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1. In the following the only pair having different dimension?
a. linear momentum and moment of force
b. Planck's constant and angular momentum
c. pressure and modulus of elasticity
d. work and torque
2. Two particles of equal masses are thrown with same velocity at angles 60 0 and 300 with horizontal,
then which of the following is same forboth?
a. time of flight b. maximum height attained
c. range d. all of above
3. If the normal reaction is tripled, then limiting friction becomes:
a. three times b. one-third c. nine times d. one-ninth
4. If a car topples over while taking a turn its:
a. inner wheel leaves the road first
b. outer wheel leaves the road first
c. both inner and outer wheel leave the road simultaneously
d. either of them may leave the road first
5. The moment of inertia of a circular ring about its diameter is:
a. MR2/2 b. MR2 c. 3/2MR2 d. 2MR2
6. A steel wire is suspended vertically from a rigid support. When loaded with a weight in air, it extends
by la and when the weight immersed completely in water, the extension is reduced to lw. Then the
relative density of material of the weight is
a. b. c. d.
7. Young’s modulus of a wire of length L and radius r is Y. Young’s modulus of the wire of same
material of length 2L and radius 2r will be:
a. Y b. Y/2 c. 2Y d. 4Y
8. A mass ‘M’ is broken into two parts one of which has mass ‘m’. To have maximum gravitational
force of attraction between the broken masses
a. m = 2M b. m= c. m= d. m=
9. A soap bubble of radius r is formed within soap solution. The excess pressure inside the bubble is:
a. 4T/r b. 2T/r c. P0 + 2T/r d. P0 + 4T/r
10. Which of the following has greatest viscosity?
a. mercury b. water c. oxygen d. glycerine
11. Critical temperature can be defined as
a. temperature at which all motion of gas ceases
b. temperature at which a gas is converted into liquid
c. temperature at which volume of gas becomes zero
d. temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied, no matter how highthe pressure may be
12. When water vapor condenses into water, its entropy:
a. increases b. decreases
c. remains unchanged d. first decreases and then increases
13. If the amplitude of sound is doubled and its frequency is reduced to one fourth, then the intensity of
sound at the same point will be:
a. increased by a factor of 2 b. decreased by a factor of 2
c. decreased by a factor of 4 d. unchanged
14. Height of mirror required to see one’s full image across the end of a room is:
a. half of his height b. double of his height
c. same as his height d. does not depend upon height of person
15. The objective of a compound microscope is essentially:
a. a concave lens of small focal length and small aperture
b. a convex lens of small focal length and small aperture
c. a convex lens of small focal length and large aperture
d. a convex lens of large focal length and large aperture
16. The angle of incidence at which the reflected light is totally polarized for reflection andtransmitted
beams are:
a. sin-1( ) b. sin-1(1/ ) c. tan-1( ) d. tan-1(1/ )
17. The minimum value of charge on any charged body may be:
a. 1.6 x 10-19 C b. 1 C c. 1.6 x10 19 C d. 6.02 x 1023
18. The electric current in a metallic conductor is due to the flow of:
a. electrons only b. positive ions only
c. electrons and positive ions only d. neutral atoms only
19. The resistance of ideal ammeter is:
a. low b. high c. infinite d. zero
20. The direction of the induced current in a circuit is always such that it opposes thecause due to which
it is produced, this law is named as:
a. ohm’s law b. lenz’s law c. kirchoff’s law d. faraday’s law
21. A body is projected at an angle θ with the vertical with kinetic energy E. The potential energy at the
topmost point of path neglecting air resistance is
a. 0 b. E c. Ecos2θ d.ESin2θ
22. For which colour the velocity of light is maximum in diamond?
a. Red b. Yellow c. Violet d. Blue
23. The equation of stationary wave is y=0. 5sin200t, the maximum particle velocity is
a. 25 b. 50 c. 100 d. 200
24. If the radius of copper wire carrying current is doubled the drift velocity of electrons will
a. Remain Same b. Increase four times
c. Decrease four times d. Increase first and decrease later
25. A 2N force is applied on a platform balance and balance offers equal reaction on the body. The
reading shown by the balance will be
a. 0 b. 1N c. 2N d. 4N
26. Which of the following is the correct unit of gravitational constant?
a. m3kg-1s-2 b. m3kg-2s-1 c. m-3kg-1s2 d. m-3kg2s-1
27. The dual nature of particle was given by
a. Heisenberg b. De-Broglie c. Both d. Rutherford
28. Lamps used for house wiring are connected in
a. Series b. Parallel c. Mixed groupingd. Arbitrary manner
29. Melting point of ice
a. Decreases with decrease in pressure b. Increases with increase in pressure
c. is independent of pressure d. Decrease with increase in pressure
30. A long wire carries a current of 0.5a. The flux density at a distance of 0.01m s
a. 2x10-5T b. 5 x 10-5T c. 10-5T d. 10-7 T
31. If the maximum wavelength of sun and moon is 100nm & 200nm. What is the ratio of temperature?
a. 2:1 b. 4:1 c. 1:2 d. 1:4
32. Resolving power of human eye is nearly
a. 342c b. 1/342c c. 3420c d. 1/3420c
33. 2 uniform wires of the same length and same tension have diameters in the ratio of 1:2. When
they are plucked together their frequency ratio is
a. 1:2 b. 2:1 c. 1:4 d. 4:1
34. The angle of dip is maximum at
a. equator b. Pole c. 41° north d. 23° south
35. The intensity of threshold of hearing is 10 Wm The intensity level of sound of intensity 10-4 Wm-
-12 -2.
a. 60dB b. 80db c. 40db d. 100db
36. Young’s double slit fringe width is 4.365mm separation between slit is 1.35 x 10-4 m and distance
between screen and slit is 1m then wavelength of light used is
a. 5890A° b. 58900A° c. 589A° d. 8950A°
37. Surface tension of liquid will ……………. With rise in temperature.
a. Increase b. Decrease
c. Remains constant d. Stop
38. A Sphere of solid material of relative density 9 has a concentric spherical cavity and just sinks in
water. If the radius of the sphere be R, then the radius of the cavity (r) will be related to Ras

