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# (20413) Starbase Photography Review Episode 8 - YouTube

## Transcript:
- [00:00]( okay [Music] me [Music]
[Music] [Music] [Music]
- [01:46]( good morning good
afternoon and good evening welcome to the next live installment of rgv aerial
photography's deep dive into images that he captured on the ground this week at
starbase texas we have maurizio himself golden boy grandpa joe and indian star to
guide us through all the latest updates changes and theories from starbase texas
hello everybody welcome back to episode 8 of starbase photography review my name is
mauricio otherwise known as rgb and today we will be reviewing photos taken on
monday january 31st
- [02:29]( and i'll now be passing
it along to indystar hi everybody it's indian star looking forward to showing you
all the pictures from monday that mauricio took they are amazing as usual and right
after me i want to introduce grandpa joe hey everybody it's grandpa joe uh yep up
for another exciting week uh we just reviewed these pictures myself for the first
time so we'll be uh going through them today uh mr zach is off today so it'll be me
driving and uh everybody wish me luck we like when you drive grandpa joe don't
- [03:08]( worry that grandpa
driving just doesn't sound great all of a sudden now um so i'll get us started off
uh mauricio uh you you drove in on monday and uh took a took another sonising uh
set of pictures from the ground and uh do you want to give us a quick overview of
uh what was going on that day uh weather and all the other conditions on the ground
right well basically i was what was on my mind to this priority was still fly over
and i went out there again in the morning to check it out and it just didn't happen
i can't really
- [03:50]( remember what happened
uh do you guys remember i think it was foggy wasn't it foggy i think it's up until
yeah it was very foggy that day until i think and then the following day when you
were driving out there was pouring rain right no i think this first time on monday
that's when it was raining and then yesterday i went out again to attempt another
flyover and once again it was foggy i think it cleared out till about 3 p.
- [04:20]( m and unfortunately our
scheduled flyover was at 2 so we couldn't really take off in those type of
conditions so we had to reschedule for today so i have good news i did a flyover
today unfortunately we won't be able to review the photos for those uh today just
because i just got home and i haven't started to edit the photos but it's okay if
you have something to look forward to yeah if you want to see those pictures you
can become a member or a patreon and i will be uploading those later on tonight i
just have to
- [04:54]( sort through all the
photos uh just to give an idea it's gonna be a nexus of 300 photos that i took of
the ground the ground photography because i went out there in the morning again and
right after that i headed over to the airport and i captured uh the flyover photo
so in total it's 300 photos including ground photography and aerial photography and
i believe we're going to be going through those on saturday so if you don't want to
wait till saturday just become a member and or patreon and you can just
- [05:28]( look at those photos
today here we go and uh at the very top i'd like to say um every time you
contribute on youtube chat with a super chat every time you contribute on patreon
all that money goes towards keeping mauricio flying photography equipment and all
the things that it takes to to bring these pictures to you so i want to highly
encourage everybody to uh contribute i'm a member of rgb's uh team but also i
contribute as well so uh you know thank you andy indian star yeah we every every
time y'all donate we really
- [06:08]( appreciate it gotta get
those boots from mauricio that's right there's a quick question just really quick
here it says hub i think left up liftoff asked how big is the whole album in terms
of size gigabytes well for i'm not sure if he's referring to the flower photos or
for the ground photos but for the ground photography i use uh i used up 64
gigabytes almost 64 gigabytes but just because i have it set to save in raw and
jpeg so um but the flower photos it was almost the same you know so with us
- [06:45]( how big is this one uh
not that big because i send them out in jpeg so it's not going to be that huge of a
file and i only choose the best files to upload um depending on what tier you have
but we got some great photos to look at today and i'll be in the background here
i'm going to be editing some photos so maybe i can just put some on uh i can send
them over to grandpa joe so that we can check some of the ground photos out give us
sneak peek yeah all right maybe we'll see all right so let's get it started off uh
- [07:20]( we have here with
booster 4 and ship 20 uh down at the launch site so uh these have been out at the
site since august 5th they were stacked on august 5th and uh they have been
patiently waiting uh when i went down to visit in october the staff on site told me
you know we love these things but gosh we're just uh so excited to see them lift
off and get out of here so that was back in october i can only imagine how they're
feeling now they're i'm sure everyone at spacex is very much looking forward to uh
getting up
- [07:59]( getting a successful
launch going and that may be with these and maybe with the uh the next ones so the
this unit is known as 420 the the next candidate might be ship 22 which i think we
have some pictures of and booster number seven 724 gpg seven twenty words micro i
think we have to call it twenty four seven as you like all right so uh going into
just a few details here oh my goodness look how close you can zoom in here love
that i know so this is a booster it has fixed grid fins uh the total weight of the
booster is right at
- [08:48]( 180 metric tons we
suppose dry mass it holds 3 600 metric tons of fuel and sorry that is heavy i was
going to ask you that there right there at the top there where you're looking right
now just in the middle of the two grid fins that's the lifting point yes that's how
they lift the booster onto the olm the orbital launch mount this whole thing when
it lands is going to hook in right here on this little device i mean this thing is
massive and this little tiny point is going to land and gently touch down and
support the rate
- [09:31]( the weight of the
booster this point down here is where the lower end of the hook is going to connect
in oh wow i didn't know that part and there's one on each side right yes ma'am one
on each side and there it's rather low momentum to to contain the left to right
roll you know how it spins so that's pretty easy for them to get right uh it's
relatively low mass and it's just a a torsion force versus having to swing like
with a pitch or yaw so we're we're hoping that they can get
- [10:10]( that right pretty
easily and get this lined up exactly where they want it to uh these grid fins they
do turn i'm just trying to grab it hold it left and right they uh they do rotate
but they do not fold down the previous falcon rockets they did fold down and future
iterations of this booster may fall down but right now these are going to be out
straight and cheap one thing sorry go ahead maui see you oh no i was just going to
say that i think since these photos were taken the chains i mean the um they've
been on they took off the
- [10:48]( straps since then right
so are we expecting them to do any tests on the grid fins i cannot wait i hadn't
heard that the scraps were off uh yeah if those traps have come off then a grin fin
test is possible um we we to my knowledge have not seen it rotate out of this
position that it's been in uh now there are four behind each motor there's a
gearbox and a tesla motor that is used to turn and there are tesla batteries uh up
here just inside that power the tesla motors and spin these so you really see a lot
of uh
- [11:29]( vertical integration in
all of elon musk projects where he's using uh his abilities and his uh competencies
from one company to support another company well we do just one point of correction
maybe just below that lifting point that section just below the outside ribs i
believe that is a vent we had thought initially it was a stabilization
stabilization point where it clicks into the chopsticks but i believe that's a vent
right there just below the lifting point okay uh i do know that um somewhere in
this section
- [12:04]( on at least future uh
iterations that this this hook will land on the catcher arms and the catch arms
have a point yeah i was thinking that's a little high so yeah that makes sense but
there will be a a place to latch into down here um right here we have the
autogenius pressurization auto genius being a fancy word for um it supplies its own
gas as it's burning down on the rocket and just pipes it back in to backfill the
pressure otherwise as the fluid dropped out this would suck in and crush like a can
uh as it lost fuel uh and propellant
- [12:48]( through the uh through
the rocket nozzle and you're actually looking at that point that it will connect to
on booster for the stabilization point about lower half of your screen one two
three four five six rings down it's in that sixth ring you can see it this point
right here lower my friend yes that's the one excellent that oh wow that is much
slower than i expected i thought it would be somewhere today this is why booster 4
is an archaic piece of artifact now it won't fly i'm sorry my friend i know
- [13:21]( you want 420 to go look
if 420 flies it flies if it doesn't you know it'll fly in our hearts does that
count no it'll fly all right so uh here we have an access point uh this is there
behind here is a plate that somewhat flattens out the uh the roundness and allows
this plate to seal in and uh this just little welds here add some more structure to
attach the the mounting plate and that's how they access the inside uh here we have
i believe and correct me if i'm wrong these are the flight termination system uh
- [14:03]( so under here yep fts
which is not a korean boy band so the fts's are packages of c4 explosives that uh
when needed detonate and destroy the vehicle mid-air the purpose being that when
they detonate mid-air it causes less destruction than it's landing on the ground
and detonating there isn't it what we suspect happened to sn11 yes uh it may have
been an engine startup that then caused the explosion it may have been fts we don't
know for sure and we'll probably never know but it's not a good
- [14:48]( theory sn11s all the
pieces uh uh here we have two uh oh um let me zoom out for a moment here with the
booster the top section is methane methane is about four times less dense than
oxygen the bottom is oxygen so you have a it this is a methylox engine the at the
bottom with the raptor so it uses methane up top oxygen at the bottom and by weight
you have much more oxygen in the booster than methane here we have two methane i
mean two oxygen vents download and there's been a lot of uh contention as to why
they've added these special
- [15:42]( covers at an angle elon
musk has said that he would like to use what's called eulage thrusters eulage being
the little bit at the top of a of a container that's empty um that high pressure
gas could be used to steer the vehicle left or right to roll it and so yeah you're
pitching yeah there you go i learned what that was uh and and mauricio would be by
far the most expert out of the three of us of uh pitching y'all and after four oh
i'm sorry going i know a thing or two about that yeah just a little right out of
the three of
- [16:26]( us you're most
qualified to be flying this thing so i'll leave you too and those events you were
talking about those are the thrusters correct the ones with the yeah those yes
those right there uh suspected um they they have not been used as such so it could
just be an ordinary vent but if they're powerful enough they may be the eulage
thrusters there was an earlier design that had a hot uh hot gas thruster that used
a mini rocket engine that burned both methane and oxygen so we may yet see that
come back again here
- [17:04]( we have the autogenius
pressurization lines for the oxygen tank same same concept it backfills and here we
have the raceway cover and all of the electrical pneumatic and hydraulic lines that
have to run from the top of the ship to the bottom nice and then we have a lot of
headway and then we run into the three amigos these three water tanks have been
around a long time they were one of the earliest features and we all paid a lot of
attention to these times we used to draw actual three amigos for them like little i
