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Topic: Assessment of the pressure ulcer prevention practices and factors influencing its
preventive practices among nurses in Alex Ekwueme university teaching hospital,
Abakaliki in Ebonyi State.

Dear Respondent,

I am a final year nursing student of Evangel University, Akaeze and I am conducting a research
study on the assessment of the pressure ulcer prevention practices and its influencing factors
among nurses in Alex Ekwueme university teaching hospital, Abakaliki in Ebonyi state.

I am requesting for your participation in the study. Your honest and sincere response will be
highly appreciated. Anonymity of your person and the confidentiality of the information
provided are guaranteed.

Thank you.

Name: Rachel

Section A: Socio- demographic Information

Instruction: Please circle (for choices) or write specific information required (for blank
questions) in the space provided.

No. Question Response

1 Sex 1. Male
2. Female
2 Age ………….years
3 Ethnicity 1. Igbo
2. Yoruba
3. Hausa
4. Other(Specify)---------
4 Marital status 1. Married
2. Single
3. Divorced
4. Window
5 Religion 1. Christian
2. Muslim
3. Others
6 Qualification 1. Diploma in Nursing
2. Degree in nursing
3. Masters and above in
8 Work experience --------years

Section B: Pressure ulcer preventive practices among nurses in Alex Ekwueme university
teaching hospital.

Please read each statement carefully and tick the mark sign“√” in the corresponding column that
most likely reflects your answer to the following questions.
No. Statements Never Sometimes Often Always

0 1 2 3
1 I identify common contributing factors for pressure
ulcer development by periodical assessment of
patient’s skin.
2 I use assessment scale to assess pressure ulcer.
3 I perform skin care as a routine work of my unit.
4 I place the pillow under the patient’s leg to prevent
heel ulcer.
5 I use barrier cream on patient’s skin in order to
protect the skin from urine, stool or wound drainage.
6 I provide vitamins and food for patients who are
7 I monitor a protein and calories diet in patient who is
bed ridden
8 I avoid dragging the patients during repositioning.
9 I use special mattress to prevent pressure loadings,
such as foam, air.
10 I avoid massage over patient’s bony prominences to
prevent pressure ulcer formation.
11 I turn a patient position every two hours.
12 I use air-bed for patient who is at high risk for
pressure ulcer formation followed by physicians
13 I always use proper dressing materials.
Section C: Patients-related factors affecting pressure ulcer preventive practices among
nurses in Alex Ekwueme university teaching hospital.

Please read each statement carefully and tick the mark sign“√” in the corresponding column
that most likely reflects your answer to the following questions.

Use number: 4 for “strongly agree”, 3 for “Agree”, 2 for “disagree”, and 1 for “strongly
Statements 1 2 3 4
1 Patient being un-cooperative

2 The patients are too ill or medically unstable.

3 The patients are not interested in participating

4 The patients have a co-morbid diagnosis of dementia with high

degree of aggression

Section D: Work related factors affecting pressure ulcer preventive practices among
nurses in Alex Ekwueme university teaching hospital.

Use number: 4 for “strongly agree”, 3 for “Agree”, 2 for “disagree”, and 1 for “strongly
No. Question Response

1 What is your area of practice currently? 1. Medical

2. Surgical
3. Gynecology and obstetrics
4. Out patient
5. Other (specify)…
2 Do you receive training on pressure ulcer (PU)? 1.
3 There should be a guideline on pressure ulcer 1.
prevention practices. 2.
4 There is over workload. 1.
5 There is high patient to nurse ratio. 1.
6 There is cooperative in team work among the nurses. 1.

Section E: institutional factors affecting pressure ulcer preventive practices among nurses
in Alex Ekwueme university teaching hospital.

Please read each statement carefully and tick the mark sign “√” in the corresponding column that
most likely reflects your answer to the following questions
1. Is their pressure ulcer prevention guideline 1. Yes
available in your institution? 2. No
2 Is there a pressure relieving device available 1. Yes
in your institution? 2. No
3 If yes, which one is available in your working 1. Elbow pad
institution? (You can choose more than one?) 2. Special mattress such as foam
3. Pillow
4. A bed cradle
5. Other(specify) _________
4 On average, how many patients do you care in number_____
per shift (on daily bases)?
5 Do other health workers involving in 1. Yes
prevention and management of pressure ulcers 2. No
in your working institution?
6 Do you give higher priority for other illnesses 1. Yes
than PU in your working institution? 2. No
7 Are the patients always able to cooperate in 1. Yes
pressure ulcer prevention care in your working 2. No

Section F: the personal factors of nurses affecting pressure ulcer preventive practices in
Alex Ekwueme university teaching hospital.

No. Statements I don’t know False True

0 1 2
1 The first sign of pressure ulcer development is redness
or open sore.
2 Hot water and soap may dry the skin and increase the
risk for pressure ulcers.
3 It is important to massage bony prominences.
4 All individuals should be assessed on admission to a
hospital for risk of pressure ulcer development.

5 Patient skin should be clean and dry to prevent risk of

pressure ulcer development.
6 Adequate dietary intake of protein and calories should
be maintained during illness.

7 Vitamin C & E are important to maintain skin integrity.

8 Persons confined to bed should be repositioned every
three hours
9 A person who cannot move him or herself should be
repositioned every two hours while sitting in a chair.
10 Heel ulcer is prevented by putting pillow under the
patient’s leg.
11 Friction may occur when moving a person up in bed.
12 For persons who have incontinence, skin cleaning
should occur at the time of soiling and at routine
13 Educational programs may reduce the incidence of
pressure ulcers.
14 Stage II pressure ulcers may be extremely painful due
to exposure of nerve endings.
15 Shear is the force that occur when the skin sticks to the
surface and the body slides
16 All care given to prevent or treat pressure ulcer must be
Thank you for your cooperation!

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