Weekly Exam For Class 8

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Weekly Exam

Class: Eight
Time: 50 minutes Full Marks:30
Read the text carefully and answer questions 1,2 and 3
River gypsies in Bangladesh are having various problems. First, Bangladesh is
urbanizing very rapidly. Gypsy people are losing their customers in the urban
population. Hence, their income is threatened. Secondly, 24,000 kilometers of
previous waterways have shrunk into only 6,000 kilometers in the country in dry
Scientists Believe that Bangladesh will be worst affected by global climate change.
The unpredictable rain and drying out of rivers have made boat movement heavily
restricted. Thirdly, many river gypsies are changing their lifestyle in the context of
a changed reality. They are thinking of living permanently on land. The authority
feels that river gypsies need help to survive in the mainstream population.
Therefore, the government is offering voting rights, permanent housing, and bank
loan facilities. However, changes do not come overnight.
Traditionally, river gypsies are used to water life. They have inherited from their
forefathers the necessary life skills to survive in the waters. They have no
education and training to adapt to mainstream modern society. So the authority
feels the need to bring them under a formal education network. But they have no
permanent living place. Gypsy children are born and brought up on roaming boats.
Therefore, they cannot go to conventional schools. And hence, mobile boat schools
are coming up for gypsy children. Some voluntary organizations are running
special schools on boats to educate river gypsy children in some areas.

1) Choose the answer from the alternatives.(5×1=5)

a) Scientists Believe that Bangladesh will be _____ affected by global climate
i) Best
ii) Advantage
iii) Joy
iv) Worst
b) River gypsies learn their skills to survive in the waters for their_____
i) Ancestor
ii) Father
iii) Family
iv) Society
c) The unpredictable rain and drying out of rivers have made boat movement
i) Easy
ii) Normal
iii) Constricted
iv) Beautiful
d) Gypsy children are born and brought up on roaming______.
i) School
ii) Village
iii) Town
iv) Skiff
e) Who organizes a special school for River Gypsies people?
i) Government
ii) Businessman
iii) Voluntary Organization
iv) General people
2) Give short answers to the following questions.(5×2=10)
a) What are the main problems that river gypsies are facing?
b) What is the effect of global climate change in Bangladesh?
c) Why are many river gypsies thinking of changing their lifestyle?
d) Why can’t river gypsies children go to conventional schools?
e) Who are running special schools for river gypsy children? Why?
3) Write a short summary of the above passage. (1×5=5)

Part B-Writing
4) Write a Paragraph from the given below. (1×10=10)
a) Tree Plantation
b) Book Fair
c) National Flag

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