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Class BBA
Instructor Sadaf Taimoor
Office Location Room 207. Second floor Aman CED

Class Details

Class Timing and

Room 4:00 to 5:15 pm

Session Day(s) Friday and Saturday

Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hours


Course Description
Principles of Marketing focuses on the marketing process, it’s fundamental functions and the

institutions implementing these functions. This marketing course closely examines on how to

create and capture customer value, what motivates consumers, how to address their

motivations, what strategies can be employed to retains their loyalty and other related aspects

of marketing.

The theoretical perspectives of marketing along with practical marketing implications will be

presented. Topics will include the understanding marketing and marketing process, developing

marketing opportunities and strategies, developing the marketing mix, and integrated

marketing communication. Numerous examples and caselets will be used to highlight the most

relevant topics & issues.

The primary mode of teaching will be lecture sessions interspersed with case discussions & real
life examples

& applications. However, a healthy discussion-cum-dialogue is not only welcome - it is highly

recommended. With this in mind, students are encouraged to actively participate in

constructive class discussions.

& BBA Program Learning Goals

1. Effective Communication Skills

Students will become effective speakers, listeners, writers and team members
2. Knowledge of Core Business Disciplines
Students will gain a broad based multidisciplinary exposure to a range of business disciplines
3. Critical Thinking Skills
Students will develop the ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate business theories
models, frameworks and contexts for Effective Decision making.
4. Ethics
Students will have an understanding and awareness of ethical frameworks and responsibilities
5. Glocal Mindset
Students will develop a focus on global connections and local Contexts through awareness of
diversity across cultures and markets

POM Course Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the marketing concept, recognize and suggest application of the marketing
2. Assess in-depth the marketing mix and develop a marketing mix relevant to make
business decisions.
3. Discuss the implications of the marketing concept on an organization and its functions.
4. Explain the influence of the marketing concept on the firm, consumers and the society.


The course will inculcate skills on team working, decision making, communication and
analytical skills.

Teaching and Learning Methodology

The pedagogy used for the course will be a combination of:

- Live cases/ campaigns/ guest speaker sessions
- Oral case discussion
- Short Ads/Videos and their discussion
- In Class Assignments
- Slides
- Readings (online and from the recommended text)
- Exams
- Self-Study
Course Learning Outcomes mapped to Program Goals
Communic of
ation Core Critical Glocal
Business Skills Ethics
Program Skills Mindset
Goals Disciplines


1 X X

2 X X

3 X X X

4 X X X X

Chapters Mapping to
/ Course
Learning Session Topic
Readings Outcomes

Marketing: Creating and Capturing Customer Value

HBR Article: Marketing Myopia

HBR Video:

Your Loyalty Program Is Betraying You
Chapter 1 CLO1 ENG?Ntt=designing%20loyalty%20programs

Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to

Customer Relationships

HBR article: Unlock the Mysteries of Your Customer

Chapter 2 CLO1 Relationships

Chapter 3, CLO1, CLO3 &

18 CLO4 Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer

Chapter 4 CLO1

Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior

HBR case;: Beyond Meat: Changing Consumers'

CLO1, CLO2 & Meat Preference
Chapter 5 CLO3

CLO1, CLO2 & Business Markets & Business Buying Behavior

Chapter 6 CLO3

Customer Value-Driving Marketing Strategy :

Chapter 7 CLO 1 Creating Value for Target Customers
Products, Services and Brands: Building Customer
Chapter 8 CLO1 & CLO2

New Product Development and Product Life Cycle

Chapter 9 CLO1 & CLO2 Strategies
Guest Speaker session
Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer
Chapter 10 CLO1 & CLO2 Value

Chapter 11 CLO1 & CLO2 Pricing Strategies

Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value

HBR article : How to Win in an Omnichannel World
Chapter 12 CLO1 & CLO2 HBR Case: Audio Advice: From Retail to E-Tail

Retailing and Wholesaling

Guest speaker session
Case : Airport Retailing at Mondelez: The Launch of
Chapter 13 CLO1 & CLO2 Toblerone Crunchy Almond in Asia

Chapter 14 CLO1 & CLO2 Communicating Customer Value: IMC Strategy

Advertising and Public Relations

Case discussion : Consumer Awareness or Disease
Mongering? GlaxoSmithKline and the Restless Legs
Chapter 15 CLO1 & CLO2 Syndrome

Chapter 16 CLO1 & CLO2 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion

Direct and Online Marketing: Building Direct

Chapter 17 CLO1 & CLO2 Customer

Text Book and Reading Material.
Recommended Text
Kotler, P. G. A. (2021). Principles of Marketing (17th Ed). Pearson India Education.

