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# (20413) Starbase Flyover Review Episode 4 Part 1 of 2 - YouTube

## Transcript:
- [00:09]( thank you [Music] uh
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um
- [01:16]( [Music] [Music] [Music]
[Music] uh [Music] hey everybody good morning good
- [02:30]( afternoon and good
evening welcome to this week's live rgv aerial photography's deep dive into images
he captured this week from the air and on the ground at starbase texas we have
maurizio himself plus golden boy and grandpa joe to guide us through all the latest
updates changes and theories from starbase texas over to maurizio back to our
starbase flowery review my name is mauricio i've been photographing and documenting
starbase since 2018 and today we'll be reviewing the aerial ground photos that were
taken yesterday
- [03:12]( january 14th i
encourage everybody to ask questions in the comment section and we'll do our best
to answer them i will now be passing this along to zack one of our commentators hey
mauricio how's it going hey i'm doing good good good good it's been a been an
earlier morning for us today than it was uh last time i'm uh we're here with uh
grandpa joe as well uh he's my excellent co-host grandpa joe if you want to
introduce yourself hey guys it's grandpa joe glad to be joining you today mauricio
and zach
- [03:47]( looking forward to this
is going to be a great one yeah so uh this time i think last time we didn't really
get into the ground photos as much but uh you know mauricio kind of surprised us
this time because you know we were expecting just the aerial photos but uh when he
sent him to us to go over before we did this uh you know the first picture i opened
up was not an aerial shot so um uh let's just get into it i mean he he kind of
crazy marisa do you want to explain what you did this day so i mean i won't go much
into detail
- [04:25]( but usually when i do
my photography down at starbase i always start off by when this case i was this is
me driving up to the site i was about what do you say about two miles out so what i
do is i just i just pull up to the side of the road and i start taking photos white
shots you'll see in the next few shots you'll see the launch site from further away
and this is on the side of highway 4.
- [04:50]( so were you expecting
to do a flyover today were you just going to do both or were you doing this because
you didn't think you were going to do a flyover well my plan well plans change all
the time and i know we talked just a little bit about what actually happens but i
won't really go into it right now but you know the flyover kind of the schedule
changed for me so i had to adapt and i only had about 20 minutes to capture all
these photos before i had to head back to the airport you know to head out for the
i mean it wasn't going to work
- [05:21]( out anyways it looked
like there was i don't know if you see those there's a lot of fog um out there at
the side it was barely clearing out so this was a good time to take the photos yeah
i mean it looks like a looks like a fantastic day i'm and uh so you actually ended
up also doing a flyover after this which is amazing so um i guess we're gonna go
through the ground pictures as fast as we can and then we're gonna hop up in the
air with mauricio and uh you know last time i actually uh put these in order as far
- [05:52]( you know the location
on site so sanchez or the build site or the launch site and i uh this time i think
we're just gonna do things a little bit differently and just go through them in
order of how uh mauricio actually took them so might take us and appreciate let me
just say uh you know for only having spent 20 minutes out there you captured a ton
of details from the ground we are going to get to see a lot of spectacular details
the booster the construction the the shipyard the launch site i mean i don't
- [06:28]( know if you got lucky
or you're just this good but this is a really great ground campaign and the stuff
from the air is even better so real excited today right and i want to say to
everybody just bear with us we'll get to i know some of you are here for the
flyover images or you know maybe vice versa um just hold on tight we're going to
get to the flavor images maybe zach can just pull out a couple for aerials just to
refer from an area perspective just so we can get them in there you know early on
- [06:59]( uh yeah i may be able
to do that um i may have to rely on max q for that one because i i have all of
these in order on uh this time so um yeah we'll try and do that on on the way
through these pictures in the meantime i just wanted to welcome lunatic martian
he's uh joining us as an rgb flight supporter thank you um you know this definitely
helps out the channel a lot when you guys are joining as members and what uh every
time you guys like and subscribe so uh we definitely appreciate all of you guys
being here today and uh you know
- [07:38]( thank you lunatic
martian uh first first member of the day new member of the day so uh glad to have
you with us right on a quick note i'm actually uploading the gallery that i that
we're going to be reviewing right now i'm going to upload it right now for all
members so if you guys want to become a member you can just download these files
and follow along with those as we're going through oh see always with the surprises
mauricio i love it so let's get into it uh this is the view as we're approaching
- [08:13]( the build site and uh
this was actually right before it looks like um we call him bucky but this is the
uh buckner 11 lr 11 000 crane that it's building and constructing the uh wide bay
currently and this is right before it let go it looks like i think you actually may
have caught it uh as i was releasing in a few minutes hey zach really quick here i
don't know if you want to introduce andy story here she just jumped on would you
like to introduce her yeah yeah sorry about that and uh sorry hold on i'm having a
- [08:55]( issue one second and we
should welcome our new flight supporter foom fom thank you for joining us uh every
time someone joins it helps uh keep mauricio flying and driving right i'm
everywhere from i'm i'm at 10 at about five to 10 feet ago all the way to eleven
thousand feet above ground level so i'm down there mauricio there's there's uh one
more place that we're going to need you uh we need mauricio submarine uh for uh
capturing the first pictures of the booster from underwater oh yeah
- [09:43]( all right guys before
we before we get too far if those in the chat have questions if you wouldn't mind
typing i question before your questions we'll be sure to capture that thank you oh
this is indian star by the way yeah sorry that was very rude i was having a
microphone issue um yeah this is a indian star for those of you who don't know her
she's our wonderful team member she basically helps us out a lot with you know
logistics and just getting everything uh in order for you guys because grandpa
- [10:14]( joe and i are a mess
half the time and uh you know sometimes it takes women to get us uh in order you
know what i mean so thank you indian star and uh glad you're able to make it today