- [17:45]( you know these little
water tanks they've all grown up but we still love them and if you don't like
watching tanks you know maybe you're in the wrong place or rings yeah oh yeah oh
man concrete rings and cranes you know the whole rock yeah rockets and explosions
and flying things that's really secondary um over here we have ship 20 and we have
some uh better pictures coming up so i'll dive in yeah in a moment but uh yeah ship
20 this could be the first flight article uh it was hopeful to land off the coast
of hawaii
- [18:22]( or i should say
splashdown uh but uh you know there's a lot of rumors out there that it may not be
the one all right with that said we'll uh go on to the next picture before you go
too far i just wanted to welcome donald to the rgv early access thanks for being a
member thank you donald uh actually now might be a great time have there been any
questions in uh youtube chat to come up we actually answered the question that came
up so far but if anybody does have questions in the chat feel free to put the
exclamation point question and then
- [18:57]( type your question
don't put any commas or anything after question otherwise we won't see it so if you
wouldn't mind if you have a question exclamation point question space type your
question and we'll get it so you type in the exclamation point and then the word
question all together and then you put a space and then you ask whatever you like
yes perfect exactly i hope that's what i said that is what you said i was just just
confirming too all right so another shot of uh of ship 20 uh catching arms right
here just the tips
- [19:32]( and oh this is a i
like this picture a lot so here we have ship 20 and the entire orbital launch tower
and they have moved ship 20 last week closer to the tower and we were all hoping
that we would see a lift in about two weeks so by by my original calculations we
should see a lift sometime in the next week or so and uh you know we'll cross our
fingers and see what happens but uh whenever it comes time we may see booster 4
being picked up by these arms they'll rise up and then it'll pivot over and then
- [20:13]( it down on the launch
table and then they'll move ship 20 in rise it up much higher pivot over and then
drop it down on top of booster 4. at this point um sorry no no please at this point
do you suspect that since they're doing all these tests with the chopsticks that
they'll probably be ready by the time that booster 4 or whatever other booster is
going to launch and it's an attempt to catch it with the chopsticks or is it still
the first one still going to end up at the gulf i almost for certain i mean spacex
- [20:48]( pretty wild but i'm
almost certain that the first one is going to splash down in the gulf and i say
this because they don't want to risk all of their infrastructure that they've built
here on a failed catch when they have so much to learn from a successful launch or
even a successful launch followed by a failed landing if for instance the engines
don't re-light they have a problem with their startup sequence they can do a lot of
troubleshooting and diagnostics from the telemetry data telemetry is just all the
sensors that
- [21:28]( are on the ship uh
sending data back to the ground stations and we'll actually i think get to cover a
little bit of that ground station uh transferring a bit but uh yeah there's a lot
to learn from uh from splashing down in the gulf versus trying to land back here
and they're going to take those lessons learned and uh i think they'll have one
quote successful splashdown where everything lights up and it gently glides down
and hovers and this will be exciting if we can watch it hover uh a hundred plus
- [22:04]( over the surface of
the ocean before turning off the engines and then splashing down how exciting would
that be to see so exciting except i don't want to lose it in the ocean i know all
those 33 raptors dude the entire artifact it will be the only one that went
subordinal and orbital like the only one the two together it is part of history why
are we letting it sink oh we're definitely gonna fish that out of the ocean i have
no doubt but then it'll be too hard to pull into short when it's filled with water
- [22:38]( oh uh it's a sealed
vessel so uh it'll float it'll float just like uh yeah i bet they can close those
vents off it'll be fine it'll float just fine i suspect that they will drag it into
the port at this point and uh oh won't that be the site if they uh if they tow it
in right through the uh what do you call that gap the little straight between uh
the amphitheater at south padre island and brazos island the ship canal the ship
canal yeah they'll just pull it right in through there and uh man what a homecoming
that'll be
- [23:26]( i might have to take
my kayak my kayak out to see that [Laughter] when they come to long beach i want
them to do the parade here closest to me since they're going to be in hawaii oh if
they uh well i was talking about the booster the uh the ship yeah the ship will uh
be coming in to uh hawaii and then from there ooh who knows they might have to put
it on a barge to get it back to mainland and it might come back in through
vancouver or hawthorne oh hawthorne why would it be amazing if it was hawthorne i
know it could sit right next
- [24:04]( to the uh to the
falcon 9 that uh i would be the reporter on the scene for you guys how cool is that
oh my goodness that'd be great and i know where to look all right so we have one of
their production tents and i see a couple of rings going in underway have they
covered their is there a screen on that door no i don't believe so not seeing the
screen okay so those lights that are slashed is just from the inside it kind of
looks like a reflection to me oh right here this is i think something in the
foreground that's a little blurry
- [24:46]( works for me and here
we have the construction of the wide bay um so this is the new uh assembly building
that is being built on site out at uh boca chica yesterday when we were watching
this then they were lifting it you would see that yellow crane moving into the
middle of wide bay backwards as it was lifting a wall up it was really cool that's
crazy how they do that i know and backwards with the crane in the center of wide
bay no less uh one one note of interest uh they assemble this entire structure
right here on the
- [25:25]( ground and then lift
the lift the whole thing up swing over and then set it down gently in place also
right here at the top they weld on the scaffolding for the safety of people that
are going to be walking up here so that the next layer can just be slotted in and
immediately people can go up and get to work here we have uh some old friends sn16
sn15 and booster number five so this is the uh this is the old uh scrap yard for uh
vessels that have most likely been retired uh so now the shipyard it could be the
shipyard we'll we'll see
- [26:16]( uh i've got some plans
drawn up that i might show at the end for uh what the shipyard could look like
eventually more sneak peeks can't wait this is this is an old one i think you've
seen it but um so yep this is a ship 16 it never flew and this is ship 15 the first
one to successfully launch and land and not explode after landing and booster five
back here is uh very close in nature to booster four it uh is built to handle the
raptor one engines it's got 29 engines uh it does i'm sorry it has mounts for
- [26:56]( 29 engines but none of
those have been installed so if something happens to booster 4 the structure itself
but they would like to still use all the raptor version ones they have this one
waiting in the wings but it's unlikely to me that it will ever fly go ahead gpg i
was wondering actually matthew was wondering when the rocket is stacked will it be
taller than the catch tower will it be taller than olit no it will be slightly
shorter so uh the olit is i want to say at 500 feet somebody fact check me there um
- [27:36]( but the lower part of
the ship is maxes out at 50 plus 70 meters 120 meters which works out to 460 feet
there thereabouts so yeah it's 120 meters tall and it goes on top of a 20 meter
platform so it's a total of 140 meters off the ground tip to dirt and uh yep the uh
it will be slightly shorter than the launch tower and gpj you know that they took
that hp unit off hpu unit off of b5 right no i did not the uh hydraulic power unit
that's the one hpu yeah so they use hydraulic power to uh move the engines around i
wonder if
- [28:26]( they're going to be
using it on booster number seven that's a big question right we don't know that'd
be a fun one or maybe they're returning it to the manufacturer and getting a rebate
who knows they want their money back for it that's right never used so here we have
uh everybody's favorite pastime a bunch of concrete and are these culverts culverts
yeah these are culverts they're my favorite yeah for everyone who loves ditches i
guess i'm a ditch lover and here we have the top of the methane
- [29:08]( section for booster
number seven uh and i'm so used to zach driving i forgot i could zoom in so here we
have that catch point that we were discussing earlier nice and we and they've
changed the design a little bit right on that catch point i believe uh there have
been some very slight differences and like right here and how this connects and the
spacing between this and here uh just marginal improvements in the design um i'm
sure the engineer who designed it would say that they were quite significant
- [29:49]( i'm sure he would or
she he or she would for sure by the way great segue uh going out to spacex i'm
always shocked and awed at how young and just diverse the uh the people there are i
mean you see uh just you know i have i have young teenage daughters and i run
across young ladies out there that you know look not too much older than my
teenagers and they're out designing this rocket it uh it really is just hats off to
them they they're probably you know the best of the best from mit and harvard
- [30:26]( or maybe folks that
never went to college and just are really great at engineering i think that they do
have people that come from college because they have that intern program that's
right i think that's uh where they get a lot of their uh their staff from is from
that internship program a lot of their design starts with those interns because
they don't have the same restrictions that people have been in the industry for
years might have their minds are free and they can think out of the box truly think
outside of
- [30:55]( the box uh so whenever
i did meet with uh david ball the spacex chief operations officer for the launch
pad that was one of the topics we discussed was uh college college students and
hiring and retention and just all the training that goes into them as interns and
how they turn them from interns into star engineers and uh yeah they they really do
put a lot of time and effort into their to their college students so anybody who's
uh looking to go join spacex step one enroll in college and then look forward to go
enroll is
- [31:33]( what you're saying get
back to school i'm thinking about going back myself there's no age limit on an
intern right i haven't seen one but yeah you know after setting all this an
aerospace degree is starting to sound more and more fun by the way a quick thing
about me grandpa joe my background is in industrial engineering my college degree
was and i do i t in the government sector now but uh my heart has always been in
production and facilities so this is right up my alley wow yeah uh another shot of
booster seven
- [32:15]( and here we have the
entire high bay so they have finished a lot of the glass work for the uh the high
bar and uh and the balcony is up there now uh they have now i have a question jpj
does that balcony have a glass floor or do you think that floor is not glass no
glass it's not right yeah only the panels on the side are glass okay it would be
kind of sketchy if the bottom was glass too well and then no ladies on that balcony
right because yeah i know that balcony looks kind of sketchy i wouldn't want to be
on top of them
- [32:56]( i would totally go up
there they had an architect to sign this it's fine and i'm sure after a few drinks
it's going to be the best idea you ever had exactly plus you'll be on high bay like
hello that in itself is amazing i almost missed a detail over here we have uh the
bottom of ship 21 uh likely to be scrapped as you zoom in here there are some
better pictures we'll cover later you can see the fault lines that are forming on
many many many of these dials they are not cracked all the way through
- [33:33]( but they are
highlighting where the cracks are starting tough job uh keeping those tiles on it's
