Đề Thi Thử Môn Tiếng Anh THPT Quốc Gia 2023 THPT Phù Cừ Hưng Yên

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b£ THI THU TOT NGHIEP Ki THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2023 THPT 2023 m 3 Bai thi: NGOATNGU; Mén thi: TIENG ANH THPT PHU Ct’ HUNG YEN ‘Mon thi: TIENG ANH (@é thi c6 04 trang) , Thai gian lam bai: 60 phit, khéng Ré thai gian phat ab Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. He a terrible accident while he along Ben Lue Bridge A. was seeingiwalked B. have seen/were walking C. see/ am walking D, saw/ was walking 2. When it comes to finding a new house, all the conditions for the sake of the children such as education and entertainment should be_ by parents. A. made room for B.taken into account —_C. kept pace with D. taken care of 3. This channel often shows the cartoons of the children are very fond. A. which B. that C. whom D. who 4. This house by my grandfather in 1970. A. was built B. has built C. built D. was build If my grandmother were younger, she up aerobics. A. would take B. took . will take D. takes 6. He wondered there the next day. Av he would be B. whether would he be . if would he be D. whether he would be 7. What did you have for__breakfast this morning? Aan. Bea Cx D. the 8. My brother is studying very hard because he is now. his attempt to win a place at university Avof Bat Coon Din 9. She will send me the design of my new house ‘A. as soon as she has finished it B. while she was finishing it C. before she finished it D. after she had finished it 10. Fifty years ago, many people, from tuberculosis eventually died A. to suffer B. who suffering C. suffered D. suffering 11, We went for a walk after we dinner. A. had had B. have had C. were having D. has 12. The course was so difficult that I didn't any progress at all A. create B. do C. produce D. make 13. You're putting the cart before the of your work on Project A because the former is a sequel to the lotr. ALox, B. dog C. buffalo D. horse 14, She has lived with her aunt since her parents_8 years ago. A. switched off B. put off C. passed away D. brought up 15. In many Wester societies, good eye is ofien highly appreciated. A. looking B. contact C. catching D. attention Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. 16. Daisy wants to invite her classmate, Joe, to her birthday party. - Daisy: "Listen, 1 am having a birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?" - Joes" ‘What time does it start?" A. Sorry. I'm busy then. B. 1 like a party. ©, Sure, Ti love to D. You must be kidding 17. Laura and Tom are talking about their school curriculum. ~ Laura: "I think Art should be a compulsory subject. - Tom: " Art helps develop creativity. " A. Tdon't think that's a good idea B. I'mof the opposite opinion C.T quite agree D. I can't agree with you. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in each of the following questions. 18, You don't understand the lesson. You keep talking in the class, A. As long as you didn't pay attention in the class, you would understand the lesson, B. Iwish you pay attention in the class, you will understand the lesson. C. Unless you paid attention in the class, you won't understand the lesson. D. If only you paid attention in the class, you would understand the lesson. 19. Most of the classmates couldn't come. He invited them to the birthday party A, Most of the classmates that he invited them to the birthday party couldn't come. B. Most of the classmates he was invited to the birthday party couldn't come. C. Most of the classmates which he invited to the birthday party coulda't come. D. Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn't come Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 20. With the final examinations coming very soon his anxiety was rising to almost unbearable limits. A. boredom, B. apprehension C. joy D. confidence 21. One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving A. expectedly B. surprisingly . happily D. suddenly Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Educating children at home as an alternative to formal education is an option chosen by families in many parts of the world, The homeschooling movement is popular in the United States, where close to one million Children are educated at home. In Canada, 1 percent of school-age children are homeschooled, and the idea also enjoys growing popularity in Australia, where 20,000 families homeschool their children. The movement is not limited to these countries. Homeschooling families can be found all over the world, from Japan to Taiwan to Argentina to South Africa. Homeschooling is not a novel idea. In fact, the idea of sending children to spend most of their day away from home at a formal school is a relatively new custom. In the United States, for example, it was not until the otter part of the nineteenth century that state governments began making school attendance compulsory. Before that, the concept of a formal education was not so widespread. Children leaned the skills they would need for adult life at home from tutors or their parents, through formal instruction or by working side by side with the adults of the family. In the modem developed world, where the vast majority of children attend school, families choose homeschooling for a variety of reasons. For people who live in remote areas, such as the Australian outback or the Alaskan Wilderness, homeschooling may be their only option. Children who have exceptional talents in the arts or other areas may be homeschooled so that they have more time to devote to their special interests. Much of the homeschooling movement is made up of families who, for various reasons, are dissatisfied with the schools available to them, They may have a differing educational philosophy, they may be concerned about the safety of the school environment, or they may feel that the local schools cannot adequately address their children's educational needs, Although most families continue to choose a traditional classroom education for their children, homeschooling as an altemative educational option is becoming more popular: 22. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage? A. The origin of Homeschooling, B. A new form of school: Homeschooling C. Homeschool option: a common form of education all over the world. D. The reasons why children should be educated at home. 23. The word "widespread" in paragraph 2 mostly means__. A. uncommon B. prevalent C. customary D. exceptional 24, As mentioned in the last paragraph, children in rural areas, A. prefer to improve their extraordinary interests, B. are not contented with the philosophy of the schools available. C. have no choice but to stay at home to learn. D. believe that their needs to study is more than what a normal school can provide. 25, The word "adequately" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. applicably B. sufficiently C. inappropriately D. correctly 26. