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Unit 3 Please Send Me a Card 请寄 给我一 张明信 片

● Teaching Directions & Advice 教学指 导和建 议

建议课时:2 课时

● Language Targets 语言 目标
Key words
send postcard spoil public
friendly decision whole single
Key structures
1. I visited museums and sat in public gardens.
2. Then he lent me a book.
3. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends.
4. On the last day I made a big decision.
5. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single word.

Grammar focus——I visited museums and sat in public gardens.(动词过去式的变化)

1. 规则变化:
a. 一般情况:V +ed,
work——worked; play——played
b. 以不发音的字母 e 结尾, V+d,
live——lived; hope —— hoped
c. 重读闭音节,以一个辅音字母结尾时,先双写结尾辅音字母+ed.
stop —— stopped; plan——planned
d. 以辅音字母+y 结尾动词,将 y 变 i +ed,
worry—— worried; carry—— carried
2. 不规则变化:
be ——was/ were; do——did; see—— saw;
come —— came; go——went; take——took
1. How was your vacation?
2. What did you do last weekend?
3. I studied for the math test.
4. Today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis.

● Useful words 词汇
1. send v. 寄, 送
send a letter 寄信 .
send / take children to school 送孩子去上学

固定搭配 :
send sb sth = send sth to sb 送给某人某物;
类似的用法还有 give, take, pass, read, sell, teach.
send for 召唤,派人去请;
send sb. one’s love 代向…致意
eg. Last year my sister sent me a gift for birthday. 去年,我姐姐寄给了我一个生日礼物。
My grandfather is badly ill, please send for a doctor quickly.我爷爷病得厉害,快请个医生来。
Please send your mother my love. 请代我向你母亲问好。
同义辨析 :
take : 强调某人亲自送. take flowers to his wife 自己送
send:则是通过第三人去送, send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送
2. spoil (spoiling;spoilt 英式或 spoiled 美式)
vt.① 毁掉,破坏
n. ① 掠夺品,赃物
② 战利品
Postcards always spoil my holidays
The rain has spoilt my painting.
Mankind is warned to stop spoiling the environment.
The robbers ran away with their spoil(s).
Vegetables may spoil more quickly in hot weather if we don’t put them in the fridge.
☆ spoil for 迫切地想做,渴求做
☆ be spoiling for (口) 渴望…,对…跃跃欲试
eg. Many Chinese people are spoiling for taking part in the Olympic Games as volunteers.
同义辨 析:
break: 打破,break the windows 打破玻璃
damage: 破坏,(程度不一定很重)
destroy: 彻底摧毁
以上三个指物理变化,spoil: 主要指精神上,质量变坏
3. public adj. 公众的,公用的,公开的
public garden 公园
public opinion 公众舆论
public affairs 公众事务
public school 公立学校

eg. Most children go to the public primary schools.
固定搭 配:
☆ in public 公开地
eg. He is too shy to make speeches in public.
In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public if possible.
4. postcard n. 明信片
构词法 :
n. + n.——> n.
post +card ——>postcard
eg. classroom; pencilcase;
notebook; basketball
拓展 ::
post office 邮局
postman 邮递员=mailman (Am.)
postmark 邮戳
postal code 邮政编码
联想记 忆 :
☆ an identity card 身份证
☆ a Christmas card 圣诞卡
☆ a get-well card 康复卡
5. friendly adj. 友好的,朋友般的 ☆ be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
☆ be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
eg. He is friendly to us all. 他对我们大家都很友好。
构词法 :
n. + ly——> adj.
eg. lovely 可爱的 brotherly 兄长般的
以 结尾形容词还有:
lonely 孤独的; silly 蠢的
6. lend [] vt.① 借给, 贷(款), 借出 给予; ② 增添 适宜于
lend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth.
Then he lent me a book.(NCEⅡL3)
Can you please lend me your pen?
lend money at interest
The dress lent charm to the girl.
固定搭配 :
☆ lend itself to +n./Ving 适合于
eg. The music doesn't lend itself to dancing.

