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Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

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Osteology, paleohistology and phylogenetic relationships of

Pellegrinisaurus powelli (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Upper
Cretaceous of Argentinean Patagonia
Ignacio Cerda a, b, Virginia Laura Zurriaguz a, *, Jose
 Luis Carballido c, Romina Gonza
lez d,
Leonardo Salgado
CONICET-Instituto de Investigaciones en Paleobiología y Geología, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Avenida Roca 1242, General Roca 8332, Río Negro,
CONICET-Museo Carlos Ameghino, Belgrano 1700, Paraje Pichi Ruca (predio Marabunta), Cipolletti R8324, Río Negro, Argentina
CONICET, Museo Paleontolo gico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew 9100, Chubut, Argentina
CONICET-UNNE, Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Laboratorio de Paleontología de Vertebrados. Ruta 5 Km 2,5, 3400, Corrientes, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Pellegrinisaurus powelli is a large titanosaurian sauropod from the Upper Cretaceous of northern Pata-
Received 12 January 2021 gonia (Río Negro Province, Argentina). The holotype of this species comprises an incomplete femur, four
Received in revised form dorsal and 26 caudal vertebrae collected from the Lago Pellegrini locality. A single middle caudal vertebra
9 June 2021
from the nearby Cinco Saltos locality has been more recently referred to Pellegrinisaurus. With the
Accepted in revised form 11 July 2021
purpose of increasing our knowledge about the titanosaur faunas of the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia,
Available online 21 July 2021
here we provide a detailed redescription of the holotype and referred specimens of Pellegrinisaurus,
reviewing its diagnosis and phylogenetic position. A histological analysis of the femur of the holotype is
also carried out. The diagnostic characters originally proposed for Pellegrinisaurus are here considered
Lithostrotia invalid because they either correspond with diagenetic deformations of the specimen or are present in
Pellegrinisaurus powelli other titanosaurs. The new diagnostic features are related with the presence of large lateral blind fossae
Upper Cretaceous with distinct dorsal rims in the anterior caudal centra and with a low longitudinal ridge on the posterior
Patagonia side of the femur shaft originated from the trochanteric shelf and extending to the distal third of the
Paleohistology shaft. The phylogenetic analysis recovers Pellegrinisaurus as a non-saltasaurid lithostrotian, closely
related with Alamosaurus sanjuanensis. The bone histology indicates that the holotype corresponds to a
subadult (i.e. sexually mature but still growing) individual. Finally, the caudal vertebra previously
attributed to Pellegrinisaurus cannot be referred to this genus and is here assigned to Titanosauria indet.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction femur, the individual actually preserved many more elements

when it was discovered (Fig. 1), including several complete dorsal
Pellegrinisaurus powelli is a large titanosaurian sauropod from and sacral vertebrae, which were found in articulation (Powell
the Upper Cretaceous of northern Patagonia (Río Negro Province, 2003). Pellegrinisaurus powelli was initially assigned to Epachtho-
Argentina). The remains of the holotype specimen were discovered saurus sp. on the basis of dorsal vertebrae characters (Powell 1986).
in a sand quarry located at the south margin of the Pellegrini Lake Later, Salgado (1996) assigned its remains to a new genus and
and recovered by the crew of the Museo Carlos Ameghino of species, proposing autapomorphies based on the relative pro-
Cipolletti (Río Negro Province) in 1975 (Salgado 1996; Powell portions of the dorsal centra and in the morphology of the neural
2003). Although the original description of Salgado (1996) was arches of the mid-posterior and posterior caudal vertebrae. More
based on four dorsal centra, 26 caudal vertebrae and an incomplete recently, Salgado and Bonaparte (2007) assigned an isolated middle
caudal vertebra from the Cinco Saltos locality (Río Negro Province)
to Pellegrinisaurus. Illustrations of this specimen were however not
provided, as well as the anatomical features supporting its tax-
* Corresponding author.
onomical assignment.
E-mail addresses: (I. Cerda),
(V.L. Zurriaguz), (J.L. Carballido), Regarding its phylogenetic affinities, Salgado (1996) considered
(R. Gonzalez), (L. Salgado). Pellegrinisaurus powelli as the probable sister taxon of Saltasaurinae
0195-6671/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

nica” sand quarry, located in the South margin of the Pellegrini Lake (Río Negro Province, Argentina). The
Fig. 1. Excavation of the Pellegrinisaurus powelli holotype in the “Pala Meca
picture includes dorsal and sacral vertebrae in articulation, which are oriented upside down. Picture courtesy of Jaime Powell (R.I.P).

(¼Saltasaurini sensu Salgado and Bonaparte 2007), but it was not expand the anatomical description of Pellegrinisaurus powelli, to
included in a phylogenetic analysis to support this hypothesis. The revise its current diagnosis, to describe and discuss the assignation
first contribution that included Pellegrinisaurus in a phylogenetic of the specimen mentioned by Salgado and Bonaparte (2007), to
analysis corresponds to Upchurch et al. (2004). There, this species determine the ontogenetic stage of the holotype specimen using
was recovered as the sister taxon of Alamosaurus sanjuanensis, with bone histology, and to revise the phylogenetic position of this
this clade recovered as the sister group of Saltasauridae. More taxon. With regard to this last objective, we test previous hypoth-
recently, Gorscak and O'Connor (2016, 2019) recovered Pelle- esis of the phylogenetic affinities of Pellegrinisaurus. This study is
grinisaurus as the sister group of the clade Alamosaurus the first that test the phylogenetic position of Pellegrinisaurus based
sanjuanensis þ Baurutitan britoi. In this data set Pellegrinisaurus is on first hand study of the material.
recovered as a Saltasauridae, with this position the result of an Institutional abbreviations: MCS-Pv, Museo de Cinco Saltos,
unusual position of the specifier taxa of this clade (Saltasaurus  n de paleontología de vertebrados, Río Negro, Argentina;
loricatus and Opisthocoelicaudia skarzynski). As such, Saltasauridae, MPCA-Pv, Paleovertebrate collection of the Museo Provincial ‘Carlos
in that study, includes several taxa that are usually excluded from Ameghino’, Cipolletti, Río Negro, Argentina.
this clade (e.g., Lognkosauria and basal titanosaurs such as Epach-
lez Riga et al., 2018;
thosaurus sciuttoi; Carballido et al., 2017; Gonza 2. Materials and methods
Mannion et al., 2019). The matrix of Gorscak and O'Connor (2016)
was used by Sallam et al. (2018) to perform a phylogenetic anal- 2.1. Materials
ysis based on both Bayesian and parsimony approaches. Bayesian
analysis recovered Pellegrinisaurus as the sister group of a clade The materials analyzed comprise the holotype of Pelle-
formed by Dreadnoughtus schrani þ (Alamosaurus grinisaurus powelli (MPCA-Pv 1500), which consists of four
sanjuanensis þ Baurutitan britoi), in a similar topology to that incomplete dorsal vertebrae (MPCA-Pv 1500/1-4), 26 fragmentary
recovered by Gorscak and O'Connor (2016, 2019). On the other caudal vertebrae (MPCA-Pv 1500/5-30) and an incomplete left fe-
hand, the parsimony analysis recovered Pellegrinisaurus in a slightly mur (MPCA-Pv 1500/6-31). Unfortunately, other discovered parts of
more basal position, being the sister group of Ampelosaurus atacis þ the skeleton (e.g. sacrum, dorsal ribs, neural arches of the dorsal
(Paludititan nalatzensis þ (Dreadnoughtus schrani þ (Alamosaurus vertebrae) were badly ruined in the field during the excavation
sanjuanensis þ Baurutitan britoi))). A basal position of Pelle- procedures. Different from the original description of Salgado
grinisaurus amongst titanosaurs was recovered by Bandeira et al. (1996), we realized that two anterior caudal vertebrae (the first
(2016). In sum, most analyses coincide in depicting Pelle- and the fourth or the fifth) described in the original paper are
grinisaurus as a non-Saltasauridae lithostrotian, except that of missing from the MPCA collection. Unexpectedly, despite the
Gorscak and O'Connor (2016) and data sets derived from it, in absence of these two elements, the number of caudal vertebrae is
which the “Saltasauridae relationships” of Pellegrinisaurus are still the same as that reported by Salgado (1996). Since all the
caused by the unusual distant position of Opisthocoelicaudia and reviewed caudal vertebrae share the same features, including de-
Saltasaurus, as was mentioned above. gree of preservation, labeling and mode of restoration, we consider
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive redescription of the that all belong to the same individual. Therefore, we infer that the
holotype material Pellegrinisaurus powelli. Our main goals are: to original number of preserved caudal vertebrae was, at least, 28
I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