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that A. parents’ satisfaction plays an important role in the number of students attending class B. some schools are unable to provide a safe environment for their students, C. not many children in modern society are allowed to be educated at home. D. teachers’ qualification may be one of the reasons why students come to class, 27. According to the passage, the following are true about the Homeschooling, EXCEPT. A. People got familiar with school attendance before choosing to learn at home B. Before modern times, most students did not attend the school. C. Many families in both developed and developing countries choose to educate their children at home, D. Parents or tutors were the ones who taught the children necessary skills in society. 28, What does the word "th "in paragraph 2 refer to? A. the second half of the 19th century B. the former part of the 19th century . the end of the 19th century D. the beginning of the 19th century Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group. 29. A. advice B. culture Corban D. sural 30. A. decision B. different C. summary D. physical Mark the letter 4, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence whose meaning is similar to the given one. 31. John has played the guitar since he was twelve. A. John began to play the guitar when he was twelve, B. It has been twelve years since John played the guitar. . The last time John played the guitar was at the age-twelve D, John has started to play the guitar since he was twelve. 32. "Don't forget to submit your assignments by Thursday," said the teacher to the students. A. The teacher reminded the students to submit their assignments by Thursday B. The teacher encouraged the students to submit their assignments by Thursday. C. The teacher allowed the students to submit their assignments by Thursday. D. The teacher ordered the students to submit their assi nments by Thursday 33. They believe that the thieves got in through the kitehen window. A. The thieves are believed to get in through the kitchen window. B. They believed the thieves got in through the kitchen window. C. The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitchen window. D. They believe the thieves have got in through the kitchen window Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 34. They have carried out exhausting research into the effects of smartphones on schoolchildren's behaviour and their academic performance. A. behaviour B. into C. exhausting academic performance 35. If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her uncle's accident. A. would find out B. about C. uncle's D. had been 36, She has decided to take a.same class as you next semester hoping you will help her. A, hoping B.asame C. next has Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In Africa, people celebrate with joy the birth of a new baby. The Pygmies would sing a birth-song to the child. In Kenya, the mother takes the baby strapped to her back into the thorn enclosure where the cattle are kept. There, her husband and the village elders wait to give the child his or her name. In West Africa, after the baby is eight days old, the mother takes the baby for its first walk in the big, wide world, and fiends and family are invited to meet the new baby. In various African nations, they hold initiation ceremonies for groups of children instead of birthdays. When children reach a certain designated age, they leam the laws, beliefs, customs, songs and dances of their tribes. Some African tribes consider that children from nine to twelve are ready to be initiated into the grown-up world, They may have to carry out several tests. ‘Maasai boys around thirteen years old to seventeen undergo a two-stage initiation. The first stage lasts about three months. The boys leave their parents’ homes, paint their bodies white, and are taught how to become young warriors. At the end of this stage, they have their heads shaved and they are also circumcised. At the second stage, the young warriors grow their hair long, ind live in a camp called a "“manyatta" where they practice hunting the wild animals that might attack the Maasai herds. This stage may last a few years. When they are ready, they will marry and become owners of large cattle herds like their fathers. The girls are initiated when they are fourteen or fifteen. They are taught by the older women about the duties of marriage and how to care for babies. Soon after that they are married and lead a life similar to that of their mothers. 37. The word "undergo" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. participate in B. commence C. experience explore 38, What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Traditions of Maasai people when having a new baby. B. Birthday ceremonies for children in Aftica. C. Activities in a birth celebration. D, Celebrations in Attica, 39, What does the word "they" in paragraph 3 refer to? A.thewildanimals Bite Maasaiherds the young warriors. the cattle owners 40. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2? A. Children are initiated for a mature Life in the presence of their friends and family, B. Children have to overeome a few trials to enter the grown-up world. . An eight-day-old child will be taken for the first walk by his or her mother. D. Children have to learn their tribes’ cultures and traditions when they are old enough. 41, Where do people in Kenya give the name to the child? A. at their house B. near the thom fence C. onthe cattle farm Dat the village church, Mark the letter 4, B,C, or D on your answ xr sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 42. This product is hazardous to the eyes and should be kept out of reach of children. A. interesting B. safe C. dangerous D. usefil 43. Changes in attitudes, family values, and generational status can occur in both the majority and minority crltures as the two interact; however, typically one culture dominates. A. normally B. rarely CC. uncommonly D. specially Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 44. A. installs B. conserves . supports D. records 45. A. medal gesture C. express D. severe Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. The United States of America, due to its immense size and diverse heritage, has one of the most complex cultural identities in the world. Millions of immigrants from all over the globe have journeyed to America (96), the Europeans discovered and generalized the land back in the 17th and 18th centuries. The blending of cultural (97) and ethnicities in America led to the country becoming known as a “melting pot.” As the third largest country in both area and population, America’s size has enabled the formation of subcultures within the country. These subcultures are often geographical as a result of settlement(98), by non-natives as well as regional weather and landscape differences. While there are countless ways to divide the U.S. into regions, here we have referenced the four regions that are West, Midwest, North East and South, People from (99) region