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The assessment of musculoskeletal pain

G.A. Hawker

Department of Medicine, Division of ABSTRACT in MSK conditions. These include the

Rheumatology, Women’s College Hospital, Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain has a presence of comorbid health problems
University of Toronto; Women’s College major impact on people’s quality of (4, 5), social support (6, 7), sex/gen-
Research Institute, Women’s College
life. Chronic MSK pain causes sleep der (8), education and health literacy,
Hospital, University of Toronto,
ON, Canada. interruption, fatigue, depressed mood, income, personality, e.g., pain cata-
activity limitations and participation strophising (8, 9), perceived efficacy
Gillian A. Hawker, MD MSc
restrictions. The impact of MSK pain of arthritis coping (10, 11), and access
Please address correspondence to:
Dr Gillian A. Hawker,
is influenced by contextual factors, to and use of health care for the MSK
Department of Medicine, including comorbidity, arthritis cop- condition. This explains why people
Suite RFE 3-805, ing efficacy and access to MSK care. with similar radiographic arthritis se-
200 Elizabeth Street, Thus, MSK pain assessment warrants verity may experience very different
Toronto ON M5G 2C4, Canada. a bio-psychosocial perspective that in- levels of pain or other symptoms (12).
E-mail: cludes pain, its downstream effects and
Received and accepted on September 4, contextual factors. Such an approach The pain cascade
2017. should incorporate elicitation of symp- From longitudinal study of people with
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2017; 35 (Suppl. 107): toms using patient-report question- hip and knee OA, chronic MSK pain
S8-S12. naires and physical examination to help can lead to depressed mood through
© Copyright Clinical and localize the pain and assess for signs of its effect on fatigue and disability (13).
Experimental Rheumatology 2017. inflammation, tenderness on palpation, Depressed mood is highly prevalent in
pain on motion, joint instability and people with chronic painful MSK con-
Key words: musculoskeletal pain, malalignment. Using such an approach ditions. Not only does comorbid de-
biopsychosocial, patient-report to the assess chronic pain in MSK con- pressed mood contribute to the pain ex-
questionnaires, pain assessment ditions has potential to improve our perience, but it can also impact adher-
ability to target the right treatment to ence to self-management and pharma-
the right patient, resulting in improved cologic interventions and the effective-
outcomes. ness of these strategies when used (14).
The effect of MSK pain on fatigue is, at
Introduction least in part, due to its impact on sleep
Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain has a ma- (15-18). Among people with chronic
jor impact on people’s quality of life. painful MSK conditions, self-reported
It is this pain that drives people with poor sleep quality is common. Chronic
MSK conditions to seek medical care pain can cause disruption of sleep archi-
(1), to use non-steroidal anti-inflamma- tecture and sleep deprivation, reducing
tory drugs (2) and to undergo joint re- pain threshold and increasing perceived
placement surgery (3). The most com- discomfort (19). These effects can lead
mon MSK conditions include osteoar- to worsening pain and disability over
thritis (OA), autoimmune inflammatory time, with increased risk for sensitisa-
arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis tion of the central pain pathways (cen-
(RA), crystal-induced inflammatory tral sensitisation) (13, 20-23) (Fig. 1).
arthritis, including gout, and fibromy-
algia. Irrespective of the diagnosis, The concept of flares in
chronic pain is the predominant com- MSK conditions
plaint of people living with these MSK Furthermore, MSK pain often fluctu-
conditions. While there have been rela- ates. In some patients with inflammato-
tively few comparisons of the pain ex- ry autoimmune arthritis (IA), symptom
perience across MSK conditions, what ‘flares’ are associated with elevations
evidence does exist suggests more simi- in measures of systemic inflammation,
larities than differences. e.g., C-reactive protein, and thus these
As in other chronic pain conditions, a measures may be used to guide man-
number of key contextual factors influ- agement (24). However, laboratory bio-
Competing interests: none declared. ence the downstream impact of pain markers of ‘flare’ in MSK conditions

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Assessment of musculoskeletal pain / G.A. Hawker

are generally unreliable for use in clini-

cal practice. Thus, valid and reliable
measures of flare that incorporate pa-
tient-reported symptoms and signs on
physical examination have been devel-
oped. Flares have also been described
in people with OA. Focus groups con-
ducted in people with hip and knee OA
from the UK, US, Canada and Australia
elucidated two distinct types of pain: an
intermittent, predictable sharp or other
pain, usually brought on by a trigger
(activity, repetition, sport); and a dull/
aching pain that became more constant Fig. 1. Pain Cascade - The relative strengths of the longitudinal relationships after controlling
as the disease progressed (25). Work is for contextual factors (13) based on regression coefficients (Reprinted from Hawker GA, Gignac
ongoing to elucidate how best to define MA, Badley E et al. A longitudinal study to explain the pain-depression link in older adults with
and measure OA flares as an outcome in osteoarthritis, Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken), 63 (10): 1382-1390, copyright 2011 (with permission
from John Wiley & Sons).
OA clinical trials.

