 7'71""- i' f.J_'

::: t t: fJ.· 1) i -to 1.- L <:, 1: n G !1 7' 7 1 .-.::- r -;i : : : t: t: L


IT!::~~ 6 =t: 77{--c ~ 6::f±~T-t 0

[] Z. 0) v 7 7- -t- C' ,;~:, E37.Js:A.O)'i'i~ ~?;)Hf'"l t, \19 o .Z: n ~ 7 -:)~~ -r
iJ;, :::_to
<tC. t3 t, \o

(1) (5)

(2) (6)

(3) (7)


Korea ~ origin
* ~* 150 _5f.O) M 1::: ~ 1
) 7 ~ o:>A./c i; '1"9"00~ o:>A.fc i; -IJ<:::. 0) 00 l~ G -t J: J 1::: -fd-' 1
) ::J: L fcc 'fi!J :Z I;L ~ 1
) 7 ~ 0)
;l)l'f;_ It\' f=t
A.k IH!T:Eif8 50 77 J'"
T, t'- :7 1945 .if-1::: liif8 200 77 A.\' ::J: L f: o
) t L "T -'(> -') "T -5 i L f: o -t L "T , :::: (J) 00

8 2);c (J) 'f I ::: t ~1!3 5~ 8<] 1o~.' §7 ** 'i:i -'(> :f±%

**'1:1 fo~.' t";7' ;h 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


f:. J: 7 -l±l \ "5 l 7 """) i

) ~ t --:; A k -!; C§__ \ ~
I (
(J) J: -3 1:::, :tJH\(J):f±%1:L (
L fo~.' ;? { G I::: :i. -5 6 :::: t ;? { T -5 6
It: I~ fu

$*1~ ih B :zjs:O)~t±~:;\.0 'C B:zis:l:!£¥15'"9 ibj}OOJvb tiLt "lv' i

-{--:J§'.t1 ::..< (±t,..> "ltlt'-/,l'0
To B:zis:iJ', j}OO/::l:l~O)A~:cv:J-c{h B:zls:O)A~:cv:J"lth §?tG
Lil)l') L/v lJ'C t .$/v

L <1£,, ~ Gnib c:: 0 ~: ~ tl~:fv' v' Ullh' i '"9 o

~$Jji;L 5*1::~~ i Lf::o ~~~ 1 T$A~"I:i£~~"'-C -t<"'::7 i?
1t " t> ''-t s75
platform gathering
~ tl::<: i L f::o *fr(Ej,!ID{O)Jt-L--.1:: 7 *1:: ~-@--t-t o
L/,coU.~ Loi:·-;

-Jj t:.~"/t''i Lf::77\ m;f~£t:J-LJ1J~£77'Jlt1::*--r~'i Lf::o

}; t t, ''""' '(' i "''" 7:5 ~
after that new member of the club one after another

1:- 0) 1~_,
*fr A .:go~~ 77' #!t )(> t: *- i L f:: o
l/,l:oj ,;: 1'/, 'f( 'f(
-r ~ ' 6 A
t ~ ' 6 L, ~o G -tol· ~ 'A t ~'i L
f:: o -t n 77' G, -lt1t,(,[;f\' ~.:go~ -r· 22 A -r· -to ~ ' -') L
¥ f:: i? 77 '*- i L f:: o -lt,(, ,;: [:,(,
1: I:: ~Jt ajj ~ ~ It f:: 1 Sf :i.
-lt-o•'"' j

feel disappointed
0) J-L m ~ ~~ 1:: :f~-@-77' ~ < -ri-') -r, *i-tt tC T L f::
£I :i, ~.; 0 i? 1: -') t: 77'-') 77' 'J L i L f:: o
'<'ito -o :·-; '""'
special rapid service last stop in front of the station
;h f:: L f:: i? I:i, 7 * 15 );)'" 0) t~ _'51] ·~1! I::* -') -r , ~ J;J;i, 0) .~R i
,), . (_, t:<""-:J'I)'''~< (J) Lrtd'T£
-r·n ~ i L f:: o .~KM" T I:i f::

about climbing starting point

< ~£0)A77';{A.~il"7t~'i
Lf::o -t~77'G, ¥ll*Fa~J{/ZI::*"7t,
'(' ( c ,,~,
t 75'/, ('I;
stretching some

i Lf::o ~t:KO)A. ~ V'JT~ L(, ~13ti::J-LJl]~£77'Jf£f.,t.·~~J7)(, ~'<-J77'5i.;'t~

~\,\ :::: ;f;-:J i;rP7 \\

front mountain~use
;h f:: L !:i, JltJi~ 0) wJl] ~ £ 0) -t <"13t l) ~ ~ ~ i L f:: o J-L ffl O)li\it l:i,
-lt,Z,tj il ;t;;, '<'i~i (-o
some places
~ "') f: J: I) ~ ~ J(> -t 77' -') f:: T -t ~ I j: it < ( ' t: ~
0 l) t:" ~ l) I :: E:J\ \
-'t~ ;t>;

See Grammar

~ 0) B I;i , 9 *-'¥- I:: ~ ~ :k~ J7) -r , 7 /

Bits 5, p.128.

(;t L
tent site
r +}- 1 r I:: :1f ' 1 f:: 0) I;i , 4 *-r· L f:: o
1*- ~ ~ A ;ft
~ l'P ilt\ \ \I

strength confidence fairly, quite

( ' 6 * ra~-'¥- ~ ~ i L f:: 0 {:z!s;. 77 I:: Ij: §C 1§ 7) { <b I) i L f:: 7) {' It -') ~ 7 f:: ' \""" lv ""(' L f:: 0
fc\' 1) H l/,
[] Cl~jifi~
~ 66 Gi'J>v: ,-§ ,Z ~ i c'*-*'Ml L --c <t!. 2: v'o

rn ~ ri'IH:: !§ x
A: 7"c'ijfF"'~ tit ,Z 0)*-*'Ml ~ L "l <t!. 2: v'o
mountain climbing

01 ilJ~fJ 0)~-2;-[J:, 1PJa~H:,

c.' z.., 7! Ld::tJ'o

)161:7J'JiJ/i0)1*1'Jv:--::>v•"l~fli LiTo J:
~I_,>~ /v
<OOv•"l <t!.2: v'o

[A] L.
3, 4 J\.0) :7" Jv-7"-c'JiJ/iO)l*i:Yv:--::> v' "l~fli L --c <t!. 2: v'o

~lfx.w !i-* ~ ~~ -c-i!f~ \I J-L T, 2017 ; - ~ Jt, <ts IJ i-t 0 *~~ -r-
t-j ~" t ''i?I!,C
top, peak mountains
2000 ; - ~ Jt,v;, J:. 0)
'' t!i
w1i ~lfx.w t:' -c-t -rn t!i
J:. -h' G1i, it <0) wk 0
~!7 U? \"l'\"l'
view, gaze at have snow on it
-r:- fJ.' -hf 06 6 ::: t: -hf T -5 i L f::: o -t L -r, it < I::~~ -h' ,;: -:> rp~
f::: '¥; ±
,), t.:
w/., t

grand, magnificent
J'Lt i L f:::o ::: tC fJ.'/&:J\. fJ.'~~ ~ JL f::: 0) li, -t f" / { Jt, J-LI::.ff-:> f::: t: -5
ljJ 7 to' ' It L ~ ",C
J>),*-T-t o
\1 t.:,\1

gradually when I noticed

6 (;It:''~""" i L f:::o ~"h{""{Fa
( i,
< fJ.' I) i L f:::o ~-hf-:J
< (::, ~\I-:>(;!:"\ I
shooting star night
1::£-hflt-:>l"\ 1 i Lf:::o 5At.kl£tJL-:>Iti Lf:::o ~l::fJ.'6t:, 5J1fJ.'O)I::, t:-rt*--h'-:>
li L 1fil' '•'>i' If L ;, J: 6 :< t;

f:::T-to -r-t, irJt::: Lf:::i;li, )10)::7(;0)'-"f(:', ~:i!!< iT~Ii~ Li Lf:::o

-:>:!; 1/>i''l J?-t
8 * t: \I 7 :9~ 00 1::*-t::: }J f::: Ll:: t:-:> ""{' =O)~(i*~ 1:: -t (;f G L \
li,C t 7
1 ~.l~fr{(:'
It\ 'it ,C
L f::: 0 -t L -r'
this way
"k t 3.' i; t: ' =J. JJ.' I:: 5*- < \
I .; \ I .; fd.' ~I; ~ L l: 0) ( i ' 1:1:1:
fJ] 01) -r T L f::: 0

w~ r J?
'J -r * ~ 1:: t t:'' -:> t::: G, .t t::: , t:f m < tC 1:: ~

this time
[I] Cl~i-~
~06 GiPv: ~ ;Z_ ~ i 1:*'*~ L -c <t!."/!: v'o

w ~rr:o, t t£ x
""7 -cwr"~ t ~ x_ 0)*'*~ ~ L -c <t!. "/!: v'o

06 :::. 0) EL 15di,
~ h' -:; t.: T! 9 h' o

outdoor activity memories

? I' FY5i511J
I. 'Iii
9Gl±.7J'7 '7 ~ F7~15j)JO),~'v•l±\v:-::>v•-c~L iTo J: <!Jflv•-c <t!."f: 'v•o

_t 0) T ~7 1: I 'J {: 1 1r If 'v \ -c <t!. -':!: 'v \ 0
i L f: o (

) 2< i L f: o

l A_, l:::rpJ
) ( ,;: \ ,;.._,

j L
) I;t ( ) <-c

--:> T \ ' <- - - T L f: o

::::<7)81;1:, 1*~~)\..;ft(, 6B'fM-'f~2<::J:Lf:o 1 }~;{,1;1:

) I:= I;t
f::.\' IJ l (

) ;7"<h 1) i Lf:;7", It--;:::: 7 ~;?'fLi Lf:o

~ 11x. J.r I:l: 5\t ~ :tiVC' (
J- ~ }~ (
\I tli

~I1X.J.r<7)TJU:-I.i'G, 1 )~!CI;L ( ) ~-1.!',;:-')t="±J.r~Jt

i L f= o -t !C 1o~.' iit:k. 1o~.' ( ~Jt6<7)i:J:, .:f--j-;\';~J.r

It L ~

t .~ 1 \ i L f= o -t L -r , J.r <7) §iS ~ L f= 1 \ t .~ 1 \ i L f= o

Key Sentences and Key ords

Study the following sentences while refering to the I i~* t § ~J booklet. And practice
reading each sentence aloud.

present in terms of law discrimination prohibit differences accept it is assumed that · ·

CD :t;t:fE <7) 8 *- -c· I:L *it~ 1:: I:L ~$1J f ~¥b.l::. L -r 7 tl'i:i f w.~ <16 6 : ~ 1:: 7:J:--:~ -r \ 1

people actual mind attitude

i -to r"'t , *!I ;L A k
<7) ~ ~ <7) ~ ~llU:: Jill JJr -c· -t o

1. :fjt;G:!]) 81:
6. ~,:g.l')
2. 5!1*8tJ
(1 1) -:Jl
1::: ~
7. }..._k

3. J!t$1) 8. ~f§f-!])
~ "''") t "?~~I

4. ~Jl::.-96 9. ""'-~
~,c L \I L~

5. 37i*•l:1 10. ~Jj[

.t -)-I±\\
f:::. f::_\ \ t:

different kind of people live are not accustomed to

@ : <7) 00 <7) )J: --!; I;L 7 tl -r.,~.· A k 1:::: \ 1 --:~ L J: I:: 1:. ~ 6 : 1:::: I:: t~ fL -r \ 1 i -l± A., a 7 tl
( 1: ut
unity tendency, disiposition

'l:il 'J t IJiiJ t-c·<V)6: tJ f' l-1:f.T<V)6: tJ f::kVJI::-t6l1~j{;JI77{<V) 1) i-to

1. y;f,R7-J.·
f, l7
5. -1*
\ 1--;f::_\ I

2. :'£~6
,, 6. *-.t)J-tJ.·

3. •11ttL6 7. 1tYi foJ

f£ lt1 <:. i

4. Plt

1 an abbreviation of
*" \
young people from abroad lc

® .h f: L I;L :9~ 00 tl:l ~ <7) 1

f: --!; 77{ f: < ~ 8 *- T1±~
L :· t
f L, 8 *-O):f±%-c·
live life I expect Lhat · · while learning virtuous elements of Japan
~~L-r<n6: \ \ a f"LT, 8*-<7)\\\ 1 ifl~~tJ5tLfo~.'IJ'~§
life create I would want U1em Lo ~

1j-!v ~ L \ 1 A1:. f~1J€ L -r !1 L \\1::::

"':) -r \\ i 0
1. t8Jr 5. \ \ \ \iiD
L•o L,(, !';,(,

2. ~~ 'Af: i; 6. '?ZZ ~x_ -g 6

""' IJt ;Y ~ J LtP 7

3. ~G-t 7. A.:!£
< L,(,{[l •

4. Mi'f-t 6 8. ~~J~-96
~ f::_\ \ c i -'t'i

* (/) * \\A f: 1; t
to see people from abroad live actively and lively

G) -t (/) l 7 I: itJ foJ ~ I: ~ ~ 6 I :9~ 00 ill ~ (/) A t: 1; I~ Jt l ' 8

I would want them to be more vital and active
t -") t 7t~ 1: -tJ.'-") -c !1 L \, t: ~-") -c \'i-to

li-) 1) 'J

L~ f::.\' t.

( \
i -1± tGo :?T*'J:i l I) t ~~ L l';}, ~ =C:: J ~ I( \ ,.., f::_\'

) 1:-t~ ( ) -/;{;},I) i-To

GL--c<n~=t~ ( f:\ \

) ~
( . no.45 J

r,,~!;L AkO)~~O);'t~ 1:: ~~T-L

tf...J!'-' Ul:".r!t l:-?~\ 1 11 L~ f:::.'' t"

since the beginning of Meiji people, nation GN3 (past to present)

a)i)~YA.*-, : : : 0) Jj 0) Af: i; !i--::J 0) Jj ~ ~ L 1"-\"'--:> 1" ~ i L f:o l-r )._JJ: -r--, '--:> L J: 1: 7]'
¢,! \ I t \ I ~ \ I < (:::: "(} t : < ;.,. !v
GN3 (past to present) therefore
A., I::f --:> 1" ~ i L f: o 0) -c ® ~ ;f! fJ' A k ,, ~ 6
1:: ' ' --:> L J: I: :i.