may have different lifestyles, cultural values, business practices and dialects. While there are qualities and values (100) ___most Americans commonly share, itis important not to generalize or assume that all Americans think or act the same way. (Adapted from hitps://www:.londonschool.com/) 46.4. since B. because C. for Dias 47. A. backgrounds B. reference C. expression D. importance 48. A. revenue B. unions C. patterns D. chapter 49. A. another Ball Cy other De each 50. A. when B. that C. who D. why DETHITHU TOT NGHIEP | Ki THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HQC PHO THONG NAM 2023 THPT 2023 Bai thi: NGOAI NGU; Mon thi: TIENG ANH THPT PHU CU’- HUNG YE! ‘ ‘Min thi: TENG ANT a thi cé 04 trang) . Thai gian lam bai: 60 pht, khong ké thi gian phat ab HUONG DAN GIAI CHI TIET Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. He. a terrible accident while he_ along Ben Luc Bridge. A. was seeing walked B. have seenwere walking . see! am walking DD. saw was walking Gl nich: ‘Sw két hop thi va dong ti: QKD while QTD: Di ‘ta hanh dng dang xay ra thi ¢6 hanh dng khée xen vao. Tam dich: Anh ay da nhin thay mot tai nan khting khiép khi dang di dgc cu Bén Lite. — Chon dip in D 2, When it comes to finding a new house, al the conditions for the sake of the children such as education and entertainment should be by parents A. made room for ‘BURRERMOCCONRE = C. kept pace with D. taken care of Giai thich: Kién thite tir vung: ~ make room for: chiva ché trong eho thir gi take something into account: cn nh, xem xét - keep pace with somebody/something: duéi kip aileai gi - take care of: chim séc Tam di Ki néi dén vige tim mgt ng6i nba moi, tit e@ cdc diéu kign vi loi ich ota tré em nhur gio duc va ii tri nén duge cha me tinh dén. — Chon dap an B 3. This channel often shows the cartoons of the children are very fond. AL which | B. that C. whom D. who Giai thich: Dai tir quan hé: Ta ding dai tir quan hé ‘which’ thay cho danh ti ‘the cartoons’ dich: Kénh nay thaéng chiéu nhing bo phim hoat hinh ma tré em rat thich. — Chon dip an A 4. This house by my grandfather in 1970 Avwas built B. has built C. built D. was build Giai thich: ‘Céiu bj BGng (Passive voice): Cau mang nghia bj dng thi QD: was/were + PUL. ‘Tam djch: Nzoi nha nay duige ong t6i xay dumg vao nam 1970, = Chon dap an A 5. If my grandmother were younger, she up aerobics. B. took C. will take D. takes ‘Kién thite cau digu kign Logi 2: TF QKD (to be chia la were), S would V. ‘Tam dich: Néu ba tai con tre, ba sé tap thé duc nhip digu. — Chon dap an A 6. He wondered there the next day. A. be would be B. whether would he be C. if would he be D. whether he would be Gil caieh: ‘Kién thite cfu gidn tiép: $+ wondered/wanted to know whether/if+ $+ V (hii thi) Tam dich: Anh ty hai ligu anh c6 & dé vao ngay hom sau khéog. + Chon dap én D 7. What did you have for breakfast this mornin Avan, Boa ae Di the ‘Gil aieh: ‘Kién thite mao tir: - Khong ding mgo tt v6i cfc bita an Tam dich: Sang nay ban a gi? = Chon dap an C 8, My brother is studying very hard because be is now his attempt to win a place at university A.of C.on Da Giai thich: Kidn thie tir ving: - in an attempt to do something: 16 luc lim gi ‘Tam djeh: Anh trai toi dang hoc tap rit chim chi vi anh dy dang nd lye 48 gianh durge mot sudt vao dai hoe. — Chon dip én D 9, She will send me the design of my new house “A. as soon as she has finished it B, while she was finishing it CC. before she finished it D. after she had finished it Giai thich: Hoa hgp thi: ~ TLD + as soon as + HID/HTHT i cho ti ban thiét hoan thank né. dich: C6 dy si nha méi cia toi ngay sau khi e6 — Chon dap an A 10. Fifty years ago, many people from tuberculosis eventually died. A. to suffer B. who suffering C. suffered D. suffering Giai ehich: Kién thie rit gon ménh dé quan hi Cau diy du “Fifty years ago, many people who suffered from Tuberculosis eventually died. ‘Méah dé quan hé chi dng, nén ta chuyén dng tir vé V-ing. Tam dic = Chon dap nD ‘Nam muoi nam tnrdc, nhigu ngwoi mac bénh lao cudi ciing da chét. LL. We went for a walk after we. dinner. Pres] B. have had C. were hoving D.biss Giai thie Chia thi: After QKHT, QKD. ‘Tam dich: Ching ti di dgo sau khi An t6i. = Chon dap an A 12. The course was so difficult that I didn't any progress at all A. create B. do C. produce D. make ial thich: Kién thite collocation: ~ make progress: tién b9, ci thign Tam dich: Khoa hoc qua khé dén ndi toi khéng tin bo clit nao. — Chon dip én D 13. You're putting the cart before the, of your work on Project A because the former is a sequel to the latter, Av ox B. dog C. buffalo D. horse Giai thich: Kién thire thank ng ~ put the cart before the horse: Lim sai thi te Tam djel sau, jan dang lam vige sai trinh ty khi ban lam Dy an A vi dy én trade la phan tiép theo eva dy aa = Chon dap an D 14. She has lived with her aunt since her parents, 8 years ago. A. switched off B. put off, C. passed away. D. brought up Gia thicl Kién thie cum dng tir: - switch off: tit put off hiiy, tri hoa pass away: qua doi ~ bring up: nudi ning Tam djch: Cé da séng v6i di cita min ké tit khi bé me c6 qua di 8 nam tnd. = Chon dap an C 15, In many Wester societies, good eye is ofien highly appreciated. A. looking ‘B. contact, CC. catching D. attention ‘Gil aieh: Kién thite collocation: ~ eve contact: giao tip bing mit Tam dich: G nhiéu xa hoi pheong Tay, giao tiép bang mat tot thubng duge danh gid cao. — Chon dap in B Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. 16. Daisy wants to invite her classmate, Joe, to her birthday party. isten, I am having a birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?" ‘What time does it start?” A. Sorry. I'm busy then. B.I like a party. C. Sure, I'd love to D. You must be kidding Gia thich: A. Xin 18i, Toi ban roi. B. Tai thich tige ting. C. Chée chin ri, toi rit thich D. Chie ban dang ua Tam djch: Daisy muén moi ban cting lép eta c6 Ay, Joe, dén bita tige sinh abt cua c6 Ay. - Daisy: “Nghe nay, thir séu t6i t6i c6 tige sinh nhgt. Ban c6 nudn dén khong?” Joe: "Chie chan, tdi rét thich. May gia bat du?” — Chon dap an C 17. Lavra and Tom are talking about their school curriculum. ~ Laura: "I think Art should be a compulsory subject. -To Art helps develop ereati A. [don't think that's a good idea B. I'm of the opposite opini aE D. Feattcagres withyou Gai thich: A. Toi khong nghi do la mot y kién hay. B. Toi o6 quan diém nguge lai C. Tei ding y D. Toi khong thé ding ¥ véi ban. dic Laura va Tom dang n6i vé chuong tinh gidag day 6 trrong cua ho. - Laura: “Toi nghi Mp thudt nén la mét mon hoe bit bude. - Tom: "Téi hoan toin déng y. MY thust gidp phat trién de sing t90." = Chon dap an C Mark the letter A, B, C or Don your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in each of the following questions. 