Secondary Texts
Will be uploaded on LMS
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge to take this Course Be comfortable with using technology
for learning

Assignments and Quizzes: DEADLINES AND DUE DATES:

Assessment Due Date Remarks
CP Ongoing in class participation

Assignment 1 Marketing the unsought 15th September 2021

To be uploaded on Fb group
Assignment 2 Entrepreneurial Marketing Case 15th October 2021
Case to be uploaded on LMS
Term Project Product mining for profit TBA

Marks Total Total Marks/frequency Total marks Course Prog Prog

Head frequency exempted head Learning goals objectives
CP Ongoing 10 CLO1-2
Assignment 2 0 25 5% and 15% CLO 2&3
s respectively

Quizzes 5 2 10 marks each 20% CLO 1-3

Term 1 0 20% CLO 1-4
Hourlies 3 40(10,15
and 15%
Class Participation
I will ask you to rate your own class participation on a provided CP sheet format, and I will
then assess this information against my own observation, and then arrive at your final CP.

Comments and/or Suggestions

Students may see the faculty any time in case of any problem or issue that needs attention.

Technology Requirements

Academic Conduct
No make-up mid-term test will be arranged.

Synergy in team dynamics & equitable contribution by members are integral to all successful
group projects. A ‘peer evaluation’ form submitted by all group members will therefore be
used. Social loafing will not be encouraged in this course. If a student is found guilty, he/she
will be given no marks for the project.

Please ensure all assignment submissions are made on time. In fairness to the
other groups, late submissions will be penalized a minimum 10%.

On this course, there is no provision for ‘extra credit’ assignments after the fact, in case of
poor performance, so please make sure that you stay on top of all tests and assignments and
perform consistently well throughout the course.

Attendance Policy
Attendance is important and will certainly be taken into account in the case of
students on the borderline between two grades.

This class follows IBA’s policy.

Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism in any form is strongly discouraged. In case, a student or a group is found guilty,
he/she will be penalized as per the IBA procedures and laws.

Withdrawal Policy
This class follows IBA’s policy
Assignment 2: Marketing the unwanted ( Due: 15 th
Unsought Goods are goods that the consumer does not know about or does not normally think of
buying, and the purchase of which arises due to danger or the fear of danger and lack of desire.
The classic examples of known but unsought goods are funeral services, encyclopedias, fire
extinguishers and reference books
In groups of 3 you are expected to develop a 50 second advertisement for an unsought product.
E.g. life insurance policy. Your task will be to a) think creatively of products/services that are
unsought and then find ways of marketing them effectively.
1. Story board. You will start the creative process by developing a story board. A storyboard
is a graphic organizer that plans a narrative. Storyboards are a powerful way to visually
present information; the linear direction of the cells is perfect for storytelling, explaining
a process, and showing the passage of time. At their core, storyboards are a set of
sequential drawings to tell a story.
2. Advertisement
The advertisement will be uploaded on the Facebook group. The link that has been provided in
preceding sections.

Identification of Unsought product(the novel, 1 Mark

the better)
Narrative development in story board 3marks
Advertisement creativity 3 marks
Integration of concepts taught so far 3 marks
Total 10 marks

Assignment 2 Entrepreneurial Marketing (Due: 15

For this sssignment you will be expected to work in groups of 3 conduct primary research
and talk to young startups that may be working in any sector and have been in business for
the past 1 year. You are expected to provide a written, signed and dated consent from the
protagonist to support his involvement in this case.

Purpose: To observe; understand & record how the 4 Ps work for young ventures. How lack of
formalization and enhanced sense of agility helps these young startups. What are their customer
touch points

Required: Observe, question and discover what, if any marketing, is done by a grass root level
vendor/marketer who does not have a permanent physical location.

Submit: A brief case of not more than 1500 words encapsulating your findings. You are expected
to develop an interview guide and submit for approval. Upon its approval you may conduct your
interviews and complement the findings with secondary data available on the internet.
The Case study Structure
The most important part of the case is the opening paragraph which will encapsulate the time line
in which you are basing your case, the protagonist, his dilemma and a two liner on the company
and its line of business. The opening paragraph will communicate the dilemma that the
entrepreneur faced. (this dilemma has to be linked to marketing, for instance the challenge could
be that the entrepreneur is unable to create demand for his products)\

The next section would deal with a brief introduction to the company and insights about the
sector, how has it been performing. What changes in the macro environment happened in the
timeline that you have mentioned and how in one way or the other it helped/added to the
challenge that you have based your case on.

You can talk about the business strategy, the competitors, the USP, the TG in the body of the
Lastly, you need to conclude the case by re iterating the protagnisit’s dilemma, steps that he had
take and the way forward, its ideal to leave the case on a cliff hanger and present a solution.

Some leads that will help you start off.

