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Welcome to the nursing program!

We are glad you have chosen Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute to pursue your nursing education. We have an outstanding program which is highly respected throughout the state. We feel you will find the nursing program to be a very meaningful, worthwhile, enjoyable, and at times, a difficult course of study. Nursing is an exciting career and one marked with many challenges. We will do our best to help prepare you to master those challenges.

This Student Handbook was developed for you. It will enable you to become familiar with nursing program policies and expectations. It is important that you understand this material and keep it readily accessible should you have questions about the program. You are responsible for meeting these program policies and expectations, and also the institution-wide policies found in the CCC&TI Catalog.

We look forward to working with you during the next five semesters. If we can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to ask.

Kim Priode, Director - E353, 726-2353, Pam Chapman - E364, 726-2364, Maria Flores-Harris - 263-5373, Boone Campus, Occupational Training Facility, Lena Greene E300 726-2621, Ruth Herold - E360, 726-2360, Angela Koontz - E301, 726-2236, Glenda Reedy - 263-5372, Boone Campus, Occupational Training Facility, Rebecca Tolbert-E300 726-2608,

Faculty, Nursing Program, CCC&TI

Program Objective .........................................................................................................................1 Educational Outcome .....................................................................................................................2 Philosophy .....................................................................................................................................3 Concepts: Framework for Learning ................................................................................................4 Curriculum Information Curriculum Code and Title .............................................................................................................7 Core Performance Standards ...........................................................................................................9 Program Policies ........................................................................................................................... 14 Counseling and Guidance ............................................................................................................. 15 Role of the Student in Advisement ................................................................................................ 15 Examination Policy ...................................................................................................................... 16 Grading Policy ............................................................................................................................. 18 Attendance Policy......................................................................................................................... 18 Procedure for Resolving Issues ..................................................................................................... 19 Annual Report of Physical Health Policy ...................................................................................... 20 Client Confidentiality Policy......................................................................................................... 22 Clinical Evaluation of Student ...................................................................................................... 22 Classroom Guidelines ................................................................................................................... 24 Clinical Guidelines ....................................................................................................................... 26 Dismissal Policy ........................................................................................................................... 28 General Information Estimated Nursing Program Costs................................................................................................. 29 Inclement Weather Procedures...................................................................................................... 30 Transportation .............................................................................................................................. 30 Employment ................................................................................................................................. 31 Insurance ...................................................................................................................................... 31 NCLEX-RN ................................................................................................................................. 31 North Carolina State Board of Nursing ......................................................................................... 31 Pinning Ceremony ........................................................................................................................ 32 Faculty Award .............................................................................................................................. 33 Peer Award................................................................................................................................... 33 Articulation with Baccalaureate Programs .................................................................................... 34 Requirements for Graduation ........................................................................................................ 34 Graduation Committee.................................................................................................................. 35 General Admission Guideline ....................................................................................................... 36 Re-Admission............................................................................................................................... 47 Physical Assessment Informed Consent ........................................................................................ 51 ADN Student Handbook Acknowledgement ................................................................................. 52 Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 54 Appendix C ................................................................................................................................... 55 Appendix D ................................................................................................................................... 56 Appendix E ................................................................................................................................... 57


Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Associate Degree Nursing Program objectives include: maintain approval from North Carolina Board of Nursing. strive toward accreditation from National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. strive toward 100% student completion pass rate on NCLEX-RN examination. student completion of program within two years. student satisfaction and referral of program. employer satisfaction and referral of program.


Upon completion of the Associate Degree Nursing Program, the graduate will upon licensure 1. Practice professional nursing behaviors incorporating personal responsibility and accountability for continued competence. Communicate professionally and effectively with individuals, significant support person(s), and members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team. Integrate knowledge of the holistic needs of the individual to provide an individual centered assessment. Incorporate informatics to formulate evidence-based clinical judgments and management decisions. Implement caring interventions incorporating documented best practices for individuals in diverse settings. Develop a teaching plan for individuals, and/or the nursing team, incorporating teaching and learning principles. Collaborate with the interdisciplinary healthcare team to advocate for positive individual and organizational outcomes. Manage health care for the individual using cost effective nursing strategies, quality improvement processes, and current technologies.









Mission The Associate Degree Nursing program supports the mission of the North Carolina Community College System and the mission of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute. The faculty is committed to providing accessible high quality nursing education to meet the diverse and changing health-care needs of the service area and to promoting the development of qualified students prepared for the professional role of registered nurse at the entry level. Graduates of this program meet the education requirements to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). The philosophy of the Associate Degree Nursing Program is derived from statements about the health, quality of life, achievement of potential, the individual, environment, health, nursing, the practice, and education of the Associate Degree Nurse. Within this mission, the goal of the nursing faculty is to promote the highest quality of nursing care to the individual, families and significant persons, and the community. The aim is to facilitate optimum health, quality of life and achievement of potential for the individual. The Associate Degree Nurse The graduate of the Associate Degree Nursing program at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute is prepared to meet the education competencies defined by the National League for Nursing and the Nursing Practice Act of North Carolina. The practice of nursing is directed toward meeting the health care needs of individuals throughout their lifespan. The ADN prepared nurse's role is characterized by evidence-based clinical practice with the provision of care for individuals and families in structured settings. The ADN graduate demonstrates the competencies identified by the National League of Nursing (2000) and the Institute of Medicine (2004) to provide nursing care. Associate Degree Nursing Education Nursing education at the associate degree level, in the North Carolina Community College System, is a process that facilitates changes in behavior, the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function in the role of the entry-level nurse. The curriculum is conceptually based and founded on principles of adult and collaborative learning. Basic assumptions include self-direction, utilizing adult experience, problem- and activity-centered learning. (Rachel, 2002). It incorporates evidence-based nursing theory and practice, general education, and the sciences in an environment conducive to learning. The conceptual design defines the essential elements as the environment, quality of life, achievement of potential, and health. The organizing framework contains content related to the individual, the health care system and nursing. The Associate Degree nursing program at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute provides an education that is flexible, progressive, and sensitive to the changing needs of the individual, significant support person(s), and community. Through these educational experiences, students will have the opportunity to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. The Associate Degree Nursing Curriculum is based on learning theory rooted in neurobiology. Neuroscientists discovered that the brain develops circuitry and grows as a result of experience and learning. Learning is about making connections. Neurologists and cognitive scientists agree that humans build their minds by "constructing" mental structures and "hands-on" concrete application that connects and organizes information. Barkley, Cross & Major (2005) Learning is a continuous process that results in a change of behavior and occurs when the individual is challenged and motivated to enhance personal knowledge. Teaching and learning is an interactive process between teacher and learner. The responsibility of the faculty of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Associate Degree Nursing Program is to facilitate the student's understanding and ability to meet the competencies for nursing practice through the design and evaluation of learning

experiences. The nursing student is responsible for actively participating in learning experiences and develops the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to provide quality individual centered nursing care. Conceptual Framework The conceptual model provides a mental scaffold or framework to prepare learners for new instruction and motivates by making a meaningful connection for the learner. The learner must attain mastery of each part of the framework; the individual, the healthcare system and nursing in order to understand the complete curriculum. (Knowles, 2005) The domains of the individual, the healthcare system, and nursing provide the conceptual framework guiding the associate degree nursing curriculum. Concepts are organized within each these domains and learning occurs from simple to complex. Definitions: Individual The faculty of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute believe that each individual is a complex, multidimensional, unique, and significant being possessing inherent value and worth, and a member of a family, community, and culturally diverse society. All individuals have dynamic bio-physical, psychological, socio-cultural, spiritual, and developmental needs that contribute to health, quality of life, and achievement of potential. Adaptation to the environment requires the individual to change throughout the lifespan. Each individual has a right to healthcare and to information that will assist him or her to participate actively in his or her health care in order to achieve the highest level of wellness possible. All individuals should be cared for, respected, nurtured, understood, and assisted. In order to provide and manage care, nurses must view the individual at the center of any nursing activity. Healthcare System According to von Bertalanaffy (1968) a system consists of the coming together of parts, the power comes from the energy of the interconnection and the way the parts come together. The community healthcare system is a macrosystem and consists of a variety of parts or microsystems. Clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories, long term care and Internet sites are microsystems that are connected by patients and information to improve health. (IOM, 2001) Nursing Nursing is a science and the art of integrating and assimilating knowledge and skills derived from biological, sociological, and behavioral sciences and information technology to deliver client-centered, culturally competent, holistic care. Through caring, empathy, ethics, and the development of a therapeutic relationship with the individual and significant support person(s), the nurse integrates the art of nursing with the scientific foundation for nursing practice that utilizes the nursing process. Incorporating documented best practice, the nurse functions autonomously and collaboratively with the interdisciplinary team to assist the individuals to reach their maximum health potential through assurance of quality client outcomes, promotion of wellness, prevention of illness, and restoration of health or assistance in achieving a dignified death. Environment The individual is in constant interaction with a changing environment that consists of both internal and external forces that varies throughout the lifespan and has the potential to cause stress in the individual. The nurse can assist the individual to alter aspects of the environment and to utilize his/her innate and learned coping mechanisms to adapt to these stressors.

