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Pic of Lower incisor in cross-bite with upper incisors what is the cause of periodontal condition
- Lower arch crowding
- Traumatic occlusion

2. Repeated force load on the wire what it is called

- Hysteresis
- Resilient

3. Most common site of graft for cleft lip and palate patient
- Iliac crest
- Rib

4. Long story for case Class 2 division 1 and large overjet what is bracket should be used
- Roth
- Andrew
- Rickets

5. Technician double the wire diameter what is property of new wire

- Force increase 8 times and springiness decrease 16 times

6. Sleep apnea is diagnosed by

- Nasopharyngeal graph
- Cephalometric
- panorama

7. Condyle Hyperplasia in one side with red spot how to diagnose

- Technetium
- Cephalometric
- panorama

8. Class 1 with mild crowding in lower arch ,left premolar out buccally with midline shift to left side
(about 2-3 mm) how to correct this malocculsion
- Extract upper
- Extract upper and lower
- Distalization on right side
9. How to correct the rotation of rotated upper right and left 2nd premolars
- Couple force
- Place bracket more mesial

10. Upper 1 to FH is normal (104) , lower 1 is retroclined IMPA(86) , why interincial is increase
- Bimaxillary retrusion
There was no option that upper incisor normal and lower incisor retroclined

11. Bimaxillary surgery what kind of registration we need

- Semi-adjustable with face bow
- Semi adjustable without face bow

12. class III patient with Severe Bimaxillary protrusion , OJ almost edge to edge
- Extraction all 4
- Extraction of upper 5 and lower 4
- Extraction of upper 1st premolar

13. 3 year old with thump sucking and mother concern about open bite and ask you if this harm
her son your answer will be
- Depend on frequency
- No,If he stop there habit until mixed dentition

14. Class III skeletal and molar relations, incisor edge to edge, upper severe crowding, lower mild
with slight protrusive lower incisors all 1st permanent molar have amalgam restoration
- Extraction upper and lower 6
- Upper molar and lower 5
- Upper 5 and lower 4

15. X-ray show there is a mass small size around Upper incisor root (not touch it only beneath)
- Removal of mass before Ortho with bone graft
- removal of mass before ortho

16. Intrusion per month

- 0.5 mm
- 1 mm
- 2 mm
17. Definition of morality
- Professional code
- Something about equality in the society

18. Incompetent patient

- Dementia
- Terminal illness
- Kidney transplant
19. Why you don’t place ceramic bracket in lower arch
- Abrasion of upper canine tip
- Abrasion of upper premolar tip
- Abrasion of lower canine tip
- Abrasion of lower premolar tip

20. Transposition in mixed dentition (late or early not mentioned) without picture
- Upper canine
- Lower lateral

21. Lower 5 cause distal root resorption of 2nd primary molar and distal portion of premolar under
mesial cusp of 1 molar
- Ectopic eruption
- Ankylosis

22. Wit appraisal

- Point A and Point B to occlusal plane

23. Sassouni analysis picture asking what is this analysis

24. Splint when to removed

- 2 week after surgery when healing and condition is good
- At 1st visit when you inserts the stabilization wire

25. Orthodontic Patient come finishing treatment with mobile and hopeless teeth
- Active periodontal disease
- Heavy force during canine retraction
26. Force the caused undermined desorption
- Heavy pressure
- Intrusion
- extrusion

27. Canine impacted palatally, doctors want to extract the canine and premolar in his treatment
pane he will used headgear, why
- AP anchorage demand
- Tansverse anchorage demand
- Vertical anchorage demand
- AP + transverse anchorage demand

28. 2nd primary molar was lost, mesial tipping of 1st molar, how to regain the space
- Fixed appliance
- Lingual arch
- Band and loop

29. Right upper incisor with anterior crossbite and there is space for correction it
- Start to Correct crossbite with simple appliance
- Wait until complete eruption of incisors
- Wait for complete eruption of permanent dentition

30. Lower primary canine was lost in one side

- Extract primary canine in other side, place lingual arch
- Wait and observe eruption of teeth

31. Distance from implant to adjacent root of tooth

- 1-1.5 mm
- 1.6-2 mm

32. one maxillary central incisor erupt before 1 year and the other central not erupt
- Panorama
- Bit wing
- Occlusal

