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In Her Unexpected Life


Narrator: Once upon a time, in a small village called Wisteria Village, there
lived a beautiful young lady named Gwynyth. She was known as Snow White
for her skin that is white as snow. She has a best friend named Kiefer. They
were so inseparable that they were once called twins.


(Right side of the stage)

Narrator: But as time went by, things have been tough at Gwynyth's house.
Her mom got sick, and her father often came home from another village to work
as a lumberjack, the reason she became a maid at a young age. On the other
hand, Kiefer's parents got divorced. After that day, Kiefer decided to visit
Gwynyth at her work. Gwynyth was so happy to see her best friend after a

Gwynyth: Heyy Kief I missed you!

Kiefer: I missed you, too, Gwy!

Narrator: They talked and walked for hours until they reached Gwynyth’s

Gwynyth: Thanks for the walk, Kief!

Kiefer: Anytime Gwy.

Narrator: Kiefer actually has feelings for Gwynyth but he never had the
courage to tell her because he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. One day,
Gwynyth met a gorgeous girl across the street asking for directions.

Amethyst: Hi umm...excuse me?

Gwynyth: Yes, how may I help you?

Amethyst: Can you tell me where Lockwood Street is?

Gwynyth: Oh, it's actually over there.

Amethyst: Thank you so much! By the way, I'm Amethyst, your new neighbor.

Gwynyth: Oh, that's great! I heard that there were new neighbors coming this
week. I'm Gwynyth by the way.

Narrator: They immediately have an endless conversation. Not so long, they

started to hang out and became friends. Gwynyth decided to introduce Amethyst
to Kiefer during their friendship anniversary they always celebrate to at a hilltop
near the village watching the sunset. The day came, Gwynyth talked nonstop
about Kiefer on their way, and Amethyst was so happy to listen.

Gwynyth: He is so tall, kind, and sweet…

Amethyst: I'm sure he is a nice guy Gwy. He sounds like a dream guy, and I
can't wait to meet him.
Narrator: They've reached the top of the hill and Amethyst immediately
notices Kiefer in a distance. She felt as if she loved him forever.

Gwynyth: So, Amethyst this is…

Amethyst: Oh my… Hi, I'm Amethyst. I've heard so much about you. Gwynyth
was right about you! (Amethyst squealed)

(Gwynyth confused asf)

(Kiefer laughed awkwardly)

Kiefer: Umm Hi hahaha, Gwy surely introduced me nicely to you...

Amethyst: Yess and......(blablabla)

Narrator: Amethyst talks nonstop and Gwynyth and Kiefer just listen to her
until it goes dark.

Kiefer: Thanks for the day ladies but we must go down now. It's dangerous up
here in the evening.

Gwynyth: Yes, thanks for the food, Kief.

Kiefer: I'm glad you enjoyed my homemade cookies, your favorite.

Gwynyth: What a miracle! it's not salty this time (Gwynyth laughs)
Jireh: Gwyn let's go.

(Gwy nodded)

Narrator: Kiefer walked them home. Amethyst was jealous about how
Gwynyth and Kiefer talked and held onto each other. She believes that Kiefer is
her love at first sight. Amethyst can't stop thinking about Kiefer that night. She
always imagines that they're getting married, having kids, and living at her
dream house. Little did she know that Gwynyth already owns Kiefer's heart.

(Gwynyth's pov)

Narrator: Gwynyth's mother's condition got worst and needs to be treated

immediately. His father decided that they would move to the town where his
mother lived.

Gwynyth: But, Father, what about my work? My school?

Gwynyth's Father: I know, Sweetheart, it's going to be hard to be away from

your friends but we have no choice, your mom's not going to be okay here.
She's going to have better treatment there in the town.

Gwynyth: When are we coming back, Father?

Gwynyth's father: If your mother's going to feel better and you don't have to
work too. I'm sorry, sweetie.

Gwynyth: I understand, father, don't be sorry. It's for mom's health too.

Gwynyth’s father: Thank you, sweetheart.

(Gwynyth hugs her father)

Narrator: Gwynyth immediately informs Kiefer about their moving.

Kiefer: Hey Gwy what's the rush?

Gwynyth: Hey Kief, I need to tell you something.

Kiefer: Yeah, sure come in and sit down, you’re sweating. Did you run?

Gwynyth: We're moving to town tonight.

(Kiefer drops the pitcher he's holding)

Gwynyth: Hey be careful. Are you hurt?

Kiefer: Why are you moving?

Gwynyth: Mom's condition got worst and needs to be treated immediately.

Kiefer: You're going to come back, right?

Gwynyth: Don't worry. Father told me that if mom's going to feel better, we're
going back immediately.

Kiefer: Oh, well, I'll pray for your mom. I'm going to miss you Gwy.
(Kiefer sigh sadly)

Gwynyth: Hey don't be sad, were gonna see each other again.

Kiefer: You promise?

Gwynyth: Of course! I'm going to come back for you.

Kiefer: I love you, Gwy.

Gwynyth: I love you too, Kief.

(Gwynyth hugs Kiefer)

Kiefer: I'm gonna miss you so much Gwy.

Gwynyth: (chuckled) I'm gonna miss you too.

(Both of them smiled)

Gwynyth returned home and helped her father pack their things.

(Amethyst notices the bags Gwynyth and her father was holding)

Amethyst: Gwy? Where are you going?

Gwynyth: We're moving out Amethyst.

Amethyst: Where? (worried)

Gwynyth: To the town, don't worry I'm going to come back.

(Amethyst smirked)

Amethyst: Oh no (pretends to care) I'm going to miss you, Gwy.

(Amethyst hugs Gwyn)

Gwynyth: I'm going to miss you too, Amethyst.

Amethyst: Don't worry about Kiefer, I'll take care of him. (says proudly)
Take care on your trip.

Gwynyth: Thank you, Amethyst. We’re gonna go now. Goodbye! (Waves at


Amethyst: Bye! (Waves back)

Gwynyth: Let's go, father. (Help her father carry the bags)

(While walking to their carriage)

Kiefer: Hey Gwy, wait up! (Starts to run towards Gwy)

Gwynyth: Hey slowdown

Kiefer: Do you really have to go?

Gwynyth: Yes, Kief. (Holds Kiefer's hand) Please don't forget me.

(Kiefer pat Gwyns head)

Kiefer: I won't (chuckled) why would I (carriage noise)

Gwynyth: I must go now. Goodbye, Kief.