bones. It is worth to note that, in his descriptions, Powell (1986, 2003; Coria 2007; Rodríguez et al., 2007; Salgado and Bonaparte
2003) mentioned that “a series of 27 specimens [caudal vertebrae] 2007; Garrido 2010; Cerda et al., 2015; Otero and Salgado 2015;
were preserved in succession almost without interruption”. Besides García et al., 2017), Delaloye and Garrido (2017) have again
the Pellegrinisaurus powelli holotype specimen, we describe a considered the original correspondence of these outcrops to the
middle caudal vertebra (MCS-Pv 53) assigned to this taxon by Allen Formation. Given that this last change of stratigraphic
Salgado and Bonaparte (2007). assessment has not been to date formally proposed in a publication,
we follow the more broadly accepted proposal of Heredia and
2.2. Geographical and stratigraphic provenance Salgado (1999), i.e. that the Pellegrinisaurus type specimen came
from the Anacleto Formation.
The holotype specimen of Pellegrinisaurus powelli was recovered In the case of the specimen MCS-Pv 53, this was recovered from
from the “Pala Meca nica” commercial sand quarry, located at the outcrops exposed in the northwestern scarps near Cinco Saltos city,
south margin of the Pellegrini Lake, an artificial reservoir situated adjacent to the former Indupa chemical factory (now Imextrade
around 10 km North to the city of Cinco Saltos, Río Negro Province S.A) (Fig. 2). These outcrops correspond to the top of the Anacleto
(Fig. 2). All the Pellegrini Lake sand quarries have been originally Formation, from which other non-avian dinosaur remains have
considered as outcrops of the lower member of the Allen Formation been recovered (Coria and Salgado 1996; Salgado et al., 1997a,
(Bonaparte and Novas 1985; Powell 1986, 2003; Bonaparte 1991). 2005).
The Allen Formation corresponds with the base of the Malargüe
Group and is currently considered upper Campanianelower 2.3. Methods
Maastrichtian in age (Rodríguez et al., 2007). The correspondence
of the Pellegrini Lake sand quarries with the Allen Formation was For the anatomical description we use “Romerian” terms (Wilson
subsequently discussed by Heredia and Salgado (1999), who pro- 2006) for the structures (e.g. “centrum”, not “corpus”) and their
posed that these outcrops actually correspond to the Anacleto orientation and relative position (e.g. “anterior”, not “cranial”).
Formation (Río Colorado Formation in the original publication). The Nomenclature of neural laminae and fossae follows Wilson (1999)
Anacleto Formation, which also is exposed in the Cinco Saltos lo- and Wilson et al. (2011a) respectively. For the pneumatic struc-
cality, corresponds with the top of the Neuque n Group and has tures we use the terminology proposed by Wedel (2003).
been assigned to the lower Campanian (Dingus et al., 2000). For histological analysis, the femur of the holotype (MPCA-Pv
Although this last geological unit assignment for the Pellegrini Lake 1500/31) was sampled following a modification of methodology
sand quarries has been followed by several authors (e.g. Salgado proposed by Sander (2000). In this regard, we extracted two cores,

Fig. 2. Map of location and geological outcrops of the region of Pellegrini Lake and Cinco Saltos (Río Negro Province, Argentina), where MPCA-Pv 1500 (red arrowhead) and MCS-Pv
53 (white arrowhead) were collected. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

one from the anterior and the posterior sides, using a diamond than high, particularly in the last one. However, this feature seems
studded drill bit mounted on a domestic power drill. We used to be related to a very substantial dorsoventral compressional
30 mm diameter bits with their ends covered with diamond grit. deformation suffered by the centra, which is evidenced by promi-
Thin sections from each core were obtained in the Paleohistological nent displaced fractures on the anterior and posterior sides of each
laboratory of the Museo Provincial Carlos Ameghino (Cipolletti, Río element. In the case of the specimen MPCA-Pv 1500/3, it presents a
Negro Province, Argentina) and the methodology followed the different type of deformation, in which the centrum is distorted
procedures of Cerda et al. (2020). The thin sections were studied with regard to the sagittal plane. Such distortion results in an
under transmitted light, both normal and polarized with a micro- inclination of around 22 degrees from the sagittal plane, leaving the
scope Zeiss Axioskop 40 with an attached Canon (PowerShot A640) floor of the neural canal displaced to the left side of the centrum
digital camera. The terminology follows Francillon-Vieillot et al. and giving a roughly ‘parallelepiped shape’ in anterior and poste-
(1990). rior views. Other gross anatomical features of the centra (e.g.
relationship between anterior and posterior height, condylar
3. Systematic paleontology shape) are difficult to establish with confidence due to the
noticeable degree of deformation of these bones. The ventral sur-
Dinosauria Owen 1842 faces lack any ridge and they are both transversely and ante-
Saurischia Seeley 1887 roposteriorly flat or slightly concave (e.g. MPCA-Pv 1500/1). All the
Sauropoda Marsh, 1878 elements exhibit large, “eye shaped” lateral pneumatic foramina,
Titanosauria Bonaparte and Coria 1993 which occupy half or more of the total length of the centra. The
Lithostrotia Upchurch et al., 2004 lateral pneumatic foramen is posteriorly displaced in MPCA-Pv
1500/4. The lateral pneumatic foramina located on the right side
Pellegrinisaurus powelli Salgado 1996
of the four centra are larger than those on the left side. Such vari-
Emended diagnosis. Lithostrotian titanosaurian characterized by ation, however, can be due to taphonomic deformation. Dividing
the following combination of characteristics (autapomorphies laminae are absent inside the lateral pneumatic foramen. Natural
highlighted with asterisks): presence of a prominent blind lateral breakages reveal a pneumatic internal structure, which corre-
fossa (“pleurocoel”) with well-developed dorsal rim in the anterior sponds with camellate tissue.
caudal centra*; femur with longitudinal ridge located on the
posterior surface of the shaft and laterally displaced, originated 4.2. Caudal vertebrae (MPCA-Pv 1500/5-30)
from the trochanteric shelf and extending to the distal third of the
shaft. Twenty six caudal vertebrae are preserved (Fig. 4A-U). As pre-
Locality and horizon. South margin of the Pellegrini Lake, around viously mentioned, these do not strictly correspond to the twenty
10 km North to the city of Cinco Saltos, Anacleto Formation (lower six elements mentioned by Salgado (1996), who included the first
Campanian, Dingus et al., 2000). caudal and other anterior vertebrae, possibly the fourth or the fifth.
As with the dorsal centra, the caudal vertebrae are mostly badly
preserved, showing in some cases substantial plastic deformation.
4. Anatomical description Neural arches are usually incomplete or missing. The centra are
broken in several parts and have been reconstructed with abundant
4.1. Dorsal vertebrae (MPCA-Pv 1500/1-4) plaster (this is particularly evident in the element MPCA-Pv 1500/
29, in which plaster covers almost the entire bone).
Four incomplete dorsal vertebrae centra are preserved (Fig. 3). In general terms, with the exception of the biconvex first caudal
There is not current information regarding to their relative position vertebrae figured by Salgado (1996), all caudal vertebral centra are
in the column. Also, it is not possible to determine if they are procoelous. The degree of procoely decreases gradually from the
continuous elements. Salgado (1996) assigned these elements to anterior to the posterior caudal vertebrae. The position of the
posterior dorsal vertebrae based on the absence of parapophyses. condylar apex migrates from the dorsal (i.e. above the horizontal
For descriptive purpose, we assign tentatively these elements to midline of the centrum) to the middle of the posterior articular
seventh (MPCA-Pv 1500/1), eighth (MPCA-Pv 1500/2), ninth surface area. The length of the centra in relation with its width and
(MPCA-Pv 1500/3) and tenth (MPCA-Pv 1500/4) dorsal vertebrae height increases toward the posterior caudals. The neural arches
(Supplementary Table 1). The sequential order is based on the are located above the anterior halves of the centra. The neural
centrum length, which decreases from the seventh to the tenth spines are anteroposteriorly short. Their height decreases posteri-
dorsal vertebrae in other titanosaurs (e.g. Powell 2003; Coria et al., orly in the caudal sequence. The inclination of the prezygapophyses
2013). Different degrees of anatomical deformation are evident in in relation to the centrum becomes less pronounced toward the
the four elements, probably from post-depositional stress. Also, posterior caudal vertebra, where they become parallel. The pre-
several portions of the elements have been broken away and, in zygapophyses project beyond the anterior margin of the centrum.
several instances, covered with plaster, which makes a compre- The postzygapophyses are mostly not preserved or are covered
hensive morphological description difficult. Since the four centra with the prezygapophyses of the following vertebra. Fracture sur-
share several anatomical features, we describe them together, faces reveal the absence of internal pneumatic structure both in
indicating differences when applicable. neural arches and centra. In this regard, the bone tissue varies
All the centra are opisthocoelous. The condyle is more promi- between compact and cancellous depending on the vertebral areas.
nent in MPCA-Pv 1500/2 than in the other elements. A poorly Along with these general features, the caudal vertebrae exhibit
developed anterior rim bounds the anterior condyle from the main particular anatomical characteristics, which are described below.
body of the centrum in MPCA-Pv 1500/3 and MPCA-Pv 1500/4. The Following previous works (e.g., Mannion et al., 2013; Carballido and
relationship between the width and the height of the centrum is Sander 2014) the classification of the caudal vertebrae in anterior,
not the same in all the centra, mainly due to plastic deformation. In middle and posterior elements was based on anatomical features,
this regard, the width is not much greater than the height in the as for example the presence of transverse processes, the develop-
least altered centrum (MPCA-Pv 1500/1). On the other hand, the ment of neural spines, pre- and postzygapophysis, and the relative
centra of MPCA-Pv 1500/2 and MPCA-Pv 1500/4 are clearly wider length of their centra. Additionally, and given the incomplete
I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

