# (20413) Starbase Flyover Review E 1

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# (20413) Starbase Flyover Review Episode 1 - YouTube


## Transcript:
- [00:27](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=27s) am i not sharing my
screen yes sir all right sorry about that screen share looks like maybe it's not
working properly cool well all right we got you zach yeah what are you seeing we're
good to go you guys see my fancy starship right here well i don't see it and hello
everybody who is uh hopping in here right now we're doing some you know on the fly
testing trying to get this uh screecher oh there we go get the screen share going
um yeah now that we got that working mauricio do you want to
- [01:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=91s) give a little intro hi
i'm grandpa joe i'm an i.t professional and rocket enthusiast i've been down to
starbase several times i've met mauricio down there and uh i've been learning about
rockets and studying them since childhood but uh much more recently i've been
diving much deeper with zach over to you well hello everybody um yeah my name is
zach golden i go by golden boy in on youtube and csi starbase on twitter um if you
guys haven't followed make sure you do that um but yeah i am a
- [02:27](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=147s) mechanical engineer
with a computer science background i worked structure management um oil and gas
industry in a lot of other industries mostly as engineer and i currently work in
the cannabis industry as a supply chain manager so i basically handle all of the uh
capital equipment purchases for one of the largest um cannabis companies in the
united states um but yeah that's a little bit about me um like i said this is kind
of our first time doing this so we're going on the fly a little bit so hopefully
you guys enjoy
- [03:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=186s) getting to see a little
bit more in-depth um review of the flyovers we're blake mercier is still gonna
release his video tomorrow but if he doesn't then luckily you guys are here because
you get to see this stuff so i don't know marisa do you want to hop in right now or
did you want to we'll certainly give it our best and very sure if you have any
questions uh we'll be glad to attempt to give it an accurate answer we might have
to consider this like class you know class for mauricio mauricio spent so much time
- [04:09](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=249s) in the air and on the
ground taking pictures he doesn't really have a lot of time to actually review
things so i don't know maybe maybe this is just mauricio review right now i will
say that on that note mauricio you do tend to uh call things out a lot earlier than
most people and it usually ends up being right so i don't know if you really need
the review but you know there's nothing wrong with uh sharpening up your toolbox
when it comes to starbase because there's a lot going on out here in my opinion
- [04:42](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=282s) yeah mr rgb definitely
has a good eye from the sky uh before we dive into starbase i'd like to hear a
brief word from you on how you got started with the flyovers uh what inspired you
to start flying and uh taking photographs uh you had a brief moment of outage but
you're coming in five by five right now oh uh sure uh how did you get started
flying and in photography uh and one inspired you to photograph starbase it has
something to do with it trying to
- [06:08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=368s) record your stream
audio let's see yeah be patient with this guy what's up let's get uh felix in here
maybe uh mauricio you you need to add a input in your stream labs for your
microphone streamlabs is only recording your desktop audio which is the audio
coming um over discord from us if you'll just hop over to streamlabs and enable
that mic aux at the bottom right there there you go can you guys hear me now it'll
take a second to reach stream but when it does they should hopefully be at us hear
- [07:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=421s) now all right if you
can hear mauricio give us a thumbs up and mauricio uh why don't you give us one
more voice check check check can you guys hear me everybody saying yes in the chats
there we go they're coming in now perfect all right that's great all right we can
get back to uh what we're doing before him all right everything before this didn't
count we'll start all right so uh so mauricio the uh the question was uh you know
how did you get started in uh flying and photography over uh starbase
- [07:43](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=463s) okay so it was playing
out of luck so back in the day in 2018 um there was a lot of talk about spacex
building a facility in brownsville or in this case boko chica and i heard about
that i took a trip out there and i just tried to see what there was you know i
didn't know if you know what the plans were or when they were about to start all
you could see was just a big pile of dirt uh i'm talking about the build site here
i mean the the launch site so i mean i got those photos i'm pretty sure that you
guys have seen those photos
- [08:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=497s) i've posted them on
twitter and since then you know things started to ramp up months later and that's
pretty much it that's pretty much how it started and i took a big break back in
2019 because there was a drone ban that was put into place um i guess there was too
much drone activity around the sites and they took about a i want to say about a
six seven months break without doing anything without documenting the site and then
surprisingly oh not surprising even i ended up just having this idea of doing the
flyover with an airplane with
- [08:59](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=539s) a cessna and that was
my wife's that was actually my wife's birthday present to me she was like yeah go
ahead and do that and you know i didn't really think it was going to amount to
anything i just wanted to get on an airplane surprisingly nobody knows this but
that was my first time on an airplane so it was kind of special you know your wife
are taking your basic ass on an airplane yeah i don't think i could have been brave
enough to say you know what i'm going to rent an airplane and go take
- [09:33](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=573s) photographs that was a
big leap you took there and we're all super glad you did we love your work yeah and
it's it's been a long it's been a fun ride i i've enjoyed every single flyover and
um back in the day when after my first flight over it was i would do them once
every actually two times a month so bi-weekly right and then as you all know my
patreon membership you know skyrocketed um each flyover i did and that actually
helped out to pay for the flights so it's been uh i'm super appreciative of all the
- [10:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=615s) patreon members and for
everybody that's listening if you want to become a patreon feel free to sign up
we'll post something there about that so a lot of times when um you know people
getting get involved in like new ventures they end up taking a loss for like quite
a long time like did you go through that same um experience where you were just
like taking a loss for something that you knew that like hopefully this is going to
pay off at some point but i'm taking an l right now well i mean i'm not doing it
i'm not doing it for
- [10:48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=648s) the for the money but
the patreon membership in a sense it you know it makes things a lot easier on my
ends because i get to stay up in the air a little bit longer than usual i get to
take a little bit more time to focus on the shots that i need and you know it's it
is expensive you know these flights are they're really expensive and they get even
more expensive as the tfr goes up higher and higher you know every single uh it's
been going higher for the plane you're playing right yeah so so the message i'm
hearing here is that
- [11:22](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=682s) uh everyone that
donates to patreon just adds to the uh the time and the quality of the photos that
we get right and not just that not exactly it's not just about um becoming a member
and supporting our flights in a sense i'm also giving back to my patreons by giving
them early access to all these images so for example these images that we're about
to show today they've actually already been released to patreon on the same day
that it happened which was on the 21st two days ago so you guys get first access
view to all
- [11:53](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=713s) this um new gathering
other other perks as well um so so thank you all if there's any patrons that are
listening i really appreciate your support yeah i know you know i'll just pinch in
on that a little bit um from a different angle uh you know i'm one of those people
you know i've been a tier five um patron from ratios for like the last year i would
say actually since the day that he um started the tier five and so i don't know
i've had roughly like 140 pictures to look through every week on average for the
- [12:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=752s) nine to 12 months um i
don't do math when i'm not at work or else i calculate out how many pictures that
is but it's a lot and you know sometimes when you look at the video it's really not
it's really helpful especially because um procky is extremely good at doing these
um labeling and i'm you know about actually debating with myself whether or not i'm
gonna have to pay him in order to steal his labeling style but you know it is what
it is that's a topic for another day but um you know the
- [13:08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=788s) viewing the pictures is
completely different experience in my opinion than the video so in the video you're
kind of limited because well this is actually very genius i mean i've never told
mauricio how i feel about this but i think it's very genius because he really only
uses about like uh less than five pictures i want to say for his entire flyover
video but in reality he actually takes probably close to 160 or he posts 160 i
imagine he probably takes like actually close to like 500 pictures every time he
goes out
- [13:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=820s) um and just having the
ability to see things from different angles and to actually like analyze things up
close on your own time instead of in a video to me is like very valuable and on top
of all that um i personally spend a lot of time analyzing all these photos and you
know my goal is to like kind of explain things that we're seeing here and i mean if
you guys don't want to be five days behind every single time we do these reviews
then i don't know it's it's definitely worth in my opinion to be a
- [14:12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=852s) rgb patron absolutely
and as someone who is not an rgb patreon i would like to thank all of y'all for
allowing me to to see these pictures that you always facebook i didn't know that if
you would have put that in your uh interview your resume and then we may have had a
different conversation sir yes sir wow yeah talking about the labels you i know you
mentioned rocky a lot of people don't know who that is he's actually the he's the
one that labels our images um zach would you mind zooming into one of
- [14:45](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=885s) those labels just so
you can see what maybe to the tank farm one of the best in my opinion because the
suborbital farm is a lot less organized than the orbital tank farm so in my opinion
as far as the launch complex goes these are extremely helpful because um you know
when you look at the actual orbital tank farm everything is so much larger so it's
easier to like identify different um pieces of equipment that exist but everything
is a lot more compact in the suborbital tank farm and in my opinion that's where
- [15:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=924s) labels come in handy a
lot um but yeah they're uh and i'll say that uh the the form follows the function
the suborbital form farm is much more compact and much more it was built more ad
hoc and there was more time and experience that went into the planning and as you
said the size and scale of the orbital tank farm allows it to be much more
organized and the labels follow the organization hey zach um one question here are
you can you zoom into one of the to the image i'm not sure if you are i can't
really see it on the stream
- [16:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=965s) are you blind no i
can't i'm i'm seeing the same thing on mindset because it's not the whole screen oh
very interesting uh let's see let me change there we go there we go yeah i was
messing with my audio settings and left it in the menu for a little bit my bad you
guys can see it now though yeah that's great yeah it should be reflecting on
youtube these are the labels for the suborbital form that i was talking about when
i thought i was showing it to you guys good job in the comments letting me
- [16:43](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1003s) know i was messing
that one up guys i thought we were on the same team but uh maybe we got some work
to do so shall we uh receive things we should move into the actual flavor pictures
yes so let me see how about we start can somebody start asking some questions if
you guys have any questions what do you want to start do you want to start at the
build site or the launch site yeah let's see here let's actually ask the chat so um
i've kind of organized my pictures in or sorry not my pictures mauricio's
- [17:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1036s) pictures in really
five different areas but the three main ones are sanchez the build site and uh the
production site or the build wait the launch complex um so i don't know let's just
see where you guys want to start launch complex production side or sanchez we'll
see what they say in the comments let's start at the build site from west to east
we're starting from west east and we got to start at sanchez right right well that
one's probably the biggest rabbit hole uh and perhaps it might also be good to
- [17:59](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1079s) give a brief overview
uh a fifty thousand foot overview of uh the entire facility um all the way to the
west you have the uh or all the way to the east you have the gulf of mexico the
beach and coming in from the right-hand side you're into the orbital tank farm the
landing area and then you have the sub-orbital launch and then the sub-orbital uh
fuel farm i am seeing a lot of feedback and i think that uh might be starting at
sanchez here right i don't see it yet yeah uh we're seeing your amazing background
uh what a picture there that
- [18:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1126s) is a great render who
made that render i'm really curious um this one is by a man oh christian somebody
yeah um corey uh sea bass 3d so i don't have a shout out for him plants this is his
t best 3d and he actually has a ton of great stuff on his his twitter account you
know i'm going to go ahead and say i think twitter is under used and also these
pictures are also underused right now or sorry not getting to what his actual
content is he's actually been catering to children a lot lately so he's having kids
submit drawings of
- [19:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1171s) um rockets that they
are imagining and then he's rendering them which is amazingly amazing that he's
taking the time to do that i think that was a whole week that he did that but he's
also the one that made the um i don't think i'm going to be able to pull the auto
throw on this side level either so the renderings of super heavy booster dropping
in and being caught by the lunch tower zach actually i think that's uh christian
debney is your image uh though sea bass is great as well okay well i messed that
one up
- [20:09](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1209s) all good sir give me a
lawsuit in the morning guys just kidding all right so um let's see let's start at
sanchez since everybody uh for the most part is kind of hinted that that's where we
need to go so this is the current week you can you then can pull up the white shot
first and then we'll we'll continue to the zoomed in shots you're lucky i'm
actually organized for long distance shots right here i thought i had oh very good
yeah i'm actually a part-time jedi so i plan for these kind of things
- [20:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1257s) all right so for
anyone visiting uh starbase for the first time if you're planning a trip and you
absolutely should uh the main road to get in is highway 4 and you come in from the
right hand side of mr golden's picture there and the first thing you're going to
see uh besides the towering build site is the sanchez uh production facility that's
where they have um air uh purifiers uh that pull oxygen nitrogen and argon out of
the air and soon possibly uh sabati a but that's speculation whoa super speculation
- [21:42](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1302s) i feel like that's
step three you know i mean we can kind of get into that right now because that's