Kiefer: But Gw-

Gwynyth: Don't worry, we're gonna be okay. Promise me you’ll take care of

Kiefer: Don't worry about me.

Gwynyth's father: Let's go, Gwy. (Gwynyth runs to her father)

Gwynyth: Goodbye, Kief! (waves)

Kiefer: Goodbye (waves and run after the carriage)

Narrator: Gwynyth was so sad to leave her village and her best friends. 4
hours later, they reached the town. They were greeted by her grandmother
who’s waiting outside.
Gwynyth's grandmother: Ohhh you guys are finally here! Look at you
Gwy, you've grown up so pretty!

Gwynyth: Good afternoon, grandma. I missed you so much. (Hugs her


(They entered the house.)

(Gwynyth and her father guided her mother to the bed.)

Gwynyth's father: Thank you so much, mom, for letting us stay here.

Gwynyth's grandmother: Oh, don't you worry. You're free to stay here all
the time! And besides, I'll be happy because I'm a little bit lonely here.

Narrator: Days went by and Kiefer's still waiting for Gwynyth at their
favorite spot; the top hill, where you can see a beautiful view from the whole
village. Amethyst saw him and got excited.

Amethyst: Hey Kiefer, how are you?

Kiefer: I'm fine, thanks for asking. (annoyed)

Amethyst: Wanna play a game?

Kiefer: I gotta go now Amethyst, it's nice seeing you.

Amethyst: Are you avoiding me? Is this about Gwynyth? (Kiefer's confused

Kiefer: What are you talking about? You're being weird. (Kiefer left)

(Amethyst shouts)

Amethyst: She's not coming back!

*whispers* Amethyst: Don't worry Kief you're going to be mine one day.

Narrator: Months went by, and Kiefer is still waiting for Gwynyth, and
Amethyst always approach him pretending to care. She always brought him
food and talks a lot about herself, while Kiefer is only thinking of Gwynyth.

Amethyst: (sighs) Are you listening to me?

(Kiefer's brother from a distance)

Kiefer's sister: Kiefer, come quick! (shouting) (Kiefer stand and run to his
brother leaving Amethyst at the scene)


(Messy house)

Kiefer: Uhh... mom, dad?

(Kiefer's dad is drunk sitting inthe corner)


Kiefer's mom: Honey umm... Please don't be angry with mom I'm just
gonna leave but don't worry I'm going to comeback for you... okay? ( Says in
heavy breathing)

Kiefer: B-but mom where are you going to go?

(Crying and heavy breathing)

Kiefer's mom: D-don't worry about me. I'm taking Kris with me. I promise
I'm going to come back for you. I need you to trust mom... Please?

Kiefer's dad: What am I gonna do.... WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! (Angry


Kiefer's mom: I'm gonna go now, son. Please be careful here with your dad.
I love you, honey. (Fix Kiefer's hair and wipe his tears)

Kiefer: I love you too mom please be careful. (Kiefer's mom grab his sister
who's crying) (the three of them hugged)

Narrator: After Kiefer's mom left, he comforted his father (takes away the
bottle away from him) things started to calm down. (Kiefer hugs his father)
Turns out Kiefer's parents divorced two months ago. They got separated
because of Kiefer's father's drinking habit.

*/Gwynyth's pov
Narrator: A year after they move to the town, Gwynyth's mother's condition
got worst. She was diagnosed with Cardiac Sarcoma, which is a cancer of
the heart.

*Gwynyth and her mother having a conversation

Gwynyth's mother: So sweety, tell me about you and Kiefer. Are you two
dating now? (Said teasingly)


Gwynyth: No mom, but…I’ll admit it, I have a crush on him.

Gwynyth's mother: I know you missed him a lot right now and I'm sorry
sweetie we moved because of me.

*Conversation cut by grandma

Gwynyth's grandma: So, you have a guy you like huh? (Said with a big

Gwynyth: Grandma! (Declining voice)

Gwynyth's grandma: I wonder when I'm going to meet that guy. I'm sure
he's handsome just like your father.

Gwynyth: Well… he is-

Gwynyth's grandma: See! your daughter's in love, Lorelai.

Gwynyth's mother: Yes, mom (laughs) He is respectful too. I like that guy
when he baked delicious cookies for Gwyn at home.

*Coughs (looks pale)

Gwynyth: Mom are you all right?

Gwynyth's mother: Yes, I am. (smiles) Don't worry about me, Gwyn. (Hugs

Narrator: But deep inside, Golda is worrying about her daughter when she
passed out because according to the doctor, she only has months left if they
can't perform the surgery immediately. They were worrying about their
financial status for her medical bills lately.

*Amethyst's pov

Narrator: A year has passed and still Amethyst hasn’t been noticed by
Kiefer. Her cousin, Drake, on her mother's side is living with them for the
past few weeks. Amethyst told Drake everything about her feelings for
Kiefer and being jealous of Gwy. Drake seems to be interested in Gwy that's
why he wanted to be closed to Kiefer. One afternoon, Drake and Amethyst
are having a walk and they saw Kiefer at the hilltop looking at the distance.
(They approach Kiefer)

Amethyst: Hey! How you doin Kief?

*Kiefer look at them

Kiefer: Hi, I'm doing great thanks.

Amethyst: So, this is my cousin, Drake, and he wants to be friends with

*Drake waves

Amethyst: And I was thinking maybe the three of us would celebrate your
friendship anniversary of you and Gwy, since she isn’t here.

Kiefer: Thanks for the offer, Amethyst but no, I should probably head home
right now. It's getting late. Be safe for both of you.

Amethyst: Oh, (disappointed) what if the three of us walk home? Besides

our home isn’t that far away.

Kiefer: Okay, no problem.

Narrator: The three of them start their way to the village. Amethyst then
starts to cling to Kiefer's arm, but Kiefer was so sad to notice it. He only
thinks of Gwy coming back home. Amethyst starts to talk and talk until
they've reached home. Kiefer was so relieved that Amethyst is gone because
he starts to notice how she always wants to grab his attention. The next day,
same time in the afternoon, Kiefer always sat on the hilltop still waiting on
Gwy to show up in the middle of the road. Drake saw him in the distance
while picking up some flowers and decided to join him.

Dexter: Hey? Kiefer, right? (Kiefer turn around shocked)

Kiefer: Oh dude, you startled me. Have a seat.