Fig. 3. Dorsal vertebrae of Pellegrinisaurus powelli MPCA 1500. A, MPCA-Pv 1500/1. B, MPCA-Pv 1500/2. C, MPCA-Pv 1500/3. D, MPCA-Pv 1500/4. The vertebrae are showed in right
lateral (1), anterior (2) and posterior (3) views. Dashed white lines in C.3 indicate the position of the neural canal floor. Scale bars equal to 10 cm. Abbreviations: lpf: lateral
pneumatic foramen.

preservation of these structures in MPCA-Pv 1500 we also followed distinct border. The ventral portion of the condyle, which is only
other more complete sequence known for other related titanosaurs well preserved in MPCA-Pv 1500/5, exhibits a concave outline in
(e.g., Baurutitan britoi; Kellner et al., 2005). For the present lateral view. A well-developed blind fossa is present on the lateral
description and analysis, the caudal sequence of Pellegrinisaurus sides of the centra (Figs. 4A-C, 5B). They are anteroposteriorly
was divided in three sections: anterior (caudals 1-6), middle elongate (almost twice longer than high) and located in the middle
(caudals 7-16), and posterior (caudals 17-28) caudal vertebrae. of the centra. Since the right side of these vertebrae has been
eroded, the following dimensions (length x height) of the lateral
4.2.1. Anterior caudal vertebrae (MPCA-Pv 1500/5-8) blind fossae correspond to the left side: 5.4  3 cm (MPCA-Pv 1500/
The three anteriormost preserved caudal vertebrae are strongly 5), 5.9  3.2 cm (MPCA-Pv 1500/6) and 5.6  1.9 cm (MPCA-Pv
procoelous, and they exhibit anteroposteriorly short centra 1500/7). The ventral faces of the centra lacks any ridge and are
(Figs. 4A-C, 5A-C). The ventral and lateral faces of the centra are slightly anteroposteriorly and transversely concave. The dorsal
slightly concave. While the centrum height appears to be greater margin of the lateral blind fossae of MPCA-Pv 1500/5 and MPCA-Pv
than the width in MPCA-Pv 1500/5-6 (these elements are incom- 1500/6 exhibits a distinct rim. The same is also present in MPCA-Pv
plete), MPCA-Pv 1500/7 is slightly wider than high. Nevertheless, 1500/7, but it is much less pronounced than in the other centra.
this difference seems to be related to a deformation by lateral Distinct neurovascular foramina open below the lateral blind fossae
compression in the first two elements. Excluding the articular and also on the ventral side of the centra. These are large (reaching
condyle, the centrum is shorter than high. The posterior condyle is 20 mm diameter), anteroposteriorly enlarged and irregularly
prominent, occupying 28e34% of the entire length of the centrum distributed. Transverse processes are mostly broken. Part of the
in MPCA-Pv 1500/5-6 (it is broken in MPCA-Pv 1500/7). The pos- base of the left transverse process is preserved in MPCA-Pv 1500/6,
terior condyle is delimited from the main body of the centrum by a which is placed along the dorsal margin of the centrum. It is robust

I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

Fig. 4. Caudal vertebrae of Pellegrinisaurus powelli MPCA-Pv 1500. The sequence include anterior (AeD), middle (EeN) and posterior (OeU) elements in lateral left side. A, MPCA-Pv
1500/5. B, MPCA-Pv 1500/6. C, MPCA-Pv 1500/7. D, MPCA-Pv 1500/8. E, MPCA-Pv 1500/9. F, MPCA-Pv 1500/10. G, MPCA-Pv 1500/11. H, MPCA-Pv 1500/12. I, MPCA-Pv 1500/13. J,
MPCA-Pv 1500/14. K, MPCA-Pv 1500/15. L, MPCA-Pv 1500/16. M, MPCA-Pv 1500/17. N, MPCA-Pv 1500/18. O, MPCA-Pv 1500/19 and 20. P, MPCA-Pv 1500/21 and 22. Q, MPCA-Pv
1500/23 and 24. R, MPCA-Pv 1500/25. S, MPCA-Pv 1500/26. T, MPCA-Pv 1500/27 and 28. U, MPCA-Pv 1500/30. For comparative purpose we have inverted the image showed in I,
which actually corresponds with the right side. Scale bars equal to 10 cm. Abbreviations: bf: lateral blind fossa; dt: dorsal tuberosity; nvf: neurovascular foramen; pvp: poster-
oventral protuberance.

and directed laterally and slightly posteriorly. There is a distinct hemispherical posterior condyle). The neural canals are roughly
lateral prominence at the level of the dorsal margin line of the higher than wide, and their shape becomes wider ventrally.
neural canal (Fig. 5A-C), which resembles the “dorsal tuberosity” The specimen MPCA-Pv 1500/8 (Fig. 4D), which has been inter-
described for other titanosaurians (e.g. Bonitasaura salgadoi, Baur- preted as the sixth caudal vertebra, was originally described and
utitan britoi; Kellner et al., 2005; Gallina and Apesteguía 2015). The figured by Salgado (1996, figure 4). However, some important aspects
bases of the neural arches are partially preserved and they occupy of that original description need to be reinterpreted. The element
most of the anteroposterior length of the centrum (discounting the preserves the centrum and part of the neural arch, including the base
I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