it's always my pleasure thank you for having me of course of course well shall we
continue on let's uh uh so real quick in this picture you have up is a picture of
the wide bay under construction that's the third out of four panels for the third
level and since then they've also i believe added the fourth corner to the
- [10:45]( they are making rapid
progress and we should see this thing a bit taller than the high bay looks like in
no time at all okay guys quick question here how many more levels do you think we
still need to go two more levels or one more i'm thinking two more levels at least
i think two yeah i think the i i may be remembering it incorrectly but i thought
that elon actually came out and said that it was going to be closer to 100 meters
tall um but i mean if it's if it's only going to be a little bit taller than this
- [11:26]( than in the high bay uh
i don't know an additional section is is still going to be shorter so it's going to
need at least two more um so i wouldn't be surprised if it actually does end up
being around 100 meters tall i mean the the good thing about that is it gives them
a little extra room to uh you know not have to be basically touching the roof with
the bridge crane and as they're lifting things up inside the highway um so i don't
know i i think there's enough structural steel laying out there that
- [11:58]( we can almost predict
what they're going to be doing so when we reach the aerial photos we can uh
probably judge that a little bit better all right oh looks like you turned around
to get a shot of the launch site this is always a good view i think a lot of times
when you show up here you get distracted by just the size of the build site and um
you know when you turn around and then look at this you know the the the launch
tower is just so large and a lot of people if you haven't been down there in a long
time or at all
- [12:42]( uh or you know
revisiting and then turning around to see this for the first time um it's just
crazy how the scale of it you know what i mean definitely dominates the landscape
real quick here oh yeah so just to keep it into perspective this is one of the
tallest structures in south texas by far you know uh one of my favorite uh parts of
this shot mauricio is that uh when you drive up to the build site you can see the
launch site just off to your right the road curves around and once we get to the
aerial shots it really shows the
- [13:17]( scale and perspective
but yeah you can see all of this it it's really towers over the landscape down
there in south texas right you can actually see the sights all the way from south
padre island so that's about what is it that's about five miles out right and how
tall is this exactly it's about 469 feet tall i'm not sure what the next closest uh
structure it's probably the sapphire condominiums probably is the next tallest it's
a few feet taller than the sapphire if i remember correctly
- [13:59]( yeah for those that go
um it's 142 meters for those wondering i know metrics we get a lot of that so you
know we're metric friendly here if i do all my measurements and metric just because
i'm lazy and it's easier yeah i personally don't like doing math outside of work
and it's a weekend so if any if somebody's not around to do those conversions for
me then i just go with with uh what's native to me sometimes what are we looking at
here uh golden boy uh we are looking at oh rocket with a donation of 4.99 that's a
- [14:41]( thank you um sorry i'm
i'm trying to see if he left him usually rocket leaves messages but i don't see one
with there are we missing it oh uh just a donation from rocket we really appreciate
that sir oh he's silent today okay well i'm gonna look out for some uh messages
from you within the chat if i don't get too distracted by doing that but uh good to
see you rocket thank you for the donation all right uh would you like to take some
uh questions yeah that's good what's up indian starbucks
- [15:19]( yeah go ahead and sorry
you're here no all you man it sounds better coming from you there's a question from
john c2069 do you think there will be anything on top of the wide bay i do not
think so they had so much trouble with the high bar at the top of the high bay
having to add the stairwell and uh i don't think they're gonna they're they're also
going to have two bridge grains they're going to traverse the full length of that
building so not that that completely precludes the possibility but i think it
- [15:56]( limits the uh the
ability of them to add too much on top of the wide bay hey grandpa joe just real
quick uh i was out there one time and i had a conversation with a couple of you
know iron workers that were there i'm not saying who or what but yeah they had
mentioned something about that on top there you know take it with a grain of salt
but they said possibly offices from what it looked like i don't think i don't think
they're they know so possibly there might be something else on top okay i look
forward to seeing it
- [16:30]( definitely yeah i'm
sure you learned better you know i could probably use another place to sleep at
night you know he's probably got a an apartment at the top of every building that
he works at if not a bar yeah if not a bar somewhere to rest all you need is a
couch sometimes and then you're good to go and uh elon musk has also said that uh
he spends most of his time living in a house worth probably fifty thousand dollars
down in brownsville so uh or down in boca chica so uh yep he is uh definitely uh
not living it too large
- [17:07]( spending his time
between offices and construction sites to small houses go ahead indian start back
to you thank you sir alfie asks they freed up some space near the bays eric ralph
speculated they do some very special some they're going to do something very
special with it do you have any ideas the base of the near the base i think they're
talking about the uh oh i was thinking about the tents no he might be referring i
might be wrong but he might be referring to the space behind the the white bay is
that where the the
- [17:47]( air streams used to be
at they're not there anymore they're clearing that out for something you know what
i just realized something let's uh let's ask the audience if they would rather go
through these ground pictures first or if they want to go through the aerials
because you know a lot of these questions are already kind of tailored towards
things that we kind of need those aerials in order to answer to some degree um so
let's just uh give them a chance to let us know like if they want to keep going
- [18:14]( the ground photos or
if you guys want to start on the ground and then end up in the air like a mauricio
did or did we just skip straight to the aerials so three questions chibi yes mate
as a flight supporter we appreciate it yeah i had a feeling this was gonna happen
he said i don't know how to say his name uh i'm not gonna try it he said the stream
can get very long otherwise uh i i agree i agree with you sir so we're going to the
aerials are winning it is i knew that was gonna happen we're gonna we'll get back
to them