like a stack of dinner plates and an earthquake and then do you know what that
thing in the front of the image is the black thing the little black thing that
looks like a camera yep i know thomas was talking about this the other day and i
can't remember what he was saying uh it looks a little bit like a boat radar maybe
a weather station of sorts maybe it's just a camera maybe all right maybe we can
ask thomas
- [34:08]( when he comes on next
saturday oh oh thomas is joining us saturday awesome he's a great contributor yes
we're all excited to have tomaseo one on yeah tomaseo is he has taught me the most
about rockets i think out of anybody except elon musk i think that's true for many
of us he's a good teacher that one all right uh any questions on this picture or
any points you'd like to cover in the instar no i think you got it all i was just
curious about that yeah well i had a question on the high on the high bar
- [34:40]( right there didn't you
didn't elon say that it was going to be at 360 degrees but i've only seen the the
left side lit up i know they were having a party a couple of days ago only a few
days ago even i think it was yesterday they were having all the lights were lit up
looks like they were having a good time up there but i've never seen the right side
of the highway lit up that's a good point i think it's divided that this side is um
accessible and it has a space for a bar or assemblies or whatever events i like
- [35:21]( to have and this side
is also accessible but everything in the middle is not which is why they had to add
this balcony out here it's actually a breezeway to get between office to office are
you serious so they can't go internally from one side to the other they have to go
externally uh well there is this giant crane in the way uh so i think that they are
kind of limited to coming from this side and walking to this side they may have a
breezeway on the inside as well but this may be the only way you know i've been out
there i've never
- [35:57]( seen people um going
back and forth maybe i i think the the left side uh where they have the parties and
everything i don't think since they do that at night that's probably why i've never
seen anybody going back and forth good point and they may not have uh spent much
time optimizing the use of this space yet so uh yeah more to come and the elevators
on the right side too so they have to be able to get into that space to get to the
left side of highway the high bar and here we come back to the uh launch
- [36:30]( site um this is near
booster actually i'm sorry so this is this is booster 5. i just noticed that the
cover was off and i said how'd they take the cover off oh it's specified yep so uh
this is the hole that we saw them digging today as well no right well they are
digging a series of holes so they can put uh casings and pylons i'm not sure which
ones they were digging today versus uh monday but uh in order to put this heavy
structure that these black pipes are supporting on the ground without sinking they
- [37:13]( to have concrete uh
pilings or casings or caissons uh under under the dirt so that it doesn't sink and
while we're here we have a copv or composite overwrap pressure vessel this is used
to start up the center entrance and here we have some distribution and pneumatics
and electrical and data all coming in i'm a fan of those black locks how they
unlock how this oh these that's super interesting they're individually controlled
and they go in and then they latch on to the inside and then the whole the i think
it's a
- [37:58]( piston dave don't kill
me if it's not called a piston that the middle piece comes out and that's how it
unlocks that's that's what i've seen uh it actually goes in to lock yeah oh sorry
yeah you're right out to unlock my apologies you're absolutely right and and this
is in fact a piston that pushes look at that sorry i got excited my bad good job
thanks dave avery's going to come yell at both of us later all right at least we
got it right though and here we have some lovely stainless steel
- [38:36]( um yep trash pile
sometimes very valuable sorry i was just going to say some very valuable trash it's
a collapsed ring yeah uh you know the wind the stills whenever you're holding a
small part of it seems inflexible but on a large enough scale it just crumbles like
a tin can how thick is it it's how many millimeters it is 3.
- [39:15]( 88 millimeters almost
four millimeters thick look at you well done gpj and are they trying to hide the
trespassing prohibited sign or trespassing you can trespass just know that it's
private property yes this is private you're welcome no um please nobody go on
spacex's property they're they're very busy there's a lot of dangerous things and
they care about all of the people of earth you know very much so uh if you'd like
to go on site just uh schedule a visit with spacex i gotta say that that road in
particular the one you're pointing out it's
- [39:51]( extremely busy uh
during the day they got trucks going in and out to just even though it says private
property i probably suggest not to be wandering around that area just because it's
kind of dangerous or if you are wandering around just be very cautious and uh be
sure to have a way to stand off the road all right here we have another shot of
ship 21 of interest here you see the forward dome oh and a little bit of
terminology it's pardon me while i zoom back out in the on the top of a starship
you have
- [40:32]( a forward down for the
top of the methane tank here in the middle running down you have the common dome
i'm sorry common dome is up here my bad and then down here you have the thrust bug
so you have three domes inside this vertical sleeve so the the aft or thrust dome
the common or mid dome and then the four or top down up here so it's a little bit
of a mix of nautical and aeronautic terms and uh you know because it's not always
pointed in the same direction you can't call it the top and bottom all the time and
- [41:17]( everybody sure they
understand what you mean because sometimes this might be pointed down that's why i
think they said flamey side down pointy end up that's that is great advice i've
never heard that but solid you know what else you might not have heard if you guys
are enjoying this stream and you want to show rgv that you are enjoying it go ahead
and hit that like button if you want subscribe if you want to see these pictures
yourself up close so you can touch and feel them i would say join us on patreon
join us on
- [41:46]( youtube mauricio goes
flying as often as possible and if he's not flying he's on the ground taking photos
the dude's always there and his photos are amazing so like subscribe become a
patreon member youtube member do anything we want to see you thank you sorry and
thank you mauricio i know just how much effort you put into going out there several
times a week and flying and coordinating with pilots so from me to you thank you i
can't tell you how much i appreciate all your work for us for me to you too and the
rest of us as
- [42:21]( well you're welcome
and if you enjoy this stream i already know what to do real quick so you had a bit
of a drought where you had a lot of trouble flying there were just a lot of weather
delays how many days was it between your last flight and this one my last flight
was on january 14th and so it's been 20 days wow my last flight i started to get a
little bit uh depressed per se we got the flight in today so i'm all good i'm i'm
feeling good about it and i got that happy yeah we got that fixed for another
- [43:09]( hopefully we get to
book the next flight next week and hopefully there's no more weather delays i can
only imagine how excited uh zach golden is going to be to get his hands on all the
aerial photographs there's so much that changes that you can't see unless you're
looking in the air so there's a lot of details we're going to be able to get out of
that and they help all of us orient ourselves especially as well i call myself a
noob even though i'm not um it helps a lot and for those who are wondering why we
- [43:43]( haven't oh just real
quick sorry grandpa joe yeah go ahead i was wondering for those wondering why we're
not looking at these photos uh the ones that we're taking today is because i
haven't even seen the photos i'm actually just sorting them out as we as we're
going to the live stream so uh but they will be ready by saturday for sure and on
saturday we get to review them with thomas a01 and csi starbase so that is zach
golden and thomas how exciting is that gpj won't be with us but mauricio and i get
to do the fun
- [44:11]( with the gents have
the fun with the on vacation so y'all enjoy yourself and i'll see if i can check in
from the beach oh do that that'll be fun um so while we're here uh an interesting
feature uh we have six uh radios or uh radar microwave microwave antennas thank you
and uh behind here on the far side of the or on the inside of the ship they have
microwave antenna devices and this is just the part that needs to be exposed they
will place special heat tiles over these and they should be able to transmit
- [44:52]( right through from
here down to the ground now you may be asking yourself why on earth would they need
to transmit through the tiles and the reason is as it's in space and starting to
come into the atmosphere it'll be able to transmit its telemetry data of you know
its temperatures its engine health its pressurization all that data through these
microwave antennas and they use microwave antennas because it's able to transmit
through the air very effectively and uh yeah so just i was wondering what
- [45:27]( those features were
and somebody explained that to me one day so i thought i'd share that with you and
what this little feature is and what this little feature is i have no idea if
somebody knows in chat please feel free to share oh and one other reason why you
have it on the bottom side of the ship is because that's the side of the ship
that's pointed towards earth and here they have some more just in case it's upside
down here we have the raceway with all of the uh tubes and data power electrical
- [46:07]( and are we saying it's
gonna get covered that raceway or no uh we've seen no evidence that they're gonna
cover this raceway that's uh extra weight and this is not on the side of the ship
that's going to get the most wind so there will be an arrow cover right at the top
that covers the the the top side of the plate where it's hitting the wind but down
here you don't think any of that's going to get covered uh on the falcon 9 and on
the apollo missions it was not covered so um i see no reason to cover these
- [46:46]( fair enough now of of
interest to me is these pipes right here as you can imagine the wind is flowing
down this way so as the wind's coming down i feel like these pipes might need a
little bit of bracing uh but we'll see of course uh maybe once it gets to
hypersonic velocities there's not much of a need for the flight termination system
so they're okay if these cables break [Laughter] once it's that far up ooh is this
the catching pin stabilization point yeah the uh so not the not yeah the catching
pin would be
- [47:28]( or it's a vent it's
probably a mirror or it could be a vent yeah i'm pretty sure i see a little uh what
do you call that carburetor flat valve so yeah that looks like that's a bit i call
it the doohickey yes it's an official term it's the official engineering term for
that device yeah here we have another manhole cover uh and i heard someone pointing
out this uh this type of seam it's a uh weld doubler or it's it's overlapped sheet
metal and they weld down both one side and up
- [48:10]( the other to add
additional strength and it goes through the seam down here and provides all that
additional strength all the way through the seam and then all the way up through
this seam so this should be a very very strong weld while not adding very much
weight and here we have the seam that denotes the uh the thrust puck the half dome
and under here is empty space where you can now go back into the ship so you could
have your hydraulics pneumatics electrical and data all entering the ship anywhere
from here on
- [48:51]( down hey grandpa are
they scrapping this ship um uh yeah yeah 99 sure this one is scrap uh number one uh
ship 21's af dome used raptor one engines so they are all out of rafter ones as far
as we know and we'll have nothing to put on it to fly it ever so that's strike one
it has a lot of damage to the tiles and they would have to do a lot of rework that
strike two they had a whole new design with ship 24 and if they go to 420 uh 24 7
then um there's absolutely no reason to fly ship 21 or ship 22.