Fig. 5. Anterior caudal vertebra of Pellegrinisaurus powelli (MPCA-Pv 1500/6) in anterior (A), left lateral (B) and posterior views. Striped areas indicate broken and/or covered with
plaster surfaces. Scale bars equals to 10 cm. Abbreviations: bf: lateral blind fossa; bfr: dorsal rim of the blind fossa; dt: dorsal tuberosity; nc: neural canal; nvf: neurovascular
foramen; tp: transverse process.

of the left prezygapophysis. The centrum has a less pronounced protuberance is placed in the posteroventral area of the lateral side
posterior condyle compared to the most anterior centra. The condylar of MPCA-Pv 1500/9 centrum (Fig. 4E). This structure is not observed
apex of the posterior surface is dorsally displaced. In its original in other centra. Such absence, nevertheless, may be related to the
description, Salgado (1996) indicated that the lateral sides of the general poor preservation of these elements. The distinct blind
centrum are downward oriented, leaving a narrow ventral surface. lateral fossae described in the anterior caudals are absent in these
However, the centrum is strongly deformed in a similar way (but vertebrae. Large neurovascular foramina, however, are distinct in at
much more pronounced) that the previously described in the dorsal least the lateral surfaces of the centrum MPCA-Pv 1500/10. The
vertebra MPCA-Pv 1500/3 (i.e. oblique distortion of the element with ventral surfaces exhibit a shallow depression, which is delimited
regard to the sagittal plane). Such deformation causes the right and laterally by slightly pronounced ridges oriented anteroposterioly.
left lateral sides to be exposed in dorsal and ventral views respec- Chevron facets are mostly not preserved. Nevertheless, they appear
tively. Hence, the “downward oriented” right lateral side actually to be poorly developed. Only the base of the left transverse process
corresponds to the ventral surface and the “very narrow ventral is preserved in one element (MPCA-Pv 1500/9). The same, however,
surface” is therefore the boundary between the left lateral and ventral does not appear to be well developed. A weakly pronounced but
sides. The original shape of the centrum seems to be roughly distinct “dorsal tuberosity” is observed in MPCA-Pv 1500/9, at the
quadrangular. Although an incomplete left postzygapophysis seems level of the neural canal (Fig. 6A-C). Possible traces of this structure
to be preserved, its identification is dubious because of the strong are recorded in the same position in specimens MPCA-Pv 1500/10-
deformation suffered by the specimen. 12. As in the anterior caudal vertebrae, the bases of the neural
arches occupy most of the anteroposterior length of centrum
4.2.2. Middle caudal vertebrae (MPCA-Pv 1500/9-18) (discounting the posterior condyle). Almost complete neural spines
From the anterior middle caudals (i.e. MPCA-Pv 1500/9-14, are only preserved in elements MPCA-Pv 1500/9 and MPCA-Pv
Fig. 4E-J), which exhibit similar anatomical features, the best pre- 1500/14. The neural arch of MPCA-Pv 1500/9 is relatively
served element corresponds to specimen MPCA-Pv 1500/9, which high, being approximately half of the complete vertebral height
has been interpreted as the seventh caudal vertebra (Figs. 4E, 6). (Fig. 6A-C). The neural spine of this vertebra is laterally compressed,
The centra of the anterior middle caudals are slightly wider than with their anterior and posterior edges placed at the same level (i.e.
high, and exhibit a rather quadrangular shape in posterior view. the anterior edge of the neural spine tip is not located above or
Excluding the articular condyle, the centra are slightly longer than below the level of the posterior edge of the neural spine tip, Fig. 6B).
high. The posterior condyle is less developed than in the anterior The dorsal margin of the spine is slightly convex in lateral view. In
caudals, occupying less than 16% of the entire length centrum in the this vertebra, the long axis of the spine (i.e. spine main axis) is
best preserved elements. The apex of the posterior condyles is perpendicular to the anteroposterior axis of the centrum. The
located on the dorsal half of the articular surface. The lateral sides posterior margin of the spine exhibits at distinct wrinkled border,
are almost straight, just gently excavated. A small but distinct possibly related to the presence of an interspinous ligament. The

I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

neural spine of specimen MPCA-Pv 1500/14 (possibly the 12th) is centra, with the bony rim that limits the posterior end very pro-
less preserved than in MPCA-Pv 1500/9. Its main difference is in the nounced in most of the elements. The posterior condyles occupy
orientation, which in posteriorly inclined, forming an angle of 40 only a small portion (less than 13%) of the total centrum length in
degrees with the main axis of the centrum (Fig. 4J). Another dif- the most complete vertebrae. These condyles are bounded from the
ference with the neural spine of MPCA-Pv 1500/9 is in the relative main body of the centrum by a distinct border. This border is much
position of the posterior edge, which is lower with respect to the more pronounced on the lateral sides of the condyles. The condylar
anterior (i.e. the overall dorsal margin slopes to face poster- apices are located in the middle of the articulation, slightly
odorsally). Complete prezygapophyses are preserved only in the ventrally displaced in MPCA-Pv 1500/18. The lateral surfaces
specimen MPCA-Pv 1500/9. These are strongly elongated, occu- exhibit a slightly developed longitudinal ridge on the midline of the
pying almost half of the complete vertebral length. They are in- centra. The same divides the surfaces in two halves, which are
clined forming a low angle (of approximately 15 degrees) with the slightly laterodorsally and lateroventrally oriented. The ventral
centrum long axis. Such inclination appears to be maintained in the surfaces exhibit a shallow depression. The best preserved remain of
specimens MPCA-Pv 1500/10-14. The articular facets of the pre- a chevron facet is recorded in the posterior margin of the element
zygapophyses are elongated and medially oriented. The post- MPCA-Pv 1500/17. The same appears to be poorly developed. The
zygapophyses are located above the midpoint of the centrum lateroventral protuberance described in the posterior margin of the
(excluding the posterior condyle). While the left postzygapophysis specimen MPCA-Pv 1500/9 is absent in this segment of the tail.
is broken, the right one is covered with the anterior end of the Lateral blind fossae and large neurovascular foramina are also ab-
prezygapophysis of the following vertebra. sent. Transverse processes are absent. Possible remains of a small
Posterior middle caudals (MPCA-Pv 1500/15-18) exhibit more “dorsal tuberosity” are observed in MPCA-Pv 1500/15. Neverthe-
elongated centra in comparison with the preceding middle ele- less, this structure is absent in the other elements.
ments (Fig. 4K-N). The width and height of the centra is roughly the The bases of the neural arches of the posterior middle caudals
same in these elements, which exhibit a slightly hexagonal shape in are restricted to the anterior half of the centrum. Neural arches are
anterior view. The centrum length is twice longer than high. A low, being less than 40% of the vertebral height. The neural spines
shallow dorsal concavity is present on the posterior portion of the are posteriorly inclined, forming an angle of around 35 degrees

Fig. 6. Anterior middle caudal vertebra of Pellegrinisaurus powelli (MPCA-Pv 1500/9) in anterior (A), right lateral (B) and posterior views. A fragment of the prezygapophysis of the
following vertebra is marked with an asterisk. Striped areas indicate broken and/or covered with plaster surfaces. Scale bars equal to 10 cm. Abbreviations: dt: dorsal tuberosity.

