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what is the importance of platonic solid and music construction in platonic cosmology

1. Plato believed that the universe is made up of five Platonic solids (tetrahedron, hexahedron,
octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron) which represent the elements of earth, air, water,
fire, and ether. He also believed that music played a role in the harmony of the universe, with
musical ratios corresponding to mathematical ratios in the physical world. This is known as the
"Music of the Spheres". These concepts of Platonic solids and musical construction are
considered fundamental in Platonic cosmology. They show the relationship between
mathematics and harmony in the universe.

explain the relationship between the Highest God and his Axuilliary Movers

2. In Platonic philosophy, the Highest God, also known as the "Demiurge," is considered to be the
creator of the physical world. The Highest God is seen as a transcendent being, beyond the
physical world. The Highest God uses "auxiliary movers" to bring order to the physical world.
These auxiliary movers, sometimes referred to as "Intelligent Principles," are responsible for the
movement of celestial bodies and maintain the harmony of the universe. The auxiliary movers
act as intermediaries between the Highest God and the physical world, implementing the will of
the Highest God in the cosmos.

Explain the emanation of Plotinus and demonstrate how this is evident in the Nicene Creed

3. Plotinus believed in a hierarchy of reality, with the ultimate reality being the One, which
emanates the world of Forms and Ideas. This emanation creates a downward progression from
the highest reality to lower levels of existence. The Nicene Creed, a statement of Christian faith,
states that God the Father is the creator of all things and that Jesus, the Son of God, is of the
same essence as the Father. This idea of a hierarchical relationship between God and Jesus is
similar to Plotinus' idea of emanation. The Nicene Creed therefore reflects the influence of
Neoplatonism on early Christian thought.

What is the role of the invisible orders in New Testament theology

4. In New Testament theology, the "invisible orders" refer to spiritual beings such as angels and
demons. They are believed to play a significant role in the supernatural realm, influencing
human affairs and serving as intermediaries between God and humans. The New Testament
teaches that these spiritual beings exist and that they can have a positive or negative impact on
individuals and communities, and that it is important for Christians to be aware of their
presence and to seek God's protection and guidance in dealing with them.

Explain the issue of the ETERNITY OF THE WORLD and Aquinas's Answer in cosmology subject

5. The issue of the eternity of the world in cosmology is the question of whether the universe has
always existed or if it had a beginning. This was a controversial topic in medieval philosophy and
was debated by theologians and philosophers, including Thomas Aquinas.

Aquinas believed that the world had a beginning and was created by God. He argued that the
existence of the world was dependent on God, and that it could not have always existed
because it needed a cause to bring it into being. He also argued that the idea of an eternal
universe was incompatible with the Christian doctrine of creation and the idea of God as an
efficient cause.

Thus, Aquinas' answer to the issue of the eternity of the world was that the universe had a
beginning and was created by God. This view was in line with the prevailing understanding of
creation among Christian theologians at the time, and it continues to be a central belief in the
Catholic Church and other Christian denominations.

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