Process of Observation: A Visit and Interview will help to discover

o What is the Business?
 The rationale and/or his specific reasons for business
 Product: What is the offering/product/service? Describe the merchandising
content at the point of purchase. Identify POD & POP with competitors.
 Price: What prices/rates; negotiation practices/tactics does he use?
 Promotion: What is the communication & promotion tactics that he uses to
attract /motivate consumers?
 Place: Determine the rationale and benefit of the chosen location. Describe
environment, ambiance, and the general layout at point of sale (POS)
o What is the Business Strategy?
 When & how does retailer change strategy? Could be inventory &/or style of
 Why? Is it new entrant in his competitive context; external forces; customer
Strength of the opening paragraph 1.5 marks
Development of research tool (interview guide) 1.5 marks
Written expression (how well has the story 3 marks
been created, how was the secondary work
cited, formatting, lingo, was the past tense used
through out?
How well rounded is the market context 3 marks
development. (Identification of external forces)
Identification of the dilemma and linking it to 5marks
theoretical underpinnings
Was consent provided by the protagonist 1 mark
Total 15 marks
Term Project Brief: Implementing the 4 P’s for Profit

Intro: E-Commerce is fast gaining traction as a huge revenue and profit generation avenue for Pakistanis,
in line with the rest of the world. Companies have long relied on market research to determine how
customers are using their products and whether they have underlying needs that a new feature or
innovation might meet. Much of this research has traditionally involved interviews or focus groups with
customers, who share how they use a product, what they like, and what they don’t. Companies then
synthesize this feedback, to determine if customer needs are being met, and act on this knowledge. So
Artem Timoshenko and his colleague John Hauser of MIT Sloan wondered whether it was possible to
glean similar insights about customer needs from existing customer feedback—namely, user-generated
content like Amazon reviews or social-media data1.

Project Scope: Students will work in teams of 5 to 6, over the Fall 2021 semester, to first select a product
and then develop the appropriate promotional and distribution channels to ensure there is a “pull for the
product” and the availability of that is met by the team. Student groups also have a choice to design a
service (instead of a product) but that too must be based on sound research (demand trends etc.) and
positioned accordingly.
Students will have to create an Instagram page / Facebook group for their chosen product/service and
begin selling exclusively through that platform. The teams will also demonstrate a knowledge of pricing
techniques to ensure their costs are met and a profit is made on the initial investment (which cannot
exceed Rs. 2000 per student2). The right understanding of the macro and micro factors of the
environment, an appropriate STP analysis when picking and marketing the product/service and
demonstration of market research in product mining will be a fundamental requirement to excel in the
It is mandatory that all product/service ideas are developed from scratch and all accompanying presence
on IG/FB platforms are created afresh for this project.
It is advisable that students form groups which are well-rounded and consist of individuals with abilities
ranging from presentation skills to creativity to understanding of technical platforms to number crunching.

Calendar of Activities: a) Finalization of teams and product + demand forecasting notes: 3 rd week of
September. Product/Service must be launched by 1st week of October.
b) Marketing Plan / Plan of Action (an outline of promotion techniques plus an
update of product’s sales performance): 3rd week of October
c) Final Report: 4th week of November
d) Presentation: 1st week of December

Marks Distribution: 1st update on teams and product selection alongside its Marketing Plan: 5 marks
Final Presentation: 5 marks
Final Report: 5 marks
Peer evaluation to allow for a 360-degree analysis of student performance: 5 marks

Deliverables: Final Report+ Final Presentation+ Marketing Plan Update+ Product Selection based on
demand forecasting Notes + (P&L statement + Cash-flow statement + forecasting/gap included in final

The Final Report would be 7 – 9 pages long with all the details from the beginning to execution of the
product’s availability through Instagram. It should have a focus on discussing the 4 P’s, all the concepts
that were applied, major learnings, Profit/Loss report, any reviews including social media screen shots,
challenges faced and plans going forward. Reference the report appropriately.
Final Presentation would be 15 minutes long for each group including the Q/A session.

Additional Resources for Learning:

2. Marketing Plan (page number_TBD in class)

How Companies Can Mine Online Reviews for Product-Development Gold
In case of a service, there may be no need for any initial seed money/investment
4. Search through flash sales (criteria: 30 days – 50 units)
5. Ms. Summayah Khurshid’s video lesson (TBD in class)

Marks Total Total Marks/ Total Course Prog Prog

Head frequenc exempte frequency marks Learning goal objective
y d head Outcome s s
CP Ongoing 10 CLO1-2
Assignmen 2 0 25 5% and CLO
ts 15% 2&3
Quizzes 5 2 10 marks each 20% CLO 1-3
Term 1 0 20% CLO 1-4
Hourlies 10,15,15 marks 40%

Class Participation
Class participation will be assessed in class and conducted through a POM dedicated room on
clubhouse app. I request you all to kindly make your profiles on the application. To read on it
further kindly see the following link These 40 min discussions
will be conducted at a preassigned time outside the timings of our regular classes and will have a
topic every forth night. For those asking what constitutes as a good CP. The answer is simple, I
will mark on value addition. Tell us things that are not easily known. Your sources on
information can be your experiences from internships, word of mouth, your own observations.
Please do not reply solely on published secondary information to help you survive these sessions.
The sessions can sometimes also be based on preassigned readings and cases. The Teaching
assistant will be communicating these things to you.

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