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Assignment topic


significance of public relations in tourism

and hospitality industry

Subject : Public Relation

Submitted By : Sajjad khan

Submitted To : Prof. DR. Shakeel

Bs : Tourism and Hotel Management

4 semester :22

Department of Tourism and Hotel

The significance of public relations in the success of tourism and
hospitality organization.

Public Relation is important for tourism and hospitality organization

because it helps them create a good image and build trust with people.
By talking to customers, employees, investors and the media
organization can make more people interested in their products and
services. Public relations can help organization handle problems quickly
and make customers feel special...

Public relation plays a crucial role in the success of tourism and

hospitality organization. These industries rely heavily on positive public
perception and reputation, which is where public relation comes in. For
tourism and hospitality organization public relation involves building and
maintaining relationships with various stakeholders, including
customers, employee, investors and the media .By effectively
communicating with these groups, organization can create a positive
image and build trust with their target audience.

Another important aspect of public relations in crisis

management. In the tourism and hospitality industries, negative publicity
can have a significant impact on an organization reputation and bottom
line. By having a crisis management plan in place, organization can
respond quickly and effectively to any negative publicity and minimize
the damage to their reputation.

One example of a tourism and hospitality organization that has

effectively used public relations to build a strong reputation is Airbnb.
Through its use of social media and other public relations channels,
Airbnb has been able to build a strong brand and attract millions of
customers around the world. By promoting positive stories and
experiences and by communicating openly and honestly with its
customers.. Airbnb has been able to establish itself as a trustworthy and
reliable provider of unique and authentic travel experiences..

Another example of a tourism and hospitality organization in

Pakistan that has effectively used public relations to build a strong
reputation is Serena hotels. Through its use of social media and other
public relations channels, Serena hotels has been able to promote it's
unique and authentic travel experiences, and build a strong brand that is
associated with luxury and high quality service.

In conclusion, public relations is a critical components of the

success of tourism and hospitality organization. By building trust with
customers and a strong reputation and promoting the organization to a
wider audience. Public relation can help to attract new customers, retain
existing ones, and build a strong and sustainable business.

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