kind of uh something that i've actually been thinking about when it comes to the
sanchez site um but um before we do that mauricio was there something about this
total view that you wanted to talk about well i mean from a photography standpoint
it's these shots are a little bit rare especially at 10 000 feet just because at 10
000 feet there's so many artifacts in the atmosphere there's haze clouds
- [22:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1336s) and that's pretty much
it i mean this shot has been um it was doable at altitudes of five thousand feet
three thousand feet i want to say back in the day but so yeah just enjoy the view
yeah this is actually the view that you see if you fly into brownsville um make
sure you get a window seat on the left side of the plane usually it's going to be
sorry i'm going to get better at not clicking on the screen um it's usually going
to be a one of the smaller planes that you really don't like to fly on but the left
- [22:51](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1371s) side of plane is the
one where the single seats are so you're sitting by yourself on the left side of
the plane and um [Music] make sure you're not falling asleep when you're flying
into brownsville because if you look out the left window usually this is what
you're going to see on the way in and it's pretty incredible you can see it from um
before you even see brownsville honestly like when you the moment you see
brownsville because it's the buildings aren't very tall like they look tall if you
- [23:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1397s) from the ground level
from star base over to brownsville but if you're actually in brownsville like the
grand scheme of things they're really not that tall buildings so by the time you
notice where they are you can easily look to the right and see starbase pretty much
immediately unless you've been there a few times and you see it right away like if
you don't know what you're looking for you're going to see both of them at the same
time essentially i'll add in that uh the the buildings are so tall and so large
- [23:42](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1422s) the ground you can see
them all the way from south padre island from port isabel they they definitely
dominate the landscape down there uh and the uh the ships themselves are so tall as
well as the tower that you can see them from many miles away and uh you'll have no
problem seeing the launch whenever that does happen yeah i think one of the big
things that um maybe should have been included in the the pea now that we're
talking about it is these images um and the reason i say that is because if you
look at just the overall
- [24:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1458s) landscape number one
if if this stretch of land was the entire gulf coast like all of this right here
was the gulf coast spacex would only be taking up probably two percent of the
entire gulf coast oh i i would say they're taking up two percent of that one mile
area of the beach it's uh it's very minimal and there's several hundred miles of
beaches just like this going up the uh the gulf coast yeah you can fly for out you
can fly for probably about an hour and a half flying up the gulf coast and not see
too many like houses or just
- [25:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1506s) signs of humans in
general until you reach corpus christi or um uh houston there's one more in the way
of san antonio no san antonio's in the middle one of the coastal ones either way i
mean like i said it's just the fact that while you're looking at lab padre live
streams or starship gazer images everything will seem so large but from the grand
scheme of things it's really not that big when you look at it from from the air and
this is if you go to starbase and you don't drive this is probably the first images
of starbase
- [25:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1538s) that you'll see if you
happen to get a clear day like mauricio did um but this is extremely rare all right
uh zach do you want to quickly walk us through this image uh maybe from right to
left of uh what we're looking at yeah yeah so over here on the right we have the
sanchez site which is becoming more and more part of the actual build site as far
as the look goes um but this is where they built all of the tower sections where
they built all of the bioshock shells yeah they built them right here on this um
- [26:12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1572s) this pad 12 those were
12 meters weren't they 11 11. yes i'm gonna switch away from actually hold on i'll
just i'll let's move left to right and sorry guys this is zooming in and out and
something we have to work on because i know it's annoying but uh so we have sanchez
we have your employee your first employee parking lot uh one of the employee
villages right here that's actually the i think that's a little tiki bar that
little house right there yeah that's the tiki bar i thought the
- [26:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1606s) tiki bar was on top of
the no that's the high bar this is praki is going to talk so much to me though you
didn't read the labels this is what i get for not reviewing things before you start
guys i don't use labels but um you guys should so you don't make the same mistakes
that i did but uh yeah we have the y bay fabrication tents one two and three i i'm
gonna come back to that one later this is the ground fabrication building where
they build most of the jigs so all of these like ring sections that they
- [27:23](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1643s) put stuff on top of on
the ground all those are assembled in here the degree to which in my opinion that
they do that is kind of under question because sometimes you'll see large trucks
coming in with pieces that look like they're clearly for a um test stand and it
seems like they're coming in from highway 4 instead of being moved from here over
on an spmt so i'm a little bit confused myself on exactly how much fabrication they
do here like i feel like they may deliver the sections to this building and then
- [27:56](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1676s) assemble it inside the
warehouse um on that point uh i've seen uh several shipments come in and i know
there are others who track that exclusively they will manufacture uh most of the
components here but many components are manufactured outside by themselves by third
parties and they're shipped in and uh final assembly is done here and then testing
and launch oh and the uh triangle building right there that uh goes by iron hinge i
believe or the the low bay uh right above your mount your hand there the uh
- [28:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1717s) the not the high bay
not the low bay there you go another one right below that sorry the triangle shaped
uh garage okay that one yeah where they assembled the uh nose cones man i pointed
out that one like 30 seconds ago yeah i'm sorry it's all good here we are low bay
lobe there we go that is the first of the fabrication um buildings which everybody
thought was super tall when they were building that probably sitting outside the
highway filming it for days like oh my god spacex is building skyscrapers in boca
- [29:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1755s) chica i really felt
like it and uh mauricio feel free to chime in this is uh we've seen your pictures
on twitter of what this started as it was like you said it was just a small patch
of dirt very humble origins and it has built up very rapidly it's really amazing
hey zach um now that we're talking about this topic can you pull up that image that
i saved to that dropbox folder that shows up before and after might be faster if
you tell me or we can just continue on where we're at you know we can pull that up
later on
- [29:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1797s) this is when we need
max q where's max q is he in the chat i haven't seen him say anything well i really
like interacting with the chat so sorry if we haven't been like reading your guys's
replies as much as i would like to but we'll try and do a little bit better with
that um in the meantime ratio do you mind if we start on the yes let's start in the
sancho site all right you can pull up i don't know if you have them in order or not
but you can pull up the image [Music] i want to say it's going to be i don't
- [30:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1837s) have your numbers um
do you want me to give you the phone number no it's too much math we're going to
have to free ball this a little bit so let's just start the first one this is the
first picture that you took of the sanchez site um what i did here is i actually
okay sorry about that there we go this oh look um too many screens so i had it on
my middle screen there sorry folks um so this is the first picture that you took at
sanchez so typically mauricio will do i don't know if you're still doing this
- [31:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1874s) so you're still doing
circular patterns in order to reach altitude or is that something you don't have to
do in the other in the new plane the bigger plane it's the same thing typically um
the way i do it is i look at the weather to see if the clouds are going to move in
on top of the build site and if they are if it looks like the build is going to be
covered in clouds in like 10 minutes or so then i do the build set first do a
couple of orbits around it and then i'll head over to the launch site
- [31:43](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1903s) typically the launch
site has less clouds just just because it's right by the coast there's like the
weather patterns are kind of weird out there you know yeah but yes i do orbits
around each one if the clouds move i'll go back and reshoot some shots so if you
were trying to do this from orbit are you going to have to use a satellite mounted
on a starship and then be able to actually change your position or do you think
just a geostationary orbit would be satisfactory um i think you misunderstood what
- [32:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1938s) meant by orbit oh i i
figured that was the next step to rgb orbit right i thought we gave i think it's
pretty expensive well way out of my brain if you're talking about falcon 9 prices
you're not talking about starship prices at two to five million dollars divided by
several hundred passengers audience wants it to happen they'll make it happen all
it takes is the right donation to put rgb orbit into space so probably get there
before any before is enter orbit honestly but continuing on so sorry mauricio did
you have one more
- [33:07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=1987s) thing you want to say
no you can continue so i uh have a weird way of going about reviewing these flowers
i tend to have like a somewhat photographic memory of where different things are so
one thing that i paid attention since day one when it came to insulating the tanks
at um the sorry the gse tanks at the orbital tank farm was this pile of perlite
right here this is unexpanded perlite and bags waiting to be cooked in an oven and
injected into the annulus space in between the gse tank and the gse cover oh and
for anyone who doesn't know uh
- [33:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2030s) perlite is a mineral
that when heated uh expands and acts as a great insulator for cryogenic and i
believe for for high temperature as well exactly yeah i think is it made of
volcanic rock yeah uh volcanic it i believe it's uh often found near asbestos which
is also another mine mineral but it's not as dangerous interesting i might have to
fill up my ceiling with that next next window oh and perlite is often found in
garden and potting soil yeah actually like i said i work for a cannabis company we
consume very high
- [34:28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2068s) amounts of perlite
because it allows you to water things pretty much endlessly um you like you can't
over water it as long as you have that at the bottom you'll constantly have
drainage um so like in this case when it comes to the uh tanks that we're talking
about which i'm not gonna show right now but if you for some reason had moisture in
there um this is kind of probably the material you want to have if you have
moisture in there because it's very good at transferring it from the top all the
- [34:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2095s) at the bottom or the
bottom all the way to top if you have the right amount of positive or negative
pressure inside of the tank you can pull all the moisture out very very quickly
because of the fact that you're using perlite which is um yes here but i'm assuming
it's hydrophobic did you want to go over uh booster five which is right there in
the forefront of your picture yeah yeah blister five is chilling right here it was
moved here for unknown reason there's been a lot of speculation but only spacex
knows for sure
- [35:29](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2129s) uh booster 4 is is
entering its test campaign and uh spacex has started the production of another
booster that may come after booster 5 testing or it may supplant it depending on
the schedule and the faa approvals but booster 5 has some additional changes from
booster 4 internally externally it looks much the same but internally it has an
additional tank inside that'll help uh make sure that fuel is available during a
landing and there are some changes to the internal structure of uh which you can
see from the outside thanks to
- [36:10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2170s) mauricio's pictures
here there are stringers that are welded and you can see the welds coming through
that give this additional support it may be needed it may not be needed so uh the
first orbital flight from booster 4 and ship 20 should tell us whether we need
booster 5 or whether we're going to move on to the next booster being produced
right now yeah there's a lot of talk about these being scrapped and um i don't know
i don't know how i feel about that because there's there's a lot
- [36:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2206s) of speculation but
there's no real proof they haven't actually started taking anything off of this
vehicle yet and um in my opinion if you're trying to work on it while also having
the space to do other operations inside the high bay like this is the perfect place
to move it you know what i mean right it's out of the way but accessible yeah i
mean they planned this out long in advance to have lawn ornaments and now they have
space for at least three lawn ornaments but one thing you're going to notice over
- [37:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2237s) is there's a ton of
rebar that is perfectly sized to create more of these um display stands so the next
one should probably be right here um i'm honestly surprised that they haven't moved
the display stands up to the front of sanchez because it looks like they were
trying to do that at one point and i'll kind of show that when we get there um but
one important thing that i want to talk to you while we're in this view is this
control this underground construction right here so a lot of people who like are
- [37:49](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2269s) with um the um launch
complex construction will remember when they dug everything up and lay down all of
the conduit well they're doing the same thing here and as far as we know as far as
i know this entire air separation plant is already active um if i were to pull up
maybe max q can grab one for me if i were to pull up older pictures of this tank
farm you would see actual tanker trucks lined up here offloading or unloading
loading loading yeah loading either locks or liquid nitrogen and then transferring
it over to the
- [38:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2312s) tank farm but for the
last two months that's pretty much stopped but either way we already have seen that
this facility is active so the fact that they're adding in additional um utilities
so actually oh i and uh that's that is actually uh new to me is that a recent uh
dig uh for to uh bury the condo with there and uh why would they bury the conduit
right there let's look at last week really quick and just compare the two of them
so one thing i do want to mention before you know people are going to notice how
- [39:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2355s) dark these photos are
the there was a lot of clouds that particular day there you go you know those
clouds actually make me appreciate just how high up you are heck of a lens you must
be using oh do you want to tell us about your uh lens or your camera equipment at
all well camera equipment i have a sony a73 and i'm using a 600 millimeter and on
the white shots i'm using uh 70 to 300 i believe that's pretty much all i use very
good sorry i'm uh talking to people in the chat at the same time so you know oh
there you go yeah i'm trying
- [40:03](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2403s) to engage them a
little bit because you know sometimes they notice things that we don't even though
they're like 15 seconds behind um but one of the big things this was last week
actually that they started doing so this right here this facility which they're now
starting to enclose is actually by very large generators they're 20 kilowatt
generators i believe um so i don't do math i think they're at 12.