- [19:04]( though i think there's
an answer absolutely there's a few things on on the ground photos that i do want to
touch on so um let me just make sure that uh yeah the aerials win by a landslide
landslide okay don't even look at it then okay yep hey we're gonna round back
around back to those ground photos because i think the ground photos were great
this time all right so this is a great overhead shot of uh the whole facility you
can see all the way from the launch to the on the left the beach uh further out to
the left
- [19:43]( all the way to the
right you have bokuchika village you have the uh build site and then you have
sanchez is all the way in the upper right hand corner there yeah this is one of my
favorite pictures that you've ever taken honestly i don't know if it's just the way
that the water was there a rainstorm the day before this like a uh i think i think
it was this is high tide uh or it's actually it's not high tide it's actually going
if you see that it's i think it's going back um the waters
- [20:20]( um it's going to
towards low tide at this point but no i mean it's it's like we're talking earlier
this image is due to the fact that it was a clear day out there you know this is
right after a cold front and typically when that happens it clears out all the all
the nasty haziness that you see at the coast the humidity and this is what you're
left with perfect data perfect day to do a flyover it was it really was oh man i
just love this angle of the of the build site uh this is this kind of gives people
- [21:05]( a little bit more
scale of what how large the actual facility is um i mean you can you can see just
the way that the cars look on the ground and if you're flying into brownsville uh
well you actually won't get this view unless you're coming in from possibly mexico
but uh you know you can you can just see the overall scale because all the cars
look like hands driving on the ground and um you know there's just so much activity
over there and you know certain things that look large on the ground kind of
- [21:36]( look a little bit
smaller from the air but still it just just getting the scale of this stuff in this
way is uh something that you really can't beat in my opinion um and you know i can
only imagine seeing it from seeing it from your view as you're as you're uh you
know in there with the pilot right i don't get tired of this view this is something
that you know i still get excited believe it or not when i start seeing the the
starbase from from miles out you know it's i love what i do it's i don't see this
- [22:12]( i see that i don't see
this as a hobby i just see it as something i enjoy doing it's you know i should
take you up sometime you know so you can experience right what i experience hey you
don't gotta ask me twice i think me and a gpj may have to rock paper scissors for
it i'm down two times if you can't if you guys can squeeze it in in the back seat
it's kind of tight but if you guys can deal with that you know i'll take you guys
up uh how about me i've lost a lot of weight i can fit in you won't even know
- [22:44]( all right it's a
three-way rps yeah i'm not the rock paper scissors champion so we'll have to zoom
call make sure that we have zero latency on that call so that you know i don't need
grandpa joe doing some i.t stuff in the background trying to add some delay in so
he can cheat his way to winning this winner when the stakes are that high i
guarantee you i will cheat my way to victory i know you too well um one of the
things i've actually just noticed in this view that i just realized i haven't seen
in a long time
- [23:18]( is just the bokeh
village in general um and then i feel like you can only see it really when you're
in most of your pictures when you are looking at it from this angle i mean do you
right so everything's it's intentional we don't photograph the village for privacy
concerns of the residents at bokuchika some of them are private citizens and for
for the most part most of them are spacex employees that live there engineers and
so forth and don't want to you know we don't i don't see a reason
- [23:52]( to photograph that you
know it's better just to respect the privacy and i really respect you and your
decision to uh respect their privacy it's uh it's the right thing to do and you
know it's great that the spacex allows us all this great unfettered access both on
the ground and in the air it's uh really great of them and i know we're we're
helping them out on their pr side uh in a way but uh they're really helping us to
understand this and i think it's good to respect their
- [24:20]( privacy their their
people too they live and work there and uh we really appreciate what they what they
give you and what they give us the greater community we have a donation thank you
jeff weiss he says gas for mauricio thanks for the feed thank you guys jeff thank
you jeff what a guy the best i'm gonna move uh oh man this is amazing see this is
what it just looks like as you're flying in a lot of times if you're if you're
flying into brownsville and you're not [Music] paying attention you may just end up
- [25:03]( landing and not even
see this and when you look at it on the live stream you kind of just think wow this
place is so massive but from the air like i said it it it really is small in a way
because this coastline just goes forever and then all of a sudden you have this
random patch of of uh you know space center you know what i mean it's a good quick
note here um if you focus on the top part of the image you can see actually see the
rio grande river and right across that that's mexico and gives you a perspective of
how close
- [25:39]( the sites are actually
to another country you know so the the river is what separates both of them correct
yes sir is it is this a gray area in here or uh that's actually man-made it looks
like it's man-made okay i was thinking maybe some neutral territory that i didn't
know about [Music] sorry about that coughing a little bit all right so i'm going to
try and get us to some closer images because i know a lot of people want to want to
uh hear all the stuff about what's new um so before we do that i think we have a
- [26:24]( few images of is it
macy's or masses i i see it referred to as macy's gun range i hear it as uh macy's
like the department store so uh spacex recently purchased uh macy's gun range and
uh are the majority of the land that it sits on and i understand macy's still
operates the gun range itself uh but uh spacex employees get to come out there uh
you know shoot at comments left on uh on live streams and they are also allegedly
going to be using it as a raptor testing and repair facility so we've seen some
indications that it
- [27:10]( might be used for that
in the future and some materials that are going to build towards that but mostly it
appears that they're using it for a lot of storage right now and uh well we'll see
how it builds out in the years to come here so before we get too far away from boca
chica village there's a question that keith asks he asks how many original
residents are still living in boca chica village he heard that there was probably
fewer than 20.