1;f.('J;)6::::: C::j ~;k1:}JI:-f'61~foJ7}fj;) I) i-f'o L7]' L, ~!;J:, ~

f:::.\ I f:::.\ 1-{f--;:> It\ I;: 7

;f! -fj:lf:l-0)
Ak 1:::' '--:> L J: I: :i. ~ fJ' It n!f'fJ'
l(t\ I
1) i -1± tCo
tourist every year increase
a:t-1:*-6:9~jjA~1G~!i.1¥-k:J;~;Oo L (\'i-to a:t-7]'~f~
n'A,:H~< tl/,tl,(,'<J "'
come to study
T, a ::zjs;. I: 1i t; :9~ 00 A
t :J;~
:Z T ' ' i -to a ::zjs;. 0) :k ~ m
I: IJ. j,j<~( L T,

2'f ~ 13t t a :t- T1±*

t-,r,; :· :·t
~ L T, a :t- -c·;J. G-tAt :J;~ :Z T' 'i-t
< L

fJ'--:>1"1lL\'~ --:>1"\'i o a:t-1:::''7007]', ?'~OOtl:\!fO)AI:::
carefreely, without wonies
~--:> -r t a ::zjs;.O) 1::: t, 0) rJ'O) U: 1:: §l ~ G L <::1:. ~ Gn 6
t:::::.; ~
( 1)

) T-t o

=< h£

L J: 1: (

*-*'11:. J:: rJ t I ( \ '-> f:\ \

7'~ 00 A ( l.:t5f-k ) L -r \\ i
;,·£ ::: 7 -7:'7 i)•

-fo 8*<7)-*~1: L -r, iit

1Jt1>i fJ'( ~ l i
t, 8*(' ( G-tAt ;:{_(\\i-to


8 * t \ \ 7 00 /;\ 7'~ 00 ill~ <7) A _______ t, 8 *

<7) A. _ _ _ _ _ _ t, <7) U <7) U t § ~-------:'£
Grammar Summar t Unit 10- Unit 12

rn ~J..~*: since~ l,\ f>l.'


C2J ~S L,t, \ : -ly, -ish

~G L \ ' entails that "the nature" of the reference is fully exerted and displayed. Some examples
are .Y t" t G L \ '~'& L 4, -!,•f,
:i. G L \ '~'& L 4, 1t :i. G L \ '~'& L 4, .Y t" t G L \ '~~, 8 7.f A G
E~~ etc. When the nature of the reference is not exerted or displayed, they will be .Y r.·· t _l2_1j_

-tJ.· \ ' ~'& L 4, *

:i. G L < -tJ.· \ '~'& L 4, 7t; :i. G L < -tJ.· \ '~'& L 4, .Y r." t G L < -tJ.· \ '~~, 8 7.f A G
L < 1J.' \ '~~ etc. As you might have noticed, this expression presupposes cultural stereotypes of the
reference. And against these stereotypical perseptions § 77'- G L \ ' or § £- G L < is often discussed.
t .;:,c

(2) h. ;(JJ.· -IJ'I]) u·l]) U' r. § 77" G L <:i. ~ Gn 6 r. =: l) 1:::f4.' ;fl(;f\ '\ ' U~ \ 'i-to (Unit
(3) tJ f::. L i;J:*t(I])Jt;:i. T-t-IJ\ Jt;:i. G ~ 1 ~'& L41Hf~ -r·l;t ch 1) i -l± lvo
(4)1ti])A1Lt<. 5fJ'i'ii:::I;J:I5fJGL L-tJ.·~~~Jr.. -fLT-:k'l'ii:::I;J:I-:kGL L-tJ.·~
t;I}'L t~A--th \ t .t -t:!:-1 I

:not 000

(1) f::. t:· §II]) ]fJ 1])1±*

L c·t
~ =1J.· -t Lt 1± * :i!~ t~
L T 1 ' l) 1 ' l) 1J.' =: r. ~ *.;:=:
r. 7J'
~ *T-t o 8)
t fjl i J: i
(2) ::= <7) 00 -c·:i_ -5 6 JJ:. -t; -IJ" t t
<I: ~~ Vt
t t -f: 7 \ \ 7 A. f::. -t; t~--; f::. (J) -r !;!:f,t <, : = n G <i')']i.jt
-tt~ 1 L-::l

f f::. < "2 /v ~ ;{_ 6 <7) -I;", 8 ::zf.~ 1fJ 19' <7) _If- it (easy and effective way) T -t 0
l?lf L•i ~ < ll:'i'hi;

... ;: cli:tc~:::>r~,,*-g / .. ·<=c~¥~m~L/L"l,'*9

i! f:.!,\

These sentence-ending phrases are also often used in argumentative discourses in addition to the
ones you studied in the previous Grammar Summary.

... h tt "t ,;~:itt>~) 1il: it : it doesn't mean that ...

-IJ'n G (;Jjtfr L \ \ :i. -5 6J~pfj- f 8 ;:tl:: 5]<_&1} f::. bIt T!i ~ 1) :t -tt £a (Unit 10)
'' If L" t ~

···?~~)!!itt>~) 1i1: it : I don't intend to~

: = ::= T 7.. -T v :t 5' 1 7'[0.f,,e

)Z 1t~ f mtfm -t 6-:> t 1) li ~ 1) :t -tt !va (Unit 11)
,;:,{., -/;' ;; /..., T ~ ,{,7)'\ I


(Unit 11)

t "" ~ 7:! L. ? : we should consider that · · ·

1:: "":J L\ T : it assumed that · · ·

hf::. LI;L 5'~00:±:~<7)*\\A.t::.-t;-IJ"f::. < :5/v, B::zf.<l)fl~--c;J.G L -c < ;tt;s::= t

LtP., LA, f:.-/.1' Vt L-'1"7)'1 1 <
~ - ~:!. _-:>~ ;f.;"- :ch-iV -+-----------------------------

-~IIJ~iij (compound verb) etc.
,s,<~?E? ~

Practice saying the following words or phrases paying particular attention to the intonation patterns.

(I( no.46]
iP !v l: 0) J:. Ji- /(p f.: iJ> lv L: 0) ;(p ~ I'J> t.= ~= ~i lv ;::::'0) U: ~ L I'J>f_:
5l'if(J)~ifth 7J 5l'if-(J):f" ~ 7J 8 ;zjs;:~tj- (f) ~ii; L 7J

[I( no.47]
l: ~ -) ~= l: ~= f_:rZ~;i l: /i6 i L f-:=o -f VC ~ /v l: ~= f_:rZ;B P ~ i L f-:=o
12 ll9'1:::~"":/(f~&l) i L f::o -f L T, 3 ll9'1:::~""~h 1) i L f:o

bt-: Lt-:i:::J!i, ~ lv l:7J'Iv, t-:rZ·:y:J~ti Lt-:=o

hf: L t:t, I;L 3 ll9'M, ~""#.iftlt i L f:o

(I( no.4s]
( i)
~ J: -) v> < y AT A1rvtv• ;tv' Y AT A~=< h- -:./v-c"v• iTo
~1f:/ A-T L.. ~~~'8':/ A-T L..l:::*llh-16;(, Tl 1 i-to

bt-: Lti, -.:.-)-.:.-) ~.:C-J ~~ J:-) L "'C7J' G, ~=~ilv tv'-) d?Jt::.. G Lv•-ltiH•~=
h f::: L li, ~tx ~ Zf~ L T -!.d:,, 8 ;zp;. t \'-) ~fr L \ 'l!W-1:::

t Z:f'-.:. h- i L t-: o
1Jll:[/i2:,h. J: L f:o
The following five grammatical features are selected and explained in here. These grammatical
features recurring across different discourses need special attention.
Each of them are to be studied at a particular point indicated with [ J within Part 2 of "NIJ."
And also when they appear in the Conversations or Lectures in "NIJ," they are indicated by means of
abbreviations with particular prompts to understand it in a bracket as shown below.

[Unit it should be studied] abbreviation (prompt to understand)

1. Passive Expressions [Unit lJ --+ GNl (passive)

2. ~(\I< [Unit 2J --+ GN2 (outboundly), GN2 (toward the future)

3. ~T<6 [Unit 3J --+ GN3 (inboundly) , GN3 (past to present)
4. Causative Expressions [Unit 4J -+ GN4 (causative)
5. Volitional Expressions [Unit 9J -+ GN5 (volitional)

In the following explanations and in the annotation to the text, "die." means dictionary form.

As you are more or less familiar with them, passive expressions can be categorized in two types. The
first type expresses that someone redeves another action. The action can be psychological
or verbal (passive expression A). Also, it can be physical (passive expression B). Another type of
passive expression is the (passive expression C). Some examples of each kind are
shown below.

another verbal

1. .:.y- t" t (}) t 2' , tJ f:: L Ii J: <~ 7$ L i L f:: o -'brt T, J: < )( I:::

i L f:: o ~:X:: (theses, papers) (}) ~ 1::::

- .!(' ~
(b) Passive expression 8 - receiving another person's physical action

3. ~15( I :::;f'f <t ~, 1

) :5 tC Ii3t I::: 11 ;;{ ~ :fL i L t: o (Unit 9 (J) Conversation 1)

(Unit 9 (J) Conversation 1)

Type 2

(c) Passive expression C - intelligent passive

2. B;tt~Tii, VC-;,fJ"fJ·t:, tJIJtJ-Tt, 5l*fJ{1tb l"\\ii""o
"'fv C

3. VC-;,fJHJ•(::fJIJ-tJ-}-(;J:, 5l*fJ'C-;,1'f~:flj: Lf:o
LfF GtL 6 +-1'1' G:lj;::t::I+- die. 11.2_

(Unit 5)


(Unit 7)

o (Unit 9)
passive phrase. In case of stem verbs (ru-verbs or group 2 verbs), all you have to do is to delete the
final 6 and add G tL 6 . And in case of -9 6, just change it into ~ tL 6 .
While type 1 passive expressions are often used in daily converations and you should be familiar
with them, type 2 ones are broadly used in elaborate intellectual discourses. Hence, more examples
belonging to type 2 are shown and explained below.

--t-3-F? li"?lt£ li-:>&f.JI,\

A. ~Jil (creation, construction), #.JL (discovery), §f.BA (invention), etc.

2. 7/')tJI:L :Jo/7"7-l::l-:Jl"#.JL~tLiLf:o

3. ][ iJ (gravitation) IJ:, 71 -if''') ;7 • ~ .:l- ~ /1:: J-:J l §!JL ~ tL £ L f:o

L. j IJ ;(

5. ~~'i5-li, 7"7/\f, · ~;t,l::l-:J<:"#.BA~tl:t Lf:o

L-t 6

B. it is said/written/assumed that ...

(Unit 9)

.,___die. "'lt.i_

(Unit 7)

C. is required to~

G -r \:1 5)
L;:JtJI:>~+ Gn6

G 8)
L;:JtJI:>~+ Gi(l6
~T \ ' < do not add any substantial meaning to the sentence. It indicates that the action or event
occurs continuously and it occurs from the current point to a distance in space (here to away) or time
(present to future). As you may have guessed, \' < in ~ T \' < is derived from 1t <. Study the
examples below.

2. h f: L (::: ,;: -::> IJ' "'7 f: § ~ ~ (the bicycle that bumped into me)
(;L 1PJ
t § ;h fJ.· \' T", jlt "'7

The kind of use exemplified in 1-3 is prompted as "outboundly", and the kind of use in 4 is
prompted as "toward the future" in the Conversations and Lectures in "NIJ."

3. ~ <
~T <6 do not add any substantial meaning to the sentence. It indicates that the action or event
occurs continuously and it occurs from a distance to the current point in space (away to here) or
time (past to present). As you may have guessed, <6 in ~ T <6 is derived from * 6. Study the
examples below.

2. )(li1±$--r·J < B?.j;:l:::ff~ i Lf:o ~o\ll'-"JT

L c· t •ht
<6 t ~li, \'-::>tJ;±&"fll:-'7-r~ i Lf:o
;., '<' If
(Unit 4 (}) Conversation 2)

(Unit 3)

The kind of use exemplified in 1 and 2 is as , and the kind of use in 3 and 4
is promted as to in the Conversations and Lectures in

As you learned in elementary Japanese, causative expressions presupposes asymmetrical power
relations between person A and person B. And a causative expression means make B do
or B to do depending on the context. In the c.Actun"'"'~

below <person A> is the mother (£}),the father ()() or the teacher (7t::=E). the cAa.nw1c~.
;! L f:o

1=77'-li ;t L f: o
L1f7'-i± ;s +---:1'7'~+- die. 1fi_

Be aware that inflectional verbs (u-verbs or group 1 verbs) change into -~"J.' \ 1 -form in order to form
causative phrase. In case of stem verbs (ru-verbs or group 2 verbs), all you have to do is to delete the
final 6 and add ~ -1± 6 . And in case of -t 6 , just change it into ~ -1± 6 .

Also study the following examples that you find in the Lecture.

;t -to (Unit 4)

go), ~"""' ;t L J: 7 (let's
jJ\.1,< ;t L J: ") 1,(;;1!1) ;t L J: ") begin), etc. These to
volitional forms such as 11":::: 7 , ~"""' J "), jJ\. t 7 and Jr.(;; I!!) J 7 expresses wm or volition of
the the from the Conversation.

2. 7 7 '/ fJ t -/ 3 ;]-;- !~ • /\'!~I::: t :: 1 t -y -r ';t 4 (}) Conversation 1)

3. <v-:/7(})::::tl::t .1:.1:::11"< iTI:::, t--:>t LJ:'?t -y'l\';t

4 (}) Conversation 1)
f:::. \ \ t ~~ -:J ( \ \ i -t expresses desire of the speaker, ~ 7 t .~ -:J ( \ \ i -t simply means they are
thinking of the action.

Other expressions in which volitional form is used are explained below.

(a) ~J:: 5 C:J!'l5 : make up one's mind to -


(Unit 6 !]) Conversation 2)

3. ;J\§Jl f:f: 1 t: ~\ \ i L f:::.IJ\ -~"J.'IJ'1J.'IJ'\ \\\ J 1 -?'! (idea) IJ{tl:l ( ~ i i± /v (' L f:::.o
L>i-1!:-:> T

(Unit 11 !]) Conversation 1)

(b) ~J::5 to - , work hard to -

2. .J: -J t: L i L f:::. IJ'. ::J- 1:::.- f ik!v t::·!]) l'. !Jl GtL i-tt;,_, -c· L f:::. 0·

3. 8 4'-A.Ii I h !v -~"J.'J -r··:::!]) 00 f €< 1) ~Jl,c ~ .J: 1 t: L i L f:::. o (Unit 11)

< 1: _., ti~c
ord List with Translations
M~~g*!..! 7- 1--

o Listed below are words appearing in Conversations and Lectures of "NIJ" that are beyond N4 of JLPT are listed here.
o Words indicated with " *"
are not listed in the vocabulary list of JLPT.
· 1-C= Unit 1, Conversation I 1-L= Unit 1, Lecture

v't>!:f in a sense, so to speak 10-L

* 1 /7 :t - ? Jv informally 8-L
*IT infonnation technology 7-C ~=

1!3 t:: f) frjO)

obvious 6-C IJ
t&-? treat, deal with 11-L JJJ2:
movement, trend 9-L

i.l)-ci5 call on 9-C * ~;Utf'f-::> born and raised 10-L, 11-C

'J .:Ct.!.

