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 I’m sure most of you know who that is, that’s Andrew Tate
 arguably the most famous person on the whole planet as of right now.
 One of the main reasons of him becoming famous is him expressing his
controversial opinions on his most famous social platform which is his podcast.
 And that takes us to our topic today.
 Good afternoon everyone, my name is Abdelrahman Khairat and today I’m
going to talk about the trendiest media which is podcasts.

 Let’s start by defining what a podcast is.
 It is a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a
computer or mobile device
 typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by
subscribers automatically.

3-Main points:
let’s get to why podcasts are trending
Covers different interests of people:
 First of all, it covers different interests of people
 People interested in sports have a wide variety of podcasts to listen to.
 Also people that want to become entrepreneurs or enrich their business
knowledge have multiple options to choose from to achieve that.
 And so does it go for people of other interests.
4-Easy to listen to:
 You can listen to podcast at anytime and anywhere
 Either while you are going for a walk by putting in your earbuds and have a
good listen
 Or in your car while running errands.
 Also the ability to listen on different streaming platforms such as spotify,
youtube and apple podcasts.

5-Very Lucrative:
 Can be a significant source of income
 Joe Rogan host of the number 1 podcast in the world JRE.
 Signed a $200 million deal in 2020 with spotify that sees them get the rights to
his podcast through 2023
 Logan Paul one of the most famous youtubers int the world decided to get into
podcasts as it allows him to be his true self
 Gains millions of streams each month through different streaming platforms

Requires an internet connection
 If service is down or you don’t have internet it isn’t possible to listen to
 Can be frustrating
Time consuming
 According to a recent survey, more than eight out of every ten podcast
listeners spend more than seven hours per week tuning into podcasts
(Discover Pods, 2019).
 That’s an average of over an hour a day for most listeners,
 Which, for some respondents, is more than the time they spend on social
media or watching television!
 Now we get to the conclusion
 We defined what is a podcast
 We talked about the reasons of it being trendy
 We stated the negatives
 And lastly let me leave you with this question
 If you ever thought about starting a podcast what would it be about?
 Reference list:
 This is my reference list
And that is going to be it for this presentation
Thank you for listening, Any Questions?

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