- [27:39]( is that right do you
guys know that is correct the last estimate i heard was 11 and many of those don't
live there full time they're snowbirds where they they live up north but they have
vacation homes down there i believe there's a dentist or a doctor as well as a lady
named mary and uh there are some other folks who uh still have homes there but
mostly yeah spacex employees uh are staying in the houses removed the uh water
supply uh and kind of turned it away from housing into uh not livable housing but
they have uh portable water shipped in
- [28:19]( i'm not a lawyer so i
don't know what the particulars on that and why they did that is so uh mauricio we
have i have a question for you from one of our viewers t-minus live she wanted to
know if she can have permission to paint some of your images so okay yeah i mean
it's it's not it's not i don't see that as an issue you're using people use
references all the time it's you know you're more than welcome to do that yeah
we'll have to send one of those over to her i think she's looking at one
- [28:47]( of the ones back at
the front but uh oh man this one will do also we want to thank center center for
becoming an rgb flight supporter thank you centor all right so now let's get up to
the close-ups what do we got back here grandpa doe see anything new oh let's see um
i see something missing i see that they have removed a lot of the uh jigs for
creating the uh tower itself um perhaps they're going to move it on to make another
tower those are a little further down actually yeah um they were down underneath
the uh pearl
- [29:38]( light there so see the
pearlite bags no they were they were actually down um over here in this area yeah
so the um we're giving ahead a little bit but that's fine because uh we'll get some
more images back on that side so uh in reference to the tower jigs uh basically the
structure that they used to assemble the integration tower before transporting it
down the highway all of those have been removed and we kind of showed the image of
macy's back a few slides ago and none of those are there so um you know i kind of
have scoured through
- [30:20]( these images a little
bit looking for them and i haven't seen them anywhere uh well actually i did see
them drive uh leave here and go back towards macy's so they either went to macy's
or they're just out of here in general and uh the only logical explanation that i
can think of that is you know that they're going to kennedy space center um to uh
lc 39a for where they're building the next uh starship watchtower so i guess maybe
we'll have to hope that somebody gets in a fly over over there so we can
- [30:54]( see whether or not
that ends up being true but uh you know in the meantime uh i feel like it's safe to
safe to assume that that's probably what's going on uco do you have any uh cousins
or friends down in south florida that would love to do a flyover for us at kennedy
space center sir i mean i looked into it pretty intensively and i think it's just a
little bit tricky to do flowers or just because of it's a lot more active out there
than it is here so you know there's like of course yeah there's cfr is coming and
going and it's
- [31:31]( just kind of hard to
work around that i i do plan on taking a trip out there uh sometime and actually
doing a flyover i'm just gonna have to figure out if there's any pilots out there
in the florida area that are willing to fly me out you know know how to reach me i
couldn't think of anybody uh better to take the pictures out there be a fresh eye
on the sky yeah speaking of that um if you guys are looking to contact any of us
all of our information is at the bottom of the screen as far as our twitter handles
- [32:04]( so give us a follow if
you guys haven't done so already i don't know about the rest of you or gpj and
mauricio but i tend to answer all dms um indian star i know she answers dms um
[Music] sorry that sounded horrible i didn't mean it that way uh you know i do we
just we just always like to talk to people you know and and kind of engage with
their audience and uh you know i think nesr is uh really helpful in that way where
a lot of times i may be busy or um you know grandpa joe may be busy so if you guys
- [32:40]( have like comments on
uh you know the show reach you can reach out to her as well and i don't know if we
have her information up on the screen but we can get uh somebody to one of the mods
to post in the chat um and let me just say we're highly active and engaged with the
community uh we like to work together through youtube through twitter spaces
through discord and every every way conceivable direct messages and we we really
want to keep an open dialogue with you and we get some of our best ideas from y'all
- [33:13]( great content
sometimes y'all are spotting stuff before we even do so we we really appreciate the
help and real quick just touching on that is we're going to be hanging out on on
twitter right after the live stream so you know come join us we'll be talking about
what you like what you didn't like about the live stream ways we can improve what
do you guys think we should talk about right after this awesome that'll that'll be
great i mean we can we just talking about space in general is uh you know if any of
- [33:43]( guys have participated
in some of the ones we've done recently um you know it's a lot of fun i think just
like being able to engage the audience and actually be able to speak through uh you
know having people get on and actually talk instead of through uh chat because
sometimes it's hard to keep up with the chat when you're also speaking at the same
time so um yeah if you guys want to join us there definitely definitely hop on