*7::C...) animation 4-C, 7-C ~-611 fate, destiny 11-L

') !vlh~'

a certain- 9-L II
*X7::J/ air conditioner 4-C
or 3-L, 4-L, 5-L
* .Z&i:t
~Rnir in front of the station 12-C

~2:]] way of living 2-L, 6-L, 10-L *X::J/~'J/;1 economic animal 9-L
,, 'lrf;:_
,, survive 7-L
* 1IpWif'1-t
Edoperiod 11-L
f'f},t\ parenting, childcare 9-L ~ ~ t.:_~,

P( t
1~i5 get, acquire, gain 6-L
f'f)j)(; (-9i5) educate, train, develop 4-L, 8-L

* v'( -::>;0• some 7-C, 12-C II

~JiZ consciousness, awareness, 11-L, 12-L
iE\v';O'~t i5 chase 9-C

"' Le> *.=E* royal family 4-C

sense,mind J>1 (t

*.=EI!I kingdom 4-C

*1:A7A!Jijz Islam, Muslim 4-C, 7-C .H-J::(
Europe and America 9-L
1M¥ (-9i5)
depend on, rely on 6-L
*:?- ;{_ i5 finish, put an end, complete 9-L
-1JliH::: .. o/jv' not always, not necessarily 7-L j;

,,, -}L t ij i5 * §;- ;0• n:J.n;;: ;0, ac more or less 8-L

be banded together 7-L :f3.i3 T(
* §;- T 2:'' i5 too much 6-C
grown-up, adult, independed 3-L, 4-L iLf>

individual *:!3':6'2.1"1 guest 1-C


one body, be united 3-L, 12-L *:!3$'2.1/v guest 1-C, 8-C


sense of unity 5-L, 8-L *~:l'fll far reaches, the innermost 2-L
.b( tc,

fixed 5-L * ;!32:_··:5;0>\;\ pocket money 5-C
('"C) on the other hand 7-L, 8-L, 9-L, * :!3 t:.vd) "'1v grandpa 3-C
feel down, feel depressed 9-C
*15<1'J!- Inuit 2-L "
:B'f{~v' help 4-C
:fill rice plant 3-L
4-C, 8-C
\>t]; *:!3# temple
* filltU•
lJ rice reaping, rice harvesting 3-L
* :B~:fi.l)'l:>'\'/v grandma 3-C
*1/yy (wild) boar 1-L
:t-71/.. office 4-C
*/tO)t2::.;s for now, cull'ently 3-C
H' * J:>'f:;ft-.:-lt-9 i5 keep someone waiting 3-C
5f$R; inm1igrants 11-C
~\ h-1>- * J:>±.£ souvenirs 4-C
h- --\'If
* 1 'E potato 2-L
~J:\ parents 4-L
since 9-L, 11-L, 12-C,
*:t-7/'7-7/ orangutan 5-C
:T 1)X/'T- orientation 6-C
~ rock 5-C
!hot spring ! 8-G 'i'll!:'MI
custom, customary practice, 6-L

~ mosquito 9-C
be habitualized, be 1-L
*' conventionalized
r~.t~ (i"l.>) open as an international port 8-C
feel, sense
1 F~'~
people with foreign roots 10-L, 12-L
( L,;.;. L/v L-?
!lkl,f., concern, interest 5-L, 11-C
* 'i~:fif4Jll!
tea-ceremony dishes 4-C fpJ..,LA.-
*~31.[~ executive officer 9-L
Gt~ (i"l.>) improve 9-L '/i•lv IJ L.t(

lm'Jlif') rank, class 7-C,11-L 11

* 00 7)>-lt 1.>
let someone hear 4-L, 8-C
*'~:iB.f rapid train 12-C
* ~i,)'-:::> < notice, become aware 12-C
r,Jij:f;rj (i"l.>) pioneer, reclaim, develop 4-L ~

period, term 11-C
OO:fni'L-?r pioneer 10-L
*F>fl~JI)(J., listen, catch
* ii1 f / :A 1
guidance 6-C ~ t
6-L, 7-L, 8-L
{£~ company, corporation
2: ~1)
'l'k:~ij comfortable, pleasant 5-L
technology 7-C, 7-L
7i'1 F (mountain) guide 3-C
basic, fundamental 4-L
0096" (i"l.>) develop 5-C, 7-L
Jl:JHif (i" 7.>) 12-L
* c)lil£ (i" 7.>) change, modify 2-L
t:; f.:O>

~ t..:.(
raise, keep, grow 2-L
methodical, meticulous 11-L
price 7-L
~-:::>"' hard 9-C
chemistry 7-C
*~-::5< notice, realize 10-L
l'jl:;j'!Jf innovation 7-L
'h•( L/v
skill 7-L
i!!Q$; past 5-L, 6-L, 11-L
jp ;:_
basic 7-L, 8-L
housework 9-L
compulsory education 4-L
earn 6-L
~~= on the contrary, in reverse 4-L, 10-C
* Mft:>tbl: < win out 7-L ~- ~· (

"' "
il'-:>7l'1Ji"7.> feel disappointed 12-C
*'f'fyf gap

career 6-L
iJfi!llJJ (i"l.>) operate, act 1-L, 6-L, 7-L
campus 10-C
* 71 ;; 7' Jv couple 9-L
break (time), rest
~;f:'E process, course 4-L
7r 't"~.t' ~JV!3l (i"l.>) absorb, learn 12-L
home 9-L
i,}>ij I)
2•!1 J:
pay, salary
fairly, quite 1-C, 9-L, 10-C
salary 7-L
7,}>.$1, have- on 12-C
astounding, astonishing, 5-L
:filii* god 3-L incredible

school subject 4-L event

itchy 9-C common, mutual
curriculum 6-C * (i"~) share
their 2-L, 10-L l:i%1J (i"l.>) cooperate, collaborate 1-L

idea, opinion 7-C i,w,i''.i fishing village 3-L

way of thinking, view 7-L, 9-L, 10-C ~t:.~ prohibit 11-L
~'lvii iJ•t.:.

sense, sentiment 6-L ili:1"t (0)) modern 11-L
environment, surroundings 2-L, 3-L ili:1t1t (i"~) modemize 4-L

sightseeing 1-C modern 2-C, 4-L, 5-C

* tomist 12-L hard-working 4-C

feeling, impression, touch 4-C, 8-C, 10-C,
11-C : 7-C
(i"l.>) thank, express gratitude 3-L
*Jll7-J6tr integrate 3-L, 8-L *~::1"'< ~ class(es) 11-C
< 0
;jJG L living, life 3-L Jiffl employment 6-L
< ,:::: J:)

;jJG-9 live, live life, make living 3-L, 11-C, 11-L, .:. ;/1- G these 11-L
this time 12-C
"blackship", steam ship 8-C
* ::J :/-lJ-JvJ7 :/ r- consultant 1-C, 4-C

~origin 1-C, 3-C, 7-C
-lJ--7Jv club, group activity 10-C
{f,f'§' ("90) lanage, run 1-C, 8-L -l)--1:::'7-
ttv•X.t.> service 5-L
tendency, disposition, trend 12-L
-lJ-17 Jv cycle 3-L
* ff.f¥1'\'$
economics 1-C
1*~ gathering, collecting 2-L
*,£¥l'f8(]~:: economically 11-C
LlvE,,-re, 1*ffl ("90)
employ, adopt
i%J!i* result 7-L
It-:> iJ• -lJ-1:/ sign, signature, signal 1-L
It-s>.:') fairly, qnite 6-C, 8-C, 12-C 5\:; end, tip 8-C

r.::t J:H::J language 1-C, 1-L, 8-C,
l:flvC." national seclusion 8-C
11-C ::..(

~T bite 9-C
J)l.{£ present, curr-ent; nowadays 2-L, 7-L, 9-L, 11-
L, 12-L *JJU ("90) discriminate 11-L, 12-L

2-L ~i~<i~ various, different 2-L, 4-L, 6-L

modern 4-L, 7-L, 11-L *~G-t expose 7-L

modern society 1-L, 5-L, 6-C "i!- G ~:: furthe1more 4-L

Kendo 11-C "i!-i::J-'\"zP~ cool, fine-looking 10-C

*~~ overtime work 9-L


~f~ after~ 7-C, 12-L * "i!- !v"i!-''!v~ terrible, disastrous 9-C

*I$g~ faculty of engineering, 1-C, 2-C, 7-C ~C1,f algebra 4-L

C.?il'( .;;- 't'lv-J-'7
department of engineering ]it)jj(; ("90) agree 7-C

* I~:t±;£;;
industrial society 5-L

*"Xffi!li ("90)
mingle 7-C *CG computer graphics 7-C

* t::'Jv skyscraper 2-C *':/71 deer 2-L

i'ili!'lt~ advanced 7-C LiP L~ii'G however 5-L, 11-L
.:-) t'

.:.") t'
highly 2-L, 3-L U'¥;1tJl time, period 10-L
* ~Jtl~! official language 3-C "'
*Eic3::5:& self-assertion 11-L
.::.? J:-) :::: L .:. L•ll>td

~*-0 go beyond, go over 5-L, 11-L * 1iili$iit measures and policies 9-L
L '<
~'<l:-il'vt0 call, talk to 10-C * E!:f±O) company's own 6-L
l L">"
* :::1-'1"1 ;r,- }- coordinate 1-L $1%'1 market 7-L
L L/,_,
confidence 12-C
:::J"-Jv goal 6-L
':/7-'Tb. system 7-C, 8-L
;::- < very 3-L, 6-L, 8-C
~:EJl. ("90) realize 7-L
l!l~ nationality 11-L
~~~0) actual 12-L
people, nation 11-L, 12-L
~:lif!j ("90) cmTy out 9-L
tc::> L
1~~ 0) each, individual 11-L
~li actually 2-C, 11-C
individual, each person 7-L, 8-L, 11-L
Llf'Lif' often, frequently 8-L, 11-L
111!1'1'1: personality, individuality 11-L
* §l!f oneself 2-L
L L/,
* nurturing, paretal cm·e 9-L
*§10-E! by oneself 11-C
~~0 different 2-L
L 4-lv L
subtitle 4-C
refuse, decline 10-C
i" subtitled 4-C
*.:.~"9 handle, manage 8-L
OOt± OOcompany 5-L, 8-L *f!T$ ('I§-) new graduate 6-L
L• L/vf--::J l<'
~'I§- -person 4-L, 6-L fJTA.1: freshmen, new student 9-C
l<• Lhl:e)J-)-Ito>

employee, staff 5-L, 6-L, 7-L, 8-L * fJTA.ll'~~
l!vi:•)'\ -I> ~·lv
new member of a club 12-C

*1±45; Wi\' iii

social strata, social class 7-C,1H Ai'& humankind 3-L

within the company 8-L
)!!! week 9-L * TV•..P(
7}(Ji§€:1i\1i -/p/..,
aquarium 5-C

~llli harvest 3-L 7}(83 paddy field 3-L

Ltdil•( T'•-c·;,

religion 7-C, 11-L .,
P&-? breathe, inhale, absorb 10-C

L•y-J .:>j
gathering 12-C ~*t
number, figure 9-L

1/E¥ (-90) engage in 7-L 7.iJ-7 scraf 5-C

tl)? t

* §Eil±.~;JI!i-i'f
t 11>-J L11> if ltv'~"'
free economy 7-L *-9<-t< quickly and healthily 3-L

Jl,ILJIR (-90) find and get a job 6-L, 7-L, 8-L )1!1!.::::'
-t spend (time) 5-L, 10-L

**!f,Jlj-JifflJ:? life-time employment 6-L jjff660

proceed, move something 9-L, 11-C
l!'l>1lh 2:.
forward, advance something
very important matter 6-L
tl1>7t.3.t:• t forward
~Jill group H,5-L
L~it.:Jv 7.:91Jv style 9-L
*~,¢.\ last stop 12-C
L>)')"C/v -t--c~~ nice, gorgeous, beautiful, 4-C, 5-C, 10-C
~~~ important 2-L, 4-L, 6-C, charming, attractive
t~? J: ')
8-L, 10-L
-t-ct: already 4-L, 10-L
* J:f~~~Tt
course registration 6-C, 9-C
*7.'Tv:t:917" stereotypical 11-L
staple food 3-C 89~
~,IJ:\,Jlf from- 1-C, 12-L *7.rv::;-T stretching 12-C

Lt'lt .b
house man, househusband 9-L -t--z--c all 4-L
* 1'L1?JIJd
<J'Ji!t hunting 2-L *7.'<* smartphone 9-C
type, kind, sort 10-L, 11-C
situation 1-L, 3-L, 5-L, 6-L, * 1:i?it!lt'i"':
lifestyle 2-L
~i!!:~c -century 4-C
arise, happen 3-L
~{t production 7-C
:fl-jjff promotion 8-L
LdL!v ttJif nature, character, trait 11-L
* :':?~:lctl;';liJ€
minority race 3-C
f~;j:$8(]~: mentally, pyschologically, 11-C
'1~¥& information 5-L, 6-C spiritually

treaty 8-C fljljt(t system 6-L, 7-C, 7-L

td-?( "ltV' I:'

job, work 6-L 11JJIJ
gender 11-L

* itt:t
foodstuff 6-C 1\':i'l-?
~ .i3
shoulder, bear 10-L

Ys:;:7~ shock 10-L *i!I:J'f.Jii!I World Heritage 4-C

~ i,PV' ~'

* y';;J\7, syllabus 6-C i!I:J'f-89~:

~ :1;·~,-c~
globally 7-L, 11-L

(-90) become independent 11-C * Jf1I:i!? 0 responsible 11-L
I)"? ~~t::/v

L 1)--::>
private (school) 7-C * <co
§ L f!:.O'
stone age 2-L

* -I~U\'1\i*v'
L !J 1~<1'
judicious, reflective, 11-L 1lt~s9t:
-ltc::o~l ( -c~
in a positive manner, actively 6-L, 8-L
considerate, sensitive
have contact with 10-L
:il!b' f: (-90)
advance, go on to (higher 4-L, 7-C
-1::~ cicada 2-L
*fir@] last time, in the previous - 10-L
At~- human resources 4-L, 8-L -1±'/,t,p\,\>
~1$: the whole 9-L
:il!blli (-9 .Q)
advance 7-C, 9-L -1±'/vf,:_\,>