Health Health is a dynamic, ever-changing state of mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, which exists on a continuum from optimal wellness to illness and ending in death. The individual's needs for healthcare are determined by his/her position on the continuum. Each individual's health is based on his/her cultural perceptions and beliefs of health and illness and the ability to adapt to internal and external environmental forces. The individual is responsible for and capable of identifying, learning, and practicing health behaviors that can promote wellness, prevent illness, restore or maintain wellness, or achieve a dignified death. Quality of Life Quality of life involves five domains including physical, functional, psychological, social, and spiritual well being. The individual's perception of and satisfaction with activities of daily living contributes to their worth, meaning, or satisfaction. This empowers the individual to cope successfully with the full range of challenges encountered in the real world. (Ignatavicius: Med-Surg Nursing 5th Ed. p.5) Achievement of Potential Achievement of potential is in the individual's growth toward attaining one's utmost ability and quality of life. It is based on the individual's choices, perceptions, personal goals, life experiences, and holistic health. NLNAC Core Competencies Practitioners should care for community's health, expand access to effective care, provide evidenced based, clinically competent, contemporary care, understand the role and emphasize primary care, develop outcomes measurement, ensure care that balances individual, professional, system, and societal needs, practice prevention and wellness care, involve patients and families in the decision-making process, promote health life-styles, assess and use communications and technology effectively and appropriately, improve the healthcare system operations and accountability, understand the role of the physical environment, exhibit ethical behaviors in all professional activities, manage information, accommodate expanded accountability, participate in a racially and culturally diverse society, and continue to learn and to help others (NLNAC, 2005)

Institute of Medicine Competencies The five core competencies identified by the IOM for healthcare providers are; provide patient-centered care, work in interdisciplinary teams, employ evidence-based practice, apply quality improvement, utilize informatics. (IOM, 2005)



Career Information The Associate Degree Nursing curriculum provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide nursing care to clients and groups of clients throughout the life span in a variety of settings. Courses will include content related to the nurse's role as provider of nursing care, as manager of care, as member within the discipline of nursing, and as a member of the interdisciplinary team. Graduates of this program are eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) which is required for practice as a Registered Nurse.* Employment opportunities include hospitals, long term care facilities, clinics, physician's offices, industry, and community agencies. *The student should be advised that the North Carolina Board of Nursing requires a criminal background check, which may result in the student being denied permission to test.

Statement Regarding Criminal Background Check To insure the public health and safety of all patients many of our clinical affiliation sites require personal criminal background checks and/or drug screening in order for the student to participate in clinical education at that site. Most disciplines of Health Sciences require registration, certification or licensure to practice in the health care field. Most examining boards require proof of good moral character to apply to take the registration, certification or licensure examination.

Clinical Guidelines for Exposure to Blood or Bodily Fluids For Health Science Students Health Sciences students are at risk for exposure to blood and body fluids that may be contaminated with the Hepatitis B virus, the Hepatitis C virus, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other potentially harmful or contagious pathogens while in the clinical setting. Information about bloodborne pathogens and how to protect oneself and others from exposure is taught before the student's first clinical experience. It is imperative that students always follow standard precautions when working with patients in any type of clinical setting. In the event of exposure to blood or body fluids, it is ithe responsibility of the students to arrange and pay for initial and post-exposure medical follow-up and care. Following exposure to blood or bodily fluids, the student should take the following steps immediately: 1. Clean area thoroughly depending on area exposed. a. Skin exposure with blood-wash area with antimicrobial soap and water for at least 15 seconds b. Contaminated needle stick or contaminated puncture or cut with sharp object - wash area with antimicrobial soap and water for at least 15 seconds c. Eye exposure - rinse/flush eye with 1000mL of water, sterile saline, or eye irrigating solution for at least 15 minutes d. Mucus membranes (mouth or nose) - rinse/flush area with water Report exposure to clinical instructor or preceptor immediately after taking the above preventative measures. If clinical instructor/preceptor is not a CCC&TI faculty member, then report the exposure to the clinical coordinator of the student's health sciences program. The Nursing clinical faculty or health sciences program clinical coordinator will assist the student in completing a CCC&TI accident report. Determine the nature of the exposure and determine if there was exposure to body fluids. Assess the integrity of skin exposed to body fluids or blood. Follow the agency policy for occupational exposure, testing, or post-exposure medications as indicated. If the clinical agency does not provide baseline testing and/or prophylaxis the student will need to call his/her primary care provider immediately. Further testing, medical follow-up, and post-exposure medications will be with the student's primary care physical or local health department at the student's expense.


3. 4.


All students in health sciences programs at CCC&TI are required to purchase accident insurance through the college. Health sciences students are encouraged to purchase and maintain personal health/hospitalization insurance. If a student does not have health insurance coverage affordable student health insurance is available for community college students through Students should be aware that some of the clinical affiliate sites now require that students assigned to their institution maintain personal health/hospitalization insurance.


Nursing is a practice discipline with cognitive, sensory, affective, and psychomotor performance requirements. For purposes of nursing program compliance with the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, a "qualified individual with a disability" is one who, with or without reasonable accommodation or modification, meets the essential eligibility requirements for participation in the nursing programs. Admission to and progression in the ADN program is not based on these standards. Rather, the standards should be used to assist each student in determining whether accommodations or modifications are necessary. Standards provide an objective measure upon which a student and the advisor base informed decisions regarding whether a student is "qualified" to meet requirements. *If you require accommodations for any disabling condition, please contact a CCC&TI Disability Services representative listed below as soon as possible at the beginning of each semester: Disability Services Contact Information Caldwell Campus Teena McRary, Coordinator 828-726-2704 Room F145 Watauga Campus Nancy Leonard, Director 828-297-3811




Critical Thinking

Critical thinking ability sufficient for clinical judgment Ability to be oriented to time, place, and person; organize responsibilities, make decisions, and make accurate mathematical calculations Interpersonal abilities to interact with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds Communication abilities sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written form

Cognitive Abilities

SOME EXAMPLES OF NECESSARY ACTIVITIES (Not all inclusive) Identify cause-effect relationships in clinical situations, develop nursing plans Student shall assess patient concerns, provide prioritized patient-centered care, and implement appropriate plan of care Establish rapport with patients/clients and colleagues



Explain treatment procedures, initiate health teaching, document and interpret nursing actions and patient/client responses




Motor Skills


Physical abilities sufficient to move from room to room and maneuver in small places Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe and effective nursing care Auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess health needs Visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment necessary in nursing care Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment

SOME EXAMPLES OF NECESSARY ACTIVITIES (Not all inclusive) Moves around in patient's rooms, work spaces, and treatment areas, administers cardiopulmonary procedures Calibrate and use equipment; position patients/clients Hears monitor alarm, emergency signals, auscultatory sounds, cries for help Observes patient/client responses



Occupational Exposure

Ability to protect self and others by implementing appropriate precautions due to possible exposure to communicable disease and/or body fluids, toxic substances, and medicinal preparations.

Perform palpation, functions of physical examination and/or those related to therapeutic intervention, e.g. insertions of a catheter Student may be assigned a client with AIDS or Hepatitis B and shall provide total care using standard precautions


Student Clinical Progression Caldwell Community College Adaptation to CIP project 2010 The following instructional activities are included each semester and are minimally addressed to include the following:
Clinical Concepts/Skills Care Planning/Care Maps First Semester Concrete use of care planning with introduction to care mapping and nursing process Second Semester Basic care mapping utilization Summer Semester Utilization of care mapping to include more than just basic care concepts Critical thinking management Patient data tool to be used as information gathering tool At least 2 professional/ personal goals Addition of actual goals Reflection of critical thinking modalities with Journal entry Patient assignments are distributed the morning of clinical day Second Fall Semester Utilization of complex care mapping with the addition of presentation/ critical thinking in clinical setting Second Spring (Final) Utilization of complex care mapping Preceptorship /practice transition experience

Patient Data Tool

Patient data tool to be used as information gathering tool

Patient data tool to be used as information gathering tool

Patient data tool to be used as information gathering tool

Patient data tool to be used as information gathering tool

Weekly Evaluation/ Journal Entry

At least 2 professional/ personal goals Reflection of critical thinking modalities with Journal entry

At least 2 professional/ personal goals Addition of actual goals Reflection of critical thinking modalities with Journal entry

At least 2 professional/personal goals Addition of actual goals Reflection of critical thinking modalities with Journal entry

At least 2 professional/personal goals Addition of actual goals Reflection of critical thinking modalities with Journal entry

Preparation of clinical (Not more than one hour of clinical is to be counted toward clinical hours)

Students prepare evening before for clinical the next day

Students prepare evening before for clinical the next day

Utilization of team leader, prioritization and delegation assignment Team leader prepares pertinent patient information for others evening before clinical day.

Utilization of team leader, prioritization and delegation assignment Team leader prepares pertinent patient information for others before start of clinical day.

