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From: smith@bts.



Subject: Collective Complaint – Reply

Dear Mr. Stivi,

Firstly, we want to apologize for the inconveniences that happened to your colleagues.
We went through every case and contacted responsible companies and people who are in charge.

As for About the Mr. Peter Swarz and his situation with hotel:. weWe were speaking with the director of
the Hotel and he promised that, they will do the steps necessary necessary steps to improve
accommodation standards. The Hotel offered to us full compensation for Mr. Swarz room and in addition
to this they offered also 50% discount of price for the best apartments in the Hotel.

Petros Grumanas’ case. We contacted the car rental company also but, unfortunately, they didnt answer
respond to us. We decided to cancel(terminate) their contract with us and put them on the black list.
We wrote several bad reviews on that company. We are trully sorry for what happened and we decided
to compensate Mr. Crumanas in finacial form. We pay full price 500$ plus 250$ in addition to it for the

Mr. Martin and his lost luggage:. We contacted The Airline and we found your lost luggage.
Congratulations! They apologize for the problems and they decided to give a coupon for any flight
anywhere in the US for free. They added full benefits in additions to it. Free taxi from and to the airport
and VIP seats in the airplane.

And the last case-. Mr Roman whos flight was diverted from Moscow to Helsinki because of bad
weather.We contacted the Hotel and they gladly agreed that it was an exceptional situation, that they
are sorry and they changed were changing the management at that time so some wheels in charge were
missing. They compensate full price and offer the one of the best rooms for 3 days for free.

We did everything we can to took take care about all cases. We know we cannot compensate your time
and energy you lost there and also emotional paindamage. You can be sure we negotiate the best deals
and took some steps that something like this will never happen again. We want to apologize one more
time and wish you the best. You can count on us.

Thanks and regards,


Account Manager for BTS

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