a. r3 = R3 b. r3 = R3 c. r3 = R3 d. r3 = √( )R3
39. The equation of a transverse wave is given by y=10sinπ (0.01 x -2t) where x & y are in cm and t is in
sec.Its frequency is
a. 10cps b. 2cps c. 1cps d. 0. 01cps
40. The impurity atoms with which pure silicon should be doped to make n-type semiconductor is
a. Aluminium b. Boron c. Indium d. Phosphorous
41. If the absolute temperature of a black body is increased in twice its original value it will emit radiant
energy....... times the original value.
a. 2 b. 16 c. 32 d. 4
42. A terrestrial telescope of length L has objective lens of focal length f o and eye piece of focal length f e.
a. L = fo + fe b. L = f0 – fe c. L > (fo + fe) d. L < (fo + fe)
43. Two light sources produce equal illumination on a photometre screen when placed at a distance 10
cm and 40 cm. The ratio of their luminous intensity is
a. 16 : 1 b. 1 : 16 c. 1 : 4 d. 1 : 2
44. Avalanche breakdown occurs when
a. Reverse bias exceeds zener value
b. Forward bias exceeds zener value
c. reverse bias doesnot exceeds zener value
d. forward bias exceeds zener value
45. In a transistor circuit, the emmitor base circuit of a npn transistor is always
a. reverse biased b. forwardbiased c. neutral biased d. not biased
46. In a half wave rectifier, the rms value of the component of wave is
a. more than dc value b. less than dc value
c. equal to dc value d. zero
47. In a diode valve, when a current flows from p to n, it is called
a. reversed biased b. foreward biased c. biasing opposited. negative biased
48. Which of the following is leptons ?
a. proton b. neutron c. electron d. meson
49. Which of the following is largest planet ?
a. mars b. erarth c. uranus d. jupiter
50. Which is the strongest force in nature ?
a. weak nuclear force b. grtavitational force
c. strong nuclear force d. electromagnetic force
60. Ketone is formed from the oxidation of …….. alcohol.
a. Primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. none
61. The catalyst used in Ostwald’s process for manufacture of nitric acid is
a. Finely divided iron b. Finely divided nickel
c. Mangane dioxide d. Platinum Gauge
62. For an endothermic reaction
a. ΔH=+ve b. ΔH=-ve c. ΔH=0 d. None
63. In Cu extraction, Cu2O is reduced by
a. Co b. Cu2S c. O2 d. Al
64. Acidic flux is used in removal of
a. Basic flux b. Basic gangue c. Acidic gangue d. Slag
65. Bromination of aniline gives
a. m-bromoaniline b. o-bromoaniline
c. o, p-dibromoaniline d. 2, 4, 6-tribromoaniline
66. Aldehyde and ketone can be distinguished by
a. Fenling Solution b. NaHSO3 c. NH3 d. Cl2
67. IUPAC name of CH3COOC2H5 will be
a. Ethyl acetate b. Ethyl ethanoate
c. Methyl propionate d. None of the above
68. Modern atomic wt. scale is based on
a. H-1 b. C-12 c. C-14 d. O-16
69. An α particle is identical with
a. Proton b. Neutron c. Helium nucleus d. Electron
70. Which of the following is pseudo halide?
a. PO43- b. CN- c. HF d. CuCl3
71. At equilibrium, equilibrium constant of reaction is not affected by,
a. Temperature b. Catalyst
c. Concentration of reactant d. Concentration of product
72. In blast furnace iron oxide is reduced by
a. Silica b. CO c. C d. Limestone
73. Permanent hardness of water is due to dissolved
a. carbonates of K & Na b. Bicarbonates of K & Na
c. Sulphates of K & Na d. Chloride of Ca & Mg
74. Soda Ash is
a. Na2CO3.H2O b. Na2CO3 c. NaOH d. NaHCO3
75. Thermally most stable alkaline earth metal carbonate is
a. MgCO3 b. CaCO3 c. SrCO3 d. BaCO3
76. COOH-(CH2)3-COOH is
a. pimelic acid b. Glutaric acid c. Sebacic acid d. Aspartic Acid
77. Ionic Product of water is
a. 107 moles/litre b. 10-14 gm/litre c. 10-7 moles/litre d. 10-14
78. Of the following only empirical formula is
a. C6H6 b. C2H4O2 c. C12H22O11 d. C6H5O6
79. Iodoform test is given by
a. 1-propanone b. 2-propanone c. 3-propanone d. propanal
80. Which of the following oxide is neutral?
a. CO b. SnO2 c. ZnO d. SiO2
80. Imino acid among the following compound is
a. Serine b. Proline c. Tyrosine d. Lysine
81. [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 is called
a. Schweitzer reagent b. Etard's reagent
c. Barfoed's reagent d. Milon's reagent
82. Carbogen is
a. pure form of carbon b. COCl2
c. mixture of CO and CO2 d. mixture of O2 and CO2
83. Conjugate base of hydrazoic acid is
a. NH3- b. N2- c. N3- d. N-3
84. In which of the following, 1 faraday of electricity will liberate 1/2 gram atom of the metal?
a. AlCl3 b. FeCl3 c. CuSO4 d. NaCl
85. In Darzen's process for the preparation of alkyl halide from alcohol, the reagent used is
a. HCl+anhydrous ZnCl2 b. HBr (48%)+6conc. H2SO4
c. PX5 d. SOCl2/pyridine
86. Which of the following is a component of ruby?
a. CaCO3 b. MgCO3 c. Al2CO3 d. Al(OH)3
87. If 4g of sodium hydroxide is added to 500 ml of semi normal hydrocjloric acid, the pH of the solution
will be
a. 0.52 b. 0.72 c. 2.50 d. 9.50
88. In the ideal gas equation PV=nRT, the value of gas constant depends only on
a. the pressure of the gas b. the volume of the gas
c. the nature of the gas d. the units of the measurement
89. What is the normality of NH4OH solution having density of 0.6g/ml containing 34% by weight of
a. 0.1 N b. 0.4 N c. 4.2 N d. 5.8 N
90. In electrolysis of CuSO4 solution between Pt-electrodes
a. O2 is liberated at anode b. H2 is liberated at anode
c. SO2 is liberated at anode d. Cu++ is discharged at anode
91. When Cl2 gas is passed through hot and conc. NaOH, we get
a. NaCl only b. NaClO+NaCl c. NaClO3+NaCl d. NaClO4+NaCl
92. How many isomers are possible for the compound having molecular formula of C3H5Cl3?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 8
93. The reaction between phenol and CO2 is called
a. Gatterman's reaction b. Kolbe's reaction
c. Reimer Tiemann reaction d. Schotten Baumann reaction
94. if a 4g of NaOH is dissolved in water and volume is made up to 250 cc, concentration in g/l will be
a. 10 b. 12 c. 14 d. 16
95. It is impossible to determine the position as well as momentum of an electron in an atom.This
principle is known as
a. de Broglie principle b. Hiesenberg's uncertainty principle
c. Pauli's exclusive principle d. Aufbau principle