Caregiver Skill Introduction

CNA skills Holistic physical assessment/VS Medication administration Foley Catherization Enemas

Starting IVs IV medications Blood administration Trach care/suctioning Chest Tubes

Central Line care

Student Proficiency

Sterile Technique NG tubes Mobility Personal Hygiene Wound Care, ostomy, surgical Nasopharyngeal/oral suctioning Beginning skills

Utilizes first semester skills safely with additional selected tasks

Performs first and second semester skills safely with minimal assistance

Performs skills safely with progressive independence.

Performs skills safely with proficiency



Counseling and guidance are ongoing processes, which begin with initial contact. Counseling through Student Services is available to every student. Each student is assigned a nursing program and course advisor. Conferences may be scheduled with the advisor whenever the student feels the need. Office hours of the nursing instructors will be posted each semester on their office doors.


It is the responsibility of the student to obtain and read copies of the institution catalog, student handbook/calendar, and nursing program student handbook. Students must also be responsible for identifying the year of the catalog in which they entered the nursing program. If a student plans to transfer to a four-year institution, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain a copy of the senior college catalog from the four year institution and bring it to all planning meetings with the advisor. It is the student's responsibility to report for advisement at the assigned time with a copy of the class schedule and copies of the forms needed for registration. The student shares with the advisor, the responsibility to make sure that all registration forms as required are filled out properly and completely. It is the student's responsibility to either register online for classes or attend regular registration. It is the student's responsibility to keep all appointments made with the advisor. If the student runs into academic difficulty, it is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor involved and attempt to solve the problem. If no solution is found, it is the student's responsibility to contact the advisor to assist with the problem and to discuss the possible alternatives, including withdrawal from the course in question. If a student needs to withdraw from the institution, it is his/her responsibility to contact his/her advisor and fill out the withdrawal form in the Student Services office. It is the student's responsibility to make certain that the courses taken by the student follow the required course sequence, and satisfy all degree requirements of the nursing program. The student should be aware of the advisor's office hours each semester. Students with special financial needs must take the responsibility to meet with the Appropriate college personnel prior to registration.





6. 7.



10. 11.


Students enrolled in nursing courses at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute are required to contact their nursing advisors achieving any grade less than 80. Students are required to complete an individualized growth plan with the direction of their nursing advisor. Students are required to contact their nursing advisor for scheduling of appointments. The individualized growth plan will be placed with the student's permanent record housed in the Director's Extension Office. Individualized growth plans are required for students in order to progress in the Associate Degree Nursing Program and graduate. (See Appendix E).


The student is required to: 1. Meet with the lead instructor or Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program prior to withdrawal. Withdrawal forms will be completed and placed in the student's folder. Follow the accepted procedure from CCC&TI catalog for withdrawal. This procedure is outlined in the CCC&TI Student catalog.


All classroom/lab/clinical policies shall be followed. Reading, assignments, course document, and calendar are subject to change. Sufficient notification will be given.

The following policy applies to paper/pencil or computerized examinations. 1. All students are required to take EVERYTHING off their desks except two pencils, highlighter, basic function calculator and scantron(s). No exams will be distributed until students have followed policy. Students are allowed approximately 1 1/2 minutes per exam question. Talking is not permitted during examination. Students should leave the testing area quietly and professionally being considerate of others. After an exam has been completed and turned into the instructor, students are permitted to leave the testing area returning only when all students have completed testing. Cellular phones or beepers are not to be used during the examination. The faculty member administering the exam must initial any student erasures on the scantron when the student turns in their testing materials. This ensures accurate grading by the scanning machine and by the nursing instructor. The student is not to make any marks on the left side of the scantron answer sheet.

2. 3. 4.


6. 7.



All examinations are timed. At the end of the allotted time, testing materials will be collected by the instructor. Students are not given additional time to complete the examinations unless a recommendation has been submitted by Disability Services. No hats or caps will be allowed to be worn during examinations or review. Please see specific nursing course for possibility of deduction of points with a missed exam. Following the exam, students must turn in all testing materials including the cover sheet. Failure to return exam materials before leaving the testing site will result in a grade of "zero" on the exam. Students will have 24 hours to seek clarification of an exam item rationale by e-mail or by appointment with the appropriate faculty member.

10. 11.




Recorders are not permitted during any review of exams. Students may highlight individual exams for further study. Following review of the exam, students must turn in all testing materials including the cover sheet. Failure to return exam materials before leaving the testing site will result in a grade of "zero" on the exam. Associate Degree Nursing policy includes a maximum one week return of examinations and/or posting of grades on Blackboard.



Students who miss a scheduled exam will be required to take the exam the next scheduled class day. Students should contact appropriate nursing faculty for plans to make up testing. Missed exams will be placed in the testing centers of either campus. Associate Degree Nursing Program policy includes a student dismissal from the program if testing policies are not followed. Failure to follow any of the specified examination policies shall result in a grade of "zero" on the exam.

Caldwell Community College utilizes ATI testing to increase student success in the ADN program, as well as, on the NCLEX examination following graduation. ATI testing consists of a Content Mastery Series that are proctored assessments administered throughout the nursing program. Scores are determined by levels developed by ATI. ATI testing is part of the additional assignments section in each course and will be graded as follows:

Level 3-100 Level 2-90 Level 1-80 Level 0-no credit will be given.


The nursing faculty and program director of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Associate Degree Program is dedicated to the successful student completion and NCLEX-RN examination. Essential to this accomplishment is the graduation of the novice yet knowledgeable and competent student nurse. Grading policies included within the program are as follows: In order to successfully progress from one semester to the next, the nursing student is required to have an average score of 80 for each nursing course. No rounding of grades shall occur for any exam or quiz. A course grade of 79.9 shall result in a D for the nursing course. Grades are averaged to the hundredths place for accuracy. The nursing student should refer to each nursing course syllabus for specific grading content. Program grading scale is as follows: A C F 93-100 B 80-84.9 D 69.9 and below 85-92.9 70-79.9

Attendance Policy Addendum to Student Handbook 2009/2010 The nursing faculty is dedicated to the students successful completion of each course of the Associate Degree Nursing Program and NCLEX-RN examination. Preparation for the transition of the student into nursing practice includes professionalism, accountability, and consideration of others. Scheduled clinical, class and lab are designed to enhance learning and facilitate success. Attendance and participation are mandatory. The attendance policy of the CCC and TI Associate Degree Nursing Program includes the following: Absences A nursing student who has three absences in any semester may be dismissed from the program. Students cannot have more than 1 missed designated clinical day in any semester. The absence of any clinical day will result in an unsatisfactory for the day and the student may be subject to make-up of clinical hours during their preceptorship/transition experience. Preceptorship, which is scheduled in the final course of the program, is also a component of the final clinical experience. Any absence from a preceptorship regularly scheduled day will be added to the total number of absences for the semester. Students may receive a communication note from the lead instructor of the course for advisement and counseling of two absences. The Program Director assumes the final role for any decision pertaining to student dismissal from the nursing program.

Absences include: 1. Any absence from classroom/lab/clinical 2. Two tardies from class/clinical will be equivalent to one absence 3. Students that miss 1 hour of either class/clinical/lab will be counted as an absence. Definition of any tardy includes late arrivals/early leave from class/lab/clinical It is a requirement that students contact the appropriate clinical facility and/or clinical instructor for any absence or tardy prior to the beginning of the clinical experience. Unsatisfactory clinical status The acceptable percentage of unsatisfactory clinical days is based upon the overall required clinical time designated from the academic institution. Each semester of the Associate Degree Nursing Program at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute is based on an average but not limited to 10 total experiences. The nursing student may not be assigned more than 20% of unsatisfactory evaluations for the period of one semester. The Program Director reserves the ability to evaluate each students situation. This decision may include dismissal from the program. The student will be counseled by the clinical/lead instructor with each unsatisfactory evaluation. If the student obtains the second assigned weekly unsatisfactory clinical evaluation, then counseling will include the Director of the program.

From the Director: Extenuating circumstances are always difficult to define and no ones situation can be compared to another. Therefore, it is prudent to acknowledge the following when considering a students particular absence behavior/situation: 1. History of class/lab/clinical attendance 2. History of any behavioral concerns 3. Specific student input 4. Specific instructor input Please note: Students that obtain 2 absences for class/lab/clinical during the summer 10 week course may be dismissed from the program.



If issues arise, the following steps are to be taken by the student: 1. If the issue concerns an individual course, the student should begin the resolution of the situation by contacting the appropriate faculty member. If the situation is not resolved after the initial conference between the student and faculty member, the student should meet with the lead instructor of the course. If not resolved, the student may confer with the Director of the Nursing Program

for resolution of the issue. (A conference form entitled "Warning Notice/Improvement Plan" will serve as appropriate documentation of any concerns for both student and faculty. Please see form at the end of Handbook) 2. If the situation is of concern to more than one student, the students should submit their concerns in writing and request an initial meeting with the lead instructor and the Director of Nursing. If a situation concerns overall college policies and regulations of CCC&TI, the Student Government Association should be contacted. Cheating and plagiarism are not permitted as specified by the CCC&TI student catalog. Issues of this nature will be resolved according to guidelines specified by the academic institution. (Please see Academic Integrity Policy in the college catalog).