I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

with respect to the main axis of the centrum. These are dorso- views (Fig. 7D). Contrary to other deformations recorded in this
ventrally and laterally compressed. As pointed out by Salgado individual, this particular osteological feature does not appear to be
(1996), the neural spines are anteroposteriorly elongated, with a preservation artifact, being possibly related with an osseous
their anterior edges located above the level of the posterior ones. pathology.
Although the posterior margins of the neural spines are posteriorly As in the middle caudal vertebrae, the bases of the neural
displaced, they never reach the anterior margin of the posterior arches are restricted to the anterior half of the centrum. However,
articular surface. The dorsal margin of the neural spines is straight. the anterior border of the bases is comparatively more posteriorly
Prezygapophyses are incompletely preserved. They surpass the displaced, leaving a wider space between them and the dorsal
anterior margin of the centra and appear to be oriented forming a margin of the anterior centrum edge. Therefore, the surface of the
low angle (around 12 degrees) with the main axis of the centrum. centrum occupied by the base of neural arch reduces gradually
Postzygapophyses are posteriorly displaced, located above the towards the posterior caudal vertebrae. The neural arches are
posterior half of the centrum. They are elliptical, with their longest proportionally lower than in the middle caudal vertebrae, being
axes anteroposteriorly oriented. Their posterior edges do not sur- equal or less than 33% of the vertebral height. As in the middle
pass the posterior margins of the neural spines. The post- caudal vertebrae, the neural spines are laterally compressed and
zygapophyseal facets are lateroventrally oriented. anteroposteriorly elongated. The dorsal margin of the neural
spines is straight. The anterior margin of the neural spines is just
4.2.3. Posterior caudal vertebrae above the level of the posterior one, at least up to the element
The posterior caudal vertebrae are represented by the last MPCA-Pv 1500/23. The dorsal margin of the neural spines of the
twelve preserved elements of the caudal series (MPCA-Pv 1500/19- posteriormost vertebrae is approximately at the same level as the
30). The general morphology of the centra is simpler than in the dorsal margin of the prezygapophyses. The posterior margin of the
anterior and middle caudal vertebrae (Figs. 4OeU, 7AeD). In this neural spines is posteriorly displaced, located at the level of the
regard, transverse processes and the associated dorsal tuberosity, anterior border of the posterior condyle. The preserved pre-
lateral blind fossae and large neurovascular foramina are absent. zygapophyses are very elongated, with their anterior margins
The centra are cylindrical and twice (or more) longer than high. The almost reaching the mid length of the preceding vertebra. The
width and height of the centra is rather the same in all the ele- same are oriented parallel to the main axis of the centrum. Pre-
ments. However, the anterior and posterior contours are difficult to zygapophyseal facets are medially oriented. Postzygapophyses are
evaluate because the elements are incomplete. Both lateral and mostly not preserved, but appear to be located above the posterior
ventral faces of the centra are convex. This feature becomes more half of the centrum.
pronounced towards the posteriormost elements. The posterior
articular condyle is only preserved in MPCA-Pv 1500/20, where it 4.3. Femur
occupies about 12% of the centrum length. Its apical border is
located in the middle of the articulation. Chevron facets are not The only appendicular bone of the holotype corresponds to an
recorded in the posterior caudals. A particular feature is recorded incomplete left femur (MPCA-Pv 1500/31, Fig. 8A-C). Both proximal
on the right lateral side of the elements MPCA-Pv 1500/21 and and distal ends of the femur are missing. By overlapping the
MPCA-Pv 1500/21, in the place of the articulation between these silhouette of the femur with the one of the titanosaur Patagotitan
elements. In this area, a distinct protuberance of both elements is mayorum, we estimated that the preserved portion corresponds to
recorded, which is more clearly observed in dorsal and ventral about 61% of the total bone length, which approximate measures

Fig. 7. Posterior caudal vertebrae of Pellegrinisaurus powelli (MPCA-Pv 1500/21 and 22) in anterior (A), left lateral (B), posterior (C) and dorsal (D) views. Note the bulging
appearance of the articular area in the right side (black arrow). Scale bars equals to 5 cm.

I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

83 cm, and indicating a total reconstructed size of 1.4 m. The located between the lateral bulge and the trochanteric shelf ex-
minimum circumference of the shaft is 55.5 cm. A prominent hibits a rough surface. The fourth trochanter is reduced to a long,
lateral bulge is developed between the level of the femoral head poorly developed ridge with a rough surface. It is located in the
and the beginning of the fourth trochanter. The posterior surface of posteromedial margin of the shaft, on the proximal third of the
the proximal end exhibits a distinct trochanteric shelf on the lateral femur. Lateral to the fourth trochanter and on the posterior aspect
region. This structure is oriented parallel to the lateral bulge, sur- of the femoral shaft there is a well-developed muscle scar, possibly
passing the distal end of the fourth trochanter. The distinct fossa related to the insertion site of the caudofemoralis brevis (Borsuk-

Fig. 8. Incomplete left femur of Pellegrinisaurus powelli (MPCA-Pv 1500/31) in anterior (A), medial (B) and posterior views. Striped areas indicate broken and/or covered with plaster
surfaces. Scale bars equal to 10 cm. Abbreviations: cas: caudofemoralis brevis attachment site; fc: femorotibialis crest; ft: fourth trochanter; lb: lateral bulge; plr: posterolateral
ridge; ts: trochanteric self.