- [40:34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2434s) 5 12.5 kilowatts total
in in this setup right here um so this is a generator and that allows them to power
the air separation plant any other utilities they have within the sanchez site and
potentially this part of speculation they're either expanding down this way so they
can move down here as far as like well let's take a step back why would they want
to do that the reason is because we know that there's two very large um facilities
that still need to exist down here that currently don't one of
- [41:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2471s) them is a um liquid
nitrogen sorry a lick a natural gas liquefication yeah lng purification plant and
these tanks these blue tanks which we've seen for quite a while are part of that
lng purification plant so these are actually absorption columns i think they're
called you [Music] poured you um have water cascading it's not water but it's a
chemical cascading down on the inside and your gas going up on the outside and it
actually um i'm probably butchering this day where he's gonna hate me but
- [41:52](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2512s) basically you're
filtering out the all the other particles that are within liquid natural gas until
you reach pure methane and that's what these absorption columns are for so natural
gas is i believe 90 to 95 methane and then the remainder is uh contaminants of
nitrogen argon uh or other other trace elements correct yeah exactly and i mean
you're mostly going to have purely gases so like if you're if you're um taking oil
and gas out of the ground then you're then the cop the process is far more complex
- [42:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2556s) you're separate you're
separating your oil into all these different components and then you're also having
to separate your gas into different components but in this case this is the
equivalent of a natural gas processing plant that they're planning to build here
and i cannot remember the size of it but they're also planning on a actual power
plant so for a long time we thought that this was the power plant but i think that
the size that they mentioned that the power plant is in the pea is um
- [43:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2594s) roughly seven i think
seven times larger than this so it's about the area all the way over here is what
they expect their actual energy production facility to look like so in my mind for
purely speculation purposes it's not impossible that they could be planning to
expand onto this area but it's logical that they would and uh more likely more
likely what's happening is this facility somehow i don't understand because i feel
like the power transfer should be i don't see any oh wow okay sorry
- [43:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2637s) right here i'm going
to move on to another picture so we can see this we're going to come back to this
week oh um and while we're still here though uh marquis has something that you
started to answer is there confirmation on what the horizontal methane tanks are uh
for at the gse we call them horizontal methane tanks yes that's a self-prophecy sir
they may be for methane they may be for something else uh they're from methane i'm
mighty is super deep into it but i'll just say that there's a lot of things
- [44:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2672s) that but so spacex
moves extremely fast everything that you see them do and mauricio can probably
attest to this um you know there was a time there was a day where he flew over
three three days in a row during the first full stack on the launch map and every
single day there was changes at the launch map or sorry at the launch complex and
he usually goes between 7 and 14 days we do between doing flyovers so the amount of
stuff that happens in between that time is ridiculous down here and um the rate
that they're expanding is far
- [45:07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2707s) greater than in my
opinion than what people actually fully understand and uh they're several steps
ahead of where they appear to be at so like for my own observations they tend to do
massive projects on a quarterly basis so if we work our way backwards um fourth
quarter of 2021 the big project is the wide bay all of the money on the white that
they're going to use to build the wide bay other than the labor hours has already
been spent all of the the structural steel all the outer paneling the the gantry
sorry the bridge crane
- [45:44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2744s) all purchased all that
money's spent um before that was the stage zero hey uh so uh yeah let's uh jump
back into the pictures and uh continue our tour of uh sanchez you're right i was
going off top a little bit because that's a lot of speculation but it's actually
relevant at the same time yeah let me know obviously let me just wrap that one up
so every if you look back every quarter of the year for the last year and a half to
two years spacex has undertaken a major project every single quarter
- [46:20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2780s) so i think second
quarter of last year the project was this facility i actually didn't think it was
through and it really sprung up quickly and uh yeah it was set that remains third
quarter was the launch site the main feature there is the air separation unit yes
and off to the top left you have some video cards i've heard [Laughter] i just
bought a new laptop and that's exactly what they look like you're right that was
pretty clever did somebody say on the chat or did you just come up with that
yourself oh that was fine hey nice
- [46:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2815s) to bring you sir um
thank you we have what is this underground utilities work that we're seeing is
signs of something very very major that's about to happen at sanchez because like i
said the whole facility is already active so if they're adding anything it's
additional capabilities and there are oh man we look this up really transformers
transformers and step down um transformers sorry yeah step up and stuff for taking
up and taking down voltages and transmitting power by the way as an overview this
- [47:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2851s) currently produces
nitrogen and oxygen the uh the commodities needed to launch a starship are nitrogen
oxygen and methane and uh they they will also go through argon and helium uh
argon's only for the uh production which is better to buy commercially and the
helium uh you can uh dave avery is in the chat and he did say that uh you can
produce helium from the natural gas purification i don't think that's true i think
you can only produce helium straight out of the ground it's not no no he was saying
uh pulling
- [48:10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2890s) natural gas out of the
ground uh during the purification process one of the byproducts is propane ethylene
and helium yeah he's he's definitely right um the one thing to consider here is
that we're not pulling things straight out of the ground we're actually going to be
delivering tankers of liquid natural gas in order for them to offload them into a
temporary storage tank so that temporary storage tank could look something like
this oh there you go which just got delivered recently so this brand new tank just
- [48:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2926s) delivered recently
they already have the liquid nitrogen liquid oxygen and potentially argon storage
tanks at the air separation plant but here you have one two three four different
stored cryo storage tanks this could be the different components of natural gas
being broken down into their individual commodities um so that would be what um
methane propane i don't think they exist in these ratios actually so that makes
sense no um so uh backing up you mentioned that they're going to be using tankers
- [49:23](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=2963s) bring everything in is
there uh any natural gas production on site i know that they've purchased some
leases uh and i believe there was a well nearby uh either active in the past or now
yeah as well right here this right there is actually the injection well so an
injection well is what they use to send um contaminated materials um to a disposal
location so usually it's about one to two miles underground um below the water
table and so they'll put it super far below the water table and inject all their
contaminated water
- [50:04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3004s) and stuff down
underground and a lot of times you'll see injection wells near actual oil and gas
wells which is this this is the sanchez site gas well which is actually owned by uh
dallas petroleum now this is the gas well this and that's the injection and last
week if you guys happen to have been paying attention this is where the um it's
called a uh work over rig was placed it looked like a um a drilling rig it was
right here so whatever they were doing they were servicing this well so that they
- [50:41](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3041s) get it ready for the
next operation and from what i could tell um is different and now is a good time to
actually pull up an older picture hey zach quickly enough there's a question that
i'll the spacex fan community is full of wonderful engineers from many different
backgrounds from uh architects designers many engineers many computer scientists
people from the petroleum industry and people from the aerospace industry so we we
really have a wide breadth of professionals that are very willing and happy to help
- [51:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3084s) understand each of the
components of this and uh to illuminate different subjects and we're very glad to
have all of those uh wonderful people on one thing to mention on that note is that
like you know none of us are ever gonna say this is exactly what it is you know
what i mean uh if elon can be wrong we can be wrong so you know we definitely
appreciate people correcting the facts along the way so that we can also do so um
so yeah if you guys disagree with anything that we're saying at any time like feel
free to
- [51:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3115s) like uh maybe not on
the actual youtube chat comments but the video the youtube okay uh is there two
different comments right there's two dif there's the live ones and then the ones
that you can just leave on the video nah all right let's take that back hop on
discord if you don't if you don't have the ability to dm us on discord okay keep
yeah uh or all comments can be mailed directly to that golden at yes it would be
actually csi starbase gmail.
- [52:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3151s) com and we accept all
hate mail we actually prioritize it before everything else absolutely we read it
every wednesday yes actually we might start doing that on uh twitter here soon but
um we've been on the sanchez site for a long time i just want to quickly go over
just the one the things that i've been noticing and then we can move on i can't
tell if i'm looking at okay sorry so like i said this is the they added this cap
onto the gas well um last week was when they were actually working on it uh oh
lovely oh so this is the previous week
- [53:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3186s) and this pole yes is
in the way but the wellhead was not there it was mostly underground um with the top
on where you install the actual head oh and someone in youtube chat was asking uh
you know when will they begin producing uh ch4 at the site and uh it looks like
they're working on it but uh no end in sight yet and a long way to go yeah that's a
loaded question i mean yeah the producing on site like you you can you can produce
it on site which means you're using the spatial process because you cannot pull it
out of the ground
- [53:44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3224s) um or you're refining
it on site so if you're saying producing that means sabati and that's in my opinion
several years out but i would love to talk about the first order project be a
sabbati a reactor yeah eventually they will uh need to learn how to do sabbatio but
mostly that'll probably be more on mars than on earth and um no uh natural gas is
not normally uh pumped out and then uh stored uh drones toronto asked could they
store the natural gas on site in caverns and uh the water table is very low and
- [54:19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3259s) do not have a lot of
cat caverns there not something normally done usually once it's extracted it's uh
stored in uh the tanks that are on uh the screen right there the golden showing
yeah really quickly is uh is there is people hearing mauricio and we're not hearing
him like i saw that maybe i'm not hearing mauricio you want to give us a mic check
can you guys hear me yep uh you're breaking up coming in very weakly can you guys
hear me now yes all right all right so what do you guys want to move on to
- [54:53](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3293s) next yeah you want to
go to the build side yeah i can just quickly just very very fast touch on the stuff
that i was saying so like i said there's a ton of utilities being added underground
right now and one thing like i said they could be expanding out to the left or west
or they could be adding all this utility in order to supply the wide bay so that's
the other thing um i this would be the first time i've seen them actually run
utilities to the production site um if anybody else has seen that feel free to let
me know but i personally
- [55:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3331s) have not but that is
in my opinion is a major update at sanchez uh we could spend a lot of time like
zooming in on some of the cool things that are actually located on the ground but i
think uh we'll skip that and save it for later you guys will have to check on
twitter for that so and look i'll just say that we've spent almost uh 45 minutes
talking about maybe three or four pictures there's 140 and you know this is really
you can spend uh a lot of time and make this your whole hobby many of us spend
hours a day doing this and we
- [56:08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3368s) enjoy the heck out of
it every day so launch cider build sites uh yeah i think we wanted to continue down
the road as it were um by the way in between the uh sanchez and the uh the build
side there is remedios road and i wanted to highlight there uh if you're visiting
starbase uh which is one of my favorite hobbies as i can and mauricio we're all
jealous that you're so close um as you pull in on highway 4 you are allowed to turn
off and go down remedios road right there and you can take a right and go all the
- [56:52](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3412s) way up to the edge of
the property line right there or you can continue down and drive [Applause]
actually the property line hey oh sorry to interrupt you joe the property line
correct yeah you can see it's important i guess to to sh we don't want anybody to
go and trespass right right so the right where that red truck is at on the on the
end of that road i don't know if you see it the uh dark red maroon truck right can
you point to it zach uh yes that one raise the property line right there and
there's a sign
- [57:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3452s) out there so just make
sure you're respectful and don't you know wow and let me uh cheer on the the spacex
security guards as well they are very polite professional and they keep the area
safe and they keep you safe from wandering into the wrong areas but uh you know if
you do visit please do try to cooperate with all the signage uh you can the signage
is very obvious there's one right here i think it says wait it might be further up
yeah there's a no trespassing sign right here i believe there's another one
- [58:07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3487s) right here mm-hmm
right um there's one in boca there's a few in boca raton yeah all the rest of them
are at the build site there's nothing down here because there's security officers
here in here there are no no trespassing signs down here and there's nothing that
says that you can't be on here but in my opinion there should um but until they do
you know there's wildlife and a lot of water out there so if you go out that way
bring your bring your mud boots and watch out for you know birds and other
- [58:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3520s) nesting things stay
out of that area i wish that we could post um we have to figure out how to do this
post links for other people to look at things that they don't know about so uh
thomas actually just sent me [Music] a link about the spatial process but i don't
think i'm gonna be able to post that in here um if you guys are on discord like i
said that's one of the biggest uh one of the biggest advantages in my opinion about
being anybody's patreon member is that you get access to their discord server and
you know like i said
- [59:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3556s) these flyers came out
like sorry the pictures came out uh two days ago yeah we've been talking about this
for about two days so if you guys like kind of want to see things earlier and kind
of get an idea where we're going with some of this conversation and develop
questions ahead of time hopping onto patreon is like one of the best uh ways to do
that and on top of that if you want like instantaneous updates then following um on
twitter is a good way and i think you know it's hard to see on the bottom
- [59:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3586s) of the screen because
it's black going gray but uh [Music] y'all can read and if not i think it's in the
twitter comments so oh and now uh mauricio your uh your twitter is what is it at
rgb if if if people in here don't know his uh then we have a problem how did they
get here yeah it's gonna be rgb aerial photos there you go all right uh jumping
back into the pictures uh one of the more exciting and larger projects going on
right now this quarter is the production of the wide bay um they have been building
this in
- [1:00:33](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3633s) earnest and using
that crane right there it's a yellow buckner crane i believe to lift entire corner
sections all in one go and stack them up and i believe rgb was one of the first
places that i saw a rendering of where it was going to be located and you were able
to see that because you could see where the footings were being placed before
anybody else yeah i think he just posted one earlier today actually let me see if i
can pull it up very quickly uh also uh as you go on uh learning more oh yeah
there's a great representation
- [1:01:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3671s) of what this will uh
look like uh whenever it's completed i know i felt the same one thing that i do
want to add is that we're still not sure how the top's gonna look um i know elon
said that i was gonna be a little bit higher i'm i'm gonna assume that's just gonna
be one level higher than the high bay and not not sure what's gonna be on top yeah
they may not add a bar to this one it uh occupying uh that area has necessitated uh
adding fire escapes and other other items so they may not do that on this one but
- [1:01:53](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3713s) yeah elon does does
what uh elon wants um the uh and logically the reason for for building this new
widebay is it increases production area but going up in height uh allows them to
more easily build the boosters uh when they first lifted uh the first booster in
the high bay they actually had to cut a hole in the roof to fit a crane down to
pick it up and yeah it does it does it is able to function now with the current
height boosters but going up gives them a little bit more room for comfort in
moving around you know one thing that um csi starbase
- [1:02:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3752s) is not afraid of is
a little bit of speculation and in my opinion this high bay is not capable of doing
what they're doing inside of it you can actually see as i zoom in here that this
there's lines of race and concrete replacement and this flyover was three days ago
which means that they've replaced this concrete since the time that they stacked
booster five and moved it out of the high bay they have replaced this concrete for
of uh the fifth time uh side effect of uh carrying heavy loads is correct and the
soil underneath that is