Dexter: I heard you're waiting for someone here every afternoon.

Kiefer: Yeah, it's my best friend Gwy. We used to hang out here on this

Dexter: Aren't you bored waiting for her? I mean Amethyst's here, and you
could use her absence as her.

Kiefer: I don't know about Amethyst, but she always wants my attention all
the time and I seemed to notice that (sighs) she's obsessed with me.

Dexter: I'm sure she is. It's obvious because she always talks about you all
the time when we're hanging out. She also told me about this lovely girl
named Gwy. She must be that girl you told me about earlier.

Kiefer: Yes, Gwy is my best friend and sure she is lovely. No wonder I got
feelings for her.

Dexter: Wait, you do? I mean you were childhood best friends, it could ruin
your friendship thing. I'm sure she is pretty, but you can't catch feelings for

Kiefer: I know dude. That's why I didn't have the courage to tell her about
this feeling. I'm afraid she'll avoid me forever. She's the only one I have
since my family wasn't in good condition. Now it's worse than I thought.

(Dexter pats Kiefer's shoulder)

Dexter: Everything's going to be fine dude. Amethyst is here too. You can
count on her, trust me.

Kiefer: Thank you. (smiles)

Narrator: Kiefer and Drake start to hang out for the past few weeks and
Amethyst seems to notice them and starts to join them. Amethyst always
wants to talk to Kiefer but Kiefer is busy thinking about his girl.

*A month after



Kiefer's mother and father: Son? Son!

Kiefer: Mother? Father?

Kiefer's father: Son, lock the door! (Kiefer's father blocking the door)

Kiefer: Mom?... Father, what's going on? Why is there an angry person
outside? W-who is that?

Kiefer's mother: Listen to me. You need to run as fast as you can into the
woods, okay? Don't be afraid, just follow the path and don't stop running.
You will see a small cottage hidden in the big rocks. Do you understand?

Kiefer: Why mom? Where's Kris? (In a panic response)

Kiefer's mother: She's in town, with your aunt. (Loud bang on the door)
(*looks at the door) Whatever's going to happen, do not come back.

Kiefer's father: There's no time son, you must go.

Kiefer: But fathe-

Kiefer's father: Now! (Pushes Kiefer)

*Kiefer runs outside the house/left side of the stage

Narrator: Kiefer runs outside their window where his father pushes him. He
didn't even say goodbye to his mother and father. He hid behind the trees and
could only watch and hear his mother screaming and his father being
murdered. Kiefer was seen by the man and starts to run toward him. He was
so scared that he runs to the rocks and hid behind there until the man
disappeared. Kiefer could only cry and cry thinking about what happened
and who is that man. Then he remembered what his mother said, find the
cottage that was hidden behind the big rock. After hours of walking, Kiefer
found the big rock and there it was, a small cottage behind the big rock.

*Knock knock

Kiefer: Hello? (sobbing) Anybody home?

Narrator: The door was unlocked, and Kiefer decided to enter the cottage. It
was dirty and smelly, seems like no one had been there for years. But then he
heard some whispering and footsteps coming from outside.

(Dwarfs laughing)

Grumpy: Stop it, I hate you.

Happy: Oh, you do? (Disappointed face)

*Quick silence

(Everyone laughs)

Doc: Wait, look the door is open.

Bashful: Did you lock the door on our way out?

Sneezy: Achoo! (sniffs) Of course I did Achooo- (Sneezy's sneeze led them
all inside the house)

Doc: No no no watch out!! (Everyone screams)

*Quick silence

(Everyone laughs)

Sleepy: Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!

Doc: What's the matter- Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

(Everyone screams when they saw Kiefer)

Kiefer: Wait! Calm down! Please! (Everyone stops screaming and looked at

Everyone: Okay.

Doc: Wait, who are you?

Kiefer: My name is Kiefer. My mother told me to run here-

Grumpy: Who the hell is your mother? (Angrily shouted)

Kiefer: Uh... S-she's-

Sleepy: Wait, Kiefer? He's the son that lady told us to take care of as a favor
for her. (yawn)

Bashful: But why are you alone? Where's your mother? And why are you

Kiefer: How did you know about my mom?

Doc: She once passed her....

Narrator: The dwarfs told Kiefer what happened months ago. Turns out his
mother helped the dwarfs from a big wolf that was about to eat them. As
return, they promised to take care of her son; Kiefer, the one she always told
stories to them.

Doc: Now tell us, where is your mother?

Kiefer: They were killed by a man.

(All of the dwarfs gasp)

Sneezy: Achoo!! (sniffs) What happened? How did you find us?

Happy: How did she tell you the direction of our house?

Bashful: Did she mention that I'm handsome?

Grumpy: Shut up! (Slaps him in the head)

Bashful: Hey! Why are you always angry?

Kiefer: She just told me to run and find the big rocks and then my dad
pushed me outside the window. I could only watch and listen to them from
the distance. And then he saw me. I was so scared that I couldn't move. All I
did is to hide. I didn't even say goodbye to them.

Happy: Oh, that must be so a traumatic scene. I'm so sorry Kiefer.

(Dopy cries)

(Everyone hugs Kiefer)

Kiefer: Thank you guys, can I stay here for the rest of the night?

Doc: Pfftt why not forever?

Happy: HAHAHAHHA there's nothing to worry about mate.

(Dopy claps)

*All of them hug Kiefer finds it safe to stay with the dwarfs and started to
trust them.

Narrator: He is still processing of what happened and couldn't stop crying

through the night. The dwarfs could only watch him sober in his bed.

Sleepy: Are we only going to watch him here? Sober all night? (yawn)

Doc: He seemed depressed about what happened.

Grumpy: Are you stupid? What if that happens to you? You will also be
depressed too.

Doc: Okay I'm sorry. Happy: Why don't we cheer him up?

Bashful: Yeah, by bringing him gifts.

(Dopy claps)

Sneezy: Or bringig him a girl? Achoo!!

Everyone: Shhhh!!!

Grumpy: What!! Why would a girl cheer him up?!

Doc: Shut up everyone!

Bashful: You know I will promise him that I bring him a girl and they would
live happily ever after.

Grumpy: What a stupid idea. (Head swings)

Narrator: On the other side, Amethyst and Drake find out what happened at
Kiefer's house.