Additional appropriate channels available within the nursing program: 1. The Director of the Nursing Program is available to all nursing students and will follow-up with all and any issues as outlined above.


For additional resources available to the student, please see the current CCC&TI Student Handbook and the CCC&TI College Catalog.


Each student is required to submit a completed CCC&TI Health Sciences Program Report of Physical Examination form documenting physical and emotional health which indicates his/her ability to provide safe nursing care to the public. The date of the actual physical examination must be dated within one year prior to the date of enrollment. In addition, the student must submit evidence of tuberculin skin testing, current CPR within one year of the previous certification date and evidence of updated immunizations for healthcare provider as described on the Physical Examination form.* Failure of the student to submit these forms as indicated, may result in the student not being allowed to attend clinical and may result in possible dismissal from the nursing program. Any falsification of medical records either by omission or commission may result in automatic dismissal from the nursing program. *The second year nursing student must also submit evidence of current tuberculin skin test and CPR certification. These must remain current through the month of graduation.

Refer to College Catalog. As a reminder, all medical facilities are tobacco free campuses.

CCC&TI or the affiliating clinical agency will not be responsible for any illness or injury which the student may incur during the scheduled clinical experience.


Responsibilities of Students With Infectious Diseases Students are required to refrain from direct patient contact if they have any condition which is transmissible by skin or droplet spread, i.e., tuberculosis. The student is required to inform their clinical instructor as well as the lead instructor of the course. Any condition that prevents a student from giving direct patient care may result in dismissal from the nursing program.
Differences In Agency Infectious Disease Policies

Students and faculty will be governed by the infectious disease policy of the agency or facility with which they are currently associated for their clinical experience, as well as the policies of Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute Nursing Program and North Carolina Law. Faculty members will inform students of the agency policy and the course of action to be taken by students if an incident occurs.
IFA Varicella Immunity Status (chicken pox)

To prove immunity, all students are required to have varicella (chicken pox) titer or produce proof of the immunization.
Hepatitis B Vaccination

Hepatitis B can be prevented by a vaccine. It is highly recommended that student have initiated and, if possible, completed vaccination prior to clinical contact. See Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination form. All students will adhere to practice of Universal Precautions, as well as additional appropriate precautions as dictated by the patient's condition.

The nursing student is expected to conduct himself/herself in a professional manner at all times. When addressing classmates, instructors, co-workers, patients, and family members in the clinical area, an appropriate title and surname are to be used unless hospital policy indicates otherwise. A display of ill temper on the part of the nursing student is inexcusable, even under trying conditions or situations. The student must remain in control of his/her emotions. The quality and tone of the voice should be quiet, pleasant, and assuring. Use of profane, obscene or inappropriate language or behavior will not be permitted at any time. A student who does not adhere to the behavior code will be asked to leave the clinical area and receive an "unsatisfactory" for the clinical day and shall be reviewed for dismissal. A student whose behavior is out of professional boundaries in the classroom/lab will be asked to leave and shall be reviewed for dismissal. Repeated offenses at any time during the progression in this program will be cause to question whether the student is able to accept personal and professional responsibility and shall result in review for dismissal.

Students must also abide by those policies which govern conduct included in the CCC&TI Student Catalog. (Student Code of Conduct) NCBON - Nurse Practice Act, State of North Carolina.

Maintaining confidentiality is an important aspect of professional behavior. It is essential that the nurse safeguard the client's right to privacy by carefully protecting information of a sensitive, private nature. As a professional, students must maintain the confidence and trust of all individuals they are assigned to care for as well as their colleagues in the profession. This includes clients, patrons, hospital/college personnel, fellow students, behaviors, written or spoken word or any other form of communication. Confidential client data is to be protected by use of client initials only on all written materials including pocket notes, nursing care plans, daily work sheets, etc. The full name of the client is not to be included with data which leave hospital units. The client's birth date is not to be used on any document. Data sheets and records containing full names should remain in the unit areas during use and should be destroyed at the end of the clinical day (example: leadership experiences involving large groups of students). Students will exercise caution in the use of other identifying data also (examples: room numbers, addresses, dates, etc.) Confidentiality also includes not discussing client information. for example, it is a violation of confidentiality to discuss the client's case in the elevator or other public areas. All nursing students must be complaint with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 1996) guidelines mandated by the clinical facilities and a signed confidentiality statement must be on file in the Director's office prior to the student delivering care to a client in a health care facility. Any breach of client confidentiality will result in immediate dismissal from the nursing program and the student will be responsible for any legal action that may ensue as a result of their behavior.


Clinical evaluations will be conducted with students on an ongoing basis. Clinical instructors are to document clinical performance on daily evaluation forms and review this information with students weekly. It is mandatory that a clinical evaluation be conducted at the end of the semester with mid-term evaluation as well and if indicated. Student and instructor signatures will validate that this process has been completed.
Evaluation of the ADN student in the clinical area is based on:

Evaluation includes:

1. 2.

Observations of the student's performance on assigned units. Communications between the clinical instructor and the student while on the units assigned or during pre or post conference. Observations of the student's interactions with patients, patients' families, members of the interdisciplinary team, and faculty. Written assignments which are required during clinical rotation and will receive a grade of satisfactory or unsatisfactory. As a member of the interdisciplinary healthcare team in the care of patient assignments.




A final clinical evaluation of "U" results in dismissal from the program and a grade of "D" in the course. Each semester the student syllabus includes a clinical evaluation tool outlining "S" and "U" clinical behaviors

CRITERIA FOR SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE NUR 111 After initial clinical orientation, the student: 1. With guidance, meets clinical outcomes as specified. NUR 112, 211, & 113 After initial clinical orientation, the student: 1. With minimal assistance, meets clinical outcomes, as specified, independently in most cases. 2. Initiates care appropriately. 3. With minimal supervision, safely performs psychomotor skills. 4. Observes professional ethics at all times. 5. With progressive independence, demonstrates empathy and insight into patient behaviors. 6. With minimal guidance, utilizes communication skills which promote therapeutic relationships with patients in various stages of the life-span. 7. Within a reasonable length of time, plans, organizes, and implements nursing care for one to two patients of various stages in the life-span according to their health needs. NUR 114, 212, & 213 After initial clinical orientation, the student: 1. Skillfully, and with progressive independence meets clinical outcomes as specified.

2. Initiates care appropriately. 3. With appropriate supervision, safely performs psychomotor skills. 4. Observes professional ethics at all times. 5. With guidance, demonstrates empathy and insight.

2. Initiates care appropriately. 3. With progressive independence, safely performs psychomotor skills. 4. Observes professional ethics at all times. 5. With independence, demonstrates empathy and insight into patient behaviors.

6. Needs limited direction in developing effective communication skills.

6. Is self-directed in utilizing communication skills which promote therapeutic relationships with patients in various stages of the life-span and complexities of health needs. 7. Within a reasonable length of time, plans, organize, and implements care for 2-4 patients experiencing acute and chronic health care problems.

7. Within a reasonable length of time, plans, organizes, and implements nursing care for one adult with clearly identified medical-surgical health problems.

CLASSROOM GUIDELINES General/Classroom Guidelines

The following are required policies in the classroom area. Failure to follow these policies may result in dismissal from the nursing program. A. The student will demonstrate accountability for professional responsibilities and values by performing according to these role expectations: 1. Only emergency phone calls to faculty administrative assistant's area (726-2315). 2. Cell phones and beepers must be turned off prior to entering class.

3. Students may not enter faculty offices unless faculty is present. 4. A student requiring special accommodations must have proper documentation Submitted through Disability Services. 5. Assume responsibility for acquiring knowledge necessary to participate in class and lab. 6. Report to the class and lab at the assigned time. 7. Use judgment regarding his/her own illness, i.e., does not unnecessarily expose others to illness. 8. Notify the instructor prior to class and lab if tardy or absent. 9. Perform within the published policies of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute and the nursing program. 10. Seek supervision appropriately from instructor. 11. Accept responsibility for own actions. 12. Communicate accurately and truthfully regarding assignments (verbal and written). 13. Demonstrate respect in interaction with staff, instructors, and fellow students. 14. Refrain from using any cell phone for talking, text messaging, recording, taking pictures or playing games. 15. Refrain from getting up during class unless it is an emergency. 16. Refrain from reading anything during class except what is assigned by nursing instructor. This includes assignments from other non nursing courses. B. The student will demonstrate the following behavior regarding assignments: 1. Follow directions regarding assignments given by the classroom and lab instructor. 2. Submit written assignments at the designated time. 3. Write clearly and concisely utilizing scientific terminology, correct spelling and grammar, and grammar, and references where appropriate. C. The student will demonstrate the following behavior related to enhancing learning opportunities. 1. Apply knowledge and principles previously taught in theory, lab and/or clinical courses. 2. Take advantage of available learning experiences. 3. Employ effective behavior, as determined by the instructor, in coping with stress and anxiety. 5. Manage own feelings of anxiety in the classroom and lab setting without communicating the anxiety to others. 6. Make contributions to class and lab. 7. Accept suggestions for improvement. 8. Demonstrate behavior change within designated period of time as determined by instructor 9. Utilize time appropriately. *Dismissal of class is by instructor only. * Be aware of the evacuation routes and gathering points as posted in classrooms, offices and other areas on campus. Each person should familiarize him/herself with this information. Once the alarm is sounded in an emergency, everyone should exit the buildings immediately per the evacuation routes and go directly to the specific gathering point for each building.



