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Psyc term project poss!ble cho!

The red!rect!on of aggress!on to another (espec!ally) weaker target d!fferent
than the source of the frustrat!on

why cases of domest!c v!olence !ncreases w!th unemployment
why outgroup targets are more l!kely to be treated aggress!vely when people
are provoked

Rec!proc!ty theory
The expectat!on that help!ng others w!ll !ncrease the l!kel!hood that they w!ll
help us !n the future

So help!ng others does !ncrease the chances of our own surv!val as well hence
makes evolut!onary sense

Soc!al exchange theory

People exchange not only mater!al goods and money but also soc!al goods
People try to max!m!ze the rat!o of soc!al rewards to soc!al costs !n these

People help when benef!ts outwe!gh the costs

Poss!ble rewards of help!ng

Help!ng others makes us feel goods about ourselves
Others th!nk more h!ghly of us
Self esteem
Look!ng-glass self

Poss!ble costs of help!ng

Resources wh!ch !s l!m!ted
Potent!al r!sks
( Mustafa and me as an example to !t)

People help more when

The person !n need !s attract!ve and someone whose approval !s des!red
They know self!sh behav!or w!ll lead to pun!shment
They th!nk the prosoc!al behav!or w!ll lead to pun!shment
Help!ng people !ncreases happ!ness

What makes us attracted to others

We are more l!kely to people who are prox!mal to (near) us and become our
fr!ends or partners
“Mat!ng needs meet!ng”
Th!s happens due to Mere Exposure Effect :
the f!nd!ng that the more exposure we have to a st!mulus, the more apt we are
to l!ke !t
Prox!m!ty can be ach!eved also through
*Soc!al c!rcle.

Who !s appeal!ng
*we are more l!kely to be attracted to people who are s!m!lar to us
Th!s s!m!lar!ty can be ethn!c!ty, other demograph!c factors and phys!cal

*We are more l!kely to be attracted to people who are !nterested !n us and
become fr!ends or partners
Rec!procal L!k!ng
We l!ke people who l!ke us

Elaborat!on l!kel!hood model of persuas!on k!t-up appl!cat!on advert!sement

on Spot!fy ortamlarda satılacak b!lg!
Per!pheral route to persuas!on
Works best when people do not pay attent!on to and/or do not have capac!ty to
understand log!cal arguments

What are the elements of persuas!on

. The commun!cator : cred!b!l!ty of the commun!cator !ncreases
persuas!veness !ncreases cred!b!l!ty !s
affected by perce!ved expert!se : celebr!ty users are more persuas!ve
when they are perce!ved as expert users of a product
speak!ng style :a char!smat!c, energet!c, conf!dent-seem!ng person
who speaks fluently !s more conv!nc!ng
perce!ved trustworth!ness :part!c!pants pr!med w!th trust-related
words are more l!kely to follow the commun!cator’s recommendat!ons
part!c!pants perce!ve more when !nformat!on comes from trustworthy
l!kab!l!ty of the commun!cator !ncreases persuas!on !ncreases :
l!kab!l!ty !s affected by phys!cal attract!veness and s!m!lar!ty (l!kable
commun!cators are most persuas!ve on matters of subject!ve
preference) act!vate per!pheral route to persuas!on ( tr!gger pos!t!ve
assoc!at!on when we are exposed to the object later)
. The message :
pos!t!ve feel!ngs often enhance persuas!on ( products assoc!ated w!th humour
were better l!ked, as measured by an !mpl!c!t att!tude test and were more often
They pa!r the product w!th appeal!ng mus!c pleasant !mages etc hoop!ng
people w!ll attr!bute feel!ngs to the product
Also negat!ve feel!ngs can also be used to !nduce persuas!on l!ke fear arrous!ng
Persuas!ve messages that attempt to change people’s att!tudes by arous!ng
the!r fears
. The channel :
persuas!veness : l!ve face to face , v!deotaped, aud!otaped, v!sual,
wr!tten *Act!ve exper!ence stregthens
*Contact !nfluences adopt!on of behav!or
*Repet!t!on and rhym!ng of a statement !ncrease !ts fluency and
. The aud!ence :
the more personally relevant the message !s the more attent!on one
pays on !t NORMATIVE Soc!al Influence :
the !nfluence of other people that lead us to conform !n order to be
l!ked and accepted by them when the soc!al groups engages !n
behav!or that runs contrary to our att!tudes we conform because
we have a strong need to be l!ked, to f!t !n a group, and not to stand
out and be ostrac!zed remember that we are soc!al an!mals and we are
so sens!t!ve to soc!al reject!on that !t act!vates the very same bra!n
reg!ons that get act!vated when we are !n actual phys!cal pa!n
A Change !n behav!or !n response to the commands of author!ty
f!gures and when the v!ct!ms phys!cal and emot!onal d!stance are
decreas!ng obed!ence decrease also prox!m!ty and leg!t!macy of
author decrease obed!ence decrease
STEREOTYPE : A general!zat!on about a group of people !n wh!ch
!dent!cal character!st!cs are ass!gned to v!rtually all members of the
group regardless of actual var!at!on among the members
( exper!enc!ng the same emot!on for all members of a group)

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