96. Chile saltpetre is an ore of

a. Iodine b. Bromine c. Magnesium d. Sodium
97. Which of the following is a reducing agent?
a. sucrose b. Glucose c. Fructose d. Glycogen
98. C6H6 +CH3ClC6H5CH3+HCl in presence of anh. AlCl3. It is
a. Fittig reaction b. Friedal craft's reaction
c. Coupling reaction d. Diazotization reaction
99. The electronic configuration of an element is 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1. This represents
a. Excited state b. Catonic state c. Anionic state d. Ground state
100. Which of the following aromatic compounds is capable of hydrogen bonding?
a. Toulene b. Phenol c. Chlorobenzene d. Nitrobenzene

101. Founder of binomial nomenclature was
a. CarolusLinneaeusb. Engler c. Darwin d. Bentham
102. Which one of the following is a bio fertilizer?
a. Petridium b. Azolla c. Marsilea d. Marchantia
103. In Funaria dispersion of spores is assisted by
a. operculum b. Calyptra c. Peristomes d. annulus
104. Which one is not modified root?
a. Clinging b. Haustorium c. Rhizome d. Climbing
105. Which one of the following shows heterotrophic mode of nutrition?
a. Algae b. Fungi c. Bryophyta d. Hydrilla
106. Winged seed is present in
a. Moringa b. Hiptage c. Calotropis d. Shorea
107. Moll’s half leaf experiment can prove
a. Water is req. for photosynthesis.
b. CO2, water and oxygen are req. for photosynthesis
c. CO2is req. for photosynthesis
d. Oxygen is req. for photosynthesis.
108. Which one of the following plant hormones was extracted from a fungus by a team of Japanese
a. Auxins b. Gibberellins c. Cytokinin d. Abscissic Acid
109. Soil is physiologically dry when
a. soil temp. is 40° c.
b. It has no hygroscopic water.
c. Conc. Of soil solution is higher than that of cell
d. There is excess of CO2in soil.
110. When the plant grows at the apex, a flower develops and checks its growth laterally, other flower and
checks the growth of a plant too. This type of inflorescence is
a. Racemose b. Cymose c. Spike d. Corymb
111. Perichaetium is found in
a. Nostoc b Mucor c. Merchantia d. Funaria
112. In 1859, an important paper in organic chemistry was jointly published
a. Darwin& Hugo devries b. Lamark& Darwin
c. Darwin and Wallace d. Lamark and Wallace
113. Droserais a
a. Insectivorous b. Hydrophyte c. Epiphyte d. Submerged
114. Hybrids between ‘red flowered’ and ‘white flowered’ strains were crossed back to the pure ‘red
flowered’ strain. The progeny of this cross had:
a. Red Flowers b. White Flowers
c. 1 red flower : 1 white flower d. 8 red flowers : 1 white flowers
115. The gametophye of a fern is
a. Totally independent body b. A semiparasite on sporophyte
c. Total parasite on sporophyte d. none of them
116. Taking away of soil by air or water is called
a. Erosion b. Emulsification c. Solarisation d. None
117. Fermentation is called about by
a. Zymase b. Invertase c. Amylase d. Lipase
118. Ovules in Cycasis
a. Anatropous b. Orthotropous c. Amphitropous d. Campylotropous
119. Control centre of cell
a. Golgi apparatus b. Nucleus c. Nucleolous d. DNA
120. Vexillaryaestivation is found in
a. Compositae b. cesalpiniacese c. Mimoseae d. Papilonaceae
121. prokaryotic cells don’t have
a. DNA b. nuclear membrane
c. organelles d. none
122. diffusion is the movement of molecules from
a. dilute solution to concentrated solution
b. concentratedsolution to dilute solution
c. low pressure to high pressure
d. low solute concentration to high solute concentration
123. kreb’s cycle occurs in
a. mitochondria b. cytoplasm c. grana d. ER
124. the smallest living organism is
a. amoeba b. yeast c. BGA d. red or brown algae
125. which of the following is likely to occur in sea coast?
a. mosses b. green algae c. red algae d. brown algae
126. scientistslook for the wild plants for
a. their economic value b. cultivation
c. disease resistant gene d. aesthetic value
127. the branch of science that deals with the study of trees and shrubs is called
a. forestry b. dendrology c. agrostology d. horticulture
128. telomere is the part of
a. chromosome b. cytoplasm c. nucleus d. mitochondria
129. ergotin is obtained from
a. aspergillus b. claviceps c. mucor d. sacccharomyces
130. the plant Cesternum nocturnum belongs to the family
a. solanaceae b. leguminaceae c. compositae d. apocynaceae
131. vesels are generally blocked by
a. tyloses b. phellem c. callose d. hydathode
132. which hormone is primarily concerned with cell division ?
a. IAA b gibberlin c. ABA d. cytokinin
133. The formation of fruit in the absence of fertilization of is ?
a. Parthenogenesis b. Polyembryony c. Apomixis d. Parthenocarpy
132. Jute fibers are obtained from
a. Xylem fibre b. Surface fibre c. bast fibre d. None
134. Lichens represents symbiosis between
a. Algae and fungi b. Viruses and algae
c. Algae and bacteria d. Viruses and bacteria
135. The end product of glycolysis in plant is?
a. Ethanol b. Pyruvic acid c. Lactic acid d. Acetyl CoA
136. Viviparous germination can be observed in ?
a. Ordinary plants b. Epiphytes c. Heliophytes d. Halophytes
137. Synapsis occurs in ?
a. Leptotene b. Zygotene c. Pachytene d. Diplotene
138. The most poisonous fungi is ?
a. Amanita b. Albugo c. Morchella d. Pythium
139. The process of mingling of photoplasm without nuclear fusion is ?
a. Monokaryon b. Syngamy c. Coenocytic d. Plasmogamy