Telephone calls will not be made or received except in case of an emergency during class or clinical. Please inform your family and/or baby-sitter to contact your clinical instructor at the appropriate agency. The student will then be contacted to make the return call. Other calls may be made at breaks and lunch when necessary, utilizing the available facility phone for emergency use only. Visiting during the clinical hours or while in uniform at CCC&TI is not permitted. Students are to remain on the unit to which they are assigned. The clinical instructor is to be notified prior to the student leaving the clinical area at any time. The clinical instructor shall ask the student to leave the clinical area under the following circumstances: a. b. c. d. student is unprepared to meet clinical assignment as evidenced by absence of required clinical preparation documentation. student has failed to follow the dress code. student has failed to inform the instructor of his/her late arrival. student demonstrates behavior which conflicts with safety essential to patient care. In any of the above instances, an absence will be recorded for the student's clinical day.

2. 3.



The use of tobacco is not allowed during hours of clinical. Students who smell of cigarette smoke or smoke during hours of clinical will be sent home, given a "U" for daily evaluation and an absence for that clinical day. All local medical facilities are tobacco free campuses. No chewing gum or eating while in patient care areas. It is imperative that nursing students maintain the highest level of confidentiality in relation to all patients. The patient's right to privacy must be maintained. When the student is at the clinical facility to research clinical assignments, student uniform, scrubs or casual professional clothes, closed toed shows with a lab coat and name badge must be worn. No shorts, jeans, or inappropriate footwear, such as flipflops, may be worn. Personal cleanliness and appearance are essential to the image and role of a nurse. The student must report on duty in proper attire which includes the clean and unwrinkled uniform designated by the school, a CCC& TI ADN student photo ID worn on the left side of the uniform, clean white shoes, and laces, white socks or stockings with no runs. Students may wear a plain white short or long sleeved clean t-shirt under their uniform. Casual professional clothes may be indicated in some clinical areas. Mustaches and beards must be short and neat. Hair should be arranged neatly and simply with no extreme styles or colors. Long hair must be pulled back and pinned up if possible. Make-up should be used with discretion. Nails should be kept short and well-groomed

6. 7. 8.


with no colored or chipped nail polish. No artificial nails of any kind are allowed. This includes overlay artificial nails or nail tips. Jewelry shall be limited to a wedding band, second hand watch, and one small pair of stud earrings in earlobes only. No visible tattoos or body piercings. No badge/photo ID other than the CCC&TI ADN shall be worn. Application of any cosmetics must be applied in restroom areas. 10. Every student is expected to come to the clinical area prepared to give nursing care to the assigned patient. All assigned clinical preparation is to be completed. Students should be aware that contracts with clinical agencies state that the agency may deny a student access to a facility for failure to follow agency policy. Students shall not progress in the program if any clinical facility refuses to allow the student in the clinical area. Students may address the clinical agency for appeal of any decision.



Students in the department of nursing are governed by the policies and regulations listed in the CCC&TI College Catalog.


After Initial Clinical Orientation, The Student: 1. 2. 3. 4. Does not meet the clinical outcomes. Does not initiate and/or initiates care inappropriately, potentially or actually compromises patient safety. Exhibits inability to perform designed psychomotor skills safely. Violates professional ethics such as, but not limited to: 1) carelessness with patient confidentiality, 2) violates agency policies, 3) inability or unwillingness to recognize implications of behavior on nursing practice. Insensitive to the needs of patients and/or significant others. Does not utilize appropriate communication skills in forming therapeutic relationships with patients, significant others, and members of the interdisciplinary Health Care Team. Requires an unreasonable length of time to plan, organize, and implement nursing care for assigned patients as determined by clinical situation and nursing instructor. Unsatisfactory clinical status. The acceptable percentage of unsatisfactory clinical days is based upon the overall required clinical time designated from the academic institution. Each semester of the Associate Degree Nursing Program at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute is based on an average but not limited to 10 total experiences. The nursing student may not be assigned more than 20% of unsatisfactory evaluations for the period of one semester. The Program Director reserves the ability to evaluate each student's situation, but included within this finding the student may be dismissed from the program. The student will be counseled by the clinical/lead instructor and with advisement from the Director of the Program upon the second assigned unsatisfactory clinical evaluation.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Students will be dismissed from the program for any of the following reasons: 1. 2. Failure to meet academic or clinical criteria. Conduct not in accordance with the standards of Registered Nursing according to the North Carolina Nursing Practice Act, GS 90-171-37, and Title 21 (Chapter 36.027 Revocation: Suspension or Denial of Licensure.) Failure to comply with CCC&TI program attendance policy (clinical and/or academic). Violate of policy(s) so noted in the CCC&TI catalog or student handbook. Evidence of falsification of information. Students who do not submit required paperwork within the specified timeframe are not meeting course requirements and are subject to dismissal. All paperwork must be legibly written in black non-erasable ink or typed.

3. 4. 5. 6.



No announcement means we will operate on a normal schedule. Snow Line Telephone Numbers Refer to inclement weather phone numbers as listed or go to - inclement weather. Hudson campus - 828-726-2900 Watauga campus - 828-297-7077

A "two-hour delay" will actually mean that classes will begin at 10:00 a.m. and continue thereafter on a regular schedule. If we find it necessary to delay evening classes, we will use 5:00 p.m. as a reference time for delays. A "one-hour delay," for example, will mean that all classes that would be in session at 6:00 p.m. would be and conclude at their normal time. Decisions and announcements will be made before 6:30 a.m. for day classes and 3:00 p.m. for evening classes. Decisions about canceling classes are not influenced by the public school system closing. Serving adults, the college's decisions to delay or cancel classes will more closely resemble that of business and industry than decisions made by public schools. Therefore, if you have children, have alternate plans for those occasions when the public schools are closed and the college is on a regular schedule. Children may not be brought to class/campus. The decision to drive in inclement weather conditions is a personal one. The college cannot accept responsibility for that decision. Faculty will work with students who are unable to attend because of hazardous road conditions. In case of inclement weather, the clinical experience is at the discretion of the clinical instructor. The instructor will initiate the phone tree.

Each student is responsible for his/her own reliable transportation to and from the college and all clinical facilities utilized for learning experiences. Arrangements for transportation should be made prior to entering the program. Car pools may be formed, but this is the responsibility of the student.

It is recommended for each student to have access to a computer. All courses include Blackboard supplemental instruction. CCC&TI offers each student access to the computer lab during hours posted.


It is recommended that students with child care concerns make proper arrangements and a back-up plan. Refer to Attendance Policy.

Employment during the school year is strongly discouraged. However, the nursing faculty recognize that circumstances may dictate that some students work. In this case, it is highly recommended by the nursing faculty that students work the absolute minimum number of hours necessary. Their progress in school is the prime consideration and their education should be the major focus. Therefore, class, lab, and clinical schedules cannot be arranged to accommodate employment schedules, nor will students be excused from clinical, class, lab or any required make-up days due to employment schedules. Students may wish to discuss their academic standing and need for employment with their academic advisor at the earliest possible time.

Nursing students are required to carry student professional liability and accidental insurance and will be provided with the necessary information for obtaining this insurance.

Each student is required to attend the planned NCLEX-RN review which will be scheduled at the end of the program. Often, this review is scheduled after graduation. It is still the responsibility of the student to attend. No excuses are allowed.

In the last semester of the nursing program you will be given the opportunity to complete the state licensing examination application to the Board of Nursing. This includes submission of current student photograph and fingerprinting. Students who have been convicted of a misdemeanor (other than traffic violation) or a felony are advised that the NC Board of Nursing may deny or restrict licensure. Further information can be obtained from the North Carolina Board of Nursing at



Each graduating class will make the decision whether to have a pinning and capping ceremony. Any number of students who wish to have a ceremony may do so. All students are not required to participate. There will be only one ceremony for each campus. The day, time, and location for the capping and/or pinning ceremony will be determined by the Director of the Nursing Program. All ceremony costs, except for programs, will be assumed by the graduating students. Student attire at the ceremony will be a professional dress with accessories which conform to the Clinical Dress Code Policies cited earlier. Students who choose to purchase a nursing cap and nursing RN pin will be required to order the official CCC&TI cap and pin as designated by the faculty. If a student does not successfully complete the fifth semester and a school of nursing pin has been purchased, the pin is not awarded to the student until the student completes the program. The graduating students, with guidance from a nursing instructor, have until the fourth semester after their enrollment into the program to be responsible for all other aspects of the ceremony such as clean-up, reception, refreshments, and invitations. Guest speakers must be approved by the Director of the Nursing program. Slide show/DVD video must be submitted to the Director or nursing faculty for approval at least 3 weeks prior to the ceremony. If at the end of the fourth semester the students' plans are not finalized, the ceremony will either be canceled or the nursing faculty will make all decisions relative to the ceremony. If students decide to have acknowledgments read at the ceremony, the following rules apply: use a 5 X 8 lined index card. type the message in at least 14 font format. write a MAXIMUM of 80 words. Acknowledgements of over 80 words will not be read. DO NOT use any individual faculty member's name. If so desired, say, "I thank the nursing faculty for ...@." in LARGE LETTERS, TYPE first and last name in the upper right hand corner of the lined side of the card. submit card to the lead classroom instructor by designated date in course document.