* whole picture 3-L

life, one's life 6-L, 10-C, 10-L,
12-L 1G~J[ front, lead, head (of the line) 12-C

relatives 5-C * specialist personnel 9-L

¥1tlfJR... ~ ;!'1 t::.
* 1!-A...;ft./ i sophisticated !H ~t'Jtid:
t:. J:.'J
various, diverse, differen
kinds of~
9-L, 11-L, 12-L

*-f-?v>-) that kind of 11-L * t2H-
~~ <b nobody 3-L

:ti:ltm (-91.>) increase, rise, grow 9-L, 12-L .ljl.fll: unit 7-L, 11-L ~·
--f'-5 iJ•
*-f-J-91.>!:: as a consequence 1-L .@Ul' \'
stage 5-L

:flU~ (-91.>) create 2-L, 12-L *515fr

man and woman, man or 9-L
1Ji!;;i1ll (-90) promote, encourage, facilitate 7-L
~c< c~v
~kEt birth 1-L
i/:%4c one after another 12-C t-:lvl.:d

gender-equal society 9-L
rf-::J grow up 3-L t!lv C.t ~t1 t'-) ~/>(

f:t!. 1'±;§;
* f-0)1& after that 12-C
"t * f!A..t.t
515 fr Ji Jill~;§;;ltj
.::. l-? il•PE./v ~
Equal Employment 9-L
-fO)_U:: on top of that 9-C Opportunity Law
1-t ~~*
* -(-O)j~ after that 8-C
tEl~ in charge of ~ 1-C
* -f 0) t::.I/J t:: in order to do so 1-L
EB!vt;t· rice field 8-C
-f;f'L-('';!'10) each, respective 2-L

-f ;!'1 l:' so 6-C, 7-C, 8-C,

:lfu~ region 11-C, 11-L
i;, ~· §:
9-C, 10-C, 11-C
7--A team 8-L
-enc:<b but, still, nevertheless 2-L
1--A'J-7 teamwork 8-L
-(-;l'Lt:: moreover 6-C, 9-C
*1-:r:.-;;71/ check-in counter
*i-nto these 1-L, 11-L fJ'//17-
(-t .Q)
!~~ respect 11-L ;Jj;v'

difference 1-L, 2-L

J:lli!R district 5-C

~ <
E8,, rice paddy
:*O~~ lmowledge 4-L, 5-L, 6-L, 7-L
~ Lo
* t:.V•ip
t-Jflffi compensation {J()i'; order 11-L
graduate school
*;j!f~t= steadily 9-L
t"<'< t-:::>
graduate student
4':¥ junior high school 1-C, 11-C
t) ·~ -)
iJl <
*::ki£~ large company r:p,~, 3-L, 5-L
t.:.v• :::0 YH center
t)l)-) L/c
*~=lkilif~ tertiary industry
* ,'i£',~)!1, 8-L
f!Y'¢:/v t '¢;/v§"d loyality, allegiance
;t~gt attitude, behavior 12-L
f::.i,> t' head of~, chief of the~ 1-C
::k&E~J! president 8-C
t!V>l.:")I)J:) butterfly 2-L, 5-C
* ::kt~m
1: L
big city 4-C
survey, investigation 9-L
171 r Jv title, theme 1-L
long working hours 9-L
most of~ 5-L
top, peak 5-C, 12-C
greater part 6-L

* greater pm1 of ~ 5-L

*l:if <" inherit 1-C

* -1"t B t.!.0>/1)
~th generation 1-C
R.<-t devote 8-L
strength, stamina 12-C ~.Q build (a ship, tunnel, country, 11-L

lice-planting 3-L etc.)

" L rice paddy plowing 3-L 11\~= always, all the time 7-L
each other 11-L 0;!:~ in other words, to sum up 2-L, 3-L, 8-L,
l!)J ~t .Q 11-L
help, assist, support 5-C
t::.t.:: simply 8-L ?
tlil'ffi Japanese rainy season 3-L

strong point, advantage 8-L

* 5-L
* 4pf.:.J.i../v-7:::(
f\O;jj*O) take someone somewhere 5-C
3-C, 11-C

* variety, difierences 11-L, 12-L

*T :/'I' 'J • T-shirt 10-C
fixed time 9-L
·~JI?d': proper, right H *=JE two legs 1-L
"(2;-\tJ.,> t:: +<

't"TiP t? so, therefore 6-C, 7-L, 8-L, B!tl~ daily necessities 6-C
9-C, 1.0-L til.? shoulder, bear 4-L

t:·-t!l)'"Z'' therefore 1-C, 12-L *B;$:5!:

1: U:A- L
Japanese history 6-C
'fi':J'G~ procedures 6-C, 9-C Ar~, human, man, individual 1-L, 2-L, 4-L, 5-L,
"( -::v:J
'{" ti now then 2-L 11-C,1H

~00 ("9 .:0)

'( lviJ'~'
operate, extend, deploy H,1H Ill
*'lit"fv/:J microwave 4-C -lf-r~, for- years 4-L, i 0-L, 1H
-r:A. L.

f~ME tradition 4-C. * .if-J1JJ1":9U

iJ./v~-J Ld'L0
seniority system 8-L

*7/r-1T1r tent site 12-C .if-:&!l) older, elder 3-L

~JA, t, J;"'j

:¥4 every year 12-L

II ~:J./v:b.!v

* t'-JIPJ JJl person in the same year 8-L age 5-L
~ b./v~H>

.!::"') t
back then 8-C m
Jl% farmer 3-L
* t~~~t.f ceramics 8-C 11)? '/;>
1 t <
IPJR;fV:: at the same time, 10-L ~~~ agiriculture 3-L
iJ) 7 ~· t 1
1::'1 t
simultaneously ll:f.J!: agiriculture 2-L, 5-L
Q)-) ;:-J
~Jt!l) natural, right 11-C IIH agiricultural village 3-L
l:-5'1!'A, 0)-'j-f"!v

*JitWF".)T Southeast Asia 8-C -!l)j&t: after- 8-C

l lJJ!t'!il 5D
* C:'-'j.£;0;{./v zoo, zoological park 5-C 1$t;f"9 improve, develop, stretch 6-L.
a~§ !l) 2-L, 7-L
unique, peculiar * !l) '()i!l) '(}'!::. carefreely, without wonies 4-L, 12-L

t'( t.

tf,fl£!1) particular 8-L

t< "(\,>

1::.2::.0 place 4-L, 5-C, 11 -C, re:t!l! ("9;:,) grasp 3-L

1i j.;J(
12-L ;\---1::/r percent 4-L, 9-L
1::.2::.0'{* by the way 4-C
*J'-F'/.x.T hardware 7-C
!::..:::.0!::.'.:::.0 some places 12-C ;11:::....§!.
background 11-L, 12-L
*:'!l:JlJD climbing starting point 12-C
l.: ~'J,(c-J;, * i!lcll!l:!lii'l~
reshuffling of personnel 8-L
~~~ suddenly, all of a sudden 10-C
t?-\!'1.., -16 li(
night's stay 5-C
11W';i!:,tr dive into, jump into 10-L
t c **ltif.b the Shogunate government

9f': together 1H
t~ 1lt~PJ.flg museum 5-C
F717d': dry, businesslike H
field, fmn1 2-L
*F7X.'L!v Doraemon (a comic character) 4-C
play (a role) 4-L
*:JRlt?;Z_;:, grasp
t * }\ lJ 7 71 butterfly park 5-C
drama 4-C ;\- :7
tackle 8-L *fiili'>'f- workhand 8-L
l:l:t..:G -c
* J\"j- hornet, bee 9-C
content 8-L ;\ / ;t' bag 5-C
l:t.iJ~Ii)0 view, gaze at, enjoy i2-C 96-i.t development, evolution H
panoramic view
96-~ (~-1±-0) develop, promote iH
*1iiJ~Jt:Z.i'Ltf'v• what I should memorize 9-C
t.d:: .t:Jii 96-J~ ("9;:,) develop, make progress 2-L, 3-L, 5-C
"'n' lic:>"Z"A.

lltLiJ·~t;:, tall( to i-C,S-C

worry, be wonied 9-C Iii£

Jllltl'L0 leave, go away 10-L

somewhat, somehow 7-C, i1-C i:l:~

J\7/7. balance iO-L

somehow, in some way or the 6-C, 8-C
other * J\7 /7. ~!::.;:, achieve/maintain balance 10-L
:peninsula • 7-C, 8-C
! fundamental ! 1-L, 2-L
* Li- v' Li- v' ;Jo !: v' great-great granddad 8-C
t)~lv 1-L
business 1-C,4-C optimistics, in a forward 12-L
.!t£ weight, importance 9-L looking manner, actively and
u- t.d
*~ sheep 2-L
: socialize with, associate with · ! 11-L
desperate 7-L

essential 6-L
i more and more ! 1-L, 5-C
also i 3-L, 4-L, 5-L,
video 4-C
: 7-C, 7-L, 8-L,
humans H 9-L, 11-L, 12-L
-Ali-!::.~ each 5-L ! straddle, extend over, 10-L
V' t I)

o}pjl (-flo,) blame 9-L ! bordercross


evaluate 8-L * f!ft) ~=fif-e:> t::. i long-awaited i 3-L

equal 11-L
" "
Jl;-:>S?d: ! pure-white i 6-L
< L'>

specimen, sample 5-C i absolutely, completely : 10-L

festival 3-L
f~?d: anxious, uneasy 9-C i learn i 3-L, 4-L, 8-L
* 7 :ot --cr Jv f::: formally 8-L keep, maintain, protect, : 11-L
* ¥~~ club activity 11-C
comic books
k<'5-:> '/)>
(T ,Q) get complicated H,3-L

* ¥~ section, department 8-L II

~jt;,Q i see (someone) off 5-C
1~Jf physics 1-C, 7-C #.t.><

~1i i view, view point i 10-C, 11-L

~~~~ part, portion 4-L Jt..-!J't.:.

~J!:!:?d: i close, familiar, immediate i 4-C,B-C

* 7' 7 1 «- f. 7d: private, personal 9-L ;,..-;·'/)·

~:l!-&6'"' : admit, accpet 12-L

* 7' 7 1 «- f. 7d: private matter, personal 11-L ;;.t

matter i acquire, learn 6-L

thinlc back 11-C ! fruit, crop 3-L

*7D/717 frontier 4-L ! bodily and gestural sign 1-L

:. mille 2-C
~'iJUO) divided by- 5-L , ethnic group !7-C, 11-L

'i3U4 0)
separate, respective 5-L

change 5-L direct, turn toward

change, alteration 8-L

Meiji (period) 11-L, 12-L

1:t law, act 9-L malcer, manufacturer 4-C


1i§ dialect 3-C menu 5-L


direction, area 8-C aspect, side 12-L

bark 9-C member 8-L

platform 12-C
stock raising, livestock 2-L, 3-L, 5-L request, require, demand, 5-L, 6-L, 7-L, 8-L,
farming seek 10-L

walk 1-L orginally, from the beginning 3-C, 11-C, 11-L

one's home conntry 10-L

gradually, soon, in a short i -L, 2-L, 12-C
the Arctic Circle 2-l
time, in the course of time
almost 7-L
goat 2-L
about 8-C, 11-L, 12-C
""""< (-tl.>)
lj ~)-)~{
(come or go to) study abroad 4-C, 7-C, 12-L
role 4-L * 1) ::L y 7 backbag, daypack 6-C
employ, !llie 8-L ~
dormitory 3-C, 6-C, 9-C
climbing team 9-C, 10-C *jjlijOO both countries 10-L

mountain climbing 3-C * jl!PJ~f!

t. iP!v
consulate 8-C
mountains 12-C * *4l3l!:ilt
IJJ:'J I) lj~1
Chief chef 1-C

Wffl 0) mountain-use 12-C

:rule i1H

'"""" 19J-}f2V•
grand, magnificent 12-C
~~ff~~id: capable 8-L 1J!J)r!.J3(j id:
exceptional 6-L
t; t:i?>fd: rich, abundant 3-L, 5-L *1-LfllELv'
i¥ td!.
decent, polite, conrteons 4-C

'B llll''it:89 id: historical 2-L, 4-C, 5-L,

~-~ 3-7-Jv r
i1.@ L -c§
8-C, 11-L
yogurt 6-C

" J:(:lJ./v
next year 8-C II
l$*3YO) other 6-L
;:,.) C'?
labor, work 7-L
P-7' rope 5-C
'?<·>i V'
preparatory 7-C
*Py:J lodge 5-C
i('~ night 3-C, 12-C
~ijffil - argument, - theory 11-L
II hlo


*71:t~ lion 2-L
Z.'c"J1 ;\ Jv rival 8-L
* '7 - :tnt; 1J Y 7 workaholic 9-L
*'7-7·717· work-life balance 9-L, 10-L
''~i'd: easy, comfortable, relaxed 3-C, 11-C
% ;( J\7 ~ 7-.
;5':%- youth, young-person, young 6-L, 8-L
;I!I!Wi~ (-97.>) understand 6-C
~ i.r>\i> people
.. * 1) 7-.-"'7 r (-9 respect 4-C *b(;b(-97.> feel excited 11-C
;blj(: fairly 3-C