18. You don't understand the lesson. You keep talking in the class, A. As long as you didn't pay attention in the class, you would understand the lesson, B. I wish you pay attention in the class, you will understand the lesson. C. Unless you paid attention in the class, you won't understand the lesson. Giai thich: ‘Tam dich: Ban khong hiéu bai. Ban ctr n6i chuyén trong lop. ‘A. Mign [a ban khong cht ¥ trong I6p, ban sé hiéu bai. — Sai nghia BB. Sai vi phai li vé thi qua kh C. Sai vi pha diing edu iéu kign logi 2. D. Gi ma ban chit y trong L6p, ban sé hiéu bai — Chon dap én. D 19, Most of the classmates couldn't come. He invited them to the birthday party A. Most of the classmates that he invited them to the birthday party couldn't come. B. Most of the classmates he was invited to the birthday party couldn't come, C. Most of the classmates which he invited to the birthday party coulda't come. : Hau hét cdc ban cing lép kh6ng thé dén. Anh dy moi ho dén bita tige sinh nha. A. Sai ngit phap vi thira chit ‘them’ B. Sai ngo phap vi thita cho ‘was . Sai ngtt phap vi dai tt quan hé ‘which’ phai chuyén thanh “who” D. Hau hét céc ban cing lép ma anh ay moi dén bita tige sinh nhgt déu khong thé dén. — Chon dap an D Mark the letter 4, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE int meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 20. With the final examinations coming very soon his anxiety was rising to almost unbearable limits. A. boredom B. apprehension C. joy D. confidence thich: @ A. boredom (un): sw buéa ebiin B. apprehension (n): ¢ ngai C. joy (a): nigm vai D. confidence (n): sy ty tin — anxiety (n): st lo Hing >~< expectedly ‘Tam dich: Mot ngay no, dot nhién, ¢6 dy thong béo ring c6 dy sé roi di, = Chon dap an A Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Educating children at home as an alternative to formal education is an option chosen by families in many parts of the world. The homeschooling movement is popular in the Ut Children are educated at home. In Canada, 1 pereent of school-age children are homeschooled, and the idea ted States, where close to one million also enjoys growi popularity in Australia, where 20,000 families homeschool their children. The movement is not limited to these countries. Homeschooling families can be found all over the world, from Japan to Taiwan to Argentina to South Africa. Homeschooling is not a novel idea, In fact, the idea of sending children to spend most of their day away from home at a formal school is a relatively new custom. In the United States, for example, it was not until the lotter part of the nineteenth century that state governments began making school attendance compulsory. Before that, the concept of a formal education was not so widespread. Children leamed the skills they would need for adult life at home from tutors or their parents, through formal instruction or by working side by side with the adults of the family. In the modem developed world, where the vast majority of children attend school, families choose homeschooling for a variety of reasons. For people who live in remote areas, such as the Australian outback or the Alaskan Wilderness, homeschooling may be their only option. Children who have exceptional talents in the arts or other areas may be homeschooled so that they have more time to devote to their special interests. Much of the homeschooling movement is made up of families who, for various reasons, are dissatisfied with the schools available to them, They may have a differing educational philosophy, they may be concemed about the safety of the school environment, or they may feel that the local schools cannot adequately address their children's educational needs. Although most families continue to choose a traditional classroom education for their children, homeschooling as an altemative educational option is becoming more popular Gidi thich: TAM DICH: Educating children at home as an alternative to formal education is an option chosen by families in many parts of the world The homeschooling movement is popular in the United States, where close to one million Children are educated at home. In Canada, 1 percent of school-age children are homeschooled, and the idea also enjoys growing popularity in Australia, where 20, 000 families homeschool their children. The movement ts not limited to these countries. Homeschooling families can be found all over the world. from Japan to Tatwan to Argentina to South Africa. Homeschooling is not a novel tdea. In fact, the idea of sending children to spend most of their day away from home at a formal school is a relatively new custom. In the United States, for example, it Giéo dyc tré em tai nha thay thé cho gido duc chinh quy la mét Iyea chon diege cae gia dinh 6 nhiéu not trén thé gidi wea chon. Phong tréo gido duc tai nha rat phé bién 6 Hoa Kj, noi cd gan mét srigu tré em dhepe giéo duc tat nha. O Canada, 196 76 em trong dp tudi dt hoc duoc hoc tai nha vay turing nay cing ngay cang phé bién & Te, noi cb 20,000 gia dinh cho con hoc tai nha. Phone tré0 Khong chi gidi han & céc quéc gia nay. Cac gia dinh gido duc tai nha cé thé durgc tim thay trén hap thé gidi, tie Nhét Ban dén Déi Loan, Argentina dén Nam Phi. Gio duc tai nha Khang phat la mot ¥ teng méi Ja. Tren thee teéng giti con cai dah phan lon thei gian trong ngay ctia ching & ireémg hoc chinh thie lér mbt phong tue teong d6i méi. Vidu, 6 Hoa was not until the latier part of the nineteenth century that state governments began making school attendance compulsory. Before that, the concept of a formal education was not so widespread. Children learned the skills they would need for adult life at home from tutors or their parents, through formal instruction or by working side by side with the adults of the family In the modern developed world, where the vast majority of children attend school, families choose homeschooling for a variety of reasons. For people who live in remote areas, such as the Australian outback or the Alaskan Wilderness, homeschooling may be their only option. Children who have exceptional talents in the arts or other areas may be homeschooled so that they have more time to Much of the homeschooling movement is made up of families devoie to their special interests who, for various reasons, are dissatisfied with the schools available to them. They may have a differing educational philosophy, they may be about safety of the school environment, or they may feel that the local schools adequately address children’s educational needs. Although most families continue to choose a traditional classroom education for their children, homeschooling as an alternative educational option is becoming more popular. concerned the cannot their ‘KD. phdi Gn cubt thé Ky 19, chinh quyén cde bang indi bat daw bit bude vige di hoc. Trebe a, Khdi nig vé gido duc chinh quy khéng qué phé bién. Tré em hoe ede ky nang clin thiét cho cube séng trudng thank & nha the gia swe howe cha me ching, thong qua Iaeéng din chink thite hoae bang edch Lam vige cing vi nhting nguedi Ién trong gia dink. Trong thé gist phat trién hién dai, noi dai da sé 1ré em di hoc, cde gia dinh chon gido duc tat nha vi nhiéu If do. Dot voi nhimg ngueéi song 6 vime sau ving xa, ching han nlue ving héo Idmh eiia Te shoae ving hoang da Alaska, gréo duc tat nha c6 thé 1a lua chon duy nhét ciia ho. Tré em c6 tét nang age bigt vé nghe thuat hoae ede Imh vwe Rhde cb thé deoe hoe tat nha aé ching 26 nhiéu thot gian hon dank cho sé thich dae biet ciia minh, Phiin Ton hong trao gido due tai nha deoe tao thanh tte ede gia dinh, v1 nhiéu Ip do, Khong hai long v6i cde iruong hoc danh cho ho. Ho c6 thé e6 mot miét i gido due Khde, ho c6 thé lo King vé se an ioan ctia moi trwong hoc duong, hoe ho 6 thé edm th rang cde invong hoc dia pluong khong thé gid quoét théa dang niu céu gido due ciia con cdi ho. Mac dit hiu hét cde gia dinh tiép tue chon céch gio duc trong lép hoe truyén théng cho con edi ciia ho, nung gido duc tai nha nine mt bea chon ido duc thay thé dang tré nén phd bién hon. 22. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage? A. The origin of Homeschooling, B, A new form of school: Homeschooling D. The reasons why children should be educated at home. Gil tach: Digu nio sau day c6 thé la ¥ chinh eva doan van? ‘A. Nguén géc cia Gido Duc Tai Nha. B. Mot hinh thnte truémg hoe méi: Gide duc tai nha C. Phuong én homeschool: hinh thie gido due pho bién tren toan thé gidi. D. Nhitng ly do tai sao nén gido due tré em 6 nha. ‘Thong tin; Ca doan van n6i v8 vige gido de ei nha d@ c6 mst ne law 6 ede quée gia va hign nay 56 heong ge sinh durge giao duc tai nba ngay cang tang lén trén toan thé gid = Chon dap an © 23. The word "widespread” in paragraph 2 mostly means__. A. uncommon ‘B. prevalent C. customary D. exceptional ial thich: Tir “widespread” trong doan 2 déng nghia voi t__ ‘A. khong phd bién B. phé bi C. theo tue Ie D. dic bigt — widespread (adj): pho bién = prevalent = Chon dap an B 24, As mentioned in the last paragraph, children in rural areas, A. prefer to improve their extraordinary interests B. are not contented with the philosophy of the schools available. G have no choice but to stay at home to lear, D. believe that their needs to study is more than what a normal school can provide Gia thich: Nhu da dé cd trong doan cusi, tré em 6 ving ndng thn, A. thich cai thign s6 thich phi thudng ca ho. B. khong hai long voi triét ly cua cdc trudng 6 san, C. khéng con céch nio khée ngoai & nha hoe. D. tin ring hu cau hoc tap ciia ho nhiéu hon nhitag gi mét trong hoc bin thiring c6 thé cung cép. ‘Thong tin: + For people who live inremote areas, such as the Australian outback or the Alaskan Wilderness, homeschooling may be thelr only option. (Déi voi nhig ngudi sng ving siu ving xa, ching han nw vang héo léah cia Uc hoge ving hoang da Alaska, gido dye tai nha c6 thé 1a ha chon duy nbét cita ho.) = Chon dap an © 25, The word "adequately" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to__ A. applicably ‘B. sufficiently C. inappropriately D. correctly Gia thich: Tir “adequately” trong doan 3 dng nghia véi tr. A. dp dung drge B. da CC. khong ph hop D. ding, chinh xée — adequately (adv): mét cach day di = sufficiently B = Chon aap 26. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that A. parents’ satisfaction plays an important role in the number of students attending class. C. not many children in modern society are allowed to be educated at home. D. teachers’ qualification may be one of the reasons why students come to class. Gi thich: Co thé suy ra tir doan cudi rin A. shai long cda phy huynh dong vei ted quan trong 46i v6i sé hoe sinh tham gia lop hoe. B, mot s6 truong hoc khong thé cung cp mot moi trudng an todn cho hoe sinh. tai aba. C. khéng nhién tré em trong x4 hoi hign dai dunge phép gio dt D. trinh d6 cia gio vien c6 thé La mot trong ning ly do khién hoc sinh dén lop. Thong t + They may have a differing educational philosophy, they may be concerned about the safety of the school environment, or they may feel that the local schools cannot adequately address their children’s educational needs. (Ho 6 thé c mét triét ly gido duc khée, ho ¢6 thé lo King vé sy an toan cia méi trang hoe during, hoe bo 6 thé cam thay ring ede trrimg hoc dia phuong khéng thé giai quyét tha dang nhu céu gido dye cia con cai ho.) = B ding — Chon da 27. According to the passage, the following are true about the Homeschooling, EXCEPT. . B. Before modern times, most students did not attend the school. C. Many families in both developed and developing countries choose to educate their children at home. D. Parents or tutors were the ones who taught the children necessary skills in society. Giai thich: Theo doan van, nhiing diéu sau day dting vé gio duc tai nha, NGOAITRU___. A. Moi gui da quen véi vige di hoc true khi chon cach hoe & nha. B. Trnée thoi hign dai, hau hét hoe sin khong dén trong. C. Nhiéu gia dinh 6 ca cée nude phat trién va dang phat trién chon céch gido dye con cai tai nha. D. Cha me hode gia st la ngubi da day cho tré nhiing ky nang cd thiét trong xa hoi. Théng tin: + Homeschooling is not a novel idea. In fact, the idea of sending children to spend most of their day away from home at a formal school is a relatively new custom. In the United States, for example, it was not untill the latter part of the nineteenth century that state governments began making school attendance compulsory. Before that, the concept of formal education was not so widespread (Gido duc tai nha khong phai la mot ¥ twong méi le. Trén thue 8, ¥ tréng gti con cai danh phin Ién thei gian trong ngay ciia ching @ trang hoe chink thitc lé mot phong tue tong @éi méi. Vi du, & Hoa Ky, pha én cudi thé ky 19, chinh quyén cdc bang mei bit dau bit bude vige di hoe. Trude d6, khai nigm v8 gio due chinh quy khéng qua phé bién.) = B ding + The homeschooling movement is popular in the United States, where close to one million Children are educated at home. In Canada, | percent of school-age children are homeschooled, and the idea also enjoys growing popularity in Australia, where 20, 000 families homeschool their children. (Phong trio gido due tai nha rit phd bién 6 Hoa Ky, noi cé gin mét trign tré em duge giéo due tai nha. 6 Canada, 1% tré em trong d6 tudi di hoc duge hoc tai nha va ¥ trong nay cing ngay céng phé bién 6 Ue, noi £6 20,000 gia dinh cho con hoe tai nha.) > C ding + Children learned the skills they would need for adult life at home from tutors or their parents, through formal instruction or by working side by side with the adults of the family (Tré em hoe cae ky nang can thiét cho cuge séng trong thanh ¢ nha nr gia su hofe cha me chting, thong qua hnuéng dan chinh thie hoge bang céch lam vige cing véi nhimng ngudi lén trong gia dinh.) =D ding = Chon dap én A 28, What does the word in paragraph 2 refer to? A the second balFof the 19th century B. the former part of the 19th ceatury . the end of the 19th century D. the beginning of the 19th century To that” trong doan 2 dé cap déa___ Avnta sau thé ki 19 B. mita trade thé ki 19 C. cudi thé ki 19 D. diu thé ki 19 Thang state governments began making school attendance compulsory. Before that, the concept of a formal In the United States, for example, it was not until the latter part of the nineteenth century that education was not so widespread. (Vi dy, 6 Hoa Ky, phai dén cudi thé ky 19, chink quyén cée bang méi bit dau bit bude vige di hoe. Trude 46, Khai nigm vé giéo duc chinh quy khéng qué phé bién.) — Chon dap an A Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group. 