*Switch scene/left or right side of the stage)

Amethyst: What do we do know? How about Kiefer? Where is he? Is he

okay? (Nervous and scared)

Dexter:Hey hey chill down you're being dramatic. What are you, his
mother? (laughs)

Amethyst: Are you crazy? I love that man and why wouldn't I care for him?

Dexter: Kiefer does notice it Amethyst that you're obsessed with him-
Amethyst: Wait he did? When did he say that?

Dexter: Duhh the day we became bros?

Amethyst: It doesn't matter the problem now is where do we find him.

Dexter: I know-

Amethyst: Wait why do you care?

Dexter: I need to know about that girl Gwy you’re talking about.

Amethyst: You are really that interested huh?

Dexter: Shut up! (Pushes Amethyst)


*Switch scene village - left or right side of the stage

Narrator: 10 years later and still there's no sign of Kiefer but Gwynyth and
her family came back to the village. The first thing Gwy thought of is Kiefer.

(*puts their bag)

Gwynyth: Hey mom can I go visit Kiefer?

Gwynyth's mom: Sure Gwyn. Be back before sunset! (Gwynyth running)

Gwynyth: Okay mother!

Narrator: Gwynyth was so excited to tee Kiefer, but she also has a bad
feeling about him not greeting her coming back. Then, she saw Amethyst
who was very shocked to see her.

Gwynyth: Amethyst!

Amethyst: Gwy?

Gwynyth: Yes! It's me! (Hugs Amethyst)

Amethyst: Look at you! You've grown up so pretty.

Gwynyth: (chukcles) Oh thank you! But where is Kiefer? I haven't seen him
in our way to the village.

Amethyst: Uhh about that…

Gwynyth: Wait is he all right?

Amethyst: I don't want to tell you this, but Kiefer and his family moved into
the city years ago. He told me that he wants to find you.

Gwynyth: W-what? But I'm here now. And he's out of town. I didn't even
see him there.

Amethyst: Yes, it is so sad begging him not to go and I even told him just to
wait for you. (sighs) You know what? It's okay Gwy, you have me and

Dexter: Hey, Gwy.

Gwynyth: Hello. I think I'm gonna go home now and I'm tired from our
travel. See you, Amethyst.

Amethyst: Okay see you!

Dexter: So that is Gwy? (whispers) She's more gorgeous in person.

Amethyst: Yes, that's her and she thinks that Kiefer is out of town. Now
she's gonna think that he'll leave her forever.

Dexter: Wait you told her that? What is wrong with you?

Amethyst: Shut up! You didn't even know the plan. (*slaps him in the

Dexter: Ouch! Geez okay!

Narrator: Meanwhile Gwynyth on her way home cannot stop thinking about
Kiefer leaving out of town. She was so sad that she couldn't even walk

Gwynyth's mother: Hey honey watch out!

Gwynyth: Oh, sorry mother.

Gwynyth's mother: Are you all right?

Gwynyth: Yes mom. Kiefer's out of town years ago and he said that he was
going to find me.

Gwynyth's mother: What? So that means he's still out there looking for

Gwynyth: Yes mother. I'm gonna go to bed now.

Gwynyth's mother: Come out for dinner, okay?

Narrator: Gwynyth was so sad to hear the news that her best friend is
looking for her on the other side of the town. Far from the truth that Kiefer is
living in the woods with the 7 dwarfs.

Gwynyth's mother: Dinner's ready!

Gwynyth: Mom? Why don't I go back to the town? Maybe I would meet
Kiefer there.

Gwynyth's father: Are you sure you want to go back to town? Your
grandmother will guide you.

Gwynyth's grandma: Yes, yes dear I'm happy to help you. But once you
meet him, we're going back here, okay?

Gwynyth: Of course, grandma! Oh, thank you so much to all of you! (Hugs
them all)

Gwynyth's mother: Of course, love. I couldn't stand to see you sobbing in

the night.

Gwynyth's father: But you must go on the weekend because grandma needs
to see her old friends here in the village.

Gwynyth: It’s okay father thank you so much. (Hugs them again)

Narrator: Gwynyth is so happy that she couldn't sleep all night. She was so
excited to see her best friend from a long time. On the other hand, Kiefer
also misses Gwynyth so much because she is the only one left for him.
(tomorrow) Gwynyth was so happy to inform Amethyst about her going back
to the town hoping to find Kiefer.

Gwynyth: Amethyst! We are going back to town! I can't wait to see Kiefer

Amethyst: What? Oh, well it's just a while since you're here Gwyn I'm
gonna miss you again.

Gwynyth: Don't worry we're going to come back soon after I find Kiefer.

Amethyst: Wait I have an idea! Before you go, can we spend time together?
what if we hike on thursday?

Gwynyth: oh, that's a good idea! I'm in!

[Dexter walks in]

Dexter: What's up everyone! what are you two talking about?

Gwynyth: Amethyst has an idea that we should go hiking before I leave to


Dexter: That's a bright idea! I'm down!

[all of them laughs and are looking forward to it]

Narrator: Dexter and Gwynyth are really looking forward to it. They are
excited and happy because the three of them can spend time together, while
Amethyst is secretly smiling because Gwynyth will finally leave the village.

Narrator: Thursday came and Gwynyth already packed her bags and is
ready to leave her house. Dexter and Amethyst are already waiting for
Gwynyth to arrive on the way to the mountains. [pause] Gwynyth finally
arrived and then they started to hike. On the way, they realized that they
have forgotten to bring their map, and then they got lost. Instead of going to
the mountains, they were in the deep, dark forest. A deadly forest where
rumors said many people died there. The sun starts to set and then Dexter
suggested that they will make a campfire to keep them warm for the rest of
the night. The two ladies agreed to his suggestion. Amethyst then suggested
that she and Dexter will find logs, and Gwynyth will stay at the site.
Gwynyth agreed to it. Amethyst and Dexter left, and Gwynyth is left alone.
After a while, Gwynyth roomed around the forest hoping to find an old
house or a place they could at least stay in. Gwynyth tripped on something
unfamiliar and then she saw an old cottage. She tried to knock on the door.
There was no response, and the door is open. Then, she went inside the
cottage. Gwynyth: I wonder whose house is this. Narrator: She looked
around the house and it was really messy. Furniture and appliances were
everywhere, and it was smelly.

[Gwynyth peaked through the window to see if Dexter and Amethyst already

Gwynyth: oh, they still haven't arrived. I guess I can clean these up. After
that, I'll call them to see this place.