IIIII N4~~;t.:S~i'f~ 1 J7-. r777'Lt~o

a. !llll~~~:::i'd:M!.\~i'f~i,
::¢::st-c 1009.:SJ O)J.:!IJii" 100 (i"l.>)J UN:7FL, !!W~~/:: L'CO)iJRNcLL
b. 7-%1§:~~ ~±, IOOiJ: J O)%l:1£7F Lt~o
c. 1~1'/';0)/t~J O)J:: 1 iJ:~i'f~±, IOOO)J O)%-ctN:7FLt-:o
IIIII J21,TO)J::'JiJ:~i'f~iN40,r*J/::~7J:Lt-:o
a. IB::¢:J, IJI:[:Ji(J l'i"IIJJ, l?v-Y7 J 7J:/::'O).::·<-mlto9-c£::¢:Jl97J:OOcis-\":ttll;J;
b. _tO) a UIJ.J,v§-t>-2 -:::d-: I ~~i'fJ (N4), I~ AJ (N4) iJ: /::'0)1\iiii-~
IIIII t:J, rO) J:: ') iJ:~i'f~i N2 0) Y 7 ;\;q:::~±iJ: v•iJ', N2 J;J,_tO)~j'f U.l!,J.E L -c 1) 7-. r Lt.:: a
a. l~s97J:J l~'i!J, ~~~J 1~1t (i".:SH l~lf.J 7J:i::·'0)1<1l:ii-~if
b. l"f.-? J 10-14 J iJ:/::'O)i'l:~
c. llf.~:tJ I~L/JJ iJ:I::'~i'f/:: L'CO)J'lJ1:lL'IiiJ'~H,O)
d.l.i!tff:;Ji,.Qj 1§6~ (2-\t.:S)J lillliJ•-Itl.>J lllll~Jfll.:SJ iJ:/:'N2J:hr*JO)~{'fiJ•GiJ:l.>J!.\~i'fJl(]iJ:~i'f
e. lfll'~iJ·~t.:SJ l!if~:::-:J~t6J iJ:/::\ NHJr*JO)~{'fiJ•GiJ:.:S!:!.\~i'f
IIIII J:hTO)J::'jiJ:~~iJLPT:$'1-0)~j'f/::l_.."(, 1 )7-.l,Lf-:o -fl."(, I*J ~-:Jftf-:o
a. 1~1~'J1ti'H ltli'~IHt;l;l\J, IY\-00/J:I!f:'/5 J id: 1::\ N2 J:hpgO)~frO)*JlJr.%b-1±"~::: J:: 61<1-fr?l:!.\~~
b. I}GJ,!li*\i'J, li~JJ !'<.f. J, lf'!fi:, ~=1~·:of-:J id: /::', N2 Yr*J O)~i'fO)*JlJr.frb-\t'\0 J;'6JfJ /:: '1>.% G11-6 iJ'~ll /:: L "C).'il:\'l:l!iJ'~v' '1> 0)
c.l::r.7:J/1ITYf'JJ, I7::::7J, I 1J'f-rJ, lj;:M1 1-WP~lf,\;J, l'lil'>!Jl~ll!tJ id:/::', NJ0) 1J7-. H:::iJ:H~
I= Conversalion(~~i!i) IJ =Lecture([.,? 7 i"' -)

~Grammar Notes 1
Passive Expressions

~t::bt.:-::>"t, ;1;:9 ~z: t <.', ~Grammar Bits 1

;1;:9, 1iiJ~~{j:\,\l,\ ~t;:f, ~t ~1~9-@

l'J>, ~ti'"t t ott=

G)<:~~ 7J..fil~l! ~;J;:97J'/~;J;: L.-J:?
-C;J:l5ilb;l;: [.,'"( 7J>/~;l;:[.,,J:Oj/
~;1;:-ttft,l'J>, ~J:~J~
®~? -H1ftO)Jilit:~?
~~Jd:Jf.i.t;J:~tc'-7 ~7J'''"(, ~t:J:-::>"t 7!tJ:, .:z:n
;:_ tt!. G), ~t= J:-::> -r®, 7!t, -::J;l;:
~7!0), ~t:J:.Qt, ~)

~I]) f.:<lb t=
G):b f.: [., 0)!i -'!!it0)1:.)1S ~.:Z:?(*L.,.:Z:?),
®:Pt.: (.,O)IiJO)~~t ~~a ~J:?t,\sh"lc'-15

-~~~00* "'7[.,-~7 (frz:? Ulh n '0),

~t;J:\, \\,\
(11'ttt;J:'c \\, '),
~-c < tt.-15 (-::Jc'<:' <
~t;J:'c'c'(~"'t;J:c'l,\) ~< i?c'f!. ~(9-Q)t.: -::J;l;:f)
Grammaticalphrases 1.-r::J:.-::>"CG} 2.-r::J:.-::>'"C®, 3.-l::J:..QI!::, 4.~0)f.:/si;Jl::,
5.Question word+ particle+- nt;fc'c'iJ'
Subordinate clause structures 1. -L;C 2. -I!: I!: t r::

~ J: ? U!!. ? I ,\lh -r ~t:t-::>"t ~;~;:-c·t= t.Z:07! .. ·ffi\1 L;iJ'L.,t.:, ~Grammar Notes 4

\,\{>, ~z:tt&>-15, ... !fZL;t!.-::> t.:, Causative
~-r<tt.-15(~-::>l~ .. ·ffi\1[.; tC: Expressions
-r< tt.-15), ~l])t: .5
-tJt.: [.,O)*~t 134: ~Grammar Bits 3
c0< c'?\c'0:tr f{'FG
~t:-::Jc'(, ~t:-5 ~(G)Jd:c'
\,\ -r' ~t [.,(, t t=~? t

CD.Il.JJWrt E>-=>t.:lf.~~ t>G ?, ~-r< tt.-15, cnt>, .:Z:tt.Jd:G,

-OOHl:l7.>t~ ~-c·t (kf< 7!t),
~.:z:? (fdH ?)
®1'-f;!!;O)I:jO)~l '1±1
-1'-EtO)fi!IO),\S'J, 'l:i:l
1±f<O)~fl.:: t :b fc:. t.: '5

G)L'-'f i:J"t., l'~ 8 t fc:.l'"' ~.:r? (~.:Z:?), ~Jd: G (E3:<ls:.A~±Jd: ~l])t= .:Z:tt.t:, .:r ~-::Jt ~) t!.
A. Jd:1:.ii!i- f.: c'""-A>'d:& 13 ~ J: ? t ,~,? (l!f!~ [., G), ,~,-::>t.:J:~Jt, n7!
®/lf.JA.t?Jd:-¥-~~·~IM! J:?t,~.?) 1oJNfiiJt!.7J'%7J' GJd:c \
1iiJ 7J'' ~ 0) l'J\ 1iiJ t ;I)>
t.<=l!'m- t.:l '""-A. f.<¥~~
~""[[.,;1;:? ~ ( t.:) t;J: ;I)> ~) ' ~t
[.,""[, ~t= t-::> (,
~t:.Btt.Q, ~~;m

A. Grammaticalphrases 1.-l::-::>c'T, 2.-l:::dSL''"C, 3.-I!::GT, 4.-?i:-imGT. 5.-l::t-o;T

B. Subordinate clause structures 1. - ( tc:.) tiiJ' l), 2. - ( [_,) Jd: l' t, 3. - T t
Exercise:-l::J:.-o;T, -L::J:-81!::, ~O)f;:.lsl)[::, -l:::-::>L'T, -l::<!Sl•'"(, -tGT, -?i:-imGT, -l::t-o;T
7-7 3t!M! ~ilfi* · ~ iiE~ilii ~;m~ 3t*~JJi

6 CD~~iliiJJJf tnt::. L, -~51! 1:: ~-r<n0(.f,fJit[_,-r iPJt~' i:J\

~~ljii]JJ!' < n0)
-t -5-a.:Ui, II -tn <:'

®*~O):WF~j-~~iJ'6 7cq,."-
------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------------- ------------------------------- ............ j ................. ------------------------

I ~Ut-tmA ~O)fc/J)(;::,
[_,(, ~/::[.,(
~~;m ~(L,)iJ:l'l::,
~Z.t<:', ~\
(90)fc/J)(;:: · ,.z:tt:iJ:fJ~9

II CDn t::. L, O)~O)Jlii~!il:- 'FB3 F>lli:J'it-r < tc. ~ l\

®~~O)m1!il:- nt::. (., 1::9H~
~-::>(, 75-i:J> 0 ? '
~--c 31>0 (~l \( 31>0), iPJ t i:J>
-tnl' "'/vl5'\"iJ:l'l' I> Grammar Bits 4
9i:J\ ···!f,\\IJtC., !it¥:·1&'/i.
~z:tt:iJ::Q, l'G ,.-z:-J\:'9
-::> l_,'\":Q, ~-t-) (~
[_, -1: -))
----·------------------------------ ------- --------------------------------- ----------------------- --------- ·"· ······ -.--------------------
I 1ill< AI:: Vt'0)::£~1:! ~~iJ:Z.ttt~z.t
§;i:J' n1J' tJ: iJ' n,
~ (t::.) ti'i:J> f); ~J:
/})(;::, ~(})
-:> ~ f) "·P(tc·9

-) t:, ~t (.,(0), NtiJ:<

~l:'O), ~t:&>tc-:J(,
~t[.,(, ~~)m[_,(

II CDV' t' ~ '*·U~-V> t'l \- B

~([_,~-), ~ti, l<I
Fo~iliiJ+gJJiliiJ~ti'l 'l 'iJ\
f), iPJf.J
~ (J'i:J> -f: O)_tJ:,
-tnt:, i
". J:-) ('•9 (<!&
iJ'\ \f;; J:-) l:'9)
Notes 5

~J\Bi(]!€;tiJ: ~ l '), n<:'
:QL ~J:-)I::L,(f.,
<C'~iJ:l'>, ~Z:I::
----------------------------------- ------- ---- ------ ----- --------------- ----------------- ------- ------ .... ---- --------------- ...

I :n
~~*iJ:ijb ~ t ::£ ~ :n ~Lt'l 'l '(~-"ti\ 'l ') ~/::0), ~(:~90,
~t:J::Qt, ~l:'td:,
... J:-5<:'9

~~=~nG'f, ~t.t*,
~O)"f(;::, ~c·O)

1mmar Summary i A. Grammatical phrases 1 ' - l: ;{1, t::.? l ' 2. -[:~90, 3.-t:~n.;9·, 4. -c:·{j) I -1:: {})
Unit7-Unit9 B. Subordinate clause structures 1.-.::I::T'\ 2.>l:(ld:)
c. Sentence-ending phrases l."·.t 7 T'9, 2... · I:: ~? t l' l' c:· l J: 7 1" · .:: I:: ld: ~ 7 ~ t S L.J ;t. 1t !v I c:
: ... 1:: td:;lg x. t;n'l;J:. 7 tJ{l'l'T''9 I"· 1:: ~? l'l'l' <.; l'T''9

ill CD~n:ltH!f~-tli{})'*' ~(j):Q (~l '(£t0), ~tJi:P fJ, (:'' Z. (;::f.,, in<:', l:2!: ... ;p(tc·tt®fJ !>Grammar Bits 5
pull ®*~a~f~(})~5~ t *I~ ~ti\'l', ~J:-Jt ~-t-J('\9~[_,-f:-j), (: ~-tt/v, ... }il:,-) -~lllib'iO · -i\7W
}il:,-J, ~--c3< (*U~ ~t~ttL:-'i"iJ:l'(~t~ /v<:'9( .. ·,1il:,-j0)
[_,(3<), ~td'(* (tl:'td:iJ:l'), ~O)J: <:'9)
-::> --c c 'n ti') , l<IFo~ iliil -5 iJ: ot {})
+g;i)ijii]~ ti\ \ l \ i:J> (iPJ
'ii: 9n ti\ 'l 'iJ')
-t-J<:'td:ld:' ... Ntc·t;t&>fJ~
<-r -tt/v, .. ·C'[.,J:-J

IRI CD~'\9::£ *tt. 'lb t.: lilT~ lfl.Q

l<U,~iliiJ~Ivtc..:s-? (iJ: i~IH:~i5 L, t.: J: -) t:, ~ ( 9 0) -f: n L'
pull -lllJ~:±l~ -t£ ~ 1v tc. .:s -? , t
-? ~t~'lt, ~l:':t:" ~t t::./f.JI:
®~~Q)m15ft!.l!:{.f- ~*if:
ld:'0 !vtU.:>-5 ), ~--c l '-5 O)ti (~ c\-) 0) t
J-;0, ~J:-) (:}iS!,-) ti ~ t~ <definition>) ,
~(90)t;;/f.JO), ~0)
r J:-JtJ:otO),oo~~
~·.. ------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ --------------------------
m~iJ:,#.Ui~tc'-5 ~).:)*, ~/::[..,'(, ~O)l:'lild:' -:>~f)
· "-:>ot ~ nt&> fJ ~it
z.uc. ~O)J:-)f;j:f.,O), !v, ... z:C:Ii~-5~
~ t [_, '( 0), ~ J:-) ""('f.,Ji,fJ ~-ttlv,
t Gt::., ~~J.mL,'( · .. J: -5 t:,l!;!c '~9,
"·Ji1.0-"~L'[.,J: -),
... pttl:'9
II CDiJIH'JO)~-tliJffJ ~J:-)1::,1!;!-5(4}3-j }~htcJ:~), ~t::.l:: c·90)t: ... tu_, -?, ... J:
lU ®r"J 1- FJ'il!ii!J(J)~L'!fl 1::~-Jl ~~*, ~~0, a -JC'[.,t.:
;: -~Jl)Ztli ? < fJ90tit', '\9
tF(, ~t;:: 1::? '(
~I r:!iO)~~*- ..
~-r<n0(;fj:GL,'(< ~~*' ~1:: L,--c, -:>~ fJ ... z.l::(:l'J?(l'
:lt:QL ~-rtil,c't~ ~GL,c', ~t:t? ~9, ... z:I::H~
-?, ~t:t.tnli\ 'l' --c, ~;::, [_, < :fi'f[_,(l\~9

!!.ram mar i A. Grammatical phrases 1. -J.-j,*, 2.- G l c'

B. Subordinate clause structures 1. -{})T'ld:f.i: <
C. Sentence-ending phrases .... ;pIt T''lid;, LJ ;!; 1t lv ;- .. -:::> t ') ld:d;, I) 1 ttlv 1... J: 7 t:.@JV 19 !- ·I:: ~0-"' 2: T' L J: 7 I
[ : ... .::l::l:f&:-::>l\,'i91"·.::1::t,:-j:!ij#.fll'l';i;9

iffi"Dn- (I<::G<'~ · L:'Sl-1~)

I§B Ill I ::k~R::k"¥'00~%{f;((1f3i:mE1:: / '7 -f)(~, I"J::k"ltllJ'G§~tf)(1~1ilf~:fl~1f:

Iw ~~ B1Js:~!~11f"lt, §~!·l.<£!1!."¥'

I *¥ JJ'1 i$±(§~)(1~"lt)o OOWk1!!~1ff;((::k"lt::k"ltllJ'G~Hf"¥'1iJf~:f4tf±1WM~U'E11~T(f;((1f"ltfr~±)o 7 J( 1J iJ ·ti-T

Y'::k"ltili!B ;;Js:M~1:: / '7 -~iUIIL J\-J{- F::k"ltJ!U Y7§~!)(1~if~J:tl B ;;Js:~~Of.'E±1H:>n£-c:gn~o