- [49:40]( do you think it's
frustrating yeah you think you you think it's frustrating for the workers that
worked on it to just see it go to scrap or you think it's just one of those things
where oh i got paid for it anyway so i don't really you know first one uh i would
say kind of in between that you know they really love this ship they were really
hoping this would be the one that flies but i can't imagine being upset when i get
paid to build rockets i mean that is so cool well and you also understand that it's
- [50:12]( an iteration job right
with each booster with each starship until we get to our final product there's
always going to be iterations so you can't be too attached to one at per se
otherwise it becomes your job your job becomes very difficult you have to say
goodbye to all these things and it's it's worthwhile to note they're not building a
starship they're building a starship production facility to get to mars the
starships are awesome but the goal is to preserve humanity by getting to mars and
mars is
- [50:46]( the dream mars is the
mission everything else is a disposable car that just gets us there so it's all
about the destination and everything else feeds into that dream and you're looking
at the quick disconnect right yes this is the uh ship quick disconnect it's got
side to side and uh i do not have the labels in front of me but there is a diagram
from at boca bingo yep or add bingo there you go yes and he has wonderful labels mr
praki he's amazing he's our label master he is keeper of all the labels
- [51:29]( he does the labels on
the stream as well so if you like his work let him know he's at bingo boca on
twitter all right so here we have a nose cone for ship 22. uh how about the lifting
points yep there's the lifting points we have the tiles that are glued on up top
and the partial and hole tiles that are snapped in right here you have the forward
arrow surfaces i saw a picture later while i'll dive a little bit more into this
this particular surface here but uh just look at all of these individual tile
pieces that had to be
- [52:13]( designed cut out baked
in i mean so and then curved around as well somebody spent a lot of time on this
hey gpg we just want to shout out dropbear dropper just gave or donated 50 and he
says awesome as always guys and gals drop there man you are all right you have done
that every time and you know we love you for it you man mauricio give this man a
shout out cyber hugs hey draw bear it that definitely does help you know today we
were dodging clouds and then back in my head i was thinking uh this is going to
take extra time to
- [52:53]( to get to the launch
site we didn't actually reach its out for anybody that was following us on flight
radar we didn't get to 10 000 feet right away like we usually do we had to go under
the clouds and then climb to 10 000 feet so that took extra time to extra money too
but so i do i do appreciate that thank you drop bear thanks drop bear hey gpg you
want to take a couple of questions while you're looking at photos yeah absolutely
and mauricio you might be able to answer some of these too there's a couple of
questions one is
- [53:25]( from solar wizzo he's
wondering or she is wondering how are the booster center raptors actuated hydraulic
system electrically maybe pneumatic i know we're looking at the ship nose cone but
i thought i'd ask a booster raptor question it is hydraulically actuated there is a
great video from elon of them circling around and i have a picture towards the end
of the underside where you can see all the raptors but yeah they are hydraulically
actuated there are two points of control on each raptor that can push it left and
- [53:59]( right forwards and
backwards and that's how they control nice there's also a question of when do you
think we'll go to mars alex is asking well alex um i am thinking by we have a
window in 2029 i want to say and i'm hopeful for that one uh we could be going as
early that so we have access to mars through uh i believe it's called a holman
transfer every roughly two years or 26 months so we have one in 2022 we have one in
2024 2026 2028 and i think it's the next one yeah it's 2030 or somewhere around
- [54:50]( and so somewhere in
that 2028 to 2035 window is where i expect to see the first boots on the ground of
mars now that's it uh you should see the first full-scale flight of a starship to
mars by you know maybe as early as 2025 2024 is possible but i would doubt it so
what year are you saying i'm sorry i i i i'll say 20 30.
- [55:26]( that'll be if i had to
put money on a specific year i'd say 20 30. mauricio when do you think we're going
to mars well i think grandpa joel kind of uh answered that you know um so i'm gonna
side with with grandpa joe on this one but in the in the sense of whoever's gonna
go to mars they're not coming back are they probably not you know if i went to mars
i wouldn't come back i'd stay there i mean you're gonna be a pioneer there you're
gonna be doing a lot of work that's right i'm settling in now
- [56:03]( yeah if they sent a
ship there um i and they left one that would need you know tending and care i think
i would volunteer to stay with that ship and keep it running so the next fleet of
passengers that arrived would have a way back home with holmen transfers right as
you land you immediately have an opportunity to launch and come right back and
catch earth as it passes by mars on the other side so you leave earth early and you
arrive seven to nine months later and then if you immediately leave mars you can
come back and catch earth as it
- [56:41]( passes by on the other
side that said um if you do not launch immediately you have about a two year wait
before you can return so a mission to mars could be nine months on the ship and
then two years on the ground and then another launch and another several months
seven to nine months returned back to interesting that's not good no three and
three and a half years at a minimum and they are they are designed to be a single
stage to orbit from mars so on earth you cannot launch a starship off the ground
and get all the way to
- [57:24]( earth with a good
payload but on mars you can and that's the gravity issue right that's right uh the
tyranny of the rocket equation and fighting all that gravity got another question
for you gpg keith asks do you know if they will be using nasa td rss satellites
while in space or any nasa ground stations tdrs the deep reach space network or uh
somebody uh the acronym for me i think you're right it sounds about right the deep
space radio network yeah uh but uh yeah no uh absolutely they will they will for
sure be using
- [58:06]( that i think all
satellites in orbit especially with humans have access to that network tracking and
data relay satellite system i got that all wrong you were close you said system
does that count you said satellite too that's true there you go not so bad all
right and then sorry last question for you and it's about starships so that's why i
was going to bring you back do you have any more information on what the next ship
will be will it be ship 22 ship 24 so the next ship that looks like it may be
completed is ship 22
- [58:44]( um and the ship after
that that will be completed to ship 24. 22 and 24 could both made up to booster 7
and i'll get into that and they have similar skirts right they do yeah so 22 in
theory could fly if they have raptors if they had raptors and here's the thing i
have not seen a shot of a booster i'm sorry of ship 22's half down so if the thrust
puck of ship 22 has raptor two style mounting plates it can fly uh 24 we have seen
and it does have that yep that's why we say 24 7.