I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

Białynicka 1977). There is a very low, dorsoventrally elongated crest Pellegrinisaurus powelli), two new characters (419 and 420), and the
along the midline of the anterior surface of the shaft, which begins inclusion of an additional state in two already used character (236 and
at the level of the fourth trochanter and appears to correspond with 251) (see Supplementary Material). Scores of Choconsaurus and Nul-
the femorotibialis crest (i.e. linea intermuscularis cranialis) (Otero lotitan are based on publications (Simo  n et al., 2017; Novas et al.,
2010). The posterior side of the shaft exhibits a low but distinct 2019) and personal observations of the materials (JLC and LS), and
longitudinal ridge, which is laterally displaced and corresponds to those from Diamantinasaurus were based on the holotype specimen
the distal extension of the trochanteric self. The midshat is elliptical described by Poropat et al. (2015). Choconsaurus scores are solely
in cross-section, with a transverse diameter of about 162% the based on the holotype specimen. The resultant data matrix with 98
anteroposterior diameter. taxa and 420 characters was analyzed under equally weighted
parsimony analysis using TNT 1.5 (Goloboff and Catalano 2016). From
5. Femur histology the 420 characters, 24 were treated as ordered (characters 14, 61, 100,
102, 109, 115, 127, 132, 135, 136, 167, 180, 196, 257, 260, 277, 279, 280,
The samples show a poor preservation; however, the main 282, 300, 304, 347, 353, and 355). We conducted two tree searches,
histological features are discernible. In transverse section, the the first one under equally weighted (EWA; Equally Weighted Anal-
posterior side of the sample displays both compact and cancellous ysis) and a second one under implied weighted (IWA; Implied
bone (Fig. 9A). The medullar region exhibits thick trabeculae Weighted Analysis).
enclosing intertrabecular spaces of varying sizes (Fig. 9B). These The first tree search was performed, under equally weighted,
cavities are surrounded by centripetally deposited layers of sec- using the New Technologies search tool, conducting the search up
ondary lamellar bone. The trabecular bone contains remains of find 25 MPTs (Most Parsimonious Trees). The procedure retrieved
secondary osteons. Some primary osteons are also visible. The 114 MPTs of 1508 steps, which were subjected to a second round
transition into the cortical bone is gradual. The cortex mostly of TBR finding >400.000 MPTs. The large amount of MPTs recov-
consists of secondary tissue formed during at least three genera- ered is the result of the presence of 12 polytomies in the strict
tions (Fig. 9C). The secondary osteons predominate from the inner consensus tree and the large number of possible resolutions of
to the mid cortex, and their density decrease towards the outer them. Five of them include seven or more lineages, one of them is
cortex. In fact, no secondary osteons are recorded in the sub- present amongst rebbachisaurids (caused by the multiple posi-
periosteal margin. Remains of parallel fibered bone tissue are tions that Rayososaurus agrioensis can take amongst rebbachi-
visible between the secondary osteons of the mid cortex (Fig. 9D). saurids). The other four major polytomies amongst
This tissue is similar to the “modified laminar bone” (MLB) re- Titanosauriformes includes unresolved relationships amongst
ported by Klein et al. (2012). According to these authors, the MLB brachiosaurids, basal somphospondylans, lognkosaurs, and
consists of a primary tissue where the scaffolding of the fibrola- derived lithostrotians (Fig. S1). Pellegrinisaurus is recovered as part
mellar bone, which usually is laid down as matrix of woven bone, of the polytomy that includes five lithostrotians, with this lineage
is laid down as parallel fibered or lamellar bone matrix. The sec- being part of a larger polytomy that includes several non-
ond feature of this MLB is the arrangement of the vascular spaces, colossosaur titanosaurians. The unstable positions of Malargüe-
which corresponds with a laminar pattern. Radial vascular spaces saurus florenciae, and Ninjatitan zapatai are causing the polytomies
are also present in the sampled element. Additionally, remains of amongst basal somphospondylans and lognkosaurs respectively
longitudinal primary osteons coated with a thick layer of lamellar (Fig. S2). Once these three taxa were pruned from the MPTs and
tissue are visible in some areas between the secondary bone the repeated MPTs were deleted from the trees in memory (using
(Fig. 9E). Primary osteons in early stages of development (i.e. the command unique) a total of 81,279 trees were conserved. The
containing few layers of lamellar bone) are observed at the polytomy recovered within derived titanosaurs, which includes
outermost portion of the cortex (Fig. 9F). Pellegrinisaurus, and 11 taxa, can be completely resolved if
A peculiar feature is recorded in the outer cortex of the Tapuiasaurus macedoi and Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis are
sample, on the posterior side of the shaft. In this region, several excluded from the strict consensus, which can be recovered in
large (from 1 to 3 mm of diameter) erosion cavities of irregular multiple positions (Fig. 10A). Pellegrinisaurus is recovered as a
shape are recorded (Fig 9A). The gross microanatomy of this derived lithostrotian, closely related to Nullotitan, with Alamo-
unusual tissue is easily observed even with the naked eye and saurus and Baurutitan as successive sister taxa (see below for a
consists of irregular spaces bounded by thin bony struts which more complete discussion).
give it an appearance of cancellous bone. The spaces between the The second analysis was performed under extended implied
bony struts are coated by a thin layer of lamellar bone tissue. The weightings (Goloboff 2014) and using a k (concavity constant; see
remains of primary bone tissue located in the non-remodeled Goloboff 1993) value of 9, instead of using the default value of 3 (see
areas between the large cavities consist of fibrolamellar bone. Goloboff et al., 2018; Mannion et al., 2019). The tree search was
Remains of secondary osteons are also visible in this portion of conducted using the New Technologies search tool, up find 25
the cortex (Fig. 9G). Osteocyte lacunae are numerous and are MPTs. This procedure retrieves 88,560 MPTs of 74.07751 steps. The
densely grouped. complete strict consensus tree present seven polytomies, being the
The outer cortex is interrupted by at least four single and double major one present amongst rebbachisaurids (Fig. S3), which is be-
lines of arrested growth (LAGs), which are recognized by a thin line ing caused by the multiple position in which Rayososaurus can be
that interrupts the cortex (Fig 9H). Sharpey's fibers are present in placed. Once Rayososaurus is pruned from the MPTs and repeated
several parts of the outer cortex (Fig. 9I). trees are deleted a total of 17,977 MPTs were kept in memory.
Pellegrinisaurus is recovered in a polytomy that includes this taxon
6. Phylogenetic analysis and eight more derived lithostrotians. If Nemegtosaurus is
excluded from the consensus this polytomy is completely resolved
In order to better understand the phylogenetic position of Pelle- (Fig. 10B). Pellegrinisaurus is recovered as a derived lithostrotian,
grinisaurus powelli amongst Titanosauria, we include the taxon into closely related to the clade formed by Trigonosaurus and
the data matrix recently published by Gallina et al. (2021), expanding Alamosaurus and with Baurutitan as the sister taxon of
the taxon sampling with the incorporation of four genera (Nullotitan Pellegrinisaurus þ (Trigonosaurus þ Alamosaurus) (see below for a
glaciaris, Diamantinasaurus matildae, Choconsaurus baileywillisi and more complete discussion).
I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

Fig. 9. Bone histology of the left femur of Pellegrinisaurus powelli (MPCA-Pv 1500/31). A, general view of the posterior cross section of the femur. Note the large resorption cavities in
the outer cortex and three line of arrested growth (black arrows head). B, trabeculae of the cancellous bone at the medullar region. Note the intertrabecular spaces surrounded by

I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

Fig. 10. Phylogenetic relationships Pellegrinisaurus powelli. A, equally weighted analysis, reduce consensus tree after pruning Tapuiasaurus and Nemegtosaurus, which possible
positions are indicated with the letters a and b respectively. B, implied weighted analysis, reduce consensus tree after pruning Nemegtosaurus, which possible positions are indicated
with the letter a. For the complete results see Figs. S1eS3 in the Supplementary Materials.

7. Anatomical description of caudal vertebra MCS-Pv 53 8. Discussion

This specimen consists of a single element, interpreted here as a 8.1. Diagnostic features of Pellegrinisaurus powelli
middle caudal, which includes an almost complete centrum and an
incomplete neural arch (Fig. 11A-C). Natural fractures reveal that The anatomical review of the holotype of Pellegrinisaurus powelli
pneumatic cavities are absent in both the centrum and the neural provided here allows us to review the original diagnosis of Salgado
arch. The vertebral centrum is strongly procoelous, with a deep (1996). Considering dorsal vertebrae, Salgado (1996) proposed two
concave anterior face that is slightly wider than high. Excluding the diagnostic features: 1- dorsal centra strongly depressed and, 2- trans-
articular condyle, the centrum is slightly longer than high. The verse width of the centrum of the posterior dorsal vertebrae approxi-
posterior articular face has a heart-shaped outline, with its dorsal mately twice the maximum dorsoventral depth. These characters,
margin wider (almost twice) than the ventral one. The condyle is however, are only recorded in two of the dorsal vertebrae analyzed
well developed, occupying almost 30% of the entire centrum length. (MPCA-Pv 1500/2 and MPCA-Pv 1500/4). Furthermore, such features
The apical margin of the condyle is dorsally displaced. The anterior are attributed to a substantial dorsoventral compressional deformation
margin of the centrum is inclined, with its ventral portion poste- suffered by the centra, which is evidenced by prominent displaced
riorly displaced and forming an angle of approximately 63 degrees fractures on the anterior and posterior sides of each element.
with the main axis of the centrum. The lateral surfaces of the Regarding the caudal vertebrae, two diagnostic characters were
centrum are slightly concave and strongly lateroventrally oriented. proposed by Salgado (1996): 1- midposterior and posterior caudals
This inclination of the lateral surfaces results in a narrow ventral with anteroposteriorly elongated and dorsoventrally depressed
surface. Chevron facets are distinct in the posterior face, where they neural spines and 2- anterior end of the neural spine placed at a
enclose a ventral furrow. Due to the incompleteness of the element, higher position than the posterior end in mid posterior and pos-
it is not possible to determine the presence of transverse processes. terior caudals. The first character is widely distributed amongst
The base of the neural arch occupies the anterior half of the titanosaurs (e.g. Malawisaurus dixeyi Ophistocoelicaudia skarzynskii,
centrum. The neural canal has an oval shape, being slightly wider Alamosaurus sanjuanensis, Baurutitan britoi; Gilmore 1946; Borsuk-
than high. Although the neural spine is not preserved, it appears to Bialynicka 1977; Gomani 2005; Kellner et al., 2005), so we consider
be posteriorly inclined. Only the bases of the prezygapophyses are that this is not diagnostic of Pellegrinisaurus. The second character,
preserved. These are robust and inclined, forming and angle of 12 which is always present in combination with the first one, is also
degrees with the main axis of the centrum. There is a small but present in at least two taxa: Alamosaurus sanjuanensis and Baur-
deep fossa (spinoprezygapophyseal fossa) at the base of the neural utitan britoi (Gilmore 1946; Kellner et al., 2005). Due to the close
spine, between the bases of the prezygapophyses. The post- phylogenetic relationship between Pellegrinisaurus and Alamosau-
zygapophyses are not preserved. rus, which form a clade with Nullotitan or Trigonosaurus (depending