33. What is error in magnification of Ceph x- ray

- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
34. Long story about patient class II with increase overjet what is best method for correction of
increase OJ
- Mini screw
- Nance

35. Upper arch with crowding upper 14mm and 11 mm in lower how to treat
- Extraction
- Expansion
- Distalization

36. Mandibular excess with Bolton ratio ( 3.5 mm or 4,5/mm)

- Extraction of lower incisor
- Extraction of premolar
(No IPR option )

37. Uprighting molar force

- 50-100g
- 100-150g

38. 2 picture , 1st picture: Crossbite (buccal cusp of upper contact the lingual cusp of lower), 2nd
picture: Crossbite ( buccal cusp of upper in central fossa of lower)(palatal vault not indicate
narrowing almost same )
- Hyrax for both
- Quad helix for both
- 1st quad helix and 2nd hyrax
- 2nd quad helix and 1st hyrax

39. Brachiocephalic with mandibular deficiency and deep-bite how treated

- Activator
- Headgear

40. How to locate impacted canine Buccolingually

- Panorama
- occlusal
41. Same question
- 2 periapical
- Periapical and occlusal

42. Why remove the elastic 3- 4 weeks

- Prevent rebound from over correction
- Interfere with vertical movement

43. Case picture with diastema (not mentioned) with canine impacted what is retention
- Hawley
- Upper fixed
- Vacuum

44. CL II with severe upper severe crowding, lower 2nd premolars impacted in bone without
crowding (only small space remaining)
- Extract upper 4s
- Extract upper 4s and surgical extraction of lower 2nd premolars

45. Patient has diastema and rotation of upper central incisor

- CSF with gingivectomy
- CSF with papilla split

46. In maximum opening the condyle and articulating disc movement

- Together anterior

47. When you are doing research and you want to mentioned other reference in your research
- Phrase the idea and concept and reference it
- Use exact word in original article and reference it

48. Deep bite problem is

- Vertical
- Anterior posterior
- Transverse

49. Patient has deep bite and incisor crown exposure is 6 mm how will you treat this case
- Intrusion of lower anterior
- Intrusion of upper anterior
- Intrusion of premolar
- Extrusion of premolar
50. What is the amount to expand in canine region
- 0-1mm
- 1-2mm

51. How much incisor expansion which need permanent retention

- 1mm
- 2mm

52. What is the most frequent missing teeth

- 3rd molar, upper lateral, lower 2nd premolar
- 1st molar, upper lateral, lower 2nd premolar

53. Shrpies fiber where is it located

- Cementum
- Apical part

54. Using smart self-ligating bracket

- Reduce chair time
- Reduce treatment duration
- Better control tooth movement

55. Increase in adult body size is related to

- Early start of growth
- Late start of growth
- Prolong duration of growth
- Short duration of growth
56- pic. with upper arch and impacted canine with Bolton Anterior:71.7, Overall: 87%, what's
the problem?
-upper ant. Excess
-lower ant. Excess
-upper post. Excess
-lower Post. Excess

58-pics. Case class II D 2 ask what bracket prescription and slot size u use:
-MBT 022
-MBT 018
-Roth 022
-Roth 018

59-mass beside the third molar in Panorama x-ray and ask what’s is this?
-para molar
-complex odontom
60- Healing Time after 3rd Molar extraction Before Orthognathic surgery?
- 6 months
-12 month
61-Pt 47y increase overjet, upper protrusion, increase overbite and has uneven gingival
margin what’s the reason for uneven gingival like that:
- gingival recession
- thin gingival sulci
- incisor abrasion
62-Pic Case with wide and the left central incisor has abnormal shape, and there is black
triangular between left lateral and central and asking why?
-alveolar crestal bone loss
-gingival recession
-cylinder tooth
-divergent root
63- pcs, Case female pt after 2 weeks of debonding she notices white marks on canine:
what u do:
-Micro abrasion
-restore by composite
-Icon infiltration
-acid etch with GIC.
62-bricket hidgkin lymphoma
-laceration and bleeding
-tumor re initiate and microsities

63-pics, Case girl 12years old with lateral Ceph and ask for Skeletal age of CVM stage ..
it confusing bwt CS3 and CS4!!