- [59:33]( although gpg says
seven um gpg says 24 7 i say 724 that's right what if what are the chances that
they're going to be raptor two engines on i'm assuming the next set of starships it
says orbital launch jax was that not jax robert's asking there robert there is a
really great chance so uh the raptor twos are uh they're new they're tested they're
being tested right now in mcgregor texas at their facility there and if they work
out they will be flight ready there's a lot of uh there's a lot
- [1:00:07]( of rumors that
raptor ones the ones that exist now though they've been tested they may have been
tested with the equivalent of dirty gas they may have had some debris in the lines
and there's some suspicion that the raptors may have ingested material that would
make it very difficult to fly them so it looks like raptor twos there's a good
chance it may be that raptor twos will be the first ones to fly but i'm still
hopeful for the raptor once those are just rumors you can't believe everything you
hear i don't
- [1:00:45]( think we're done
with raptor ones by the way i think it'll be two now yeah hey grandpa joe uh elon
tweeted about 19 hours ago he just i'm not sure what it's referring to raptor one
raptor two but he's at 320 bars achievable maybe even 330. so that doesn't rapture
twos that is definitely raptor two so uh the chamber pressure inside of a rocket
determines the velocity and the escape velocity of the gas that pours out so the
higher the pressure the faster the velocity and the more change in velocity you get
for the
- [1:01:19]( rocket pointing the
other way and we've been seeing them being tested at mcgregor and they are loud and
that fire that comes out from the bottom woo exciting i know it's a little methane
rich so it's a little yellow and that's uh to be expected rocky profit by the way i
love that you can read brown strap to winch in board of this wait you can almost
read the serial number off the winch that's a tribute to mr rgb mauricio himself
that's the quality of his photos so one thing of concern to me is these
- [1:01:58]( little misalignments
here if you get a little wind coming under there that could be a minor problem if
they lose one of these but this isn't going back on a ship is it well uh on all the
ships that have been produced thus far there have been minor irregularities just
like this this is just a good shot of it you mean like a tesla just kidding oh
shots fired i'm just kidding uh i've ridden in many teslas and let me tell you i
have never noticed any flaws in them and i love them all my brother has two and
i've never
- [1:02:30]( noticed one either
yeah i look forward to flying in one of these though it might have a little bit
more power maybe let's get up and go but uh zero to a million in no time that
sounds like weird i'm angry no cop uh so here you have these i'm in danger the side
of you are the heat tile and uh yep you can see about how thick they are and the
difference between this side and this side is several thousand degrees but what's
most interesting to me is the underside is steel and steel can reach much much
- [1:03:12]( temperatures than
aluminum the space shuttle was built out of aluminum under a composite heat shield
tile system so whenever one heat shield tile went away it was at much much elevated
danger of having the aluminum melt at a much lower temperature wow we know what the
heat tiles are made of uh it is i've known this before it is a resin carbon
composite so it's yup you're right um and it has silica and carbon and other doping
materials that are then bound together with a resin and then baked most of the
- [1:03:57]( probably bakes out
um and yeah that that forms it's these are about the size of a dinner plate so and
then the white underneath is the kale wool that's right high temperature uh almost
like an asbestos but a synthetic material like the pink panther right like
insulation or is that the sorry that might be the uh stuff that's in between the
nevermind yeah i know surprisingly little about cable so i think you'd be in a boat
with the rest of us then i do see a little bit of a ship back here uh and that
looks like a smooth noscope
- [1:04:40]( it does look like a
smooth nose cone is that black thing on the nose cone or is that just in front of
this is in front of and i believe it's lifting something up oh that's the jig that
is the that is the two no it's not the jig the jig goes off to the side which they
have taken off in this picture i see so they use what's called a jig to place the
mounting points for the uh flaps the full wings and uh that it looks uh like a a
truss section but it's been removed on this picture so what you were seeing was
- [1:05:18]( uh hoist or crane uh
and here inside the shop that was what to the right of that white i don't know what
it is the tadano thing that's ko will and another set of rings right that's a ring
section right there that's right this is uh the next section yep this section has
not been covered by cable yet and but you do see all the pins for the heat tiles to
attach and then i believe the jig that i was thinking of too is to the right of
that because that's what's going to spin this thing right but you can't see it so
it doesn't
- [1:05:57]( really matter all
right here tell you what let me go back one picture oh no you can't see it there
nah it's okay all right uh one thing of note uh so right here you have three pins
are right here you can see it's sticking through the cable and the heat tiles on
the back of them have three holes and whenever you press them into the starship the
pins expand and lock the tile in place so it's they just pop right on and uh once
they're on there they're stuck on there you have to kind of drill them out
- [1:06:33]( so that is how they
attach the tiles to the starship is with these i think it's two spring loaded pins
and one alignment go ahead mauricio oh no so when there's static fires and we see
that the heat tiles fall off is that's probably a sign of a weak point in the in
the inner workings there yep it can be the it could be the spring it could be the
tile it could have been the application method so there's a number of things that
could cause it to fall off and i'm sure in each iteration they're
- [1:07:08]( determining where
they went wrong and what to check for with other pins and with other uh tiles you
want to move on to the next one show us what else we got yes so here we have uh
some bits and pieces uh oh gosh let's see this looks like part of a common dome uh
and this looks like a part of a methane header and then in the back is that for the
um the raptors the big ones back wraps no no actually i've seen these inside of the
starship uh i don't know what their purpose is maybe it's for baffling um
- [1:07:56]( the uh the slosh
baffle yeah so uh you use these because you have a lot of fuel in there or but the
whole thing is not full and as that as that fluid moves back and forth when it's
not settled especially in zero g you need something to slow it down so it doesn't
all hit the bottom at once and damage the ship so these baffles act as that the
break that uh slows that uh fluid down nice they do kind of look like the mouth for
the or how they connect the vac wraps to the structure it does uh i will say though
- [1:08:40]( notice they have way
more than 40 holes on this thing yeah yeah you're right one thing to note those
have been there for i think for about over like a month or two wow so i don't think
they have plans to use those anytime soon although we see things sit there and gain
rust and gather dirt and all of a sudden they wash them off and put them on [Music]
so a couple of good details to go over here these little uh spikes you see right
here are actually guides that as they're slipping the nose cone barrel section onto
the top of the
- [1:09:22]( starship these
little spikes help guide and press out the outside of the bottom ring of the nose
cone so that it matches up perfectly to the top ring of the uh of the ship and here
this is a lifting point they have a backer plate there so that this point can
withstand additional uh force while it's being lifted so right here is where they
would put an adapter on to lift this entire section and here it looks like you have
some pneumatic line hooks uh and just some ports not sure what they're used for
downspout uh for an autogenius
- [1:10:12]( pressurization line
that has not been installed yet oh what happens if is this the one that has the
higher amount for the quick disconnect are you talking about that one yes sir so
yes right here uh you'll see this kind of m-shaped uh well this is ship 22 which
does have the mount to mate up to booster 7.
- [1:10:45]( so this little
detail right here is one of the key indicators that this could be used for ship uh
ship 22 booster 7 as the as a launch partner oh okay and i was wrong i thought they
had moved that quick disconnect that's a little bit higher the actual mouth or the
face if you will because i know we've seen one where that has moved yes so that
might be on a test article it might be on uh ship 24.
- [1:11:17]( i'm hoping 24. we'll
see yeah i'm interested in how they're going to have to modify the quick disconnect
stand to adapt to that change in height because a little change change in height
like that means that you have to change the height of the quick disconnect on the
tower side as well so mauricio when you go next to do ground photos if you can find
24 any evidence of that quick disconnect that would be amazing assuming you have to
ground again yeah i think they hide the i think it's been in one of the tents
- [1:11:51]( oh i have that's why
i've been able to see it got it so uh as we were discussing earlier the jigs this
is an example of a jig this is not part of the ship but it is mated to the ship so
that they can correctly align the the bottom or the aft flaps it's better not to
call them wings because a wing provides lift and flight and and these are more akin
to resistors where they provide drag but uh yeah this is a jig for attaching the uh
the aft flap boy that's tall and here here we have that weld doubler right
- [1:12:42]( there and a little
baby short one and then here we have that same uh half dome or thrust puck meets
right here and you'll notice right here there's a lot of there's a lot of welding a
lot of metal right here uh you know it's it's strange but after you stare at it
enough you see where there's more metal and less and right here you have the
stringers to provide additional support you can actually see the kind of outline of
it even though it's on the inside i know uh above here pressurization provides
strength below
- [1:13:19]( here it's open so
you have to use metal to provide all the strength and rigidity to keep it stable
also of note right here you have all the hookups for the electrical pneumatic and
hydraulics and this is all covered and this is where it goes from the inside of the
ship's skirt to the outside i still wonder if those colors mean anything the orange
cables versus the silver ones i believe the orange or power okay and it probably
just comes from the manufacturer in that color so they went with it might be a high
- [1:14:02]( um oh sorry let me
zoom in sorry for the zooming out and zooming in okay huge detail right here so
this is a eulage thruster just like we were describing on the booster but it is on
the ship uh if you recall elon musk was having a conversation with tim dodd the
everyday astronaut and they discussed why don't you use the eulage thruster on the
starship and you could in real time see elon musk thinking about it tossing it over
in his mind and saying my goodness why hadn't we thought of that and here we see it
has been implemented
- [1:14:46]( so here is the
eulage thruster and here is another potential eulage thruster and they can use
these uh potentially to help steer the ship for almost free because it's just using
the over pressurization in the tank to supply control of where the ship is pointed
oh in essence it's in some way thanks to tim dodd yeah yeah tim dodd designed these
so if the ship fails because of this blame tim dodd you heard it here in fact if
the ship fails at all it was temp's fault or we just beat team space and say okay
- [1:15:26]( next one nope nope
that's all 10. yeah team space we'll we'll get it on the next code and let that
second one before you go too far that was about autogenius right versus a euler's
thruster the uncovered one yes uh this one i believe is in the right position and
placed to be uh the autogenius pressurization line and here you can see the
thingamabobber that uh opens and closes pneumatic error valves uh one thing to note
right here oh absolutely it covers so many use cases one thing to note right here
on some
- [1:16:05]( places you see the
weld doublers but in the test article this point right here where the vertical weld
meets the horizontal scene this is right where it failed on a test article so i bet
that they will be paying a lot of attention to these welds right at this point
because if there's a problem this is where it'll occur and it'll once there's a
little bit of a of an opening this will unzip right across here nice kind of what
we saw when they were testing bn 4.