twitter after this and uh you know let's uh let's talk about space
- [34:17]( so the after party
then right after party thank you that's for the the twitter space after party oh
wow so jeff allen says that aunt noah soderquist said that he spotted the jigs in
florida near ksc well if uh i wish we would get a picture of that but um we'll take
your word for it i mean i've already been assuming that they were gonna go down
there so that's great news um you know continuing on i think uh you know a lot of
people want us to move a little bit faster than we did last time so we'll try and
- [34:52]( before we move on on
this picture i did notice something new from uh from the latest flyover uh the
booster testing jig has been taken off of the booster uh test article number two i
believe or 2.1 so that is one major change i saw in that picture it used to have
all the purple ropes all over it uh tensioning it down right yeah we believe they
tested that one two failure it crushed a little bit uh if i recall correctly it
looks all right to me but i think that there is a little bit of deformation on it i
think uh
- [35:27]( when we if we get time
to go through the ground photos later we'll be able to take a look at them you can
definitely see the deformation yeah they moved all the uh this is a shot where they
moved all the um the air streams over there i really want to get me one of those
airstreams they look great uh so yeah they'll be uh doing something there maybe
what are you gonna do to go behind not your bike i thought you just always bike are
you gonna i've got really strong legs they they look great pictures um
- [36:01]( every time i talk to
you you're on a bike it's true i'm always biking uh what do you think they're going
to be using that space there for um so i i've seen them so there used to be an
airstream park here and uh the one that you're mentioning and all of those got
moved over to basically the uh what is now the crane i call the crane storage lot
uh and now that those are over there it looks to me like these are potentially
rolls of turf over here where they're going to roll these out it looks like they're
- [36:33]( landscaping some paths
and whatnot i think they're just uh gonna make a really nice airstream park um
similar to the one that they have near the boca chica village and um [Music] you
know i don't think it'll take them too long to do that so we should probably see
that relatively soon dale yeah i've definitely seen they have some great uh
relaxing spaces next to that tiki bar so great time to do uh yoga and zumba classes
there right all the time they have for relaxing [Laughter] so let's see continuing
on uh this is
- [37:08]( something mauricio
posted about earlier uh yesterday actually and this is kind of this is something
we've been anticipating a little bit just because they've been doing a little bit
of landscaping on the back side over here um but one of the things that you can see
is that they have a crane over here with a pretty large load spreader wow look at
that load spreader it's huge so it looks like what they did is they split this this
uh tent right here and they're in the process of moving it over to this
- [37:35]( plot right here you
know it kind of looks like to me that they're not going to be able to fit this
entire the entire length of this here so they may actually end up just completely
removing part of it and just fit what they can here and then potentially building
either an additional um fabrication tents or maybe more permanent structures that
look similar to this one back here so this is one of those the few relatively
unknown building or structures that are back here as far as like what is stored in
here um but you
- [38:15]( can definitely tell
that this appears to be more of a permanent structure and i say primitive air
quotes but um more of a permanent structure than these tents are so uh you know i
don't i don't think you're going to be able to fit another tent here without
removing this obviously so it makes more sense for there to be buildings that are
more similar in appearance to this as far as larger permanent structures that are
not tense definitely hats off to spacex whenever they said they wanted to be uh
nimble or
- [38:53]( agile they uh they
definitely utilized uh non-permanent structures to uh to build the first articles
and uh they were able to really make rapid changes and you know they have a lot of
a lot of stuff that they've learned from from tesla applied here and uh yeah these
buildings pop up quick and they're they're very functional and supply all their
needs for shielded areas to keep things out of the weather uh you know water
sensitive and dust sensitive applications some welding so these tents have worked
out really
- [39:26]( really well yeah i
mean i'm really excited to see what what this space ends up looking like um you
know if they do some more permanent looking structures that'll be really amazing i
mean you know i i really want to make it i want to want it to look like this is a
real space factory you know what i mean um because all these tents they kind of
take away from the seriousness in my opinion of what's happening here um and it'll
be really cool once we start getting more permanent looking structures here
absolutely one of the things that i've
- [40:06]( noticed down here and
i i'm not 100 sure on this but so i know that these are obviously arrow covers for
or the arrow surfaces for a starship but i it's hard to tell whether or not these
are older ones which are about to be scrapped or if these are brand new ones
wrapped up here for what we think is ship 24 correct yep that is my my guess is
that if they continue to skip over ship 21 and 22 it may go straight to ship 24.
- [40:43]( i'll put it out 23.