64- same case and asking about the time of Peak growth
-1y prior
-2y prior
-less than 1y prior
-less than 1y beyond

65-Pics, Case with class III orthognathic surgery with reverse over jet -7mm and full molar class
III and he is going to do bimax orthognathic surgery, What the molar classification gonna be
after surgery?
-semi class III
-Class III
-Class I
-Class II

66- Pics-Case with class III with lower incisor -6 torque, why -6 in the anterior?
- Maximize proclination
- Minimize proclination
- Maximize Retroclination
- Minimize Retroclination

67-swapping canine bracket improve

-class I
-class II
-class III

68-24- Case orthognathic surgery when we use the face bow:

-mandible advancment
-Lefort I max superior reposition
-Max advancement
-mand forward
69-26- The Time for inter maxillary fixation after surgery:
- 2-3 weeks

70- what is the Adverse event:

-adverse effect of using medication
-harm to the patient caused by medical team rather than the underlying medical condition of
the patient

71- Opioid drug what’s alarm that we should control use it:
- possibility of abuse it
-respiratory problem

72-Most common medical error in hospital:


73-81y senior doctor forgettable and write a wrong prescription for the patient and u try talk
to him but he became angry and denying!! What u do?
- tell ur colleague
- forget about him
- report him to administration

74-Drug research for doctor about to publish but u discover a side effect on one of the
patients, what u do?
-talk with the doctor
-report to institutional Review Board (IRB)
-tell the patient

75-Company ask you to describe a drug patient and they make you travel abroad:
-Conflict of interest

76-Referral Patient from another hospital and the doctor didn’t like the diagnosis and
treatment of the pt., the patient asks the doctor about the previous hospital treatment if it’s
good or not? What to do?
- tell the patient that all the treatment was wrong
- contact with doctor in the previous hospital and discuss
77- What’s the bone responsible for regulation of PDL?
-Tuberacule bone
-Alveolar bone proper????

78- Ceph with Class II div II with extruded incisor and normal Facial Height, what to do for Surgery?
-Extrude lower molars before Surgery.
-Extrude lower molars After Surgery
-Intrude lower Incisors Before Surgery.
-Intrude lower Incisors After Surgery

79- Distorted Niti after removal, what’s the problem?

-Bad manfucating
-tying very hard

80-49- Case with sever mobility of teeth what you will do?
-Stop treatment and remove occlusal force
-Fixed Stabilization

81-A 30 year old patient, previously had cleft lip and palate?
-early Primary
-late Primary
-Early secondary
-Late Secondary

82-case with deep bite, what’s the most common Relapse?


83-Mother came to you with her 8 years old child with lost primary canine on Right side and
mobile primary canine on left, what’s the cause?
-Tell her no problem because it’s a normal exfoliation.
-arch deficiency

84-How do you do retention for surgical expansion?

-Place heavy stabilizing archwire in headgear tube
-Place removable acrylic plate

85-What do you see in this superimposition in class II correction?

-upper molar extruded and moved a little bit mesially and lower molar intruded and moved
more mesially.
-Mandible moved downward forward

86-pics, case with moderate crowding and asking about the lower lip position, E-line= -4 (normal was -2)

87-Pic of case with CIII & severe crowding, what’s the angulation of the canine?
-Distal angulated
-Mesial angulated

88-another case with same question what’s the angulation of the canine?
-Distal angulated????
-Mesial angulated

89-Patient with TMD has pain and restricted mouth opening, and deviation what’s your Dx.?
- Arthritides????

90-Most common area for supernummary teeth?

-upper anterior
-lower premolars

91-case with increase cranial base angle and Increase of S-Ar-Go, acute labiomental fold and
complain of high rest lower lip line?
-Class I
-Class II Div I
-Class II Div II
-Class III

92-A case with ortho txt, has high mobility teeth,bad periodontal condition of the txt, why?
-Initiating orthodontic txt while having active periodontal disease.
-high force during canine retraction

93-When to do man. Advancement surgery?

-before growth spurt.
-While growing
-Adolescent growth spurt.
- with serial cephalomertic xray

94-Case show unilateral crossbite, what’s the case?

-bilateral max constriction.
-man. Is over expanded.

95-length of postsurgical orthodontics?