- [1:16:44]( 1 the one we just
saw most recently that is uh gse4 it was a gse tank and uh oh by the way oh this is
a detail i've never seen before i always wondered how are they going to get the c4
charges in here and this just pops open genius right sometimes spacex comes through
that's right you know they deliver um and here you have very colorful stay out tape
oh you know what that is right next to it a ladder where you're kidding right oh oh
sticking out from the inside that's a ladder oh my goodness thomas would be so sad
thomas would be proud i found it even
- [1:17:29]( though they've said
it like five times um good job i i did not so you're better than me no by the way
we we have a we have a hobby besides watching tanks we try to find ladders yes it's
more than a hobby it's almost competitive i know all right with that said was there
any other features to cover here no sir let's go all right ship 22 good bye look
out look at that bye for now oh hello you know what a little bit of a little story
here when i when i was putting up scaffolding inside of mark 1 i thought it was
interesting how
- [1:18:13]( the welders or the
people that worked on it they would initial the inside of they would have put their
initials on the inside i thought that was pretty interesting and you know why right
mauricio i'm not sure if it was just to show um or on the inside or outside i don't
remember if if it's to uh accountability who did that world or just because they
just wanted to show their their names inside or i think the first one i think it's
about accountability right yeah if a weld fails you know exactly who did it
- [1:18:44]( that person's fired
no no they don't go fire people willy-nilly they train them up and it's interesting
because i mean i don't know if i should say this but i initialled my name just
because i wasn't i thought it was pretty cool i'm like i'm going to try this too
and but um yeah another flow so wait where's your name where's your where are your
initials uh on the inside the mark one nosecone so you were actually working on
mark one nose cone i wasn't working on the actual mark one i
- [1:19:16]( was putting up
scaffolding inside of the nose phone wow so you've been inside of a nose cone uh
yes the mark one yes oh my gosh mauricio wow i think i think i told the story on
the on the yeah yeah right that i did my they invited me they needed another um
they need another worker just to help out and that's that's what they were doing
they're putting up scaffolding and i was working there for just one day i didn't
really care about what the pay was or anything i just wanted to be in that
environment and see what it was like to
- [1:19:50]( work you know how
was it it was great yeah i mean i don't recall ever i got paid for it right but i
never recalled asking for my paycheck or anything no i didn't really care that
wasn't the purpose of me i wasn't there to get paid but it was an interesting uh
environment obviously you know they have set up rules that you can't use your cell
phone um you can't take pictures you know just just do your job don't talk to don't
talk to most they just tell you not to talk to to the engineers or
- [1:20:26]( anybody that's there
don't just do your work and pretty much it get your job done yep all i want to see
is elbows moving um so this is a good picture here uh here you see uh the outline
of where a aft flap would go so here you have a mounting point here you have a
mounting point and here you have the motor inside is a motor that actuates this arm
that allows the flap to move in and out so if you're ever wondering how the uh
starship flaps its wings it's right through this little point right here wow
- [1:21:10]( hey gpg are there
any images that you have that you want to show because we are coming towards the
end of our show towards towards twice too many times sorry oh oh words are out of
order well these are uh we'll continue on with the speed run and i'm good for a
little bit longer okay i think we've covered ship 21 and other episodes very well
yeah flight termination radar or microwave lifting points crack tiles let me see if
you can see all the so these are not not necessarily cracked all the way through
but they are cracked and this
- [1:21:54]( one you can see they
circle the defect and they put an axis this one's back mauricio that resolution is
phenomenal right look how far back we are right everybody who's dizzy i'm sorry
it's like zoom zoom and that's because this camera is 24 megapixels eventually you
know in the future i do plan on upgrading to a uh higher resolution i think above
40 or 50 megapixels should be wow should give us some pretty significant
differences yeah you also have to have a very large aperture and a great lens to go
with it
- [1:22:33]( all right the
opening size of the camera right right yep so uh now would be a great time i want
to see that everybody donate to mauricio so i can get that so we can get a view of
the larger aperture and if you you like of course gpg of course you specifically if
you like what you're hearing and seeing please be sure to hit that like button and
to subscribe we have another show coming up on saturday and that time both golden
boy and thomas ayo one will be here along with mauricio and myself gpg has chosen
to go on vacation
- [1:23:10]( i'm sorry so here we
have the kappa uh concrete company who sponsored part of boca chica to mars and
they showed up there so thank you to kappa good community partner out there hey gbj
on those tiles showing i'm sorry no no no i was i'm trying to figure out where he's
pouring concrete at right now i think it's in front of the merpe but i'm i can't
see where i'm looking at the aerials right now and i can't see oh is you are saying
that's mid bay oh yes yep yep that's mid bay so yeah it's
- [1:23:51]( right by the nose
cone there and wide base just behind it yep wide base coming up now we got one two
three sections so six uh six levels tote and it should be slightly taller oh and
here you can see them building the next section on the ground so they had a little
weather delays that allowed them to build a couple extra sections on the ground yep
i was going to ask you those tiles that we were looking at when you zoomed in and
it had those markings stephanie ball was asking are the tiles that are marked
damaged let's zoom in so
- [1:24:29]( right here the one
with the ones with the x have a defect on them the ones with a line mark where
they're starting to see a crack so here you see a crack there's a crack and then
here's just uh an x everywhere a crack crack yeah and wherever it's not cracked
they're writing an okay right at the top here but where they circle a defect that
lets you know they had to find a way of letting you letting you know that this
defect was not an okay simple so they could find the tile again make sense oh my
goodness what uh sorry all right
- [1:25:11]( you're good what is
this the one with the three arrows pointing at it what are they pointing at could
it be maybe it's the intrusion or maybe it's a poorly formed time i see a little
divot taken out there or maybe it's just the mating point where they i'm not seeing
a large gap on the other side you know tesla they always had trouble with the gaps
being accurate but this looks good here i don't see where they have the three
arrows they were very concerned about this one maybe it's something that proved
- [1:25:51]( to work out for them
so that's why we don't see anything maybe it does have an x on it though so that
one is no good and when you were looking at the nose cone itself astro joe just
wanted to confirm that he's pretty sure that there's two motors per flap is that
right uh no i i believe there's only one motor per flap and four motors total
controlling the flaps uh-huh uh i may be wrong but i believe there's only one
that's what i've heard uh if you look on the inside of the starship there's only
one and
- [1:26:30]( we may get to see
one later nice and there are eight total on the flap on the flaps if there's two a
piece then there would be eight but uh oh look at you and your math you're so db uh
so here here we have a dome and you can see it's for development or dev and these
are called coupons and what they're doing is they're pulling out pieces and they're
bringing them into a lab to then x-ray them and check the weld also it's probably
good practice for somebody to learn how to grind out stainless steel
- [1:27:18]( oh look who the
slackers that join the chat would you be here hey he will be back right yes sir
saturday he'll be here bell's on with your aerial photograph photos as well i mean
how exciting is that going to be and thomas and golden boy and me that's going to
be that's going to be a good one uh does anybody know what this is i was seeing
this earlier and did not recognize it it looks like modern art of oh ladder you're
right uh but yeah if anybody wants to point out in the comments what they think
this is
- [1:27:56]( please do part of
the praying mantis yeah and then i see some little structure trying to figure out
what those might be some of us were thinking they were the bottom of the copv so
not actually what the copb holds but all of that line right underneath that's
exactly what i was seeing was a cfpb uh mount well not actually the mount for the
copv but just below it where all the jumble electronics and wires is all right
what's on the floor there oh oh it's just that yeah the little mounting jig for the
these point inward which helps the domes
- [1:28:41]( go in i believe
makes sense it also keeps the shape and here's a motor and here is a dome is this a
let's see which term would this be an older one potentially because of the way the
design is [Music] would this be a booster forward down uh on the top because i see
that they have these lines here some people are saying it might be a possible 25
common dome i still think it's an older one yeah it looks like an older design i
recognize it oh we've arrived at the launch site yay so uh here we have the
chopsticks uh and
- [1:29:32]( we were discussing
before so the distance between here where the ship will land and here uh is this is
the total distance between those two points the catching arm and the stabilization
point and i'll zoom in a little bit further here right here is a pen and some
cameras to help watch it oh in fact you can see it's active you can see the
infrared right there look at that good picture mauricio so these cameras uh point
towards here and help guide this in to the mounting point on the ship and the
reason you
- [1:30:13]( want to have that is
because it gives you control authority to swing the ship relative to the top you
can swing the bottom out or swing it in or stabilize it against the wind and you
get a this gives you a lot of options there so this is a pretty ingenious little
maneuver they've done good old spacex genius until it doesn't work oh it always
works it's just a matter of how many iterations it gets to get there that's right
you know you know that's how i do work is uh i make sure trial and error
- [1:30:47]( you know i try
something and if it works great i stop there but if it doesn't i keep trying that's
why i never fail i just try again and you know who also never fails us is starship
3d who just joined us as a new member here on rgb thanks for joining us thanks
worship 3d thank you thank you i really appreciate the uh the contribution and the
effort you're the best man and not just gpg but we all appreciate it thank you
starship 3d special note here oh go ahead marshall oh no starship 3d i think i
- [1:31:22]( from being a patreon
as well so thank you for supporting me in multiple platforms yeah double supporter
i'm a double supporter too with the elite my friend the elite so right here you
have some uncovered pipes which means they're still inspecting and testing and they
haven't completely validated this uh right here you have five uh five runs of cable
which means this moves ten times slower but picks up ten times more weight the
motor that controls these while i zoom out is down here it has 1500 horsepower
engines and there it
- [1:32:05]( adds up to i want to
say 6 000 horsepower total that runs just this cable to pick up this device so a
lot of power going there draw works yep the draw works so it's a giant motor
connected to a spool of cable and the cable runs up here goes in runs all the way
up to the top and then back down uh also you'll note here these uh metal arms ride
up and down on roller skates in fact let me see if i can get into the roller skates
so these skates roll up and down these rails and allow this whole thing here to go
- [1:32:48]( and down and it
provides static uh tension between the uh as the ship lands it holds it against the
tower uh while not flexing we hope that's what the dead heads for that's right so
here we have the most complicated part of this whole system the launch mount or
launch table and they're actually i'm going to skip ahead to a few more close-up
pictures because there are some interesting details yes please uh here we have a
test stand and here we have the bottom of ship 20.