140. Mature particle of virus is?

a. Capsid b. Viroid c. Virion d. Peplomere
141. The study of shells of molluscs is called
a. Ornithology b. Conchology c. Herpitology d. Cytology
142. Liver-rot is caused by
a. Fasciola b. Schistosoma c. Taenia d. Echinococcus
143. Polymorphism is the characteristics of the phylum
a. Annelida b. Coelenteratac. Porifera d. Protozoa
144. Pellicle is the covering of
a. Euglena b. Diatoms c. Dinoflaggelates d. Amoeba
145. Gemmule formation occurs in
a. Porifera b. Coelenterata c.Annelida d. Echinodermata
146. Which of the following does heart pump only deoxygenated blood
a. Fish b. Amphibians c. Reptiles d. Birds
147. Wolves move freely during the night because they have
a. Only cones in their retina b. Only rods in retina
c. Plenty of Vitamin A d. Adjustable Pupil
148. Shneiderian membrane is found in
a. Nasal Passage b. Trachea c. Loop of Henle d. Eustachian tube
149. Ovulation is caused by
a. LH& FSH b. LH & GH c. LH & prolactin d. FSH & LSH
150. Sporozoite is formed from
a. Sporoblast b. Cryptomerozoite
c. Merozoite d. Metacryptomerozoite
151. Insulin in pancreas is secreted by
a. β cells b. α cells c. δ cells d. islet of Langerhans
152. The egg of frog is
a. Centrolecithal b. Alecithal c. Isoecithal d. Relolethical
153. ADH is produced by
a. Anterior pituitary gland b. Posterior Pituitary gland
c. Lymph Gland d. Liver
154. Infective stage of Entamoebahystolytica is
a. Cyst b. Egg c. Merozoite d. Trophozoite
155. Haemo dialysis is done to remove
a. RBC b. Haemoglobin
c. Plasmaprotien d. Waste product of metabolism
156. Brunner’s gland in the mammalian gut are present in the submucosa of
a. Stomach wall b. Ileum c. Duodenal wall d. Oesophagus wall
157. Progesterone hormone is secreted by
a. Corpus albicans b. Corpus luteum in ovary
c. Corpus callosum d. Corpus uteri
158. The longest cranial nerve in rabbit is
a. Occulomotor b. Auditory c. Trochlear d. Vagus
159. The study of interactionorganism is called
a. Taxonomy b. Ecology c. Entomology d. Tropology
160. The cavity that appears during embryogenesis of frog is called
a. Mesenteron b. Blastocoel c. Coelenteron d. Archenteron
161. An interaction between two individuals where one is benefited while other is neither benefited nor
harmed is called as
a. Predation b. Parasitism c. Symbiosis d. Commensalism
162. Macromolecules most diverse in cell to control physiological and chemical properties is
a. Nucleic acid b. Protein c. Glycogen d. Oligosaccharide
163. The Process of ingestion of active food particle by amoeba are called
a. Invagination b. Import c. Circumvallationd. Circumfluence
164. Alimentary canal with everted pharynx is present in
a. Termatoda b. Turbellaria c. Cestoda d. All
165. The heart murmur is due to
a. coronary thrombosis b. Defective leaky valve
c. Arterial pulse d. Ill developed atrium
166. which hormone is necessary for follicle development ?
a. LH b. FSH c. ADH d. oxytocin
167. The mammalian liver is characterized by
a. Gilson’s capsule and leucocytes b. Gilson capsule and kupffer cells
c. Kupffer cells and leucocytes d. Leucocytes and canaliculi
168. Dental formula of rabbit is
a. 1033/2203 b. 2123/2123 c. 2033/1023 d. 1023/2203
169. Which is not involved in respiration in frog
a. Lungs b. Diaphragm c. Skin d. Buccal Cavity
170. Acromian process is present in which part of rabbit?
a. Humerus b. Scapula c. Radius-Ulna d. Femur
171. Hypersecreation of growth hormone in adult results in
a. gigantism b. myxodema
c. Acromegaly d. Simmonds’s diseases
172. Anadromous fishes move
a. From river to sea b. from sea to estuary
c. From sea to fresh water d. from sea to estuary
173. Hyper secretion of thyroxin hormone causes
a. Hashimoto’s disease b. Exophthalmia
c. Plummer’s disease d. both b and d
174. The ‘life line’ of sponge is:
a. Canal system b. Skeleton c. Choanoderm d. Pinacoderm
175. Yellow cells in the earthworm is found in:
a. skin b. blood c. coelom d. plasma
176. Supra-trochlearforamen is present in:
a. femur b. humerus c. pectoral girdle d. pelvic girdle
177. The scientific name of fish tapeworm is ?
a. diphylobothrium b. echinococcus c. dracunculus d. taenia saginata
178. Frog is:
a. aminotelic b. ammonotelic c. ureotelic d. uricotelic
41. Correct sequence is(A=Archaeozoic, P=Palaeozoic, C=CoenozoicM=Metazoic)
a. P->M->C b. M->A->P c. P->A->C d. A->P->C
179. The coelom usually develops by splitting in:
a. ectoderm b. endoderm c. mesoderm d. all
180. Hormones related to ovulation and milk ejection are:
a. FSH and prolactin b. LH and prolactin
c. FSH and oxytocin d. LH and oxytocin

181. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established
by the five Problem Figures.
Problem Figures:Answer Figures:

a. b. c. d. e. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
182. Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that would replace the question mark (?).
Problem Figures:Answer Figures:

a. b. c. d. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

a. 1b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
183. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

184. Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination.

a. 1b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
185. Find out the alternative figure which contains figure (X) as its part.

(X) (1) (2) (3) (4)

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
186. Identify the figure that completes the pattern.

(X) (1) (2) (3) (4)

a. 1b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
187. Find out from amongst the four alternatives as to how the pattern would appear when the
transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.

(X) (1) (2) (3) (4)

188. A and B can together finish a work 30 days. They worked together for 20 days and then B left. After
another 20 days, A finished the remaining work. In how many days A alone can finish the work?
a. 40 b. 50 c. 54 d. 60
189. A man is 24 years older than his son. In two years, his age will be twice the age of his son. The present
age of his son is:
a. 14 years b. 18 years c. 20 years d. 22 years
190. Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8.There is a proposal to
increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats?
a. 2:3:4 b. 6:7:8 c. 6:8:9 d. None of these
191. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third.The third
integer is:
a. 9 b. 11 c. 13 d. 15
192. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Wall 2. Clay 3. House
4. Room 5. Bricks
a. 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 b. 2, 5, 4, 1, 3 c. 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 d. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
193. Pointing to a woman, Abhijit said, "Her granddaughter is the only daughter of my brother." How is
the woman related to Abhijit?
a. Sister b. Grandmother c. Mother-in-law d. Mother
194. Two positions of dice are shown below. How many points will be on the top when 2 points are at the

a. 6 b. 5 c. 4 d. 1
195. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Bulb, Lamp and Light ?

a. b. c. d.
196. One evening before sunset Rekha and Hema were talking to each other face to face. If Hema's
shadow was exactly to the right of Hema, which direction was Rekha facing?
a. North b. South c. East d. Data is inadequate
197. Which one will replace the question mark ?

a. 115 b. 130 c. 135 d. 140

199. school
a. student b. report card c. test d. learning
200. Look at this series: 544, 509, 474, 439, … What number should come next?
a. 404 b. 414 c. 420 d. 445

Answer Key
1.a 2.c 3.a 4.a 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.b 10.d
11.d 12.b 13.c 14.a 15.b 16.c 17.a 18.a 19.d 20.c
21.c 22.a 23.c 24.d 25.c 26.a 27.b 28.b 29.d 30.c
31.a 32.d 33.b 34.b 35.b 36.a 37.b 38.c 39.c 40.d
41.b 42.c 43.b 44.a 45.b 46.c 47.d 48.c 49.d 50.c
51.d 52.d 53.a 54.b 55.a 56.c 57.b 58.a 59.b 60.b
61.d 62.a 63.b 64.b 65.d 66.a 67.b 68.c 69.c 70.b
71.b 72.b 73.d 74.b 75.d 76.b 77.d 78.c 79.b 80.a
81.a 82.d 83.c 84.c 85.d 86.c 87.a 88.d 89.d 90.a
91.c 92.b 93.b 94.d 95.b 96.d 97.b 98.b 99.d 110.b
101.a 102.b 103.c 104.c 105.b 106.a 107.c 108.b 109.b 110.b
111.c 112.c 113.a 114.a 115.a 116.a 117.a 118.v 119.v 120.d
121.b 122.b 123.a 124.c 125.d 126.c 127.b 128.a 129.b 130.a
131.a 132.d 133.d 134.a 135.b 136.b 137.b 138.a 139.d 140.c
141.a 142.d 143.b 144.a 145.d 146.c 147.b 148.d 149.b 150.d
151.b 152.c 153.a 154.b 155.c 156.d 157.b 158.b 159.b 160.c
161.d 162.b 163.c 164.b 165.b 166.b 167.b 168.c 169.b 170.b
171.c 172.b 173.d 174.a 175.c 176.b 177.c 178.a 179.c 180.d
181.d 182.b 183.b 184.b 185.b 186.d 187.c 188.d 189.d 190.a
191.d 192.c 193.d 194.d 195.c 196.b 197.b 198.b 199.a 200.a

