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Center for Academic Development, Paniola AJK | Evening Academy

1. The half-life of Zn-71 is 2.4 minutes. If we have 100.0 g at the beginning,
how many grams would be left after 7.2 minutes?
Half-life of Zn-71 = T1/2 = 2.4minutes
Initial amount of Zn-71 = N₀ = 100.0g
Time elapsed = T = 7.2minutes
Amount of Zn-71 remaining after 7.2minutes = N
We can use the formula for radioactive decay to find the amount of Zn-71
remaining after time t:
N = N₀ × (1/2)𝑛 ……….. (1)
Where, “n” is nth half-life. We can find its value as:
7.2 minutes
2.4 minutes
n = 3
So, 7.2minutres are equal to 3rd half life.
Substitute the given values in the equation 1:
N = N₀ × (1/2)3
N = 100.0g × 0.125
N = 12.5g
After 7.2 minutes, approximately 12.5 grams of Zn-71 would be left.
2. Consider a lens that produces a real image three times larger than the
object. If the distance between the image and the object is 1m. Calculate
the focal length of the lens.

Prepared by: Asher Kabir | 03360239492 |

Center for Academic Development, Paniola AJK | Evening Academy

Half-life of Os-182 = T1/2 = 21.5hr
Initial amount of Os-182 = N₀ = 10.0g
Number of half-lives = n = 3
Amount of Os-182 decayed after three half-lives = N
To find the amount of Os-182 remaining after three half-lives, we can use the
formula for radioactive decay:
N = N₀ × (1/2)𝑛
Substitute the given values:
N = 10g × (1/2)3
N = 10.0g × (1/8)
N = 1.25g
To find the amount decayed:
The amount decayed = N₀ – N
The amount decayed = 10g – 1.25g
The amount decayed = 8.75g
After exactly three half-lives, approximately 8.75 grams of Os-182 would have
3. How long will it take for a 40.0gram sample of I-131 (half-life = 8 days) to
decay to 0.625 grams?
Initial amount of I-131 N₀ = 40.0g
Final amount of I-131 = N = 0.625g

Prepared by: Asher Kabir | 03360239492 |

Center for Academic Development, Paniola AJK | Evening Academy

Half-life of I-131 = T1/2 = 8days

Time taken for the I-131 sample to decay to 0.625 grams = T
The time taken for the sample to decay from N₀ to N is given by:
N = N₀ × (1/2)𝑛
First, we need to find out how many half-lives it takes for I-131 to decay to
0.625g. So, let’s solve the equation for “n”.
= (1/2)n
Taking log on both sides:
log = log(1/2)n
log = nlog (1/2)
substituting the values:
log = nlog (1/2)
−1.8 = n(−0.301)
n = 6
So, it took 6 half-lives for I-131 to decay to 0.625g.
To find total time taken:
Total time = (First half − life) × (Total number of half − lives)
T = 8days × 6days
T = 48days
The total time taken for the I-131 sample to decay to 0.625 grams is 48days.

Prepared by: Asher Kabir | 03360239492 |

Center for Academic Development, Paniola AJK | Evening Academy

4. Rn-222 has a half-life of 3.82 days. How long before only 1/16 of the
original sample remains?
Half-life of Rn-222 = T1/2 = 3.82days
Time taken to remain only 1/16 of the original sample of Rn-222 = T
To find the time taken for the Rn-222 sample to decay to 1/16 of its original
amount, we can use the formula:
N = N₀ × (1/2)𝑛
where N is the amount remaining after time T and N₀ is the original amount.
1/16N₀ = N₀ × (1/2)𝑛
1/16 = (1/2)𝑛
(1/2)4 = (1/2)𝑛
Bases cancel out each other, we get:
To find total time taken:
Total time = (First half − life) × (Total number of half lives)
T = 3.82 days × 4 days
T = 15.3 days
5. The half-life of protactinium is 2 minutes. If you start with 20 grams of Pa-
226, how much sample will you have after 8 minutes?
Half-life of Pa-226 = T1/2 = 2minutes
Initial amount of Pa-226 = N₀ = 20g

Prepared by: Asher Kabir | 03360239492 |

Center for Academic Development, Paniola AJK | Evening Academy

Time elapsed = T= 8minutes

Sample we’ll have after 8 minutes = T
We can use the formula for radioactive decay to find the amount of Pa-226
remaining after time t:
N = N₀ × (1/2)𝑛 ………... (2)
Since, “n” is nth half-life. It can be found by:
Total Time elapsed
nth half − life =
First half life
8 minutes
2 minutes
n = 4 minutes
Substitute the given values in the equation 2:
N = 20g × (1/2)4
N = 20g × (1/16)
N = 1.25g
After 8 minutes, approximately 1.25 grams of the Pa-226 sample will remain.

Prepared by: Asher Kabir | 03360239492 |

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