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What is the practice of Architecture?

For the interest of public safety and welfare, Sec. 3.3 of Republic Act No. 9266 (The
Architecture Act of 2004) clearly defines that the practice of architecture is "the act of
planning and architectural designing, structural conceptualization, specifying, supervising
and giving general administration and responsible direction to the to the erection,
enlargement or alterations of buildings and building environments and architectural design
of engineering structures or any part thereof..."

What it is NOT!
The practice of architecture does NOT include civil engineering/structural design, electrical
design, mechanical design, sanitary/plumbing design, electronics and communication
design, geodetic engineering, agricultural engineering, and other specialty services.

It does NOT cover engineering design for electrical transmission towers, dams, oil
pipelines, rocket, launchers, highways, and railroads.

House Bill 5127 and Senate Bill 2623 provide that architectural design shall be
exclusively prepared by an architect and do not include engineering designs.
Therefore, these bills do not affect the practice of other professionals.

Who may practice ARCHITECTURE?

Under Art. III, Sec. 20 (5) of Republic Act No. 9266, "all architectural plans, designs,
specifications, drawings and architectural documents relative to the construction of a
building shall bear the seal and signature ONLY of an architect registered and
licensed under this Act..."

The spirit and letter of RA 9266 is clear in granting architects the exclusive right to
prepare and sign architectural documents. Sec. 43 cannot be used to allow other
professionals to practice architecture. It cannot be that the law gave exclusivity to
architects with one hand, and took it back with the other. The repeal of this provision will
finally remove any doubt as to the intent and language of the law.

Why regulate the practice of ARCHITECTURE?

Public Safety and Welfare is also about accessibility, sustainability, fire and safety
standards, and livability not just the strength of the structure. ALL these must be taken into
consideration in architectural design. THIS IS WHY Architecture is a regulated profession
to be practiced only by registered and licensed architects.

In preparation for ASEAN integration and globalization, we must ensure that our laws on
professionals are aligned with international and regional standards, as well as attuned to
global best practices wherein ARCHITECTURE IS FOR ARCHITECTS and

Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture

United Architects of the Philippines
Council of Deans and Heads of Architectural Schools in the Phi

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