- [1:03:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3786s) quite silty and
alluvial it'll give way every time they stack a booster in this high bay you will
see new concrete down here they always replace it every single time so in my
opinion the what they want to do with the high bay is fully stack starships so you
do all your tank production in the mid bay you do all your nose cone production in
the low bay you do your final stacks of the starship inside the high bay and you
exclusively do boosters inside of the white bay absolutely and that's that's what
- [1:03:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3818s) how are we doing am
i potatoing hold on no you're you're sounding great to me looking at the chat just
to make sure um can you guys let us know in the chat to see if there's any issues
with the audio pausing for a moment so top secret says the white bay would be the
perfect means of transferring construction of the vehicles from the high bay if the
high bay then is used for payload processing the ships can be moved there before
launch um you're probably not going to see payload integration inside the high bay
in my
- [1:04:21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3861s) opinion i feel like
that should probably happen inside of sorry not in the wide bay if anything maybe
the high bay but they would have to add additional structures into the interior in
order to slide things in and in and out of the nosecone um and their infrastructure
currently doesn't exist like i feel like they're going to have an entire vehicle
payload integration building and they just currently don't have that it with their
current schedule of uh to with planning to launch starlink even possibly by the end
- [1:04:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3895s) of 2022 as stated by
elon musk then they will do payload integrations either in the existing high bay or
possibly in the wide bay uh the starship final construction will be happening most
like you said uh in the most likely in the high bay and they may have to rig a
method of adding structures to allow them to load uh to do payloads into the
starships in the high bay right i mean there's a lot of options that they can do
inside of here um have they done concrete reinforcement to handle the additional
loads that's going to be
- [1:05:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3938s) constantly going
over there uh over that intersection of concrete yeah there's tons of
reinforcements one reinforcement that you can like a temporary reinforcement you
can see actually the one thing that you look at right here is that this cross beam
right here is the same color as the rest of the structure whereas this one is not
so these are temporary braces right here these are permanent ones so there will be
more room in the front or sorry in the back of the high bay than there is in the
front which means the actual vehicle itself
- [1:06:10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=3970s) will probably be in
the back and they'll most likely slide things through this way in order to bring
them in bring them in through like this and then slide them in to the left or the
right the bridge train to come and pick them up and then you'll have all the space
potentially even walkways up going up around the booster all the way up to the top
i would not be surprised if we see walkways going um up the entire inside surface
or sorry the inner walls of the building which would be a great reason why they
- [1:06:42](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4002s) these temporary
supports here yeah and also if you if you think about timing they'll be done with
the construction of the wide bay right about the time they need to use it i'd also
like to mention uh youtube user jim b asked a great question where is the
disintegration building and sir that is uh located down at the launch site we'll
get to that soon uh disintegration building is um actually not a building at all
it's a button and they used it on sn11 i think maybe but we can uh we all use the
- [1:07:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4038s) now there there has
been uh some disassembly of other starships such as uh mark one they had a whole
project plan where they uh took out the insides and uh slowly disassembled it using
angle grinders uh by the way i'd like to mention that uh all of starship is built
using a lot of off the shelf parts of rolled stainless steel that you can use you
know common welding techniques and it is a very affordable means of production it's
a very large amount of production and stainless steel does have a cost but
- [1:07:52](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4072s) the skill set and
the materials themselves are relatively cheap compared to carbon composites which
is what allowed them to start building in a dirt patch in south texas and and now
they're improving the quality by building all this wind shielding and and
weatherproofing right one thing i want to point out in this picture really quick um
spacex has drastically increased their capacity for people to dump their
responsibilities off somewhere else um these are septic tanks so they're increasing
their septic tank capacity
- [1:08:34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4114s) um why they have
them above ground oh yeah actually they have them above ground because the water
table is so high but these are all septic tanks you can actually see and i'm not
gonna be able to find it in this image they used to have a restroom they are
village as uh more and more staff are on site uh quick shout out to jeff weiss uh
welcome to rgb flight support thanks for uh joining the team jeff glad to have you
here yeah definitely i'm glad you were the second one in i think i was the first
jeff so
- [1:09:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4155s) you know appreciate
you um everything definitely helps i mean definitely not easier easy for mauricio
to continue to do these flavors as much as he does so any donations and joining as
members especially if you guys are on patreon or you know even in the youtube
channel we're kind of hoping to do this uh more often so you know i think people
like to see green faces in the chat every now and then right and um one thing i
want to add is all members also get access to patreon um some of the perks you get
access to the
- [1:09:48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4188s) early access gallery
right after the flyover so there's that as well wow rohan just asked what sn11 is
and i feel like explaining it to him but i just can't do it with any of your
current oh yeah i can here we go well quickly verbally we'll go through that uh
it's uh serial number 11 was a starship that launched in the fog early in the
morning and it did uh it did not fair very well anybody have a date when it
happened and i can quickly uh gather this picture i'll wait for the chat to throw
me a
- [1:10:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4236s) date i don't
remember when it happened i think it was actually about the same time that they
transported the launch mount uh while we're waiting for the dates to come in uh a
couple of new welcomes uh stumpy001 welcome to rgb flight support astro joe so some
names we know some good friends from uh from other communities welcome and some uh
bum named joe skaggs just joined as well that's me oh my god sorry about that um
thank you thomas for giving me the date that this happened dave avery thanks for
joining too sir
- [1:11:21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4281s) glad to have you on
board i'm not going i forgot really looking forward see you even convinced me i i'm
joining too uh let's see sn11 yep here we go so i feel like this is this doesn't
feel like some eleven because there's no debris anywhere this isn't sm11 this is
march 20 oh he said march 30th she all right guys um so uh one of the uh one of the
fun things uh whenever visiting after sn11 um there were bits and pieces strewn
through the wetlands for for many months and uh it was too wet to go drag them out
they actually sent in a
- [1:12:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4331s) crew of men to pick
it up and carry it out and i i captured that on video while we were every day is
exciting down at uh spacex it really is you know looking at this picture again i
realized that i wasted a lot of my time when i went down there with starship gazers
looking for debris because we were in this area mostly and i think i actually see
the piece of debris that he mentioned to me which is most likely gone now since one
two three pieces four pieces of debris in this area um i really should have been in
a different
- [1:12:44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4364s) spot but this is
what it looks like when something explodes in the air um it becomes tiny particles
spread out over a very large area and i don't care what you say i'm not really
worried about retaliation on speculation this thing blew up in the air and a
vehicle does not do that by itself so you're just gonna have to deal with that in
your own time um uh real quick let me welcome uh phillikid and paul a thanks for
joining rtv flight support yes and this is mauricio or otherwise known as rgb i
want to let you guys know all the
- [1:13:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4404s) numbers i just
uploaded the a dropbox link um to all the members so you can go ahead and open up
that folder and you can review the photos on your hands thank you thank you very
nice we appreciate that sir yeah definitely and uh you know we definitely
appreciate everybody who gives gives this stream a like and uh you know kind of let
us know you know actually feel free to leave stuff in the comments let us know what
you guys want to improve on or if you want to see this more often or you know any
constructive or negative
- [1:13:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4435s) consistent criticism
is equally welcome um but yeah i think uh maybe we should move on from the building
i feel like most of the exciting stuff happens like in this area the only other
place that if people are new to being an rgb patron that i would tell them to
suggest all right would suggest for them to focus on is let's get a different angle
this part of the build site um so this is where spacex stores all of their
temporary um or sorry anything that's pretty major that needs to go somewhere is
usually going to be stored here first
- [1:14:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4476s) wow just noticed
some stuff that i didn't notice before one big thing right here is the i believe
thermal that's a 30 that's a uh 20 center i'm sorry 13 center engines right there
this is the thermal shield right could be let's see if we can find another angle of
it uh by the way the booster design is currently 29 engines with nine center one
dead center and eight and a ring around it the future design is three center
engines 10 engines in the middle and then 20 on the outside you can change up the
uh the center
- [1:15:23](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4523s) which is uh being
which is what's uh rigged up right there or jigged up um but the 20 outside engines
need to remain in their current position so they can get mated to the launch table
yeah this kind of looks like to me that they may potentially i don't know which
side of the vehicle this is if this is bottom up then they're these are just
manifolds to mount the each individual pipe onto but if these are top down then
these could actually be extending the mounting locations of the raptors further
down so that the internals are a little bit
- [1:16:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4565s) more protective but
looking at it again i don't think that's what's happening i think these are and
i'll throw in one quick shameless plug at grandpa joe42 at twitter i've mocked up
what a 33 engine starship will look like i'm no self-promotion here sir actually
i'm looking for it right now thank you sir let's see gpg so um as you watch each
week at starbase uh you'll see equipment moving around new projects coming in and
they are always moving uh the updates just never stop uh from where the rings are
- [1:16:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4606s) just this week they
moved starship 21 into the mid bay they moved it out of the mid bay they moved it
to the high bay briefly it took it off of a sand and currently it is sitting well
it could have moved since the last time i looked which was earlier today wow i just
noticed that you post a picture inside of what i think is the max q nose cone you
posted a video inside the max q knows coming today yes sir am i wrong oh that
that's it is that the vehicle oh uh is that the max q no that uh we believe that
one might have been uh sn10
- [1:17:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4650s) uh before it
launched that whole vehicle i'm going to retweet this right now if you guys want to
see it it's here yeah it's a very cool video um i don't believe spacex wanted it
out there but uh it's it's been out for a minute risque this is the inside of a
starship a very rare view this guy was freaking out and moving his camera around
way too fast that's all i know yeah uh you'll see see uh copvs which is a
compression over wrapped pressure vessel it's where you hold high pressure gas
- [1:18:10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4690s) uh those are the
black tanks on the side and up at the top you have the liquid oxygen header tank
while a starship is coming in it has to be able to reliably get fuel instantly and
that little ball right up there holds it's always full of pure oxygen and the tube
going down goes straight to the engines to start them off am i seeing one two three
four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 copd's up there oh yes you are sir they are
they are trying to keep it waiting i'm a sayo i don't need thomas to tell us
- [1:18:48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4728s) or not or mouser
they're who i usually go to for starship related things is this new because that is
pretty major in my opinion that's been out for a while um and uh mark one had a
similar design um that uh so i will say that one of the problems of the designer
starship is it's so heavily weighted in the rear it's got some junk in the trunk so
as it's coming in empty it's so biased that way that they had to move the header
tank and as much of the weight all the way to the front to lever
- [1:19:21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4761s) it so that it would
more naturally glide coming in right yep uh oh did you want to pull up the uh 33
booster image or uh get back to the uh yeah to the launch cider build side uh let's
see if i can find it really quick i'll find it well as we're going um what i really
want to do is get it to the launch site it is getting similar yeah yeah we
originally planned but uh well i mean i'm having a blast though hey sack one
question what's that inside of the the low being is that a new nose cone that would
be a
- [1:20:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4805s) um ring section for
the nose cone yeah the uh the section above the fuel tanks but below the nose guy
um and oh a little brief speculation currently it's only four rings but uh they're
they might be moving to five and they might even be uh increasing it by another
three beyond that so uh they are expanding the capabilities of the starship to hold
additional fuel for for longer range and heavier payloads uh and i missed it a
moment ago but big shout out to miss indian star she donated twenty dollars for the
- [1:20:45](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4845s) flight thank you
indian star yeah hopefully a new star will be a part of the next live stream she's
a very amazing voice that you guys are all missing out on so oh no i'm sorry for
everyone yeah one thing to note is that all the support and contributions they go
100 towards the rental fees associated with the with the flight and expenses
equipment you know everything goes towards these flavors thank you thank you i
think we're gonna have to not yeah you want to jump to the uh do you want to jump
to the launch site yes
- [1:21:28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4888s) preferably but
before we do that this is sevens um half dome i think uh booster eight or seven is
this the 29 engine design or is it the uh no more 29 we only do this one is 33.33
out here oh and uh is the mounting the same for the raptor one and the raptor two
are they interchangeable at the moment let's take a step back really quick because
i just realized we're getting a lot of questions that we haven't we don't have like
a question about set up yet so we um are relying on um the wonderful miss indian
star to give
- [1:22:03](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4923s) us the questions but
we're also talking way too much to pay attention to them so let's take a step back
uh the observationists said what about the rumor that the wide bay will include a
tall robotic welding jig to robotically weld boosters and ships from top to bottom
uh i don't know man i don't know if that's where we're at yet i feel like that's a
step that you take when you know that a process isn't going to change so um one
process that maybe won't change so much that currently exists in starbase is the uh
- [1:22:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4956s) installation of the
tps tiles so those tps tiles are going to have to go in basically the same
locations on every single starship and that's probably not going to change so they
can afford to install robots and go through the process of setting up the control
systems to program in the locations that those [Music] robotic welding machines
need to pinpoint target every single time but if that program is changing all the
time which basically everything except for tps tiles is changing um well tps tiles
and the outer 20 engines
- [1:23:10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=4990s) this ring right here
plus the tps tile layouts is one of the few things that doesn't change on the
regular um i don't i just don't think you're going to see any changes to those and
therefore um the robotic welding jig i just i just i just don't see that happening
because they're not at that final position that final assembly rate yet you know
what i mean like they gotta have you enter mass production before you start doing
things like that i i just sometimes they'll attempt to automate
- [1:23:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5030s) before they know
their final design but uh as elon said in his interview uh you know it's best to
get the design right and then attempt to automate it or at the same time they've
been showing signs of automation already so it's kind of a toss-up as far as
whether or not we should assume that they're gonna wait to automate like they
definitely i mean every week they have new robotic welders show up every week hey
zach one thing i want to add is um don't be afraid to show any of the ground photos
- [1:24:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5057s) um just for brief
moments you know so we can get back to the aerials in case you want to look at
something a little bit more close up you know i don't have the ground photos from
the most recent one because i wasn't prepared for that uh real quick question for
you mauricio from chris uh will there be a point where you can no longer fly so
close to starbase do you have signals announcements that you look out for e well we
always keep an eye out for all the updated tfrs typically there's always a new tfr
- [1:24:54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5094s) coming out at the
end of the month they usually post it at the in the fa website about what is it
like three to five days yeah three or five days three to ten days beforehand and
that's how you know cfr is a uh temporary flight restriction correct a temporary
flight restriction currently there's one at ten thousand feet so we conduct our
flyovers at ten thousand five hundred feet and above for the most part um just to
give them a good cushion you know we don't want to accidentally go under that limit
you know
- [1:25:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5131s) yeah for sure but as
far as um our aircraft can easily do or one thing i do want to say is we used to
fly at 150 prior to the 10 000 foot tfr and that one couldn't reach the 1050 the
cessna 150 that's just the model you know it's a lower horsepower aircraft so it
wasn't able to reach up to ten thousand so we had to upgrade it to we had to change
out the aircraft for a different one the cessna 172.
