Final CG Spring'22

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Daffodil International University

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Final Examination, Spring 2022
Course Code: CSE421 (Day), Course Title: Computer Graphics
Sections, Teachers: All
Time: 2:00 Hrs Marks: 40

Answer ALL Questions

[The figures in the right margin indicate the full marks and corresponding course outcomes. All
portions of each question must be answered sequentially.]

1. a) Compare two types of projection. [3]

b) Which color model is better? Explain. [2]

c) Define surface rendering? Why it is important? [3]

d) Illustrate Depth Queuing. [2]

2. a) Construct the transformed polygon from the following figure 1. [5]

- Reflect the polygon where the mirror is (-2, 2) and (2, - CO3
- Translate the polygon where (tx, ty) = (-3, 2)

Figure: 1

b) Identify the transformed polygon from the polygon of A(9, 11, 6), [5]
B(15, 12, 8), C(9, 16, 12) and D(6, 13, 17) in the three-dimensional
- Rotate the points 50 degree along Z axis.
- Shear the points (-2) units in X-axis.
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3. a) Apply Cohen-Sutherland algorithm for the following figure 2 [8]
i) Identify the categories of lines AB, CD, EF, GH & IJ. CO3
ii) Perform Clipping operation

Figure: 2

b) Categorize four types of edges of Sutherland Hodgeman Polygon [2]

Clipping Algorithm.

4. a) Formulate a new polygon by applying clipping operation using [8]

Sutherland Hodgeman Algorithm. Show the whole procedure using CO3
anticlockwise direction only from figure 3.

Figure: 3

b) Choose clipping algorithm when the clipping polygon is a concave [2]

polygon. Justify your answer.

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