[Gwynyth cleans up]

[Naay music background]

Narrator: After cleaning the place, Gwynyth felt tired, and she saw a nice,
cozy bed. She lay there to nap for a bit. But then she was in deep sleep.
Narrator: There were people, or not? coming to the cottage. Guess who they
are? It's the Seven Dwarfs! — the dwarfs whom Kiefer met a decade ago.

[the 7 dwarfs laugh]

Sneezy: Achoo! Oh look, he's all red again! Oh grumpy, what a pity.

Bashful: Hey don't be like that! He looks hot when he's red! HAHAHAHA

[Grumpy stumped his foot]

Grumpy: Shut up! I'm not red!

[everyone laughs]

Doc: Shut it you two! You're picking on Grumpy again.

Sleepy: (yawns) Oh, look! The door is wide open.

Dopey: (shocked)

Happy: (continues laughing) HAHAHAHAHA wait what?

Doc: wait, is Kiefer home? didn't he leave first before us?

Bashful: Let's go inside.

Narrator: They went inside, and they were shocked to see the clean house.
Grumpy was the one who was really shocked.

Doc: WoAHhhH look the floor is shining shimmering splendid!

[everyone laughs]

Sleepy: (yawns) I'm getting sleepy.

[Sleepy walks toward the bedroom]

Sneezy: ACHOO!

Happy: Be cafeful, Sneezy! You'll make the floor dirty with your virus

Sleepy: OHMYGOSH! There's a woman on my bed!

[the other dwarfs sprinted to the room to see it]

[everyone gasped]

Everyone: There’s a girl in our house! Shhh! Shhhh!

Grumpy: Shut up! You’re gonna wake her up!

Doc: You know that you’re just making it worse, right?

Bashful: Look how gorgeous she is.

Narrator: They studied her face, and they were all star-struck by the beauty
she possesses. Dopey tried to tell something to Grumpy—it’s as if he was
doing sign language—and then once Grumpy looked towards his direction,
he remembered the promise he said to the dwarfs about bringing a girl for

Happy: Oh look! Kiefer’s coming!

Sneezy: How are we going to tell Kiefer about this gorgeous specie?
[Kiefer then enters the house, and the dwarfs were startled. The dwarfs
sprinted to the door to stop Kiefer from entering the house]

Kiefer: woah woah easy you guys! What’s the commotion here? Did
something bad happen?

All the dwarfs: DON’T ENTER THE HOUSE!

Doc and Bashful: There’s something we need to tell you.

[Sneezy sneezed twice]

Bashful: First, we need to chil—


[everyone is yelling and arguing]

Narrator: Kiefer got enough of it and went inside the house. He wanders
inside the house wondering why the house is so clean. He went inside the
bedroom. He saw something that caused a shock on his face.

Kiefer: Is this a human being? Are you a human being?

Narrator: Then he scanned it and realized that it was a girl who’s sleeping.

Kiefer: Oh, it’s a girl. I wonder how she got here.

[Sleepy yawns]

Sleepy: Kiefer went to the bedroom.

[all dwarfs ran to the bedroom]

Narrator: Kiefer was analyzing the girl. She kinda looked familiar to him.
The dwarfs wanted to go inside but they stopped themselves because they
saw Kiefer looking at the girl.
Doc: (whispers to Kiefer) Wake her up!

[Kiefer held Gwynyth’s hand, then slowly shakes it]

[Gwnyth wakes up and then wiped her face]

Gwynyth: Oh, sorry I slept here. I roomed around the forest hoping that I
could find a place that I and my two friends are going to stay in because we
got lost in this forest.

[Kiefer kinda recognizes her]

Kiefer: Wait, you’re kinda familiar. Are you Gwynyth?

[Gwynyth froze]

Kiefer: Oh sorry, I thought you were someone I know.

Gwynyth: Oh, yes. How did you know that my name is Gwynyth?

Kiefer: You’re my childhood friend.

Gwynyth: Kief, is that you?

Kiefer: Oh, Gwyn! I knew it was you because of your nose, hair, and skin.

[They hugged each other]

Gwynyth: I’m happy to see you again after a decade.

Kiefer: Me too, Gwyn. Beyond happy.

[All the dwarfs cheered for them]

Narrator: All of them got so happy and excited.

Gwynyth: I’m with Amethyst and her other friend named Dexter. They were
looking for logs for our campfire. They must be looking for me now.

Kiefer: Oh, Dexter? Isn’t that Amethyst’s cousin?

Gwynyth: Oh, they’re cousins? I didn’t know that. Wait, I thought you were
out of town looking for me? That’s what Amethyst told me before.

Kiefer: Wait, wha—

[bashful interrupts]

Bashful: Hey, there’s a girl and boy outside the door.

Gwynyth: That must be them!

[Amethyst went inside the house and the hugged Gwynyth]

Amethyst: We’re looking everywhere for you!

[Kiefer went outside the bedroom to see Gwy’s friends]

Amethyst: Wait, Kief, is that you? Oh my gosh you’ve grown tall! I missed
you so much!

Kiefer: (talks awkwardly) Yeah, it’s me.

Gwynyth: Amethyst, didn’t you tell me that Kiefer was out of town looking
for me?

Amethyst: I—

Dexter: Why don’t we chill and relax ourselves in here?

Kiefer: Yeah, great idea.

[The dwarfs were just looking at them]

Kiefer: Boys, would you mind giving us some time?

All the dwarfs: Okay!

Doc: Have a great night!

Narrator: The four of them sat down on the sofa. Then, Kiefer talks about
what happened to his late parents, how they were murdered. Dexter also told
Gwynyth that Amethyst didn’t tell her the truth because she was afraid that
Gwynyth might get worried about Kiefer. Amethyst apologizes to Gwynyth,
then she accepted Amethyst’s apology. Then they decided to call it a day and

[cover up the stage]

Narrator: The sun rose, and birds were chirping. They all woke up, and then
they had a little chat. Kiefer told the three of them about the path to the
village, but Gwynyth interrupts Kiefer.
Gwynyth: Why don’t you come with us, Kief?

Kiefer: I’m still traumatized about what happened to my parents, Gwyn.

Amethyst: There’s nothing to worry about since it happened a decade ago.

Narrator: They’re deciding where should Kiefer live.

Kiefer: What if I’ll just visit you together with the Dwarfs since I got no
place to stay in?

