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/* * $Id: clipper.

txt 15085 2010-07-12 16:47:24Z vszakats $ */ This document attempts to describe the features separating Harbour from CA-Cl*pper. /* TODO: @FunPointer(), and all other Harbour extensions. */ Harbour Macro Compiler ---------------------The Harbour Macro Compiler offers 2 additional layers of functionality controlled by means of HB_SETMACRO()* function, not available in CA-Cl*pper. HB_SETMACRO( HB_SM_HARBOUR, TRUE ) will enable macro compilation and evaluation of complex expressions not supported by CA-Cl*pper like: - exp++, exp--, var += exp, (exp), etc.. - Nested codeblocks. - Expressions longer then 254 characters. HB_SETMACRO( HB_SM_XBASE, TRUE ) will enable macro compilation and evaluation of comma separated lists in all contexts where lists are acceptable by CA-Cl*pper*, including: { &cMacro } // Literal array elements list. SomeArray[ &cMacro ] // Array index list. SomeFun( &cMacro ) // Arguments list. ( &cMacro ) // parenthesized list expression.

*CA-Cl*pper only supports list macros within codeblocks context. Both these extra layers are activated by default. * See also -k Compiler switch. LIST Command -----------LIST &cMacro LIST in CA-Cl*pper [superficially] supports macros of lists expressions. No error will be produced, and all expressions in the list will be evaluated, but *only* the *last* expression will be displayed. This is not documented in either the LIST Command or the Macro Operator descriptions, but is the de-facto behavior in all CA-Cl*pper 5.x versions. Harbour instead will not only evaluate all of the expressions in such list macro, but will also display all such values. This default behavior may be disabled with HB_SETMACRO( HB_SM_XBASE, .F. )* * See also -k Compiler switch. INIT/EXIT and startup procedures -------------------------------In CA-Cl*pper the startup procedure is always the first procedure/function of the main module, even if such symbol is an INIT or EXIT symbol. In such case the program will never execute the "main" symbol. In Harbour the first *non* INIT/EXIT symbol, will be executed as the main symbol

after all INIT procedures have been executed. FOR EACH statement -----------------Harbour has support enumeration loop with the following syntax: FOR EACH var1 [,var255] IN expr1 [,expr255] [DESCEND] [EXIT] [LOOP] ... NEXT Note: -expr can be a string or an array -enumerator variable 'var<n>' stores a reference to the element of an array or a string specified by 'expr<n>' thus assigments to the enumerator changes the value of given array element -after the loop the controlling variable(s) store the value which they had before entering the loop -the enumeraqtor variable supports the following properties :__enumindex - the loop counter for variable :__enumbase - the value that is being traversed :__enumvalue - the value of variable for example: a = 'A' b = 'B' FOR EACH a,b IN { 1, 2, ? a, b //prints: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 NEXT ? a, b //prints: A B

3, 4 }, "abcd" a b c d

// you can use EXIT statement inside the loop FOR EACH a IN { 1, 2, 3, 4 } IF( a:__enumindex == 3 ) ? a EXIT ENDIF NEXT arr := { 1, 2, 3 } str := "abc" FOR EACH a, b IN arr, str a *= 2 str := UPPER( str ) NEXT //now 'arr' stores { 2, 4, 6 } //howerer 'str' still stores "abc" Notice the difference: FOR EACH a IN someValue ? a:__enumindex //prints current value of the index ? (a):__enumindex //sends '__enumindex' message to the current value NEXT

WITH OBJECT ----------Harbour supports the following statement: WITH OBJECT expression ... END Inside this WITH OBJECT/END enclosure you can use the simplified form of sending messages to the object. You can use the syntax :message( [params] ) :property to send messages to the object specified by 'expression' for example: WITH OBJECT myobj:a[1]:myitem :message( 1 ) :value := 9 END The above code is equivalent to: myobj:a[1]:myitem:message( 1 ) myobj:a[1]:myitem:value := 9 Inside WITH OBJECT/END you can access (or even assign a new object) using a special reserved property :__withobject The runtime error will be generated at the time of message sending (or property access/assign) if <objexpression> is not a value of type object. for example: CLASS foo DATA name INIT 'FOO' ENDCLASS CLASS bar DATA name INIT 'BAR' ENDCLASS WITH ? ? ? ? END OBJECT foo():new() :name //prints 'FOO' :__withobject:name //also prints 'FOO' :__withobject := bar():new() :name //prints 'BAR'

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