Hints and Solutions

1. (a) linear momentum = mv = [MLT-1]Moment of force = F.L = [ML2T-2]
2. (c) Range = same when given angles is &90o – is given
3. (a) since limiting friction is proportional to normal reaction.
4. (a) inner wheels leave the road first.
5. (a) the moment of inertia of a circular ring about an axis passing through center andperpendicular to its
plane is MR2 but about diameter is always half then through the center.
6. (b) since F ∝ e
Sp gr =
= = (wa∝la )
= (la∝lw)
7. (a) young’s modulus of elasticity is same for a given material irrespective of their dimension. But it
decreases with increase in temperature and addition of plastic material… while Y increases when
mixed with more elastic material.
8. (b) F = = K (Mm-m2)
For F to be maximum
∴ M -2m = 0  m =
9. (b) when soap bubble is formed within soap solution then excess pressure is 2T/r When soap bubble is
formed in air then excess pressure is 4T/r
10. d: glycerine has maximum no. of hydrogen bonds. So it has greatest viscosity.
11. (d) below critical temperature, a gas can be liquefied by the application of pressure.
12. (b) entropy has the physical meaning of randomness. When water vapour is changed to water, its
randomness decreases i.e. entropy decreases.When egg is boiled, entropy increases.This is because the
globular form of protein present in egg is converted into fibrous form of protein which has much
random form of structure.
13. (c) since intensity ∝ f2.a2 So final intensity becomes one-fourththe initial
14. (a) half of his height
15. (b) since the object is too small to be observed in compound microscope so it has a magnifying lens ie
convex lens of small focal length and small aperture But the telescope has convex lens of large
aperture and large focal length
16. (c) from Brewster’s law
17. (a) an electron carries charge of 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb
18. a: in metallic conductor : electrons only In liquid : negative and positive ions In discharge tube: electrons
and positive ions In semiconductor: holes and electrons
19. (d) an ideal ammeter draws all the current towards it, so it has zero resistance. While an ideal voltmeter
draws no current through it, so it has infinite resistance.
20. (c) lenz’s law is based on conservation of energy.
21. (c) E=1/2mv2
θ = angle made by body with vertical
At highest point
=mg x[ ]2
=[mu2 sin2 (90-θ)]/2
=0.5 mu2cos2θ
22. (a) In same medium frequency of different colours of light is constant.
Order of wave length : Red>Orange>Yellow>Green>Blue>Indigo>Violet
23. (c) y=0. 5sin2ωt
Comparing with y=asinωt,
a=0.5 & ω = 200
∴ Max particle velocitt = aω =200x0.5=100
24. (d) I = neva
V∝ ∝
25. (c) When 2N force is applied on platform balance, 2N reaction is given which is shown as reading.
26. (a) g=GM/R2
Or, G=gR2/M = ms-2m2/Kg
∴ G = m3Kg-1S-2
27. (b) Dual Nature of particle = De Broglie
Uncertainty Principle = Heisenberg
Discovered nucleus = Rutherford
28. (b) Separate switches can be used for each lamp if connected in parallel. Even if one of the lamp’s
connection is lost, the other bulb can still glow.
29. (d) Phenomenon of melting of ice by increasing pressure and without heating is known as regelation.
30. (c) B=(μ0I)/(4π) = (μ0/4π) x (2/r) = (10-7 x 2 x 0. 5)/0. 01 = 1x10-5 J
31. (a) According to Weins displacement law,
λm T = b (Constant)
ie. T α 1/ λ m
∴ T1/T2 = λ1/λ2 = 200/100 = 2:1
32. (d) Resolving power of human eye = 1minute = (1/60)° = =(1/3420)c

33. (b) f = x √ (∵ μ = m/l)

= x√ = x√ = x√
∴f α 1/r α 1/d
∴ f1/f2 = d2/d1 = 2:1
34. (b) At pole θ = 90°& At equator θ = 0°
35. (b) Intensity level = 10 Log (I/10)
= 10 log ( 10-4 /10-12 )
= 80 db
36. (a) In Young’s Double slit experiment the fringe width is given as,
β = λ D/d = 4. 36 X 10-3 X 1.35 X 10-4= 5. 89 x 10-7 m = 5890 A°
37. (b) At critical temperature, surface tension = 0. As temp increases, angle of contact decreases.
38. (c) Weight of the sphere = weight of water displaced
( ).9×g= R3×1× g
Gr3 = 8R3
r3 = R3
39. (c) y=10sinπ (0.01 x -2t) = y=1=sin (0. 01 π x -2 π t)
Comparing with.y=a sin (K x -ωt)
ω = 2π
ie 2πn = 2π∴ n = 1 cps
40. (d) To make N-type semiconductor use pentavalent atoms.
41. (b)
E = T  = E1. (2)4 = 16 E1
E1 T1 4
2  2
But for the energy corresponding to wavelength of maximum emission,
Em T5
42. (c)
 Terrestrial telescope consists of an objective lens, an erect lens and an eye piece.
If focal length of erect lens is f, then,
L = fo + 4f + fe