like why does 23 get skipped i don't get that never even got built we need to get
the ring watchers on here for uh you know some some clarification on that one day
we may have some diagrams on that actually that max q can show us and the ring
watchers are joining us in chat oh they are correct hey ring watchers love your
work [Laughter] no keep the tense any alternative makes my job harder yeah i
understand that for sure i mean you know maybe spacex wants people to know what's
going on with their ships and they'll
- [41:23]( they'll give you some
inside access we'll try and work it in um you know we can even ask elon for you if
he ever um comes on our show so elon if you ever uh want to be on our show and
answer some questions for us you know where to where to contact us our
information's at the bottom uh rgb aerial photos csi starbase and grandpajo42 um so
yeah we're ready to have you anytime elon and next week preferably because there's
a lot of stuff going on and uh you know a lot of speculation flying around i think
- [41:54]( we're gonna get into
some of that a little bit soon um but before we move on do you have any other
things you wanted to mention from this uh image graphic oh i just sort of reminded
everybody to like the video uh share it if you want to get your friends in so they
can join the content and uh oh there's just so much going on in the picture we
could spend all day in it but i think we should uh on to the next one before we get
too far can we just thank casey for donating he says he enjoys tuning into the
platform you guys have
- [42:29]( keep up the good work
thank you casey yes thank you i have a casey message has messaged me a lot on on
twitter so i always appreciate that uh you know some people just feel like you're
not going to reply and they'll just say say things to you because they think you're
not going to reply but you know i reply to everything so i always i always like
getting those kind of messages and feedback from everybody and just you know in
general knowing uh what things you guys do and don't like and you know just ideas
- [42:57]( suggestions for um you
know future content is always appreciated um the policing right there um right
where you're pointing is right at the end of where you can a little bit down right
where you can drive but there's a clearly marked don't pass this point but uh if
you're on the public road you can drive right up to the end of that public road and
uh mauricio uh do you want to give us a kind of an overview of uh what we're
looking at here from the air and uh when you're on the ground uh so yes like you
mentioned you're able
- [43:31]( to walk up to that
imaginary line that you have to kind of envision on your own there is a sign that
says no trespassing in private property and it's usually towards the ground you
might wanna walk up to that instead of driving i don't recommend driving because
it's gonna be kind of hard to back up on that road as you can see there's some cars
pulled on the side and that makes it a little bit more difficult and there's a lot
of traffic going in and out there's a lot of trucks going in with the
- [44:02]( parts for the for the
white bay parts for the for the build site in general so just keep an eye on that
you know don't block traffic don't don't interfere with the workers and stuff like
that you know that that's what i would say so uh jeff long asked a great question
for you mauricio uh so as you're getting out there how long does it take you to set
up all your camera equipment and to get prepared to take the pictures out there it
doesn't take me too long so i choose wisely what images i'm going to
- [44:34]( take when i go out
there like this time that i went out there it was i took them all in 20 minutes
like i mentioned i was using my six millimeter lens i had it set up next to my seat
and everything's really point shoot you pull over in a safe spot put my hazards on
so that people you know don't hit me from behind as i'm pulling over use a high
shutter speed so that since i'm working at a really fast pace to get these shots i
tend to move the camera a lot so a fast shutter speed is really crucial to this
photography but
- [45:07]( as far as setup time i
want to say that it's usually not that long maybe about one or two minutes to set
up the camera and that's it so you come in locked and loaded and uh ready for uh
ready for bear just uh right drive in and start shooting now the aerial portion of
it that's a totally different story there's i can go on for about 30 minutes just
talking about myself but we don't have time for that right now it's a lot it's a
little bit it's a lot more intense i can say that
- [45:36]( much and i think we
had a few more questions where are the cargo prototypes because assumed schedule
for styling means they must be further along with cargo version than was previously
known someone mentioned that there was a ship 23 nose cone pathfinder so they may
have scrapped most of 23 but they used the nose cone from ship 23 to uh create a
payload door mock-up and then that may have gotten scrapped since then yeah we we
uh i think we'll be able to touch on that in a little bit when we get to the back
side of the build site
- [46:17]( but before we move
from this image i just want to point out a few things that i've noticed in this
that are new here so number one um it looks like they've they've poured a very
large concrete pad over here it's it's not that large but it is very deep um some
people were kind of speculating that there may be a permanent another permanent
elevator installed outside of here like right so on the inside of here is a
staircase an interior staircase and people are expecting a potentially a permanent
elevator to be installed out
- [46:48]( here because of the
fact that a lot of people assume that this is more of a construction elevator and
with this balcony being on the back side it's not impossible that you could have an
exterior elevator right here um also one thing to consider is this set of stairs
that they've started constructing which really could be for either building um i
mean it's most likely that they're for the wide bay but it is possible that they're
going to use them for the hot the exterior of the high bay over here we have a new
- [47:25]( elevator that's been
delivered to the wide bay so this one will likely go if i had to guess on this side
of the building it just makes the most sense i mean you drive in right here so um
they're probably gonna put that somewhere on the outside on this side or on the
left side um and one of the really cool things that i've noticed about this that is
different from the high bay in particular is that they have scaffolding set up on
the um the top of the sections which basically allows them to obviously get up
there and walk around
- [48:06]( and do all of their
work that they need to when they bolt these things together and that's really
different from the the high bay i think that they only used um boom lifts for that
entire structure but i could be wrong is the i think jeff said that the video is
frozen i just want to make sure that everything's good it's moving okay yeah and
while you take a look at that why don't we thank crt for his donation thank you so
much crt we will get to see far more aerial photos because all of your donations go
to fund mauricio's
- [48:49]( flyovers yeah we are