-3 months
-6 months
-9 months
-12 months

96-C II skeletal with a C I molar, Why?

-M rotation of U molars
-D rotation of L molars
-M rotation of L premolars
-D rotation of L premolars

97-case 4 year with missing lower primary 1st molar from one side, what to do?
-distal shoe
-band & loop
-lingual arch

98- 8 year case with missing lower primary 1st molar from one side, what to do?
-distal shoe
-band & loop
-lingual arch

99-Lee way space in LOWER arch?

1.5 mm on one side
2.5 mm on one side
1.5 mm on both sides
2.5 mm on both sides

100-What’s the first/best patient safety goal in a hospital (not sure)?

-using time out protocol for the team
-using at least two identification method

101- External healthcare quality improvement to improve care?

-Leadership commitment
-Electronic Health Records

102-Most common teeth with white spot lesion?

-Upper Lateral & lower canine and premolars

103-case came from rural area, what’s the defect on the teeth (more severe than this Pic)?
-Amelogenisis imperfecta
-Dentinogensis imperfect
-Tetracycline pigmentation

104-case debonds before 2 weeks and came with a lot of white spot lesion, Why?
-Remaining Composite
-enamel hypocalcification

105-Patient came and you gave him a medicine but then he develops red spot and rashes.
What’s the diagnosis?
-Hypersensitivity reaction

106-Advantages of self-ligating brackets?

-less friction
-less treatment times

107-Patient with infra occlusion on the molars, asking about how to diagnose this case?
-Occlusal radiograph

108-Pics, of class III case and they going to do bimax orthognathic surgery, and the
decompensation with MBT brackets, asking what the effect of MBT on the case?
-no effect

109-Case asking u how to do maxillary analysis, or how the diagnose the maxilla:
-Ponts analysis

110-The angle between the SN and the true vertical line if the patient position his head
Upward from the natural head position (NHP), asking this angle going to:
-no change
-no significant
111-Case with ectodermal dysphasia and the ortho doc going to do virtual treatment object ?
-to check the molar crown inclination with facial skeleton
-to check root inclination with alveolar bone housing
-to check the teeth crown with the soft tissues

112-What’s cell hyperotrophy:

-increase the size of the cell
-increase the number of the cell

113-Pics, Bolton case telling u after closing the lower anterior spaces and there are spaces left
in the upper anterior, asking why the doc can’t close it?
- lower anterior excess
- upper anterior discrepancy

114-what the size of stabilizing wire before starting ortho surgery in 018 slot:
- 017x022ss

115-what’s the problem when advance the mandible for like 12mm?
- Soft tissue tension
- Chin prominence

116-Another case with ortho treatment and you notice change in tooth color, after examination you found
that tooth loss vitality for the upper lateral? way?
- Juggling force
- Torque and intrusion????
- Extrusion

117-what’s the stationary anchorage?

-posterior bodily and anterior tipping
-adding second molar to anchorage teeth

118-pic for lower arch only, they said this case with cross bite and the ortho doc decided to put
a molar buccal tube with -20 degrees torque! Asking why?
- To have lingual root torque
- To have l buccal root torque

119-pics, class II case with upper 1st premolar extraction, asking what the anchorage
- low
- High
- Moderate

120-case with high canines both side upper, asking what the anchorage demands?
- Anterior-posterior Anchorage
- Vertical anchorage

121-ortho female case come to u with moderate gingivitis, what to do?

- deep Scaling and root planning
- improve the oral hygiene
- Gingivectomy

122-what’s the least stable orthognathic surgery?

- Maxilla foreword
- Genioplasty
- Mandible forwarder
- Maxilla wide

123-The teeth Equilibrium theory? Between what?

- Lip, tongue buccinator muscle
- Tongue, Lip, masseter muscle

124-how to check the Condylar disk position?

- Panorama
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Arthrography

125-How old the patient who has erupted upper canines and lower second premolars?
- 11y
- 10y
- 15y
- 12y

126-hemiseptal bone defect?

- two wall
- three wall
- four wall
- one wall

127-Ceph pics with arow to a frontal surface of the chin, asking what’s this point?
- Pog
- Gn
- Mn
- Po

128-when u do frenectomy for diastema case? (there weren’t ant pics or xray!!)
- after debonding
- after partial diastema space closure????
- before cessation of orth treatment

129-Crowding of lower anterior teeth of 35 y patient when do ortho when she is in 20s?
- late mandibular growth
- eruption of third molar
-pressure from check

130-which dimension of facial growth end first?

