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A Research Study Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the Architecture Program
School of Engineering and Architecture
Saint Louis University
Baguio City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of AR 4201
Research Method for Architecture

MAY 8, 2023
Finding parking spaces in Baguio City might be difficult due to the unavailability of
spaces and parking facilities throughout the area, which is already becoming an urgent
issue. The study will determine the most suitable design parameters for an advanced
parking building, how it can ease traffic congestion and search for parking spaces, and
what type of car parking can accommodate the maximum number of vehicles. The site
for the study is at Jadewell Parking lot, located at Harrison Road, around the Central
Business District. Designing a car park building requires an integrated design approach.
Thus, simulation and modeling approaches and quantitative methods will be
appropriate for the study. The researchers would use observations and survey-
questionnaire forms to plan and design the advanced car parking building. Also,
AutoCAD, SketchUp, and ArchiCAD will be used for the simulations and modeling to
help determine the design's efficiency.

Keywords: advanced parking systems, parking building traffic congestion,


Background of the Study
The need for designated parking areas or buildings in Baguio City is
becoming a substantial issue due to the local government's inability to develop a
workable solution and to address the rise in the number of vehicles using the roads
daily. Unfortunately, rapid population development, backed-up traffic, and pollution
plague the City (Estrella et al., n.d.). Increased urban density, removal of greenery,
traffic congestion, and air pollution have caused the City's air quality to be among the
worst in the Philippines. (Estrella et al., n.d.).
Due to the local government's projects, Baguio City has recently become
a popular tourist destination. However, this has caused many vehicles to enter the area,
leading to congestion and pressure on the City's amenities, resources, and environment.
Traffic congestion is at its peak during Weekends and Holidays, leading to private
vehicle owners illegally parking, double parking on streets, or waiting in long lines to
enter parking areas.
One element that impacts Baguio City's parking system is urban
congestion. The City remains one of the top tourist destinations for domestic and
international visitors. It serves as the hub for education in Northern Luzon. Also, several
factors contribute to the ongoing growth of the local and international population.
Traffic congestion has worsened as the population has grown, especially in the Central
Business Area (De Guzman, 2013).
The study aims to determine the most suitable design parameters to
maximize the use of an advanced parking building and reduce traffic congestion in the
City's Central Business District.
Scope and Limitation
The study focuses on designing an Advanced Smart Parking Building
for Baguio City at Jadewell Parking Area, located at Harrison Road. The data collection
survey will be conducted on the site's available users, drivers, and employees.
Additionally, it focuses on accommodating more vehicles in Baguio City, particularly
around the Central Business District at Harrison Road.
Limitations of the study include using available technology within the
locale or national range used by existing Smart Parking Buildings. As for the simulation
to check the efficiency of the proposed design, only available data that the chosen app
or program can provide will be discussed.
Review of Related Literature
Parking has become a critical issue, and addressing traffic congestion
concerns have been the focus of Smart Car Parking (Sewagudde, 2016; Therib et al.,
2017; Aldallal et al., 2021). Many cities around the globe have adopted the concept of
a “Smart City” and integrated it into their transportation system (Guiffre et al., 2012).
Some studies adopted Smart Car Parking on a smaller scale, such as within the campus
(Iyaka, 2017) or a specific part of the town (Sewageddu, 2016). The idea of Smart Car
Parking has led to the innovation of advanced modern technology. Such innovations
and technologies include the Internet of Things (Sewagudde, 2016), Android Mobile
Applications (Pomaji et al., 2019; Alkuraiji, 2020), Wireless networks, and IR sensors
(Iyaka, 2017; Aldallal et al., 2021).
The use of advanced modern technology has helped in the continuous
progress of Smart Car Parking. Studies that used advanced modern technology were
carefully selected and ensured that these were accessible to the public. It became a
pathway for creating different systems, such as the Parking Guidance Information
System, Smart Payment System, Electronic Parking, Counter-Based Parking, and
Image-Based Parking (Iyaka, 2016). It also helped manage Public Off-street parking
using Intelligent Parking Assistant (Guiffre et al., 2012). Some studies find it an
opportunity to create new technology for the public, like Arduino (Therib et al., 2017)
and maximize the use of other related technologies, like Android Devices (Alkuraiji,
All reviewed literature showed promising results, which include better
quality and lifestyle in the city (Iyaka, 2016; Pomaji et al., 2019), effortless parking
(Alkuraiji, 2020), and its efficiency in alleviating traffic problems (Therib et al., 2017).
However, all studies are from other fields of profession. The studies of Iyaka (2016),
Pomaji et al. (2019), and Alkhuraiji (2020) are under Information Technology, while
the studies of Guiffre et al. (2012), Therib et al. (2016), and Sewagudde (2016) are
under engineering and computer sciences. No studies relate to Architecture,
Construction, and Design. Additionally, all reviewed related literature was from foreign
countries, and no local research and studies are available.
Statement of the Problem
This study is focused on the design, construction, and evaluation of the
Advanced Smart Parking Building. Specifically, it will try to seek answer the following
1. What are the most suitable design parameters that can maximize the potential
of an Advanced Parking Building?
2. How does advanced smart parking enable the City of Baguio to manage and
reduce parking search traffic on the street?
3. What type of car parking is the most effective to accommodate the expected
maximum number of users?
Significance of the Study
The study aims to benefit (1) the private vehicle owners, (2) the
commuters, and (3) the overall community. It can benefit private vehicle owners by
reducing the time to find an available parking spot, which could help the private vehicle
owners' worries about parking spaces. As for the commuters, they will be able to save
much more time on their travel. With Smart Parking Technology, system accessibility,
and relatively economical, the community also benefits from the study.