同义辨 析:
lend: 借出;把东西借给别人
borrow: 借入;向别人借东西
borrow sth. from sb.
7. decision n. 选择;决定; a man of decision 果断的人
a man of decision 果断的人
eg. In the end, she made a difficult decision.
Have they reached a decision yet?
☆ reach a decision
☆ make a decision
☆ come to a decision
☆ arrive at a decision
拓展 :
decide [] v. 决定
decide to do sth. = make up one’s mind to do sth. 决定作…
eg. Today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis.
8. whole adj. 全部的,整个的
fishing with grandpa the whole day
a whole day 一整天
three whole years 整整三年
the whole body 全身
the whole truth 全部真相
the whole world
eg. They told me the whole story.
同义辨 析:
whole: 强调一个事物或东西的整体
all: 表示包含所有事物或东西在内,多至三个或三个以上
9. single adj. ① 单一的,惟一的;②未婚的,独身的 单独一人的
1 单一的,惟一的;
2 未婚的,独身的
3 单独一人的
single parent family 单亲家庭
a single ticket 单程车票
a single bed 单人床——a double room 双人间
remain single 尚未结婚——
eg. I’m single now, but my sister has got married.

Deng Yaping was number1 women’s singles player in the ITTF from 1993 to 1998.
邓亚萍曾荣获 93 年至 98 年期间国际乒乓球联合会女子单打冠军称号。
同义辨 析:
single 强调“一个的”、“仅此一个的”,
She buys a single new dress each year.
only 系常用语, 着重“仅有一个(或一批)的”, 含“不会再多的”之意,
This is the only example I can give you.

● Useful Sentences 课文
1. I visited museums and sat in public gardens.
句子结 构:
and 连接两个并列谓语,表动作先后发生。
eg. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. (NCEⅡL3)
Let’s go and have a look.
visit v./ n.参观,拜访某人或某地
相关短 语:
☆ visit sw./ sb.
☆ pay a visit to sw. /sb.
☆ call on sb.
☆ call at sw.
☆ drop in (不提前通知的拜访)
eg. I want to pay a visit to the Great Wall if I go to China.
Tina often calls on her grandparents on the weekends.
Last vacation, I went back to my hometown and dropped in my former teacher.
He calls at every house in the street once a month. (NCEⅡL6)
2. Then he lent me a book. 然后他借给我一本书
句子结 构:
很多动词可带两个宾语,即直接宾 语,间接 宾语。
直接宾 语: 通常指事物;
间接宾 语: 通常指人
间接宾语一般在直接宾语前 S+V+InO+DO.如:give sb. sth.
但也可以把直接宾语放在间接宾语之前,直宾与间宾中间需加入介词 to 或 for.
A: 动词 + 直宾 + to + 间宾
eg. He lent me a book.= He lent a book to me.
We showed him the photo.= We showed the photo to him.
He doesn’t owe me anything.= He doesn’t owe anything to me. 他不欠我什么。
bring, give, hand(交给), leave(留给), lend, pass, read,
take, teach, tell, write, throw, pay, sing, show, offer, owe(欠)
注:如果以上动词后用 for,则表示代 替某人做 某事 ,for 的宾语不是受物者。
① He wrote a letter to me. 他给我写了一封信。

② He wrote a letter for me. 他替我写了一封信。
③ He sold the house to me. 他把那所房子卖给了我。
④ He sold the house for me. 他替我把那所房子卖了。
B: 动词 + 直宾 + for + 间宾
eg. She called me a taxi.= She called a taxi for me.
She bought me a tie. = She bought a tie for me.
buy(给…买); call(给…叫); choose(给…挑选); cook (给…做饭);
do(给…干); fetch(给…取来); find (给…找到); get (给…弄到);
keep(替…保存); leave(给…留下); make(给…做/煮); order (给…点菜等);
3. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends.
句子结 构:
but 连接并列句。
eg. I like comedies, but I don’t like documentaries.
双宾语 :(见上个句式解读)
send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.
4. On the last day I made a big decision.
on the last day 作时间状语,
on +具体某一天(有特殊修饰)
eg. on Sunday;
on the weekends;
on Wednesday morning;
on a raining day
5. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single word.
spend the whole day 花了一整天时间
I’m good at spending but not at saving. 我善于花钱,而不善于存钱。
spend time on sth.
spend time (in) doing sth
It takes sb. some time to do sth.
eg.. How did kids spend the weekend?
It takes me about 25minutes to walk.
Those students spent an hour cleaning the classroom.
I spent a lot of effort on that drawing. 我在那张画上花费了许多心血
b. 花费钱
人+spend money on sth.
人+pay money for sth.
物+cost sb. some money
eg. How much did that shirt cost?
My brother paied 500 yuan for that MP3.

I spent 30 yuan on this book.

● Proverb
Spare the rod, spoil the child.

● Just for fun

Tongue Twister 绕口令
She sells sea shells on the sea shore.


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