3. 4.





Students will be given a list of suggestions and requirements from their pinning faculty liaison.


The nursing faculty may choose to present the Faculty Award to a graduating student who exhibits outstanding characteristics and expertise in clinical practice. If the faculty chooses to present the award, students will be recommended by nursing faculty. One graduate will then be selected by faculty note. The award will be given to the student showing the ability to relate theory to nursing practice, the ability to demonstrate compassion in the delivery of health care, and the potential to make future contributions in nursing. Faculty will also consider the demonstration of pronounced improvement in nursing care expertise over the student's course of study. The following outstanding characteristics have been identified by the faculty as important considerations in making the selection: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. serves as a client advocate in the clinical setting. demonstrates honesty. is dependable and organized in the delivery of professional nursing care. expresses concern and empathy for others through communication. demonstrates professional growth. communicates non-judgmental attitude of unconditional acceptance of others. performs above the "required" expectations. demonstrates superior communication skills. demonstrates leadership and serves as a role model for fellow students.

10. demonstrates ability to collaborate with other healthcare personnel.


The nursing students may choose to present the Peer Award to a graduating classmate who exhibits the following characteristics: 1. 2. 3. has been an inspiration to and a positive influence on fellow class members. has been a student nurse role model for fellow classmates. represents the kind of graduate nurse, fellow class members would most want to have should they need nursing care.


Upon successful completion of the fifth semester, the student will be awarded the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree. Students who are interested in obtaining a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing degree should inform their advisor of this intent. The Nursing faculty are committed to encouraging, advising, and promoting the pursuit of advanced degrees in nursing.

Graduation exercises will be held in May. All candidates are expected to be in attendance. A student is eligible for graduation when the following requirements have been completed: the student must file an application for degree/diploma/certificate and pay the fee by a deadline which is set and published each spring. complete at least 25% of all nursing program curriculum hours at CCC&TI. complete all courses specified for the degree with no "D's" or "F's" in any courses required in the nursing curriculum. the student must take care of all financial obligations to CCC&TI. the student must follow graduation policy for CCC&TI.

Elected Officers 1. The executive officers of the graduation committee shall be a President, Secretary/Treasurer from each campus during the Spring semester. Each officer shall be an active member in good standing.


Elections 1. By March, officers for the following year shall be elected from and by the students constituting the incoming class. These officers will shadow the active officers and shall start their official duties effective the beginning of the summer semester. Officers will be elected by a majority vote during the meeting scheduled no later than March of the spring semester. Term of active officers shall be three (3) semesters beginning with the spring semester and will terminate at the end of the following spring semester, when the officers graduate.



Vacancy In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the vacancy shall be voted on by a majority of the members. The Director of Nursing reserves the right to make changes as necessary. Committees There shall be standing graduation committees composed of the total membership. These committee memberships will be selected during the summer semester with the direction of the student nurses' advisor(s). The standing committees shall be: Program, Music, Speakers, Ushers/Photography, Invitations and Printing, Reception and Pins/Lamps/Caps/Stripes. Revenue Revenue monies may be derived from class dues and/or fund raising events/projects. All revenue monies must be deposited and dispersed through the CCC&TI SNA accounts. All monies dispensed will require the signature of the President and the Treasurer. Meetings Regularly scheduled meetings: 1. members shall meet with all active members a minimum of twice per semester in the first year. In the second year, the members shall meet at least once every 6 weeks starting with fall semester. During summer semester only one meeting is required. the President will begin the meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer will take roll, read the Minutes from the previous meeting and give a financial report. meetings will be announced to the membership verbally and in writing, posted notices, a minimum of two (2) weeks before the given date. it is expected that members present at the meeting will participate in discussions and offer suggestions in an orderly fashion; facilitating the meeting without hindering its progress. a faculty advisor(s) will be present for each meeting. typed minutes from each meeting shall be provided to the faculty advisors.




5. 6.


General Admission Requirements for Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Associate Degree Nursing Program for Caldwell/Watauga Campuses

APPLICATION PERIOD: Fall 2011 The deadline for all requirements is January 17th, 2011. All documentation must be received by the appropriate personnel by the date.

GENERAL INFORMATION The Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Associate Degree Nursing Program is available at both the Hudson and Watauga Campus. The admission criterion for the program satisfies requirements at both campuses. The Associate Degree Nursing curriculum provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide nursing care to patients and groups of patients throughout the lifespan and variety of settings. Graduates of this program are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN), which is required for practice as a Registered Nurse. Employment opportunities include a wide variety of health care settings such as hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, physicians offices, industry, and community health agencies. APPLICATION/ADMISSIONS PROCESS Caldwell Community College and Technical Institutes mission and philosophy includes the process to establish fair and equitable student guidelines for admission and progression. The Associate Degree Nursing Program embraces this philosophy providing the best process for student admission. It is the nursing applicants responsibility to ensure that all requirements are met by the established deadline. Nursing program deadlines, guidelines and policies apply equally to all students.

Admission requirements to the Associate Degree Nursing Program must be received by student services by the stated deadline of _January 17th 2011. All requirements must be completed and submitted for consideration of admission. The Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program determines the availability of seating for the program. Therefore, a student that meets all requirements may not be allowed admission due to student capacity.

Admission requirements include: 1. GPA requirement- Maintain a pre-admission program GPA of 2.5 or higher for all related coursework (all general education courses that are part of the Nursing curriculum). A grade of C must be obtained in all pre-requisite coursework. 2. Application - Submit the CCC&TI Admissions Application to Student Services. 3. High school transcript/GED - Have an official high school transcript with graduation date or GED scores on file in the Admissions and Records office. 4. College transcripts - Have on file in the CCC&TI Admissions and Records office official transcripts from all colleges or schools attended since high school. Applicants for transfer from any other nursing program must submit a course syllabus for each nursing course taken, to the Director of the nursing program for admission consideration. 5. College Placement Tests - Take appropriate placement tests as determined by the college. The applicant must demonstrate proficiency in English, math, and reading as indicated by Accuplacer placement test scores or successful completion of all developmental courses as required before applying to the nursing program 6. Minimum acceptable CPT scores for the ADN Program and the corresponding exempted developmental courses: The student must place out of the requirement of MAT 080 and RED 090 to be accepted into the Nursing Program. o Reading 80 Developmental Courses: RED 080, RED 090 o Sentence skills 86 ENG 080, ENG 090 o Pt I math(arithmetic) 55 MAT 060 o Pt II math (algebra) 75 MAT 070, MAT 080 Please see the Testing Center for comparable ASSET or COMPASS scores. Official test scores for these tests must be provided to the Testing Center if testing is done at another college on or after 2/1/07. Placement tests may be waived for persons who have transferable college credit that shows proficiency in reading, English and math. Documentation must be provided if an applicant has college transfer credit; or has high SAT or ACT scores (SAT = 500+ each section of Writing and Critical Reading and 520+ of Math; OR ACT = 21+ each section) within 3 years of the application date; which would exempt an applicant from testing.

7. Nurse Aide I Certification - Submit a copy of current certification as a Nursing Aide I from a North Carolina Community College curriculum program, Continuing Education program, or a North Carolina Health Occupations Class. Verification of course completion must be submitted. The applicant must also be currently listed with the North Carolina Division of Facility Services ( with no substantial findings. 8. TOEFL - Please see institutional requirement for students if English is not your birth language. 9. Nursing Program Entrance testingThe applicant must schedule and complete the ATI (American Technologies Institute) nursing admission test which is entitled the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)-The applicant must complete the test with a minimum score of 60. Applicants may retake the test only once per academic year. This score will be applied to the total points sheet to determine ranking. For additional details, please see the attached point sheet. A fee will be charged to take the test which must be paid directly to ATI online at the time of testing. The fee is subject to change without notification 10. Only one prior admission to any nursing program. 11. Once these requirements are met, the applicants ranking will be determined and total points will be applied. Completion of all admission requirements is not a guarantee of acceptance. Available student seating for the program is determined by the Director of the program for both campuses. Applicants not accepted for Fall 2011 must reapply to the program if they want to be considered for acceptance for Fall 2012. An abbreviated re-application form may be obtained from Student Services. All applications will be purged from the system if a response is not received by the due date.

