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Nowadays some people are eating pancakes for

breakfast. The oldest from of bread. And it is rich in
protein and carbohydrate that’s why people are eating
pancakes as their breakfast
The pancakes’ main ingredient is flour. The flour comes
from wheat originate in Nile river valley by 5000 B.C. it
was introduced to Mexico by the Spaniards. In this
study we will try to make pancake healthier by using
long bean seed as substitute for flour. Because long
bean is richer with vitamins A and C and protein than
wheat flour. While wheat flour is richer in carbohydrates
and prosperous
Bean has higher content that the wheat. And wheat has
higher carbohydrates content, since breakfast is most
important meal of the day so we need to eat nutritious
food in this paper will try to make long bean seed flour
substitute for wheat flour. it is richer in protein and less
carbohydrates that wheat flour

One of the world’s most important crops is wheat;

it was one of the grains domesticated by human. And
people know that is probably first grow in Middle East
around 11,000 years ago or in the Nile river valley by
5,000 B.C. and it is apparently later cultivation in other
regions (e.g. the Indus, Tigris and Euphrates River
valleys by 5,000 BC china by 25,000 BC England by
2,000 BC) it indicates that is spread from
Mediterranean centers of domestication. The
civilization of west Asia and the European people have
been largely based on wheat since agriculture began
wheat has been chef source of bread

Wheat specialist more than thousand verities of

annual of crop (family Graminesae) of the geniuses’
tritium in which the spike lets called “cars”

The presses which began some 1000 years ago

Involved the following major steps. Wild einkorn T.
crossed spontaneously with aegilops spetioid to
produced wild emmer T. dicoccoides; further
hybridization with another avgilops, a. squrrosa given
rise to split emmer T. dicoccoides and early forms of
drum wheat
By 4,000 BC wheat farming had spread to Asia,
Europe and North Africa because enormous changes in
people lives occurred due to wheat being frown by
people began growing there own food and no longer
needed to wonder to search for food. Pragment
Settlements were established because wheat provided
people with a stable food supply since they know there
own land between 2000 an 3000 BC people started to
feed out of wheat quickly became favored over other
grains at the time
In 150 BC the first baker were formed in Rome
bakeries produced verity of bread and distributed free
bread, to the poor people.
Wheat is not native to US it was not grown by
colonists because it did not do well in 1777, wheat
was 1st in USA as a hobby crop
Between 1874-1884, 5000 Russian settled
Turkey red winter at the US DOA wheat from astern
Europe from hard read winter prior or development is
successfully in 1872
Contribute between10-1010% of the great in over world
wide crop

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