- [1:33:30]( trying to see if
there's anything else of note nope just a bunch of tiles and beautiful tiles uh
here we have uh booster four uh and oh what's this they painted all the rocket
nozzles yes they did so a little surface layer of rust would not have caused any
major problems it would ablate or burn off rather quickly and not cause any damage
um i don't think they would find the rust penetrating too deeply into the ink canal
it's fairly resistant the only reason why i think to do this is to pretty it up for
a photo op
- [1:34:23]( that's what i said i
saw i think you're right it it's our photo opportunity i always like it when you
agree with me i always agree with you sometimes it just takes me a long a while to
be uh just as right as you typical i know um aside from uh protection against rust
and a photo op uh you know it adds weight it will cause problems when it if they
light these engines it'll burn off uh they must have had to have used either
especially paint to make it stick through a fire or they just didn't and they're
- [1:35:03]( expecting it to burn
off or this may be the sign that this will never fly but it'll be in pictures there
you go we will make it famous and here we go on the load spread right now they do
they hooked up the booster to the load spreader uh so even if it's never static
fired it can still be cryogenically tested and it can still be stacked so you can
fully integrate and you can test every last bit of integration stacking mass weight
of the whole system you can test the mount you can test the tower there's so much
value in using 4 and 20
- [1:35:54]( just in terms of
testing the systems the ground support and all that but she's still not gonna fly
it could still fly what's a little paint between fronts so these raptors have all
been they've been tested and they could still be good there's been a rumor that
there's some debris in them but that's just a rumor so until spacex comes out and
says no there there's a there's two strikes against it but i haven't heard a third
strike and i haven't heard any bells so this thing ain't going on yet and this one
- [1:36:38]( 29 engines right
because seven is 33 yeah yep 29. 29 raptor ones laying around one and 1.5 that work
we have uh actually we have 29 plus 3 on ship 20 plus 3 vacuum uh and yeah that's
it outside of that they may have a few lying around in tents got it here we have
the gse tanks otherwise known as commodity storage these hold uh liquid oxygen
liquid nitrogen water and liquid methane uh down here we have the auxiliary methane
storage which is most likely going to be the primary methane storage for the first
- [1:37:32]( or forever um i
doubt it'll be forever but uh you know we'll see uh you know it all depends they on
the next tank farm they may uh they may go with a different design um you know it's
kind of up in the air we we there aren't enough details to be sure what will remain
makes sense oh this is a great picture i'm gonna zoom in for a tick uh number one
oh wow uh this is a great uh feature ad they've added grid fins to the top of
booster 20. i mean chip 20.
- [1:38:12]( i don't know why
they added grid fins but you saw it here first yeah just like that wheelchair right
that we saw on top of booster that one time just like the wheelchair it's the
booster is now wheelchair accessible and they've added griffins to ship i'm kidding
he's looking at a picture with booster behind ship that's right that is booster 4
behind ship 20.
- [1:38:42]( do you know if those
header tanks are nested together or how the header tanks are configured currently
uh ship 20 has an oxygen header tank up top and then at the common dome it has the
common dome runs right here in a you know a kind of u-shape and then right here in
the center is the methane header tank it's it's in a sphere right at the bottom
interface between the methane and oxygen tanks now in future uh iterations they are
suspected they're going to put another dome right here uh upside down in that u-
shape and they
- [1:39:23]( will fill in the
space in between the oxygen tank a header tank and they'll have a methane header
tank up here as well wow yeah the final design of that hasn't been seen but they
have a lot of experience with domes they have a lot of domes lying around and the
design would work just great and that one the one with the double domes that'll be
on the new ring structure right the new alignment of the rings potentially where
they're changing the number of rings on each section uh oh uh yes so uh where they
- [1:40:01]( additional rings so
they are talking about adding additional rings to to raise the height of the
starship uh we we haven't seen that design in yet but uh yeah the double dome may
be integrated at that time so that's uh a little far in the future to know for sure
but uh yeah that that is definitely a possibility so uh new new newish feature uh
they've added a couple of flame diverters down here who knew the washington
monument was part of olm it's it's very historically important it's it's always
been a part of rocketry
- [1:40:41]( i feel like we
should be saluting i hear the national anthem playing in the background and here we
have more cryo pipes a lot of green tags look so whenever you know that the system
is good they'll place a green tag on it so these systems are all good so what does
the yellow one mean or is that not a tag i don't think that's a tag i think that's
just part of the valve system fair enough yeah and here we have a bank those are
the arresters right flame arresters yes so in case a flame comes shooting back
- [1:41:24]( through here this
stops it all and prevents the whole system from blowing out and ideally the oil and
will remain intact uh yeah i'm sure in between here and the rest of the tank farm
they have a few more flame wrestlers just in case oh like if it gets past that you
think that you think it would get past that no no it wouldn't get past that but if
there was another problem such as debris striking a pipe or a spawn yeah just any
other you just want to have a flamer rooster every so often uh maybe just have one
- [1:41:58]( right at the tank as
well interesting you know zach talked about having covers all around the orbital
launch table has there been any signs of them actually bringing any of that stuff
in you know i can't wait to see your pictures i think that might be the first
opportunity we have to find though and mauricio actually has pictures of them doing
something with that cover you can see them connecting it with smell more this cover
right here on the left or the one nope right here over on the launch table itself
on the very top they put those
- [1:42:34]( rusted umbrella
pieces around yeah awnings well done sir that's exactly right awnings so in future
pictures when you're going to go forward you're going to see that they have covered
that gap that you see between the two awnings not the long ways but the sideways
sorry horizontally right here or yeah and then uh they'll need to be sure to uh
leave just enough room to open this up panel so zach says that they'll bring it all
the way down to the outside of the uh railing so that opening issue like
- [1:43:08]( you're talking about
it won't become a problem because if it opens now with the railings as they are
then it'll open once they cover it as well but that is thomas says differently
thomas doesn't think it's wide enough so i can't wait to hear the uh the discussion
on saturday me either i always like it you know the paint the paint that they use
to paint the raptors is it the same paint that the orbit or launch mount is is it
the same color or definitely looks like a maybe high temperature paint
- [1:43:44]( and the outside of
the raptors it it does get red hot but it is cooled with cryogenic fluid throughout
so it may be in a range where paint might be able to stick for a for a few moments
anyway have we seen that before would they just paint the nozzles of the rocket
engine another no not yet first time so more than likely a follow up like in the
star side pretty pictures i gotta get ready for a star beautiful lady yeah starship
presentation number two all right pardon me while i uh shoot through some pictures
here so yeah just
- [1:44:28]( pipe work mauricio
to your point apparently there are other rocket companies that will paint their
bells so it's not uncommon it's just not something we've seen at spacex yet or
before i should say and looking at that tower do you think that they're going to
cover the cables they have to at least on two sides not just olit but the actual
cables themselves do you think that they'll cover the cables uh these cables right
here no uh these cables will be all the way at the top and i don't believe they'll
- [1:45:05]( be covered uh they
are they are made out of steel and they can be cycled through and replaced uh bit
by bit uh by running it to the dead spool but no i don't believe that they will
cover this nor do i believe that'll it will get that much of a thermal shot it
should be fine the beauty of working with a bunch of steel and concrete is that
it's a fairly temperature resistant one thing to note about those cables is that i
don't know if lab padres cameras pick up the sound that they make when they're when
there's high winds
- [1:45:43]( they can't they kind
of sound like whips very similar to that kind of high high tempo or usually when
it's really windy you'll hear it yeah if you hear them twinging um oh and here we
have the uh jesus pen where this holds the whole thing on and if it goes if this
goes the only thing saving you is jesus goodness gracious [Laughter] anywho all
right so here we have the pipe work going up the tower and you're doing good on
time gpga you want to get those pictures out we're looking at about 13 more minutes
- [1:46:28]( think yeah let's
roll through these pictures uh here we have the upper quick disconnect arm this
this arm swings out of the way it pivots back on this far end and wraps all the way
around to here oh wow this is a great shot let me zoom in real quick so here we
have a the quick disconnect for the ship and here oh these have folded out of the
way i haven't seen that before hey what are those cables dangling from the quick
disconnect there they weren't there before i'm gonna bet that these are welders
- [1:47:09]( that have left their
cable leads all over this and they've just used this as a you know a drying rack uh
now i'm not sure what exactly these cables are going to i don't see them attaching
to this they may just be using this to hold the cables this may not be part of the