After acceptance is granted into the Nursing program, the student must submit the following: 1. Current Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED certification. A copy of the CPR certification should be attached to the health form and is due by June 1, 2011. 2. An accurate and satisfactory health form which includes appropriate documentation of immunizations by the health care provider or county health department and physical exam results must be submitted to the Director, Associate Degree Nursing Program. The Student Medical Form for North Carolina Community College System Institutions form will be sent with the program acceptance letter and must be returned with appropriate immunization documentation. Requirements include current TB skin test (within 6 months), mumps/measles blood titer or vaccine, proof of chicken pox immunity by vaccination or blood titer, and current immunizations for tetanus and diphtheria. The nursing student is also recommended to obtain Hepatitis B immunizations or must formally decline. Appropriate documentation includes copy of health immunizations record with proof of agency testing or by professional healthcare provider with signature.

Criminal background checks/Drug screening Criminal background checks and or drug screening may be required for the student to participate in the clinical component of each nursing course. If required by clinical agency, this becomes mandatory for course completion. All costs associated with criminal background checks and drug screenings are the responsibility of the student (or the clinical agency). OVERVIEW OF POINT SYSTEM FOR ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PROGRAM A point system will be used as an objective means for evaluating nursing applicants. The student must meet requirements of 1-9 above before they are ranked for admission into the fall class. Nursing applicants are ranked in order according to the present applicant pool. Admission is then based on the point totals. Acceptance letters will be mailed by early spring semester. Course work will begin the following fall semester. 1. Points for grades earned from College Level Classes. Nursing applicants may earn points for the completion of the following courses. In order to earn points for college courses, applicants must have achieved grades of C or higher. BIO 168 BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology I Anatomy and Physiology II BIO 275 PSY 150 Microbiology General Psychology PSY 241 CIS 113(110) Computer Developmental Psychology Basics ENG 111 ENG 114(113) Expository Writing Professional Research and Report Elective Humanities/Fine Arts Transfer credits will be evaluated for course substitutions for all general education classes by the Registrar. Nursing courses from other schools for transfer students to receive credit will be evaluated by the Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program.

2. Points for ATI (TEAS-Test of Essential Academic Skills) Nursing applicants may earn points for the ATI (TEAS) Exam. The cost of this test has been $25 and is the responsibility of the nursing applicant. The fee of the test is subject to change without notice. The student should contact the Testing Center, available at each campus, to schedule an appointment for this test. In order to earn points for ATI, applicants must have achieved a score of at least 60. The students score from the ATI (TEAS) test will be applied to the total points for ranking in the class. If this score is not accomplished by first time test taking, the applicant may retake the ATI test one additional time per academic year. The highest ATI score will be used for the assignation of points. 3. Points for Licensure - Students may have points added to their total by submitting the appropriate certificate of program and licensure information to the Health Sciences Counselor in Admissions on the Hudson campus (Lyndon Withers) and Student Services (Movita Hurst or Bill Patterson) on the Watauga campus for the following:

a) NA II listing-(5 additional points)--must submit proof of program completion and NC listing information with no restrictions b) LPN licensure- (10 additional points) --reference letter and proof of NC licensure with no restrictions c) Paramedic licensure (10 additional points) --must submit proof of NC licensure with no restrictions and have worked 2000 hours with reference from current employer 4. Reference letters will be required for the LPN and Paramedic student. This is completed by the students most recent employer. NOTE: Applicants point count is confidential: please do not call to inquire about your point count. To protect your privacy, point count totals will not be discussed over the telephone. Individual appointments can be made with nursing faculty or Health Sciences counselors to review the applicants point count. To protect your privacy, it will be necessary to show a picture ID at the time of your appointment. NOTE: In the event that more than one applicant has the same total point count, applicants will be ranked based on the following criteria: 1. ATI score 2. GPA in Biology courses

NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE New students will be conditionally admitted to the Associate Degree Nursing Program each spring (in preparation to begin the nursing program the following fall) and subsequent semesters according to eligibility. Once student seats have been filled as determined by the Admissions Dept. and the Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program, students by order of rank may be considered if a student declines or is disqualified. All nursing applicants will receive a letter informing of his/her status at the time acceptance letters are mailed. Applicants must respond to this letter, either in writing, e- mail, or phone message, to keep the application active for the next admission period.

PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE EXPECTATIONS OF A STUDENT NURSE Nursing is a discipline where cognitive, sensory, affective, and psychomotor performance is required. For the purposes of nursing program compliance with the 1990 Americans with Disability Act, a qualified individual with a disability is one who, with or without reasonable accommodation or modification, meets the essential eligibility requirements and the Physical and Emotional Standards* for participation in the nursing programs. If the student or faculty member believes that the student cannot meet nursing program requirements without accommodations or modifications, the nursing faculty, in consultation with the college disability director, will determine on an individual basis, whether or not the necessary accommodations can be reasonably made.

*Standards developed by the Board of Directors of the Southern Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing in association with the N.C. Conference of Associate Degree Nursing Directors and the N.C. Community College System staff.
Program: Year: BIO 168 NUR 111 PSY 150 ACA 111 BIO 169 NUR 112 NUR 211 PSY 241 BIO 275 NUR 113 Course Number Associate Degree Nursing 2010-2011 Anatomy & Physiology I Introduction to Health Concepts General Psychology College Student Success Total Hours (Fall Semester) Anatomy & Physiology II Health-Illness Concepts Health Care Concepts Developmental Psychology Total Hours (Spring Semester) Microbiology Family Health Concepts Course Title

Class Hours 3 4 3 1 11

Lab Hours 3 12 0 3 6 6 0 15 3 6 9 15

Credit Hours 4 8 3 1 16

3 3 3 3 12 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 9 3 4 3 6

4 5 5 3 17 4 5 9

CIS 113 ENG 111 ENG111A NUR 114 NUR 212 ENG 113 ENG 114 NUR 213

Computer Basics or CIS 110 Expository Writing Expository Writing Lab Holistic Health Concepts Health System Concepts Total Hours (Fall Semester) Literature Based Research OR Professional Research & Report Complex Health Concepts Humanities/Fine Arts Elective

Total Hours (Summer Semester)

2 0 2 6 6 16 0 18 0 73 18

1 3 1 5 5 15 3 10 3 73 16

Total Hours (Spring Semester) TOTAL PROGRAM HOURS



Legal Limitations of Licensure

Nursing applicants should be aware that the application for licensure at the completion of the program might be denied or restricted by the North Carolina Board of Nursing for the following reasons: The student practiced fraud or deceit in attempting to procure a license to practice nursing. The student has been convicted of a misdemeanor/felony (excluding minor traffic violations). The student is mentally or physically incompetent or uses any drug that interferes with ability to practice nursing. The student engages in conduct, which endangers the public health. 1. Review material for taking ATI (TEAS) test. Resources are available in the Academic Support Centers on either campus. The Study Manuals can only be reviewed in the center and cannot be checked out.

Procedure for Testing

Hours of Academic Support Center: M-Th 8 am 9 pm Fri. 8 am 4 pm

2. Schedule TEAS test by calling CCC&TI Hudson Testing Center at 828-726-2721 or Watauga student services. Please check the centers open hours for operation. 3. Pay testing fee to take the TEAS test. This fee is paid directly to ATI. This fee will be paid on- line the day you take the test. Fee is subject to change without notification. 4. Name and Password The student must set up an account in order to test and establish a password for future reference.

Students may also review ATI webpage; to purchase personal resource material entitled the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills for Registered Nursing).

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Associate Degree Nursing (A45100) ADMISSIONS POINT COUNT WORKSHEET FALL 2011 Applicants Name: _________________________ ID#


Note to evaluator: circle the appropriate score. Section APoints are awarded for general education courses that are included in the nursing curriculum. General Education classes BIO 168 BIO 169 BIO 275 PSY 150 PSY 241 ENG 111 ENG 113 or ENG 114 HUM/Fine Arts Elective CIS 113 or CIS 110 Total A 12 12 12 6 6 5 5 5 5 B 11 11 11 5 5 4 4 4 4 C 10 10 10 4 4 3 3 3 3

Section BPoints are awarded based on ATI test score. Example ATI Score 90 84 72 68 < 60, not eligible for entry

Section C- Points are awarded only for the listed licensure and with appropriate documentation. Licensure Points awarded Certified NA II 5 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 (LPN) Paramedic 10 TOTAL POINT COUNT Section A Section B Section C TOTAL

Points 90 84 72 68

I have reviewed my point count total and understand the distribution of my score.
Student Signature __________________________ Counselor Signature_______________________ Date _______________________________________
This point sheet is reviewed each year and is subject to change.