- [1:26:02](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5162s) so that's what we're
using now so because of the change and uh the height you had to increase your your
lenses your photography equipment and the airplane in order to reach that altitude
safely right right so in a sense it got more expensive and uh on another related
note uh it is something that all of us tank watchers uh keep a close eye out for is
uh the notice to all airmen or nodums uh they uh will tell you whenever you're not
allowed to fly into an area because of a danger such as a starship flight so
- [1:26:42](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5202s) we keep a close eye
out for those being posted uh as they are a key indicator of when a launch might
occur so i have a quick question um obviously people are able to like see the the
pictures that we're showing up here i got i'm just curious if like words are enough
you know what i mean like do you guys think that maybe doing a podcast about this
stuff would be something that people would be interested in because i feel like we
can talk all day about this it's already almost 10 and we're still going we haven't
even let
- [1:27:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5236s) that build yet i've
got hours more than me uh but yeah let us know in the chat would y'all like to hear
a uh star based podcast you know it's funny that initially going into this you know
we're talking about it being an experiment and to see how it goes and in my head i
was thinking it was going to last about 30 minutes or so and i don't know it's just
kind of funny that we've already agreed here we are haven't you left the build site
you played yourself and sarah let me tell you we're we're
- [1:27:47](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5267s) amateurs at uh
compared to some of the professionals that can go 12 hours at a gap we'll try not
to to keep everyone that long though there's a there's a man and a legend out there
his name is tomaseo he once did a 15 hour rocket talk 15 hours it was an amazing
jaw-dropping event didn't even stop for lunch that's what we're working up to guys
inspiration anyways let's move on uh inside the mid bay i think we have ship 22
which is a lot better than yes i think yep ship 22. a lot more than people
- [1:28:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5304s) realize yeah they
were building it almost in parallel with chip 21 ship 21 they started to build and
paused until almost till ship 22 had caught up to it uh now i know they had
recently moved 21 out is that uh is it back in or this was taken tuesday so since
this picture i believe to the left the bottom half of ship 21 has been moved out
and taken out of the mid bay it was moved to the high bay and then taken back out
so it is on the go yeah you can tell they have the spmt's sitting here waiting
svmpt self-propelled motorized transport
- [1:29:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5346s) yeah what they do is
um you have a spotter underneath this blanket and he looks up underneath the
blanket to figure out where mauricio is in the sky and once he makes his return
flight back to the airport is when they uncover everything that they're hiding and
continue operations so this is the actual spy platform right here and uh yeah these
guys are all walking around nonchalant like nothing's happening but as soon as
mauricio dips into the clouds it gets going oh wow i just noticed they have parking
spots for rings now
- [1:29:47](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5387s) every one of them
hey zach it's funny that you mentioned that but there's it's been quite a few
flowers that i go out there and clear skies once i get there the the cloud coverage
there's like a blanket of clouds that move into the site it's kind of strange like
spacex did something to the weather but now i'm just joking but yeah it has
happened a couple of times conspiracy theories i thought you didn't like that kind
of stuff um you know i think that it may be even simpler than that it's just like
- [1:30:26](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5426s) you know it it's
very easy everything that they have is mobile and so it's very easy for them as
soon as you're in the air to just hide stuff but uh what i've also noticed is that
when i go back to look for older stuff i can tell i'm like wow that was the qd's
for the wrap the 20 outer raptors right there at the build site and they had them
covered up with like some wimpy tarps so that you wouldn't see them but they if you
actually know what you're looking for and you go back you're like wow there they
are right
- [1:30:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5455s) there but under our
nose the whole time yeah they cover it up just enough so there's not enough detail
for you to like actually see what it is until you know what it is and you go back
and look at it later um [Music] on that note at the launch site there's tons of
stuff that you can cover up and uh this is where the main cover-up exists actually
so even just from this view there is a ton of stuff happening so mauricio got super
lucky in order to like catch this in the process and this is when they were
preparing for one of the first tests on
- [1:31:35](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5495s) the booster i'm
guessing this is not underway this is actually the first time i've seen this
picture so this is the uh ground venting is uh what does that signify they're
releasing i will tell you my speculation what ground venting means they're probably
filling up these um compressed gas tanks on the roof so they're working from left
to right and while you're vaporizing um okay so you have gaseous oxygen right here
you have gaseous nitrogen right here you have i believe helium right here and
- [1:32:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5536s) then you have
gaseous oxygen right here so if you're vaporizing oxygen you're going to be
building up a ton of pressure and you may have to release some of it so the process
of filling these up with gaseous oxygen could be potentially one of the first
things that we see during the startup process because number one the reason that
you're doing this is because first of all you have to pressurize the entire booster
so this is the common dome of the booster this is the lox tank this is the methane
tank when they put the booster onto the
- [1:32:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5566s) launch mount the
very first thing they do is attach this quick disconnect and the reason they do
that immediately is because they want to let go of the booster with the crane and
in order to let go the booster with the crane you have to make sure that these
tanks are fully pressurized and when they're pressurized they'll look super smooth
like this anyways you will be confused yeah it's just like a soda can um as you add
pressure it strengthens the walls and allows it to support itself without that
- [1:33:19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5599s) it could collapse
the old atlas rockets the first generation were built out of a much thinner
stainless steel and they were called balloon rockets and if they weren't
pressurized they would collapse and that happened several times exactly one of the
things really quick though just to explain this one process so if you're trying to
pressurize this booster you have two options you can dump in um you're not going to
use nitrogen because you want to maintain liquid oxygen in the liquid oxygen tank
and you want to tame maintain
- [1:33:51](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5631s) methane in the
methane tank so when you put the booster on top of the launch mount you first
pressurize both tanks with nitrogen because that's the most immediately available
in the tank farm and also the safest but when you start loading propensi onto the
booster the very first thing you're going to do is cycle out all of the nitrogen
gas from both of these tanks so one of the first purges that you're going to see on
the booster is them pushing out all of the nitrogen gas they're using in order to
- [1:34:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5656s) maintain the tank
pressure and therefore the structural stability they'll push out all the nitrogen
gas from the lox tank repress replace it with lox gas push out all the nitrogen gas
from the methane tank replace it with nitrogen gas which comes from right here on
the rooftop then they're going to have to repressurize those tanks using the liquid
nitrogen that's stored right here so you vaporize liquid nitrogen repressurize
these tanks you vaporize more liquid oxygen repressurize those tanks because you
- [1:34:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5686s) need them
pressurized when you start up the raptor engines but initially in order to
pressurize the vehicle you have two options you either dump liquid oxygen and
liquid um methane into those tanks and wait for them to boil off and build up
pressure or you build up the pressure inside these tanks and inject them into here
so that immediately you're at your operating pressure and then you just start to
transfer liquids in after that point all right uh let me stop you there for a
moment that was a very complicated uh set of
- [1:35:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5714s) actions that you and
i are very sorry no no no i just went in right there yeah i know you did a great
quick summary uh by the way just uh quickly and and the uh fuel farm off to the
right those tanks are full of liquid oxygen it's proposed that they will eventually
be full of liquid methane and they have liquid nitrogen now real basic physics here
as a gas expands it drops in temperature so one of the tricks of physics that
spacex is using is as they're pumping liquid oxygen and methane through for an
actual launch
- [1:35:56](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5756s) they're expanding
liquid nitrogen over it to reduce the temperature and this is how many just home
refrigerators work with uh freon uh so as this is happening here at the at the fuel
facility uh you'll see clouds being released of nitrogen and uh and that's one of
the key indicators that they're propelling uh they're preparing to load propellant
and also uh a good picture you've brought up here there are two new tanks that have
been brought in and uh we believe that they have been plumbed uh to hold uh
cryogenic methane
- [1:36:39](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5799s) um yeah these these
are produced offsite by a certified builder so they can be used immediately for
methane while they're uh it's speculated that they're preparing to authorize the
use of the ones that they've constructed the whole method as well so one thing that
i uh told myself i wasn't going to touch on but i will is some of the issues with
the tank farm so as far as uh state regulations go if you're storing hydrocarbons
inside of in a liquid state then the container that you're storing
- [1:37:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5836s) those hydrocarbons
in and methane gas um diesel anything that is a byproduct of oil is a is considered
a hydrocarbon so if you're storing hydrocarbons at cryogenic state which means
they're highly compressed high and super cold and highly reactive and also highly
sensitive to temperature changes if you're doing that stuff you have to properly
protect them and one of the things that's required when you're trying to properly
protect these things holy is i know such great pictures right no i just noticed a
heat exchanger down here
- [1:37:53](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5873s) um yeah is a six
foot tall fence so it you're not trying to contain the volume of these tanks when
you build this wall around it yes that is a portion of it containing the volume if
these tanks all rupture at the same time you want to contain it but if that happens
you're at a loss you're also if these tanks rupture you're going to have liquid
oxygen also rupturing this whole facility is gone so you're really not trying to
protect anything in the environment by doing this you're just trying to satisfy
- [1:38:25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5905s) laws and texas laws
require six foot walls around any tank that is storing or transferring liquid
hydrocarbons so the tank has to be a minimum sorry the wall has to be a minimum of
four and a half feet away from the wall of the tank and every electrical connection
that is used to actuate this tank farm also has to be more than four and a half
feet away and that is physically impossible in between these two tanks you can see
right here that they have a um a rail that contains all of the electrical lines
there is roughly uh 1.5 meters of space
- [1:39:02](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5942s) or aka four and a
half feet of space in between these two tanks so the electrical lines would have to
be inside of the other tank in order to satisfy the demands that are required in
order for them to store methane in these tanks that being said the wall for these
tanks also has to be inside of this tank in order for them to properly secure this
area for texas regulations so as they get a pass on these two buildings sorry these
two tanks they will never put methane in them never uh if they never put methane in
- [1:39:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=5977s) then they're gonna
have to convert them over to something that they can store which is probably one
two three four locks one two three four liquid nitrogen and you're sorry one two
three liquid nitrogen and then you're going to have to expand you the amount of um
th4 tanks that you're having because these two are not enough if these two are also
ch4 storage tanks then you may have enough to fully fuel a booster and starship but
if they're not if these are dedicated to the recovery process then you're gonna
have to have
- [1:40:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6006s) more storage tanks
before you can launch a fully fueled booster and starship period uh and the large
commodity tanks how much uh what's what volume do they hold um the liquid nitrogen
tanks hold roughly 200 000. oh man dave's going to assassinate me i think it's 368
000 gallons of 386 000 gallons of cryogenic and each truck brings in 4 000 gallons
at a at per load minus uh losses to i said that earlier today and i was wrong the
liquid oxygen tanks bring in 53 387 gallons of fuel per liquid oxygen tank
- [1:40:54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6054s) and the liquid
nitrogen tankers hold roughly 8 237 gallons i think 800 sorry 8 237 gallons i think
and the reason is because um uh it's less dense i think hey uh real quick uh big
thanks to jeff wise who just donated twenty dollars says thanks for all the cool
picks rgb and thank you jeff thank you everybody who's been donating tonight we
really appreciate that helps uh helps keep mauricio flying stephanie asked a very
good question is there a wall around the suborbital tanks and no there is not a
wall around
- [1:41:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6100s) uh this is the
methane tanks over here um there is not a wall around those and i don't know why
tell you the truth i don't understand that i feel like they should be in violation
over here the one thing that i was trying to do was get access to the texas
railroad commission the full document in order to figure out whether or not it was
a volume related restriction because most likely once you're storing above a
certain volume you're going to have different restrictions but i don't have access
to that yet so i can only
- [1:42:09](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6129s) provide speculation
and my speculation is that this is below the volume that is required in order sorry
this storage system is below the volume where you have to meet those other
standards that the orbital tank farm is falling short on and it's major they're
making moves though they're not the but the moves are in the direction of never
using these tanks for methane i literally i would not be surprised if these become
locks and all of these are liquid nitrogen like i said right now like look at this
this is why i say
- [1:42:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6170s) this this berm is
complete it is the same height all around and they have a lot of excess dirt over
here a lot by the way stephanie ball uh says uh 462 uh thousand u.s liquid gallons
that sounds like a nitrogen tank could be she may be calculating the 11 meter
diameter which for the water tank would be would hold true the others have interior
volumes of nine meters uh and then they have an 11 meter with a one meter buffer of
perlite by the way while we were down there they were expanding the perlite and
- [1:43:34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6214s) it down into the uh
all the tanks there all right i think we're all caught up on on questions if y'all
have any other questions please post them in chat and if you uh tag at joseph skank
i'll be sure to see them uh as you post them while we're waiting for their
questions here's a few more things for you guys so number one this tank farm or
sorry this right here is the liquid ox or sorry liquid methane filling line and uh
originally the methane filling lines went along this wall right here but they
- [1:44:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6258s) deleted them and
supposedly moved them over here and that ideally should be for the purpose of
satisfying the other regulation which requires every hydrocarbon offloading
facility or offloading pipeline to be separated away from everything else in other
words if a tanker comes and backs into here and hits this line this entire system
is gone oh yeah if it sparks it's over unless they have a spark arrestor to a flame
arrester to stop that propagation back through these tanks it's a wrap so and i'm
not saying that there you
- [1:45:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6301s) cannot stop a met a
trucker from backing into any of these pipes you can't do it so while that's okay
for liquid oxygen it is and liquid nitrogen it is not okay for something that has a
600 to 1 expansion ratio which means if you take these the tops off these tanks and
expose them to atmosphere they're going to expand to 600 times the volume that
you're seeing right here right now so what would that look like in a starship if
you fully expanded all the uh the gas in a starship well well you asked so if the
- [1:45:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6340s) actually did this
calculation the other day if you took out the methane tank of this booster and
filled the entire booster up with liquid oxygen and then decided okay we don't want
to have to like compress it down to those temperatures we want to store it at
atmospheric pressure if you stretch the booster in order to hold all the liquid
oxygen that it contains as a gas at one atmosphere pressure this booster would be
37 miles tall that's that's uh higher than uh jeff bezos has even flown isn't it
- [1:46:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6376s) i don't even know if
jeff bezos knows that the karman line exists but i think this gets him about uh two
thirds of the way there there you go all he has to do is take a starship put it
inside of a compressed tube release the pressure and slowly rise up into the
mesosphere wherever he normally likes to fly at um but yeah just visualizing the
amount that that those molecules are shrunk down in order to fit inside this
