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LAB REPORT- Simple Pendulum

Tyree RobertS
The University of Trinidad and Tobago
Physics 1005

Group Members
John-Mark Nathaniel Jones
Tyree Roberts
- Determining, by means of a simple pendulum, the acceleration due to gravity.
- Plotting a suitable graph to exhibit the relationship between two quantities
- Utilization of a graphical method to discover the experimental value of g.
- Identification of any error associated through the comparison of the derived and actual values.
- Identification of procedures to lessen chances of errors.

Material and equipment

Pendulum bob (brass), length of string (100cm), supporting cork, retort stand, clamp, metre rule,

Step 1: Attach the pendulum string to the cork and securely clamp the cork into position.
Step 2: Measure the length of the pendulum (measure from where the string emerges from the cork to
the centre of the bob) Your first measurement should be approximately 100cm (1.0M).
Step 3: Start the pendulum swinging through a small arc, θ of about 5 degrees.
Step 4: Measure the time required to swing through about 20 cycles. (Measurements are taken at the
center of the swing to minimize the possible errors which are greater at the top of the swing. For one
cycle the bob will move (bottom position → top left → bottom position → top right → bottom position)
Step 5: Repeat step 4 and document the times in the result table.
Step 6: Shorten the pendulum by 10cm (0.1m) and repeat step 3 to 5.
Step 7 : Repeat experiment (step 4 - 6) until the pendulum is 400cm (0.4m).


Length of string

Pendulum Bob

Retort Stand

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