29. Ras B. culture C. urban D. rural Gial thich: A. advice /ad' vars! (n): loi khuyén B. culture /kaltfa(r) (n): van héa C. urban /'s ban (adj): than thi D. rural / rvaral/ (adj): nong thon Dap da A cé trong 4m roi vio aim tiétthtt hai, ede dap 4n con lai trong &m roi vio Am tit thtt nbd. — Chon dap and B. different C. summary D. physical A. decision /dr srgu/ (a): quyét din B. different drfrent/ (adj): khée nhau C, summary /’sameri/ (n): tom tat D. physical /frznkl/ (adi): vat by Bap dn A cé trong am roi vao Am tit thtt hai, ede dap an cn lai trong am roi vao am tiét thit nhat — Chon dip an A Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence whose meaning is similar to the given one. 31. John has played the guitar since he was twelve. A. John began to play the guitar when he was twelve, B. It has been twelve years since John played the guitar. . The last time John played the guitar was at the age-twelve D. Job has started to play the guitar since he was twelve. Gia catch: Tam dich: John da choi guitar tr khi anh ay mui hai tuéi A. John bat dau choi ghi-ta khi anh 4y mudi hai tuéi. B. Ba murdi bai nam ké tir khi John chet ghi-ta C. Lin cui cig John choi guitar la vo nim 12 tu D. Sai ngty php; ta ding ‘start’ dé didn ta vige bit du hanh dong ai trong qua kh. — Chon dip én A 32, "Don't forget to submit your assignments by Thursday," said the teacher to the students. B. The teacher encouraged the students to submit their assignments by Thursday. C. The teacher allowed the students to submit their assignments by Thursday. D. The teacher ordered the students to submit their assignments by Thursday. gm dich: "Dirng quén nép bai tp cia ban truéc thir Nam," gido vién néi voi hoe sink. A. Gio vign nbiic hoe sinh nép bai trude thir Nam, B. Gido vign khuyén khich hoe sinh n6p bai trrée thir Nam. C. Gido vién cho phép hge sinh np bai tap trée thit Nam, D. Gio vign yén edu hoe sinh nop bai tap tre thi Nam. — Chon dap an A 33. They believe that the thieves got in through the kitehen window. A. The thieves are believed to get in through the kitchen window. B. They believed the thieves got in through the kitchen window. ‘C. The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitchen window. D. They believe the thieves have got in through the kitchen window Gia thich: djch: Ho tin ring nbimg tén trom da dot ahép vao qua cita s8 aha bép. A. Sai ngt phip, vi hanh dong dot nhap 6 trong qué kh néa ding ‘have got in’ B, Sai vi believe phai chia higa tai. C. Nhitng tn trom duge cho la da dot nhap qua cia s6 nha bép. D. Sai vi vé sau phai ding thi QKD. = Chon dap an C Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 34. They have carried out exhausting research into the effects of, smartphones. on sehoolchildren's behaviour and their academic performance. A. behaviour B. into C. exhausting D. academic performance Gia thich: Kién thire tir ving: exhausting (adj): gy met moi ~ exhaustive (adj): day du, toan dién a: exhausting — exhaustive Tam dich: Ho da tign hanh nghién ctu toan dign vé téc dong cia dign thoai thong minh déi véi hanh vi va ‘kat qua hoe tap ciia hoe sinh. = Chon dap an C 35. If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her uncle's accident. A. would find out B. about C. uncle's D. had been Gia thich: Chia thi trong cfu Gigu kign logi 2: If + $ + V2/V-ed, $ + would + Vo. Sita: had been > were Tam dich: Néu Lucia 6 day bay gid, 06 dy s@ tim ra sy thét vé tai nan eta ct minh. = Chon dap an D 36. She has decided to take a same class as you next semester hoping you will help her. ‘Biasame C. next D. has (Cach ding tir: éi véi same, ta ding the, chit khong ding a. fa: a same — the same dich: Co dy da quyét dinh hoe cing lép véi ban trong hoc ky téi, hy vong ban sé gidp c6 ay. > Chon dip én B Read the following passage and mark the letter , B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In Africa, people celebrate with joy the birth of a new baby. The Pygmies would sing a birth-song to the child. In Kenya, the mother takes the baby strapped to her back into the thorn enclosure where the cattle are kept. There, her husband and the village elders wait to give the child his or her name. In West Africa, after the baby is eight days old, the mother takes the baby for its first walk in the big, wide world, and friends and family are invited to meet the new baby. In various Aftican nations, they hold initiation ceremonies for groups of children instead of birthdays. When children reach a certain designated age, they learn the laws, beliefs, customs, songs and dances of their tribes. Some A rican tribes consider that children from nine to twelve are ready to be initiated into the grown-up world. They may have to carry out several tests Maasai boys around thirteen years old to seventeen undergo a two-stage initiation. The first stage lasts about three months. The boys leave their parents’ homes, paint their bodies white, and are taught how to become young warriors. At the end of this stage, they have their heads shaved and they are also cireumeised. At the second stage, the young warriors grow their hair long and live in a camp called a "manyatta" where they practice hunting the wild animals that might attack the Maasai herds. This stage may last a few years. ‘When they are ready, they will marry and become owners of large cattle herds like their fathers. The girls are initiated when they are fourteen or fifteen. They are taught by the older women about the duties of marriage and how to care for babies. Soon after that they are married and lead a life similar to that of their mothers. Gidi thicl TAM DICH: Jn Africa, people celebrate with joy the birth of a new baby. The Pygmies would sing a birth song t0 the child. In Kenya the mother takes the baby strapped to her back into the thorn enclosure where the cattle are kept. There, her husband and the village elders wait to give the child his or her name. In West Africa, after the baby is etght days old, the mother takes the baby for its first walk in the big, wide world, and friends and family are invited to meet the new baby. In various African nations, G Chau Phi, ngubi ta hin hoan chao mimg sie ra dot ciia mot em be moi. Nguoi Pygmies se hat mot bai ca chao doi cho dita tré. G Kenya, ngueen me diu con vao chuéng gai not gia stic dege nhét Gab, ching 06 va cdc gid lang cho doi dé dae ten cho dita té. Gi Tay Phi, sau Bhi em bé diege tim ngay tuéi, ngueoi me diea em bé di dao lan déu tién trong thé 16% réng ln, ban be va gia dinh doc mai dén gap em bé méi sinh. 6 cde quéc gia chéu Phi Rhac they hold initiation ceremonies for groups of] children instead of birthdays. When children reach @ certain designated age, they learn the laws, beliefs, customs, songs and