vehicle like i said if you remove all the low temperature all the high pressure
this booster becomes 37 miles tall
- [1:46:52](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6412s) that is a ton a
massive amount of fuel so uh real quick giant rat asked a great question how could
spacex have possibly messed up so badly on a fuel farm design how do you think uh
the engineers allowed that to happen reason is most likely if i had to guess this
is pure speculation because they chose to not include um petroleum engineers in
their design of this facility because they thought they knew better and petroleum
engineers should have experience to know that these rules exist and if they cut
those people out of the deal then they're
- [1:47:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6450s) going to make
mistakes like this you can't just say oh i know how to build tanks i make uh nine
meter tanks every day i'm just gonna store all my stuff it takes let's build shells
to go over them you can't just do that there's rules to storing these hydrocarbons
and if they're being reckless in the way that they want to get things done
extremely fast then they're gonna do things like that which they already have done
they've made multiple mistakes that they just clearly weren't aware of
- [1:47:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6475s) when they made the
decision like the high bay stairs um matter of fact look at this all right here's
an example so we all know or most of us know that they've been installing stairs
inside of the high bay well now as a pillow kid who's a commentator for la padre
has pointed out several times they're also installing them outside of the high bay
currently trying to make sure that this picture those before i click so right here
they're installing the secondary set of stairs every building like this requires
two sets of stairways
- [1:48:35](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6515s) in order to certify
it for um occupation probably butchering that but you need to yeah in order to get
a certificate of occupancy any building over a certain height must have two fire
exits separate and sealed from each other does one have to be inside and one has to
be outside uh no not necessarily um no uh they do uh and philip kidd is a great
architect who knows many of these answers but it does very safe to say uh one of
them does need to be i believe uh fireproofed or sealed so that uh it is not itself
consumed in most commercial
- [1:49:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6557s) construction you
encase uh such a fire exit in cinder blocks uh in this case i believe they've
chosen to do it with metal yes you need a fire egress let's see if i can quickly
grab the picture of that what that looks like so we're going uh deeper into the
things that i prepared for so you guys are going to bear with me as i scroll
through the unorganized pictures looking for sanchez i don't know if 11 3 is far
enough i think they were already lifting those into the high bay like look at that
the last remaining section
- [1:50:02](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6602s) wow all right hold
on i'm gonna get it closer by the way i do love that as you click through the
pictures you can relive the flight you can see as the plane starts i know right all
right sorry bear with me but look at mauricio's path as he's flying i'm gonna go
back right as he completes another orbit around yeah you can see i'm really i have
to say i'm really unorganized when it comes to you know taking the photos typically
when you're up in the air time is of the essence so i take every single
- [1:50:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6636s) moment to you know
get shots looking back at the build site you know while i'm doing an orbit at the
launch site so it might be out of order you know hey beggars can't be choosers man
we just out here trying to get the content as we can i think you were not going
back to sanchez after this actually i may have to settle for another picture oh
what were you looking for um the stairway that's inside the high bay so it's
protected it's actually i don't even need to show it it has the same shielding on
it that the actual
- [1:51:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6674s) exterior of the
building has except it's located on the interior corner of the building and now
they're building an exterior set of stairs so i think maria pointer was one of the
first people that we talked to that said that they needed two sets of stairs and
from her story she told some of the spacex employees and they were like what what
do you mean that's a requirement she's like yeah like you have to do that you have
to do that and they didn't know and they move so fast that if they don't have the
- [1:51:43](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6703s) right industry
professionals in the right positions at the right time they're going to make those
mistakes and that is going to be the make or break for them in my opinion um but
with all that being said every company goes through that and they're dealing with
it far better than everybody else right i'd like to point out that they are really
great professionals at pivoting on a moment's notice they aren't seasoned
professionals and having been on site there is a mix of old you know grizzled
aerospace veterans
- [1:52:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6734s) but there are a lot
a lot of very young 20-something uh adults that are just starting their careers in
aerospace and they're working their hearts out but they haven't been around the
block and they don't know that you know you need a fire egress or you need a six-
foot retaining wall so they move fast they break stuff mistakes are made but you
cannot argue with the absolute utter success that everything spacex has touched has
been i mean they may not know all the rules but they break the one they break all
- [1:52:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6766s) them anyway yeah i
wish this was an unadded stream i would just say screw the rules do what you got to
do they're very safe while they do that like don't get don't be wrong rules are in
place for a reason and a lot of companies will if you give them you know a few
hundred meters they're gonna take several hundred kilometers but spacex in my
opinion appreciates the land that they have and they are well aware that this is
the absolute most prime location you can possibly launch from within the united
- [1:53:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6798s) period right uh
giant rent would like to ask uh why hasn't anyone been fired and do they have
permits that must be approved in order for this uh work to complete be completed
well number one we don't know whether or not anybody's been fired but the first
thing that we do know is that spacex holds people personally accountable for almost
everything that they do which is very rare in large engineering companies like this
so in most engineering companies you might be responsible let's say you're
responsible for
- [1:53:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6830s) the aft flaps so if
you design the app flaps you design them and then you hand it off to the
fabrication team who builds them then you hand it off they hand it off to the team
who installs them and then they hand it out to the team that test it and then you
get the results passed back to you um through those four layers in terms in terms
of spacex if you're responsible of the athlaps you're also going to be there when
they're manufacturing it you're also going to be there when they're installing it
and you're going
- [1:54:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6858s) to be sitting there
at the computer when it's going wrong during the flight yes you're going to be a
part of all of it and that is the difference between spacex and everybody else's
personal accountability um that makes it so that the mistakes that they make are
handled completely differently so if you if you are the person who completely
ignored the fact that there are these regulations that are in place for that tank
farm yes they could fire you or they could hold you responsible for finding the
solution which is actually
- [1:54:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6895s) the better route and
i think um that route is under used by companies 100 they when people make mistakes
they tend to fire them instead of giving them the chance to be the one who is going
to care the most to resolve the issue you fight like hell whenever it's your job on
the floor yes uh somebody uh pointed out a really great comment spacex is using the
agile design method that's normally applied to software but they're now using it in
manufacturing they're they're designing rapidly prototyping iterating pushing out
- [1:55:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6931s) production moving
fast and breaking stuff so i i'm in the it industry i know you have a computer
science background yourself and uh it's easy to see how wonderfully this is being
applied in a manufacturing environment where it's much harder to change the the
base code but uh yeah they they are moving fast speaking of moving fast we're
moving slow and we haven't yet i'm gonna close out of the build site let's get back
to the what date are we yeah racism uh whenever we do the reason for
- [1:56:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=6966s) the uh to the launch
site uh i would definitely like to point out that uh yeah what it takes to get from
where we are now to a launch uh do you think we can cover that uh in a brief moment
oh yeah watch this so um one of the really cool things that a lot of people aren't
aware of because of the fact that this vehicle is so far away from everything else
is the fact that uh ship 20 is more than likely further along in its thermal
coverings than booster 4.
- [1:56:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7000s) it's probably 100
complete almost as far as thermal coverings and i'm looking for i don't know if i
went back far enough i think i'm one week too early right now let me go back a
little further sure so uh just to cover uh some of the uh some of the key things
that need to be completed uh they're gonna have to finish the cryogenic testing of
booster four um they're going to have to complete the deliveries of methane they're
going to well they're going to have to complete the storage tanks for
- [1:57:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7038s) the methane as well
as the chillers they're going to have to complete their testing campaign of uh ship
20 which uh by the way they did have one test of ship 20 that appeared to have not
completed successfully so i suspect that they may have one more static fire using
the header header tanks that we covered earlier of ship 20 before it is stacked for
final integration um the arms are probably not going to be used uh on the first
launch they they are not 100 necessary though they would be nice for lifting the uh
the ship
- [1:58:04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7084s) um that said however
uh these are not going to return to the launch site the booster if everything goes
well is going to land uh just a few miles off the coast only in the gulf of mexico
and if the ship performs perfectly it should be landing in the water off of the
coast of hawaii and hawaii they have removed the upper lift points of ship 20 so we
should be seeing an ins interesting rig used to lift it so i do want to encourage
everyone to uh keep an eye out for any lifting rig that can be inserted into ship
21. they
- [1:58:49](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7129s) have two uh lifting
points up top and two lifting points in the middle um and we have not yet spotted
the rig that can lift that from the middle of the ship so i can tell you right now
the first place you're gonna see is probably an rgb's flower because it probably is
already on site um it's whatever is required right to lift that has been here for
at least the last three months that's the trend that they go through um everything
that they need gets here before they need it for the most part um there's very few
things that spacex
- [1:59:23](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7163s) needs that they
don't have several months before it's actually needing to be in use and uh one of
the big big big examples of that is the fact that at the um the uh what's it called
the gun range massive mastery um they are currently oh man i don't know if this
picture's gonna show up that well those uh hippos that we were talking about the
subconscious oh the kettle boilers that are used for heat exchangers that is it um
zach um since we're looking at this photo can you explain to them what we're
- [2:00:02](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7202s) looking at here the
property yeah yeah so this is what i uh hopefully i'm explaining this right this is
a gun range but i believe spacex owns a majority of it and i think that what they
do is they allow their employees to come here after everybody on nerdle is talking
about their work and just like put all of our memes onto posts and like take
assault rifles and pistols submachine guns whatever you want and aim at all of our
sorry is that speculation confirmed um so they shoot down all of our speculation
here inside of the gun range
- [2:00:41](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7241s) and one of the
things that they also do here is store random equipment and uh they have a ton of
cryo tubing they have a little bit more perlite bags over here uh where is the
cattle boilers so uh it has been said that this site is going to be used uh for
raptor testing and potentially minor repairs there it is right here oh there's a
kettle boiler right there oh there it is yeah there's a little so in my opinion
this is most likely going to be used on the methane um you may potentially have one
for each methane tank and i
- [2:01:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7290s) wholeheartedly
believe there's going to be another methane tank oh yeah there has to be so one
thing that you're gonna see down here is this line right here so what they do is
each line that feeds into the uh sorry this is the line that feeds liquid nitrogen
into the bottom of the kettle boilers and they fill the kettlebells up about
halfway to three quarters away full of liquid nitrogen and then you exchange that
heat with the methane on the side so this is your manifold you have one two three
pipes extending off it and you
- [2:02:09](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7329s) only have two kettle
boilers and there's also a kettle boiler sitting there waiting at the massey uh gun
range i don't know why it's not here yet because i think that they're waiting
potentially on the pump and the motor to drive the pump yeah and then i have mounts
for a fourth one there as well yep there there should be four and on the other side
um you can't really tell because uh what a great locks liquid nitrogen cloud um one
two three four five there are five pumps there's one two three four five
- [2:02:47](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7367s) six seven eight
spots for kettle boilers at the lox farm but if we're talking about pure insulation
capacity these tanks have 1.5 meters of insulation space which is a nine meter tank
or a four and a half meter diameter plus an 11 meter tank which is a five and a
half radius meter radius so you have a whole meter of space in between the shell
and the tank which is way more insulation than you're ever going to get out of
these so for long-term storage theoretically you need way more pumps for these in
order to get it through
- [2:03:41](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7421s) faster i don't know
that's yep that's speculation in my opinion uh i'll be i try to be very clear when
i'm speculating but i mean let's be real the pumps are about a quarter of the size
the ch4 pumps are like almost unseeable when it comes to comparing them to the lox
pumps they are tiny there are temperature and expansion differences between oxygen
and methane that would necessitate different sizes and use cases of those uh kettle
boilers but uh i mean they're not that different so now
- [2:04:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7456s) you are obviously
going to need quite a bit more there um and by the way i want to say this is all
very complicated but it is all understandable if you uh focus on this long enough
and uh study you know it's it's just rocket science folks that's all not even this
stuff is where rocket scientists get confused because it violates all their laws
their spacex is violating a lot of laws that people thought existed before like
doing a crowd test with liquid oxygen instead of liquid nitrogen that's a violation
- [2:04:49](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7489s) laws that in my
opinion like i personally somebody can find an example of somebody doing a cryotest
with liquid oxygen i would love to see that but i don't think it's ever been done
um i don't know they're flying by the sea of their pants and they're also really
really really good at it do you want to go over the uh tower while we're uh in the
neighborhood oh yeah speaking of cover-ups um are they installing cover-ups there
oh yeah the cover-up is complete now in the tower as far as the base goes you
- [2:05:21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7521s) have to move
backwards so i guess by the way i just want to say you're you're skipping over a
lot of amazing pictures on purpose i know right now striking exactly you skip one
of the most difficult shots that i get you see that top down shot like go back to
the top yeah i did because i actually sent that to joe because i i wanted him to he
was asking for a top down and we didn't have any one and then i saw by the way uh
mauricio i am shamelessly stealing uh just uh photos random photos i find for uh my
photo shops thank you i
- [2:05:56](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7556s) appreciate it did
you have to lean out of the window for this no so when we're directly over the
tower what i tell the pilot is to pitch the aircraft to the left so that we're
almost directly looking down [Music] well the grid fin is almost invisible there
look at that like it's so top down the grid fin disappears i can only see one of
them i know oh where's the other ratio you really got it holy crap look at that
yeah it's there wow and look to the right at the next one they're all just almost
invisible they
- [2:06:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7597s) talk about like
minimal air drag like i've never seen that before where it's just basically
invisible that that right there that picture is a great explanation of just how
much this is going to impact yeah wow yeah i might have to clarify that imagine
trying yeah one thing to know you saw it here for first folks one other thing
you're going to see here first um this is actually an old you know this is the
suite so along this wall this concrete wall is where they buried all the water
pipes that are um run
- [2:07:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7635s) to the only existing
water value system that's currently on the launch mount however max q and i did a
very very like deep two-day analysis of like where they possibly laid water pipes
that already exist here and one of the only areas in this entire part of stage zero