[the three of them agreed]

Narrator: Kiefer guided them out the forest to the village. Once they’re out
the forest, Kiefer insisted to walk Gwynyth home. And then Gwynyth was
fine with it. Then, Amethyst and Dexter went their separate ways to go


Gwynyth: Mom! Dad! Look who’s with me!

Gwy’s Mom & Dad: Who?

[Gwynyth looked at Kiefer and said to come in]

Gwy’s Mom: Oh, it’s you Kiefer! It’s been a long time! Kiefer: I missed

Narrator: Kiefer and Gwy’s Parents chatted about how Kiefer is doing,
about his parents, and where he lives now, he also mentioned the 7 dwarfs,
and so on. Kiefer also asked Gwy’s mother about her health, then she said
that she was doing all right. After an hour, Kiefer decided to go home


Narrator: One afternoon, Gwy decided to go to a hilltop to unwind. She
went there alone. At that same afternoon, Kiefer also went to that hilltop to
relax his mind with the happenings in his life. While on the hilltop, Gwynyth
sensed that there was a person coming, and she was starting to get nervous.
But then she saw Kiefer. They both sat next to each other under a tree and
Gwynyth admired the beautiful golden scenery, while Kiefer also admired a
beautiful, gorgeous view. It was Gwynyth. The wind was cool as snow on
the beach, and the leaves were falling like how Kiefer is falling deeply in
love with Gwynyth.

(Musicians: playing 18 by One Direction)

Kiefer: Gwy, I need to tell you something.

Gwy: What is it, Kief?

Kiefer: I’ll make this straightforward. I have loved you since we were kids.

(Gwyn stared at Kief)

Narrator: Gwyn stared at Kiefer blankly thinking it was a joke, but Kiefer
looks serious. She didn't know how or what to respond to because she also
feels the same way about him.

(Gwynyth turns around for being shy)

(Kiefer then reached her hand and fix her hair.)

Kiefer: I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, Gwy. D-don't worry I'll try
my best to move on-

Gwynyth: I like you too. I mean (Said shyly) you know.

Kiefer: You do? (Said excitedly)

(Gwynyth leans on Kiefer's shoulder)

[song playing in chorus "18"]

Narrator: The two felt like there were on cloud nine. So happy that both of
them feel the same way.

[song ends]

Narrator: Kiefer said goodbye to Gwynyth after he walked her home.

Kiefer also starts to head home.
[Amethyst glaring at them]


[Amethyst and Dexter walking]

Dexter: You almost lost Gwynyth's trust in you, don't you know that?

Amethyst: Of course I do. I hate that girl always ruining my moment with
Kiefer. It took her 10 years to come back and she was not ashamed of not
coming back.

Dexter: You're madly in love with Kiefer sis and that's kinda scary.

Amethyst: Shut up! I know you like Gwynyth too. Just think of it, both of
them might go on a date or something and what would you feel about that

Dexter: Uhh... Of course, I'll be happy for them I mean they look good when
they're together.

Amethyst: Happy? Of course (rolls her eyes) it is because you didn't see
them earlier.

Dexter: What earlier?

Amethyst: They we're sitting and hugging on the top hill. I wonder what
their conversation is because it seems romantic and I hate it.

Dexter: B-but I think that was just normal for them, right?

Amethyst: Normal? That they could swallow each other with that kiss.

Dexter: They kissed?! Wait is this true Amethyst? Or you're just sabotaging

Amethyst: If you don't trust me then see it for yourself. I'll wait for you to
come back with tears in your eyes.
Narrator: Dexter was so shocked by what Amethyst told him. It wasn't true
that they kissed but Dexter kinda believes of in them getting in love and
honestly, he was kinda happy and jealous.

[close stage-switch scene]

Narrator: Months later, Kiefer decided to ask Gwynyth's mom if it is okay
for him to ask Gwynyth out on a date. He is with the dwarfs and they told,
advised him a lot of things to do and to say.

Happy: You need to smile at everything you say.

Bashful: And don't forget to move those eyelashes. (blinks fastly)

Kiefer: Do I really have to do that? (smiles)

Grumpy: Here's a flower Kief.

Sneezy: Since when did you like flowers Grumpy?

Grumpy: That is not a big deal!

Sleepy: Can I lean on you? (yawns)

(Dopy noded)

Doc: Don't be nervous Kief you can do it!

Kiefer: Thank you guys I'll treat y'all after this.

Everyone: Yes!

Doc: Here it comes!

(Dopey claps)


(*knock knock)
Kiefer: Hello?

Gwynyth's grandmother: Oh! who's this handsome man outside?

Kiefer: Good afternoon I'm looking for Gwynyth. Is she home?

Gwynyth's grandmother: Unfortunately she's not here but please come

inside and introduce yourself.

Gwynyth's mother: Who is that?

Kiefer: Good afternoon Mrs Golda.

(nag bless si Kiefer)

Gwynyth's mother: Oh Kiefer it's you, son. Please come in, don't mind the
mess around in our house.

(Kiefer sats down)

So, mom, this is Kiefer the boy Gwynyth always talks about us, and Kiefer
this is Gwynyth's grandmother.

Kiefer: Goodafternoon. (nag bless saiyang lola)

Gwynyth's mother: Why did you pass here honey?

Kiefer: I was looking for Gwynyth but since she's not here I'm gonna tell
you something, Mrs Golda.

Gwynyth's grandmother: Are you gonna ask her out?

Kiefer: Yes that's why I brought some flowers and the cookies she loves.

Gwynyth's grandmother: Can we eat them?

Golda: Mom!

Gwynyth's grandmother: What? They look delicious.

Kiefer: Sure I don't mind. I can bring more if you don't mind.

Gwynyth's grandmother: Of course, we wouldn't mind.

(Gwynyth's mother laughs)

Narrator: Kiefer told Gwynyth's mom and Gwynyth's grandmother about

his feelings for Gwynyth and about him asking her out to go on a date.

Gwynyth's Grandmother: Oh silly boy, you don't need to date! You guys
are already a match and I can see you two being in love with each other.

Gwynyth's mother: That is very sweet son and I know Gwynyth would love
it. Did you already ask her out?

Kiefer: I was supposed to Mrs Golda but-

Gwynyth's mother: Just call me Aunty, okay?

Kiefer: Okay aunty. I was supposed to ask her out now and then ask your
permission if she agrees.

Gwynyth: Ask me what?

(Gwynyth standing at the door)

Gwynyth's grandmother: Oh Gwynyth you're finally here!