dances of their tribes. Some African tribes consider that children from nine to twelve are ready to be initiated into the grown-up world They may have to carry out several tests Maasai boys around thirteen years old to seventeen undergo a two-stage initiation. The first stage lasts about three months. The boys leave their parents’ homes, paint their bodies white, and are taught how to become young warriors. At the end of this stage, they have their heads shaved and they are also circumcised. At the second stage, the young warriors grow their hair long and live ina camp called a "manyatta" where they practice Inunting the wild animals that might attack the Maasai herds. This stage may last a few years When they are ready, they will marry and become owners of large cattle herds like their fathers. The girls are initiated when they are fourteen or fifteen. They are taught by the older women about the duties of marriage and how to care for babies. Soon after that they are married and lead a life similar to that of their mothers. ‘hau, fio 16 chite cde bubi 18 nhdp mon cho cde ‘hom tré em thay vi t6 chhite sinh nhét. Khi tré em aén mét a6 tubi nhde dink, ching se hoe tude, tin nguong, phong tue, bet hat va digu nhdy ctia b6 tde mink Mot s6 b6 lac chdw Phi cho ring tré em tit chin dén nnedt hai tubi da san sting dé bube vito thé gi6i ngudi lon. Chiing 06 thé phat thee hién mot sé bai kidm tra Cac edu bé Maasai Khodng mutt ba tudi dén mundi béy tudt trai qua hai giai dogn du dat. Giat dogn dau tién kéo dai khodng ba thang. Cac edu bé 791 Kh6t nha ctia cha me, son tréing co thé va dueoe day cach tr thanh nhimg chién binh 16 tudi, Yao ccudt giat doan nay, ho bj cao déu va cine diese cat ao quy déu. G giai doan thit hat, cée chién bink tré dé téc di va sing trong mét trai goi la "manyatia’, noi ho tap san nhimg con thit hoang c6 thé tén cong dan Maasai. Giai doan nay c6 thé kéo dij vai nam. Khi sén sing, ho sé két hon va tro thénh chii nhén ciia din gia sie lén giéng nue cha mink. Céc 06 géi bat déu giai doan nay Khi ho medi bén hode moi lam tuét. Ho dieoe nhieng ngieoi phu nit lon tdi day vé bén phan cia hon han va each cham séc tré so sinh. Ngay sau a6 ho ét hon va sing mot cube séng neong te nla cude sng ctia me ho. 37. The word "undergo" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. participate in B. commence Gai eich: ‘Tir“undergo” trong doan 3 ding nghia véitr___. A. tham gia B. bit din C. trdi qua D. khém pha — undergo (v): trai qua = experience = Chon dap an C D. explore 38. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Traditions of Maasai people when having a new baby. C. Activities in a birth celebration. D. Celebrations in Africa, Giai thich: ‘Doan vin chu yéu noi vé vin dé gi? A. Truyén thong ciia ngudi Maasai khi méi sinh con. B. Lé sinh abt cho tré em 6 Chau Phi. C. Cac hogt dong trong mét 18 ky jam gay sinh D. L8 ky nigm 6 Chau Phi. ‘ThOng tin: Ca dogn vin noi v8 each thive t6 chute cdc budi IS sinh nhat cho tré em 6 ving chau Phi, ede hoat dong dign ra to toe nhong em bé ra doi cho dén Ine tro thanh thiéu nign va ning hoat dong theo got cua cha ng te 40% xa. = Chon dip én B 39. What does the word "they" in paragraph 3 refer to? the Maasai herds GUEHBIVOUREWARIGES A. the wild animals the cattle owners Gia thich: Tir “they” trong doan 3 48 cap dén___ A. cdc loai dong vat hoang da B. cfc dan Maasai C. nhing chién binh 8 D. nhiimg agudi cht gia sue Thong tin: At the second stage, the young warriors grow their hair long and live in a camp called a "manyatta" where they practice hunting the wild animals that might attack the Maasai herds. This stage may last a few years. When they are ready, they will marry and become owners of large cattle herds like their fathers. (G giai doan thit hai, cae chién binh te dé toc dai va séng trong mot trai goi 14 "manyatta", noi ho tap san nhttg con tnt hoang cé thé tén céng dan Maasai. Giai doan nay cé thé kéo dai vai nam. Khi sn sang, ho sé kkét hon va tré thanb ehii nhan cia dan gia sic 1én giéng ninr cha minh.) = Chon dap an C 40. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 27 B. Children have to overcome a few trials to enter the grown-up world. C. An eight-day-old child will be taken for the first walk by his or her mother, D. Children have to learn their tribes’ cultures and traditions when they are old enough. thich: Gi Didu nao sau day KHONG durge dé c4p trong dogn 27 A. Tré em duoc bit dau cho mét cude séng truéng thinh v6i sw ¢6 mit cia ban bé va gia dinh. B, Tré em phai vugt qua mot s6 thir thach 48 bude vao thé gidi nguoi lon, C. Dita tré tim ngay tudi duge me dit di buée déu tién, D. Tré em phai hoe cdc van héa va truyén théng ca bé lac khi ching dui kin, Théng + Some African tribes consider that children from nine to twelve are ready to be initiated into the grown-up world. They may have to carry out several tests. (Mot s6 9 lac chau Phi cho ring tré em tt chin dé mudi hai mdi da sin sang d8 bude vao thé gidi ngwoi Jon, Ching ¢6 thé phi thue hign mot sé bai kiém tra.) — B duge dé cap + In West Africa, after the baby is eight days old, the mother takes the baby for its first walk in the big, ‘wide world, and friends and family are invited to meet the new baby. (G Tay Phi, sau khi em bé dugc tm ngay tudi, ngudi me dua em bé di dao lin dau tién trong thé gidi rong Ion, ban bé va gia dinh duge méi dén gap em bé moi sinh.) > C dge dé cap + When children reach a certain designated age, they learn the laws, beliefs, customs, songs and dances of their tribes. (Khi tré em dn mt 46 tudi nhat din, ching sé hoe luat, tin nguéng, phong tue, bai hat va digu nhay cia bo te minh.) =D duege 8 cap — A khong duge dé cap > Chon dip in. 41, Where do people in Kenya give the name to the child? ‘A. at their house B.nearthe thom fence GUHA ann thich: at the village chureh Gi Moi nguéi 6 Kenya dat tén cho dita tré 6 dau? A. tai nha cia ho B. gin hang rio gai C. tai trang trai gia stie D. tai nba the lang ‘Thong t + In Kenya, the mother takes the baby strapped to her back into the thorn enclosure where the cattle are kept. There, her husband and the village elders wait to give the child his or her name, (G Kenya, ngwai me diu con vao chudng gai noi gia stic dupe nhét. G dé, chéng c6 va ede gid Lang ché doi 8 dat tn cho dita tre.) = Chon dap an C Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning 10 the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 42. This product is hazardous to the eyes and should be kept out of reach of children. A. interesting B. safe C.dangerous D. wsefal thich: Gi A. interesting (adj): thit vi B. safe (adj): an toan CC. dangerous (adj): nguy hiém D. useful (adj): hivu ich = hazardous (adj): nguy hiém dangerous ‘Tam djen: San phém nay nguy hiém cho mit va nén 48 xa tim tay tré em. = Chon dip in. 43. Changes in attitudes, family values, and generational status can occur in both the majority and minority cultures as the two interact; however, typically one culture dominates. ‘A. normally B. rarely C. uncommonly D. specially Gii thich: A. normally (adv): biah thuong B. rarely (adv): hiém khi C. uncommonly (adv): khéng phé bia D. specially (adv): dae bit — typically (adv): thong throng ormally djeh: Nhig thay 46i va thai 40, gid tri gia din va tinh trang thé he ¢6 thé xay ra 6 c4 nén van hoa da 86 va thigu s6 khi cd hai tong te v6i nhau; tuy nhién, thong thong mot nén van hoa chiém wu thé — Chon dap an A Mark the leter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet 10 indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differentty from the others. 