lamellar bone. Polarized light. C, detail of the mid cortex showing three generations of secondary osteons (white arrows head). Normal transmitted light. D, detail of the mid cortex
showing parallel fibered bone under polarized light. Note the remodeling by secondary osteons. E, primary osteons of the mid cortex which exhibit thick layers of lamellar bone.
Polarized light. F, modified laminar bone at the outer cortex. Note that the primary osteons exhibit few layers of lamellar bone surrounding the vascular space. Polarized light. G,
detailed view of the bony struts of the unusual tissue. Note the remains of woven bone and a secondary osteon. Normal transmitted light. H, outer cortex showing lines of arrested
growth (white arrows head). Polarized light. I, outer cortex showing extensive areas dark (white arrows) by the presence of Sharpey's fibers. Polarized light. Scale bars equal:
1 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B, I), 0.3 mm (C, G-H) and 0.2 mm (DeF). Abbreviations: RC: resorption cavity; IS: intertrabecular space; LB: lamellar bone; SO: secondary osteons; PFB: parallel-
fibered bone; PO: primary osteons; WB: woven bone.

I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

Fig. 11. Middle caudal vertebra MCS-Pv 53 in anterior (A), right lateral (B) and posterior (C) views). Scale bar equals to 10 cm.

on the analysis) (Fig. 10), the second character is optimized as a Thus, our observations concur with the idea of the intense Haver-
synapomorphy of this clade. sian remodeling in Titanosauria.
The anatomical redescription of the holotype of Pellegrinisaurus To date, the unusual tissue observed in the outer cortex of the
powelli allows us to propose three new diagnostic characters for sample has not been reported in any other sauropod. The position of
this taxon. The first one is observed in the anterior caudal vertebrae the large resorption cavities near of the outer cortex is unexpected
and consists of the presence of prominent blind fossae (“pleuro- because the remodeling is often more intense deeper within the
coels”) with well-developed dorsal rims in their dorsal margins. bone cortex. The reason for such intense remodeling in this partic-
Although the presence of lateral fossae in anterior caudal vertebra ular region of the cortex is elusive. A possible explanation could be
has been reported in other titanosaurs, such as Patagotitan that is the product of microcracks (microdamage) in the bone cortex.
(Carballido et al., 2017), Nullotitan (Novas et al., 2019) and Ninjatitan Several studies have shown that microdamage is a significant factor
(Gallina et al., 2021), the distinct rim in the dorsal border is unique in the initiation of intracortical bone remodeling (Burr et al., 1985;
to Pellegrinisaurus. The other diagnostic character of Pelle- Mori and Burr 1993; Bentolila et al., 1998; Lee et al., 2002). Other
grinisaurus is recorded in the posterior side of the femoral shaft and stimuli such as hormonal and metabolic changes also cause bone
femur and consist with the presence of a low longitudinal ridge remodeling (Lee et al., 2002). Nevertheless, as previously
located on the posterolateral area (Fig. 8C). An elongated longitu- mentioned, the resorption cavities depart from the typical second-
dinal ridge (i.e. extending to the distal third of the shaft) on the ary osteons morphology. The causes of the origin of the unusual
posterolateral side of the femur has been only recorded in Rape- tissue should be explored with more detail in future studies.
tosaurus krausei, Jainosaurus septentrionalis, and an indeterminate
titanosaur from the Maastrichtian of the southern Pyrenees (Curry 8.3. Taxonomical assignment of MCS-Pv 53
Rogers 2009; Wilson et al., 2011b; Vila et al., 2012).
In their review of Patagonian sauropodomorphs, Salgado and
8.2. Ontogenetic stage of Pellegrinisaurus powelli MPCA-Pv 1500 Bonaparte (2007) referred to Pellegrinisaurus powelli a single mid-
dle caudal vertebra (MCS-Pv 53), which has been here described
Bone histology provides valuable information regarding the and figured. Such assignment, however, is not supported by the
ontogenetic stage of Pellegrinisaurus powelli MPCA-Pv 1500. The anatomical features recorded in the element. First, diagnostic
absence of an Outer Circumferential Layer (OCL, i.e. peripheral band characters of Pellegrinisaurus are absent in the element, irrespective
of lamellar or parallel fibered bone with closely packed growth of which diagnosis is considered (the original provided by Salgado
lines, also referred as External Fundamental System) in the sampled 1996 or the new here proposed). Second, the MCS-Pv 53 strongly
femur reveals that the individual was not somatically mature at differs from the morphology of middle caudal vertebrae of Pelle-
time of death (Chinsamy Turan 2005). Nevertheless, since the grinisaurus holotype, so it cannot be considered as cf. Pelle-
possibility that an OCL could be present in the specimen but lost grinisaurus. Comparing with other titanosaurs from the same
prior to histological sampling (e.g. during field extraction) can not locality (i.e. Neuquensaurus australis and Laplatasaurus araukanicus)
entirely ruled out, the subadult condition of the individual is MCS-Pv 53 clearly differs from the caudal vertebrae of Neu-
tentative. Using the criteria proposed by Klein and Sander (2008) quensaurus, which are dorsoventrally compressed, with a wide and
for histological ontogenetic stage (HOS) determination in concave ventral surface and pneumatized neural arches (Powell
sauropod dinosaurs, the microstructure of MPCA-Pv 1500 corre- 2003; Salgado et al., 2005; Zurriaguz and Cerda 2017). Regarding
sponds with a HOS 10. Since sexual maturity is apparently reached Laplatasaurus araukanicus, the only specimen referable to this taxon
at the HOS 8, the current data indicates that the specimen MPCA-Pv correspond with the lectotype, which only consist of a tibia and
1500 correspond with a sexually mature subadult individual. fibula (Gallina and Otero 2015), precluding a proper comparison
Recent studies have proposed that titanosaurs show a higher with MCS-Pv 53. In sum, considering the absence of diagnostic
degree of Haversian remodeling compared with other sauropods characters at a generic level, we refer specimen MCS-Pv 53 to
(Klein et al., 2009, 2012; Stein et al., 2010; Company 2011). This Titanosauria indet.
feature was documented only in the largest (i.e., oldest) specimens
of basal neosauropods and basal macronarians (Klein and Sander 8.4. Phylogenetic relationships of Pellegrinisaurus powelli
2008). According to this, the histology of the femur of MPCA-Pv
1500 exhibits extensive secondary reconstruction from the inner In the two analyses here presented (under equally and extended
to the mid cortex (with at least three generation of secondary implied weighted) Pellegrinisaurus is recovered as a non-saltasaurid
osteons), in an apparently not fully grown individual (subadult). titanosaurian, as in most phylogenetic analyses in which it was
I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

