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Unibersidad de Manila (UDM)


Atty. Michael Felipe Mercado

I. COURSE TITLE : Alternative Dispute Resolution


The subject pertains to the study of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Law in the
Philippines that covers the different kinds of dispute resolution mechanisms. The course
will cover the brief history, relevance and importance. It discusses the difference between
litigation and other modes of ADR, with focus on arbitration. The Methodology includes
case digest, reporting, and class discussion.



a) To help students understand the different modes of resolution processes and how
they differ from each other.
b) To inform student why ADR is the preferred mode of settling disputes between
parties as compared to court litigation.
c) To increase awareness on how ADR is being utilized in the Philippines and other
countries to settle conflicts.

VI. Sources/Materials:
1. ADR Law or RA 9285 -
2. Special ADR Rules or A.M. No. 07-11-08-SC, September 1, 2009 -
3. PDRCI Rules -
4. Case Law


1. General Principles and Concepts

A. What is ADR
B. The Philippines Legal System
C. Definitions of Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Mini-Trial, Early Neutral
Evaluation, Mediation Arbitration
D. Policy Consideration of the ADR Law

2. Brief History of ADR in the Philippines

3. Arbitration
A. What is Commercial Arbitration
B. International Arbitration vs. Domestic Arbitration
C. Why is it important to Distinguish between International Arbitration vs. Domestic
D. Arbitration vs. Litigation
E. Institutional vs. Ad Hoc Arbitration
F. Commercial Arbitration Bodies
G. Fruehauf Electronics Philippines Corporation vs. Technology Electronics Assembly
And Management Pacific Corporation G.R. No. 204197, November 23, 2016
• Commercial Arbitration vs. Government Arbitration (quasi-judicial body)

4. Arbitration Clause
A. What is an arbitration clause
B. What cannot be subject of arbitration
C. Form and contents/parts of Arbitration Clause
D. Seat of Arbitration (vs. venue of arbitration hearings)
E. Sample Clauses
F. Pathological clauses
G. Jurisdictional Issues (Competence-competence, separability, bifurcation, and
condition precedents)
H. Cases
a. Hutama-Rsea Joint Operations, Inc. vs. Citra Metro Manila Tollways
Corporation, G.R. No. 180640 , April 4, 2009
b. Tourism Infrastructure And Enterprise Zone Authority
vs. Global-V Builders Co.
(G.R. No. 219708, 3 October 2018)
c. Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Limited
vs. Sulpicio Lines, Inc.
G.R. No. 196072, 20 September 2017, 840 Scra 203
d. Frabelle Fishing vs. Phil American Life Insurance
(G.R. No. 158560, August 17, 2007)
e. Korea Technologies vs. Lerma And Pacific General Steel Manufacturing
Corporation(G.R. No. 143581 January 7, 2008)
f. Koppel Inc. Rotary Club Foundation (G.R. No. 198075, September 4, 2013)

5. Commencing Arbitration
B. Notice of Arbitration (Institutional)/Request for Arbitration (Ad hoc)
C. Parties
D. Cases
a. Prudential Guarantee and Assurance, Inc. v. Anscor Land, Inc., G.R. No.
177240 : September 08, 2010 (Y)
b. Stronghold Insurance Company, Inc. v. Spouses Stroem (G.R. No. 204689,
January 21, 2015 (N)
c. Lanuza vs. BF Corporation
G.R. No. 174938, October 1, 2014 (Y)
6. Arbitral Tribunal/Arbitrator
A. Number/Appointment
B. Court Intervention in the Appointment of arbitrators
C. Qualifications
D. Disqualification
E. Challenge

7. Court Intervention in the Arbitration Proceeding/Interim Measure of Protection

A. General Overview
B. Interim Measure of Protection

8. Arbitration Proper
A. Procedure
B. The Terms of Reference
C. Hearing
D. Exhibits
E. Award

9. Post Arbitration – Vacating/Setting Aside and/or Recognition and Enforcement of

Arbitral Award

10. CIAC, Trends and Updates

A. Cases
a. DENR vs. United Planner Consultants, Inc.
GR 212081, 23 February 2015
b. Global Medical Center of Laguna Inc. v Ross Systems International, Inc. (G.R.
230112/G.R. 230119), 11 MAY 2021

As of February 2022

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