finished assembly or it could be and these are just yeah who knows we'll know soon
enough when you take those aerial photos well you took those aerial folders when we
look at those aerial photos i mean because there's some very interesting
- [1:47:49]( stuff from the
aerial photos that we took today so um definitely recommend joining us this
saturday to break things down over grandpa joe and thomas and if you want a quick
sneak peek you can always join us a patreon or youtube member you might be able to
see some photos that mauricio lets us see live or early before the release go ahead
oh no i should be releasing those later on tonight i'm actually about to start the
editing process here um they should be uploaded in about two or three hours so you
work so hard for us thank you you
- [1:48:27]( do yeah you're
awesome man so you'll notice right here well one they've covered all these but
these are all uh you know fluid fill you know they fill up here they have return
lines here or more fill lines but none of this is data or power right here so
perhaps these lines you know pneumatics but i'm not seeing a place for these cables
to plug in right there and this is for ship yeah so on top of the booster the ship
rests out here we'll say in the air and this latches on to the ship and connects to
- [1:49:10]( it wow and uh this
reminds me of the facehugger from the movie alien so i always call it facehugger it
kinda does except those arms don't go around your face thank goodness for that not
yet they're working on it yeah right right um but yeah no i haven't seen these
swing out of the way so wide so that that's new to me all right let's see how many
uh more pictures we can get through yep more tower this is going to great make a
great panoramic and can't wait for those either and here is the roof section they
- [1:49:52]( not added one since
the last show but eventually this should be covered and they've got some lightning
rods they've been installing lightning rods very important and so when we're
looking at that qd arm gpj do you think that it's too hard to adjust the height of
the sqd for the new ship qd placement because we know that they might have to move
it stef stephanie's actually asking stephanie ball oh uh yeah if they change the
height of the ship they will have to change the height not only here but also on
all the test
- [1:50:26]( stands so it's not
to say it's easy but in terms of rocket science it's fairly easy but it is
something that they would have to be conscious of that once they pick a height
they're going to have to stick to it because all their all their future
infrastructure will depend on it or they may just have to add a bottle jack right
here and raise it up so yeah there are creative ways of fixing a little height
issues but uh yeah it is a consideration and here we are oh no never mind i was
just gonna ask is
- [1:51:06]( there any more
questions just so that we can get uh you can get through all the questions before
we undo this yeah go ahead there's only two or three more questions that we have so
far there's a question from frank sperber he's asking there are weird triangle
structures on the bottom of the olp legs what might they be for and i think that's
your flame diverters yep those are what i call the washington monuments yep this is
as a flame as the flame hits the ground and then bounces off these keep it from
- [1:51:38]( damaging the legs
yep so it is a flame diverter so there's another question and this might be better
for you mauricio because you might know more about this one is it better to be a
patreon member than a youtube member um keith actually heard that google takes
about 25 to 30 percent on youtube transactions patreon or youtube well i think
patreon just because i tend to post a lot more often on patreon but but it is true
right about the money aspect the percentage um i would say it's about saying really
it i think patrons more more um
- [1:52:27]( uh more friendly you
know when it comes to that they don't take away too much of that money right so
more than it goes to our artist right our creator not our correct creator correct
and it's a little bit more it's a better platform to post photos on youtube member
what i do instead is i just post a dropbox link so you know either or you know i'll
take care of you guys you know i'll make sure you guys have a good content you know
before everybody else regardless you know i try and work around that you know the
little the flaw
- [1:52:59]( of not being able to
post the photos directly but just doing it through a dropbox link so you can
download the photos and that makes it so much easier thank you for doing that and i
would say patreon because more of the money goes towards mauricio and not towards
the company that's offering the offers the platform and i want my money to go to
mauricio directly that's right at the end of the day um i'm really appreciative of
everybody's support and it's not all about you know i don't want
- [1:53:27]( to make it seem like
if it's all about the you know monetizing it or anything uh to me it's more about
you know documenting starbase from a different perspective and as if you guys seen
i've slowly started to trickle down into doing ground photography more to give you
guys different perspectives you know from i like to say from 10 feet agl depending
where i'm standing up until 10 hundred feet ago or msl in this case so you know i
got you guys covered with different perspectives and uh i take care of you guys i
make sure
- [1:54:05]( you guys have a lot
of content definitely i did i did find the percentages if that is uh a concern when
you're donating it is 30 goes to google if you donate through youtube and 5 to 12
goes to patreon if you donate through patreon so patreon's the way to go folks
that's my opinion and mauricio you're right it isn't about the money but it helps
you give us the things and the photos that we want to see so that's the only reason
i would say it because it's about you helping us help you
- [1:54:37]( that's right uh real
quick here i want to point out one thing this is a great profile shot so you can
see uh as it's as the ship is going up you this is the angle of attack of the of
the wind going through here and this is just a great profile shot now as it's
falling the wind is of course going along the surface here up this ramp and then
hitting the flap dead on unless the flap is actuated backwards in which case it
will just continue up there and off and then we also want to thank jeff weiss for
his 15 super chat we get pizza
- [1:55:14]( now thank you jeff
weiss dinner and breakfast if we're lucky oh i forgot to mention my absolute
favorite way of playing horatio for flights and that's uh whenever i see them on
the side of the road just slip them another 20. oh no oh no no no no no we do not
want to know about your side angle there's sir great shot of the chopsticks all
right so much details i do want to point out real quick oh this device has taken
more man hours and more work than any other part of the whole starship system uh go
ahead and then start tpj this is the
- [1:56:07]( image that shows the
awning is being connected you see that oh yeah right there you go nice i did not
catch that at first good job yep all right so the rest of this will look like that
here thanks thomas thomas showed me this blended in so well i didn't even notice it
i got like water deluge or something little small details nobody cares about that
just drop the wd word again two words let's see oh so here is gse4 test tank and
right here this is the the weld point where right here it failed right as the seam
was meeting up
- [1:56:56]( with it and it
unzipped all the way around here and that's how it failed well that failed because
you can see the world on the left is still attached it failed and went to the right
and just by the time it got all the way back around it hadn't uh failed here it
went up so uh yeah it does look like it was the whale and it was this particular
weld that failed uh yep here you see where they filled it up from and this is i
believe has already been uh picked up and jumped since uh since monday and here we
have a lot of cryopipes for
- [1:57:38]( the new uh i think
tanks i want to say yeah a lot of work being done there in preparation they do need
four tanks they currently have two but they need four to do a launch here's the
edge of one of the methane commodity tanks and here we have a little stomper and
just vibrating the same there's so many nifty little tools out here yep and gpj i
think now's a good time to remind everybody before we head out that if they like
what they see to go ahead and subscribe or hit like on this stream that you're
looking at right now you can
- [1:58:16]( donate to rgv aerial
photos you can do that either you can become a subscriber either through youtube or
through patreon i recommend patreon that's me mauricio's always up in the air or
going down driving down taking photos for us he's gone three or four times in one
week so we have all this content to show you guys we have another show next
saturday and that time we're going to have thomas a01 we're going to have golden
boy back super duper exciting to have both of them mauricio will be here and then
you'll still have
- [1:58:44]( me but mr gpj
grandpa joe is going to go on pto he's going on vacation and having said saturday
yep having said that gpj you want to go ahead and say goodbye so we can end it and
give it to mauricio to end yeah it has been another pl another pleasureful week and
uh you know love having y'all all here and you know we didn't even get to the end
but i think we got to the most exciting parts and uh yeah thank you all for coming
by and listen to me talk about rockets for a while mauricio over to you all right
thank you guys for joining
- [1:59:21]( today um today's
episode zach will be back this saturday you know he i think he's truly missed by
everybody and another thing is um i'll be doing a twitter space on saturday right
before the stream but it will be in spanish i'm sorry if anybody anybody out there
you know talk spanish and want to if you want to hear me talking spanish i'll be on
twitter at 10 a.
- [1:59:51]( m uh with a couple
of um friends that talk spanish as well spanish space channels and i'll see you
guys there you were saying something sir oh yes i'm passing it along too and they
start now i'll actually pass along to gpj to do our famous outro all right with
that said main engine cutoff stage separation confirmed love you bye thanks [Music]
- [2:01:25]( um [Music] okay
[Music] uh [Music] you

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