included, with the main exception of the data set used by Gorscak (here scored as “pleurocoels”) on the lateral surface of the centrum
and O'Connor (2016) and analyses derived from it (Sallam et al., in anterior caudal vertebrae (character 232) and; 2- transversely
2018; Gorscak and O'Connor 2019). Nevertheless, in these ana- concave ventral surface of the caudal centrum. As previously
lyses the inclusion of Pellegrinisaurus as a Saltasauridae, is not based mentioned, the presence of large blind fossae is an uncommon
on the different derived position of it but on the unusual positions character amongst titanosaurs, only reported in Patagotitan
in which Saltasaurus and Opisthocoelicaudia (the specifier taxa of (Carballido et al., 2017), Nullotitan (Novas et al., 2019), Ninjatitan
Saltasauridae) are recovered. In the present analyses Pelle- (Gallina et al., 2021), Savannasaurus (Poropat et al., 2020) and Pel-
grinisaurus is recovered as a closely related taxon to Alamosaurus legrinisaurus. Markedly concave ventral surface of the caudal
and Baurutitan, with Baurutitan recovered in both analyses as the centrum (character 233) is observed, amongst titanosaurians, in a
basal taxon of this clade (Fig. 10A, B), which depends on the ana- few taxa such as Saltasaurus, Opisthocoelicaudia, Drusilasaurus, and
lyses could include to Nullotitan or Pellegrinisaurus. In the equally Andesaurus.
weighted analysis Nullotitan (from the Campanian of Santa Cruz) is Irrespective of the criterium followed for the analyses here
recovered as the sister taxon to Pellegrinisaurus, and with Alamo- presented (EWA or IWA) the strength relationships between
saurus (from the Maastrichtian of North America) as the sister clade Baurutitan, Pellegrinisaurus and Alamosaurus were recovered in
of them (Fig. 10A). Under the extended implied weighted analysis both searches. As mentioned above most previous analyses co-
Pellegrinisaurus is recovered as the sister taxon of Alamosaurus plus incides in recovered Pellegrinisaurus from the Upper Cretaceous of
Trigonosaurus (from the Campanian-Maastrichtian of Brazil). Argentina with Alamosaurus from the Upper Cretaceous of North
Whereas in both analyses Nullotitan and Trigonosaurus are recov- America. Other analyses that do not include Pellegrinisaurus in their
ered as lithostrotians, Notocolossus is recovered as a lithostrotian in taxon sampling showed a closer relationship between the north
the EWA or as a colossosaur titanosaurian, closely related to the American titanosaur and saltasaurid titanosaurians (a clade defined
origin of Lognkosauria in the extended IWA (Fig. 10). The position by Opisthocoelicaudia from the Upper Cretaceous of Asia and Sal-
here recovered for Nullotitan (included for the first time in a tasaurus from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina) (e.g., Salgado
phylogenetic analysis) contrasts with that originally proposed by et al., 1997b; Wilson 2002; Upchurch et al., 2004; Carballido and
Novas et al. (2019) as a colossosaur titanosaurian. Sander 2014; Poropat et al., 2015; Carballido et al., 2017). The
In both analyses the clade formed by Baurutitan and more phylogenetic results here presented have a direct impact on the
derived lithostrotians (MDL) is supported by two common syna- present hypothesis surrounding the sauropod hiatus in North
pomorphic characters. 1- presence of a dorsal tuberosity on the America (see D'Emic et al., 2010; Mannion and Upchurch 2011; and
transverse processes of anterior caudal vertebrae (character 236). D'Emic and Foreman 2012 for a recent discussion on it). Based on
Amongst this clade such dorsal tuberosity if present in Baurutitan, the supposed relationships between Alamosaurus and other tita-
Alamosaurus, and Pellegrinisaurus, it is also present in Trigonosaurus nosaurs from South America and Asia it was suggested that derived
(which is part of this clade in the IWA) and is not present in Nul- titanosaurs dispersed to North America from either Asia or South
lotitan (part of this clade in the EWA). Outside this clade, the dorsal America (Lucas and Hunt 1989; Wilson and Sereno 1998; D'Emic
tuberosity is convergently acquired in Epachthosaurus and some et al., 2010). Based on our results it is much more plausible to
euhelopodids (Huabeisaurus and Xiangshanosaurus). 2- ante- explain the presence of Alamosaurus as a dispersion from South
roposteriorlly elongated neural spine (around the half of the America than Asia, as such hypothesis is supported by the re-
centrum length) which anterodorsal edge is above the poster- lationships of Alamosaurus with the Argentinean and Brazilian
odorsal one (character 420). Amongst scored taxa this character is Upper Cretaceous titanosaurs Baurutitan, Pellegrinisaurus and
solely present in Baurutitan, Alamosaurus and Pellegrinisaurus. perhaps Nullotitan or Trigonosaurus (depending on the criterium
Under the IWA the clade formed by Pellegrinisaurus and MDL is followed for the analysis).
supported by one character, vertically oriented neural spines in
posteriormost anterior and middle caudal vertebrae (character 9. Conclusions
257). Whereas the neural spines of most titanosaurs are posteriorly
directed, in Pellegrinisaurus and Alamosaurus it is vertically ori- A complete preparation and detailed study of the holotype
ented. The more derived clade formed by Alamosaurus and Trig- specimen of Pellegrinisaurus powelli MPCA 1500 provides a wealth
onosaurus is supported by one derived character, the presence of a of new information on the anatomy, diagnosis, and phylogenetic
slightly developed dorsal tuberosity on the transverse processes of position of this taxon. The diagnostic characters originally proposed
anterior caudal vertebrae (character 419). This less development of by Salgado (1996) are here considered invalid because, either they
the dorsal tuberosity contrast to the high development of such are due to diagenetic deformations, or they are widely distributed
structure in Pellegrinisaurus and Baurutitan, convergently strongly amongst titanosaurs. The new diagnostic features are the presence
developed in Epachthosaurus and Xianshanosaurus. of large lateral blind fossae with distinct dorsal rims in the anterior
Under the EWA the clade formed by Alamosaurus and MDL is caudal centra, and the presence of a low longitudinal ridge on the
supported by two synapomorphies. 1- anterior caudal vertebrae posterior side of the femur shaft. Regarding its phylogenetic posi-
with a lateral pneumatic foramen (character 228). The presence of a tion, Pellegrinisaurus is recovered as non-saltasaurid lithostrotian,
lateral pneumatic foramen in anterior caudal vertebrae is an un- closely related with Alamosaurus sanjuanensis. The recognized
common character amongst titanosaurs, and among this clade is microstructural features suggest a subadult (i.e. sexually mature
present in Alamosaurus, Pellegrinisaurus and Nullotitan (under this but still growing) ontogenetic stage for Pellegrinisaurus powelli
analysis a monophyletic clade) and is convergently acquired in MPCA 1500. Finally, anatomical review of a caudal vertebra previ-
Saltasaurus and in Ninjatitan and Patagotitan. 2- elongated ventral ously assigned to Pellegrinisaurus reveals that the same can only be
longitudinal hollows in anterior and middle caudal vertebrae assigned to Titanosauria indet.
(character 251). This character is present in Alamosaurus and Pel-
legrinisaurus, differing from the shorter ventral hollows of Nulloti- Acknowledgements
tan. Elongated ventral hollows are convergently acquired in
Saltasaurus and Opisthocoelicaudia. The sister relationships of Nul- The authors would like to thank Carlos Mun ~ oz (MPCA), Natalia
lotitan and Pellegrinisaurus, obtained in the EWA is based on the n Amigos del Museo of Cinco
Cides (MCS) and all the staff of Comisio
presence of two synapomorphies: 1- presence of large blind fossae Saltos for access to the specimens under their care. Jaime Powell
I. Cerda, V.L. Zurriaguz, J.L. Carballido et al. Cretaceous Research 128 (2021) 104957

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vation. We thank Jose n Group (Late Cretaceous, Neuque n Province,
bearing rocks in the Neuque
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Pv 53. Jorge Blanco has skillfully made the illustrations on Figs. 5, 6 Francillon-Vieillot, H., de Buffrenil, V., Castanet, J., Geraudie, J., Meunier, F.J., Sire, J.Y.,
Zylberberg, L., de Ricqle s, A., 1990. Microstructure and mineralization of
and 8. The constructive comments of Agustín Martinelli and Philip
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Mannion have greatly improved this manuscript. Sci-hub library Patterns, Processes and Evolutionary Trends. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York,
and Wikipaleo group shared valuable publications for this research. pp. 471e548.
Part of this project was developed with the financial support of Gallina, P.A., Apesteguía, S., 2015. Postcranial anatomy of Bonitasaura salgadoi
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2015-2021 to I.A.C and PICT-1925 to J.L.C). Gallina, P.A., Otero, A., 2015. Reassessment of Laplatasaurus araukanicus (Sauropoda:
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