definitely uh yes that was crt i feel like people as is the uh youtube it looks
like anything up with the messages okay i think we're good so you know i was
actually expecting a little bit more updates in the sanchez site than what i saw
this week um one of the things that grandpa joe mentioned earlier was that they
took the top off of the test tank over here um one of the things that i find really
interesting is that they've they're installing the um arrow covers on booster 5 at
the same time that they're installing
- [49:41]( them on booster 4. um
like literally at the exact same time i don't i don't get that i mean they i think
they did they just have these and i'm surprised that they don't need it for booster
seven so you know why waste them but i guess if you want your lawn ornaments to
look good you might as well dress them up properly i i just don't get how they even
have time to be doing stuff like that to me i think that they really have a lot of
things that they still need to finish over at the launch site so i'm just kind of
- [50:14]( surprised that they're
doing stuff like that but you know there's a lot of things that happen behind the
scenes that we never know about so a lot of this is just speculation and you you
know you watch other people work you're like yeah i can do it better um i'm one of
those guys just like you so yes sir uh hey maybe they're uh training the new guys
yeah and uh this is how you put it on without breaking it they're always hiring so
i'm sorry i'm scanning through here because uh like i said mauricio did this
- [50:49]( fly over yesterday so
to some degree i'm seeing this stuff the first time with you guys um and again you
know i pointed out how they have so much steel for the wide bay already laid out
here and actually now that i think about it there's a possibility that this isn't
for the wide bay and it's actually for another structure that's going to be um
built here as you can see they've they've added roofing to the um the top of the
generator building here let me back up a little bit and uh booster uh not booster
uh ship test
- [51:22]( article two is that
two or three two point one yeah they moved they moved that here um about two weeks
that's gonna be first holding what do you think it's gonna be holding um it could
be a water tank i mean they they could really use it for whatever they want i mean
um [Music] natural gas yes it is but uh and the thing is like i don't see oh wow i
really consider that yeah i mean they could allow them to no i don't think you're
gonna replace your uh your generator supply with a tank like this but
- [52:04]( you would have to get
it certified they'd have the same problems they're having with the uh orbital tank
farm right now with uh getting that one certified to hold methane maybe this is the
practice place for getting a tank like this certified right maybe there you go
probably not speaking of down in the uh lower right hand side uh we have two tanks
that uh be used to hold compressed uh compressed gas perhaps compress natural gas
or compress methane um these can these i believe can hold both gas and liquid so
- [52:40]( uh if usually in that
cryogenic uh state it's probably gonna be liquid obviously you're gonna have gas
mixed in there with it just from boil off but primarily it's going to be liquid and
uh oh it looks like we just got another donation from don denisiak i'm sorry i
probably messed that up uh you know if i know the country that people are from it
kind of helps me like get into the accent that probably is needed to say their name
properly so um if you guys tell me where you're from when you donate i will
- [53:11]( at least attempt i'll
think of like what the accent is required in order to say your name properly and
i'll make a more solid attempt at a at saying it so so don appears to be from
canada as he donated uh 13 canadians so we'll say that uh well that's the problem
here is that he could either be speaking french he could be speaking you know
arabic like he could you know there's a lot of different options you're going to
have to tell me where you're from and what language you speak and then i'll make an
- [53:42]( gp in addition to dawn
there's tom who also donated he said he loves the videos and the photos and jim
cabot who also donated and he says thanks very much for all the great work well
thank you guys very much yeah we're glad you guys appreciate this content and uh
you know we we try and uh try and improve every week this one was a little bit
tough because we want you know we want to stick to to doing these on saturdays and
you know just uh you know it's hard sometimes if you don't know when when they're
gonna be able to do
- [54:12]( the flyover you know
what i mean so hopefully you guys appreciate it even though it is a little bit more
rushed in this in this uh situation because we only had one night to kind of
prepare this for you guys but um you know i i kind of get more excited in those
situations because it means that we all get to go through it together uh instead of
me pretty much having time to review everything and really study it before before i
talk to you guys so moving on oh wow thanks carl uh forty dollars s-e-k appreciate
the donation carl
- [54:46]( i think we did we
didn't skip over we may have skipped over one nope i think we did uh speaking sorry
come on i was just going to do a shout out for infinite space um it's funny because
you and i never interrupt each other like normally well we do but as far as talking
over each other that's pretty rare but uh sorry about that indian star um yes she
was mentioning infinite space thank you uh he says another awesome round of photos
um definitely appreciate that and uh glad that you guys are all here to join
- [55:20]( us so we have looks
like 511 people in here right now so um thank you guys for being here hopefully all
of you have liked and subscribed um uh you know it oh and we got indian star's
twitter handle added at the bottom too that's amazing uh i believe that was yes was
that was that jax who added that in no that's gotta be procky crockey if you guys
aren't following rocky rocky i don't know if you can make that text any smaller so
you can add your own twitter handler or just kidding you don't have to um
- [55:50]( we have uh bingo boca
bingo yes uh mauricio uh what are we looking at here on this picture we're looking
at oh at this point it looks like a airstream storage i know it really kind of is
like i don't know if there's a sale like if this is the guy that's doing the
dealing because i i really want one too and i have a vehicle that might be able to
tow it instead of a bike like grandpa joe so um i may be able to actually purchase
one of these if they if they're for sale but i highly doubt it i think they have
temporary storage here
- [56:26]( until they go back
over to the other location um but we will see still waiting for my cyber truck
order to come in right you know um one thing that we uh grandpa joe and i well i i
did participate in some math this week even though i usually don't do that we found
out that these boxes right here are solar panels and each one of them has 36 panels
in it and it was actually a starship gazer who was able to get that photo for me to
help identify what these were and i cannot remember the exact number of panels that
they started out with but i
- [57:06]( think it was like 20
roughly 2 600 solar panels that they had delivered i don't know they they move them