Gwynyth: Yes grandma good afternoon. I'm with Dexter, he helped me with
the things I carry from the shop because he was also heading home.

Gwynyth's grandmother: Oh thank you child for walking Gwynyth home.

Dexter: It's a pleasure, ma'am.

Gwynyth's mother: Oh Gwynyth come here Kiefer has something to tell


Gwynyth: What is it?

(Kiefer turns around)

Gwynyth's grandmother: Aww looks Kiefer's shyness makes him turn


Gwynyth's mother: Don't be shy honey. Whenever you're ready.

Kiefer: Thank you.

Narrator: Kiefer slowly approached Gwynyth and reached for her hand
giving her the flower Grumpy has given him.

("18"-playing chorus)

He told him everything and finally asked her out.

Kiefer: Can we?

Gwynyth: Of course! Yes! I would love to!

Kiefer: Thank you! (hugs Gwyn)

*moments for a moment

(Dexter drops the things he was holding)

(song stop)

Dexter: Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin your moment.

Gwynyth's mother: It's okay Dexter. Thank you so much for walking
Gwynyth home.

Dexter: You're welcome ma'am. I'm gonna go now because it's getting late,
goodbye ma'am, goodbye Gwynyth and Kiefer.

Everyone: Goodbye!

(Dexter walks out of the house)

Narrator: All of them were so happy, especially the dwarfs listening and
watching outside the scene.

[says goobye and proceeds to go home]

Narrator: They couldn't stop gushing about what happened on their way
home. (dwarfs laughing) On the other side, Dexter feels devastated by what
happened and Amethyst notices his devastating face. He told her what
happened in the afternoon about Kiefer and how Gwynyth accepted him.
Amethyst: What? They're going on a date?!

Dexter:r: (devastated face) Yes, her mother even gave them a blessing.

Amethyst: Oh God this isn't happening. What should I do now? They're

gonna be with each other for the rest of their lives! I lost Kiefer for a decade
and she's just gonna make him distance from me again? No!!

Dexter: There's nothing we can do now. I'll never have a chance of

confessing to Gwynyth. I'm gonna go now Amethyst.

Amethyst: Wait I have an idea!

(Amethyst turned around and Dexter walks out)

Amethyst: Don't lose hope! You two are going to be together, trust me!

(Dexter continues walking)

(Amethyst smirked)

Amethyst: You're not going to be together, forever.

*Switch scene


Narrator: Weeks went by and the two love birds were living on cloud 9.
They officially started dating which makes Amethyst more furious at Gwyn.
One weekend, the messenger of the village sent a message to all the villagers
that everyone is invited to the Chieftain's place who is going to hold a party
to celebrate his daughter's birthday which is also Gwynyth's birthday.

Villager: There will be a dance after the dinner and everyone is invited. The
Chieftain is going to be happy if everyone in the village will join the party.
Thank you! (shouts)

[everyone murmuring]

Gwynyth: Wow did you hear that Ki-

(Amethyst cuts off Gwynyth's sentence)

Amethyst: We can dance together Kief!

(Kiefer turns around)

Kiefer: Yes?

Amethyst: We can finally hang out together!

Dexter: Yeah! I mean the four of us.... right?

Amethyst: Yeah yeah whatever.

Narrator: Dexter is so excited about the party because Gwynyth is also

coming. On the other hand, Kiefer was so confused why Amethyst couldn't
stop talking about the dance and the party on their way home because he
didn't clearly hear the announcement. Gwynyth is also looking forward to
Kiefer being his dance but Amethyst already asks him out.


[dwarfs laughing]

Grumpy: What now?!

[Dopy signs that there is something in his head]

Doc: Hey don't be mean to Grumpy or else he's gonna turn red again.

Bashful: Here's a flower for my lady. (reaches him a flower)

Grumpy: I am not a lady!

Sneezy: Achoo!

Bashful: Hey be careful you're gonna ruin my flower for Grumpy.

Sleepy: (Yawns) Look Kiefer's here.

(Dopy claps and cheers)

Doc: Hey Kief where's Gwynyth?

Happy: What's that big smile for?

Sneezy: (wipes his nose) So, where is she?

Kiefer: Hey chill, (chuckles) there's this party this weekend in the village
and everyone is invited.

(All of the dwarfs gasped)

Dwarfs: Wait really?

Sneezy: Can we come?

Bashful: Is there a dance at the party? Oh, I can't wait to see you two
dancing together.

Sleepy: (yawns) Can I sleep there?

Doc: Settle down guys! So Kief... can we come?

(Dopy signs at Kiefer nagpakaluoy)

Kiefer: Of course! All of you can come and yes there would be a dance.

Grumpy: Is Gwynyth coming?

Bashful: Wait do you like Gwynyth?

Grumpy: What? No!

Doc: Weekend? Isn't that Gwynyth's birthday?

Sneezy: Yeah! I can bring her gifts!

Happy: Or a kiss!

Bashful: Oh you're being romantic for a moment.

Grumpy: Really? (Grumpy calms down)

(Dopy nodded at Grumpy)

Sleepy: You should think of something romantic Kief well I mean it's her
birthday and you two were dating now so...

Happy: Yeah and they would finally kiss!

Grumpy: Stop it! You're disgusting.

Happy: The only one who's disgusting here is Sneezy HAHAHAHA.


Narrator: The day before the party, Amethyst and Dexter were together,
talking about the party.

Amethyst: Dexter, I have a what if.

Dexter: What? Tell me about it.

Amethyst: What if we’ll break Gwy and Kiefer apart? HAHAHA

Dexter: What do you mean we’ll break them up?

Amethyst: You like Gwynyth, and I like Kiefer. And I know that you hate
seeing Gwynyth dancing with Kiefer at the party. So what do you say?

Dexter: I mean yes, I hate seeing them together but…

Amethyst: But what?

Dexter: Nevermind, ok I’m down. So what’s your plan?

Amethyst: First, we’ll poison Gwy’s parents and her grandmother with a
cookie. I like making cookies so I’ll make them, and we need to find a

Dexter: Why do we have to put poison? Are we going to kill them? (with a
worried face)

Amethyst: Shush! No, it's not a real poison! So going back, after we poison
them at their house, we’ll go to the party and find Kiefer and Gwynyth.
Then, I will tell Gwynyth that her mom is not feeling very well so she’ll go
home to check on her mother. And then I can finally have a dance with
Kiefer. (evil smirk)
Dexter: Okay, got it.