that does not currently have concrete on it is right down in here so be on the
lookout for water pipes that are three to four times larger than this one sorry
about the same diameter as this uh that would be locked this locks pipe right here
be on the lookout for a water pipe
- [2:08:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7685s) that's about the
same diameter to come out of the ground right here because there's a reason that
they haven't put concrete here yet just saying the thing that's stopping them from
installing the rest of the water deluge is the fact that they're trying to
commission the most important parts of the launch mount so while they're
sacrificing the ability to perform a launch because they're not installing the
necessary water deluge system they are performing the commissioning testing
procedures that are required in
- [2:08:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7716s) order to certify all
of the different launch of the different um cryogenic or gaseous systems of the
launch table before they even try and do a launch so they won't have to go through
that process because everything is certified so uh uh golden boy uh scott uh uh
parnaipe uh asked uh i want to better understand the mechanisms that will move the
boosters and ships closer and farther from the tower well uh one of the devices
they're going to be using is right there in that picture and that is those giant
- [2:09:13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7753s) and moving arms uh
just to the right so they'll have points where they can hook into the booster to
both lift it position it and drop it onto the launch table and the theory is that
they will be doing the exact same thing with the starship as well now to get those
out there they use those vehicles we described earlier the smtps the self or sp
emts self-propelled motorized transports they're very powerful electric motors
hooked to 18 30 wheeled vehicles and they'll actually gang them together one on
each corner to transport the
- [2:09:59](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7799s) booster from the
build site to the launch site and they'll actually pull it right up to where a
crane can lift it and move it or in the future to where the catching arms can lift
and position it into place back to you golden boy well touching on that subject one
of the big things that in my opinion is the biggest missing thing still uh is not
only removing um this cascade of scaffolding from each of the the um the tower legs
but the most uncomplete part of the entire mechazilla system is this right here in
my opinion
- [2:10:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7846s) and uh one thing
that i've seen from ola who keeps changing his official name so i can't tell you
what it is currently um these things these two surfaces should be separated and
there should potentially be a quote-unquote tank track in between them and that
tank track should be roughly this length and it should have the ability to move up
and down the arms and the reason you do that is so that as long as you land the
booster in between here and here you can move it back into the position that needs
to be in order to be at the
- [2:11:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7891s) center of the launch
map so your area for landing the booster is way bigger than people realize it's not
about the size of the landing pad yeah it's not it's not you're not trying to land
on this line right here yeah you have basically wherever this piece right here can
slide back to and hit this so you you take this length and add it onto here so from
here down to here is the space that the booster has to land which is a lot that is
bigger than a drone ship yeah and it has a 15 degree angle uh with which if you
check the geometry
- [2:12:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7936s) that it can land and
be off kilter so i will say roll is one of the easier things to control with the
reaction control control thrusters on the uh booster um the hard things might be
getting it in place uh and then you know keeping it from swinging while it's coming
in uh and having it come in at the at the proper uh pitch and attitude uh by the
way real quick somebody uh once told me that uh the software design they were using
for the landing of the booster they simply moved the uh landing pad up 100 meters
in the air or 100 feet
- [2:13:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=7981s) in the air uh and uh
that was all the change they did in the software said okay you're just gonna
pretend like the ground is 100 feet up and aim for here yeah i mean this is the one
of those things that you have to also consider about the process of landing a
booster like this view that we have on the launch mount the booster is going to
have this same view for roughly two and a half minutes so if you take the same view
and think of it like 50 000 feet up the booster is going to be slowly coming back
in from the ocean
- [2:13:47](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8027s) over probably like
45 seconds it's gonna slowly be making its way in and it's like uh what 40 miles up
in the air and all of a sudden 40 miles up in the air as soon as it gets right here
it's gonna boom go down straight down and it's gonna lock it's gonna have this in
its sights right here this area right here it's gonna be looking at that for two
and a half minutes so for two and a half minutes it's gonna be aiming for this and
also for two and a half minutes every single camera sensor and
- [2:14:21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8061s) everything that
exists on the system is going to be looking back up at it so one thing that you
won't see with most in my opinion models of this is the fact that there won't be
any last-minute adjustments of the chopsticks period they will be in position by
the time the booster reaches there or else it's not going to work right there also
won't be any speed on the booster when it lands it will be at zero the the
chopsticks should regulate their own height they have like roughly 100 or so meters
of space
- [2:14:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8097s) in order to regulate
their height so they catch the booster when it's at zero velocity and zero uh force
on the rest of the cable system you catch it at zero velocity that's what they do
on the landing uh the uh drone ships they're going to do it here the falco spacex
has plenty of experience landing boosters at zero at a at a height i have no doubt
they'll be able to replicate that here yeah i mean if you can if you can make a
photoshop grandpa joe if you can show what this looks like from 40 000 feet up when
the booster
- [2:15:36](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8136s) makes the decision
that it's going to land instead of digging to the water i'll i'll throw that on the
list sir i think that'll be kind of helpful because in my opinion they're going to
make the decision to land or ditch two minutes before it actually happens uh steven
uh lis has a great question for when they catch the booster how would they rotate
the booster so the quick disconnect fittings align without placing it onto the
ground and we actually have an answer for that um i'll take this one you need to
show a
- [2:16:07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8167s) video of it or do
you want to just explain it no uh i think i can explain they have they do they have
proposed putting uh almost tank track like systems on top of the uh booster catch
arm of the catcher mechanism and they have alignment pins on the ship so the theory
is that those alignment pins will be picked up by the device running on those tank
tracks and it will spin the ship so that it directly aligns with where it should be
and they also have lower hanging arms that prevent it from swinging such as in the
wind it is quite windy down there
- [2:16:51](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8211s) and then from there
they'll be able to swing the whole arms and then do some fine tuning adjustments
using those tank tracks and drop it right into place exactly where it needs to go
i'm sure they'll also have a couple of guys with some guide rope helping to pull it
along but yeah this should be able to be done rather rapidly within a few hours
after landing yeah one of the things to consider when you look at a falcon 9 launch
and i've said this multiple times there's only one one landing camera on the falcon
- [2:17:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8251s) and uh every time
you look at a falcon 9 landing you're looking at the same camera from the same
position on every booster and if you look at every single star or sorry falcon 9
landing on the drone ship it always lands in the same exact rotation every single
time it's just amazing is not an uh a question like that they're gonna be rotated
in the right position at all times i would not be responsible if there's a plus or
sorry i would not be surprised if there's a plus or minus one or two degree
variance in
- [2:18:07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8287s) what they land at as
far as rotation goes the question is it's um uh longitud ladder sorry i'm not going
to what what is this horizontal position yeah what is its distance away from the
tower what is its distance away from the uh from the launch table yeah there's how
many units you could use to measure yeah i do want to welcome a clever girl which
is great for a raptor uh coming in as an rgb flight supporter on youtube thanks for
joining the team and um i want to point out uh giant rat asked i thought the booter
- [2:18:45](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8325s) gonna booster was
going to land in the water uh the first one booster number four is not going to
return to the launch site that said sometime in the very near future they will
return to the launch site and they will be caught in the air by this catch
mechanism first one's not going to do it second one probably won't third we'll see
that's debatable i think elon is very confident he hasn't said it in a while but he
thought that b5 was gonna land i mean we're entering the zone of b5 never
- [2:19:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8357s) even flying but uh i
don't know i still like to think that in my opinion their booster performance is
already recalculated all they have to do is change the engine layout and the you
want to go to the next step characteristics of the booster the super starship super
heavy booster compared to a falcon 9 booster and make adjustments to his
performance based on that and you're also changes in your um griffin positions and
that's all simulation based so you know how it's going to perform before you even
- [2:19:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8397s) it that's not the
question i would not be surprised if they try and catch the second booster if
nevermind i'm not gonna say it you know i'm almost sure you know what i was gonna
say i'm not gonna see it i think this is just crazy enough it might work it by work
so let's get back to the cover-up um one of the big things that they did this week
oh man nom ratio just kidding it's hard to get this view because of the shadow and
then like this shadow is super perfectly planned unfortunately one of the big
things that's in the
- [2:20:39](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8439s) shadow is something
that some things that came in on trucks earlier this week which are most likely
covers for the tower or the table everybody thinks they're for all of the table
legs i personally think that they're for only the um stairs that go up the launch
mount i think these enclosed the stairs completely um and there was even one piece
that has a window on it i can't figure out where it's at but i think these are for
protecting thermally protecting the stairs because they're like far under supported
- [2:21:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8477s) thermally than every
other piece of the structure so like if you look at um just the general like
thickness of most of this material it's so big that the heat transfer is going to
have to take several minutes to make its way into the core of the structure before
it actually starts to do like physical damage onto the supports but the stairs if i
circle around hopefully i hit them there we go these things are not they're very
holy they're very flimsy in comparison to the rest of the launch mount and that
even includes
- [2:21:56](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8516s) just the temporary
supports that they use for the conduit and for the cryo tubing this is far less
protected than everything else i would not be surprised if all of this right here
is 100 related to protecting the stairway so they don't have to rebuild it every
time they do a static fire that's a good theory uh and yeah just we'll point out
that whenever this thing uh launches whenever they light this candle it will be
powerful it will be hot it will be loud and it doesn't just immediately get let
- [2:22:27](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8547s) go they they're
going to do a startup check and fire up all the engines and hold on to it for a
moment so that thing is going to be rocking for a moment and then when they do let
it go boy you'll just never see anything like that now that we're talking about
this how much concrete do you think is going to get damaged from all those raptors
none of it it's pretty high up and they are having a water deluge system which
should suppress some of the uh some of the fire that said uh i am the uh proud
owner of
- [2:23:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8581s) some martite from uh
the last time they thought that they weren't going to do any damage wait are you
the oh okay i thought you were the guy selling the rocks not on the road no i'm not
selling anything um i just picked up some rocks off the side of the road but uh
mauricio one thing to consider really quickly as far as the deluge system that we
know exists right now uh it actually is right below this ring and it goes down and
in so there's uh basically pipes on the left and right side of each leg that go
towards the middle
- [2:23:39](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8619s) and those ones
should create potentially a cone that actually would reach the top of the launch
table in my opinion but also reach about halfway down the bottom of it and i think
that that one is meant to activate after the booster clears the launch mount the
ones that we currently see should turn on because the cone that they're going to
create is very large and it would touch the engines so it's probably a secondary
deluge system in my opinion what we're looking for is something to be mounted onto
the bottom
- [2:24:12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8652s) of this that creates
a curtain in between each leg and on top of that there should be another water w
system somewhere in the middle that either creates a downwards cone to capture all
of the exhaust or creates a flat sheet all the way across that activates before the
engines ignite because the one that exists like i said already turns on after the
booster clears the towers so you need something to activate before the engines
ignite something to activate as you're throttling up something to activate as you
clear the
- [2:24:53](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8693s) tower and then you
need something that's just active 100 of the time and they only have one of those
right now and that's the one that clears the tower so there is up to three more
water value systems in my opinion that still need to be installed on here and uh
feel free to blow up my twitter comments if that ends up not happening in two
months i think the first launch is actually going to be in february in my opinion
but i'm thinking uh sometime in february i'm hoping for the beginning by the way uh
shout out to keith tay
- [2:25:27](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8727s) thanks for joining
uh rtv flight support great name by the way support yes keith um go ahead and check
your all the members on the everybody that's a member gets access to the gallery i
already posted the link about an hour ago [Music] so i wanted to touch on some of
the other stuff that's happening here but what i'll say really quick hopefully you
guys don't make me go and prove it but what happened is when they built this bunker
they ran a whole bunch of conduit down here and towards the launch mount
- [2:26:13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8773s) so while they were
doing that they had a ton of cryo tubing sorry not cryo-tubing water pipes right
here on the launch pad and that was the one week that mauricio i can't remember
what happened um but it was about 20 days in between his flyovers oh sorry i think
it was only 11 days in between his flyers and in that time all the conduit was gone
all the water pipes were gone and the only thing that makes sense to have happened
to them is either they transported them out and sent them somewhere else therefore
we should also see them either
- [2:26:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8810s) at massey's the gun
shop or somewhere at sanchez or the build site and they're not there or they're
underground speaking of water rob shaw was asking that golden boy do they um is the
deluge system fresh water or salt water i know there's a shortage of fresh water in
boca chica are you not going to run salt water through pumps mostly no sir and also
you definitely don't want salt water anywhere near all of this expensive equipment
none of it absolutely do you think they'll ever open up a desalination plant in the
- [2:27:25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8845s) well we talked about
that uh disposal well earlier that's what those are used for they're used for
growing water plus highly contaminated radioactive water usually goes down there um
yeah and i am sorry i got the questions mixed up keith kaye was asking if there was
fresh water uh rob shaw wanted to know are the exposed tower cables uh really safe
at launch so the the tower has a lot of cables running up and down it to pick up
the um the uh catching arms it also has hydraulics pneumatics electrical lines
- [2:28:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8885s) running all through
it have we seen any shielding that might be coming in for that well um if you're
talking about covering up the actual tower itself we have uh man this can be tough
without you guys are gonna have to just accept my word for it because i can't use
ground pictures yet in order to prove it um but so over here at the sanchez site we
have by the way while you're looking uh welcome to missed astro potato uh wife of
astro joe welcome to the thank you astropotato she is a member of rgb flight
- [2:28:54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8934s) and that's the end
of our british section thank you all rgb flight sport i think i'll decide when i
want to end the british section thank you uh astropotato thank you for joining us
what we're looking at here is basically where they like to store all of the excess
material and all things that they're not willing to install so you have all of the
jigs that they will use to build oli t number two you have unknown carbon lined
piping which are made for extremely light pressures and down here you will see that
there was extreme
- [2:29:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8964s) amount of wind
damage here at starbase over the last week um all of this material was originally