I \'111 ~ U!~~B ;;Js:~tf)(1Hx;;Js:j (7 Jv:7 ), WKanji in Contexd ( Y -t ;\ / '71 J, :t.'), Pt!vld:O) B ;;Js:~:filltl ~"f:j (~
{I~. A 1) - I - ;f, '/ r '7- :7)'
W17U)("C-"ltSiJ;"f:!:: §:l1!U (:A 1) - I - ;f, '/ r '7- :7)' WPerfect Master Kanji
N2j (fLAt±), 10] iPhone 7 7" 1) (7"7 7"0 5'':7 ;_, 3 / ) , r8 ;;js:~'g· -Bl ~_r.z ~ O)bQj (~fi~ ·:A 1) - I - ;f, '/
r '7- :7) ?d: !::''ttl\~· ~fr~ l n' ibo B ;;Js:~tff;((J!l'"ltiJklfi/iO)'!lfi!f!:: l n±, W~fJftli)JJ(:f!i!.i:: ~=i3~0)'fif1~!::
f;((J!f -~=13illfl&Wt:tt7.>;\77 /B977o-7j, W~=§~tff;((J!f~:::j:)~t _Q;{7 1-/ J'r{j:fJI,,ti':( -~=13~\'fl&I'\''JtO)ti\iliJI!i:: L
-cj ( <0 l-Blli)ljjl), m ;;Js:~M1~1*'t:f!!!.~Ifi" .Q;ij_( !lt'i!:U!Jl.~mliU (;{«Jv7"v:A), W)(1~t!lt'i!.:O)i=J:lO)ijt
'(if!:: "jt'fij':j§- -B::t~lll&Wt:tHt 7.>t±4'<:i(fL89;\-/\A:7 T 1 7J (~,Jij'!lf. fLAt±)' H±~!:: )1:{~0)-[.,J!Jl."jt -r; 1 :f')''\'--1:
'F~j (~'ji!f. i!tW.}<!.(;mt±), m;;Js:~f;((J!l'0)7 o /'T 1 7 -'F'I!It'±f*l::tai<ill (~'!lf. <0l-Blli)ljjl), r-=. t ,;rt
)(f~HI'iS B ;;js:~tff;((J!fj (~'!lf ·fLAt±), Wt±~)(1~8{]7 7"o -J-0)~~%{ -'F'/llili!ilJJO)Jlll~R!r.::>'itO):L/\ J 77 71- j
(~'!lf · ~~:kJI%i!f!JO, ?d: t·il~ib ib o

Ill ~~j!j~iE Ill i!liif~

Noran Magdy Mostafa ~~AC https:/ /
iStock https:/ /
Ill ~fS"~lZ~
Pixabay https:/ /
VOICE-PRO Shutterstock https:/ /
:&LlJ:;<iUI:l'ffi" CI£-Sl!J') mJII!ff~=r
-15.:Z r-Ae ±,&2js:jff5Ji!
Ill ~T:T.if-1::.; '1Ei\1liiiH






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© 2018 Koichi Nishiguchi, Printed in Japan ISBN 978-4-87424-775-4 C008i

i'iLT · ii<;Tid:S!IlliJ§:'tl\tcL.,;;R9o ::$:~0)ffl\lifi!ilE~ ·l:!!'l\:l""''ti'H:;;;Rg- 0
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Unit 1

* Formally related kanji is listed next to i:I:. They include N4 kanji in JLPT and target kanji in this textbook. When the kanji is
not N4 kanji or target kanji in this book, * is added to the kanji. Other kanji that needs to be attended is listed next to 0.
** N5 kanji and N4 kanji are indicated with "N5" and "N4" respectively at the right-bottom of the target kanji.

I ra,N5 between~ (in terms Of Space and time),


CD ~!Yl
1 s;f IY1
CD 1h
1 1J!!Yl
~~ ~
(:: 6 (:: "5(J, fh;J'-~'.J.'\ 1
T' < f:.'~ \ 1o

XO)!Yl, ;b f:: L IHt~i!l::: 1 'i L f:::o fh4io
1-J.·--; li--::>17'\'t:'-J

I fie
L: L .yo
§ fhfig I::: (automatically)
}.,_ Ml-X 7~ 0) JMio
I 1 ;7<1 1 t'-'j ,);-:;.
)'fjfh ( -t 6)

* ~ M M

}XN4 benchmark 4
4?8 N4 thing, object

O"CV)."f 1::: -t"-· 6 t, 7]<. (ice) 1::: -~'i 1)
jl\' t' iJ' ::t;rJ

~~4io j!jz)r*' * IJ *'

}{ \ '*'
i-to -'C L T, lOO"CVk..t I::: -~'J-' 6 t, 7]<.$,
LH "ti'Lti
@*' ,;:-:>

7\ (vapor) 1::: -~'i 1) i -1 o J;l;*' Tl~*' (plants)

J;;{l:fHt\O):<, 1 17' .Fi V).I*J 1::::11& ~ -t"-· IHt
l::: L 1 iJ'Iv r"'-·1' iJ':Z

l:f-IJ: 1) i-tt L (object) *''it

,;,_, L-,
AMVA7~0)f!J4ioli, §~Hi
t:::,(,lflv 1l'1' t:.i ,;;--") :: t: If
L i-tt !Co * ;I;~
8 ;t.I:::*-TJ>).*, -IX t r:,\l \It, t_'
l"\ 'i

~peak, say

~~ 0


5 N5 speak, say, word
CD ~7
llt~l:::(;t, 5,000!-:/,_LO)~'?o;]{;}, IJ i-to
-1± 7)'1' 1' L11 ::


f)( I:: I:J:, #,:r~ Li-to

~uipment, tool~knead, elaborate


~ equip; equipment, tool -bf: Ll:l:,;ij-8, 51G5i~ Li-to

CD~ 51G*'* ~ ;f1.J: j''-tf 1 /



*-~ (furniture)
~-*. knead, elaborate, train

0 *~
It\ '1.1' <
5Jt; wash ttl.,
.'l§l Lrd

~ouble, duplicate

~~ -fd.'511 ~}]
rough, sloppy

I0 ,j'd-
0 life, spirit, alive, lively


rough, sloppy, careless, miscellaneous


:;-----, L


1'3l double, duplicate Bjt * ;~ n ii
* *

12 16 73


~unting ~ick up

shooting collect


~'~n*. t til#=. !]) 1:. 5t

L ..p 1) .t 1 L>P l -t!-1 'iJ'--:;

~.IT L \ \A. ~ tilffl-t 6

l j

* 19' * *~0
16 {![
7f';:N4 gather, collect
CD ~¥J6

14 >.ll o!
<lm shooting, -T c::·· t t::. t; ~ ~i:X.!]) rltl:= #oa~J i
L f::.o
® ~i6

T t" t f::. i; li~:f)(!])'Wf 1::#=. i IJ i L f::. 0


15 .J>"f; ~'i'J*. t t*-~!]) 1:. )'lJ

1~ pick up L ,p IJ l ') ~ \\ {[I ''/J'-:J

~ffi T)'lJJhi" 6
t:.£ -/;'--:; t:'7

I i 1~r~ ;&]'¥f;;')'ifig'
livestock unfold

Jl. agriculture


If ( t, <
1r*B£ Jl17 _l.*;t
breed in the field

:>!'7T cultivate (stock fann, ranch)

* iJ:. 19
lii livestock
It£:.' 1±-·:d::-:>
*!T L 1 !1££ ~ f#l§e--t 6
{±11(}/u i.i'l'

22 ~
f'{:Z evolve, unfold

§e-N4 depart; emerge

tB§e- (-t 6)

*!T L\ 1£ ~§6-Jt -t 6
11 L li---:oitA.,

~hape, pattern ~enew

style change, alter

IJJ.K sh ape, pattern; "Mr. " , "Ms. " etc. eva 7)'1'

:i- 5'5**~ ~a~ -t 6

1±1 'iJ'-:JJ: i L ~

%H (/) ~Jl~ (organization) ~ ai¥'--t 6

-'C L ~ iJ' <
(law) ~ &lE -9 6
I)-:> {f1'

* :&. 19
J-J[., .."("(i, ~~**J /::"I'~ 1-fo
1J'h iJ'A.,L'i"
6 26 7fr:;.
~ change, a1ter

7...7/ .:~..-)[.,~~;{_ 6
24 :r
;;t.\j ceremony; style; equation @ ~:b6
;t; 7 1J.., T*'t~l§'~ ~ L 1 L f:: o ®

50 if. WIt li, :i-5'5**~7l{~:b 1) 1 L f::o :f±%77{~-it-t 6

L '{>1)'1 I iJ'
-\!1 1 71'-'71:-) IJ'
c>z.~ -t 6
:i- 5'5**~ ~ 1)'',
-tt1 ,1),-;J:-) L "5

,Aj{, (personality) 77{~'%:.-9 6

t:£i.i'( J:7

change, renew

CD 6
&ot:> T J::;;fL ~ $t i Li.lf1-t
HI\ ;f,

nit 3


rich, affluent
1i:#.JE~ fJ_'
c..c I.: i

(natural res<Jun;es) 30
:fl_ loop, surroundings

quality; inquire ~:l:j\IJ,,*!

*~ <>
~to 111: 8iJ1J'
:i)t area, place; boundary, border
'it (quantity)
(-9 >s)

"-al", "-ic", etc. as in "traditional",
"democratic", etc.

\ \

collect, obtain catch (an animal), get

\ 1 T-9o
:bt::: L 500 ::7 P1 < G\ '
(tax revenue)

*JL celebrate ~ feel
,,,., 7
t *JL 7
*slto:.c~I§' (7) }; *YL \ ,

*YL 8 (national holiday)

;}JL~ ( -t ;s) (bless)

~ apologize; thank
35 it!:!
'i''r god

(-t 6)
~# (-r 6) (apologize) .

1r*J!rt ~ N

live, life, alive; fresh, uncooked; student

39 ~t;;
.;g;:, l'
fi sm1g


@ ~~
,, ;s
1rJ f: L f: i;
® ~:;Ht6

/rJt: L li 19951¥-

1rJ f: L 8 l;t 12 t-1 25

a-c-t 0

~ustice ~each

~uty ~urture
~ justice
CD~ ~<

~~ (lecture) ~~
:: -'j

~f~ ~lf

~fH5Cfr *~

~JfO) (in law)

~dl\ <

* :t5z

* ~*:ft
1:f*:f 0 ~

§ work, job, duty 43 -iE"
r=1 nurture
CDff !;

;J,q:,i'J( t ti"q:,;f)(I;L ~fH5c1fT-t o :Yt"t ~1fT 6

LJ-i ;Q\-:-::-? t; ..P l :t ~ ri \' <

ht: LI;L *ff0)1±*7)''!fT"-9o

l: L :·:::: t::;Q< -r
@ lf--:>
;ftfi:::,J(>~i-i#z~~ ~ ~
~·17 1}--"Jj: i ~- (}) 7 h-
1:::--=> It 6 ~
i tL 1f --) f: BlJ

~ l -j

<J'A.N4 teach
1f1}[,L (childcare, child-rearing)
A #'ff Jt;t (human resourced evelopment)
l:,\_,~'1 I i:tl I

r-Sefinitely 1 9;P -'7 T \ '6 ~echnique, skill

~~ i'c1' ~p ~ t l!!J~
necessary know, perceive ability, capacity

~ole, part
~ ~J I Lision

definitely, without fail CD 6
~)',5~-96f:J6I:::I;J:, };~7)'1~1) i-fo
1±1 117'-::>

;h f: L Ii , \ ' --=> t
~n T\, i-to 1±*0) f:JI)j:::,)L-~1-J.'j;p~
L :· t: U--; -t; L ~

1±*0)_L Tli, -f- L- 17- ;7 7)'~~ T-9 o

~~J[l)'~~\ 1_,/,_IJ:, 1±*7)'~J!l\ 1 1"-fo
I)Ji h6 Vt t.;-t-

need, necessary, ne(;esi>ity

kn ow, perceive,
. cogmze
. ~~;I]
I) ~ (


\I;;\ I;; -fo~.';);p~ ~ ~ 1::: """)It 6 ::t~~

t; ;;,
'f~ (common sense) ~~
0 :Jt *t:t

* I~

{5t technique, skill, art

1_5t role, part


i4~~i#f ;f±i;O)o/T. ~t(li'i:*-r,f~~~J~3i~d::. L

;-;•( L 1'->:H \ L'tt~ J J: 7 hI) l:t

~tm (\I;J:""to
(theatrical performance)
* iJt 49
®~ h~-

(judo) 1::: li \ 1 I)\ I I) i"o~.·~ (technique) 50
~~J break, divide
i.J'J0 1) i -9 o
CD ~16
* *:t *:fjz t>
~ ~h (, f::. ?< ;;t;.
(firewood) I::: L i L f::. o
® ~]
ij~ ability, capacity, talent; Noh ::: 0) -t - 5' - I;J:' 3 ~J 71 T YJ: \ I i L f::. 0 v·~

CD~~ :t.JH' 1:. 5\5 0) o/ T.

\. A. 0) -\tl ~ 13( I;J: 'i: * -r.d5t ~J
It·£ t.:-1' t: ,t. l:tJ> i J: 7 -\" <
'"" L~IU::. L ( \ I i -t 0

~ usual, common; ubiquitous

{t-1j_O)A_ l!_N4 proceed, advance
--?-) Vt
I';C .;.(
CD ~t;

0*-lt tti#IJ¥-~fri.J'~t;
~· L>P-Jt:l' < L£

® ~.!?)6

52 ;QS) . 1±-*0)~.!?):7)
~s N4 learn, acqmre L :·t iJ'f=

h t::. L Ii-f c::·· t 0) t ?< , to 7 J ~ ~ -'"") -r
\ 1 ;J: L f::.o 'I~

%JE $fr H~-~ -t 6

®~ ~ d -i- i -""c <
L j I~
* lit
i! ,il

* tE.

