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© Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Wikipedia

The mental state that A response to a The mental state of operation
results from a difficult difficult challenge for which a person performing an
challenge for which the which the subject activity is fully immersed in a
subject think she has think she has feeling of energized focus, full
insufficient coping skills moderate involvement, and enjoyment in the
skills process of the activity

The quality of experience as a

function of the relationship
between challenges and skills.

WORRY CONTROL Optimal experience, or Flow,

CHALLENGE A response to a moderate
One’s skill level is higher occurs when both variables are
LEVEL challenge for which the
subject think she has
than the challenge level for high.
the task
inadequate skills
Therefore, improve your skills
and challenge at the same time…
Permanent growth.

APATHY The emotional state of low
A result of individual’s BOREDOM tension, in which there is
feeling that they don’t A response to a moderate an absence of arousal that
possess the level of skill challenge for which the could come from source
required to confront a subject has more than such as anger, anxiety,
LOW challenge enough skill or fear


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