Research Design
The study will utilize simulation and modeling approaches and
quantitative method. The quantitative method will collect information via surveys for
statistical analysis of the population sample to support the public's need for a Smart
Parking Building. Simulation and modeling are processes through which one can study
and analyze real-life designs by making a virtual world (Mishra et al., 2015).
Data Gathering Tools
The first instrument the researchers will use is the survey-questionnaire
form. It will consist of closed-ended questions to ensure the respondents will give
insights into what extent the proposed Smart Parking Building Design elements will
need. The first part of the survey-questionnaire form includes the collection of the
respondent's information, which are (1) age, (2) sex, (3) civil status, (4) residency, and
(5) employment. The second part of the survey-questionnaire form includes close-
ended questions with predefined answers, like the Likert scale.
The researchers will distribute and collect the survey-questionnaire
form. Then, the researchers will statistically treat all responses, which will be vital in
the proposed Smart Parking Building Design. The researchers will plan and design the
Smart Parking Building using AutoCAD. After which, they will simulate and model
the design using SketchUp and ArchiCAD.
Data Gathering Procedures
For the distribution of the survey-questionnaire form, researchers will
use convenient sampling based on location. The survey-questionnaire forms will be
handed over to available respondents near and within Jadewell Parking Area, located
at Harrison Road. The preferred respondents are the car owners or drivers who park
their vehicles in Jadewell Parking Area. After collecting all responses, the researchers
will analyze and evaluate them using statistical methods. All of which will be applied
to the planning and design of the proposed Smart Parking Building.
The next step will be creating the Architectural drawings using
AutoCAD and 3D modeling them through SketchUp. The design will be simulated
using ArchiCAD. Then, the data and information ArchiCAD provides, which includes
the building properties, energy performance, environmental setting, energy source, cost
factor, and other data ArchiCAD can provide, will be delivered through tables or
graphical presentations.
Research Paradigm
The study implemented an Input Process Output (IPO) Diagram to meet
the study's objectives. The inputs of the study include the site, traffic data, existing
advanced parking systems, and design parameters. Design parameters include vehicle
dimensions, turning radii, ramp slopes, ventilation, and lighting, which will affect
variables such as the number of parking spaces and the capacity of the parking building.
This study also emphasizes the number of observations daily to procure
a comprehensively accurate synthesis of the study objectives. According to The Urban
Institute (n.d.), the essence of non-participant observations is to gather data from a
series of consecutive statements. Nonetheless, observational data gathering oversees
and furnishes descriptive analysis and synthesis of settings in various predicaments. It
is a medium that gives researchers more extensive and absolute knowledge of a
conditional study area. It allows seekers to experience actual situations that augment a
more accurate construction of solutions targeting the problem.
After identifying the Inputs, researchers will observe the site and note
the existing conditions. Also, they will give survey-questionnaire forms to respondents
within the vicinity. After treating and interpreting the respondent's answers, the
researchers will evaluate the design standards and incorporate the Advanced Parking
Systems already in place, make design suggestions, and test the idea's efficacy in a
virtual environment. Then, they will determine which design solutions for an Advanced
Smart Parking Building are suitable. The outputs of the research will include efficient
design solutions and architectural drawings that will be presented.
Figure 1
Research Paradigm


• Site • Efficient design
• Observations
• Traffic data of solution for an
• Quantitative
Baguio City Advanced Parking
• Existing Advanced Building
• Simulations and
Parking systems • Architectural
• Design parameters Drawings

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Alkhuraiji, S. (2020). Design and implementation of an android smart parking mobile
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Guiffre, T., Suniscalchi, S., & Tesoriere, G. (2012). A novel architecture of Parking
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Iyaka, B. (2017). Automated car parking system. Academia.
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Pomaji, A., Boinwad, S., Wankhede, S., Singh, P., & Dhakulkar, B. (2019). Smart
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Sewagudde, C. (2016). The design and implementation of a smart-parking system for
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