12 16 53


1@ ii!.
~'till: (usual practice, habit)

(customary practice, convention) * 1li

* 53 64 106
124 131

Unit 5

~ut off, take (sth.) off

&riirt~ ~ ~ ItirF~
I. ~ :f± ~
~ndustry, ~oor
I ;,
business, work 11
send, transmit

l1ill*~l :f± ~=Jl%#. ~~:f±~


,£N4 give birth to ~,yield &F?\'

tx *~.£:
* 1x 49 56 57
¥~ floor

.it'* 7] ,-%
'!!J: i 1.1-,T£
~ -t 6 CDR!i iJ'I''*
f::\ i.; t
'I 1'*'* 3Jll!i 4Jll!i
:f±%-Jll!i,Ji (social class)
L'i">7'1' Ti

~N 4 industry, business, work


58 1.:;:. send, transmit

CD f~ ;;t
J ·;; -t - :) ~ 1i; ; (_ 6
@ 1i;

Itt'* **'* :t]<..l& '*

07 1)£. 'tl'~ ,(, 1i;*jt
I.'* +,!-- t:' /Z '*

1i;*jt iTo
3tJ fd.·
'*-lll 17'1'

'8' *!19'rE,
(business hour)
'8'"*51;-ti; ll'""Jt"i
(business operation) 59
unify, unification
~~'* Gob, profession)

60 R~
IYL put off, take (something) off

CD <·

1m E ( -9 6)
t:2"? L .t <

:: -J ~·H L-\"17'1'
J&7j<.~ (spin-drier)
t:.-,-t\1 3

transform go through

t± 4?: :tt [ill f ~ ~ -9 trial

1t transform
~ go through; sutra

CD 1tlt 6 If
It I'

:\=-':J;j', (fox) 7l'A.I:::1tlt6 k&.~ (-t 6)

(}t lt!v

® 1t k&* (economy)
"' ~1t

(-t 6)
}; k& ~ ~?\': t' (chant a sutra)

® ~1t ,.
~ !vtC:.\ \

X.~1t 63~
trial; evidence; effect
:::-HH 1"9J<.N4


* ·.~
Other Kanjis
64 ,;.@, .
~ go beyond; pass (t1me)

:11&$::: t: J~;f:E t: If£-:":~\ I

~1t.V'l:l/&f¥. (process) ~tJIJ;\~:-g

]..,. Gl \

6 (observe)
"'-lv fi' l1 1

® :II&~·
:SZI;L t -) 70 ~~:II&~· T \'i-to
* ~

® =··-g 66JI,:-
7'SLN4 short
::" L f::. \ 'T-9 o

* ili ·a
53 64 106 124 131

~ ~JI:JJ ¢::? .:CZ:JtfJ

143 ~ t,d

~:Jl:JJM <=? .:CZ:JtfJM

3 iJ'Iv
leave; passed
Unit 6

J5ork, labor
~ \\ -c
~ earn (money)
1j;N4 work, labor



;;, -'! L
~1fi.IB9'M (operating time)
* j}J

tl'/L take over, assume 71
-¥- complete

CD~ T~

XI:L ~13( ~ ~~ L T -9
::7::7 T-:J·~'d
<" 1:::1±:;:
l:::jjet ~ *~~~~-96
l-) ~-

1 L f=o jf!f~:f*-ffl
LA_, -::1 'J: 7

72 1+1 N4 use, utltze;

rn 'j' adopt
CD ffl\ '6
70 llll:l;.
"1~ job * "1Jl:. 7 "is usually used.
"ffl \ '6 "is seldom used
CD and sounds very classical.

t:'i ('
jf!f~i'- ~
Lc.>j L£ ::