43. (b)
 Principle of Photometry: I1/r12=I2/r22

Chemistry Hints
52. (d) Electrolytic reduction is the purest form of reaction
53. (a) Extraction of Al = Hall- Heroult process, Purification=Hall’s, Baeyer’s, Serpeck’s; purification by
electrolysis= hoopes process
54. b Manufacture of sodium= Castner’s, Down’s process; NaOH=Nelson’s, Castner-kellner’s method,
Lowig’s method, Castner-kellner cell, kelner-solvay cell; Washing soda manufactured by=
Ammonia soda/solvay process, Le Blanc process
55. (a) (HgCl2)Remember 1 Hg can take over 2 Cl, so it is Corrosive(powerful)
56. c Except IA metals including Li nitrate gives NO2
59. (b) aldehydes which do not have alpha hydrogen atom, when treated with conc. Soln of NaOH or KOH, it
gives salt of carboxylic acid and alcohol.
60. b, primary=aldehyde, secondary=ketone, tertiary=30 carbon atom
61. (d) Pt. gauge with Rhodium is used as catalyst in oxidation of ammonia to NO.
62. (a) ΔH=+ve → Endothermic
ΔH=-ve → Exothermic
ΔH=0 → Spontaneous
63. (b) 2Cu2O + Cu2S → 6Cu + 2SO2( Auto reduction )
64. (b) Acidic Flux → SiO2Basic Flux → CaO
65. (d) 2, 4, 6tribromo aniline
66. (a) Fehling’s Solution → Alkaline soln of cupric ion + Sodium potassium tartarate
Ketone donot get oxidized by above reagent.
68. (c) C-14 is the most stable isotope of Carbon.
69. (c) Helium nucleus is also called α-particles.
70. (b) CN- is called Pseudohallide because of one extra valence electron and analogous electronegativity with
71. (b) Catalyst doesnot affect equilibrium constant however affect rate of reaction.
72. (b) Bluish flame of CO is observed as a sign of reduction.
73. (d) Sulphates and chlorides of Ca & Mg lead to permanent hardness.
74. (b) Na2CO3
76. (b) COOH-(CH2)3-COOH =Glutaric acid
COOH-(CH2)2-COOH =Succinic acid
79. (b) 2-Propanone has methyl keto group.
81. a Schweitzer reagent
82. d mixture of O2 and CO2
83. c N3-
84. c CuSO4
85. d SOCl2/pyridine
86. c Al2CO3
87. (a) 0.52
88. d the units of the measurement
89. d 5.8 N
90. a O2 is liberated at anode
91. c NaClO3+NaCl
92. b 5
93. b Kolbe's reaction
94. d 16
95. b Hiesenberg's uncertainty principle
96. d Sodium
97. b Glucose
98. (b) Friedal craft's reaction
99. (d) Ground state
100. b Phenol
101. (a) System of giving two names to an organism is called binomial system.
102. (b) Azolla is used as a biofertilizer as Anabaena is present in its leaf. Azolla is an aquatic fern and smallest
104. (c) Rhizome is underground or sub-terranean stem. It is generally horizontal, branched or unbranched
105. (b) Fungi
Algae-autotrophic Lichen-symbiotic
Euglena- mixotrophicParasites-parasitic
106. (a) Winged seed is present in moringa. Calotropis contains hair on seed.Pappus- sepals modified in to hair
like structure in plants in sunflower family.
107. (c) Potato osmoscope - osmosis, bell jar experiment - demonstration of transpiration, Ganong'sPotometer-
transpiration is roughly equal to water absorption
108. (b) Yabuta extracted gibberellins from a fungus Giberellafujsikori which cause 'Bakane' disease in rice
plant or foolish seedling disease.
109. (b) Physiologically dry - no water is obtained from soil by the plant and since hygroscopic water is water
available for plant in soil, without it no any water is absorbed by plant for physiological use.
110. (b) Cymose
Racemose- pedicellate flower in acropetal fashion eg. Radish, larkspur.
Spike-sessile flower in acropetal fashion eg:- chaff flower
111. (c) Perichaetium/involucre - covers all the archegonia of a lobe. Perigynium- at the base of each
112. (c) Theory of natural selection - book "origin of species by natural selection " - Darwin and Wallace
113. (a) Insectivorous plant fulfill their nitrogen demand from insects are actually autotrophic.
114. (a) Dominant (RR) X Recessive (rr)= Rr (f1)
Back cross
i) out cross - Rr X RR - All red
ii) test cross - Rr X rr - 1 red : 1 white
116. (a) Taking away of soil by water or air is called erosion, decreases the fertility of soil, soil carried away by
gravity = colluvialsoil, soil carried by air = eoline soil, soil carried by water = alluvial soil
117. (a) Discovered by buchner.
118. (b) Also in pinus
Anatropous ovule - inverted ovule with a raphe only micropyle and chalaza ( but not the funicle ) in a
straight line.
119. (b) Brain of a cell, its chromosome i.e. genetic material replicated itself ( in cell division) transcribes RNA
(for protein synthesis ) etc.
121. b Prokaryotic cells have incipient nucleus lacking nuclear membrane.
123. a Krebs cycle occurs in mitochondrial matrix and glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm.
Net gain of ATP in aerobic respiration is 38 ATP
Net gain of ATP in anaerobic respiration is 2ATP
One molecule of acetyl co-enzyme A yield 12ATP on complete oxidation
124. c BGA is the smallest living organism. The reserve food material in BGA is cynophycean starch whereas in
Rhodophyceae the reserve food material is floridean starch
126. c Scientists look for wild plants for diseases resistant gene
127. b Horticulture is the branch of agriculture which deals with the study of fruits, vegetables,
ornamental plants and flowers.
128. a The terminal end of chromosome is called telomere.
Crossing over occurs in pachytene stage of prophase I
Synapsis occurs in zygotene stage
Chiasmata formation occurs in diplotene
Terminalization occurs in diakinesis
129. b Ergotin is obtained from Claviceps purpurea
The whole part ofplantOcimum sanctum(Tulsi) is used for medicinal purpose
LSD is obtained from claviceps purpurae
130. a Axial placentation and obliquely placed ovary are characteristics of solanaceae
131. a @Tina SeXy Call SP: tyloses block secondary xylem and callose blocks secondary phloem
132. d Flowering hormone is called florigen which acts on leaf
Test for cytokinin is Richmond lange test
Genetically dwarf plant become tall after GA3 treatment
141. (a) β cells → insulin
α cell → glucagon
δ cell → Somatostatin
142. (d) On the basis of amount of yolk- mesolecithal
Egg of cockroach - centrolecithal
Release of egg is called milting
143. (b) Neurohypophysis produces oxitocin and vasopressin (ADH)
144. (a) Cyst
Entamoeba hytolytica→ Quadrinucleated cyst
Leishmaniadonovani→ Promastigote form
Giardia lambia→ Cyst
145. (d) Dialysis means the purification of colloid eg. Blood by passing through suitable filters. So
haemodialysis means the purification of blood (a colloid. ie. Removing of waste of metabolism.
During dialysis blood is taken from radial vein and again after purification is put through radial artery.
146. (c) Oxyntic (Parietal cells) Secrete HCl and intrinsic factor
Bruners gland secrete mucuc
Succusentericus is the secretion of intestinal glands.
147. (b) Progesterone → Corpus Luteum
Testosterone →Interstitial cell of leydig
Graffin Follicle formation is under FSH influence.
148. (d) Largest cranial nerve - trochlear
Longest cranial nerve - vagus
149. (b) Trophology : study of nutrients
Entomology : study of insects
Autoecology: study of a particular species in environment
Synecology: study of whole community in environment
150. (d) Archenteron
Yolk plug is formed during - gastrula
Archenteron is formed during - gastrula
Blastocoel is formed during - blastula
151. (b) Incurrent canal is a part of canal system of sponges.
152. (c) Phrenology - study of mental faculties of brain.
154. (b) it occurs in RBC, blood of human. Liver schizogony and also occurs in man. But gamogony is
completed in mosquito.
155. (c) Insulin
156. (d) Schwann cells →In peripheral nervous system
Astrocyte → Forms blood brain barrier
157. (b) Dorsolumbar vein collects blood from dorsal side i.e. back side of the abdominal cavity. Femoral vein
collects blood from outer partition of hind limb while sciatic vein from inner portion of hind limb.
158. (b) Centrum of vertebrae of frog
Procoelus : 2nd to 7th
Amphicoelus : 8th vertebrae
Acoelus : 9th vertebrae
10th vertebrate is rod shaped and is called urostyle.
161. d Predation;where one gets benefitted by killing others
Symbiosis;both gets benefitted and is dependent on each other
Parasitism:one gets benefitted while other gets harmed
162. b Nucleic acid ;polymer of nucleotides
Glycogen; animal starch, polymer of amylopectin
Oligosaccharides:2-10 monosaccharides unit joined by glycosidic bond
163. c Invagination;prey is adhered and killed by poisonous
Circumfluence:ingest food particles that are less active
Import: come in contact and pulls food particles slowly
164. b Trematoda;digestive system consists of suctorial mouth
Cestoda: absence of digestive system
165. b Coronary thrombosis:obstruction of blood circulation in coronary artery
169. b Diaphragm is characteristics of mammal
Respiration in frog is, buccopharyngeal, cutaneous and pulmonary
170. b Humerus:deltoid ridge is present
Radius unla: olecranon process
171. c Simmonds diseases:hyposecretion of growth hormone in adult
Gigantism: hypersecretion of growth hormone in child
Myxedema: also known as gulls diseases, hyposecretion of thyroxine
172. b Catadromous;fresh to sea eg. Anguilla
Amphidromous; fresh water to sea and vice versa eg. Gobies fish
Potamodromous: within fresh water. Eg. Carps and trouts
173. d Hashimotos diseases:also called auto immune diseases
Plummers diseases: also called graves diseases or basedows diseases
174. a Need continuous current of the water for Respiration, excretion.etc.
175. c Chloragogen cell (yellow cells) helps in excretion and analogous to liver of vertebrates.
176. b in humerussupratrochlear foramen - anteriorly and olecranon fossa - posteriorly.
177. c Frog’s tadpole is ammonotelic and adult=ureotelic, hibernation state=uricotelic.
179. c Eucoelomate = true coelom present and they are shizocoel (annelida. and enterocoel (echinoderm).
180. d Oxytocin secreted by posterior pituitary and called birth hormone.
181. d The 'T' shaped large element rotates 90oCW in each step. The two small symbols interchange positions
and the symbol that reaches the upper position gets replaced by a new one.
182. b The figure gets rotated through 180 degree.
183. b. Except 2 all figure has 5 arrows
184. b