Tuition $3650.00 CollegeFees/Insurance

Estimated Nursing Program Costs (In-state students) $50.00 per credit hour $7 per course student activity fee (fall & spring) $3 for summer semester

$26.00 Malpractice Insurance Fee ($13.00 paid fall semester of each year $12.00 Accident Insurance ($6.00 paid fall semester of each year) TOTAL College Fees $55.00 Nursing Program Fees ATI/Testing $572.00 Additional Costs for Program Included with tuition and fees each semester Included with tuition and fees each semester $25.00 Graduation Fee $200.00 NCLEX-RN examination $38.00 Criminal Background check $70.00 NC Licensure Fee $15.00 Graduate Cap $25.00-$120.00 Nursing Pin (optional)

NCLEX Review: $380.00

Uniforms: $300.00 Equipment: $150.00 Textbooks:

Travel Costs


Total Estimate $7200.00

Required uniforms estimate includes minimum 2 scrub tops/pants, shoes, hose/socks, and 1 lab coat, lab supply kit, stethoscope, etc. Required textbooks: Variable but ranges from approximately $650 first semester and 100.00-$150.00 for the remaining semesters Variable, but student must have transportation to and from class and clinical assignments

All costs are speculative and are subject to change according to the General Assembly of North Carolina, CCC&TI, and Associate Degree Nursing Program.

For additional information, please contact:

Lyndon Withers, MPH, OTR/L Coordinator of Health Sciences Admissions Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute 2855 Hickory Boulevard Hudson NC 28638 828-726-2710; 828-328-8697,ext 710; or 828-264-7670, ext 710 E-mail: Bill Patterson Director, Student Services (Watauga Campus) (828) 297-2185, Ext. 5263 fax (828) 297-1729 Movita Hurst, MSW, LCSW Student Counselor (Watauga Campus) (828) 297-2185, Ext. 5206 fax: (828) 297-1729 Kimberly Priode, MSN, RN, CCRN Director, Associate Degree Nursing Program Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute 2855 Hickory Boulevard Hudson, NC. 28638 828-726-2353 Email:

Since health program standards are mandated by accrediting and regulatory agencies, revisions to the above information may be necessary. Efforts will be made to keep changes to a minimum and finalized one year in advance of the starting date of the program; however, the college reserves the right to revise any part or section as necessary This application process is reviewed on an annual basis.


Re-Entry/Transfer Admission Guidelines Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Associate Degree Nursing Program Effective Fall 2010
The faculty and Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program are committed to the successful program completion of eligible nursing students. Together with the NCBON (North Carolina Board of Nursing) and the NCSBN (National Councils of Boards of Nursing), standards are set and maintained by each nursing program in order to offer the best opportunity for each nursing candidate to successfully pass the NCLEX-RN (National Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses) and enter nursing practice as a Registered Nurse. Based on current nursing research literature, these guidelines are specific for students to achieve a successful outcome. Re-Entry Students 1. The re-entry student must submit an updated application and meet all prior entry criteria for consideration. 2. The re-entry student must meet the requirements of a current NA I listing with no restrictions and have a program GPA of at least a 2.5. Prior completed nursing courses achieved at CCC & TI will be included in the program GPA for Re-entry nursing students. 3. The re-entry student must apply within a year of the last nursing course attempted. Students that are beyond this yearly requirement will be advised to apply for the beginning nursing course of NUR 111. The student must then meet the January Deadline as designated on the General Admission Requirements. 4. The student may apply as a re-entry student for any attempted nursing course of which a D was obtained. The student may have only one other admission to a nursing program. The program GPA will be considered in the approval for re-entry status. 5. Once GPA and NA I requirements are met, the student will be considered for testing for re-entry to the program. The Nursing Program Requirements include: i. ATI computer testing as designated by Lead Instructor of the course. ii. The student must pay the exam fee as designated by faculty and achieve a level 2 scoring on the test to progress to the lab for check-offs. iii. Clinical skill check-offs with Faculty. iv. Clinical skills to be completed are designated by the Lead Instructor of the course. v. The student will be considered for admission once all criteria are met and the Director has designated available seating in the program. (Meeting all requirements does not automatically result in admission. The Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program maintains the responsibility to manage available seating for the nursing program). vi. The nursing program has two semesters of which there are two required courses. This includes the first spring semester and the second fall semester. It is a requirement that the student must pass both courses to progress to the next semester outlined in the program of study. Upon re-entry, if the student does not

pass one, but does pass the second of these two courses within a semester, then the student will only be required to re-take the prior course and the affiliated clinical not passed. 6. After meeting GPA and NA I requirements, the student must contact the Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program for an interview and scheduling of program testing. 7. The accepted re-entry student must submit a current health form with appropriate signatures and documentation of immunizations to the Director of the Nursing Program. 8. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure all documentation for application is updated and submitted to the Health Sciences coordinator in admissions available at each campus. Transfer Students Students applying to the Associate Degree Nursing Program as a transfer student from another program must meet all criteria for admission to the program. The above mentioned criterion is included among the requirements. The recommended procedure for transfer students applying to the CCC & TI Associate Degree Nursing Program includes: 1. Students are eligible to apply as a transfer student when the last nursing course attempted has not exceeded one year. Those students not meeting this requirement will be advised to apply with the regular class which begins each fall with NUR 111. Please refer to the General Admission Requirements for the deadline. 2. The student is only eligible for admission if transferring before the fourth semester. 3. Students must apply for transfer and acceptance to the nursing program by two months prior to the start of classes for the semester. 4. Follow general admission guidelines by submitting application and confirmation of transfer credit by the Registrar. 5. Satisfy general college admission by meeting Math 080, Reading 090, and program GPA of at least 2.5. 6. Submit application with appropriate documentation for NA I, LPN, or Paramedic licensure to Health Sciences Counselor. 7. Students must meet 18 hours of College Residential hours to be eligible for graduation. This satisfies Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute residential hours requirement of 25% of total program hours. 8. Notify the Director of Associate Degree Nursing Program for interview and submission of prior nursing syllabi from transferring college. 9. Completion of ATI testing and clinical skill check-off as designated by Lead Instructor of the nursing course. 10. Meeting all requirements does not automatically result in admission. The Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program maintains the responsibility to manage available seating for the nursing program.



Transfer of credit for other than nursing courses stated in the Associate Degree Nursing Program curriculum will adhere to the Transfer of Credit policy of CCC&TI which is stated in the Student Catalog with the following exceptions: a. credit for nursing courses will be evaluated based on the syllabus from previous course work. The Director of Associate Degree Nursing Program will evaluate credit for prior nursing courses. Student Services will evaluate related courses in the curriculum. Only grades of C or better will be considered. transfer students must adhere to all CCC&TI policies related to academic progression and graduation.



I, ___________________________________________________________, understand that in the Nursing 111 Introduction to Health Concepts Nursing course, application of certain physical examination techniques will be necessary. Another student or instructor will have physical contact with me that will include but is not limited to performing palpation, percussion, auscultation, inspection, and vital signs. These procedures will not require the student to disrobe or have any private areas exposed. It is expected that all contact made during the classroom and laboratory experiences will be done in a professional and respectful manner. Failure to comply with these expectations may result in the failure of the Nursing 111 course with subsequent withdrawal from the ADN program.

Student Signature



NAME OF STUDENT: ________________________________________________

I have access to the Student Handbook of the Associate Degree Nursing Program of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute for 2010-2012. I have read this myself in its entirety and have had my questions answered. I understand that, as a student in the Associate Degree Nursing Program of Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute, I am bound and responsible to comply with all of these Policies. I also understand that I am subject to all of the requirements, provisions, and procedures contained in these Policies and/or Policies that may be implemented while I am a student in the nursing program. I recognize that changes to any of the policies/procedures may be necessary and will be communicated with me. I understand that it is mandatory that I participate in the NCLEX-Review scheduled at the end of my program of study.

__________________________________________________________ Signature of Student

__________________________________________________________ Date

Appendix A Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute Nursing Program Warning Notice/Improvement Plan Verbal Conference

Instructor's Name: Student's Name: Course Name: Counseling Date: Reason for Counseling: (including prior verbal warnings if applicable)

Summary of behavioral or academic concern(s):

Plan of Action:

Signature: Student Witness: Lead Faculty Witness: Faculty





Caldwell Community College


Name: __________________________________________________________________ Please come by to see me as soon as possible for any help or assistance that you need in regard to the following: Grade Unit Exam # _____ Quiz # _____ Tardy _____ Absent _____ Left Early _____ Unsatisfactory Lab _____ Other ______________________ ______ ______

Instructor Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______

Student Referral for Skills Lab

Name: ____________________________________________

Date: __________________

Current nursing class: ___________________________________________________________ Clinical skills to be performed: ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Referring Instructor: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Student completed lab on ________________________________________________________ Needs Improvement _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Student performance of skills ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Skills lab instructor

Satisfactory _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Unsatisfactory _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______


Student Test Item Protest Form

Name: __________________________________________________________________ Class: ______________________________________ Exam: _____________________ I am protesting the test item (list question number, question, and answer): _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Rationale: (Explain why you believe the test item is incorrect.) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ References: (Cite two published resources to validate your protest.) 1. _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Form must be completed within one week of exam.

APPENDIX E Individualized Growth Plan (IGP) Student Signature: _______________________________________ Advisor: _______________________________________________




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