to the build site area is where these are going to be installed so you can see uh
not in this image i think we're gonna have to get forward or backwards in order to
show you there you go you can see them there uh yeah this is what they look like at
the uh at the sanchez site though most of these ones have been here for quite a
while um one thing you can actually notice here they have three new office trailers
- [57:45]( that have just been
delivered um this is really like a a storage spot right now but most of these solar
panels have been installed i would not be surprised if they install a bunch of
additional ones right here um let's see him skip forward a little bit and what a uh
what a great set of pictures mauricio you really outdid yourself this week thank
you thank you it's just nice when the the um weather decides to participate with
you and not not throw a whole bunch of shade your way literally uh so man i wish i
could just stand inside of
- [58:29]( here i love the way
this looks i can't wait until just the last images you get before they put this
roof on it looks like the stream is frozen it's frozen i believe it's chunking let
me do a few things to adjust for that uh so while you're doing that uh folks uh
looking on the live stream oh it's catching up now whatever you did appears to be
working yeah too much internetting going on at once well i you know i just exited
out of the youtube chat so now i'm not reading people's comments anymore so
- [59:17]( that's fine i'll i
just don't i don't want to compromise the stream just to read comments so i'm gonna
do it for my phone instead all right let's keep going we could leave all comments
to uh indian star she's way better at reading them than either of us very true very
true i was trying to find the uh that fence oh here we go so this is the fence near
the uh one of the second entrances the facility so most of those solar panels are
probably going to be installed along this wall and looking at some of the other
- [59:55]( similarly sized walls
it looks like there's six panels per um row i guess these are actually columns uh
so six times however many are down here somebody can calculate that on their own
time if you once you get access to all of these images you can let me know how many
of these they're going to need because again i'm i'm just not going to do math when
i'm not at work so a lot of people figure out the total voltage that would come out
on average from those solar panels was we did actually and um
- [1:00:28]( that was very early
in this week i don't know if you uh it was it was over a thousand it was like at a
thousand kilowatts i want to say yeah it was and uh you have to consider with solar
panels the uh the latitude the further south you are the better it is the uh out of
sunlight uh the weather and uh the time of year so depending on what time of year
how much cloud cover the direction those solar panels are facing you can get a
different amount of irradiance and power out of them and this is something you very
much have to
- [1:01:06]( consider when you're
heading off to mars is what's the weather going to be like how much sun are you
going to get and you know where to aim the panels to get the best view because you
kind of get energy from somewhere i'm kind of surprised that on at least this
building that they don't have solar panels on the roof honestly i mean that this is
not a permanent structure so that makes sense but this one uh they have a lot of
permanent structures there that absolutely could have solar panels added
- [1:01:37]( great idea yeah i
wonder if the some of those panels because i this is why i actually you know i say
it as a joke but i really do want somebody to calculate out how many panels it's
going to require to do this do this uh wall right here because um that kind of lets
me know if there's anything left over for some roofs um so it was done for you mr
weiss did it jeff weiss took care of that for you he says it's almost 3000 panels
that are needed that that that's how many they need dang how do you do that so fast
i need
- [1:02:09]( to hire people like
for me in real life like just to follow me around every day because uh how did you
know that's what we're looking at this image well no he had to open up the image
and actually count each one of these um uh each column how many columns there are
that's tough to count i lose i when i when i try and count stuff like this i lose
count actually because they all you know what i mean if you know somebody says one
word and then you lose count you got to start over and you're not sure you know
- [1:02:40]( not going to get
into that so uh one one thing and sorry for zooming in and out i keep noticing
things on different sides so uh we have up here i'm gonna grandpa joe do you know
which one this is i think this is actually for oh no these are scrap this one is
scrapped uh this is scrap i don't think this one is mauricio actually got a really
good picture of it on the ground which we would have shown you guys if we started
on the ground photos but now you're just going to have to trust my word for it all
right real quick here um i think
- [1:03:19]( your your pointer is
missing from the stream it's not showing up i'm not sure why let's see it comes and
goes oh there it is i see it now uh might have to turn that quality down just a
little bit uh it hurts to even say that right well i'm paying attention to it now
on the other screen so i'll see if it oh it looks like it's back looks good right
now okay great so just have to zoom in really close yeah if it disappears again let
me know guys i'm sorry this is only our first our fourth stream so we're kind of
- [1:04:07]( working in progress
as far as like trying to make this as smooth as possible um it is really difficult
sometimes when you're working with such high quality images because there's just so
much that you can see in these pictures and so it's hard not to get distracted and
jerk things around a little bit um oh guys we're so lucky ring watchers is here he
says the left one is a booster common dome so we're looking at a boosting booster
common dome right here and this would be the downcomer um exit
- [1:04:38]( right there yeah
right the right one is a dome that says do not scrap and recently had some down uh
downcomer holes added so it's probably not scrap oh it says do not scrap okay i
would have scrapped it because i saw mauricio's image and i saw the word scrap and
i would have just scrapped very important do not if i'm the guy driving around with
the with the telehandler that thing probably just got scrapped honestly that would
be your first and last day at spacex my friend well yeah you're probably right this
- [1:05:16]( why you know i'm
here commentating instead of down there um so let's keep going uh we kind of
touched on this area already uh speaking of driving school uh this is where you
learn to drive telehandlers and uh boom lifts and uh there there used to be some oh
yeah we got a uh what do you call it a scissor laser lift yeah we have a scissor
lift so this is the uh training area and they set cones up in all these different
ways and sometimes if i promise you guys if you're it's going to happen either way
i you
- [1:05:56]( know i'm sorry for
telling you guys this but it's funny you know if you if you hang out over

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