185. b

186. d
188. d
1 2
(A + b.'s 20 day's work = x 20 = .
30 3
2 1
Remaining work = 1- = .
3 3
Now, work is done by A in 20 days.
Therefore, the whole work will be done by A in (20 x 3) = 60 days.
189. d Let the son's present age be x years. Then, man's present age = (x + 24) years.
(x + 24) + 2 = 2(x + 2) x + 26 = 2x + 4 x = 22.
190. a Originally, let the number of seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology be 5x, 7x and 8x respectively.
Number of increased seats are (140% of 5x), (150% of 7x) and (175% of 8x).
140 150 175
x 5x , x 7x and x 8x
100 100 100
7x, and 14x.
The required ratio = 7x : : 14x
14x : 21x : 28x 2 : 3 : 4.
191. d Let the three integers be x, x + 2 and x + 4.
Then, 3x = 2(x + 4) + 3 x = 11.
Third integer = x + 4 = 15.
193. d Daughter of Abhijit's brother → niece of Abhijit. Thus the granddaughter of the woman is Abhijit's
Hence, the woman is the mother of Abhijit.
194. d In these 2 positions of a dice, one common face having points 3 is in the same position. Hence, there
will be 4 points on the required face.
195. c Bulb and Lamp are different from each other but light is obtained from both.
196. b
In the evening sun sets in West. Hence then any shadow falls in the East. Since Hema's shadow was to
the right of Hema. Hence Rekha was facing towards South.
197. b (5 x 6 x 8) + (7 x 4 x 9) = 492
and (7 x 5 x 4) + (6 x 8 x 9) = 572
Therefore (4 x 3 x 5) + (7 x 2 x 5) = 130.
198. b

199. a Without students, a school cannot exist; therefore, students are the essential part of schools. The other
choices may be related, but they are not essential.
200. a This is a simple subtraction series. Each number is 35 less than the previous number.

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