44. A. installs B. conserves C. supports D. records Giai thich: A. installs /n’sts:lz/ (v): cai dat B. conserves /kan's3:vz/ (v): bao tan . supports /s2' posts! (V): tng ho D. records /s1'ko:dz/ (v): ghi chép Dap an C c6 am “s” phat m la /s/, cde dap an con lai phat am la /2 = Chon dap an C 45. A. medal, B. gesture C. express Die Gia thich: ‘A. medal /"medl/ (n): buy churong B. gesture /“dgestfa(r) (n): eit chi C. express /ik’spres/ (v): thé hién D. severe /sr'via(t)/ (adj): nghiém trong Dap én D cé am “e” phat am a/v, ede dap an con lai phat am la /e/. = Chon dap an D Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. ‘The United States of America, due to its immense size and diverse heritage, has one of the most complex cultural identities in the world. Millions of immigrants from all over the globe have journeyed to America (96), the Europeans discovered and generalized the land back in the 17th and 18th centuries. The blending of cultural (97) and ethnicities in America led to the country becoming known as a “melting pot.” As the third largest country in both area and population, America’s size has enabled the formation of subcultures within the country. These subcultures are often geographical as a result of settlement(98), by non-natives as well as regional weather and landscape differences. While there are countless ways to divide the U.S. into regions, here we have referenced the four regions that are West, Midwest, North East and South, People from (99) region may have different lifestyles, cultural values, business practices and dialects. While there are qualities and values (100), commonly share, it is important not to generalize or assume that all Americans think or act the same way Gidi thich: (Adapted from hitps:/Avwv.londonschool.com) TAM DICH: The United States of America, due to its immense size and diverse heritage, has one of the most complex cultural identities in the world Millions of immigrants from all over the globe have journeyed to America since the Europeans discovered and generalized the land back in the 17th and 18th centuries. The blending of cultural backgrounds and ethnicities in America led to the country becoming known as a “melting pot.” As the third largest country in both area and population, America’s size has enabled the formation of subcultures within the country. These subcultures are often geographical as a result of settlement patterns by non-natives as well as regional weather and landscape differences. While countless ways to divide the US. into regions, here we have referenced the four regions that are West, Midwest, North East, and South, People from each region may have different lifestyles, cultural values, business practices, and dialects. While there are qualities commonly share, it is important not to generalize or assume that all Americans think or act the same there are and values that most Americans Hop ching quéc Hoa Ky, do dién tich rong lon va di san da dang, la mét trong nhimg ban sic van héa phic tap nit trén thé gidi. Hang trigu ngueéi hap cue tie Knap not trén thé giéi da dén My ké tie Bhi ngwéi chine du Khém pha va Khai hoa viing dat nity vito thé ky} 17 va 18, Sue pha trén giiea cdc nén tang van héa va sée t6c 6 My da Rhién dt meée nay duoc biét dén nlue mot “xa hoi da van hoa”. La quée gia lém thie ba cé vé dién tich va dn sé, quy m6 ctia My da cho phép hinh thanh ede nén van ‘hoa ph trong nude. Nhiing nén van hida phan throng mang tinh dia Ij do m6 hinh dink ove etia ning nguét Khong phdi a nguoti ban xit ching nine sue kde bigt vé thai tiét va cdnh quan trong Khu we, Mae dit c6 v6 sé ctich dé phan chia Hoa K) thank cde ving, nhung 6 day ching ta dé cap dén bén ving 1a Téy, Trung Tay, Dong Bée va Nam. Nguoi tir mdi khu vwe c6 thé c6 10i séng, gid wi van héa, tap quén kinh doanh va phuong ngit khéc mhau. Mae dit cé nhimg pham chdt va gid tri ma du hét nguoi Mp theimg giéng nhau, nhumg diéu quan trong la Khong nén Ehéi quét hda hove cho ing tit cd ngwoi My déusiy nent hove hank dine om Ee leniee 46. SSCS B. because C. for D.as Gia thich: Kien thie lién tir: HTHT since QKD ‘Tam djch: Millions of immigrants from all over the globe have journeyed to America since the Europeans discovered and generalized the land back in the 17th and 18th centuries (Hang trigu ngudi nhap ou tt khip noi tén thé gidi da dén Mg ké tir khi nguoi chéu Au khém pha va khai most Americans héa ving dat nay vao thé ky 17 va 18.) > Chon dip an A 47. ROBGSRSRSS Giai thich: reference C. expression D. importance A. background (n): nguén gée, nén ting B. reference (n): tai ligu tham khao C. expression (n): sw biéu hign D. importance (a): st quan trong Tam dich: The blending of cultural backgrounds and ethnicities in America led to the country becoming known as a “melting pot.” (Sy pha tron gitta ede nén vin héa va sie te & MY da khién dét aude nay dirge biét dén ahwr mgt xa hoi da van béa.) > Chon dip in A 48. A. revenue B. unions C. patterns: ‘D. chapter Giai thich: ‘A. revenue (n): doanh thu B. union (a): higp béi C. pattern (n): mé hink, kidu D. chapter (a): chong Tam djch: These subcultures are often geographical as a result of settlement patterns by non-natives as well as regional weather and landscape differences. (Nhing nén van héa phy nay thuong mang tinh dia ty do két qua cia mé hinh djnh cu ciia nhiing newoi khéng phi lé ngwoi ban dia ciing nhw sy khac biét vé thai tiét va eink quan trong kbu vue.) > Chon dap an C 49. A. another Ball C. other D.cach Gial thich: Kién thite Ingng tir: ~ another +N sé it: khic, atta all +N khong dam duwe!N sé nhiéu: tit ca ~ other +N s6 nbiéwN khong dém durge: ahiing nguoi/eai khae ~each +N s6 ft: mdi, mot Tam dich: People fiom each region may have different lifestyles, cultural values, business practices, and dialects, (Nguoi dén te moi khu ve 6 thé 06 I6i sén; bau.) = Chon dip én. D 50, A. when ‘B. that C. who D. why Giai thich: id tri viin hoa, tp quén kinh doanh va phuong ngt khée i tir quan hé: Ta diing dai tir quan hé “that” thay cho danh tir ‘qualities and values’ ‘Tam djch: While there are qualities and values that most Americans commonly share, it is important not to generalize or assume that all Americans think or act the same way. (Mie di c6 nbimg phim chit va gid tri ma héu hét ngudi MP thudng gidng nhau, nhumg diéu quan trong la Khdng nén Khai quét héa hoge cho ring tit cd ngudi MP déu suy nghi hoge hanh dong gidng nhau.) = Chon dap an B

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