body --+ one's life

73 75
)i employ JJLN 4 time(s); degree

CD Ji 7

1 1 -'tn{LI't:51:L Tll.--/"1 r~Jil'i 5'Hl! I::: Ii, 2 It_ ff :5 i L f: o )4Jt 7{ 11 !v t

~~~h -Jh

-"to 7 I::: :5 ;tu ' -c- L f: o

;i :li~ I::: Ii, 1PJ Jt t ff :5 i L f: o ;b f: L Ii,
~d l::: -~"J."!u

JiffH1 1Jlt
J:-)-\tl' r_'
;i:li~n{:ktt :5 T-t o
LrdL£ * rt. Jt
~&*7{ l < f"---') -c Ji ffln{:l:~ ;t T :5 i L
ltl'~l' ,;,

f: 0 76
$t meat; body
.iE::f±~ ~~itli-t
{!I\ L '(>I'£ iJ'I'
6 =t li, 11 t !v t'';jt, 1)
:J:-\t/vo -]- t" t <7) f: &>':> I::: , ffi,, <7) Jr ~ t -') T ;it, It· i
* s; *~-1 n:
73 -"to
1±~<7) f: a) l:::')t-* fi9;P~ ~ !r 1:::--:> It 6
L :::t: U--:JJ: 7 i; L ~
rn rul e, system, restnctwn
. . ~tJR 1) .:J-tJji 1) (gesture)
,)• -r <)•

CD ,,,
flllJ @!r L,C

§ ))'-§ ~
1: ,;:,c L:

Jiffli!llJJ't ~~ Ji ffl (life-time employment)

: 1:-:) L>:>7 : J: 7
1:,)',51::: li -2 i -2" i fJ.'i!llJ¥,)7){ ;it, 1) i-t 0
{/:11-1;'-:J '<'<

~ life
/-.<7)~1i1PJ J:
Ul:::: 1-._·t:
J t :kt;JJT-9

~ command
Ll7 L

L l: t 7

*~ *~ *

~anufac~ open, exploit

goods, item depart; emerge L

79 ~ *'l produce, manufacture ~ T~?7"M]\

'·c ~ fl\ ,.rJ.-~~?7"J\.-:>

a;zF~ 55 ~- :/ "f Ml It T < t:.' -::_ \ ' o

#fr L \ ':!XiilitT, #fr L \ ~~£ "f11'6 @ MJ <
"5' l•~"'J Ulv < --::>
±BIB O)"fiit, A L ,;~ IJ i:::;zF "f Mj\ \ T~ft;
~::· J: 7 V' U-':5

£ goods, item, article
J,d(i)&':J i L f:: o

6'1 1

v /Z r 7 / <7) Ml Ri ~ M I;t , f:: \ ' T \ ' 5 ~


1m open, exploit

CD Mllt6 1 MJ < * ~ ~ M

" ~"fmllt""C
" ~fl\'.rJ.'~Yt-"fJ\.hi Ll:o
i ~::• (1 ~ \I

,-technique, srll thoroughly renew

~ I q~Lh!ue, a!fr

'lfiiJ technique, art CD

H~:JX'/ii!J :!Xi*ri¥-#fr
~, Ltb.., L 1v
"' "' <
:JX'/ii!Ii¥-#fr § §!f"f:Jti¥---96
il'< LA,
L l LA, -"lv

%H <7) ~Jit.J\ (organization) "f t:>ci¥- -t 6

-t L ~ 7)'1 I

renew; leather
* "~" implies a revolutional change.

t 1Jj ~elate
~mit; individual

unit; individual -A.V 1:::: 1) O)A_i:::li, (individuality)
[} t 1) ut
CD 7){J) IJ J i"o
gate:, relate
-{% relate, person in charge, connection



%::f± <7) 4' <7) A.rs9

00 1~
Ii, t>f' 7.7' L \ 1 T --9 0 %"tt~ (checkout staff, accounting clerk)
i>'\ 'it I 11);1),1)
:kli, -f-13-r I:::OO,~i.l'.h IJ i -1± ;C
t-:J t : .:r t::. L£ o

1f Fil F9 M
Fo9 *1'19 *r.ll

Other Kanjis
87 ~-sc he lp, a1•cte, relieve;
.n=r . be done ~<l):f-1:::, ~1.7'-~"i 1) i L f: (bore frnit) o

@ ~6

J-1~--t)~;t;:::_ tliJ-I[.,TLi-ta

It\ ,-:';-1 \

~i.I'~JYt--9 6


88 -;::!:;- 1 . ~.i:E -~"J-'1illit%1.7'~30Jt -t 6

'I' N4 mar,(et; c1ty T ~-l±l' IJ' iJ'(

tfol3\E ~ ~~~-t 6
CD illL t, l7 -:: l:..., L

~~1:::1,~~ -c /,< -fJ_'\ \ t' 8 *~lid;~ I:::
-~"i 1} i -1± !Co
: :_ <l);J\t.Jtli, ~~1::::£--:5'\ \ 1"-l'i.J'fl -c \\
LH-1±-"J l.: tt
i-t 0

§ 7;'-<7) 8 *~~>';g):t;~~~-t 6
:i~N4 site, place
89 L ,;:,t < l: .,-ttl., 1)' L·~11i7

CD 91 :C!'l
.rJL appear, realize; present
~<7)-f-t••t li, ~-;~~ptfi.J'ih 1) :i-I±;C
i'>i- L .t o

l'fu<l)~~li, ~>\~liti='.il:I:::-~"J-' 1) :i --9 (will

CD Jltt..6
;61' l ;h1' t;'P i L
be suspended) o

#frL\'~£~ l:::t:e-t L~
1±1'U/..., t::_
~I.I'~:I'Jt-9 6
8 ;zJs.ii, 8 JlA:iL (Meiji era) 1::: -f"-· ~ 1" i.J' G, L~
8 ;t. I::: li 200 7] A.YJ,.L <7) 5'~ 00 A. 1.7'
~~t±%1:::1f~ L i L f:o 1:::£ \I LJi
~ ( "21'Lv1H t:7
1.i/v l'\ 1 i -9 o

* ~0 4

L '=
\~ i}'\ \ l')l
t !v tC:.\ \
t f: <~
;C ;h 1) i-t 0

90 r:l:?
~ actual(ly), fact; fruit


ttl~ularO) ±se;

~ecide 1
L matter, event

particular, special (minimal wage) Ii, 5* (law)



tJ f::. L I±, ::Z ;-f-- '/ fl{}(f 5 T-9 o :if I::, -+t ·;; § ~fi"Jt i
t < UJ i
*Hf, J: < SfB~ -c· 5 1-9 o

77- fl{j(f 5 -r·-t 0 ®Jt


hf: Lli, :!f$1]1',ct~~l±<b IJ 1-thCo ;;z fr:; ,::L- ;t,- t- ik:Jt-9 ~

"'-"') ~1'<1H

F 7 ;t t A,; 0') )55 I±, #tl& 0') <b -c· -9 o ~') f: L 0') 4t1± 0') 5t ;fJ!v
~I i 65 ]@: T" -9 o
:: ;t i;n
~X,),. (income) fl{jl'"f·,;: \ '0') T,
Lt) 1 k ~' 1

Jt decide, settle

L nurture

material, resource become



good performance, me1it

(order) t- '?
t t
YU line
CD ?1
?JJ<1)1£.i? l:ilfz.,C T,
~.Jji ~f,fi;,
i L f:o

!:: JfX. !) ~Jtn;;ure, organize

l:fi>J4-t? ~
1: t0

® t6 101 ~l'l
il'..t:l .
structure, orgamze; group of· peopl e, pair

A.# 1f< {[\

plt <1) :/ A
t,(.~\u,l •
j- ,0. 1J ', ~& '8' <1) :/ A j- b.
Iii •;;{.\I

I:Uh.~i tL -r 1' i-to

:fl:j\>.!3 SiJ I: 1± $-I: ~x I) $]. t'
k!·"'~HT~ L. ::"t t
u "f

100 -k,~
'I!X! extreme, peak, pole

base, foundation

i 1) ;t

of people

::_'' li lv ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ r:il
~ ~ard, garden
~N 4 tribe, group of people
103 I 04
yard, garden

litC "f~~ i-t 0

-Bt1'\ll= li, \\;; \\;; -~'J'~~;J{\ \i-t 0 Sf 8 1:: (on week days) *~ T\ 1 L J: 1::l3JE
i± tf'\\ H!v "-..l\1.:-') »'-i"< l:l'!v
,:::'(;t,(,f1£::~6*~li, ,, \ 1 T-9o

house, residence

\ \---;) t, 'T''To L i \ 'i L f:o

I 06
late, delay



I 09
execute, implement

L i L f:o

inv,estigate, make clear

-k ~1i (/) ~ J! ~~ J7f ~ ~ L 1' \ \ 6


1 10
:i~ increase
~ )~6 /)~G-t x'Ji<7)1jfJf~~-f'~F9~~7]"~tiD L
Ll+t'' "'~ ') LH ;t~t~ "'

(-t 6) (\'l-9o
I:::~ :Z T \ I i -t 0
iJo add
~ -t 6 ~ '1', -t f: dfJ I::: , CD :flo :Z ~

11 ;s 1 ;s -r,c7~*
1 ~ L T 1 i -to 1 7]<. I;t,
AA (heat) ~:flo :Z 6 t )~ill (boil)
,)•-;> ~ 1
L ~ < t.l--:>

l To

Other Kanjis
112 '\H
'Jj service; trouble, pain

jt~, 6

7t:t<7.H t, ~w-r,,-t
L ItA. /:!.1'

(social issues)

'i!X. number, count

6 (count numbers)
anive; wear

b f: L II, ~ 1:::: 7]{;/i) 1) l -{i £o

)(l;t, 8, T, :H771~

L T,
9 11 1:::
1 f:G, -tn:::~§tLiTo

114 ®
r.,, 7 L .t: -{±\'

t:I:Lle Eflf M ¢:?

fJ A 7 7 · +}- t' A Tl;t, G L'b'~lf...,
nit 1

~tate ~ack, shoulder

t' f iJ' L ~ ' ~~ ~ l!J~ 7

situation be bnrdened

11 6
;JR. state


'& iJ'~:!£lit' f n' L 1 '~)}L ~ "FJ"'-J± j,-:> T 1' i J.J ~ 'ij'-J; 1::: L ( ~~ ~ (:: I) i L f::.o
It I ' L-\'> L/.,
lj >~ 1< -!± \ ' t;
~ J: ")

-to -f fl. "ftl <7) A. I::: li, -f fl. 'f' fl. <7) 'ij')K n" c/1:,

t:> f::. L I;t 1:zis;.O)~Ji8 n"l '~ t 1'1 'T-t o I) i-to

iJ'Gf~ f:\'

:It fl

119 ~
117 ' 0
)/u s1tuatwn
. . .rt lose, be defeated, be burdened


~5JL :/(rp(::T/fJ~--96 L:, \\~tj,lti-to

l:d stt
t 7 10 Sj=.}Y,_t, ::f5JL (economic depression) ® ~7
\ \ l: 1: ~ ,;,

;J' ~:!£I ;t, 7 /

~· -1:: /l.- (ransel, school bag)
~ "FJ"'~-:> T ~i:l(l:::ff :!5" i-to


;;z ;f-·;; li, Jm.~ <7)11!:-..?f- T-t o
back, shoulder Lli .;. 1± 7)'\'



t:> f::. L t: L: T-t o
seed; sort, kind
~,1:::2~<7):::: t:~-t6:::: t:liT:0";H±
!Co ~ I:::, c/1:, ~ D" ;I.; (morning glory)
~8, t: \ ' -:> L l I:::~ ::::·I ;t ;C ~ ~"" :!5" i L f::.o
7<Ft kind, sort
AM I;L rt;J,
[::A., if£ [:: <
-~" lilt*-,
< tC:.t11J
t"\ ';; \' CD~~,,

;; i'o~.'~~(7)~""4t'~~""
61' t(l)
i--t 0
A~ (tribe) AM rt:J, -~" lllf *-, *-it'
I;t, I:( i-o~.' t" \ ' ;; \ '
t:::A.,If£ '\"~I'

JJ i-o~.'Ti~(7)~""4t'
L l1l t

1 ~~
2 Tl~ 3 Ti~

go out

Jl~ 00 ~ ~ ;f -person

ill NS go out, leave, take out, submit
tl::n'lt6t-51i, 11t--:JT-5i--tJ t'§\'
i--t 0

~tl:: (--t 6) <=> ~;,_ (--t 6)

~ 1:~?

]tBIB !:=, v ;t;- ~ ~ tl:: ~ i'o~.' IHtl:fi-o~.' I) 8 ;zjs:_(7) A o (7)¥J 5% li, :9~ 00 tl:: .!t=t'-T--t o
t£::7 -'\'( l>J>.-,LA-L-v
3 ,c J:? if


124 ~ill!
.!t:S. select, choose, elect @:!!

CD :!!,;~ :!!~
::t ''I}/ to'//' (7)i!fli, v-
-ij=-9=', ~
"VIi, L r~ 1 't; ;f;t£ L ,1' i
::.. / 7,, ~ L T \ ' i --to
f::. 0

ili ill: *:it '""-

i:l! ~ 11! ~
* '±
53 64 106 131
Unit 1 1

~ ~ country, nation

J({;th-1:::, ~~=~w 1 J 1-to 128 l:b

51-... h'1story
-fJ_'-:>-Y'-t iJ'i...

=" ;-
* (state, nation)
~!'iS (nation, people)



with, together with; share
CD ~1:::
~N4 people ~1:::1:. ~
:5 1 :5'' 1-fd.· ).J: 0 t 6
Ut 1'


OOFS :K t b l: L l;t ~lffi_(l)hz_f~· 0 0'.7 \ 'T-t o

j.;-,t: -:>-j
= <
l"S-0* (people, ethnic group) 8 ;zjs:..A_(;t, 150 ij=.Y.,ZJ:.(7)¥;t t~1f L T
"lei I\ l: J: i .:!t~ L f1J 7

!"S.i..i.~ (democracy)
LvP l vp ~

¥ trajectory of life, history

CD 130
'If N1 have, exist
¥:tL CD
Sf¥ (academic background)
~\llt¥ (employment history)

LI) J:
(curriculum vitae, resume)

pass, pass go through, go, penetrate

\5f:BZ (7) 1ltr t

@ !illi, 22~T:k5ft~~iL1-to
(needle) 1:::,% t b f.:: L t ~I ;t,
t L: T 'l;o I) ~ \ ' 1
L t~
® 7 L f.::o
~ t li, ¥,-itOYo:.f~-1:, ?]'§'; \ 1 T-t o
1 t:k•ti
l J:

ht: LO)B*-'?oi;J:]E-1}7]'~\IO)T, fil]' •ti$1]

!±--?};,(, h6 "'~
fol'?}'itl: ;H:/:-.{, 0 11lil•ti
*iii 'de
~*1! :it i!
@ -·1'1
t: J: i
1) ·~ J t_' 7

132 t·*
':1: nature; gender * *•l't *•11 ti

1 shape, pattern~espect, admire

7 ~ ti ~L!J1! -t 6
· L heavy; put importance

133 ~
-"'f' respect, adm1re
' :SZ t iV I;t , \ ' --:) t ;h f: L 0) ~ Jt ~ ~ ][ L
I' It£ i;J:')

T < tLi-to

1 back
F1 ~ ~
1-il -F t "":)
view, appearance

-J." view, landscape, appearance -t fL -'f' fL 0) 00 I:= Ii , -t ;fL -t' ;fL 0) Jll3t Et] "-~"
< 1:: tt~ L T ~

:JZ-l]'c/1:, 1) l -to
l-LJ-~"-~":J(-1:= L l~~~ C::: I) J Lf:o J.iO).l7]'GJt6:JC~Ii, -tlf'G L\ 1 T-to
It L ~
li\' L v LL

-t ;fL -t';l·t 0) A(ft I:= I;J: , -t tL -t' ;fL 0) "~" :J( 7] ' ;It:,

different, other ~

1:=£-::5'< I.J:, ~Tt c/1:, 1} i-to

CD ;fl6 tt

J11Jfl6 t 2.< li, l-2 J: -r"'· GJ t §\'i-t 0

"f't( T Ii, T t:' t f: 1:, ~ 0) (according

toage) ~NJ (group) 1:=7J'-ItT\ 1 l--9o

l. t~ I f~ ,( ~?

'l 1) A 7 A O):r!(li,
Unit 12

~order; occasion ~hape, appearance, condition

~~(/)~~~~ t~!X
will; meaning

136 I3J1'it border;

l;f; .
occaswn, moment ;f;Jt (opinion)

;f;;~ (will)
CD~ ~\\

OO~ruJ1% ;f;,~~;:E: (decision making)

::= < o?',Cit\ 1 L It-:> l \ '

?'~00<7)X:1tli, ~~l::::ft-; T h. -rJ.'IHli::L ;f;~ (perception, consciousness)

_;:£ -/J' L:-, L~

fYQ' 1) i-tt L
138 ~"'
~ sh ape, appearance, con d"1t10n

f:\ \

;[k~ (state, condition)

~N4 will; meaning
l: ~ J


\ \

side, aspect; mask L f: \ ' t j;.~t \ ' i -to
?lTt, \'\'oot!!ii\'oo7";t.)'Jii"o
~~ b6
2<6t:·lt, \'\'oo~JtT, A_t1t2<~7 141
1Jt "'
<7)7}"\ \\ 'li"o CD 6
R~ 1::: li, ~ i ~- i -fd.'1J'lD 00 7" ;(,) IJ i-t
lf''H' f-<
i L f:o
t:ltJt Tli\ 'iti-ttL

inhale, absorb \ '\ ':i.)'i5"7"T'

7 U t_ I)

2' i-t!:"/vo

§ 51 G L \ \ A :£ ~ I~~J I ~I -t 6

00 ~~ 1) i}f;flk. ~-!± 6
< 1::: l:l:--:~T£

B}i6\ '**~~6
;f,i,r'h ~\\

~Ji!ii ~Jij{} I'JT
-ct£. L.t
BJi {) \ '** ~~~J~-t
~ build * 1Lt '"'-
1l * 1! it ~

CD~{) ll2_

Other Kanjis
144 't ®·m:
)p; law, regulation n·£
-l}l;t, 8;$:.(7):X:1tf'~·m:t. ):]'"n' 1) i-to
,;:,c iJ' L11>i -b

*if -c· t' 8 7js:.(l)i;:f±(l)·m:~ (;t,

it:· J: < ):;"

*1f~q6 n' 1) ;J:-!± /vo

\\ : 7 \'

* *•It *·I~ ti

** 65
147 iliit ]"!Ve ]""
~ 11e

1"f" ru Ie, d lSClp
. . CD G-t
:7~ 00 T;& G L T \ '6 t, \ '7) \ '7) -tJ.· Fp9*!
CD if '!~
t £t:'\ \

5!1f n'~::::
J i-to

be accustomed to

8 ;$:.(7):£5-;5-1::: (;t, t 7 ;J: L f~o



,, 1: fJ.' 6 t' 7j<:.lfk~ (vapor) I: fJ.' 1) i -t 0

L:.t:-5 --t• t.t7
1 ~

(4) B;$.1:*-T (
) ' -Jj[
\d; c::·
t 00<r: 1:~\jl---:J
l \ 1i -1± !Co

(5) ~~~ t6 t ~I:L (

7 ;:·
) -/-;'-fJ.'\ 1""f' < f::>~ \10
L'<' L£

(6) ~(j) (
) I:L J~JJ.' \
;}:; ,;~
I t ~ I;;L (
I:Jl:i 1Ji-to
(7) A.MI::L ~NIT t:•7
) -t6 t, ~ < 14.' I) i -to
r:£1f£ L• i tc£ "'_., -oJ:

(8) l! -W-1: I;J:, 5,000 J-j(_t (})

-!± 7,hl ,, L:.t7


I.:J:, t T t~
L\ 1""f'-ta

-/-;' L f::1±:¥f--1;' L f: \I T''-t 0

L :· t

) t ( ) 0) :i_ 5'6 f L l \ I i L f: 0
Ltt> !)J:7 -::~~ LtP-7 kt-1'"4'--J

i I) i L f:o

(5) A.M li (

If< 1: > 7

7)'1' li-::J

117 I) -::J
(law) 0) (
1,>'\ I t/_-1 \
) I:::(;L a'fFa977"n'77' 1) i-to

L-f>"/)'1 I

(2) ;b f::: L <7) 00 I;t 'ft-5~ (natural resources) I) { (

L If,C Iii .;.
) -c -to

(4) l~P::: 00 <l):tjU~,


(5) :k~<7)7t;:i.<7) (

(6) ;b f::: L <7)

-4'- a7 L:t
~ l l£ -!±••
) T- =i- $ -tt- -rd.· a -r·· -t
•d;ILCL~t> 1f

;b f::: L I.:J: if. I::: ( :i it :i L f::: o

1) l 7
m ;J, ~i'x t <t~ttli,
L 77J{-?::::: 1 t
.t l')l-)
) ( ) l''-fo

(2) h f::: L( i' (

(5) t:Jfc::L(J, \l--:>t f:7';7/\'/<7)tf(::ijk~_A;ft(\lj:-fo

7J'.,.J.' 1':, "'~ ~\


\'> ( "'!

"'! 1f~
1. it ~ (/) 3 -J (/) f5t Ff
(1) .:r- r_" t ~ (

(2) '(_ ( 1) J., -5• .t -}

) '(_ (

-c''-t 0

(3) :f±%1;L 3---:>0) ( ) -c-~1tLi Lf:o

L -\'>7}'~ \ t::.!v '!)'\I ""-lv ...;'

(7) m~-

) L i L f:o
(1) h- !v -fj'' (

(2) 8 ;$-()') ) (

l''-t 0

) 2< i L f::. o

(4) *@i: ~ ( ) L f::. G, ( Li-to

~· (

li ( ) ( ) T-t o

(10) *@i:Tt, ~;f±l''t, :9~00 <7)}__7)'<:l~;{_(\ 1 i-to

L~~ L~ Ut
-7'\1 l;l:-:>

(2) v /Z ~ 7 /I]) (

(3) )(1;!:

(4) ITI])

(5) - AV t 1) I]) AI::: li, ( ) 7.7" ;t 1) i -t 0

(} t I) 1ft {[\'

(6) %;f±l])r-fi])AM li, t'-f'i.J' L \ 1 T-t o

I:,(, If,(, "',(, It''

(7) *li, -3-WTI::: i.J"J0 I) i -{i £o

1?-:>t = 'f:tc: "',(, LA,



;fi_(JfJ.' I) i -{i £o

) t ;~Vt>JTii, :i.5'i57.7"-tf/vtf'£:it1 \i-to

0) 1 ~ !v -th 1 -IJ'--:> 1; "/}{
1. Jt <7) 1± *
(1) hf::Lii,

) L f:: G, J - ;J_, L i-to

h,{., ::: 7
) (
l: J: tt ~
i!l JJt t \ \ 7 <7) li' I I. ;z iJ
-tt• \ r:·
v- 57 - J <7) l: 7 fd-' t


/ 0 :J ? (polar bear) ll ( ) 1::: \ \ i ""to ~ / .:f / (penguin) (;J:

11-') ~ .l: <

t 1\ I<
/ ;z -T L>- -/;\ #f-g<l)
-It\\ It\ l;f_ \\
/ ;z -T L>- 1:::

(3) Sf 8 1: (on weekdays) (

-"\I l: "J 7}' -r <

\ \

(4) ~li (
-oj' ~ fo (

) ;fL --c L i \ I i L f:: 0


(7) NHK -/:;' (

rate) (;;t 55%T L f:o


(11) i, ~ (heat) :t ( ;Z 6 1::: 5* Ill (boil) Li -to

n-o <n ,}<> t 1
1. t' -r n' L ~ \ ~ 5X ~ tr it 7
(1) ) "f

(3) t 7 10 ~J-->CL7 \' L: l ,_), ~ J: 7

\-c \\i-to

(5) >hf:: LI;L -/JfO)

(6) J_,"f (

(9) ;;z;f-'/li, (

JiiJ 8~ !: 2

(11) ~ 8'

8 2js:O)A,o0)#-9 5 %1i, 5'~00 ( ) T-t o

LA.,::::.i Ll1l-=> L/C L-\"

(}) ~

(4) _), -J-j

) I.:L 22~-z":k~~zp~Li-to
i ~\I {--J~·.J:

(7) ) --clf$1] L Tli\ 1 lti-l±tCa

{tl' ~--::> ~ ""'"'--::>

(8) ~<7)o/l:::t-2i-2''if.J-'
<I: f::. J: 7 {[I I

(9) ht:Lii,HJ~(

** ;!l=!l::, t -:J

J.J~ ) 1::: L T~.._~ t 1) i Lf:o

II'' It'' L <" L,C
1. ~~O):f;~ r: rm~
(1) ( ) ~i~IJ:*l*l--C-to
::::.< ~~~ il' .ut~' ,J,<~·-:J

(4) BJf.A.Ii, BJf.A.t L ((J)

(5) B 2f_A.(J)?'~[@(J)A_i::Jt-t 6
f::.\ I f::_\ I t:

\ \ \ \

(6) mf(''t, \1\liiJt}~\1 ) -?'.f:> 1

) i-t 0
ton ;1)/v ;IJ/v ;1)/v

(7) :f±%1::li, ~ i ~-- i fJ_' -?'.f:> 1

) i-t 0
L -\"17'\ I -f( ;IJ/v

(8) A,-ii, Jti~(J) "f l' 5' / { -:1 ~ ( 7::: tlil'~ i-tL-<.Jo
teet(!) -T

(9) -1-- t" t li, 9;P~(J) ( ) -?'~\IT-t 0

t, L~ ~I')!-) L11J7 11-1"

(10) Jf.iJJJli::Jf. ~ ~ ;ft\ I(:: 06 i L f::: o

li!vt''"' -B~

) L i L f:::o
Unit Fa, f:)J
1 OJ [2] ~ [1]
...:=- )JG )i; ~
~ ~- ~~ ~}}\
6 ~ *l Unit

ffiJ [§] [1] [ID rn:J [Q] [] [12] 2 [1]] [H]

~ Jl ~5( Je ~ e)(
[lli] [lli]

[IZJ [j]] [1]] ~ [21]

~ **
~ ~ ~

Unit 1t ~~
~ 3 [2l] ~ ~ 00 ru ~ M ~

~ ::(a
~ tf ~ 1f j)b

00 M ~ ~ 4 [4Q] [11] [42] ~ ~ [§]

1~ ttJ ~
a ~ ~ Unit & ~
~ ~ ~ [§] M [§] ~ ~ 5 M ~

tx F~ ~JE ~ .~ :ii! ~li

~ M ~ ~ 00 liD] ~ ~ M *£
~ roo
Unit ~ ¥


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