- width
- length
- vertical.

140- 2. A case scenario given describing Bolton's values for overall and anterior maxillary and mandibular
figures for the given case. What is the Bolton's discrepancy here?
Overall: 92.2 Anterior: 77.3,
-Not significant discrepancy

141- 4. Why medication error is most frequent in hospital settings?

Look alike, sound alike drugs

142- 9. Bone defect in maxillary right first molar on both mesial and distal sides? Which defect is this?
- two wall
-1 wall

143- A patient need expansion for the correction of maxillary transverse discrepancy. He is a long face patient
Bonded hyrax

144-30 year old patient with already extracted lower right first molar, orthodontist want to open space by
distal tipping of both second and third molars but patient was concerned about the prolong treatment
duration? Why
No relief from occlusion
knife edge ridge
bone density

144-This appliance picture was given, what wire does the uprighting helical spring is made off in 022 slot?
17 x 25 ss

145- How would you identify functional shift of the mandible clinically?
-There will be wearing-off of anterior teeth edges.
-asking patient to bring his mandible in centric relation

146- When does cleft lip and palate occurs?

-5-6 weeks

147- A child with mouth breathing comes to orthodontist, mother was concerned about this habit? How
would orthodontist know that if the mouth breathing habit exists or not?
-Mirror fogging

148- Picture of transposition of upper left first premolar and canine

149- 46. Which among the following is most difficult to retain?

-Generalized spacing in anterior
-Expanded intercanine width in mandible

150- Why do you perform circumferential supracrestal fibrotomy?

-To prevent relapse of rotated teeth

151- A rickets utility arch picture given and asked, what will happen in the lower anteriors?
-Intrusion of incisors

152- A case Class II division 2 was given, upper incisor to maxillary plane angle was 123, lower 98, molars were
class II bilaterally, they asked treatment plan for this patient
-Extraction of upper first premolars, lower second premolars

153- A case was given with the retained primary right second molar, there was no second premolar
underneath. The case was class I malocclusion, with arches level completely in upper and lower jaws, minimal
crowding with acceptable profile. The question was:
-Maintain primary molar and further prosthesis
-Extract primary molar
-Extract primary molar and left side second premolar
-Extract all second premolars and primary

154- What kind of headgear you use in asymmetric molar class II subdivision right side
-Outerbow long on right side

155- case that pt has gingival recession and ask When will you do gingival grafting?
-Before orthodontic treatment

156- Patient has midface deficiency, which picture should be taken?

-Oblique rest

157- What is the most common reason of poor infection control in the hospital?
-Poor hand hygiene

158- Patient having midface hypoplasia, large toe and thumb

-Pfiffer syndrome
-Apert syndrome

159- A 13 year old child with missing one central incisor, other central incisor erupted regularly, there was no
issue of space in the arch. Asking what is the reason?
- mesiodens

160-auto transplantation for upper lateral incisor

-lower 1st premolar
-lower 2nd premolar

161-in which stage cleft lip and palate

-formation of organ system

162-case with extraction of upper premolars and you want to maintain torque in anterior
-segmented arch and retract canine first
-016 SS

163-in cleft and plate patient which surgery we do

-maxillary advancement and less often mandible setback
-maxillary advancement
-mandible setback

164-face develope from

-medial and lateral process
-fronto maxillary and maxillary process
-fronto maxillary and mandibular process

165-unilateral cross bite reason

-functional shift
(no maxillary narrowing in option)

166-case you want to intrude upper molars with mini screw, what is most happen?
-perforation of maxillary sinus
-mini screw slippage
-mini screw migration

167-picture for distal step in primary dentition what it will be ?

-class II or edge to edge

168-the most stable plane for cephalometric


169-Super imposition structure

-inner symphysis

170-picture of tooth with bifid canal and explain about large pulp
171-headgear treatment
-300 gm /side , 14 hours daily treatment extend 12-18 month
172-weagon wheel effect
-adding torque

173-dignosis of ectopic eruption

-emerging of distal cusp first

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