Narrator: The day of the party has finally come and people were busy
preparing themselves. Kiefer is on the way to Gwynyth’s house to pick her
up. Kiefer wore a black tuxedo with white socks and black shoes, while
Gwynyth wore a mesmerizing white dress that was as white as her skin.
Kiefer finally picked her up and they went to the venue.


Narrator: After some time, Amethyst and Dexter are outside Gwynyth’s
with it.

Amethyst: Good evening, Auntie Golda. We have brought you some

cookies. I made too much so I thought that maybe I could give you some.

Golda: Oh, what a thoughtful young lady.

Narrator: Gwynyth’s mom called gwy’s father and grandmother. They each
took a cookie and had a taste of it. After that, Dexter and Amethyst said their
goodbyes. And the poison was starting to kick in. Dexter and Amethyst went
straight to the venue. (pause)

Narrator: When they were finally at the venue, they looked for Kiefer and
Gwynyth. They saw them dancing gracefully on the dance floor.

(Musicians: playing Can’t help falling in love with you)

Narrator: Amethyst and Dexter danced first, but their eyes were on Kiefer
and Gwynyth. Then, while dancing, all the pairs switched partners. Dexter
and Gwynyth are now partners, and so do Kiefer and Amethyst. After the
dance, Kiefer and Gwynyth talked. With great envy in Amethyst’s eyes, she
put on a fake smile while walking towards Gwynyth.

Amethyst: Kief, can I have Gwynyth for a minute?

Kiefer: Oh, yeah sure.

(They go to a spot where there are no people around.)

Narrator: While Gwynyth and Amethyst are talking, Dexter went to Kiefer
and they had a small talk.

Amethyst: Gwy, I need to tell you something.

Gwynyth: What is it, Amethyst?

Amethyst: I overheard someone saying that your mother is not feeling better
right this very moment. You need to go home and check your mother’s well-

Gwynyth: Oh my gosh, thank you for telling me, Amethyst! I’ll be back!

Narrator: Kiefer didn’t notice that Gwynyth went home. And then Amethyst
walked towards Kiefer to dance with her. They danced, but then Kiefer
remembered Gwynyth.

Kiefer: Where’s Gwy?

Amethyst: Oh she went home, she said she forgot something.

Kiefer: Oh, okay.

Narrator: After some time, they finished their dance and Amethyst was so
satisfied with it. Meanwhile, Kiefer asked the dwarfs to go and follow Gwy
to their house. The dwarfs then followed what Kiefer said.


Narrator: The dwarfs are now outside Gwy’s house and they couldn’t
believe what they’re seeing.

All dwarfs: OH. MY. GOSH.

Gwynyth: Mom, Dad, Grandma, wake up! Please wake up!

(Gwynyth’s family lying on the floor)

Wake up! MOM WAKE UP! Please don’t leave me! (sobbing) PLEASE
WAKE UP! I can’t lose you. I can’t live without all of you! Don’t live me.
Please! God, help me! Help us! This is just a dream, Gwy. This is just a
dream. Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP! (sobbing)

Narrator: Gwynyth saw a cookie crumble in their mouths, and then she
thought that they have been poisoned. She then passed out because she can’t
process what was happening.

Kiefer, on the other hand, was so worried that he can’t help himself but go to
Gwy’s house. He was sprinting. Once he got there, he saw Gwy on the floor,
with her family.

Kiefer: Gwy, gwy wake up. Wake up, Gwy! Please wake up, Gwy!

Narrator: Kiefer saw the cookies and then he thought that they have been

Kiefer: No, no, no, no, NO! (starting to cry)

Narrator: Then he saw a knife on the table. He thought of ending his life
because what’s the purpose of continuing living if the love of his life is
already dead? He grabbed the knife and stabbed himself with no hesitation.
He dropped to the floor beside Gwy. As time went by, Gwy woke up and
then he saw Kiefer’s dead body beside her. She screamed.

Gwynyth: AAAAAAA KIEFER!!! NO NO NO NO NO! What happened?

What happened?! No. Please no. (sobbing) I lost them. I can’t lose you too.
Please no. Wake up, Kief! Please wake up!

Dexter: This was not part of the plan. This was not part of the plan. THIS

(Amethyst remains speechless)

Gwynyth: Amethyst!

Amethyst: W-what?
Amethyst: What’s this? And what plan is Dexter talking about? WHAT
PLAN? Don't even try to gaslight me!

Amethyst: I-I don’t know.



Narrator: Gwynyth starts to walk towards Amethyst, and then Amethyst

saw another knife on the table. She was driven by her anger and stabbed

Narrator: Doc, Sneezy, Dopey and Grumpy saw the bloody scene. Their
eyes widened and couldn't believe what they saw.

(Doc barged in)

Doc: Gwynyth?! What have you done?

Amethyst: Huh? What are you saying you little thing?

Dexter: NO!! GWYN!! (sits beside Gwynyth's dead body)

Grumpy: What did you do to her?! (action to punch Amethyst)

(Doc and Sneezy stop him)

Narrator: Amethyst then tried to stab Grumpy but Dopy stepped in and
signed to stop her and the knife was buried in his hand that has caused too
much blood loss and then collapsed.

(Doc caught Dopey and then Doc glared at Amethyst)

Dexter: Amethyst! What is wrong with you?!

Amethyst: There's nothing to worry about Dexter. (says calmly and tries to
approach him)

Dexter: Nothing? You've become crazy! This isn't you!

Narrator: Sleepy, Bashful and Happy arrived at the scene with the police
they call for help.
Police 1: Hands up!! Drop your weapon miss!

Police 2: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will
be used against you in a court of law. (proceed to handcuff her)

Amethyst: I didn't do anything! I'm innocent!

Sneezy: She's lying! She killed our friends!

Bashful: Arrest him too! Look there's a cookie crumble on his tuxedo, proof
that he also poisoned them!

Narrator: The police then arrested them for committing such a crime. They
were both sentenced to death. The dwarfs were devastated by what
happened. They are traumatized.

Doc: Hey Dop, don’t you die on me! We have many plans to do, right? Don’t
you dare leave us here!

Narrator: Dopey couldn't handle the blood loss on his arm, and then he

All of the dwarfs start to sob. There's nothing they can do. The couple they
love is dead. The beautiful snow white is dead.

The snow is not as white as before, and the dwarfs are back in their darkened

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