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LO: To describe McGarrigle and Donaldson’s study of conservation

#1 A weakness of McGarrigle and For example, the children were This is a weakness because…
Donaldson’s study is that the asked which row had more
… the children might have
children took part in several counters in 8 times in total (4
become bored or tired of
tests. after a change by the
the research (order
researcher, 4 after the
effects). This means that
the results of the study are
less accurate (lack validity).

#2 A weakness of McGarrigle and For example, the children This is a weakness because it
Donaldson’s study is that the were… means that we cannot
participants all had similar … all from the same school generalise the results to a
backgrounds. which was in Edinburgh. They wider group of people. Perhaps
also would have been from a the children were better at
similar socio-economic conserving because of their
background. educational background.

#3 A weakness of McGarrigle and For example, the children were This is a weakness because…
Donaldson’s study is that it placed in an unfamiliar setting … the children might have
might not have captured the with an unfamiliar adults at the changed their behaviour
true conservation abilities of age of 4-6 years old. around the researcher. They
children. might have shown demand
characteristics from being
under pressure, meaning the
study lacks validity.
LO: To describe McGarrigle and Donaldson’s study of conservation
Eden and Ava are each given ten chocolate buttons every Friday by their Granny.
Because Eden is 8 and Ava is 2, Eden thinks she should be given more chocolate
buttons because she is older. Eden tells Ava she is going to play a game with the
buttons. She puts twelve chocolate buttons in a row close together and the remaining
eight below them but spreads the eight out so the row looks longer. She asks Ava
which row of chocolate buttons she would like to have.

Use your knowledge of conservation to explain which row of chocolate buttons Ava is
likely to choose. [4 marks]

1. Highlight important info Conservation is …
in the stimulus
Piaget said that …
2. Highlight important info
in the question
Because Ava is 2, she …
3. Consider how you will
structure your answer Because Eden is 8, she …

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