Using a biopsychosocial perspective

to assess MSK pain
Thorough assessment of the patient’s
pain experience is an important first
step in ensuring optimal clinical man-
agement of MSK conditions. Such an
approach can inform patient-physician
decision-making regarding the most
appropriate treatment approach. For
example, a patient with chronic MSK
pain who has sleep apnea may expe-
rience an improvement in their pain
through treatment of the comorbid
sleep disorder. Similarly, manage-
ment of comorbid depressed mood or
poor pain coping (e.g., referral to a
chronic disease self-management pro-
gram) may augment the response to
MSK pain therapies. Finally, patients’ Fig. 2. World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
descriptions of their pain, e.g., aching (ICF) model (30).
versus burning and radiating, may be
helpful in identifying individuals with ity limitations (activities one has to do, Factors to consider in measure
pain sensitisation. e.g., bathing), participation restrictions selection
Comprehensive MSK pain assessment (activities one wants to do, e.g., work or Considerations include the following:
warrants a bio-psychosocial perspec- travel) (13, 29) as well as key contextual • Time and ease of use to administer
tive (26), which includes pain and its factors. Use of a conceptual framework the questionnaire(s) in the target pop-
downstream effects as well as key con- that illustrates the inter-relationships ulation. Standardised questionnaires
textual (social, cultural and personal) among these factors may be helpful in may be completed by the patient or
factors (27, 28). Elicitation of symp- reminding clinicians and researchers administered by an interviewer. The
toms through administration of stand- about the many factors that may influ- former are less labour intensive and
ardized reliable and valid patient-report ence patients’ pain experiences and, may also be more reliable than the
outcome measures (PROs) is recom- thus, that should be assessed formally latter and, thus, more appropriate for
mended. PROs are widely available or informally. A framework often used use in clinical practice. The avail-
for the assessment MSK pain charac- in the MSK field is the World Health ability of electronic data capture,
teristics, e.g., intensity, predictability, Organization’s International Classifi- touch-screen technology and laptop
frequency, quality (aching, burning, cation of Functioning, Disability and computers has further facilitated the
knife like, etc.), sleep quality, mood Health, known as the ICF model (30) process of questionnaire comple-
(depression and anxiety), fatigue, activ- (Fig. 2). tion and data entry, improving data

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Assessment of musculoskeletal pain / G.A. Hawker

mum amount of improvement or wors-

ening that patients perceive as benefi-
cial or harmful, respectively (33, 34).
Distribution-based and anchor-based
methods have been used to establish the
MCID for questionnaires. The “distri-
bution-based method,” used the effect
size (ES) to define MCID (35), where-
as anchor-based methods determine the
relationship of the amount of change
with an external indicator, e.g., the pa-
tient’s rating of change from “slightly”
to “a great deal” better/worse (33, 36).
In this case, the MCID is often defined
as the difference in the mean change
score for patients who rate themselves
as “slightly better” and those who rate
themselves as “equal” to their prior
level. A reduction in patient-reported
MSK pain over time may indicate
symptom improvement as a result of
effective non-pharmacologic or phar-
Fig. 3. Joint Homunculus (31) for assessment of troublesome (aching, painful, swollen, stiff) joints*. macologic management. However, so-
*A time frame for response should be indicated, e.g., the respondent would be asked to indicate the cietal beliefs about MSK conditions as
joints that have been troublesome on most days of the past month. simply wear and tear due to aging and
fear of use of ‘addictive’ pain medica-
quality in both clinical practice and hensive assessment of the pain expe- tions means that people often manage
research (31). Although still highly rience requires a multi-dimensional their MSK pain by avoiding exacerbat-
variable across practices, some phy- questionnaire. ing activities (37), e.g., walking in the
sicians and practices are utilising • Individual joint (e.g., left knee) ver- setting of knee OA. Thus, improvement
mobile applications to enable their sus anatomical region (e.g., lower in a MSK patient’s pain over time must
patients to complete questionnaires extremity or hands), the disease in be interpreted cautiously (38) and take
prior to their clinic visit. In some its entirety (e.g., overall) or the per- into consideration the patient’s level of
cases, the data is directly entered son as a whole (e.g., health status or physical activity (39).
into the electronic health record; health-related quality of life); and, For a summary of available generic and
• Generic versus disease-specific • The psychometric properties of the MSK disease-specific questionnaires to
questionnaire. Generic (general) questionnaire – specifically, reliabil- assess the pain cascade see the OARSI
questionnaires provide an excel- ity, validity and sensitivity to detect Primer (31). At a minimum, clinicians
lent appreciation of an individual’s change. A valid questionnaire is one should assess patient’s pain (e.g., a
overall health status, but lack the that measures what it is intended to 11-point numeric rating scale for pain
necessary specificity to assess the measure, while one that is reliable is intensity) (40), physical function (ide-
status of the patient’s specific MSK able to measure something in a repro- ally using a disease-specific brief meas-
condition (31). This is especially dif- ducible way. Sensitivity to change – ure, such as the Knee injury and Osteo-
ficult when assessing pain in people also called responsiveness – quanti- arthritis Outcome Score, KOOS, 7-item
with more than one health condition, fies the magnitude of change over Physical Function short form measure
e.g., knee OA in a patient with dia- time and in response to interventions. for knee OA) (41), and mental health
betes and related neuropathy. Thus, status using a brief screening question-
generic health status questionnaires Assessment of change in naire such as the Patient Health Ques-
should be used together with dis- MSK pain conditions tionnaire (PHQ) depression screener.
ease-specific questionnaires (32); Questionnaires that have been demon- The PHQ-9 is a 9-item self-adminis-
• Unidimensional versus multi-di- strated to detect change that is mean- tered measure designed to screen for
mensional questionnaire. Measure- ingful to patients should be used. For common mental disorders (42).
ment of a single aspect of the pain a number of questionnaires, the mini-
experience may be achieved using a mal clinically important difference or The role of clinical examination
unidimensional questionnaire, e.g., MCID has been determined, and may in MSK pain assessment
pain intensity using a 0–10 numeric differ for improvement versus worsen- Physical examination is complimentary
rating scale, whereas more compre- ing. The MCID represents the mini- to assessment of symptoms using pa-

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