over here and it blew all the way over all of this um uh what do you call it trust
sections completely trashed these are actually the uh panels that they use these
are the insides of the panels that they use to mount them onto the tower in order
to provide the cladding and this is the original pile that all of that material was
land was uh stored in and the wind picked up so high that it lifted all that oh no
over here
- [2:29:59](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=8999s) and this is a
massacre by the way there is a desalination plant on the faa expansion dock yes
there are two of them actually there are two of them there is one right no this is
not desal it's a remediation slash um [Music] ro reverse osmosis filtering oh yeah
full desalination plan and dave avery is going to kill me if i got that wrong so if
i don't wake up tomorrow guys because i got that wrong um but yeah let's uh go back
to um the launch site since it's getting kind of late [Music] crucial things um
- [2:30:45](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9045s) number one all of
the piping that used to go up the side of the launch uh tower is fully covered what
they did was they poured about four and a half to five feet of concrete in between
eat all right wait let's let's go ahead and pull up the old one because if not
we're just speculating um uh while you're looking uh it's it's being asked a few
times whether the faa will uh delay the uh launch um i'll mention here that i work
in the government sector and the government if one thing likes to
- [2:31:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9091s) follow rules and
they like to follow the bureaucratic process which usually ends up being away from
the politics and focusing more on the process and procedure as long as spacex
completes all the required actions and they answer all government officials on
everything required i have all the faith in the world that the faa will be
nonpartisan and will faithfully execute their uh their duty and they'll approve a
safe uh space flight operation and we should see that fairly soon yeah one of the
um [Music] you know speaking of three letter
- [2:32:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9131s) agencies i tend to
not follow the other ones because i have my own um and welcome to tom brooks uh rgb
flight supporter another member uh check out your dropbox and uh take a look at
those pictures thanks guys keep joining you got a personal dropbox uh no uh uh
mauricio is sending everybody a dropbox link right a dropbox link and so they can
download this flyover gathering but one thing to note for all patreon memberships
as well is that once you become a patreon you have access to all past flyovers as
well so
- [2:32:48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9168s) something to keep in
mind yeah so if you want to get you know take the time to get caught up on
everything that's happened you have the ability to go back and verify things
yourself and me personally like i like the more people in my opinion that have
access to stuff the better is because um i don't know i go off gut feelings a lot
so if other people are analyzing this stuff further than i am then i would like to
see your opinions but uh so i require you to have to do this deep deep dives and so
uh oh they're asking that again uh the uh
- [2:33:25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9205s) the cables uh around
the uh the launch site how are those going to be protected uh yes uh so i know the
cables that run along the tower will be in conduit uh except for the cables that
lift the actual uh catch arms and those uh correct me if i'm wrong how thick is
that cable and can it withstand the blast of 33 mighty rafters well the cable will
not be in direct contact with the engines i think the only thing that will be sorry
the exhaust the only thing that will be in direct contact would be the top of the
launch mount and the
- [2:34:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9254s) airtight no the top
of the launch mount might be the only thing that's in direct contact and that might
even be a stretch it might just be air that's in direct contact with the exhaust
from raptors if they design their deluge system properly nothing should ever come
in direct contact with the heat pressure heat fire and volumetric flow rate rate of
heat transfer that's going to result from those engines ideally you don't want
anything related to the launch system or stage zero to come in contact with that
yep well i
- [2:34:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9290s) personally think
that their w system is gonna have an additional three to four maybe even five
layers than what we've seen wow personally and also i'll mention that those cables
are two inches thick so uh they could really take a good roasting and they're made
of steel so yeah the other the other thing about that is those cables are tucked in
on the other side of the building so and they're a good distance away that that's a
bigger table and a bigger distance between the table and the uh the uh tower than
you would imagine yeah
- [2:35:26](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9326s) i mean if you look
at this picture right here like if if let's say uh the building was impenetrable as
far as explosions go if this vehicle exploded right here the entire cable system
other than what's in front which is you know i think about it probably what are you
talking about uh yeah that cable system up front is screwed the the one in the back
is probably protected this one right here there's no chance for any of that unless
they put like a cover over the entire thing there's no protecting that
- [2:36:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9361s) the cover the cover
would have to be like like a an armadillo type cover where it like extend it's like
a shell and it extends and retracts there's absolutely no way to protect this this
cable unless you're having a oh man i can't even think of anything that's not dang
that was a good one i didn't realize what he was talking about until i actually
thought about it um and if that wasn't what he was talking about then you should
pretend like it was because we hold you in high regards right now sir
- [2:36:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9397s) oh also if you lift
the um if you lift the entire catch arms all the way up to the top the cables
aren't exposed anymore that would solve that you go probably solved yeah ideally
you're making a dog leg at that no i take that back i take that back okay uh the
flame should be like 20 meters away from the actual tower so it should never
actually contact it however at the bottom where you have the exhaust flow curling
around the building is where you have to deal with that the most but as long as the
arms the chopsticks are higher up on
- [2:37:22](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9442s) the tower which they
should be i don't think that's gonna happen and speaking of something we talked
about earlier as far as stretching the starship goes i'm pretty sure that the
mechazilla arms only have to reach this level right here in order to reach the
starship on sorry lift the starship onto the top of the booster so i would have to
calculate it out and or look at sapphire cam in order to find the exact height but
i'm pretty sure there's like roughly 10 to 20 meters of extra face sorry extra
height that they can add on
- [2:37:54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9474s) to either the
booster or starship and still use this launch in my opinion i agree [Music] is
there a way to pull up the full stack to figure that out or no you've been waiting
for this full stack the whole day and i've been waiting to put it up nah the full
stack oh you don't want the half stack no okay let's go with the full one minute
and it was uh this might not be it because the fact that you started taking
pictures of the build site before you took pictures of should be in august every
week august
- [2:38:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9517s) 28th i think i'm
sure what thought it was the day that you did three flowers in a row so the sixth i
wrote gorgeous what you can see here is that the top of the uh starship nose cone
reaches right about here at the uh first set of scaffolding that they ever
installed on the top of the olit and that means that you have roughly uh i would
say 10 to 20 meters of extra space that you can install a taller starship however
lift points are way down here and down here therefore the top of the vehicle
theoretically can
- [2:39:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9572s) exceed the height of
the tower so uh margin there there's been mention that they may be extending the
height of the starship by an additional three rings do you think that would pose
any problems in lifting it uh on using the same equipment three rings for the uh
for the new extended starship oh um so at this current height the uh top of the
mechazilla arm should be roughly right here i think because the top of the starship
is here actually the first lifting point for the starship should be down here
somewhere in between
- [2:40:28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9628s) this area therefore
you can increase the starship height by roughly this amount let's put in a factor
of safety and say this amount i think that's six meters so you can increase the
starship by six meters safely before you start to run into tower into problems of
not being able to put it on the launch mount and at that point all you got to do is
move the lifting points further down because your actual center of gravity is also
going to drop as you extend the vehicle so the mount points will actually probably
line up
- [2:41:03](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9663s) naturally with
center of gravity forever and you could probably stretch this vehicle all the way
up into the point where it's like 20 to 30 meters taller than the tower and still
be safe in my opinion wow just doesn't get any better than that speculation and
thank you for pointing that out i know we do love to speculate and we'll try to
always be clear whenever we we know a fact and whenever we're uh speculating on
what the next logical step would be usually we're pretty good at guessing and we're
often right but uh you know
- [2:41:34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9694s) sometimes even the
best of us gonna get a detail wrong on something that happened hasn't happened yet
even either wow we actually went far longer than i expected to um but i personally
have to leave soon to have some things to take care of in the morning uh yep and i
am uh currently at one percent battery so uh i was about to be forced out either
way you're uh gonna leave us to handle that problem by yourself while i was posting
might have to work on that you might i wasn't expecting it to last this long
- [2:42:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9736s) you know at the most
about an hour so i don't know what the feedback if you guys have any feedback
regarding the stream if you guys want us to do this again let us know in the
comment section and i i think uh one thing to mention is whether or not you guys
think that uh auditory explanations of this stuff is enough like to the point where
it could potentially be a um [Music] what do you call it yeah i think a podcast
format is definitely yeah i love listening to podcasts so um i'm i've always wished
there was a
- [2:42:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9775s) starship podcast so
maybe we can start making it um that said uh whenever going over the rgb videos boy
this youtube format is just wonderful it uh you know you can see it you can comment
on it they can you know they can ask questions and we can get instant feedback and
uh doing a podcast and uh video format you might be uh speaking about something
you're looking at and you know anybody listening in won't know so as long as we're
sure to you know use very descriptive language i think we can get away with uh just
doing it in one shot
- [2:43:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9812s) yeah more
descriptive language less colorful language i'm sorry guys i uh hopefully this
video doesn't get deleted off of youtube because of my language usage but uh i felt
a little free tonight so i promise i'll keep that in check in the future in case
you guys want to bring your children but uh yeah thank you guys definitely for
joining us is uh very surprising that over 300 people popped in on a thursday night
honestly yeah and on short notice and mauricio thank you so much one for all these
- [2:44:04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9844s) pictures and all the
hard work you do every day for this and thanks for for putting this together man
we're really glad you uh spurred the song yeah it's been it's been really fun
hanging out with you guys and i didn't really chime in that much you guys are
really the experts on this but we'll set this up again in the future and well
tomorrow it's going to be a busy day over here i want to say happy holidays for
everybody that's out there listening and i don't know if you guys want to say
- [2:44:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9872s) before we wrap it up
yeah um i don't know i i personally like i'm trying to be a lot more involved on
twitter just explaining things that people uh may or may not understand but uh you
know my goal is to use primarily aerial photos because they like give the the
clearest view of things so if you guys like what you're hearing tonight and you
want like more in-depth um explanations definitely follow all three of us on
twitter i mean i i think our names are still showing up on the bottom as far as
twitter handles go um if not
- [2:45:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9911s) yep uh you know
somebody in the chat probably pointed out to you guys but our goal is basically to
like tell you guys about things before they happen instead of explaining it after
they happen um and you know that really is only possible when you have images like
this that allow you to see things from this high up so uh you know i hope you guys
appreciate the fact that we have this kind of access and also appreciate the fact
that spacex is still allowing this to happen because i truly believe they have
enough sway
- [2:45:45](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9945s) to stop mauricio
from flying if they choose to so i think that um we should all appreciate this
stuff and um make it known to spacex potentially in some way or form that is
convenient to you that we do appreciate this and we don't want it to stop and this
is in my opinion is crucial to their operation the fact that we're this invested is
important because if they have any situation when it comes to doing their first
first orbital launch that results in a failure right coming directly off of a pea
like they're gonna need people that
- [2:46:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=9984s) support them like us
in order to back them up and ideally that stuff is never gonna happen but um yeah i
feel like the more depth that we get into this content the more that we understand
the more that we can like speak it to other people the more it becomes real and the
more support that they have the more support that the community behind them like
rgv which is actually the rio grande valley which isn't just a name it's like a
group of people it's like a whole community you know what i mean like rio grande
valley needs to be involved
- [2:46:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=10017s) in all this stuff
and that you know starts in the air right now so i hope you guys support the
origins of like pretty much all of this stuff that we're trying to put together and
uh in particular mauricio has been doing these flyers since day one and i'm glad
that we're finally able to like show this to you guys in a different way than we
have in the past so yeah i'll leave the rest of you mauricio or not sorry lips i
was it looks like i was muted there so yes um i'm actually grateful for what spacex
has done and
- [2:47:41](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=10061s) for allowing us to
document the sites you know from the air you know it's you know i do want to say we
do follow our rules and regulations that are um associated with this you know we
will buy it throughout faa rules and regulations tfrs we you know we do keep our
distance in fact we also blur out the private residences from where the spacex
employees live at the village you know we're being extremely respectful we only
documented you know what you know we showed you guys the build and the launch site
but not the village just
- [2:48:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=10096s) out of you know
privacy concerns you know we're doing our best to you know be in good terms with
them and and also you know for those those that don't know the rgb stands for
grande valley it's a region in south texas um it consists of about four counties
including where both the chief editor you know is that you know and that's really
where we started we started we photographed the rio grande valley mainly for
commercial purposes and you know people just know me as rgb that's really what they
know me for but they don't
- [2:48:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=10130s) really know what it
stands for and i do want to thank you all for joining us today it's been an honor
to do this for the first time with grandpa joe and and golden boy and i'd
appreciate it if you guys went and followed them they're extremely knowledgeable
and we're surely going to do this again soon thanks for having us ratio and uh yep
it's grandpa joe signing off you all have a wonderful night and uh just i'm so glad
we got a chance to try to educate ourselves and uh if we learned anything or taught
anything boy it's
- [2:49:28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=10168s) been a real success
y'all have a great night yeah just the last thing i want to point out before we go
um i think we're here you're dropping the flower video tomorrow no flower possibly
yes possibly i'll try and have the an edited 10-minute version of the flyover video
consisting of the labels done by procky in fact um one person we didn't mention is
uh he does my labels his name is fracking and he goes by bingo boca on twitter um i
don't know if you can pull that up here um zach so that people can see it
- [2:50:07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=10207s) i'll post that link
in chat well one second oh there we go i give this whole page right here luckily he
doesn't have anything to hide on this on it so yes he does one of the first people
to apply for the deer moon project so he had a whole avatar ready which lets you
know that he's real is this an nft or not i don't think so i think he i don't think
so wow all right well let me collect 25 of the income on that once you enact it um
i think that the next nft is going to be people wearing spacex
- [2:50:52](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undefined&t=10252s) stars starship
suits and their profile pictures on twitter i think we gotta screenshot everybody
who's in here so i know who to call holler at if they try and steal that idea but
anyways yes anyways let's wrap it up thank you all for joining and we'll see you
guys next time we're around see you guys all right thank you see ya

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